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(202 intermediate revisions by 19 users not shown)
Line 3: Line 3:
|general= yes
|general= yes
|motto=Pick a god and pray
|motto=Pick a god and pray
|name=Medieval Eugenics Simulator
|name=Medieval Warfare Simulator
|date=April 20, 1990
|date=April 20, 1990
|manager=The Tactitian
|manager=The Tactician
|irl={{Anonymous|SUPERtwinky|!!lu4xpiaxXXJ }}<br>{{Anonymous|Fazoo|}}
|ranking=7 (<small>{{decrease|2}}</small>)
|high_date=July 11,2022
|low_date=December 13,2020
|scorer= Jesus On Wheels
|scorer= Jesus On Wheels
|assister= Anna
|assister= Anna
|assists= ∞  
|assists= ∞  
|w= 6
|w= 27
|d= 6
|d= 15
|l= 10
|l= 32
|win_home= feg
|win_home= hanny
|win_away= mggg
|win_away= feg
|win_score_home= 4
|win_score_home= 0
|win_score_away= 1
|win_score_away= 5
|win_date= December 4, 2016
|win_date= 10 July 2022
|lose_home= ksg
|lose_home= feg
|lose_away= feg
|lose_away= tf2g
|lose_score_home= 6
|lose_score_home= 0
|lose_score_away= 1
|lose_score_away= 7
|lose_date= December 10, 2016
|lose_date= June 11, 2021
|first_home= feg
|first_home= feg
|first_away= ksg
|first_away= ksg
Line 40: Line 40:
|first_score_away= 2  
|first_score_away= 2  
|first_date= December 7, 2013
|first_date= December 7, 2013
|captain=Pr. Marth
|captain=Prince Marth
|color=Dark Blue
|color=Royal Blue
|first_vgl_appearance=VGL 1
|first_vgl_appearance=[[/vg/ League 1]]
|best_vgl_result='''<span style="color:  #B8BCC4; font-size: 100%">2nd</span>'''
|best_vgl_cup=[[/vg/ League 18]]
|a_title= See music section
|a_title= Fire Emblem Seisen no Keifu OST: 2- Fire Emblem Theme
|altanthem2_what= Victory anthem
|gh_title= See music section
|altanthem2_title= Victory is Near
|altanthem3_what= Cup Victory anthem
|altanthem3_title= Fire Emblem Theme Progressive Mashup
|gh_title=Fire Emblem - Super Smash Bros. Melee
|altgh1_what= Sisterfucker 
|altgh1_title= Attack (SS)
|altgh2_what= Punished "Boar" Dimitri
|altgh2_title= Chasing Daybreak
|altgh3_what= Prince Marth
|altgh3_title= Path of the Hero-King
|altgh4_what= Jesus On Wheels
|altgh4_title= Attack (GOTHW)
|nickname = /feg/gots
|nickname = /feg/gots
A team about Fire Emblem. Whoop dee doo.


Anthem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihiVtUSLohk
(Also play this if we win the cup)
==={{team away|feg}}===
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=313 |pos=GK |name=3-13 Archer}}
{{sq start player |no=2 |pos=RB |name=Professional Motherfuckers}}
{{sq start player |no=30 |pos=CB |name= *Grooms You*}}
{{sq start player |no=88 |pos=CB |name=Eugenics}}
{{sq start player |no=58 |pos=LB |name=Jagen}}
{{sq start player |no=0 |pos=DMF |name=Sommie}}
{{sq silver player |no=776 |pos=CMF |name=Kaga {{vice-captain}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=23 |pos=CMF |name=Punished ""Boar"" Dimitri}}
{{sq silver player |no=77 |pos=SS| name=Sisterfucker}}
{{sq silver player |no=757 |pos=SS |name=Jesus on Wheels}}
{{sq gold player |no=420 |pos=CF |name=Prince Marth {{captain}}}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=1 |pos=GK |name=1% Crit}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=LB |name=A FUCKING LEIF}}
{{sq player |no=6 |pos=LB |name=(((Loptrian)))}}
{{sq player |no=6 |pos=CB |name=Char "Sirus 'Not Camus'" Aznable}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=CB |name=Almyran Roach}}
{{sq player |no=9 |pos=CB |name=Burger King}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=RB |name=Anna}}
{{sq player |no=4 |pos=RB |name=Stupid Bitch}}
{{sq player |no=76 |pos=DMF |name=Kelik}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=DMF |name=I HATE SUBHUMANS}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos=CMF |name=YOU'RE GOING TO SACAE}}
{{sq player |no=8 |pos=CMF |name=Brainwash Correction}}
{{sq end}}

Knockouts Anthem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNv-UnN3RvY
=Special Music=
[//www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHx-Vzt-lIw&t=1s Kawaii Merchant Intensifies] Anna/(((Loptyrian))) Goalhorn

Victory Anthem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yULeRiGl2g
[//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KaDjrdlRkY&t Cold steel:Kelik's Theme] Kelik Goalhorn

[//www.youtube.com/watch?v=el93MIxAf-c&t=4s Khuleg Baatar] YOU'RE GOING TO SACAE Goalhorn

Standard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2El0FpgT3s
[//www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhQ5678cJU8 America, Fuck Yeah] Stupid Bitch Goal Horn

Knockouts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMWH50iBL3M
=Team-Specific Music=
Teams With Special Anthems: /2hug/,/aceg/,/dbg/,/drg/,/fg/,/ggg/, all idol and bandgirl related teams,/indie/,/pmmm/,/revue/,skg/,/utg/
Teams With Kit Specific Anthems: All chink and gook teams use Kit 2 and get the hosdian red music

Jesus on Wheels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE0bAOvnNT4
[https://mega.nz/#!HRgQXY5a!K87SVZJwxBlQgGxmj1U6raC3ZqET4w3xKxYAKKYoQd8 Friendlies Export]


{{sq start}}
[https://pastebin.com/suRkLcGL Friendlies pastebin]
{{sq start player |no=#  |pos=GK |name=Wyvern Reinforcements }}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=LB |name=Staff~ Staff~ }}
{{sq start player |no=#  |pos=CB |name= DISGUSTING}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=CB|name=Eugenics }}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=RB |name= OUR BOY }}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=DMF|name=Do My Best! }}
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=CMF |name=Pr. Marth }}
{{sq start player |no=#  |pos=AMF |name=Professional Motherfuckers}}
{{sq gold player |no=#  |pos=SS |name=Anna }}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=CF |name=Sisterfucker }}
{{sq silver player |no=#  |pos=CF |name=Jesus On Wheels }}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=#  |pos=GK |name=HUGE }}
{{sq player |no=#  |pos=RB |name=Sub Human}}
{{sq player |no=# |pos=LB |name= Vantage Lobster}}
{{sq player |no=# |pos=CB |name= {{greentext|treehouse}}}}
{{sq player |no=# |pos=CB |name= Alphonse}}
{{sq player |no=# |pos=CB |name= Kelik }}
{{sq player |no=# |pos=CB |name=Burger King }}
{{sq player |no=# |pos=DMF |name=Jeigan }}
{{sq player |no=#  |pos=DMF |name= Doga}}
{{sq player |no=#  |pos=DMF |name= Dragon Loli}}
{{sq player |no=# |pos=AMF |name=Watch Your Back }}
{{sq player |no=# |pos=AMF |name=Bunny Xander }}
{{sq end}}

==Roster Description==
=Match History=
{| class="wikitable" width=72%
{| class="wikitable"
! Player !! {{greentext|de scription}}
| Pr. Marth || Because King Marth is a bitch.
| Anna || /feg/ is just 100G short of that 1,000,000G bribe Anna wanted.  Hopefully she won't hold it against us.
| Jesus On Wheels || Though he's been demoted to a slightly lesser role after suffering some burn wounds and a minor case of death, Sigurd's ghost is here to guide /feg/ in attack.
| Professional Motherfuckers || The new Ninja motherfuckers are cool, but no one can replace Cain and Abel
| Sisterfucker || "I guess Sisters are my weakness"
| OUR BOY || ROY'S OUR BOY, and we couldn't be more ashamed.
| Eugenics || {{greentext|letting your units marry for love}}<br>It's like you want their children to be crippled.
| Staff~ Staff~ || Hoshido imouto is best imouto
| Bunny Xander ||  The colorful eggs hide his sorrow.  Rip Nohr Imouto
| Do My Best || Nino is here to do her best for /feg/ thank to FE Heroes.  Deep down she hasn't forgiven you for making her kill her entire family twice in FE7
| Wyvern Reinforcements || There are at least 13 wyvern riders hiding behind each word in this description.  As soon as you finish reading it, they will jump out and kill your healer.
| HUGE || Always promote Amelia to general.
| Vantage Lobster || Hoshido's main lord tastes great with butter.  Now with VANTAGE!
| Sub Human || Bleed the half breed!
| Jeigan || Jeigan can always be counted on the guide you with helpful advice and slay the first few bosses while the rest of the team gits gud.
| Dragon Loli || B-but officer, she said she was 1000 years old!
| Doga || Doga is back to choke this point once again.
| DISGUSTING || How DARE you insinuate that Ephraim is having an incestuous relationship with his sister!  TL Note: Ephraim is definitely fucking his sister.
| {{greentext|treehouse}} || Don't worry, if ISIS doesn't screw up the new Fire Emblem game, the talented localization team at Nintendo of America will!
| Watch Your Back || Hello friend, watch your back in this battle!
!style="background:#9999FF;color:#000000"| Date
!style="background:#9999FF;color:#000000"| Opponent
| Alphonse} || The protagonist of FE Heroes
!style="background:#9999FF;color:#000000"| Competition
!style="background:#9999FF;color:#000000"| Result
| Kelik || MC of the "greatest" FE romhack of all time.  Starts as a memeadon, then promotes into an edgemaster.
!style="background:#9999FF;color:#000000"| Scorers
| Burger King || One such as you cannot stop him.
==Match History==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width=74%
! Date
! Opponent
! Competition
! Result
! Scorers

{{mh match
{{mh match
Line 168: Line 139:
|comp= [[/vg/ League 1]]
|comp= [[/vg/ League 1]]
|score=1-2 ||wld=L
|score=1-2 ||wld=L
|scorers=Pr. Marth {{goal|45+}}
corers=Pr. Marth {{goal|45+}}
{{mh match
{{mh match
Line 216: Line 188:
|opp=  pdg
|opp=  pdg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 3]]
|comp= [[/vg/ League 3]]
|score=1-2 ||wld=W
|score=2-1 ||wld=W
|scorers=Pr. Marth {{goal|23}}<br>Jesus on Wheels {{goal|36}}
|scorers=Pr. Marth {{goal|23}}<br>Jesus on Wheels {{goal|36}}
Line 316: Line 288:
|score=1-6 ||wld=L
|score=1-6 ||wld=L
|scorers=Jesus On Wheels {{goal|79}}
|scorers=Jesus On Wheels {{goal|79}}
{{mh match
|date= 2017-06-09
|opp=  hsg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 8]]
|score=2-7 ||wld=L
|scorers=Sisterfucker {{goal|45+3}}<br>Jesus On Wheels {{goal|73}}
{{mh match
|date= 2017-06-11
|opp=  fgg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 8]]
|score=1-1 ||wld=D
|scorers=Anna {{goal|23}}
{{mh match
|date= 2017-06-17
|opp=  llsifg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 8]]
|score=0-0 ||wld=D
{{mh match
|date= 2017-09-16
|opp=  pg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 9 Friendlies]]
|score=1-0 ||wld=W
|scorers=Jesus On Wheels {{goal|26}}
{{mh match
|date= 2017-09-24
|opp=  fgog
|comp= [[/vg/ League 9 Friendlies]]
|score=0-3 ||wld=L
{{mh match
|date= 2017-12-01
|opp=  lolg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 9]]
|score=2-3 ||wld=L
|scorers=Anna {{goal|6}}<br>Pr. Marth {{goal|30}}
{{mh match
|date= 2017-12-03
|opp=  ddg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 9]]
|score=2-2 ||wld=D
|scorers=Jesus On Wheels {{goal|57}}<br>Sisterfucker {{goal|69}}
{{mh match
|date= 2017-12-09
|opp=  skg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 9]]
|score=1-1 ||wld=D
|scorers=Anna {{goal|84}}
{{mh match
|date= 2018-06-03
|opp=  digi
|comp= [[/vg/ League X]]
|score=3-2 ||wld=W
|scorers=Jesus On Wheels {{goal|11||25}}<br>Anna {{goal|50}}
{{mh match
|date= 2018-06-09
|opp=  d2g
|comp= [[/vg/ League X]]
|score=2-2 ||wld=D
|scorers=Anna {{goal|25}}<br>Sisterfucker {{goal|38}}
{{mh match
|date= 2018-06-15
|opp=  drg
|comp= [[/vg/ League X]]
|score=1-2 ||wld=L
|scorers=Anna {{goal|66}}
{{mh match
|date= 2018-06-22
|opp=  lzg
|comp= [[/vg/ League X]]
|score=1-2 ||wld=L
|scorers=Jesus On Wheels {{goal|16}}
{{mh match
|date= 2018-11-24
|opp=  きらら
|comp= [[/vg/ League 11]]
|score=1-2 ||wld=L
|scorers=Pr. Marth {{goal|63}}
{{mh match
|date= 2018-11-30
|opp=  hsg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 11]]
|score=0-1 ||wld=L
{{mh match
|date= 2018-12-09
|opp=  nepgen
|comp= [[/vg/ League 11]]
|score=1-0 ||wld=W
|scorers=Jesus on Wheels {{goal|38}}
{{mh match
|date= 2019-06-09
|opp=  vitagen
|comp= [[/vg/ League 12]]
|score=1-3 ||wld=L
|scorers=Jesus on Wheels {{goal|83}}
{{mh match
|date= 2019-06-15
|opp=  egg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 12]]
|score=0-5 ||wld=L
{{mh match
|date= 2019-06-21
|opp=  agdg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 12]]
|score=3-2 ||wld=W
|scorers= Jesus on Wheels {{goal|28}}<br> Pr. Marth {{goal|63}}<br> Anna {{goal|90+4}}
{{mh match
|date= 2019-11-24
|opp=  digi
|comp= [[/vg/ League 13]]
|score=3-3 ||wld=D
|scorers= Punished ""Boar"" Dimitri {{goal|8}} <br>Jesus on Wheels {{goal|35}}<br>Paper El {{goal|50}}
{{mh match
|date= 2019-11-30
|opp=  lzg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 13]]
|score=2-6 ||wld=L
|scorers= Anna {{goal|34}}<br>Prince Marth {{goal|77}}
{{mh match
|date= 2019-12-06
|opp=  2hug
|comp= [[/vg/ League 13]]
|score=3-1 ||wld=W
|scorers= Paper El{{goal|32||43}} <br>Anna{{goal|71}}
{{mh match
|date= 2020-06-05
|opp=  lzg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 14]]
|score=4-5 ||wld=L
|scorers= Punished "Boar" Dimitri{{goal|6||30}} <br>Our Boy{{goal|72}} <br>Jesus on Wheels{{goal|80}} 
{{mh match
|date= 2020-06-14
|opp=  2hug
|comp= [[/vg/ League 14]]
|score=4-5 ||wld=L
|scorers= Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|10}}<br>Jesus on Wheels {{goal|45+3}}<br>Paper El {{goal|57}}<br>Professional Motherfuckers {{goal|85}}
{{mh match
|date= 2020-06-20
|opp=  vn
|comp= [[/vg/ League 14]]
|score=5-1 ||wld=W
|scorers= Paper El {{goal|9}}<br>Jesus on Wheels {{goal|33||64}}<br>Prince Marth {{goal|58}}<br>Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|61}}
{{mh match
|date= 2020-11-22
|opp=  fgoalter
|comp= [[/vg/ League 15]]
|score=1-4 ||wld=L
|scorers= Paper El {{goal|19}}
{{mh match
|date= 2020-11-28
|opp=  wtg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 15]]
|score=0-4 ||wld=L
{{mh match
|date= 2020-12-04
|opp=  gbpen
|comp= [[/vg/ League 15]]
|score=2-2 ||wld=D
|scorers= Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|34}}<br>Paper El {{goal|55}}
{{mh match
|date= 2021-05-22
|opp= gfg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 16]]
|score=5-2 ||wld=W
|scorers=  جهاد على عجلات {{goal|10||55}}<br>Kaga {{goal|64||68}}<br>Jegian {{goal|77}}
{{mh match
|date= 2021-05-28
|opp= assg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 16]]
|score=1-1 ||wld=D
|scorers=  جهاد على عجلات {{goal|86}}
{{mh match
|date= 2021-06-06
|opp= hgg2d
|comp= [[/vg/ League 16]]
|score=1-1 ||wld=D
|scorers=  Paper El {{goal|88}}
{{mh match
|date= 2021-06-11
|opp= tf2g
|comp= [[/vg/ League 16]]
|score=0-7 ||wld=L
{{mh match
|date= 2021-11-28
|opp= dbg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 17]]
|score=0-3 ||wld=L
{{mh match
|date= 2021-12-04
|opp= aceg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 17]]
|score=1-2 ||wld=L
|scorers=  Sisterfucker {{goal|49}}
{{mh match
|date= 2021-12-10
|opp= gfg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 17]]
|score=4-3 ||wld=W
|scorers=  جهاد على عجلات {{goal|32||65}}<br>Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|39}}<br>Sisterfucker {{goal|70}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-06-18
|opp= mjg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 18]]
|score=4-3 ||wld=W
|scorers= Sisterfucker {{goal|28||48}}<br>Jesus on Wheels {{goal|53}}<br>Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|59}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-06-24
|opp= smtg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 18]]
|score=1-0 ||wld=W
|scorers= Sisterfucker {{goal|13}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-07-03
|opp= gig
|comp= [[/vg/ League 18]]
|score=3-1 ||wld=W
|scorers= Sisterfucker {{goal|6}} <br>Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|28}} <br>Prince Marth {{goal|87}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-07-09
|opp= psg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 18]]
|score=3-0 ||wld=W
|scorers= Scion Of Light {{goal|35}} <br>The Hero King {{goal|56}} <br>Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|72}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-07-10
|opp= mjg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 18]]
|score=4-3 ||wld=W
|scorers= Kaga {{goal|23}} {{goal|30}} <br>Scion Of Light {{goal|37}} {{goal|120+1}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-07-10
|opp= hanny
|comp= [[/vg/ League 18]]
|score=5-0 ||wld=W
|scorers= Sisterfucker {{goal|13}} {{goal|25}} <br>The Hero King {{goal|16}}<br>Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|68}}<br>Scion Of Light {{goal|81}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-07-10
|opp= akg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 18]]
|score=4-2 ||wld=L
|scorers=Scion Of Light {{goal|66}}<br>Sisterfucker {{goal|84}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-11-26
|opp= alg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 19]]
|score=1-3 ||wld=L
|scorers=Jesus on Wheels {{goal|62}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-12-02
|opp= utg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 19]]
|score=3-1 ||wld=W
|scorers=Sisterfucker {{goal|26}}<br>Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|36}}<br>Jesus on Wheels {{goal|45+0}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-12-11
|opp= digi
|comp= [[/vg/ League 19]]
|score=2-0 ||wld=W
|scorers=Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|51}}<br>FUCK RECOLORS {{owngoal|85}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-12-16
|opp= fgog
|comp= [[/vg/ League 19]]
|score=3-3 (5-6 PK) ||wld=L
|scorers=Sisterfucker {{goal|16||64}}<br>Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|70}}
{{mh match
|date= 2023-06-11
|opp= dbg
|comp= [[/vg/ League X-2]]
|score=5-2 ||wld=W
|scorers=Prince Marth {{goal|24||45+2||70||83}}<br>Sisterfucker {{goal|72}}
{{mh match
|date= 2023-06-17
|opp= ddlc
|comp= [[/vg/ League X-2]]
|score=2-1 ||wld=W
|scorers=Word of the Thread {{owngoal|7}}<br>Prince Marth {{goal|69}}
{{mh match
|date= 2023-06-23
|opp= digi
|comp= [[/vg/ League X-2]]
|score=3-0 ||wld=W
|scorers=Jesus on Wheels {{goal|7}}<br>Prince Marth {{goal|19}}<br>Sisterfucker {{goal|90+0}}
{{mh match
|date= 2023-07-01
|opp= gbfg
|comp= [[/vg/ League X-2]]
|score=4-3 (a.e.t.) ||wld=W
|scorers=Prince Marth {{goal|7||48}}<br>Jesus on Wheels {{goal|28}}<br>You're going to Sacae {{goal|115}}
{{mh match
|date= 2023-07-02
|opp= lcg
|comp= [[/vg/ League X-2]]
|score=1-4 ||wld=L
|scorers=Sisterfucker {{goal|76}}
{{mh match
|date= 2023-11-25
|opp= vn
|comp= [[/vg/ League 21]]
|score=1-4 ||wld=L
|scorers=Prince Marth{{goal|37}}
{{mh match
|date= 2023-12-1
|opp= @
|comp= [[/vg/ League 21]]
|score=3-4 ||wld=L
|scorers=Punished "Boar" Dimitri {{goal|17}}<br>Prince Marth{{goal|28||40}}
{{mh match
|date= 2023-12-10
|opp= pg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 21]]
|score=2-0 ||wld=W
|scorers=Kaga {{goal|60}}<br>Prince Marth{{goal|80}}
=== Unofficial Matches ===
{| class="wikitable" width=72%
!style="background:#9999FF;color:#000000"| Date
!style="background:#9999FF;color:#000000"| Opponent
!style="background:#9999FF;color:#000000"| Competition
!style="background:#9999FF;color:#000000"| Result
!style="background:#9999FF;color:#000000"| Scorers
{{mh match
|date= 2019-09-28
|opp=  tnm
|comp= [[/vg/ League 13 Friendlies]]
|scorers= Cocktria {{goal|16}}<br> Jesus on Wheels {{goal|83}}
{{mh match
|date= 2019-10-05
|opp=  llsifg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 13 Friendlies]]
|score=3-3 ||wld=D
|scorers= Pr. Marth {{goal|14}}<br>Jesus on Wheels {{goal|51}}<br>Anna {{goal|90+5}}
{{mh match
|date= 2022-09-18
|opp=  fg
|comp= [[/vg/ League 19 Friendlies]]
|score=4-6 (a.e.t||wld=W
|scorers= Jesus on Wheels {{goal|18||32||114}}<br> Sisterfucker {{goal|38||60||105+2}}
Line 325: Line 700:
|description = Both generals blame the other for the abomination that is #FE.  Originally billed as "SMTG vs FE", Nintendo was forced to re-name the game because it was in fact PERSONA SHIT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FE EXCEPT THE FACT THAT THE MIRAGES OR WHATEVER ARE FIRE EMBLEM CHARACTERS AND TIKI IS A VOCALOID. FUCKING WHY?
|description = Both generals blame the other for the abomination that is #FE.  Originally billed as "SMTG vs FE", Nintendo was forced to re-name the game because it was in fact PERSONA SHIT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FE EXCEPT THE FACT THAT THE MIRAGES OR WHATEVER ARE FIRE EMBLEM CHARACTERS AND TIKI IS A VOCALOID. FUCKING WHY?
|rivalryname = The #FE Derby
|rivalryname = The #FE Derby
|vsrecord    = 0-0-0
|vsrecord    = 1-0-0
{| class="wikitable" width=25%
{| class="wikitable" width=25%
!style="background:#DBE5F1;"| Played
!style="background:#DBE5F1;"| Played  
!style="background:#DBE5F1;"| {{tt|GF|Goals For}}
!style="background:#DBE5F1;"| {{tt|GF|Goals For }}
!style="background:#DBE5F1;"| {{tt|GA|Goals Against}}
!style="background:#DBE5F1;"| {{tt|GA|Goals Against}}
!style="background:#DBE5F1;"| {{tt|GD|Goal Difference}}
!style="background:#DBE5F1;"| {{tt|GD|Goal Difference }}
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0

Line 344: Line 719:
|description = See above, but with 1000X more hate
|description = See above, but with 1000X more hate
|rivalryname = The other #FE Derby
|rivalryname = The other #FE Derby
|vsrecord    = 0-0-0
|vsrecord    = 2-0-0
{| class="wikitable" width=25%
{| class="wikitable" width=25%
Line 353: Line 728:
!style="background:#DBE5F1;"| {{tt|GD|Goal Difference}}
!style="background:#DBE5F1;"| {{tt|GD|Goal Difference}}
| align=center| 2
| align=center| 3
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 3
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 0

/vg/ League II Export: http://www.mediafire.com/download/0qs44getm408h64/FegExport.zip
/vg/ League III Export: [http://puu.sh/d4mKw/64dafa87ce.rar puu.sh/d4mKw/64dafa87ce.rar]
/vg/ League IV Export: https://www.mediafire.com/?m3l7vsel6otobi8
/vg/ League V Export: https://www.mediafire.com/?d11xddetmhb0kr9
/vg/ League VI Export: https://www.mediafire.com/?hpff012tqfxcb4g
/vg/ League VII Export: https://www.mediafire.com/?bcnsk48y5u8eekd
/vg/ League VIII Export: https://www.mediafire.com/?vy7b7jprikqmkx8 (Subject to change up until the deadline)
'''CanadaFag's PotatoBowl 2014:''' Champions
'''CanadaFag's PotatoBowl 2014:''' Champions
<br>'''Test Cup V 21.1:''' 3rd Place
<br>'''VGL 18''' 2nd Place

[[Category:/vg/ League teams]]
[[Category:/vg/ League teams]]

{{navbox vg league}}
{{navbox vg league}}

Latest revision as of 11:29, 16 December 2023

Pick a god and pray
Feg logo.png
/feg/ - Medieval Warfare Simulator
Founded April 20, 1990
Manager The Tactician
Owner Merlinus
IRL manager Managerless
Team colors
Chat color 0d426e
Royal Blue
Ranking 7 (decrease 2)
Highest rank 3 (July 11,2022)
Lowest rank 45 (December 13,2020)
Top scorer Jesus On Wheels (40)
Top assister Anna (∞)
Captain Prince Marth
Website /feg/ - Medieval Warfare Simulator
Nickname /feg/gots
Historic performance
27 15 32 74 36.49%
140 167 -27
Biggest win
/hanny/ Hanny icon.png 0–5 Feg icon.png /feg/
10 July 2022
Biggest defeat
/feg/ Feg icon.png 0–7 Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/
June 11, 2021
First match
/feg/ Feg icon.png 1–2 Ksg icon.png /ksg/
December 7, 2013
/vg/ League
Appearances 21 (First in /vg/ League 1)
Best result 2nd, /vg/ League 18
Team music
Anthem Fire Emblem Seisen no Keifu OST: 2- Fire Emblem Theme
Victory anthem Victory is Near
Cup Victory anthem Fire Emblem Theme Progressive Mashup

Goal horn Fire Emblem - Super Smash Bros. Melee
Sisterfucker Attack (SS)
Punished "Boar" Dimitri Chasing Daybreak
Prince Marth Path of the Hero-King
Jesus On Wheels Attack (GOTHW)
Home kit Feghome-vgl8.png
Away kit Fegaway-vgl8.png
Third kit Fegthird-vgl8.png

A team about Fire Emblem. Whoop dee doo.


Feg icon.png /feg/

No. Position Player
3-13 Archer
Professional Motherfuckers
*Grooms You*
Kaga Vice-captain
Punished ""Boar"" Dimitri
Jesus on Wheels
Prince Marth Captain
No. Position Player
1% Crit
Char "Sirus 'Not Camus'" Aznable
Almyran Roach
Burger King
Stupid Bitch
Brainwash Correction

Special Music

Kawaii Merchant Intensifies Anna/(((Loptyrian))) Goalhorn

Cold steel:Kelik's Theme Kelik Goalhorn

Khuleg Baatar YOU'RE GOING TO SACAE Goalhorn

America, Fuck Yeah Stupid Bitch Goal Horn

Team-Specific Music

Teams With Special Anthems: /2hug/,/aceg/,/dbg/,/drg/,/fg/,/ggg/, all idol and bandgirl related teams,/indie/,/pmmm/,/revue/,skg/,/utg/ Teams With Kit Specific Anthems: All chink and gook teams use Kit 2 and get the hosdian red music


Friendlies Export

Friendlies pastebin

Match History

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
02013-12-07December 7, 2013 Ksg icon.png /ksg/ /vg/ League 1 1-2 L
02013-12-08December 8, 2013 Dng icon.png /dng/ /vg/ League 1 2-2 D Pr. Marth Goal 11'44'
02013-12-14December 14, 2013 Dsg icon.png /dsg/ /vg/ League 1 1-2 L Jesus on WheelsGoal 29'
02014-06-13June 13, 2014 Pdg icon.png /pdg/ /vg/ League 2 0-3 L
02014-06-15June 15, 2014 Gsg icon.png /gsg/ /vg/ League 2 0-1 L
02014-06-20June 20, 2014 Vitagen icon.png /vitagen/ /vg/ League 2 2-0 W Professional Motherfuckers Goal 45'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 80'
02014-12-06December 6, 2014 Domg icon.png /domg/ /vg/ League 3 1-1 D Burger King Goal 83'
02014-12-07December 7, 2014 Pdg icon.png /pdg/ /vg/ League 3 2-1 W Pr. Marth Goal 23'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 36'
02014-12-12December 12, 2014 Xcg icon.png /xcg/ /vg/ League 3 2-1 W Jesus on Wheels Goal 7'45+'
02014-12-13December 13, 2014 Twg icon.png /twg/ /vg/ League 3 0-4 L
02015-06-13June 13, 2015 Mk8g icon.png /mk8g/ /vg/ League 4 2-0 W Pr. Marth Goal 9'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 52'
02015-06-19June 19, 2015 Nepgen icon.png /nepgen/ /vg/ League 4 0-4 L
02015-06-21June 21, 2015 Xcg icon.png /xcg/ /vg/ League 4 3-3 D Pr. Marth Goal 4'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 55'70'
02015-12-05December 5, 2015 Mhg icon.png /mhg/ /vg/ League 5 1-2 L Pr. Marth Goal 84'
02015-12-11December 11, 2015 Twg icon.png /twg/ /vg/ League 5 1-1 D Professional Motherfuckers Goal 30'
02015-12-13December 13, 2015 Kspg icon.png /kspg/ /vg/ League 5 0-0 D
02016-06-04June 4, 2016 Lolg icon.png /lolg/ /vg/ League 6 2-4 L Anna Goal 13'
Professional Motherfuckers Goal 65'
02016-06-10June 10, 2016 Bdog icon.png /bdog/ /vg/ League 6 1-1 D Jesus On Wheels Goal 26'
02016-06-12June 12, 2016 Mgg icon.png /mgg/ /vg/ League 6 3-1 W Anna Goal 5'
Professional Motherfuckers Goal 58'
Pr. Marth Goal 78'
02016-12-02December 2, 2016 Rsg icon.png /rsg/ /vg/ League 7 2-3 L Anna Goal 72'82'
02016-12-04December 4, 2016 Mggg icon.png /mggg/ /vg/ League 7 4-1 W Anna Goal 2'
Dragon Loli Goal 23'36'
Jesus On Wheels Goal 62'
02016-12-10December 10, 2016 Ksg icon.png /ksg/ /vg/ League 7 1-6 L Jesus On Wheels Goal 79'
02017-06-09June 9, 2017 Hsg icon.png /hsg/ /vg/ League 8 2-7 L Sisterfucker Goal 45+3'
Jesus On Wheels Goal 73'
02017-06-11June 11, 2017 Fgg icon.png /fgg/ /vg/ League 8 1-1 D Anna Goal 23'
02017-06-17June 17, 2017 Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/ /vg/ League 8 0-0 D
02017-09-16September 16, 2017 Pg icon.png /pg/ /vg/ League 9 Friendlies 1-0 W Jesus On Wheels Goal 26'
02017-09-24September 24, 2017 Fgog icon.png /fgog/ /vg/ League 9 Friendlies 0-3 L
02017-12-01December 1, 2017 Lolg icon.png /lolg/ /vg/ League 9 2-3 L Anna Goal 6'
Pr. Marth Goal 30'
02017-12-03December 3, 2017 Ddg icon.png /ddg/ /vg/ League 9 2-2 D Jesus On Wheels Goal 57'
Sisterfucker Goal 69'
02017-12-09December 9, 2017 Skg icon.png /skg/ /vg/ League 9 1-1 D Anna Goal 84'
02018-06-03June 3, 2018 Digi icon.png /digi/ /vg/ League X 3-2 W Jesus On Wheels Goal 11'25'
Anna Goal 50'
02018-06-09June 9, 2018 D2g icon.png /d2g/ /vg/ League X 2-2 D Anna Goal 25'
Sisterfucker Goal 38'
02018-06-15June 15, 2018 Drg icon.png /drg/ /vg/ League X 1-2 L Anna Goal 66'
02018-06-22June 22, 2018 Lzg icon.png /lzg/ /vg/ League X 1-2 L Jesus On Wheels Goal 16'
02018-11-24November 24, 2018 きらら icon.png /きらら/ /vg/ League 11 1-2 L Pr. Marth Goal 63'
02018-11-30November 30, 2018 Hsg icon.png /hsg/ /vg/ League 11 0-1 L
02018-12-09December 9, 2018 Nepgen icon.png /nepgen/ /vg/ League 11 1-0 W Jesus on Wheels Goal 38'
02019-06-09June 9, 2019 Vitagen icon.png /vitagen/ /vg/ League 12 1-3 L Jesus on Wheels Goal 83'
02019-06-15June 15, 2019 Egg icon.png /egg/ /vg/ League 12 0-5 L
02019-06-21June 21, 2019 Agdg icon.png /agdg/ /vg/ League 12 3-2 W Jesus on Wheels Goal 28'
Pr. Marth Goal 63'
Anna Goal 90+4'
02019-11-24November 24, 2019 Digi icon.png /digi/ /vg/ League 13 3-3 D Punished ""Boar"" Dimitri Goal 8'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 35'
Paper El Goal 50'
02019-11-30November 30, 2019 Lzg icon.png /lzg/ /vg/ League 13 2-6 L Anna Goal 34'
Prince Marth Goal 77'
02019-12-06December 6, 2019 2hug icon.png /2hug/ /vg/ League 13 3-1 W Paper ElGoal 32'43'
AnnaGoal 71'
02020-06-05June 5, 2020 Lzg icon.png /lzg/ /vg/ League 14 4-5 L Punished "Boar" DimitriGoal 6'30'
Our BoyGoal 72'
Jesus on WheelsGoal 80'
02020-06-14June 14, 2020 2hug icon.png /2hug/ /vg/ League 14 4-5 L Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 10'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 45+3'
Paper El Goal 57'
Professional Motherfuckers Goal 85'
02020-06-20June 20, 2020 Vn icon.png /vn/ /vg/ League 14 5-1 W Paper El Goal 9'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 33'64'
Prince Marth Goal 58'
Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 61'
02020-11-22November 22, 2020 Fgoalter icon.png /fgoalter/ /vg/ League 15 1-4 L Paper El Goal 19'
02020-11-28November 28, 2020 Wtg icon.png /wtg/ /vg/ League 15 0-4 L
02020-12-04December 4, 2020 Gbpen icon.png /gbpen/ /vg/ League 15 2-2 D Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 34'
Paper El Goal 55'
02021-05-22May 22, 2021 Gfg icon.png /gfg/ /vg/ League 16 5-2 W جهاد على عجلات Goal 10'55'
Kaga Goal 64'68'
Jegian Goal 77'
02021-05-28May 28, 2021 Assg icon.png /assg/ /vg/ League 16 1-1 D جهاد على عجلات Goal 86'
02021-06-06June 6, 2021 Hgg2d icon.png /hgg2d/ /vg/ League 16 1-1 D Paper El Goal 88'
02021-06-11June 11, 2021 Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/ /vg/ League 16 0-7 L
02021-11-28November 28, 2021 Dbg icon.png /dbg/ /vg/ League 17 0-3 L
02021-12-04December 4, 2021 Aceg icon.png /aceg/ /vg/ League 17 1-2 L Sisterfucker Goal 49'
02021-12-10December 10, 2021 Gfg icon.png /gfg/ /vg/ League 17 4-3 W جهاد على عجلات Goal 32'65'
Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 39'
Sisterfucker Goal 70'
02022-06-18June 18, 2022 Mjg icon.png /mjg/ /vg/ League 18 4-3 W Sisterfucker Goal 28'48'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 53'
Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 59'
02022-06-24June 24, 2022 Smtg icon.png /smtg/ /vg/ League 18 1-0 W Sisterfucker Goal 13'
02022-07-03July 3, 2022 Gig icon.png /gig/ /vg/ League 18 3-1 W Sisterfucker Goal 6'
Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 28'
Prince Marth Goal 87'
02022-07-09July 9, 2022 Psg icon.png /psg/ /vg/ League 18 3-0 W Scion Of Light Goal 35'
The Hero King Goal 56'
Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 72'
02022-07-10July 10, 2022 Mjg icon.png /mjg/ /vg/ League 18 4-3 W Kaga Goal 23' Goal 30'
Scion Of Light Goal 37' Goal 120+1'
02022-07-10July 10, 2022 Hanny icon.png /hanny/ /vg/ League 18 5-0 W Sisterfucker Goal 13' Goal 25'
The Hero King Goal 16'
Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 68'
Scion Of Light Goal 81'
02022-07-10July 10, 2022 Akg icon.png /akg/ /vg/ League 18 4-2 L Scion Of Light Goal 66'
Sisterfucker Goal 84'
02022-11-26November 26, 2022 Alg icon.png /alg/ /vg/ League 19 1-3 L Jesus on Wheels Goal 62'
02022-12-02December 2, 2022 Utg icon.png /utg/ /vg/ League 19 3-1 W Sisterfucker Goal 26'
Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 36'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 45+0'
02022-12-11December 11, 2022 Digi icon.png /digi/ /vg/ League 19 2-0 W Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 51'
02022-12-16December 16, 2022 Fgog icon.png /fgog/ /vg/ League 19 3-3 (5-6 PK) L Sisterfucker Goal 16'64'
Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 70'
02023-06-11June 11, 2023 Dbg icon.png /dbg/ /vg/ League X-2 5-2 W Prince Marth Goal 24'45+2'70'83'
Sisterfucker Goal 72'
02023-06-17June 17, 2023 Ddlc icon.png /ddlc/ /vg/ League X-2 2-1 W Word of the Thread Scored 7'
Prince Marth Goal 69'
02023-06-23June 23, 2023 Digi icon.png /digi/ /vg/ League X-2 3-0 W Jesus on Wheels Goal 7'
Prince Marth Goal 19'
Sisterfucker Goal 90+0'
02023-07-01July 1, 2023 Gbfg icon.png /gbfg/ /vg/ League X-2 4-3 (a.e.t.) W Prince Marth Goal 7'48'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 28'
You're going to Sacae Goal 115'
02023-07-02July 2, 2023 Lcg icon.png /lcg/ /vg/ League X-2 1-4 L Sisterfucker Goal 76'
02023-11-25November 25, 2023 Vn icon.png /vn/ /vg/ League 21 1-4 L Prince MarthGoal 37'
02023-12-01December 1, 2023 @ icon.png /@/ /vg/ League 21 3-4 L Punished "Boar" Dimitri Goal 17'
Prince MarthGoal 28'40'
02023-12-10December 10, 2023 Pg icon.png /pg/ /vg/ League 21 2-0 W Kaga Goal 60'
Prince MarthGoal 80'

Unofficial Matches

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
02019-09-28September 28, 2019 Tnm icon.png /tnm/ /vg/ League 13 Friendlies 2-1 W Cocktria Goal 16'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 83'
02019-10-05October 5, 2019 Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/ /vg/ League 13 Friendlies 3-3 D Pr. Marth Goal 14'
Jesus on Wheels Goal 51'
Anna Goal 90+5'
02022-09-18September 18, 2022 Fg icon.png /fg/ /vg/ League 19 Friendlies 4-6 (a.e.t W Jesus on Wheels Goal 18'32'114'
Sisterfucker Goal 38'60'105+2'


Smtg logo.png
/smtg/ - The #FE Derby
Both generals blame the other for the abomination that is #FE. Originally billed as "SMTG vs FE", Nintendo was forced to re-name the game because it was in fact PERSONA SHIT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FE EXCEPT THE FACT THAT THE MIRAGES OR WHATEVER ARE FIRE EMBLEM CHARACTERS AND TIKI IS A VOCALOID. FUCKING WHY?
Played GF GA GD
1 1 0 1
Pg logo.png
/pg/ - The other #FE Derby
See above, but with 1000X more hate
Played GF GA GD
2 3 0 3


CanadaFag's PotatoBowl 2014: Champions
Test Cup V 21.1: 3rd Place
VGL 18 2nd Place