The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions. | ||
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used. You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo. | ||
Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg |
Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg |
/vg/ League Foundings
A big appeal to the /vg/ league is the addition of new and exciting teams every competition, representing your favorite video games from the tall to the small.
First Founding
Teams introduced in the first /vg/ league
Highest Efficiency: /igg/ - 53.85%
Lowest Efficiency: /srg/ - 20%
Leagues won: 5
/vg/ Medal Reps: 20
Second Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 2
The following team renamed itself for this tournament:
Highest Efficiency: /ttgg/ - 75%
Lowest Efficiency: /domg/ - 27.78%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 8
Third Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 3
Highest Efficiency: /xcg/ - 59.62%
Lowest Efficiency: /sthg/ - 0%
Leagues won: 3
/vg/ Medal Reps: 12
Fourth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 4
The following team renamed itself for this tournament:
Highest Efficiency: /hsg/ - 45.83%
Lowest Efficiency: /mk8g/ - 16.67%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 3
Fifth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 5
Highest Efficiency: /ffg/ - 56.52%
Lowest Efficiency: /lisg/ - 0%
Leagues won: 2
/vg/ Medal Reps: 3
Sixth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 6
The following team renamed itself for this tournament:
Highest Efficiency: /gerg/ - 87.50%
Lowest Efficiency: /bbg/ - 0%
Leagues won: 2
/vg/ Medal Reps: 3
Seventh Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 7
Highest Efficiency: /sog/ - 60%
Lowest Efficiency: /ss13g/ and
/tfg/ - 22.22%
Leagues won: 1
/vg/ Medal Reps: 3
Eighth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 8
Highest Efficiency: /agdg/ - 42.86%
Lowest Efficiency: /svg/ - 10%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 2
Ninth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 9
Highest Efficiency: /dbg/ - 51.02%
Lowest Efficiency: /indie/ - 17.14%
Leagues won: 3
/vg/ Medal Reps: 6
Xth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League X
Highest Efficiency: /mcg/ - 60%
Lowest Efficiency: /alg/ - 13.79%
Leagues won: 1
/vg/ Medal Reps: 4
Eleventh Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 11
The following team renamed itself for this tournament:
Highest Efficiency: /gfg/ - 39.47%
Lowest Efficiency: /fhg/ - 0%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 1
Twelfth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 12
Highest Efficiency: /trg/ - 50%
Lowest Efficiency: /gbpen/ - 36.36%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 1
Thirteenth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 13
Highest Efficiency: /mjg/ - 59.26%
Lowest Efficiency: /kfg/ and
/tekgen/ - 33.33%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 1
Fourteenth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 14
Highest Efficiency: /akg/ - 65.71%
Lowest Efficiency: /revue/ - 28.57%
Leagues won: 1
/vg/ Medal Reps: 4
Fifteenth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 15
Highest Efficiency: /hgg2d/ - 75.00%
Lowest Efficiency: /assg/ - 44.44%
Leagues won: 2
/vg/ Medal Reps: 3
Sixteenth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 16
Highest Efficiency: /gig/ - 40%
Lowest Efficiency: /dlg/ and
/eftg/ - 0%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 0
Seventeenth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 17
Highest Efficiency: /uma/ - 16.67%
Lowest Efficiency: /htg/ - 0%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 0
Eighteenth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 18
Highest Efficiency: /bag/ - 47.62%
Lowest Efficiency: /forza/ - 40%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 0
Nineteenth Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 19
Highest Efficiency: /vgt/ - 50%
Lowest Efficiency: /pcrg/ - 33.33%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 0
X-2nd Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League X-2
Highest Efficiency: /lcg/ - 61.54%
Lowest Efficiency: /nikg/ - 33.33%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 1
Twenty-first Founding
Teams introduced in /vg/ League 21
Highest Efficiency: /smbg/ - 80%
Lowest Efficiency: /hsrg/ and
/omg/ - 33.33%
Leagues won: 0
/vg/ Medal Reps: 0