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Come one, come all to {{team away|aco}}, the Adult Cartoons board of 4chan! We've got a pic for every fetish and tits for every dick. Sometimes we even hose the gals down with motor oil and force them to play soccer! A newcomer to the site and the 4chan Cup, /aco/ is currently looking to find a soft little niche in the competition where they can comfortably post their Patreon links without fear of abortion in the Fetus Cup.
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|owner= Tom Fulp
|owner= Tom Fulp
|manager= Sue & Helen Parr
|manager= Sue & Helen Parr
|irl= {{anonymous|{{tt|The /aco/uncil|ijc, Snushers, Andy}}}}
|irl= {{anonymous|GuyF|!dTxRGu/EaW}}</br>
|ranking= 42 (<small>{{increase|7}}</small>)
|ranking= 22 <small>({{decrease|5}})</small>
|high_ranking= 46
|high_ranking= 13
|high_date= 3 March 2019
|high_date= 4 Februrary 2024
|low_ranking= 58
|low_ranking= 58
|low_date= 14 Oct 2018
|low_date= 14 Oct 2018
|assister=Jenny Wakeman
|w= 4
|w= 22
|d= 2
|d= 9
|l= 6
|l= 34
|win_home= his
|win_home= aco
|win_away= aco
|win_away= vp
|win_score_home= 2
|win_score_home= 6
|win_score_away= 5
|win_score_away= 2
|win_date= July 20, 2019
|win_date= July 27, 2024
|lose_home= aco
|lose_home= w
|lose_away= gif
|lose_away= aco
|lose_score_home= 1
|lose_score_home= 4
|lose_score_away= 4
|lose_score_away= 0
|lose_date= April 28, 2018
|lose_date= April 24, 2020
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|color= Censored Black
|color= Censored Black
|elite_cup_appearances= '''1'''
|elite_cup_appearances= '''3'''
|first_elite_appearance= [[2019 4chan Summer Cup|Summer 2019]]
|first_elite_appearance= [[2019 4chan Summer Cup|Summer 2019]]
|best_elite_result= TBD
|best_elite_result= 9th
|best_elite_cup= [[2019 4chan Summer Cup|Summer 2019]]
|best_elite_cup= [[2024 4chan Winter Cup|Winter 2024]] and [[2024 4chan Summer Cup|Summer 2024]]
|babby_cup_appearances= '''2'''
|babby_cup_appearances= '''10'''
|first_babby_appearance= [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Autumn 2018]]
|first_babby_appearance= [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Autumn 2018]]
|best_babby_result= 12
|best_babby_result= 6th
|best_babby_cup= [[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Spring 2019]]
|best_babby_cup= [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Autumn 2023]]
|a_title= La La Labia
|a_title= La La Labia
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6Wc4XEM1w4
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Rl6MRgnlk
|altanthem1_what= Victory Anthem
|altanthem1_what= Victory Anthem
|altanthem1_title= Soft Cell - Tainted Love
|altanthem1_title= Soft Cell - Tainted Love
|altanthem1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcyCQLewj10
|altanthem1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcyCQLewj10
|gh_title= Dethklok - I Ejaculate Fire
|gh_title= Dance Through the Danger
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpB_6ilZHv4
|horn= youtu.be/71lLnE8gJnU
|altgh1_what= Play at end of Standard Horn
|altgh1_what= First Goal vs Red Boards
|altgh1_title = Beep Beep
|altgh1_title = Welcome to the Cum Zone
|altgh1 = www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_VreI0E_lE
|altgh1 = youtu.be/j0lN0w5HVT8?t=55
|altgh2_what= Shygal Goalhorn
|altgh2_what= Shygal Goalhorn
|altgh2_title = Baby Got DLC
|altgh2_title = Baby Got DLC
|altgh2 = www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xeo6tJgmiX0
|altgh2 = www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xeo6tJgmiX0
|altgh3_what= Bowsette Goalhorn
|altgh3_what= Gobbo Goalhorn
|altgh3_title = STARRYSKY - BOWSETTE
|altgh3_title = Shortstack Records
|altgh3 = www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvmnlTBlJW8
|altgh3 = youtu.be/GJehoomyY94
|nickname=/aco/lytes, pe/aco/cks, /aco/rns
|nickname=/aco/lytes, pe/aco/cks, /aco/rns
|kithome= acohome-2018abc.png
|kithome= acoaway-2018abc.png
|kitaway= acoaway-2018abc.png
|kitaway= Aco away kit 2022 spring babby cup.png
|kitgk=Aco gk kit 2018 autumn babby cup.png
|kit3= acokit3.png
|kit3= acokit3.png
|home_ground={{tt|The Goop Zone|Under Refurbishment}}
|home_ground={{tt|The Goop Zone|Under Refurbishment}}
Welcome to {{team away|aco}}, the Adult Cartoons board of 4chan. We work hard, we play hard. With a turbulent history in the cup, we simply strive to spread our love of porn. We LOVE porn.
Through our time on /aco/, we have discovered so many forms of porn. You get up in the morning, you boot up your shitty PC, and you see a busty blonde woman who thinks half as hard as you do take more cock than a hooker. Bimbo porn.
You scroll down, and you find a new thread that catches your eye. And it just so happened to be a thread depicting women 3d modeled and fucked. SFM Porn.
But then, you open the thread and find out the only images being posted are of women with cocks. Futa porn.
Then you try to turn your masturbation into a game, but then all the anons start arguing what's a good boon or what's a bad drawback. CYOA Porn.
You scroll to the bottom, and decide to relax by paying an artist to draw your porn: "Who draws the porn?", "Who's in the porn?", "How much will the porn cost?". Commissioned Porn.
What I am telling you, my fellow 4CC players, is that /aco/lytes are purveyors of porn. And with you help over the years, we are now at the pitch of the legendary 4chan Cup. You see, I want more porn. More bimbo porn, more sfm porn, more futa porn, more CYOA porn... But certainly no eastern porn! (We've been separated for 6 years.) What we want is porn that only we can admire. True cartoon porn! We're not containment! We're the board you've all been waiting for! WE! WANT! WESTERN!! PORN!!!

==Important Links==
==Important Links==
[[File:ACOexport.png|300px|https://www.mediafire.com/file/a9shb75nmfjb8qh/acoS19deadline.rar/file]]<span class="explain" title="Coming Soon!">[[File:ACOaesthetics.png|300px|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pCt2IsRtMk]]</span><br>
[[File:ACOexport.png|300px| https://mega.nz/file/QqhxxDqY#beBNDQbXpoIDM32nAcd9RUuzLSq7IFVXpTw6fquHysQ]]<span class="explain" title="PES19">[[File:ACOaesthetics.png|300px|link= https://mega.nz/file/hmoBATQS#_mEO1IaNl84u1uAfg8vQZPH_B9w3jAxOEM0dRMhEzYI]]</span><br>
[[File:ACOmusic.png|300px|link=https://www.mediafire.com/file/cqa0rv8vcu3uz9e/ACO_music_S19.rar/file]][[File:ACOdiscord.png|300px|link=https://discord.gg/YwxKVmC]] <br>
[[File:ACOmusic.png|300px|link=https://mega.nz/file/w7ogFL6Z#CMSuOPCGOsPfYou7IXXymsUUyWvq2kGQispLfkRgahU/file]][[File:ACOdiscord.png|300px|link=https://discord.gg/YwxKVmC]] <br>

[[/aco/ Roster Poll Results|/aco/ Roster Polls]]
===In-depth Info & Analytics===
[[/aco/ Roster Poll Results|/aco/ Roster Polls]]<br>
[[/aco/_roster|Full Roster Page]]
===Current Squad===
{{sq start}}
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=12 |pos=GK |name=<span class="explain" title="IMBECILE!">Buenos Dias, Mandy</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=1 |pos=GK |name=[[File:Billy_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="IMBECILE!">Buenos Dias, Mandy</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=2 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Colors or some shit idk RedvsBlue was better">RWBY</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=8 |pos=CB |name=[[File:Ruby_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Because the only way to enjoy this show anymore is the porn. What are you watching for? the story? get the fuck out of here">Only watches for the Porn</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=3 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="He draws the legal loli and doesn't afraid of anything">The ChadShad</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=9 |pos=CB |name=[[File:raven_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="">Raven</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=4 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Why are you here. My art is bad. Please don't post it.">The Virgin8</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=39 |pos=CB |name=[[File:SGirl_icon.jpg|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Eat nuts and kick butts!">Top Nut</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="OI LUV">It's A Little Late For Brexit</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=63 |pos=CMF |name=[[File:bowsette_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Two days in, #1 Trending in Japan">Rule 63 Queen</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=6 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Noil, Gerph, Gats, Minus8, zko, Shad, MrPeculiar, etc.">{{greentext|artist}}</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=666 |pos=RMF |name=[[File:acoJustice_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Blind muscular demongirl - just what the doctor ordered. Based beyond belief.">Justice: The Awesome Demon</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=69 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="The OG" >Shygal</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=88 |pos=SS |name=[[File:Kim icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when. She will be playing for this team until the very end.">Kim Possible</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=9 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="COGEDLO COGEDLO">Mexico-chan</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=99 |pos=CMF |name=[[File:impartist_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Noil, Gerph, Gats, Minus8, zko, Shad, MrPeculiar, etc.">{{greentext|artist}}</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=|pos=AMF |name=<span class="explain" title="You'd think Phantasma would just turn transparent">ENF</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=55 |pos=CF |name=[[File:jennyw_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="5 o'clock and a call to go posting that blue bot with a metal puss">Built for Rock Cock</span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=8 |pos=SS |name=<span class="explain" title="5 o'clock and a call to go posting that blue bot with a metal puss">Jenny Wakeman</span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=34 |pos=SS |name=[[File:gobbo.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="God look how short she it. Holy fuck that's hot">Gobbo</span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=10 |pos=CF|name=<span class="explain" title="Two days in, #1 Trending in Japan">Bowsette</span> {{captain}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=88 |pos=CF |name=[[File:shygal_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="The OG" >Shygal</span>}} {{captain}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Our heart goes out to those affected. Fuck pedos.">The Tumblr Exodus</span>}}
{{sq player |no=69 |pos=CB |name=[[File:Duck_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="I don't like it. Its smug aura mocks me">That Fuckin’ Duck</span>}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Would you an ayy lmao?">Xenophilia</span>}}
{{sq player |no=11 |pos=CB |name=[[File:queent_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Winner of Queen of /aco/ 2021">Queen of Duckphiles </span>}}
{{sq player |no=36 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Did you know that Scott the Woz has fucked every Youtuber in existence?">Hey All!</span>}}
{{sq player |no=68 |pos=CMF |name=[[File:Alex_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Okay France, we get it. You are very horny. Thank you for creating this show and made a lot of people discover something about themselves.">The Writers Barely Disguised Fetish </span>}}
{{sq player |no=5 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="/aco/ is home to only the best of the best">QUALITY WESTERN PORN</span>}}
{{sq player |no=68 |pos=CMF |name=[[File:Tips icon.jpg|25px]] <span class="explain" title="The convenience of ordering pizza with the satisfactory of fucking the delivery girl. What's not to love.">Pizza Thot </span>}}
{{sq player |no=63 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Commission Thread">Paid in Exposure</span>}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos=CMF |name=[[File:Xenophilia_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Would you an ayy lmao?">Xenophilia</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=LB |name=<span class="explain" title="Greetings /aco/ I notice your board hasn't had its daily intake of M A Y O">Skarpne</span>}}
{{sq player |no=10 |pos=CMF |name=[[File:Harly_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Cute and Literally Funny" >Clussy</span>}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=RB |name=<span class="explain" title="A game where you undress your waifu in a poker match">Strip Poker Night at the Inventory</span>}}
{{sq player |no=35 |pos=CB |name=[[File:paidie_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Commission Thread">Paid in Exposure</span>}}
{{sq player |no=27 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="I want Mercy to be my Mommy!!!">Mommy Mercy</span>}}
{{sq player |no=25 |pos=CMF |name=[[File:shantae_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Watch her hips move and ass wiggle">Shantae</span>}}
{{sq player |no=22 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="A precious cinnamon roll for hugging and smiles!">Wholesome Goomba</span>}}
{{sq player |no=37 |pos=CMF |name=[[File:frankie_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Mommy gf without the milkies. We take those.">Frankie Foster</span>}}
{{sq player |no=99 |pos=AMF |name=<span class="explain" title="I like her hips :3">Shantae</span>}}
{{sq player |no=48 |pos=CB |name=[[File:2dwegsurvivor_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Do NOT bring back or bring up /2dweg/, worst mistake in my life">/2dweg/ Survivor</span>}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos=AMF |name=<span class="explain" title="I'm not making your damn thread for you, read the showering Avatar post">6 Images Fuckface</span>}}
{{sq player |no=6 |pos=CMF |name=[[File:touchtc_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Do it ''now''">Touch the Cow</span>}}
{{sq player |no=1 |pos=SS |name=<span class="explain" title="Superpowers in development">Golden Girl</span>}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=CMF |name=[[File:acoProjektMelody_icon.png|25px]] <span class="explain" title="Well we had to get the Science Team to watch memeball somehow">Projekt Melody</span>}}
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}
==={{tt|Team Staff|Hover over them for info}}===
{{tt|[[File:AcoManagerSue.png|125px|frameless]]|Head Manager Sue oversees team tactics and performs livemanagement duties during matches. Once got into a shouting match with /toy/ manager Winnie the Pooh over her girls' crop tops. Hired pre-Autumn 18. Loud and boisterous, she is unafraid to bite players if they step out of line.}}{{tt|[[File:AcoManagerHelen.png|100px|frameless]]|Assistant Manager Helen Parr serves as conditioning coach and makes sure everyone's individual needs are met, such as Bowsette's constant need for nail filers and the regular draining of ENF's excess ectoplasm. Originally a Silver Medal Midfielder and Goalkeeper for the squad from Spring to Autumn 2018. Brought on after retiring from play in Spring 2019.}}{{tt|[[File:AcoManagerVambre.png|180px|frameless]]|Turns out relegating big teams like /sp/ and /mu/ can cause riots. To protect the /aco/ squad from angry fans on all sides, mighty warrior Vambre was called in after Spring 2020 to serve as the team's personal bodyguard. Vambre can beat all other staff members in arm-wrestling, save Sue, who is 'Too slimy to even think about touching'.}}{{tt|[[File:AcoManagerRisky.png|100px|frameless]]|Risky Boots manages /aco/'s finances and grants from the home board. Runs marketing campaigns, draws up public appearances for the more celebrity players, and keeps the team in the black. After the relatively successful Summer 19 elite cup, /aco/ was given a large grant for its performance, and Risky was hired to oversee the burgeoning coffers.}}{{tt|[[File:AcoManagerKatie.png|110px|frameless]]|Following the Autumn 2019 performance, /aco/ found itself in a media buzz due to its rollercoaster of a 2019. A media head was required, so Hell's own Katie Killjoy was hired as media mogul for the team.}}

==Team History==
==Team History==
===The Spring Abortion: "How to Field a Team with Lopsided Bosoms in 3 Easy Steps"===
===The Spring Abortion: "How to Field a Team with Lopsided Bosoms in 3 Easy Steps"===
Discussion was had of an /aco/ 4CC team for roughly a year and a half before one fateful thread with oodles of interest and ideas finally sparked {{anonymous|Fifz}} to officially found the team in early 2018, with {{anonymous|IJC}} hired as the manager of the team. The chaos that was /aco/'s organization left the team looking a little rough around the edges, but there was a certain charm to the squad they carried with them into their inaugural competition, the [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]. Four teams entered the qualifiers, and only one would leave. The first /aco/ match was a cagey affair, with eventual 9-point team {{team away|3}} assuming control with a 2-0 spanking of the cup newcomers. If /aco/ wanted to avoid abortion, they'd have to up their game. The next match pitted ya chicks against fellow 8th Founding newbie {{team away|bant}}. Xenophilia scored the very first /aco/ goal in the team's history, and sealed three points for the squad in the competition. Things were looking up! /bant/ had just gotten beaten by /3/ and there was a very real possibility for /aco/ to promote to the Babby Cup proper if they didn't lose against mouth-breathing {{team away|gif}}.
Discussion was had of an /aco/ 4CC team for roughly a year and a half before one fateful thread with oodles of interest and ideas finally sparked {{anonymous|Fifz}} to officially found the team in early 2018, with {{anonymous|IJC}} hired as the manager of the team. The chaos that was /aco/'s organization left the team looking a little rough around the edges, but there was a certain charm to the squad they carried with them into their inaugural competition, the [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]. Four teams entered the qualifiers, and only one would leave. The first /aco/ match was a cagey affair, with eventual 9-point team {{team away|3}} assuming control with a 2-0 spanking of the cup newcomers. If /aco/ wanted to avoid abortion, they'd have to up their game. The next match pitted ya chicks against fellow 8th Founding newbie {{team away|bant}}. Xenophilia scored the very first /aco/ goal in the team's history, and sealed three points for the squad in the competition. Things were looking up! /bant/ had just gotten beaten by /3/ and there was a very real possibility for /aco/ to promote to the Babby Cup proper if they didn't lose against mouth-breathing {{team away|gif}}.
Line 118: Line 138:
Waving their fellow qualifier teams good luck in the Babby-Elite cycle, /aco/ returned to the drawing board for the Summer, hatching new schemes to squeeze money out of horny commissioners and build a better team. Following the 2018 Summer Cup, the roster was shaken up fiercely, the music changed to meet that hip bump'n'grind kinda feel, and cup """veteran""" {{anonymous|Andy}} was brought on as co-manager. This new /aco/ squad found great success in two [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|Friendly]] wins over {{team away|bant}} and {{team away|wsg}}; surely a portent of things to come! As the leaves turn brown and descend to the ground, the girls of /aco/ don their virgin-killing sweaters, stress out way too much about '''#Inktober''', and look to earn their bye into the [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Autumn Cup]].
Waving their fellow qualifier teams good luck in the Babby-Elite cycle, /aco/ returned to the drawing board for the Summer, hatching new schemes to squeeze money out of horny commissioners and build a better team. Following the 2018 Summer Cup, the roster was shaken up fiercely, the music changed to meet that hip bump'n'grind kinda feel, and cup """veteran""" {{anonymous|Andy}} was brought on as co-manager. This new /aco/ squad found great success in two [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|Friendly]] wins over {{team away|bant}} and {{team away|wsg}}; surely a portent of things to come! As the leaves turn brown and descend to the ground, the girls of /aco/ don their virgin-killing sweaters, stress out way too much about '''#Inktober''', and look to earn their bye into the [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Autumn Cup]].
===Autumn's Boner-Chilling Reality Sets In: The /aco/ Girls find redemption!===  
[[File:Accel MC ABC18.png|250px|frameless|left]]
[[File:Accel MC ABC18.png|250px|frameless|right]]
===Autumn's Boner-Chilling Reality Sets In: The /aco/ Girls find redemption!===
Due to a gracious ruling by the 4CCC, /aco/ was granted a free bye into the 2018 Autumn Cup without need of playing in the qualifiers. The curvy lasses were stripped down and dolled up with the finest in Korean Animation Studio uniforms, and began their first 4chan Cup proper. Drawn into Group E, they were tasked with facing the freedom-loving nerds of {{team away|g}}, Pokegirl home base {{team away|vp}}, and hot glue repository {{team away|toy}}. Pre-cup it seemed like all four teams would be evenly matched, barely an inch determining who'd be left standing to go to the Round of 16. These predictions were mostly true, as /g/, /vp/, and /aco/ fought for their lives against each other, starting with a brutal 0-0 draw between /aco/lytes and /g/men. This match was a battle of keepers, and BUENOS DIAS, MANDY proved his worth to goaltend alongside more seasoned keepers in the competition, earning 7 saves in one game. Next up was /vp/, who was hot to trot after their 11-goal barn burner with /toy/. What followed were big plays and big hits; big saves and big tits, but despite monumental efforts by Shygal and Bowsette to connect a pass up front from any means necessary, /vp/ eeked out their victory 1-0. Things looked bleak for /aco/, it was likely that /g/ would compete with /vp/ and any result other than a Pokemon victory would show /aco/ the door regardless of their performance against /toy/.
Due to a gracious ruling by the 4CCC, /aco/ was granted a free bye into the 2018 Autumn Cup without need of playing in the qualifiers. The curvy lasses were stripped down and dolled up with the finest in Korean Animation Studio uniforms, and began their first 4chan Cup proper. Drawn into Group E, they were tasked with facing the freedom-loving nerds of {{team away|g}}, Pokegirl home base {{team away|vp}}, and hot glue repository {{team away|toy}}. Pre-cup it seemed like all four teams would be evenly matched, barely an inch determining who'd be left standing to go to the Round of 16. These predictions were mostly true, as /g/, /vp/, and /aco/ fought for their lives against each other, starting with a brutal 0-0 draw between /aco/lytes and /g/men. This match was a battle of keepers, and BUENOS DIAS, MANDY proved his worth to goaltend alongside more seasoned keepers in the competition, earning 7 saves in one game. Next up was /vp/, who was hot to trot after their 11-goal barn burner with /toy/. What followed were big plays and big hits; big saves and big tits, but despite monumental efforts by Shygal and Bowsette to connect a pass up front from any means necessary, /vp/ eeked out their victory 1-0. Things looked bleak for /aco/, it was likely that /g/ would compete with /vp/ and any result other than a Pokemon victory would show /aco/ the door regardless of their performance against /toy/.

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Dreams sullied and hopes dashed, the long walk began back to the locker room. Waiting for them were four medals, post-cup awards. Despite their early shakiness, /aco/ had succeeded in impressing the 4chan Cup community, winning awards for their efforts (specifically Bowsette's), their Korean-made uniforms, and Bowsette's goalhorn. Weighed down by the medals was a letter from the commissioner, "If someone fucks up you're in Winter". 17th place was a far cry from the literal bottom-of-the-barrel performance of Spring; it was a huge step in the right direction. With the format of future competitions uncertain and new hot 'n sexy cartoons in the oven for 2019, the /aco/ team sucked down their tequila all the way home, chanting "SEVENTEENTH AIN'T SO BAD" and laughing about how they were going to rock the cup next time, whenever that may be.
Dreams sullied and hopes dashed, the long walk began back to the locker room. Waiting for them were four medals, post-cup awards. Despite their early shakiness, /aco/ had succeeded in impressing the 4chan Cup community, winning awards for their efforts (specifically Bowsette's), their Korean-made uniforms, and Bowsette's goalhorn. Weighed down by the medals was a letter from the commissioner, "If someone fucks up you're in Winter". 17th place was a far cry from the literal bottom-of-the-barrel performance of Spring; it was a huge step in the right direction. With the format of future competitions uncertain and new hot 'n sexy cartoons in the oven for 2019, the /aco/ team sucked down their tequila all the way home, chanting "SEVENTEENTH AIN'T SO BAD" and laughing about how they were going to rock the cup next time, whenever that may be.
===2019 Blooms And It Asks, "Qui ç'est la 'Best Waifu'?"===
In the month leading to the Spring competition, /aco/ manager Sue hired a number of new girls to the team to match recent trends, including a memorial to the Tumblr Exodus in the form of Newgrounds.com's own Tankman. Mexico-chan also abdicated her title of Captain to a promoted Bowsette, and the whole team tearfully waved goodbye to veteran Helen Parr, who's hype subsided after her lackluster film. Manager Sue would sign Helen as her new co-manager to help oversee team developments. A new world of football awaited /aco/, and they trained to take the challenge the best way they can, pelvis-first.

===2019 Blooms And It Asks, "Qui ç'est la 'Best Waifu'?"===
[[File:Timeless-t Bowsette JW SBC19.png|350px|frameless|left]]
[[File:Timeless-t Bowsette JW SBC19.png|250px|frameless|right]]In the month leading to the Spring competition, /aco/ manager Sue hired a number of new girls to the team to match recent trends, including a memorial to the Tumblr Exodus in the form of Newgrounds.com's own Tankman. Mexico-chan also abdicated her title of Captain to a promoted Bowsette, and the whole team tearfully waved goodbye to veteran Helen Parr, who's hype subsided after her lackluster film. Manager Sue would sign Helen as her new co-manager to help oversee team developments. A new world of football awaited /aco/, and they trained to take the challenge the best way they can, pelvis-first.
Drawn into Group A alongside fellow new-ish team {{team away|p}}, the crowd-shaking fan favorite (to hate or love, your choice) {{team away|sp}}, and the board's big brother {{team away|co}}, /aco/ were slotted to crack open the 4CC's inaugural PES18 Babby Cup with family, the aforementioned /co/. In traditional /aco/ fashion, the girls got blathered, but Bowsette's form stayed true from their /toy/ spanking and put one past Gaston. Sue and Helen poured over all possible means to beat their next opponent, the /p/hotographers, as a loss would certainly mean doom for hopes at an Elite Cup appearance in July. As the stars would have it, esteemed porn tracer Greg Land was called in to fill out the {{greentext|artist}} slot for the match. His unique brand of ''fucking cheating at art'' earned /aco/ their first lead in the tournament, followed by a pair of goals from Gold Medals Jenny Wakeman and Bowsette. /p/ were defeated three-nil, a huge boost to morale for the squad. At the end of the match, Helen ran the numbers with her star players; a win or draw against /sp/ would mean /aco/'s first ever knockout appearance. Beating their bosoms and screaming about the color of Pokegirl skins, the girls prepared for their match against the /sp/artans.
Cristiano Ronaldo and Bowsette met at center pitch that morning, shook hands, and the match was on. Bowsette immediately stormed the left wing of the /sp/ box and rocketed a fucking screamer past the /sp/ keeper. For a moment there, just before the goalhorn played, time stopped. A degenerate Rule 63 meme had suddenly taken one of the most respected and mighty teams in the competition and brought it to its knees. Rallying the goats against the childhood-destroyers was superstar TSUUUUUUUU, who quickly paid /aco/ back in kind with a goal of his own.
Blood was on the turf.
Sensing a weakness in the /sp/ moral fiber, Phantasma whipped out her fat fucking {{tt|badonkadonks|I mean really gigantic machonogonowas}} to stun the /sp/ defense. She lined up her shot and didn't lose her way to her first ever goal. The crowd went berserk, and so did Ronaldo-sama. Just last year his squad had finished second in the Summer Cup, and here he was, about to be denied even an appearance, by some tranny turtle and a ghost with a bad haircut. Brutalizing the /aco/ defense, he earned another goal to make the score 2-all. In just 40 minutes, the story of the match was told. Vicious attacks and crunching tackles followed. Shadman took a bat to the face from Costanza, Skarpne choked out 18-1 with mayonnaise, and someone, somewhere, didn't masturbate to hockey. Sue and Helen clutched each other's hands as the final seconds ticked. The /sp/ manager screamed about slipping alone. Heck there was almost an {{tt|own goal|seriously go re-watch that match it's preposterous}}. Finally, the last whistle was called. Bowsette belched a mighty flame from her belly, an inferno of relief and joy. /aco/ had made the knockouts, and in turn, qualified for an Elite Cup for the very first time.
/aco/ were drawn against {{team away|fit}}, a squad that had impressed all the way up from the Qualifiers. Just happy to be in the Knockouts, every pass was made jovially and every goal made against the brawny boys was treated like the funniest effort of sports-play one ever did see. Jeff Cavaliere's opener backheel that came from Minus8 forgetting where his feet were was met with cheers from both sides; everyone was just in it for fun, the rough times were finally over. A good match was had all around and /aco/ hugged their swole opponents farewell after losing 3-2, wishing them best in the Quarterfinals the following day. No envelopes promising a light at the end of a dark tunnel waited for them at base camp, but plenty of laughter and merriment were. Summer was coming, fast. They needed to fix their defense, shear up some appearances, and perhaps keep up a scoring streak the record-keepers had noticed Bowsette was beginning to accumulate. The year prior, /aco/ were the laughingstock of the cup, and now they were ready to throw hands with the best of the best in the [[2019 4chan Summer Cup]].

Drawn into Group A alongside fellow new-ish team {{team away|p}}, the crowd-shaking fan favorite (to hate or love, your choice) {{team away|sp}}, and the board's big brother {{team away|co}}, /aco/ were slotted to crack open the 4CC's inaugural PES18 Babby Cup with family, the aforementioned /co/. In traditional /aco/ fashion, the girls got blathered, but Bowsette's form stayed true from their /toy/ spanking and put one past Gaston. Sue and Helen poured over all possible means to beat their next opponent, the /p/hotographers, as a loss would certainly mean doom for hopes at an Elite Cup appearance in July.
===Summer Strokes - You Can Pick Your Players, But You Can't Pick Your Family===

==Match History==
==Match History==
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| Date
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| Date
Line 145: Line 174:
| April 28, 2018
| April 28, 2018
| {{team away|3}}
| {{team away|3}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC18_Design_G2q.png|25px]][[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|[[File:SBC18_Design_G2q.png|25px]] [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|0-2 L
| align=center|0-2 L
Line 151: Line 180:
| April 28, 2018
| April 28, 2018
| {{team away|bant}}
| {{team away|bant}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC18_Design_G2q.png|25px]][[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|[[File:SBC18_Design_G2q.png|25px]] [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|1-0 W
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small>Xenophilia {{goal|69}}</small>
|<small>Xenophilia {{goal|69}}</small>
Line 157: Line 186:
| April 28, 2018
| April 28, 2018
| {{team away|gif}}
| {{team away|gif}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC18_Design_G2q.png|25px]][[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|[[File:SBC18_Design_G2q.png|25px]] [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|1-4 L
| align=center|1-4 L
|<small>{{greentext|shadman}} {{goal|62}}</small>
|<small>[[File:Chadshad_icon.png|30px]] {{greentext|shadman}} {{goal|62}}</small>
| October 27, 2018
| October 27, 2018
| {{team away|g}}
| {{team away|g}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC18_Design_A.png|25px]][[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|[[File:ABC18_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| align=center|0-0 D
Line 169: Line 198:
| November 2, 2018
| November 2, 2018
| {{team away|vp}}
| {{team away|vp}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC18_Design_A.png|25px]][[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|[[File:ABC18_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| align=center|0-1 L
Line 175: Line 204:
| November 4, 2018
| November 4, 2018
| {{team away|toy}}
| {{team away|toy}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC18_Design_A.png|25px]][[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|[[File:ABC18_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|4-1 W
| align=center|4-1 W
|<small>Bowsette {{goal|16||32}}<br>Mexico-chan {{goal|85}}<br>Helen Parr {{goal|90+5}}</small>
|<small>[[File:bowsette_icon.png|30px]] Bowsette {{goal|16||32}}<br>[[File:Mexicochan_icon.png|30px]] Mexico-chan {{goal|85}}<br>Helen Parr {{goal|90+5}}</small>
| May 17, 2019
| May 17, 2019
| {{team away|co}}
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC19_Design_B1.png|25px]][[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|[[File:SBC19_Design_B1.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|3-1 L
| align=center|3-1 L
|<small>Bowsette {{goal|65}}</small>
|<small>[[File:bowsette_icon.png|30px]] Bowsette {{goal|65}}</small>
| May 19, 2019
| May 19, 2019
| {{team away|p}}
| {{team away|p}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC19_Design_B1.png|25px]][[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|[[File:SBC19_Design_B1.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|3-0 W
| align=center|3-0 W
|<small>{{greentext|{{tt|artist|Greg Land}}}} {{goal|23}}<br>Jenny Wakeman {{goal|34}}<br>Bowsette {{goal|56}}</small>
|<small>[[File:impartist_icon.png|30px]] {{greentext|{{tt|artist|Greg Land}}}} {{goal|23}}<br>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|34}}<br>[[File:bowsette_icon.png|30px]] Bowsette {{goal|56}}</small>
| May 25, 2019
| May 25, 2019
| {{team away|sp}}
| {{team away|sp}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC19_Design_B1.png|25px]][[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|[[File:SBC19_Design_B1.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|2-2 D
| align=center|2-2 D
|<small>Bowsette {{goal|6}}<br>ENF {{goal|27}}</small>
|<small>[[File:bowsette_icon.png|30px]] Bowsette {{goal|6}}<br>[[File:acoenf_icon.png|30px]] ENF {{goal|27}}</small>
| June 1, 2019
| June 1, 2019
| {{team away|fit}}
| {{team away|fit}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC19_Design_B1.png|25px]][[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center|[[File:SBC19_Design_B1.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center|3-2 L
| align=center|3-2 L
| <small>Bowsette {{goal|31}}<br>Mexico-chan {{goal|56}}</small>
| <small>[[File:bowsette_icon.png|30px]] Bowsette {{goal|31}}<br>[[File:Mexicochan_icon.png|30px]] Mexico-chan {{goal|56}}</small>
| July 20, 2019
| July 20, 2019
| {{team away|his}}
| {{team away|his}}
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]][[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]
| align=center|2-5 W
| align=center|2-5 W
| <small>{{goal|17}} Mexico-chan<br>{{goal|21||58||74}} Bowsette<br>{{goal|25}} Jenny Wakeman</small>
| <small>[[File:Mexicochan_icon.png|30px]] Mexico-chan {{goal|17}} <br>[[File:bowsette_icon.png|30px]] Bowsette {{goal|21||58||74}} <br>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|25}}</small>
| July 26, 2019
| July 26, 2019
| {{team away|co}}
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]][[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]
| align=center|5-2 L
| align=center|5-2 L
| <small>{{goal|42}} Bowsette<br>{{goal|69}} Shygal</small>
| <small>[[File:bowsette_icon.png|30px]] Bowsette {{goal|42}} <br>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|69}} </small>
| July 28, 2019
| July 28, 2019
| {{team away|mlp}}
| {{team away|mlp}}
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]][[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]
| align=center|TBD
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>TBD</small>
| <small>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|82}} </small>
| October 25, 2019
| {{team away|trv}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC19_Design_E.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-2 L
| <small></small>
| October 27, 2019
| {{team away|f}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC19_Design_E.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-3 L
| <small></small>
| November 2, 2019
| {{team away|asp}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC19_Design_E.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| <small>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|40}} <br>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|62}} </small>
| April 11, 2020
| {{team away|y}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC20_Design_Aq.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|3-0 W
| <small>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|4||65}} <br>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|35}} </small>
| April 11, 2020
| {{team away|s4s}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC20_Design_Aq.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>[[File:Jucika_icon.png|30px]] Jucika does NOT Bust Balls {{goal|79}} </small>
| April 12, 2020
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC20_Design_Aq.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|40}} </small>
| April 24, 2020
| {{team away|w}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC20_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-4 L
| <small></small>
| April 26, 2020
| {{team away|his}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC20_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| <small></small>
| May 2, 2020
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC20_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|3-0 W
| <small>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|17||49}} <br> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|39}}</small>
| October 24, 2020
| {{team away|vp}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC20_Design_F.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|78}}</small>
| October 30, 2020
| {{team away|a}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC20_Design_F.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|3-2 W
| <small>[[File:AcoJustice_icon.png|30px]] Justice {{goal|18}} <br> [[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|67}} <br>  [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal{{goal|81}}</small>
| November 1, 2020
| {{team away|f}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC20_Design_F.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|11}}</small>
| July 16, 2021
| {{team away|u}}
| align=center|[[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan World Cup]]
| align=center|2-0 W
| <small>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|16}} <br> [[File:AcoProjektMelody_icon.png|30px]] Projekt Melody {{goal|50}} </small>
| July 24, 2021
| {{team away|cm}}
| align=center|[[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan World Cup]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| <small>[[File:AcoProjektMelody_icon.png|30px]] Projekt Melody {{goal|8}} <br> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|24}} </small>
| August 1, 2021
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center|[[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan World Cup]]
| align=center|0-3 L
| <small></small>
| October 22, 2021
| {{team away|ck}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC21_Design_C.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| <small> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|73||78}}</small>
| October 24, 2021
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC21_Design_C.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|3-0
| <small> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|29||90+2}} <br> [[File:AcoProjektMelody_icon.png|30px]] Projekt Melody {{goal|66}} </small>
| October 30, 2021
| {{team away|vr}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC21_Design_C.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|1-5 L
| <small> [[File:AcoJustice_icon.png|30px]] Justice {{goal|32}}</small>
| November 5, 2021
| {{team away|y}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC21_Design_C.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|1-4 L
| <small>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|54}}</small>
| May 1, 2022
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|25}}</small></small>
| May 7, 2022
| {{team away|fit}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small>Ripple Tits {{owngoal|40}} <br> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|83}}</small>
| May 13, 2022
| {{team away|o}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-2 L
| <small></small>
| May 15, 2022
| {{team away|wg}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| <small></small>
| November 4, 2022
| {{team away|vm}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-2 L
| <small></small>
| November 6, 2022
| {{team away|his}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| <small>[[File:AcoProjektMelody_icon.png|30px]] Projekt Melody {{goal|24||77}}</small>
| November 12, 2022
| {{team away|int}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|5-2 W
| <small>[[File:AcoProjektMelody_icon.png|30px]] Projekt Melody {{goal|39}} <br> [[File:Mexicochan_icon.png|30px]] Mexico-chan {{goal|45+2}} <br> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|57||63||87}} </small>
| April 21, 2023
| {{team away|fa}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC23_Design_Dq.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|5}} <br> [[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|54}} </small>
| April 22, 2023
| {{team away|w}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC23_Design_Dq.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|3-2 W
| <small>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|29||61}} <br> [[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|78}} </small>
| April 23, 2023
| {{team away|r9k}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC23_Design_Dq.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|1-4 L
| <small>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|72}}</small>
| May 6, 2023
| {{team away|sp}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC23_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|58}}</small>
| May 12, 2023
| {{team away|a}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC23_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|1-4 L
| <small> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|33}} </small>
| May 14, 2023
| {{team away|o}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC23_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|1-0 W
| <small>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|23}} </small>
| October 13, 2023
| {{team away|u}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC23_Design_Gq.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|21}} </small>
| October 14, 2023
| {{team away|w}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC23_Design_Gq.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|4-0 W
| <small> [[File:Impartist_icon.png|30px]] {{greentext|{{tt|artist|Zeronis}}}} {{goal|11}} <br> [[File:Gobbo.png|30px]] Gobbo {{goal|45+1}} <br> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|75||86}} </small>
| October 15, 2023
| {{team away|vmg}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC23_Design_Gq.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|0-2 L
| <small> </small>
| October 15, 2023
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC23_Design_Gq.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|27}} <br> [[File:Impartist_icon.png|30px]] {{greentext|{{tt|artist|DarkCookie}}}} {{goal|78}} </small>
| October 28, 2023
| {{team away|h}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|4-4 D
| <small> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|10||39||82}} <br> [[File:Kim_icon.png|30px]] Kim Possible {{goal|90+4}} </small>
| November 3, 2023
| {{team away|lit}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small> [[File:Chadshad_icon.png|30px]] The Freed Shad {{goal|48}}<br> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|90+3}} </small>
| November 5, 2023
| {{team away|gd}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|4-3 W
| <small> [[File:Gobbo.png|30px]] Gobbo {{goal|54}} <br> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|65||85}} <br> [[File:Impartist_icon.png|30px]] {{greentext|{{tt|artist|VeryFilthyThing}}}} {{goal|82}} </small>
| November 11, 2023
| {{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|4-0 W
| <small> [[File:Gobbo.png|30px]] Gobbo {{goal|12}} <br> [[File:Impartist_icon.png|30px]] {{greentext|{{tt|artist|Flick-The-Thief}}}} {{goal|38||74}} <br>  [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|90+1}} </small>
| November 12, 2023
| {{team away|toy}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|3-4 L
| <small> [[File:Impartist_icon.png|30px]] {{greentext|{{tt|artist|The Man Of Shad}}}} {{goal|59}} <br> [[File:Gobbo.png|30px]] Gobbo {{goal|65}} <br> [[File:Chadshad_icon.png|30px]] The Freed Shad {{goal|87}}</small>
| January 19, 2023
| {{team away|vst}}
| align=center|[[File:WC24_Design_E1.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Winter Cup]]
| align=center|4-2 W
| <small> [[File:Impartist_icon.png|30px]] {{greentext|{{tt|artist|HappyPillow}}}} {{goal|12||18||63}} <br> [[File:Gobbo.png|30px]] Gobbo {{goal|45+1}} </small>
| January 21, 2023
| {{team away|his}}
| align=center|[[File:WC24_Design_E1.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Winter Cup]]
| align=center|2-0 W
| <small> [[File:Queent_icon.png|30px]] Queen of Duckphiles {{goal|7}} <br> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|53}}  </small>
| January 27, 2024
| {{team away|vrpg}}
| align=center|[[File:WC24_Design_E1.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Winter Cup]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| <small> </small>
| February 3, 2024
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center|[[File:WC24_Design_E1.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Winter Cup]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|13}} </small>
| July 19, 2024
| {{team away|tv}}
| align=center|[[File:SC24_Design_C.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Summer Cup]]
| align=center|2-2 D
| <small> [[File:Impartist_icon.png|30px]] {{greentext|{{tt|artist|Kristen Brewe}}}} {{goal|45+1||61}} </small>
| July 21, 2024
| {{team away|int}}
| align=center|[[File:SC24_Design_C.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Summer Cup]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| <small>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Built For Rock Cock {{goal|53||77}} </small>
| July 27, 2024
| {{team away|vp}}
| align=center|[[File:SC24_Design_C.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Summer Cup]]
| align=center|6-2 W
| <small> [[File:Impartist_icon.png|30px]] {{greentext|{{tt|artist|MasterPl0xy}}}} {{goal|21||67}} <br> [[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Built For Rock Cock {{goal|45+0|||45+4}} <br> [[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|63||83}} </small>
| August 3, 2024
| {{team away|wsg}}
| align=center|[[File:SC24_Design_C.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Summer Cup]]
| align=center|3-4 (a.e.t) L
| <small>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|76||90+1}} <br> [[File:AcoJustice_icon.png|30px]] Justice:The Awesome Demon {{goal|78}} </small>
| January 25, 2025
| {{team away|ck}}
| align=center|[[File:WC25_Design_J.png|25px]] [[2025 4chan Winter Cup]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| <small>[[File:Queent_icon.png|30px]] Queen of Duckphiles {{goal|49}} <br> [[File:Gobbo.png|30px]] Gobbo {{goal|75}} </small>
| January 31, 2025
| {{team away|y}}
| align=center|[[File:WC25_Design_J.png|25px]] [[2025 4chan Winter Cup]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| <small> </small>
| February 2, 2025
| {{team away|vmg}}
| align=center|[[File:WC25_Design_J.png|25px]] [[2025 4chan Winter Cup]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| <small> </small>

{| class="wikitable" width=70%
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| Date
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| Date
Line 235: Line 606:
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-0 W
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small>Mexico-chan {{goal|89}}</small>
|<small>[[File:Mexicochan_icon.png|30px]] Mexico-chan {{goal|89}}</small>
| October 7, 2018
| October 7, 2018
Line 241: Line 612:
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small>Bowsette{{goal|??}}<br>Jenny Wakeman {{goal|??}}</small>
|<small>[[File:bowsette_icon.png|30px]] Bowsette{{goal|??}}<br>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|??}}</small>
| August 25, 2019
| {{team away|d}}
| align=center|[[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-6 W
|<small>[[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|5}}<br>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|16||67}}<br>[[File:Mexicochan_icon.png|30px]] Mexico-chan {{goal|25||75}}</small>
| March 14, 2020
| {{team away|i}}
| align=center|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-2 (2-1 PK) W
|<small> [[File:bowsette_icon.png|30px]] Bowsette {{goal|18||62}}</small>
| March 21, 2020
| {{team away|h}}
| align=center|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-2 (4-5 PK) L
|<small> [[File:bowsette_icon.png|30px]] Bowsette {{goal|71}}<br>[[File:shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|84}}</small>
| September 11, 2020
| {{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|4-2 W
|<small> [[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|2||5||17}}<br>[[File:WomenWithVaginas.png|30px]] Women with Vaginas {{goal|58}}</small>
| September 12, 2020
| {{team away|toy}}
| align=center|[[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-2 (3-4 PK) L
|<small>[[File :shantae_icon.png|30px]] Shantae {{goal|38||59}}</small>
| September 19, 2020
| {{team away|adv}}
| align=center|[[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|3-4 L
|<small>[[File:WomenWithVaginas.png|30px]] Women With Vaginas {{goal|10}}<br> [[File:acoenf_icon.png|30px]] ENF {{goal|29}}<br> [[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|47}} </small>
| May 1, 2021
| {{team away|int}}
| align=center|[[2021 4chan Spring Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small> [[File:Raven_icon.png|30px]] Raven {{goal|78}}</small>
| May 8, 2021
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2021 4chan Spring Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-3 L
|<small>[[File:Rosie_icon.png|30px]] Rosie {{goal|63}}<br> [[File:jennyw_icon.png|30px]] Jenny Wakeman {{goal|90+6}} </small>
| May 9, 2021
| {{team away|d}}
| align=center|[[2021 4chan Spring Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-1 (1-3 PK) L
|<small>[[File:Rosie_icon.png|30px]] Rosie {{goal|45+0}} </small>
| May 16, 2021
| {{team away|jp}}
| align=center|[[2021 4chan Spring Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small>[[File:Shygal_icon.png|30px]] Shygal {{goal|16}} </small>
==Tournament History==
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="background:#222222;color:white"| Competition
!style="background:#222222;color:white"| Win
!style="background:#222222;color:white"| Draw
!style="background:#222222;color:white"| Loss
!style="background:#222222;color:white"| Goals For
!style="background:#222222;color:white"| Goals Against
!style="background:#222222;color:white"| Goal Difference
!style="background:#222222;color:white"| Finish
!style="background:#222222;color:white"| Status
!style="background:#222222;color:white"| Notes
| [[File:SBC18_Design_G2q.png|35px]] [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]] || 1 || 0 || 2 || 2 || 6 || -4 || 4th of 4 || style="background:#9ACDFF" align=center|{{steady|}}||
| [[File:ABC18_Design_A.png|35px]] [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup ]] || 1 || 1 || 1 || 4 || 2 || +2 || 17th of 32 || style="background:#9ACDFF" align=center|{{steady|}}||
| [[File:SBC19_Design_B1.png|35px]] [[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup ]] || 1 || 1 || 2 || 8 || 8 || +0 || 12th of 32 || style="background:#CCFFCC" align=center|{{increase|}}|| First Promotion to Elite
| [[File:Summer19_C.png|35px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup ]] || 1 || 1 || 1 || 8 || 8 || +0 || 17th of 32 || style="background:#FFCCCC" align=center|{{decrease|}}||
| [[File:ABC19_Design_E.png|35px]] [[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup ]] || 0 || 0 || 3 || 2 || 8 || -6 || 32nd of 32 || style="background:#FFCCCC" align=center|{{decrease|}}|| First Trip to the Fetus since the inception of the team
| [[File:SBC20_Design_Aq.png|35px]] [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers ]] || 1 || 1 || 1 || 5 || 3 || +2 || 3rd of 8 || style="background:#CCFFCC" align=center|{{increase|}}|| First Promotion from the Qualifiers without being relegated
|[[File:SBC20_Design_A.png|35px]] [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup ]] || 1 || 0 || 2 || 3 || 5 || -2 || 22nd of 32 || style="background:#9ACDFF"align=center|{{steady|}}|| First Time Autopilot, still avoid fetus. For now
|[[File:ABC20_Design_F.png|35px]] [[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup ]] || 1 || 0 || 2 || 5 || 6 || -1 || 22nd of 32 || style="background:#9ACDFF"align=center|{{steady|}}|| Fetus avoided. Not an auto this time. But did play like one due to real life. Same finish
|[[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|35px]] [[2021 4chan World Cup ]] || 1 || 0 || 2 || 4 || 6 || -2 || 48th of 64 || style="background:#9ACDFF"align=center|{{steady|}}|| Very early Own Goal started the ball to a group exit. At least there was one win this cup. Plus this cup does not affect status, so off to Autumn.
|[[File:ABC21_Design_C.png|35px]] [[2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup ]] || 1 || 0 || 3 || 7 || 12 || -5 || 35th of 40 || style="background:#9ACDFF"align=center|{{steady|}}|| Megababby is a no go
|[[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|35px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup ]] || 1 || 1 || 2 || 3 || 5 || -2 || 28th of 40 || style="background:#9ACDFF"align=center|{{steady|}}|| Megababby is a go again
|[[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|35px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup ]] || 1 || 0 || 2 || 7 || 7 || 0 || 21st of 32 || style="background:#9ACDFF"align=center|{{steady|}}|| Went back down to 32 teams
|[[File:SBC23_Design_Dq.png|35px]] [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers ]] || 2 || 0 || 1 || 6 || 7 || -1 || 4th of 12 || style="background:#CCFFCC"align=center|{{increase|}}|| Went up from another fetus
|[[File:SBC23_Design_D.png|35px]] [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup ]] || 1 || 1 || 1 || 3 || 5 || -2 || 21st of 32 || style="background:#9ACDFF"align=center|{{steady|}}|| Couldn't rely on /sp/ beating /a/
|[[File:ABC23_Design_Gq.png|35px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers ]] || 2 || 1 || 1 || 7 || 4 || 3 || 7th of 12 || style="background:#CCFFCC"align=center|{{increase|}}|| Buenos Dias Mandy decided to show up in the very important last chance qualifying match
|[[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|35px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup ]] || 3 || 1 || 1 || 17 || 12 || 5 || 6th of 32 || style="background:#CCFFCC"align=center|{{increase|}}|| First ever Final Day appearance on our way to a very first Winter Elite Cup
|[[File:WC24_Design_E1.png|35px]] [[2024 4chan Winter Cup ]] || 2 || 0 || 2 || 7 || 5 || 2 || 9th of 32 || style="background:#CCFFCC"align=center|{{increase|}}|| First Time staying up in an Elite Cup
|[[File:SC24_Design_C.png|35px]] [[2024 4chan Summer Cup ]] || 1 || 1 || 2 || 13 || 11 || 2 || 9th of 32 || style="background:#CCFFCC"align=center|{{increase|}}|| Made it back to back elite KO's for the first time ever,<span class="explain" title="Almost won before extra time but a Kapow at 90+++++ went against us in a very close game from both teams"> and we took the eventual champions to extra time</span>

==Team Statistics==
==Team Statistics==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width=22%
{| class="wikitable sortable" width=25%
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| Player
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| Player
Line 253: Line 735:
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| MotM
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| MotM
| align=center| '''Bowsette'''
| align=center| [[File:jennyw_icon.png|35px]] '''Jenny Wakeman'''
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="10 including unofficial matches">9</span>
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="6 including unofficial matches">12</span>
| align=center| 8
| align=center| 4
| align=center| [[File:shygal_icon.png|35px]] '''Shygal'''
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="5 including unofficial matches">12</span>
| align=center| 5
| align=center| 2
| align=center| [[File:bowsette_icon.png|35px]] '''Bowsette'''
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="11 including unofficial matches">10</span>
| align=center| 3
| align=center| 2
| align=center| [[File:AcoProjektMelody_icon.png|35px]] '''Projekt Melody'''
| align=center| 3
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 2
| align=center| '''Jenny Wakeman'''
| align=center| [[File:Mexicochan_icon.png|30px]] '''Mexico-chan'''
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="2 including unofficial matches">1</span>
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="6 including unofficial matches">3</span>
| align=center| 4
| align=center| 4
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| '''Mexico-chan'''
| align=center| [[File:AcoJustice_icon.png|35px]] '''Justice'''
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="2 including unofficial matches">1</span>
| align=center| 2
| align=center| 3
| align=center| 4
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| '''Shygal'''
| align=center| [[File:impartist_icon.png|35px]] '''{{greentext|artist}}'''
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 3
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| '''{{greentext|artist}}'''
| align=center| [[File:acoenf_icon.png|30px]] '''ENF'''
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| '''ENF'''
| align=center| '''Xenophilia'''
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 0
| align=center| '''Helen Parr'''
| align=center| [[File:Chadshad_icon.png|35px]] <span class="explain" title="Formerly just 'Shadman'">'''The ChadShad'''</span>
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="1 including unofficial matches">0</span>
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="Formerly just 'Shadman'">'''The ChadShad'''</span>
| align=center| [[File:Jucika_icon.png|35px]] '''Jucika does NOT Bust Balls'''
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| '''Xenophilia'''
| align=center| [[File:HelenP.png|35px]] '''Helen Parr'''
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 0
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="1 including unofficial matches">0</span>
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
Line 303: Line 800:
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| '''Shantae'''
| align=center| [[File:paidie_icon.png|35px]] '''Paid in Exposure'''
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 2
| align=center| 0
| align=center| [[File:shantae_icon.png|35px]] '''Shantae'''
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 5
| align=center| 0
| align=center| [[File:skarpne_icon.png|35px]] '''The Shark-Toothed Girl'''
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 2
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| '''Skarpne'''
| align=center| [[File:Demencia_icon.png|35px]] '''Demencia'''
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| '''Paid in Exposure'''
| align=center| [[File:Rosie_icon.png|35px]] '''Rosie'''
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
Line 320: Line 827:

{| class="wikitable sortable" width=22%
{| class="wikitable sortable" width=25%
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| Player
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| Player
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| Saves
!style="background:#222222;color:#ffffff"| Saves
| align=center| Buenos Dias, Mandy
| align=center| [[File:Billy_icon.png|35px]] '''Buenos Dias, Mandy'''
| align=center| {{tt|22|and 1 MotM}}
| align=center| {{tt|79|and 1 MotM}}
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="Formally known as Slave Trainer">Akabur</span>
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="Formally known as Slave Trainer">'''Akabur'''</span>
| align=center| 4
| align=center| 4
| align=center| Golden Girl
| align=center| '''Golden Girl'''
| align=center| 2
| align=center| 2
| align=center| Helen Parr
| align=center| '''Helen Parr'''
| align=center| 2
| align=center| 2
Line 344: Line 851:
File:ABC18_Design_A.png|'''[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]''' <br> '''<span style="color: #168000; font-size: 100%">Best Kits</span>''' <br>
File:ABC18_Design_A.png|'''[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]''' <br> '''<span style="color: #168000; font-size: 100%">Best Kits</span>''' <br>
File:ABC18_Design_A.png|'''[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]''' <br> '''<span style="color: #168000; font-size: 100%">Best New Player</span>''' <br> '''Bowsette'''
File:ABC18_Design_A.png|'''[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]''' <br> '''<span style="color: #168000; font-size: 100%">Best New Player</span>''' <br> '''Bowsette'''
File:Summer19_C.png|'''[[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]''' <br> ''' <span style="color: #168000; font-size: 100%">At Least You Tried</span>''' <br>
File:Summer19_C.png|'''[[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]''' <br> ''' <span style="color: #168000; font-size: 100%">Best Chants</span>''' <br>'''Will Stamper's Ramblings''' <br>
File:ABC19_Design_E.png|'''[[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]''' <br> ''' <span style="color: #168000; font-size: 100%">Least Improved team</span>'''<br>
File:WoC21_Design_E.png|'''[[2021 4chan World Cup]]''' <br> ''' <span style="color: #168000; fone-size: 100%">100TH Own Goal in 4cc History</span>'''<br>

Line 354: Line 865:
File:Accel MC ABC18.png| Accel Art's main girl on /aco/'s Autumn run
File:Accel MC ABC18.png| Accel Art's main girl on /aco/'s Autumn run
File:Timeless-t Bowsette JW SBC19.png| The /aco/ Golds celebrate their team's best-yet performance following the 2019 Spring Cup
File:Timeless-t Bowsette JW SBC19.png| The /aco/ Golds celebrate their team's best-yet performance following the 2019 Spring Cup
File:Jenny by Hype Monster.gif| Pixel Art GIF of the OG Captain and long-time medal, Jenny Wakeman. Art by [https://twitter.com/EroMonsters?s=09 Hype Monster].
File:Aco squad by JakkMau5.png| The Front Five of /aco/'s Summer 19 squad. Art by [https://twitter.com/jakkmau5 JakkMAU5].

Latest revision as of 02:44, 4 February 2025

Destroying your Childhood since 2015
Aco logo.png
/aco/ - Adult Cartoons
Founded April, 2018
Manager Sue & Helen Parr
Owner Tom Fulp
IRL manager GuyF !dTxRGu/EaW
Team colors
Chat color 222222
Censored Black
Ranking 22 (decrease 5)
Highest rank 13 (4 Februrary 2024)
Lowest rank 58 (14 Oct 2018)
Top scorer Shygal (11)
Top assister Jenny Wakeman (7)
Captain Shygal
Website /aco/ - Adult Cartoons
Nickname /aco/lytes, pe/aco/cks, /aco/rns
Home ground The Goop Zone
Historic performance
22 9 34 65 33.85%
113 125 -12
Biggest win
/aco/ Aco icon.png 6–2 Vp icon.png /vp/
July 27, 2024
Biggest defeat
/w/ W icon.png 4–0 Aco icon.png /aco/
April 24, 2020
First match
/3/ 3 icon.png 2–0 Aco icon.png /aco/
April 28, 2018
Elite Cup
Appearances 3 (First in Summer 2019)
Best result 9th, Winter 2024 and Summer 2024
Babby Cup
Appearances 10 (First in Autumn 2018)
Best result 6th, Autumn 2023
Team music
Anthem La La Labia
Victory Anthem Soft Cell - Tainted Love

Goal horn Dance Through the Danger
First Goal vs Red Boards Welcome to the Cum Zone
Shygal Goalhorn Baby Got DLC
Gobbo Goalhorn Shortstack Records
Home kit Acoaway-2018abc.png
Away kit Aco away kit 2022 spring babby cup.png
Goalkeeper kit Aco gk kit 2018 autumn babby cup.png
Third kit Acokit3.png

Welcome to Aco icon.png /aco/, the Adult Cartoons board of 4chan. We work hard, we play hard. With a turbulent history in the cup, we simply strive to spread our love of porn. We LOVE porn.

Through our time on /aco/, we have discovered so many forms of porn. You get up in the morning, you boot up your shitty PC, and you see a busty blonde woman who thinks half as hard as you do take more cock than a hooker. Bimbo porn.

You scroll down, and you find a new thread that catches your eye. And it just so happened to be a thread depicting women 3d modeled and fucked. SFM Porn.

But then, you open the thread and find out the only images being posted are of women with cocks. Futa porn.

Then you try to turn your masturbation into a game, but then all the anons start arguing what's a good boon or what's a bad drawback. CYOA Porn.

You scroll to the bottom, and decide to relax by paying an artist to draw your porn: "Who draws the porn?", "Who's in the porn?", "How much will the porn cost?". Commissioned Porn.

What I am telling you, my fellow 4CC players, is that /aco/lytes are purveyors of porn. And with you help over the years, we are now at the pitch of the legendary 4chan Cup. You see, I want more porn. More bimbo porn, more sfm porn, more futa porn, more CYOA porn... But certainly no eastern porn! (We've been separated for 6 years.) What we want is porn that only we can admire. True cartoon porn! We're not containment! We're the board you've all been waiting for! WE! WANT! WESTERN!! PORN!!!

Important Links



In-depth Info & Analytics

/aco/ Roster Polls
Full Roster Page

Current Squad

No. Position Player
Billy icon.png Buenos Dias, Mandy
Ruby icon.png Only watches for the Porn
Raven icon.png Raven
SGirl icon.jpg Top Nut
Bowsette icon.png Rule 63 Queen
AcoJustice icon.png Justice: The Awesome Demon
Kim icon.png Kim Possible
Impartist icon.png >artist
Jennyw icon.png Built for Rock Cock
Gobbo.png Gobbo
Shygal icon.png Shygal Captain
No. Position Player
Duck icon.png That Fuckin’ Duck
Queent icon.png Queen of Duckphiles
Alex icon.png The Writers Barely Disguised Fetish
Tips icon.jpg Pizza Thot
Xenophilia icon.png Xenophilia
Harly icon.png Clussy
Paidie icon.png Paid in Exposure
Shantae icon.png Shantae
Frankie icon.png Frankie Foster
2dwegsurvivor icon.png /2dweg/ Survivor
Touchtc icon.png Touch the Cow
AcoProjektMelody icon.png Projekt Melody

Team Staff


Team History

How shad things really are.jpeg

The Spring Abortion: "How to Field a Team with Lopsided Bosoms in 3 Easy Steps"

Discussion was had of an /aco/ 4CC team for roughly a year and a half before one fateful thread with oodles of interest and ideas finally sparked Fifz to officially found the team in early 2018, with IJC hired as the manager of the team. The chaos that was /aco/'s organization left the team looking a little rough around the edges, but there was a certain charm to the squad they carried with them into their inaugural competition, the 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers. Four teams entered the qualifiers, and only one would leave. The first /aco/ match was a cagey affair, with eventual 9-point team 3 icon.png /3/ assuming control with a 2-0 spanking of the cup newcomers. If /aco/ wanted to avoid abortion, they'd have to up their game. The next match pitted ya chicks against fellow 8th Founding newbie Bant icon.png /bant/. Xenophilia scored the very first /aco/ goal in the team's history, and sealed three points for the squad in the competition. Things were looking up! /bant/ had just gotten beaten by /3/ and there was a very real possibility for /aco/ to promote to the Babby Cup proper if they didn't lose against mouth-breathing Gif icon.png /gif/.

They lost. Hard. To mouth-breathing /gif/.

Waving their fellow qualifier teams good luck in the Babby-Elite cycle, /aco/ returned to the drawing board for the Summer, hatching new schemes to squeeze money out of horny commissioners and build a better team. Following the 2018 Summer Cup, the roster was shaken up fiercely, the music changed to meet that hip bump'n'grind kinda feel, and cup """veteran""" Andy was brought on as co-manager. This new /aco/ squad found great success in two Friendly wins over Bant icon.png /bant/ and Wsg icon.png /wsg/; surely a portent of things to come! As the leaves turn brown and descend to the ground, the girls of /aco/ don their virgin-killing sweaters, stress out way too much about #Inktober, and look to earn their bye into the Autumn Cup.

Autumn's Boner-Chilling Reality Sets In: The /aco/ Girls find redemption!

Accel MC ABC18.png

Due to a gracious ruling by the 4CCC, /aco/ was granted a free bye into the 2018 Autumn Cup without need of playing in the qualifiers. The curvy lasses were stripped down and dolled up with the finest in Korean Animation Studio uniforms, and began their first 4chan Cup proper. Drawn into Group E, they were tasked with facing the freedom-loving nerds of G icon.png /g/, Pokegirl home base Vp icon.png /vp/, and hot glue repository Toy icon.png /toy/. Pre-cup it seemed like all four teams would be evenly matched, barely an inch determining who'd be left standing to go to the Round of 16. These predictions were mostly true, as /g/, /vp/, and /aco/ fought for their lives against each other, starting with a brutal 0-0 draw between /aco/lytes and /g/men. This match was a battle of keepers, and BUENOS DIAS, MANDY proved his worth to goaltend alongside more seasoned keepers in the competition, earning 7 saves in one game. Next up was /vp/, who was hot to trot after their 11-goal barn burner with /toy/. What followed were big plays and big hits; big saves and big tits, but despite monumental efforts by Shygal and Bowsette to connect a pass up front from any means necessary, /vp/ eeked out their victory 1-0. Things looked bleak for /aco/, it was likely that /g/ would compete with /vp/ and any result other than a Pokemon victory would show /aco/ the door regardless of their performance against /toy/.

However there was one snippy boi on /vp/ who took up the challenge and secured a victory for /vp/ in the dying moments of their game against /g/, giving /aco/ a chance to advance if they could put four unanswered goals past Optimus Prime and his grabby gal Ham Hands. Many dismissed the idea, as even though /toy/ had done nothing but let goals in, /aco/ hadn't put the ball in the net once all tournament. The two teams shuffled into the arena, the anthems were played, the whistles blown, and sixteen minutes in, Bowsette smashed one into /toy/'s net. The schedule was set, four goals before 90', one down. Another 16 minutes later, two down. /toy/ continued to huddle up and swap their gameplan around, looking to do anything in their power to spoil /aco/'s parade. The match raged on, no one giving an inch, the scoreline read 2-0 on the jumbotron but to /ourgirls/, it read "ELIMINATION". Disaster struck on that pitch, in the 79th minute, with Optimus Prime's mighty boot following up a valiant charge into the /aco/ box. Ten minutes left with three goals separating /aco/ from Winter. These odds didn't put /aco/ in a corner, it ignited them. Attack after attack followed, each one demanding full respect of the /toy/ defense. Exhausted, they weren't up to the challenge, allowing two more from Mexico-chan and Helen Parr. Revved up and ready to go, /aco/'s dreams were crushed by a bleating whistle. The final scoreline was 4-1; /aco/ had been eliminated on Goals For in favor of /g/.

Dreams sullied and hopes dashed, the long walk began back to the locker room. Waiting for them were four medals, post-cup awards. Despite their early shakiness, /aco/ had succeeded in impressing the 4chan Cup community, winning awards for their efforts (specifically Bowsette's), their Korean-made uniforms, and Bowsette's goalhorn. Weighed down by the medals was a letter from the commissioner, "If someone fucks up you're in Winter". 17th place was a far cry from the literal bottom-of-the-barrel performance of Spring; it was a huge step in the right direction. With the format of future competitions uncertain and new hot 'n sexy cartoons in the oven for 2019, the /aco/ team sucked down their tequila all the way home, chanting "SEVENTEENTH AIN'T SO BAD" and laughing about how they were going to rock the cup next time, whenever that may be.

2019 Blooms And It Asks, "Qui ç'est la 'Best Waifu'?"

In the month leading to the Spring competition, /aco/ manager Sue hired a number of new girls to the team to match recent trends, including a memorial to the Tumblr Exodus in the form of Newgrounds.com's own Tankman. Mexico-chan also abdicated her title of Captain to a promoted Bowsette, and the whole team tearfully waved goodbye to veteran Helen Parr, who's hype subsided after her lackluster film. Manager Sue would sign Helen as her new co-manager to help oversee team developments. A new world of football awaited /aco/, and they trained to take the challenge the best way they can, pelvis-first.

Timeless-t Bowsette JW SBC19.png

Drawn into Group A alongside fellow new-ish team P icon.png /p/, the crowd-shaking fan favorite (to hate or love, your choice) Sp icon.png /sp/, and the board's big brother Co icon.png /co/, /aco/ were slotted to crack open the 4CC's inaugural PES18 Babby Cup with family, the aforementioned /co/. In traditional /aco/ fashion, the girls got blathered, but Bowsette's form stayed true from their /toy/ spanking and put one past Gaston. Sue and Helen poured over all possible means to beat their next opponent, the /p/hotographers, as a loss would certainly mean doom for hopes at an Elite Cup appearance in July. As the stars would have it, esteemed porn tracer Greg Land was called in to fill out the >artist slot for the match. His unique brand of fucking cheating at art earned /aco/ their first lead in the tournament, followed by a pair of goals from Gold Medals Jenny Wakeman and Bowsette. /p/ were defeated three-nil, a huge boost to morale for the squad. At the end of the match, Helen ran the numbers with her star players; a win or draw against /sp/ would mean /aco/'s first ever knockout appearance. Beating their bosoms and screaming about the color of Pokegirl skins, the girls prepared for their match against the /sp/artans.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Bowsette met at center pitch that morning, shook hands, and the match was on. Bowsette immediately stormed the left wing of the /sp/ box and rocketed a fucking screamer past the /sp/ keeper. For a moment there, just before the goalhorn played, time stopped. A degenerate Rule 63 meme had suddenly taken one of the most respected and mighty teams in the competition and brought it to its knees. Rallying the goats against the childhood-destroyers was superstar TSUUUUUUUU, who quickly paid /aco/ back in kind with a goal of his own.

Blood was on the turf.

Sensing a weakness in the /sp/ moral fiber, Phantasma whipped out her fat fucking badonkadonks to stun the /sp/ defense. She lined up her shot and didn't lose her way to her first ever goal. The crowd went berserk, and so did Ronaldo-sama. Just last year his squad had finished second in the Summer Cup, and here he was, about to be denied even an appearance, by some tranny turtle and a ghost with a bad haircut. Brutalizing the /aco/ defense, he earned another goal to make the score 2-all. In just 40 minutes, the story of the match was told. Vicious attacks and crunching tackles followed. Shadman took a bat to the face from Costanza, Skarpne choked out 18-1 with mayonnaise, and someone, somewhere, didn't masturbate to hockey. Sue and Helen clutched each other's hands as the final seconds ticked. The /sp/ manager screamed about slipping alone. Heck there was almost an own goal. Finally, the last whistle was called. Bowsette belched a mighty flame from her belly, an inferno of relief and joy. /aco/ had made the knockouts, and in turn, qualified for an Elite Cup for the very first time.

/aco/ were drawn against Fit icon.png /fit/, a squad that had impressed all the way up from the Qualifiers. Just happy to be in the Knockouts, every pass was made jovially and every goal made against the brawny boys was treated like the funniest effort of sports-play one ever did see. Jeff Cavaliere's opener backheel that came from Minus8 forgetting where his feet were was met with cheers from both sides; everyone was just in it for fun, the rough times were finally over. A good match was had all around and /aco/ hugged their swole opponents farewell after losing 3-2, wishing them best in the Quarterfinals the following day. No envelopes promising a light at the end of a dark tunnel waited for them at base camp, but plenty of laughter and merriment were. Summer was coming, fast. They needed to fix their defense, shear up some appearances, and perhaps keep up a scoring streak the record-keepers had noticed Bowsette was beginning to accumulate. The year prior, /aco/ were the laughingstock of the cup, and now they were ready to throw hands with the best of the best in the 2019 4chan Summer Cup.

Summer Strokes - You Can Pick Your Players, But You Can't Pick Your Family

Match History


Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
April 28, 2018 3 icon.png /3/ SBC18 Design G2q.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 0-2 L
April 28, 2018 Bant icon.png /bant/ SBC18 Design G2q.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 1-0 W Xenophilia Goal 69'
April 28, 2018 Gif icon.png /gif/ SBC18 Design G2q.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 1-4 L Chadshad icon.png >shadman Goal 62'
October 27, 2018 G icon.png /g/ ABC18 Design A.png 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-0 D
November 2, 2018 Vp icon.png /vp/ ABC18 Design A.png 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-1 L
November 4, 2018 Toy icon.png /toy/ ABC18 Design A.png 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4-1 W Bowsette icon.png Bowsette Goal 16'32'
Mexicochan icon.png Mexico-chan Goal 85'
Helen Parr Goal 90+5'
May 17, 2019 Co icon.png /co/ SBC19 Design B1.png 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3-1 L Bowsette icon.png Bowsette Goal 65'
May 19, 2019 P icon.png /p/ SBC19 Design B1.png 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3-0 W Impartist icon.png >artist Goal 23'
Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 34'
Bowsette icon.png Bowsette Goal 56'
May 25, 2019 Sp icon.png /sp/ SBC19 Design B1.png 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2-2 D Bowsette icon.png Bowsette Goal 6'
Acoenf icon.png ENF Goal 27'
June 1, 2019 Fit icon.png /fit/ SBC19 Design B1.png 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Round of 16 3-2 L Bowsette icon.png Bowsette Goal 31'
Mexicochan icon.png Mexico-chan Goal 56'
July 20, 2019 His icon.png /his/ Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup 2-5 W Mexicochan icon.png Mexico-chan Goal 17'
Bowsette icon.png Bowsette Goal 21'58'74'
Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 25'
July 26, 2019 Co icon.png /co/ Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup 5-2 L Bowsette icon.png Bowsette Goal 42'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 69'
July 28, 2019 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup 1-1 D Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 82'
October 25, 2019 Trv icon.png /trv/ ABC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-2 L
October 27, 2019 F icon.png /f/ ABC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-3 L
November 2, 2019 Asp icon.png /asp/ ABC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2-3 L Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 40'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 62'
April 11, 2020 Y icon.png /y/ SBC20 Design Aq.png 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 3-0 W Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 4'65'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 35'
April 11, 2020 S4s icon.png /s4s/ SBC20 Design Aq.png 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 1-1 D Jucika icon.png Jucika does NOT Bust Balls Goal 79'
April 12, 2020 An icon.png /an/ SBC20 Design Aq.png 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 1-2 L Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 40'
April 24, 2020 W icon.png /w/ SBC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0-4 L
April 26, 2020 His icon.png /his/ SBC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0-1 L
May 2, 2020 Mu icon.png /mu/ SBC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3-0 W Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 17'49'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 39'
October 24, 2020 Vp icon.png /vp/ ABC20 Design F.png 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1-2 L Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 78'
October 30, 2020 A icon.png /a/ ABC20 Design F.png 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3-2 W AcoJustice icon.png Justice Goal 18'
Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 67'
Shygal icon.png ShygalGoal 81'
November 1, 2020 F icon.png /f/ ABC20 Design F.png 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1-2 L Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 11'
July 16, 2021 U icon.png /u/ WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup 2-0 W Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 16'
AcoProjektMelody icon.png Projekt Melody Goal 50'
July 24, 2021 Cm icon.png /cm/ WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup 2-3 L AcoProjektMelody icon.png Projekt Melody Goal 8'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 24'
August 1, 2021 An icon.png /an/ WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup 0-3 L
October 22, 2021 Ck icon.png /ck/ ABC21 Design C.png 2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2-3 L Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 73'78'
October 24, 2021 An icon.png /an/ ABC21 Design C.png 2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3-0 Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 29'90+2'
AcoProjektMelody icon.png Projekt Melody Goal 66'
October 30, 2021 Vr icon.png /vr/ ABC21 Design C.png 2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1-5 L AcoJustice icon.png Justice Goal 32'
November 5, 2021 Y icon.png /y/ ABC21 Design C.png 2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1-4 L Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 54'
May 1, 2022 An icon.png /an/ SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1-1 D Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 25'
May 7, 2022 Fit icon.png /fit/ SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2-1 W Ripple Tits Scored 40'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 83'
May 13, 2022 O icon.png /o/ SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0-2 L
May 15, 2022 Wg icon.png /wg/ SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0-1 L
November 4, 2022 Vm icon.png /vm/ ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-2 L
November 6, 2022 His icon.png /his/ ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2-3 L AcoProjektMelody icon.png Projekt Melody Goal 24'77'
November 12, 2022 Int icon.png /int/ ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 5-2 W AcoProjektMelody icon.png Projekt Melody Goal 39'
Mexicochan icon.png Mexico-chan Goal 45+2'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 57'63'87'
April 21, 2023 Fa icon.png /fa/ SBC23 Design Dq.png 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 2-1 W Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 5'
Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 54'
April 22, 2023 W icon.png /w/ SBC23 Design Dq.png 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 3-2 W Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 29'61'
Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 78'
April 23, 2023 R9k icon.png /r9k/ SBC23 Design Dq.png 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 1-4 L Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 72'
May 6, 2023 Sp icon.png /sp/ SBC23 Design D.png 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1-1 D Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 58'
May 12, 2023 A icon.png /a/ SBC23 Design D.png 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1-4 L Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 33'
May 14, 2023 O icon.png /o/ SBC23 Design D.png 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1-0 W Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 23'
October 13, 2023 U icon.png /u/ ABC23 Design Gq.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers 1-1 D Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 21'
October 14, 2023 W icon.png /w/ ABC23 Design Gq.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers 4-0 W Impartist icon.png >artist Goal 11'
Gobbo.png Gobbo Goal 45+1'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 75'86'
October 15, 2023 Vmg icon.png /vmg/ ABC23 Design Gq.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers 0-2 L
October 15, 2023 Pol icon.png /pol/ ABC23 Design Gq.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers 2-1 W Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 27'
Impartist icon.png >artist Goal 78'
October 28, 2023 H icon.png /h/ ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4-4 D Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 10'39'82'
Kim icon.png Kim Possible Goal 90+4'
November 3, 2023 Lit icon.png /lit/ ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2-1 W Chadshad icon.png The Freed Shad Goal 48'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 90+3'
November 5, 2023 Gd icon.png /gd/ ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4-3 W Gobbo.png Gobbo Goal 54'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 65'85'
Impartist icon.png >artist Goal 82'
November 11, 2023 Tg icon.png /tg/ ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4-0 W Gobbo.png Gobbo Goal 12'
Impartist icon.png >artist Goal 38'74'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 90+1'
November 12, 2023 Toy icon.png /toy/ ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3-4 L Impartist icon.png >artist Goal 59'
Gobbo.png Gobbo Goal 65'
Chadshad icon.png The Freed Shad Goal 87'

January 19, 2023 Vst icon.png /vst/ WC24 Design E1.png 2024 4chan Winter Cup 4-2 W Impartist icon.png >artist Goal 12'18'63'
Gobbo.png Gobbo Goal 45+1'
January 21, 2023 His icon.png /his/ WC24 Design E1.png 2024 4chan Winter Cup 2-0 W Queent icon.png Queen of Duckphiles Goal 7'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 53'
January 27, 2024 Vrpg icon.png /vrpg/ WC24 Design E1.png 2024 4chan Winter Cup 0-1 L
February 3, 2024 Mu icon.png /mu/ WC24 Design E1.png 2024 4chan Winter Cup 1-2 L Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 13'
July 19, 2024 Tv icon.png /tv/ SC24 Design C.png 2024 4chan Summer Cup 2-2 D Impartist icon.png >artist Goal 45+1'61'
July 21, 2024 Int icon.png /int/ SC24 Design C.png 2024 4chan Summer Cup 2-3 L Jennyw icon.png Built For Rock Cock Goal 53'77'
July 27, 2024 Vp icon.png /vp/ SC24 Design C.png 2024 4chan Summer Cup 6-2 W Impartist icon.png >artist Goal 21'67'
Jennyw icon.png Built For Rock Cock Goal 45+0'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 63'83'
August 3, 2024 Wsg icon.png /wsg/ SC24 Design C.png 2024 4chan Summer Cup 3-4 (a.e.t) L Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 76'90+1'
AcoJustice icon.png Justice:The Awesome Demon Goal 78'
January 25, 2025 Ck icon.png /ck/ WC25 Design J.png 2025 4chan Winter Cup 2-3 L Queent icon.png Queen of Duckphiles Goal 49'
Gobbo.png Gobbo Goal 75'
January 31, 2025 Y icon.png /y/ WC25 Design J.png 2025 4chan Winter Cup 0-1 L
February 2, 2025 Vmg icon.png /vmg/ WC25 Design J.png 2025 4chan Winter Cup 0-1 L


Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
September 30, 2018 Bant icon.png /bant/ 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 1-0 W Mexicochan icon.png Mexico-chan Goal 89'
October 7, 2018 Wsg icon.png /wsg/ 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 2-1 W Bowsette icon.png BowsetteGoal ??'
Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal ??'
August 25, 2019 D icon.png /d/ 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 2-6 W Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 5'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 16'67'
Mexicochan icon.png Mexico-chan Goal 25'75'
March 14, 2020 I icon.png /i/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 2-2 (2-1 PK) W Bowsette icon.png Bowsette Goal 18'62'
March 21, 2020 H icon.png /h/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 2-2 (4-5 PK) L Bowsette icon.png Bowsette Goal 71'
Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 84'
September 11, 2020 Tg icon.png /tg/ 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 4-2 W Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 2'5'17'
WomenWithVaginas.png Women with Vaginas Goal 58'
September 12, 2020 Toy icon.png /toy/ 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 2-2 (3-4 PK) L Shantae icon.png Shantae Goal 38'59'
September 19, 2020 Adv icon.png /adv/ 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 3-4 L WomenWithVaginas.png Women With Vaginas Goal 10'
Acoenf icon.png ENF Goal 29'
Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 47'
May 1, 2021 Int icon.png /int/ 2021 4chan Spring Friendlies 1-0 W Raven icon.png Raven Goal 78'
May 8, 2021 Co icon.png /co/ 2021 4chan Spring Friendlies 2-3 L Rosie icon.png Rosie Goal 63'
Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman Goal 90+6'
May 9, 2021 D icon.png /d/ 2021 4chan Spring Friendlies 1-1 (1-3 PK) L Rosie icon.png Rosie Goal 45+0'
May 16, 2021 Jp icon.png /jp/ 2021 4chan Spring Friendlies 1-0 W Shygal icon.png Shygal Goal 16'

Tournament History

Competition Win Draw Loss Goals For Goals Against Goal Difference Finish Status Notes
SBC18 Design G2q.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 1 0 2 2 6 -4 4th of 4 steady
ABC18 Design A.png 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 1 1 4 2 +2 17th of 32 steady
SBC19 Design B1.png 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 1 2 8 8 +0 12th of 32 increase First Promotion to Elite
Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup 1 1 1 8 8 +0 17th of 32 decrease
ABC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0 0 3 2 8 -6 32nd of 32 decrease First Trip to the Fetus since the inception of the team
SBC20 Design Aq.png 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 1 1 1 5 3 +2 3rd of 8 increase First Promotion from the Qualifiers without being relegated
SBC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 0 2 3 5 -2 22nd of 32 steady First Time Autopilot, still avoid fetus. For now
ABC20 Design F.png 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 0 2 5 6 -1 22nd of 32 steady Fetus avoided. Not an auto this time. But did play like one due to real life. Same finish
WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup 1 0 2 4 6 -2 48th of 64 steady Very early Own Goal started the ball to a group exit. At least there was one win this cup. Plus this cup does not affect status, so off to Autumn.
ABC21 Design C.png 2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 0 3 7 12 -5 35th of 40 steady Megababby is a no go
SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 1 2 3 5 -2 28th of 40 steady Megababby is a go again
ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 0 2 7 7 0 21st of 32 steady Went back down to 32 teams
SBC23 Design Dq.png 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 2 0 1 6 7 -1 4th of 12 increase Went up from another fetus
SBC23 Design D.png 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 1 1 3 5 -2 21st of 32 steady Couldn't rely on /sp/ beating /a/
ABC23 Design Gq.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers 2 1 1 7 4 3 7th of 12 increase Buenos Dias Mandy decided to show up in the very important last chance qualifying match
ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3 1 1 17 12 5 6th of 32 increase First ever Final Day appearance on our way to a very first Winter Elite Cup
WC24 Design E1.png 2024 4chan Winter Cup 2 0 2 7 5 2 9th of 32 increase First Time staying up in an Elite Cup
SC24 Design C.png 2024 4chan Summer Cup 1 1 2 13 11 2 9th of 32 increase Made it back to back elite KO's for the first time ever, and we took the eventual champions to extra time

Team Statistics


Player Goals Assists MotM
Jennyw icon.png Jenny Wakeman 12 8 4
Shygal icon.png Shygal 12 5 2
Bowsette icon.png Bowsette 10 3 2
AcoProjektMelody icon.png Projekt Melody 3 1 1
Mexicochan icon.png Mexico-chan 3 4 0
AcoJustice icon.png Justice 2 4 0
Impartist icon.png >artist 1 1 0
Acoenf icon.png ENF 1 1 0
Xenophilia 1 0 1
Chadshad icon.png The ChadShad 1 0 0
Jucika icon.png Jucika does NOT Bust Balls 1 0 0
HelenP.png Helen Parr 1 0 0
It's A Little Late for Brexit 0 1 0
Paidie icon.png Paid in Exposure 0 2 0
Shantae icon.png Shantae 0 5 0
Skarpne icon.png The Shark-Toothed Girl 0 2 0
Demencia icon.png Demencia 0 1 0
Rosie icon.png Rosie 0 1 0


Player Saves
Billy icon.png Buenos Dias, Mandy 79
Akabur 4
Golden Girl 2
Helen Parr 2



Legacy Links

ABC18 Export: https://mega.nz/#!a2BlmQIR!BNySLwOSDHEzpHW25Gid2b7oWBBsPygI3PmRZftHxnE
SBC19 Export: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vd4ctusc86j40u7/aco.zip/file
PES13 Export: https://puu.sh/BDeNw/986ec0708d.zip