Difference between revisions of "/sci/"

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(658 intermediate revisions by 17 users not shown)
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|team= sci
|team= sci
|motto= What has science done?
|motto= What has science done?
|name= Science and Math
|name= Science & Math
|date= Jan. 6, 2012
|date= Jan. 6, 2012
|manager= John Urschel
|manager= John Urschel
|irl= Head Manager:
|irl={{Anonymous|Yuyukow|!!EOZVjSE1Oud}} <br>
{{Anonymous|Lab Coat|!!xjloyu2m+mY}}
Co-managers: {{Anonymous|Ordinate|!!TxrSE+XU35V}}
|color1= 0047AB
|color1= 0047AB
|color2= 000000
|color2= 000000
|ranking= 9 <small>({{decrease|2}})</small>
|ranking= 4 <small>({{increase|2}})</small>
|high_ranking= 7
|high_ranking= 4
|high_date= August 2017
|high_date= August 2018
|low_ranking= 54
|low_ranking= 54
|low_date= November 2016
|low_date= November 2016
|scorer= Bill Nye
|scorer= Shinichi Mochizuki
|goals = 37
|goals = 63
|assister= Richard Feynman
|captain= Shinichi Mochizuki
|assists = 38
|w= 24
|captain= You SHOULD be able to solve this
|d= 19
|w= 57
|l= 30
|d= 32
|gf= 118
|l= 63
|ga= 131
|gf= 264
|ga= 290
|win_home= sci
|win_home= sci
|win_away= diy
|win_away= diy
Line 42: Line 40:
|first_score_away= 0
|first_score_away= 0
|first_date= February 11, 2012
|first_date= February 11, 2012
|first_elite_appearance=[[2012 4chan Summer Cup]]
|first_elite_appearance=[[2012 4chan Summer Cup]]
|best_elite_cup=[[2017 4chan Summer Cup]]
|best_elite_cup=[[2024 4chan Winter Cup]]
|babby_cup_appearances= 7
|babby_cup_appearances= 17
|first_babby_appearance=[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|first_babby_appearance=[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|best_babby_result='''<span style="color: #cd7f32; font-size: 100%">3rd</span>'''
|best_babby_result='''<span style="color: #ffd700; font-size: 100%">1st</span>'''
|best_babby_cup=[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|best_babby_cup=[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
|hex= 0047AB
|hex= 0047AB
|color= Cobalt Blue
|color= Cobalt Blue
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws6HPTom2AY
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws6HPTom2AY
|a_title= The Science Rap - Ali G
|a_title= The Science Rap G
|alt_title= Glorious Dawn
|altanthem1_title= Glorious Dawn <br>
|altanthem1_what= Victory Anthem
|altanthem1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSgiXGELjbc
|altanthem2_title= Hacking to the Gate <br>
|altanthem2_what= You SHOULD be able to solve this MotM
|altanthem2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGM90Bo3zH0
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm-upHSP9KU
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm-upHSP9KU
|gh_title= Weird Science - Oingo Boingo
|gh_title= Weird Science
|altgh1 = www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKTSaezB4p8
|altgh1 = www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKTSaezB4p8
|altgh1_title = Richard Feynman Playing Bongos (Whenever Feynman scores)
|altgh1_title = Richard Feynman Playing Bongos
|altgh2 = www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKO9h-gG4Qg
|altgh1_what = Feynman Goalhorn
|altgh2_title = Elektronik Supersonik - Zlad! (Whenever Sun of Lava/Ice scores)
|altgh2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHIo6qwJarI
|nickname= /sci/entists, The Team of Science, /sci/borgs
|altgh2_title= Go!
|altgh2_what= Wernher von Braun & Musk Goalhorn
|altgh3 = www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov669xFfosg
|altgh3_title = Blinding Lights
|altgh3_what = Comeback Goalhorn
|nickname= /sci/entists, /sci/borgs, The Science Team
|kithome=Scihome sc2015.png
|kithome=Scihome sc2015.png
|kitgk=Sci home goalkeeper kit 2014 spring babby cup.png
|kit5=Sci kit 5 2020 spring babby cup.png
|kit6=Sci kit 6 2021 autumn babby cup.png
|home_ground=The Time Cube
The '''/sci/ football club''' is the sole representative of the '''Science and Math''' board in the 4chan Cup. Originally making their debut in the 2012 Spring Babby Cup and finishing in 3rd, /sci/ have since been characterized by their chaotic style of play and eccentric (and inconsistent) players. This has resulted in the team getting promoted to the elite cups, only to be relegated in the cup after. Founded by {{Anonymous|Lion|!FvAwVR8cv6}} on January 6, 2012 along with a couple of willing anons, the foundations of the team were laid out and set in stone. Although with the accusations of [[/jp/]] that the cup is a money making scheme and that /sci/ hasn't had any success with team sports in real life, fan support has declined.

'''/sci/ now has a discord! Join it at https://discord.gg/E7m8xU2'''
Since the {{tt|dawn of time|January 25th, 2010|}}, anons from far and wide have come to /sci/ to post their IQ and take autism tests. The best and brightest of these pseuds have come together and put forth 23 of their finest memes and beloved scientists to represent them in the 4chan Cup. Over 10 years after the team's founding, the /sci/entists are looking to put their Ph.D's to use and sperg their way into the history books, and after many trials and tribulations the team had achieved victory in the [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2023 Autumn Babby Cup]]. So put down that CS book and get ready to do some real science, brainlet.

==<div style='display:inline-block;width:calc(100% - 100px);background:linear-gradient(to right, #0047AB, #ffffff);font-family:sans-serif;padding:2px;padding-left:10px;border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;font-weight:700'><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Lineup</span></div>==
*'''RGB Colors:''' <span style="color:#0047AB"> Cobalt Blue (0, 71, 171)</span>, Ventablack (0,0,0),<span style="color:#E0E0E0"> Dwarf Star White (255,255,255) </span>
''Main Article:'' [[/sci/ Roster]]  
[[File:Sciteamphoto800pix.png|thumb|600px|left|'''Top:''' Ed Witten, Lying Koreans- 99, Boiling Water, {{greentext|carbon fiber hull}}, Yukariposter , Stephen Hawking <br>
'''Bottom:''' You SHOULD be able to solve this, Richard Feynman (Captain), Shinichi Mochizuki, Wernher von Braun, Norman Wildberger <br>
''Main Article:'' [[/sci/ Roster]]
'''Not pictured''': Secret Italian Supercat (/sci/'s mascot), Black Science Guy (Coming to /sci/: When any Ivy League athlete becomes the MVP of 3 Super Bowls)]]
{| border="0"
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=34 |pos=GK |name=Stephen Hawking}}
|bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top" width="48%"|
{{sq start player |no=43 |pos=LB |name=Cool Science Facts}}
{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
{{sq start player |no=6 |pos=CB |name=Evolutionary Purpose}}
|- style="color:#ffffff; background:#0047AB;"
{{sq start player |no=9 |pos=CB |name=<span style="color: #dd0000; font-size: 100%">>>>/x/</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=18 |pos=RB |name=John von Neumann}}
{{sq silver player |no=8 |pos=DMF |name=Carl Sagan}}
{{sq start player |no=21 |pos=CMF |name=Theory (a gauss)}}
{{sq start player |no=24 |pos={{NewPosition|GK|type=2}}|name=The Phenotype}}
{{sq start player |no=99 |pos=CMF |name=Does 0.999... = 1?}}
{{sq start player |no=17 |pos={{NewPosition|LB|type=2}} |name=Yukariposter}}
{{sq silver player |no=10 |pos=AMF |name=Sun of Lava/Ice}}
{{sq start player |no=20 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=2}}|name={{greentext|carbon fiber hull}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=11 |pos=SS |name= Richard Feynman}}
{{sq start player |no=373 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=2}} |name=Boiling Water}}
{{sq gold player |no=23 |pos=CF |name=Shinichi Mochizuki {{captain}}}}
{{sq start player |no=99 |pos={{NewPosition|RB|type=2}} |name=Lying Koreans - 99}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player |no=44 |pos={{NewPosition|DMF|type=2}} |name=Operation Pooperclip}}
{{sq player |no=|pos=GK |name=Norman Wildberger}}
{{sq start player |no=|pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=2}} |name=Norman Wildberger}}
{{sq player |no=69 |pos=LB |name=Homo Engineer}}
{{sq silver player |no=23 |pos={{NewPosition|AMF|type=2}} |name=Shinichi Mochizuki }}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=LB |name=mEMe Drive}}
{{sq silver player |no=58 |pos={{NewPosition|SS|type=2}}|name=Wernher Von Braun}}
{{sq player |no=3 |pos=CB |name=Triple Integrals}}
{{sq gold player |no=11 |pos={{NewPosition|SS|type=2}} |name=Richard Feynman}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=CB |name=The product rule remains my specialty}}
{{sq gold player |no=15 |pos={{NewPosition|CF|type=2}} |name=You SHOULD be able to solve this{{Captain}}}}
{{sq player |no=4 |pos=CB |name={{greentext|Biology >Hard Science}}}}
{{sq player |no=30 |pos=RB |name=300k Starting}}
| width="1%" |
{{sq player |no=0 |pos=RB |name=Brainlet}}
|bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top" width="48%"|
{{sq player |no=5 |pos=CMF |name=Spectrum}}
{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
{{sq player |no=20 |pos=CMF |name={{tt|GauB|Gauß}}}}
|- style="color:#ffffff; background:#0047AB;"
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=CMF|name={{tt|1+2+3+4+5... equals 1/12|Alternatively call it The Riemann Zeta function}}}}
{{sq player |no=96 |pos=CMF |name=CS Pleb}}
{{sq player |no=34 |pos={{NewPosition|GK|type=2}} |name=Stephen Hawking}}
{{sq player |no=4 |pos={{NewPosition|LB|type=2}} |name=4 Color Retardation}}
{{sq player |no=112 |pos={{NewPosition|LB|type=2}} |name=1+2+3+4+5+.... = -1/12}}
{{sq player |no=22 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=2}} |name=CS Pleb}}
{{sq player |no=5 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=2}} |name={{greentext|biology >hard science}}}}
{{sq player |no=97 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=2}} |name=McDonnell-Douglas Mergercaust}}
{{sq player |no=43 |pos={{NewPosition|RB|type=2}} |name=Cool Science Facts}}
{{sq player |no=96 |pos={{NewPosition|RB|type=2}} |name=Homo Engineer}}
{{sq player |no=9 |pos={{NewPosition|DMF|type=2}} |name=<span style="color: #dd0000; font-size: 100%">>>>/x/}}
{{sq player |no=300 |pos={{NewPosition|DMF|type=2}} |name=300k Starting}}
{{sq player |no=999 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=2}} |name=Does 0.999 = 1?}}
{{sq player |no=8 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=2}} |name=Carl Sagan}}
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}
<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>

''Reserves'': [[/sci/ Reserves]]
==<div style='display:inline-block;width:calc(100% - 100px);background:linear-gradient(to right, #0047AB, #ffffff);font-family:sans-serif;padding:2px;padding-left:10px;border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;font-weight:700'><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> Cup & Match History</span></div>==
''Main Article:'' [[/sci/ History]]
===Team photo===
==== 2024 Summer Cup ====
[[File:Sciteamphoto800pix.png|thumb|600px|center|'''Top:''' Stephen Hawking, Does 0.999... = 1?, >>>/x/, Richard Feynman , Sun of Lava/Ice, John von Neumann <br> '''Bottom:''' Theory (A Gauss), Shinichi Mochizuki (Captain), Carl Sagan, Evolutionary Purpose, Cool Science Facts  <br>
After a fourth place exit in the previous winter, /sci/ was excited for its team to ignite its engines and leave the competition inhaling whatever exhaust products they produced. With a 5-2 win over the previous spring's runner up /sp/ to start the group stage, /sci/ had established itself as a powerhouse on the very heavily offensive PES 16. Such energy would not be seen from /sci/ in the next two matches against /toy/ and /x/, as against the former the attack only managed to secure 2 goals in regulation. This wouldn't have been a problem, /toy/ had only managed to respond once, but then the game would completely fall apart for /sci/ in injury time as Woody and Madoka Titus sunk in two 90+ goals to rob /sci/ of another 3 points. Instead of /sci/ being more or less safe at the top of a 6-6-3-0 group, the game against /x/ had effectively become a must win in order to advance, the only way to move forward on a draw or a loss was is /toy/ could beat /sp/. /sci/ was staring down one of its many white whales, tensions were high as the first half of the game was uneventful but was eventually opened up after Feynman had lodged a penalty kick in the back of /x/'s net, A follow up by You SHOULD be able to solve this a few minutes later had the team on a 2-0 lead that it would hold until /x/-tan managed to score in fergie time. Thankfully the game ended before the debacle with /toy/ could repeat itself and /sci/ confirmed through to the knockouts. Continuing onto the Round of 16, the /sci/borgs once against faced /d/, and once again /sci/ managed to dispatch the /d/eviants just as they did six months prior. While it may have been that /d/ was sitting at 2 goals to /sci/'s 1 at the end of the first half, the offense that was so sorely missed after the game against /sp/ returned in full force in the second to swing the game to a victorious 5-2 and the team would move forward to the final day to face /u/. Unfortunately disaster would strike and /sci/'s metaphorical rocket engines would explode in a miserable 2-7 defeat, leaving /sci/ with yet another Quarter Final defeat while /u/ would go all the way to the championship game, only to lose to the [wsg] in the same 3-4 scoreline seen in the previous Winter's third place match. While somewhat demoralized, /sci/ had largely performed well on a PES it had previously done poorly on and was looking forward for what would come in winter.  
'''Not pictured''': Secret Italian Supercat (/sci/'s mascot), Black Science Guy (Coming to /sci/: When any Ivy League athlete becomes the MVP of 3 Super Bowls)]]
==Music Corner==
*'''Anthem''': [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws6HPTom2AY The Science Rap - Ali G]
*'''Goalhorn''' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm-upHSP9KU Weird Science - Oingo Boingo]
*'''Goalhorn - Richard Feynman [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKTSaezB4p8 Richard Feynman playing bongos]
*'''Goalhorn - Sun of Lava/ice [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKO9h-gG4Qg Elektronik Supersonik - Zlad! ]
*'''Closing Anthem:''' [https://youtu.be/zSgiXGELjbc A Glorious Dawn - Carl Sagan ft. Stephen Hawking]
*'''Closing Anthem if /sci/ wins and Hawking has a clean sheet.''': [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfcC6FYyL4U Stephen Hawking Sings The Galaxy Song]
''Currently under construction. Check back later!''
==Exports (Summer Cup 2017)==

[[File:scitexport.png|300px|link=https://mega.nz/#!9QZRwJpR!PHKITEb2B1ftv5hOu7ShUZBE2TQRg1zB3USJ_nm9zWg]]                                  [[File:Da time cube.png|300px|link=http://www.mediafire.com/file/v3spk18q66pnpca/sci+Arena+mkII.rar]]  [[File:Aestheticssci.png|300px|link=https://mega.nz/#!lYYzBARZ!YQVM1DU3yoSzql2gyVnGUGOZRsVtz6rXe7wYXaeDd4g]]
==== 2025 Winter Cup ====
With the end of the Summer, the cup returned to PES 17, a version PES that /sci/ had historically done well on. Drawn against /his/, /int/, and /v/ many still favored /sci/ to advance out of their group and stay in the elites. However the first game against /his/ did not go very well as his managed to rack up two goals before Shinichi managed to get one on the board late into the game. The anemia undermining /sci/'s offense would continue into the next game against the white whale of /int/, who ran up a 4 goals with only a pitiful few shots that were wide from /sci/'s strikers in response. The loss relegated /sci/ and had the team looking at the possibility that they might spoon the tournament, and when ultimate group stage game against /v/ began it looked like /sci/ would fail yet again as /v/ got an early goal and /sci/'s offense failed to amount to much for most of the game. It was only with tactical changes in the last minutes that You SHOULD be able to solve this managed to score a couple of goals, securing a win for the team when all seemed lost. /sci/'s would be headed to the Spring Babby for the first time in 3 years, the only consolation in light of its poor performance being that the ignominy of coming in dead last was avoided.
==Match History==
''Main Article:'' [[/sci/ History]]

===Official Matches===
=== Tournament History ===  
{{Note|Matches in <span style{{=}}"background:#cccccc">Gray</span> have been nullified.}}
{| class="wikitable" width=80%
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Date
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Opponent
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Competition
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Competition
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Result
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Wins
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Scorers
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Draws
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Video
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Losses
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Goal For
| February 11, 2012
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Goals Against
| {{team away|d}}
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Goal Differential
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Rank
| align=center|0-1 L
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Notes
| <small></small>
| <small></small>
|[[File:2012 Spring Cup logo.png|25px]][[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 4
| 2
| 1
| 11
| 7
| 4
|3rd place
|[[File:2012 Summer Cup logo.png|25px]] [[2012 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 0
| 1
| 2
| 5
| 11
| -6
|19th place - Group Stage
|[[File:2012 Autumn Cup logo.png|25px]] [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 2
| 1
| 1
| 10
| 5
| 5
|9th place - Round of 16
|[[File:2013 Winter Cup logo.png|25px]][[2013 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 1
| 0
| 2
| 5
| 6
| -1
|16th place - Group Stage
|[[File:2013 Spring Cup logo.png|25px]][[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 1
| 0
| 2
| 2
| 4
| -2
|19th place- Group Stage
|Promoted due to the Dragongate scandal
|[[File:2013 Summer Cup logo.png|25px]] [[2013 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 1
| 0
| 2
| 3
| 7
| -4
|23rd place - Group Stage
|[[File:2013 Autumn Cup logo.png|25px]][[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 5
| 7
| -2
|21st place - Group Stage
|[[File:2014 Spring Cup logo.png|25px]][[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 1
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| -1
|30th place - Group Stage
|[[File:2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png|25px]] [[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 4
| 1
| 1
| 12
| 7
| 5
|5th place - Quarterfinals
|[[File:2015 4chan winter cup logo.png|25px]][[2015 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 1
| 2
| 1
| 6
| 7
| -1
|14th place - Round of 16
|[[File:2015 Summer Cup Logo.png|25px]][[2015 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 0
| 0
| 3
| 3
| 10
| -7
|31st  - Group Stage
|[[File:ABC15 Design G.png|25px]][[2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 1
| 2
| 1
| 8
| 4
| 4
|24th place - Group Stage
|[[File:2016 Spring Cup Logo.png|25px]][[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 0
| 1
| 2
| 2
| 7
| -5
|26th place - Group Stage
|[[File:ABC16 Design A.png|25px]][[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
|No export presented
|[[File:SBC17 Design Aq.png|25px]][[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| 0
| 2
| 1
| 4
| 5
| -1
|8th place - Group Stage
|[[File:SBC17 Design A.png|25px]][[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 6
| 6
| 0
|18th - Group Stage
|Promoted after /t/, /out/ and /p/ were culled
|[[File:SC17 Design A.png|25px]][[2017 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 3
| 1
| 1
| 10
| 7
| 3
|6th place - Quarterfinals
|Tied with /tv/
|[[File:WC18_Design_F2.png|25px]][[2018 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 3
| 0
| 2
| 9
| 8
| 1
|8th place - Quarterfinals
| February 18, 2012
|[[File:Summer18_E.png|25px]][[2018 4chan Summer Cup]]
| {{team away|vp}}
| 4
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| 0
| align=center|4-1 W
| 1
| <small>Feynman {{goal|12||56}}<br>Missingno. {{owngoal|24}}<br>Dicks {{owngoal|44}}</small>
| 10
| <small></small>
| 5
| 5
|6th Place - Quarterfinals
| March 11, 2012
| {{team away|x}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|[[File:WC19 Design E.png|25px]][[2019 4chan Winter Cup]]
| align=center|0-3 L
| 0
| <small></small>
| 1
| <small></small>
| 2
| 12
| 15
| March 23, 2012
| -3
| {{team away|r9k}}
|25th place - Group Stage
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage SBC2012]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>Nye {{goal|66}}</small>
| [[File:SBC19 Design B1.png|25px]][[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| <small></small>
| 0
| 3
| 0
| March 24, 2012
| 0
| {{team away|mlp}}
| 0
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage SBC2012]]
| 0
| align=center|1-1 D
|21st place - Group Stage
| <small>Nye {{goal|88}}</small>
| <small></small>
| [[File:ABC19 Design Eq.png|28px]][[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| 1
| 0
| 2
| 4
| 6
| -2
| 8th place - Group Stage
| {{greentext|go autopilot}} {{greentext|get aborted}}
| [[File:SBC20 Design A.png|25px]][[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 0
| 3
| 0
| 6
| 6
| 0
| 21st - Group Stage
| Lost playoffs to /d/
| [[File:ABC20_Design_F.png|25px]][[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 1
| 0
| 2
| 3
| 7
| -4
| 25th - Group Stage
| [[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|25px]][[2021 4chan World Cup]]
| 0
| 2
| 1
| 6
| 7
| -1
| 53rd - Group Stage
| [[File:ABC21_Design_C.png|25px]][[2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 1
| 0
| 3
| 6
| 10
| -4
| 34th - Group Stage
| March 25, 2012
| [[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]][[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| {{team away|pol}}
| 2
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage SBC2012]]
| 0
| align=center|2-1 W
| 3
| <small>Feynman {{goal|58}}<br>Dawkins {{goal|76}}</small>
| 9
| <small></small>
| 8
| 1
| 11th - Round of 16
| March 31, 2012
| Drought ended after 3 years, tied with /c/
| {{team away|gif}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Final Seed Qualifiers|Final Seed Qualifier SBC2012]]
| align=center|1-0 W
| <small>Nye {{goal|23}}</small>
| <small></small>
| March 31, 2012
| {{team away|n}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Quarter Finals|QF SBC2012]]
| align=center|3-0 W
| <small>Nye {{goal|14||67}}<br>{{greentext|biology >hard science}} {{goal|75}}</small>
| <small></small>
| March 31, 2012
| [[File:SC22_Design_G.png|25px]][[2022 4chan Summer Cup]]
| {{team away|3}}
| 0
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Semi-Finals|SF SBC2012]]
| 2
| align=center|1-2 L
| 1
| <small>Nye {{goal|75}}</small>
| 4
| <small></small>
| 7
| -3
| 28th - Group Stage
| {{greentext|jobbing to /cm/ }}
| March 31, 2012
| [[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]][[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| {{team away|d}}
| 2
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Third-Place Playoff|Third Place SBC2012]]
| 2
| align=center|2-2 (4-3) W
| 1
| <small>Feynman {{goal|50||90}}</small>
| 8
| <small></small>
| 7
| 1
| 8th - Quarter Finals
| {{greentext|a fucking repeat group}} {{greentext|another QF loss}}
| April 21, 2012
| [[File:WC23_Design_G.png|25px]][[2023 4chan Winter Cup]]
| {{team away|g}}
| 4
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| 0
| align=center|7-3 W
| 1
| <small>Cox {{goal|2||37||52||56||81}}<br>Nye {{goal|77}}<br>Troll Science {{goal|90+1}}</small>
| 12
| <small></small>
| 7
| 5
| 5th - Quarter Finals
| {{greentext|losing the first elite QF the team had 4.5 years}}
| May 12, 2012
| [[File:SC23_Design_G1.png|25px]][[2023 4chan Summer Cup]]
| {{team away|pol}}
| 1
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| 0
| align=center|1-2 L
| 2
| <small>Sagan {{goal|85}}</small>
| 6
| <small></small>
| 9
| -3
| 24th - Group Stage
|{{greentext|getting relegated in summer AGAIN}}
|[[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|25px]][[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 5
|  0
| 2
| 16
|  9
| 7
| Champions
| 9-3-3-3 miracle promotion, Quarterfinal curse broken
| June 2, 2012
|[[File:WC24_Design_E1.png|25px]][[2024 4chan Winter Cup]]
| {{team away|fit}}
| 4
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| 0
| align=center|2-0 W
| 3
| <small>Nye {{goal|61}}<br>Sagan {{goal|89}}</small>
| 11
| <small></small>
| 13
| -2
| 4th - Third Place Match
| July 13, 2012
| {{team away|int}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup#Group D|Group Stage SC2012]]
| align=center|0-5 L
| <small></small>
| <small>[http://www.novamov.com/video/k7ty2p2enjx3m Video]</small>
| July 14, 2012
| {{team away|k}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup#Group D|Group Stage SC2012]]
| align=center|3-4 L
| <small>Nye {{goal|33||57||90+3}}</small>
| <small></small>
| July 15, 2012
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup#Group D|Group Stage SC2012]]
| align=center|2-2 D
| <small>Thorium {{goal|75}}<br>Nye {{goal|89}}</small>
| <small></small>
| September 2, 2012
| {{team away|lit}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| <small>Nye {{goal|17}}<br>Tesla {{goal|20}}</small>
| <small></small>
| September 8, 2012
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| <small></small>
| <small></small>
| September 29, 2012
| {{team away|wg}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-7 L
| <small>Nye {{goal|37}}</small>
| <small></small>
| October 13, 2012
|[[File:SC24_Design_C.png|25px]][[2024 4chan Summer Cup]]
| {{team away|f}}
| 3
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group C|Group Stage ABC2012]]
| 0
| align=center|4-1 W
| 2
| <small>Nye {{goal|13||36||45}}<br>Sagan {{goal|55}}</small>
| 16
| <small></small>
| 15
| 1
| 8th - Quarter Finals
| October 13, 2012
| {{greentext|get to summer knockouts for once >job to /u/ in QFs}}
| {{team away|cgl}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group C|Group Stage ABC2012]]
|[[File:WC25_Design_J.png|25px]][[2025 4chan Winter Cup]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| 1
| <small>Nye {{goal|65}}<br>Feynman {{goal|88}}</small>
| 0
| <small></small>
| 2
| 3
| 7
| October 19, 2012
| -4
| {{team away|trv}}
| 26th - Group Stage
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group C|Group Stage ABC2012]]
| {{greentext|back on a PES that /sci/ did well on >get BTFO by /int/}}
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>Epicurus {{goal|59}}</small>
|colspan="9" |
| <small></small>
| Elite Matches
| 26
| October 20, 2012
| 8
| {{team away|mlp}}
| 27
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16 ABC2012]]
| 124
| align=center|2-3 L
| 144
| <small>Nye {{goal|6||51}}</small>
| -20
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUo_UYO445c Video]</small>
| December 22, 2012
| Babby Matches
| {{team away|3}}
| 26
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| 20
| align=center|2-2 D
| 26
| <small>Nye {{goal|6||63}}</small>
| 111
| <small></small>
| 111
| 0
| February 9, 2013
| {{team away|int}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Winter Cup#Group E|Group Stage WC2013]]
| Total Cup Matches
| align=center|1-2 L
| 52
| <small>Lazy Greek {{owngoal|37}}</small>
| 28
| <small></small>
| 54
| 235
| 255
| February 15, 2013
| -20
| {{team away|vg}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Winter Cup#Group E|Group Stage WC2013]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small>Bill Nye {{goal|35}} <br>Aquatic Hamster{{goal|72}}</small>
| <small></small>
| February 17, 2013
| {{team away|fit}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Winter Cup#Group E|Group Stage WC2013]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| <small>Nikola Tesla {{goal|45+1}}<br>Epicurus{{goal|88}}</small>
| <small></small>
| February 17, 2013
| {{team away|lit}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group D|Group Stage SBC2013]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small>Bill Nye {{goal|43}}</small>
| <small></small>
| February 19, 2013
| {{team away|ck}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group D|Group Stage SBC2013]]
| align=center|1-0 W
| <small>Not Science {{goal|23}}</small>
| <small></small>
| February 19, 2013
| {{team away|f}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group D|Group Stage SBC2013]]
| align=center|0-2 L
| <small></small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFO8MIdyazE Video]</small>
| July 12, 2013
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-2 D
| <small>Bill Nye {{goal|3||37}}</small>
| <small></small>
| August 17, 2013
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Summer Cup#Group H|Group Stage SC2013]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small>Nikola Tesla {{goal|29}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQYn3MftAxQ Video]</small>
| August 23, 2013
| {{team away|ck}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Summer Cup#Group H|Group Stage SC2013]]
| align=center|1-5 L
| <small>Nikola Tesla {{goal|3}}</small>
| <small></small>
| August 25, 2013
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Summer Cup#Group H|Group Stage SC2013]]
| align=center|1-0 W
| <small>Bill Nye {{goal|73}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j633bn7hL3k Video]</small>
| September 21, 2013
| {{team away|y}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| <small></small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyIgv4kvLWg Video]</small>
| September 29, 2013
| {{team away|diy}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>Bill Nye {{goal|21}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIGK_nzRHyc Video]</small>
| November 16, 2013
| {{team away|cm}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group H|Group Stage ABC 2013]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>Bill Nye {{goal|14}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UkWT0nE_r0 Video]</small>
| November 22, 2013
| {{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group H|Group Stage ABC 2013]]
| align=center| 1-4 L
| <small>Nikola Tesla {{goal|24}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozbL0LweHWo& Video]</small>
| November 24, 2013
| {{team away|vr}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group H|Group Stage ABC 2013]]
| align=center|3-2 W
| <small>Richard Feynman {{goal|6}} <br> Bill Nye {{goal|54}}<br> Nikola Tesla {{goal|67}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iGyh9jvslU Video]</small>
| January 12, 2014
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|4-2 W
| <small>Carl Sagan {{goal|6||23||87}} <br>Bill Nye {{goal|84}}
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7KwGyGBq_s Video]</small>
| January 19, 2014
| {{team away|cm}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small>Carl Sagan {{goal|54}} <br>Bill Nye {{goal|64}}
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmuLMm7NRXs Video]</small>
| April 5, 2014
| {{team away|u}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group_H|2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center| 0-0 D
| <small></small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28Gl6AygOmc Video]</small>
| April 11, 2014
| {{team away|c}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group_H|2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| <small></small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQR0TdKhrxA Video]</small>
| April 13, 2014
| {{team away|vp}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group_H|2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small>Richard Dawkins {{goal|50}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9AtW6ZtGTE Video]</small>
| April 19, 2014
| {{team away|vg}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group_H|2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small>Carl Sagan {{goal|3}} <br>Nikola Tesla {{goal|35}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJXJd6WcH_Q Video]</small>
| May 30, 2014
| {{team away|tv}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small>Nikola Tesla {{goal|68||}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q31a5n48ygA Video]</small>
| June 1, 2014
| {{team away|r9k}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>Nikola Tesla {{goal|63||}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PPs5OY_M-Q Video]</small>
| October 18, 2014
| {{team away|soc}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group Stage ABC 2014]]
| align=center|4-2 W
| <small>Nikola Tesla {{goal|11||65||}} <br>Richard Feynman {{goal|54||}} <br>Bill Nye {{goal|75||}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IBuTc3G-gE Video]</small>
| October 24, 2014
| {{team away|m}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group Stage ABC 2014]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small>Richard Feynman {{goal|50||}} <br>Bill Nye{{goal|66||}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSI-lWgO7bc Video]</small>
| October 31, 2014
| {{team away|o}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group Stage ABC 2014]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>Nikola Tesla {{goal|10||}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7HLzjXBaDo Video]</small>
| November 2, 2014
| {{team away|lgbt}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group Stage ABC 2014]]
| align=center|4-1 W
| <small>Carl Sagan {{goal|36}}<br>Nikola Tesla {{goal|51}}<br>Richard Feynman {{goal|66}}<br>Sun of Fire/Ice {{goal|81}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFqeRhJhta0 Video]</small>
| November 8, 2014
| {{team away|t}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Round of 16 ABC 2014]]
| align=center|1-1 W (3-2 pen.)
| <small>Richard Feynman {{goal|22}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfEeAMJ7C28 Video]</small>
| November 9, 2014
| {{team away|n}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Quarter Final ABC 2014]]
| align=center|1-0 L
| <small></small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLzajvQfwJc Video]</small>
| February 13, 2015
| {{team away|ic}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Winter Cup|Group Stage WC 2014]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| <small></small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLcDBTMlkU4 Video]</small>
| February 15, 2015
| {{team away|s}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Winter Cup|Group Stage WC 2014]]
| align=center| 2-2 D
| <small>Richard Feynman {{goal|59}} <br> Bill Nye {{goal|68}}</small>
| <small>[http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2i16uq_2015-4chan-winter-cup-group-d-sci-vs-s_videogames Video]</small> <br><small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF8AhKsPVH8 Video]</small>
| February 21, 2015
| {{team away|diy}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Winter Cup|Group Stage WC 2014]]
| align=center|4-2 W
| <small>Richard Feynman {{goal|30}}<br> Triple Integrals {{goal|47||90+}} <br> Nikola Tesla {{goal|83}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArHWnajNUmE Video]</small>
| February 28, 2015
| {{team away|s4s}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Winter Cup#Knockout Stage|Round of 16 WC 2014]]
| align=center|3-0 L
| <small></small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuDojRYjcAQ Video]</small>
| July 31, 2015
| {{team away|gd}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup#Group_C|Group Stage SC 2015]]
| align=center|1-4 L
| <small>Richard Feynman {{goal|62||}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qixp7pGMvOw Video]</small>
| August 2, 2015
| {{team away|s4s}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup#Group_C|Group Stage SC 2015]]
| align=center|1-4 L
| <small>Bill Nye {{goal|8||}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBfQw_-n67o Video]</small>
| August 8, 2015
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup#Group_C|Group Stage SC 2015]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small>Richard Feynman {{goal|62||}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06AMQzJKd5E Video]</small>
| October 23, 2015
| {{team away|cgl}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group Stage ABC 2015]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| <small></small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVlXo4QvAxQ Video]</small>
| October 30, 2015
| {{team away|hr}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group Stage ABC 2015]]
| align=center|3-3 D
| <small>Carl Sagan {{goal|4}}<br>Bill Nye {{goal|14}}<br>Richard Feynman {{goal|18}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WleN91j7k4 Video]</small>
| November 1, 2015
| {{team away|diy}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group Stage ABC 2015]]
| align=center|5-0 W
| <small> Richard Feynman {{goal|29||38||45+||76}}<br>Carl Sagan {{goal|65}}</small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3ERkjYuMNg Video]</small>
| November 7, 2015
| {{team away|sp}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group Stage ABC 2015]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| <small></small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drYpPRiCPzQ Video]</small>
| May 7, 2016
| {{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group Stage SBC 2016]]
| align=center| 2-2 D
| <small>Richard Feynman {{goal|37}}<br>Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|59}}</small>
| <small>[https://youtu.be/EOQUAzCHTPM Video]</small>
| May 13, 2016
| {{team away|biz}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group Stage SBC 2016]]
| align=center| 0-4 L
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8O8VXGwNWw Video]</small>
| Official Friendlies
| May 15, 2016
| 5
| {{team away|g}}
| 4
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group Stage SBC 2016]]
| 9
| align=center| 0-1 L
| 29
| 35
| -6
| No more official friendlies, RIPIP
|colspan="9" |
| Official Total
| 57
| 32
| 63
| 264
| 290
| - 26
|<small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm9g4z-zi3U Video]</small>
| April 28, 2017
| {{team away|trv}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|Group Stage SBCQ 2017]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|73}}
| <small> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_WpYYTb0Fw Video] </small>
| April 29, 2017
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|Group Stage SBCQ 2017]]
| align=center|2-1 L
| <small>Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|37||}}
| <small>[https://youtu.be/49TYfCOaaOQ Video]</small>
| [https://www.google.com/#newwindow=1&q=When+did+hitler+die April 30, 2017]
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|Group Stage SBCQ 2017]]
| align=center|2-2 D
| <small>Richard Feynman {{goal|6||53}}
| <small>[https://youtu.be/MOB_yqQ_064 Video]</small>
| May 12, 2017
| {{team away|n}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group Stage SBC 2017]]
| align=center|2-2 D
| <small>Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|4||80}}
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5Fm8QGgUw8 Video]</small>
| May 14, 2017
| {{team away|his}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group Stage SBC 2017]]
| align=center|4-3 L
| <small>Sun of Lava/Ice {{goal|25||45+2||79}}
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8pXyFPHbRM Video]<small>
| May 20, 2017
| {{team away|mlp}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group Stage SBC 2017]]
| align=center|1-0 W
| <small>Shinichi Mochizuki{{goal|19||}}
| <small>[https://youtu.be/Q09_Q_S4cbI Video] <small>
| July 29, 2017
| {{team away|m}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Summer Cup|Group Stage SC 2017]]
| align=center|3-3 D
| <small> Richard Feynman {{goal|30}} <br> Sun of Lava/Ice {{goal|45+2}} <br>  Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|62}}
| <small>[https://youtu.be/F8JXsjIon7Y Video]<small>
| August 4, 2017
| {{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Summer Cup|Group Stage SC 2017]]
| align=center|1-3 W
| <small> Carl Sagan {{goal|16}} <br> Does 0.999...=1? {{goal|23}} <br>  Sun Of Lava/Ice  {{goal|33}}
| <small>[https://youtu.be/sUfbiSUEhb0 Video]</small>
| August 6, 2017
| {{team away|vp}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Summer Cup|Group Stage SC 2017]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small> Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|27||90+0}}
| <small>[https://youtu.be/NC1RbrQSXfI Video]</small>
| August 12, 2017
| {{team away|f}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Summer Cup|Round of 16 SC 2017]]
| align=center|1-0 W
| <small> GauB {{goal|36}}
| <small>[https://youtu.be/rGUINlnMS_c Video]</small>
| August 13, 2017
| {{team away|lgbt}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Summer Cup|Quarter Finals SC 2017]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small> Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|50}}
| <small>[https://youtu.be/wW_R8rxz0nI Video]</small>

===Unofficial Matches===
===Recent & Upcoming Matches===
''For a {{greentext|complete}} match history see:'' [[/sci/ Match History]]
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
Line 763: Line 568:
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Video
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff"| Video
| June 15, 2013
|January 20, 2024
| {{team away|trv}}
|{{team away|t}}
| align=center|[[Tottoric_Up#THE_MATCHES|Tottoric Up Quarterfinals]]
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Winter Cup|Group Stage WC 2024]]
| align=center|3-3 (4-5) L
|align=center| 0-4 L
| <small>Bill Nye {{goal|58, 72||}} <br>Nikola Tesla {{goal|120+1}}</small>
| <small></small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/24winter/2024-01-20/?t=1:47:27.0 {{greentext|fun}} ]
|January 26, 2024
| October 12, 2013
|{{team away|k}}
| {{team away|lit}}
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Winter Cup|Group Stage WC 2024]]
| align=center|[[2013 World Wars Cup#Group Stage|2013 World Wars Cup Group Stage]]
|align=center| 3-2 W
| align=center|0-3 L
| <small> You Should Be Able To Solve This {{goal|36||53||59||}} <small/>
| <small></small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/24winter/2024-01-26/?t=01:13:14 {{greentext|fun}} ]
| <small></small>
|January 28, 2024
|{{team away|y}}
| October 12, 2013
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Winter Cup| Group Stage WC 2024]]
| {{team away|trv}}
|align=center| 2-1 W
| align=center|[[2013 World Wars Cup#Group Stage|2013 World Wars Cup Group Stage]]
|<small> You Should Be Able To Solve This {{goal|20||90+4||}} <small/>
| align=center|0-1 L
|[https://implying.fun/video/24winter/2024-01-28/1/?t=04:49:53 {{greentext|fun}}]
| <small></small>
| <small></small>
|February 3, 2024
|{{team away|d}}
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Winter Cup| Round of 16 WC 2024]]
|align=center| 5-1 W
|<small> You Should Be Able To Solve This {{goal|43||}} Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|59||62||}} Richard Feynman {{goal|78||85||}} <small/>
|[https://implying.fun/video/24winter/2024-02-03/?t=01:18:30 {{greentext|fun}}]
| October 13, 2013
|February 4, 2024
| {{team away|n}}
|{{team away|f}}
| align=center|[[2013 World Wars Cup#Group Stage|2013 World Wars Cup Group Stage]]
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Winter Cup| Quarterfinals WC 2024]]
| align=center|4-0 W
|align=center| 1-1 W (3-1 Pen)
| <small>Niels Bohr {{goal|4||76||}} <br>Richard Feynman {{goal|14, 89||}}</small>
|<small> Richard Feynman {{goal|38||}} </small>
| <small>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYB2ksZzDRc Video]</small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/24winter/2024-02-04/?t=18:17.0  {{greentext|fun}}]
| October 13, 2013
|February 4, 2024
| {{team away|int}}
|{{team away|pw}}
| align=center|[[2013 World Wars Cup#Semi Finals|2013 World Wars Cup Semifinals]]
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Winter Cup| Semifinals WC 2024]]
| align=center|2-2 (4-5) L
|align=center| 0-3 L  
| <small>Enrico Fermi {{goal|4||}} <br>Richard Feynman {{goal|102||}}</small>
| <small></small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/24winter/2024-02-04/?t=3:50:50  {{greentext|fun}}]
| October 13, 2013
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center|[[2013 World Wars Cup#Knockout Stage|2013 World Wars Cup Third Place Playoff]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small>Niels Bohr {{goal|5||}}</small>
| <small></small>
| November 2, 2013
| {{team away|c}}
| align=center|[[Halloween Bowl 2013#Round of 16|Halloween Bowl 2013 Round of 16]]
| align=center|3-2 L
| <small>Chernobyl {{goal|9||}} <br>Dead Bill Nye {{goal|54}}</small>
| <small></small>
| September 13, 2014
|February 4, 2024
| {{team away|pol}}
|{{team away|wsg}}
| align=center|[[Ved's 1.04 Test Cup|Ved's 1.04 Test Cup Round of 16]]
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Winter Cup| Third Place Match WC 2024]]
| align=center|0-2 L
|align=center| 3-4 L
| <small></small>
|<small> Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|4}} Richard Feynman {{goal|21||88||}} </small>
| <small></small>
| [https://implying.fun/video/24winter/2024-02-04/?t=5:31:58.0  {{greentext|fun}}]
| January 14, 2015
|July 20, 2024
| {{team away|biz}}
|{{team away|sp}}
| align=center|[[2015 Antares Memorial Cup|2015 Antares Memorial Cup First Round]]
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Summer Cup|Group Stage SC 2024]]
| align=center|4-3 W
|align=center| 5-2 W
| <small>Dick Scobee {{goal|55}}<br>Ronald McNair {{goal|74}}<br>Willie McCool {{goal|88}}<br>Does 0.999 = 1? {{goal|98}}</small>
|<small> You Should Be Able To Solve This {{goal|15||34||51||}} Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|84}} Richard Feynman {{goal|90+5}} </small>
| <small></small>
| [https://implying.fun/video/summer24/2024-07-20/?t=5:05:41.0 {{greentext|fun}}]
| January 14, 2015
| {{team away|diy}}
| align=center|[[2015 Antares Memorial Cup|2015 Antares Memorial Cup Quarterfinals]]
| align=center|1-3 W
| <small>Dick Scobee {{goal|44||88}}<br>Willie McCool {{goal|84}}</small>
| <small></small>
| January 15, 2015
|July 26, 2024
| {{team away|biz}}
|{{team away|toy}}
| align=center|[[2015 Antares Memorial Cup|2015 Antares Memorial Cup Semifinals]]
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Summer Cup|Group Stage SC 2024]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|align=center| 2-3 L
| <small>Ronald McNair {{goal|15}}</small>
|<small> You Should Be Able To Solve This {{goal|26}} Richard Feynman {{goal|73}} </small>
| <small></small>
| [https://implying.fun/video/summer24/2024-07-26/?t=3:16:04.0 {{greentext|fun}} ]
| January 15, 2015
|July 28, 2024
| {{team away|o}}
|{{team away|x}}
| align=center|[[2015 Antares Memorial Cup|2015 Antares Memorial Cup Third Place Match]]
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Summer Cup|Group Stage SC 2024]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|align=center| 2-1 W
| <small>Dick Scobee {{goal|10||19}}</small>
| <small> Richard Feynman {{goal|52|pen.}} You Should Be Able To Solve This {{goal|58}} </small>
| <small></small>
| [https://implying.fun/video/summer24/2024-07-28/?t=2:31:59.0 {{greentext|fun}} ]
| January 18, 2015
| {{team away|diy}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| <small>Dick Scobee {{goal|21||}}</small>
| <small></small>
| January 24, 2015
|August 3, 2024
| {{team away|g}}
|{{team away|d}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Summer Cup|Round of 16 SC 2024]]
| align=center|1-0 W
|align=center| 5-2 W
| <small>Willie McCool {{goal|23||}}</small>
| <small> Wernher von Braun {{goal|34}} Richard Feynman {{goal|48}} You Should Be Able To Solve This {{goal|73||85||90+2}} </small>
| <small></small>
| [https://implying.fun/video/summer24/2024-08-03/?t=02:22:25.0 {{greentext|fun}} ]
| July 10, 2015
| {{team away|soc}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-2 D
| <small>Nikola Tesla {{goal|20||68}}</small>
| <small></small>
| July 12, 2015
|August 4, 2024
| {{team away|x}}
|{{team away|u}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
|align=center|[[2024 4chan Summer Cup|Quaterfinals SC 2024]]
| align=center|1-0 L
|align=center| 2-7 L
| <small></small>
| <small> You Should Be Able To Solve This {{goal|45+2}}  Richard Feynman {{goal|75}}  </small>
| <small></small>
| [https://implying.fun/video/summer24/2024-08-04/?t=01:03:38.0 {{greentext|fun}} ]
| August 22, 2015
|January 25, 2025
| {{team away|a}}
|{{team away|his}}
| align=center|[[Lark's Madness]]
|align=center|[[2025 4chan Winter Cup|Group Stage WC 2025]]
| align=center|0-2 L D
|align=center| 1-2 L
| <small></small>
| <small> Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|83}}</small>
| <small></small>
| [https://implying.fun/video/winter25/2025-01-25/?t=3:51:54 {{greentext|fun}} ]
| January 23, 2016
|January 31, 2025
| {{team away|k}}
|{{team away|int}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Winter Cup Unfriendlies|2016 4chan Winter Cup <s>Un</s>friendlies]]
|align=center|[[2025 4chan Winter Cup|Group Stage WC 2025]]
| align=center|3-0 L
|align=center| 0-4 L
| <small></small>
| <small></small>
| [https://implying.fun/video/winter25/2025-01-31/?t=3:06:45 {{greentext|fun}} ]
|February 2, 2025
| August 19, 2017
|{{team away|v}}
| {{team away|r9k}}
|align=center|[[2025 4chan Winter Cup|Group Stage WC 2025]]
| align=center|[[Golden Spoon Cup|Golden Spoon Cup Group D]]
|align=center| 2-1 W
| align=center|2-6 L
| <small> You Should Be Able To Solve This {{goal|80||88}}
| <small> Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|13||50}}<br> Richard Feynman {{goal|16||40||81}}<br> Spectrum {{goal|90+0}}</small>
| [https://implying.fun/video/winter25/2025-02-02/?t=02:31:50.0 {{greentext|fun}}]
| <small></small>
| August 20, 2017
| {{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[Golden Spoon Cup|Golden Spoon Cup Group D]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small> Shinichi Mochizuki {{goal|27}} <br> Triple Integrals {{goal|65}} </small>
| <small></small>
| August 26, 2017
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center|[[Golden Spoon Cup|Golden Spoon Cup Group D]]
| align=center|6-1 L
| <small> ??{{goal|??}} </small>
| <small></small>

===/sci/ Promo Videos===
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhdOAY9-z-8 Spring Babby Cup 2014 Promo]
''Main Article:'' [[/sci/ Player Statistics]]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAfmT8G5D3w Summer Friendlies 2014 Promo]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tQWdVII9WI Autumn Babby Cup 2014 Promo]
<!-- Chart for Efficiency, Goal Difference, ect here -->
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmyMTs6M6m0 2014 Autumn Babby Cup knockouts promo]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcrbU_AqixI 2015 Winter Cup Promo]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK7XqEVTwLw 2015 Winter Cup Knockouts Promo]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMt3AhdF3gM 2015 Summer Cup promo]

===All time scoring table===
* /sci/ is one of only 2 teams to have drawn 30 or more games.
* Despite being the longest tenured keeper on the team, Stephen Hawking {{tt|finished his goalkeeping career|now an outfield medal}} only recorded seven clean sheets in an 11 year period, averaging less than 1 per year, and his first recorded clean sheet did not come until 2017. For comparison, Thorium, the second leader in clean sheets, had a short career spanning {{tt|four years|2012-2015}} averaged over 1 clean sheet per year.
*/sci/ went 10 years without promoting from a Spring Babby Cup in a way that didn't involve [[Dragongate|a scandal]] or a [[Rigged Wiki:News/The Cull|controversial decision]] (2012-2022), being eligible to play in 6 of them; staying within the same subject, /sci/ spent 8 years without promoting from an Autumn Babby Cup (2014-2022), although they only participated in 4 thanks to a combination of staying elite and [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|one forfeit]].
* {{tt|As of the time of writing|Winter 2023}} /sci/ has conceded goals in 91.1% of games played.
* In the [[2023_4chan_Summer_Cup#Group_D|2023 Summer Cup]], Norman Wildberger scored /sci/'s first double brace since Richard Feynman's against [[2015_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Group_A|/diy/ in 2015]]
* As of October 2023, /sci/ has never won on Halloween weekend.
* /sci/ became the second team to register a [[Four Medal Performances|four medal performance]] in a [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Final|Final]], against /mlp/, the first team that achieved this feat against /tv/ in [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Spring 2013]].

{| class="wikitable" width=25%
==<div style='display:inline-block;width:calc(100%);background:linear-gradient(to right, #0047AB, #ffffff);font-family:sans-serif;padding:2px;padding-left:10px;border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;font-weight:700'><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Exports </span></div>==
===Summer 2024===
[[File:Da time cube.png|415px|link=http://www.mediafire.com/file/v3spk18q66pnpca/sci+Arena+mkII.rar]][[File:scitexport.png|415px|link=https://mega.nz/file/gAliHRYA#LIjEMk_24smzzfcxG3T-ubV53xq4LsYlgXYdpuGKfkM]][[File:Aestheticssci.png|415px|link=https://mega.nz/file/kcs1kJhK#uult2CM0IwWicoOUUHQ37GxNU1bufCf48szdxjmrpCI]][[File:SciMusicExportWIP.png|415px|link=https://mega.nz/file/RAFDQL7D#MdGTW0Zeud48Snvg2VRm9y-eSEtBE3rI7Z4q0SaSwVI]] <br> <br>
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
!style="background:#00008b;color:white"| Player
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff" width=25% | Version
!style="background:#00008b;color:white"| Goals
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff" | Tactics
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff" | Aesthetics
!style="background:#0047AB;color:#ffffff" | Music
| ''Bill Nye''
|'''Pro Evolution Soccer 2021'''
| 37
*[https://mega.nz/file/Vd9TDDLZ#luxCfdARDkgvp-AZd8WloBnuRN3-pPTDoffz_7BKUgY 2023 WC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/JQVCQSYD#2789ysoxnFKwhi3V-y0AvdARVjXYVE0Z9NYEXOU4XjA 2022 ABC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/hAdl0IDR#swC7qRiDkx5OnlM8MlaXRdsHWTNfP5wjUI_qwzrAalc 2022 SC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/ZVtkFJZL#TPpngbqnMe5Zi_N_6-4MqASN6fyy4JllWnuJYpTTUto 2022 SBC]
*[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mprXCSR_jqbKs-k4wXBLcYo7XyvtZnwz 2021 ABC]
*[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sDwSLdf_SDuGyPBWHKc6Jax6Tfw4zX-w 2021 WC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/FEtTBajK#oFq68z9ZLechGXKvz5wkbkSpsvkJo7f59JtzF7E0IFc 2023 WC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/5McWHKbC#2ZE44kdDWOp8nU-5wSK34V-_WICfXT0qNjSgT-yN2-8 2022 ABC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/0V1w2aqQ#_IZMUBleIbm7mCVEmgpWsImaYJXyMJXGMmb93uIX0Z4 2022 SC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/oYx2ybxY#aQi4wT7EEnzww8bFu55j1Pe7aT_e3FsOlIm9NO3fGK8 2022 SBC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/oYx2ybxY#aQi4wT7EEnzww8bFu55j1Pe7aT_e3FsOlIm9NO3fGK8 2021 ABC]
*[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b5LZlsF1sg3VCfBYFdVp-JSlovCqxPEB 2021 WC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/xBkgCTDZ#sv3lafE1JuVfkYdRe5VwKXEnjbNJ14vsQ7WkmD7yj4w 2023 WC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/EZkn3KQJ#eN5ixyR5e6-6r-cV0OupME_-HQCg-ZB9gGAhnvirVrM 2022 ABC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/EZkn3KQJ#eN5ixyR5e6-6r-cV0OupME_-HQCg-ZB9gGAhnvirVrM 2022 SC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/FINWSTQT#YsJZI1920MM9Kc8MRAFip2AydGBxo-nxP3ooHvCyTUE 2022 SBC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/4YIgiDra#KrSm532oRDybulS5o-lFTYDcCFrCtZLxNA72uINaTy4 2021 ABC]
*[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RhZsQpaabbuQdOOov0oj6HIW9MLCIYkP 2021 WC]
| '''Richard Feynman'''
|'''Pro Evolution Soccer 2019'''
| 19
*[https://mega.nz/file/IFtm0SiT#PUkT6-VBzxnFsszZKsfVMvzDiOIxA9yeT43O3-hFLfk 2024 WC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/pJEjxQaC#t-pViWbnxjJ8mzV7_IUxFQyWDruQGiFn4Kkc5cZTIiQ 2023 ABC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/pAFDgJgC#kIrVszdF9Le9VAN5GR55_9MA2tJbZP1BXY_gi8rkA-k 2023 SC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/FQxFiI7A#pH4LWiFkVj-DMX5OGkX5xB0S1nfYkD-d4Nrw0OIdqh8 2020 ABC ]
*[https://www.mediafire.com/file/vki5o5klw3pde1j/sci_spring_export_2020.ted/file 2020 SBC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/YEEU3aLJ#9C4ob2RaqH4woEuKobN5zDkqwWzMEdWrzeRhlNmcztw 2024 WC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/gA0xTYYK#2BqvYyjFOssXwY4pAyonbPkib7HchaFhZJaIx6PzczU 2023 ABC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/1AFTHSaT#jOfnXi4BrVApNFm7qQowwK8XKzuiNk402P5I4iDw3-w 2023 SC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/EdgWiJwR#RA3TCq3ChF_bQyABQTNYvfKyXpQGy6b5zMnLh0mrz1w 2020 ABC]
*[https://www.mediafire.com/file/qeb6fiowi190lnk/SCI_Aesthetic_Export_-_Spring_2020.rar/file 2020 SBC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/dIMkxQyD#G6ekddxIcvbBXFugyC32LvK7tuXRdg_W2IODzjJZHUA 2024 WC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/hEN3nK5Y#rbgnHJAkcq6EVYkGq61-lXVCNHvRC5akOnfy3iXcfAs 2023 ABC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/ZQEkUIDY#09yUFXVxMRqZfEtoCKXr1eJx2vgl-t3nb4RWU6KKzvU 2023 SC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/9IRUjRLD#_DZwgQEfeiQ6LRP0pYwk3TFdsqYiV96z5YJLaTTsD1I 2020 ABC]
*[https://mega.nz/file/sJ4hnb6Y#JW7iMlptAFbPv41FOvi5KevKYgwYsa7O8X5nTtum-60 2020 SBC]
| ''Nikola Tesla''
|'''Pro Evolution Soccer 2018'''
| 16
*[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KEe3S1VOwtEABvgEm6Tm8vpt-26nkiyi 2019 SBC]
*[https://mega.nz/#!Po1lwapB!mUUpfQQkCG_3gCL0a_317-14C8dSDs36y3mmohQryU8 2019 ABCQ]
| '''Carl Sagan'''
|'''Pro Evolution Soccer 2017'''
| 10
*[http://0x0.st/sVzZ.bin 2018 SC]
*[http://0x0.st/scJM.bin 2018 WC]
| '''Shinichi Mochizuki'''
|'''Pro Evolution Soccer 2016'''
| 10
*[https://mega.nz/#!NABWxQiY!OHe7e99VfiZbD4v0kQRY7oz0dznKGWeome-LAhuwga0 2019 WC]
*[https://mega.nz/#!lYYzBARZ!YQVM1DU3yoSzql2gyVnGUGOZRsVtz6rXe7wYXaeDd4g 2019 WC]
*[https://www.mediafire.com/file/87tzn83n3p3qsdo/SCI+Music+Export.rar 2019 WC]
| '''{{tt|Sun of Lava/Ice|One as Sun of Fire/Ice}}'''
|'''Pro Evolution Soccer 2015'''
| 6
*[https://www.mediafire.com/?u1hv836r95yxz54 2015 SC]
| ''Brian Cox''
| 5
*[https://www.mediafire.com/?57uh2d2bwbw37eb 2015 SC]
| '''Triple Integrals'''
| 2
| ''Epicurus''
| 2
| ''Richard Dawkins''
| 2
| '''{{greentext|biology >hard science}}'''
| 1
| '''Does 0.9999 = 1?'''
| 1
| '''GauB'''
| 1
| ''Troll Science''
| 1
| ''Aquatic Hamster''
| 1
| ''Not Science''
| 1
| ''Thorium*''
| 1

Bold - Still active
==<div style='display:inline-block;width:calc(100% - 100px);background:linear-gradient(to right, #0047AB, #ffffff);font-family:sans-serif;padding:2px;padding-left:10px;border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;font-weight:700'><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Gallery & Promotional Media</span></div>==
''' Promos '''
Image:Sci_2014_4chan_Spring_(Mega)_Babby_Cup_promo.png|thumb|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhdOAY9-z-8 Spring Babby Cup 2014 Promo]
Image:Sci_2014_4chan_Summer_Cup_Friendlies_Promo.png|thumb|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAfmT8G5D3w Summer Friendlies 2014 Promo]
Image:Sci_2014_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup_promo.png|thumb|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tQWdVII9WI Autumn Babby Cup 2014 Promo]
Image:Sci_2014_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup_Knockouts_promo.png|thumb|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmyMTs6M6m0 2014 Autumn Babby Cup knockouts promo]
Image:Sci_2015_4chan_Winter_Cup_promo.png|thumb|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcrbU_AqixI 2015 Winter Cup Promo]
Image:Sci_null_logo.png|thumb|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK7XqEVTwLw 2015 Winter Cup Knockouts Promo '''<span style="color: #dd0000; font-size: 100%">Dead link</span>''']
Image:Sci_2015_4chan_Summer_Cup_Promo.png|thumb|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMt3AhdF3gM 2015 Summer Cup promo]
Image:Sci_2018_SC_promo.png|thumb|[https://youtu.be/1kT9ahek3xU 2018 Summer Cup promo]
Image:East_4chan_shore.png|thumb|[https://youtu.be/5Ue7FOjA3ys 2020 Spring Babby Cup Promo vs /d/]
Image:East_4chan_shore.png|thumb|[https://youtu.be/Rjo0frZmF74 2020 Spring Babby Cup Promo vs /int/]
Image:Akarin_yuri_yuruyuri.png|thumb|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzc1afa6u9I 2021 Autumn Babby Promo vs /u/]
Image:Sci_10th_anniversary_thumb.png|thumb|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssvHJoxWAqQ 10th Anniversary Compilation]
Image:1501956704273.jpg|thumb|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjaUlROb9EQ 2023 Summer Hyp vs /c/]
Image:2023_ABC_Champions.png|thumb|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ou-wfRLpNIE 2023 Autumn Babby Compilation]
</gallery> <br>
''' Gallery '''
File:Sci_on_the_way_to_knockouts_wc2018.png|thumb|/sci/ promotional image in a must win game against /o/ during [[2018 4chan Winter Cup|Winter 2018]]
File:Midfield_spaghettic_ic_sci_wc_2015.png|thumb|Stupid Questions Thread's spaghetti mode alongside /ic/'s Baseball
File:2014_feynman_hype.png|thumb|One of the many posters generated for the [[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2014 Babby Cup]] courtesy of the hype machine.
File:23_autumn_gift_for_sci_final.png| /i/'s pregame drawing for /sci/ in the [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2023 Babby Cup]] Quarter Finals

''Italic'' - Retired
<br> <br>
<!-- [[File:The_goal_that_saved_sci_A.webm|300px|frameless|none]] -->
<!-- [[File:The_goal_that_saved_sci_B.webm|300px|frameless|none]] -->
<!--[[File:Sci_giving_people_heart_attacks_since_2012|300px|frameless|none]] -->

*Note - Thorium was '''not''' a GK at the time of his goal.
==<div style='display:inline-block;width:calc(100% - 100px);background:linear-gradient(to right, #0047AB, #ffffff);font-family:sans-serif;padding:2px;padding-left:10px;border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;font-weight:700'><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Honors</span></div>==

'''Official tournaments:'''
As a team:
<div style="display: table; position-align: center;">
<div style="display: table; position-align: center;">
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"  
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"  
| [[File:2012_Spring_Cup_logo.png|150px]]<br />
| [[File:2012_Spring_Cup_logo.png|95px]]<br />
| '''[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]'''<br/>
| '''[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]'''<br/>
|  style="background:#000F89; color: #fff;" | '''''Third Place'''''
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Third Place'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"  
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"  
| [[File:2012_Summer_Cup_logo.png|150px]]<br />
| [[File:2012_Summer_Cup_logo.png|95px]]<br />
| '''[[2012 4chan Summer Cup]]'''<br/>
| '''[[2012 4chan Summer Cup]]'''<br/>
|  style="background:#000F89; color: #fff;" | '''''At least you tried award'''''
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''At least you tried award'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"
| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|150px]]<br />
| '''[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]'''<br/>
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Champions'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"
| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|150px]]<br />
| '''[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]'''<br/>
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Team of the tournament'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"
| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|150px]]<br />
| '''[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]'''<br/>
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Most Improved Team'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"
| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|150px]]<br />
| '''[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]'''<br/>
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Underdog/Surprise of the Tournament'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"
| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|150px]]<br />
| '''[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]'''<br/>
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Best Goalhorn - Weird Science'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"
| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|150px]]<br />
| '''[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]'''<br/>
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Best Chant - STOP DOING MATH'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"
| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|150px]]<br />
| '''[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]'''<br/>
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Biggest Upset - /sci/ vs /mlp/ Final'''''
<div style="display: table; position-align: center;">
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"  
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"  
| [[File:Antares.png|150px]]<br />
| [[File:Antares.png|150px]]<br />
| '''[[2015 Antares Memorial Cup]]'''<br/>
| '''[[2015 Antares Memorial Cup]]'''<br />
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Third place'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"
| [[File:Akko_Invitational_II_2nd_logo.png|150px]]<br />
| '''[[Akko League II: Sucy I Need A Tagline]]'''<br />
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Champions'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"
| [[File:AkkoStuptorCup.png|150px]]<br />
| '''[[Akko Stuptor Cup]]'''<br />
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Runners-up'''''
|  style="background:#000F89; color: #fff;" | '''''Third place'''''

<div style="display: table; position-align: center;">
<div style="display: table; position-align: center;">
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"  
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Line 1,030: Line 918:
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}
|  style="background:#000F89; color: #fff;" | '''''All-Star 2nd Team'''''
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''All-Star 2nd Team'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"  
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Line 1,040: Line 928:
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}
|  style="background:#000F89; color: #fff;" | '''''All-Star Starting XI <br/> Gold Glove Winner (26 Saves)'''''
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''All-Star Starting XI <br/> Gold Glove Winner ({{tt|26 Saves|Record at that time}})'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"  
| [[File:WC18_Design_F2.png|150px]]<br />
<div style="display: table; position-align: center;">
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 31%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"  
| [[file:lit_logo.png|150px|link=/lit/]]
| '''The Intellectualism Derby'''<br/>
| '''[[2018 4chan Winter Cup]]'''<br/>
A match filled with brains and boredom (specially the 10+ minute managing spaghetti at the 2013 Spring Babbies), both boards enjoy reading but /sci/ prefers books that have the purpose of understanding the universe and physics while [[/lit/]] prefers to read made up stories that are 2deep4u. The /lit/erati see the /sci/entists as a soulless team, as for The Team of Science say they are just jelly of their 300k starting jobs in Math because they took an actual helpful God Tier Major instead of ending up on the dole because of their shit tier majors. As for 4CC matters, /lit/ has won the two matches but /sci/ will keep on testing until they can find a scientifically proven tactic that will drive them to victory.
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=23 |pos=CF |name=Shinichi Mochizuki}}
{{sq end}}
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>0-0-2</b>
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Golden Boot Winner (6 Goals, 4 way tie)'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 31%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"  
| [[file:pol_logo.png|150px|link=/pol/]]<br />
<div style="display: table; position-align: center;">
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 90%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative; font-size: 12px"
| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|150px]]<br />
|'''The Progress Bowl'''<br/>
| '''[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]'''<br/>
Both boards want the best for humanity, although they both disagree on some aspects: [[/pol/]] disagrees with the moral values of /sci/ and /sci/ disagrees with the ethnic cleansing proposals of /pol/. These matches are filled with air raids and nuclear testings so the happenning is now. Both boards have met three times, the first time was a 2-1 victory for the /sci/entists with goals by Richard Feynman and Dawkins, the next one was a 2-1 win for the /pol/acks in the 2012 Summer Cup friendlies. Given /pol/'s elite status and /sci/'s decline both boards had to wait one year to face each other again, this time in the 2013 Summer Cup, where both teams were already eliminated but that didn't stop them from having fun at the infamous Doompaul pitch, whereas /sci/ won 1-0 with a goal by Bill Nye to put the ball back in /sci/'s court. These teams would not face each other for nearly 3 years, this time in a complete different scenario, the 2016 Spring Babby Qualifiers, /pol/ in shambles after disastrous performances one after the other and /sci/ returning after a year of hiatus, both teams were put on a do or die situation where a draw would favor /sci/, taking into account the horrid performances by /pol/ in their new stadium, /sci/ opted to use their stadium instead of the Time Cube, this time around both teams gathered for a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wllc5gSc-N8&t=12 joint anthem] to protest Bill Nye's brainlet views on gender. Richard Feynman put 2 goals that were enough to gain the draw to advance and bury /pol/ in their stadium, being buried by a Jewish scientist that scored twice on them on the same day that marked the anniversary of Hitler's suicide. This draw keep's /sci/'s statement that political science isn't science as an undeniable fact.
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=23 |pos=CF |name=Shinichi Mochizuki}}
{{sq end}}
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>2-1-1</b>
|  style="background:#0047AB; color: #fff;" | '''''Best Player (4 Man of the Match Awards )'''''
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 31%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"  
| [[file:diy logo.png|150px|link=/diy/]]<br />
==<div style='display:inline-block;width:calc(100% - 100px);background:linear-gradient(to right, #0047AB, #ffffff);font-family:sans-serif;padding:2px;padding-left:10px;border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;font-weight:700'><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Rivalries</span></div>==
|'''Science vs. Engineering'''<br/>
An age old question that has been argued for years: Which is more useful, Science or Engineering? This derby plans to settle the debate once and for all with /sci/ and /diy/ facing each other for philanthropic dominance. The first matchup between these two boards was in the 2013 Autumn Babby Cup friendlies, on which /diy/ managed to take a win away from the /sci/entists. These two teams would not face each other (barring friendlies and invitationals where /sci/ won a game and drew the other) until the 2015 4chan Winter Cup in a decisive match where it was a situation of do or die for both teams in order to advance, /diy/ struck first with an early 2-0, but with Feynman’s once-in-a-lifetime shot, a miracle performance by CB Triple Integrals and a goal by Bosnia’s Brave Nikola Tesla made /sci/ take a trip to the knockouts and the advantage on this rivalry. They would meet again in the 2015 Autumn Babby Cup but with a strong /diy/ and a /sci/ in a do-or-die situation, things looked to be a bit lopsided… and they were, in favour of /sci/, giving the /sci/borgs their largest win recorded so far. Both teams failed to advance but at least /sci/ can still maintain the “all engineers are fags” statement as law.
|vsteam      = lit
|rivalryname = [[/lit/|The Intellectualism Derby]]
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>2-1-0</b>
|description = A match filled with brains and boredom (specially the 10+ minute managing spaghetti at the 2013 Spring Babbies), both boards enjoy reading but /sci/ prefers books that have the purpose of understanding the universe and physics while [[/lit/]] prefers to read made up stories that are 2deep4u. The /lit/erati see the /sci/entists as a soulless team, as for The Science Team say they are just jelly of their 300k starting jobs in Math because they took an actual helpful God Tier Major instead of ending up on the dole because of their shit tier majors. As for 4CC matters, /lit/ has won [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup|three]] [[2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|official]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup|matches]] [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|and an old offical friendly]], but /sci/ will keep on testing until they can find a scientifically proven tactic that will drive them to victory.
|vsrecord    = 0 Wins - 0 Draws - 4 Losses
|vsteam      = pol
|rivalryname = [[/pol/|The Progress Bowl]]
|description = Both boards want the best for humanity, although they both disagree on some aspects: [[/pol/]] disagrees with the moral values of /sci/ and /sci/ disagrees with the ethnic cleansing proposals of /pol/. These matches are filled with air raids and nuclear testings so the happenning is now. Both boards have met three times, the first time was a 2-1 victory for the /sci/entists with goals by Richard Feynman and Dawkins, the next one was a 2-1 win for the /pol/acks in the 2012 Summer Cup friendlies. Given /pol/'s elite status and /sci/'s decline both boards had to wait one year to face each other again, this time in the 2013 Summer Cup, where both teams were already eliminated but that didn't stop them from having fun at the infamous Doompaul pitch, whereas /sci/ won 1-0 with a goal by Bill Nye to put the ball back in /sci/'s court. These teams would not face each other for nearly 4 years, this time in a complete different scenario, the 2017 Spring Babby Qualifiers, /pol/ in shambles after disastrous performances one after the other and /sci/ returning after a year of hiatus, both teams were put on a do or die situation where a draw would favor /sci/, taking into account the horrid performances by /pol/ in their new stadium, /sci/ opted to use their stadium instead of the Time Cube, this time around both teams gathered for a [https://youtu.be/AVDBD_HXtMs?t=12s joint anthem] to protest Bill Nye's brainlet views on gender. Richard Feynman put 2 goals that were enough to gain the draw to advance and bury /pol/ in their stadium, being buried by a Jewish scientist that scored twice on them on the same day that marked the anniversary of Hitler's suicide. The most recent matchup was in [[2018 4chan Summer Cup|Summer 18]] and saw /sci/ bury /pol/ 2-1 and staying elite at their expense, while they headed to the inferno of the babbies. /sci/ and /pol/ would meet again in [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup| Spring 22]] losing to /pol/ 1-2 for the first time in an official cup match, both promoted anyway. While /sci/ normally opposes the idea of slavery, they seem content on owning /pol/.
|vsrecord    = 4 Wins - 1 Draw - 2 Losses
|vsteam      = x
|rivalryname = [[/x/|Take Your Meds]]
|description = A rivalry as old as /sci/'s founding. Many a post about supernatural horseshit or schizophrenic opinions about physics has found it's way onto /sci/ from the Time Cube to Electric Universe, yet they do not belong here and most /sci/borgs would wish that whoever posted them would instead go to /x/ where they belong. Starting off with a painful [[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|0-3 loss]] in an official friendly back in the spring of 2013, /sci/ would grind out an uneventful 0-0 draw when the two teams met for the first time in a cup match [[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup|6 years later]]. Another loss against /x/ would occur in the [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|fall of 2023]] in the group stage, what was /sci/'s first game in what would become its title run. Despite the poor showing that had been established, /sci/ rose to the challenge to beat /x/ in the [[2024 4chan Summer Cup|Summer of 2024]] during a must win game in order to advance to the knockouts, finally overcoming a opponent that would have become an recurring obstacle.
|vsrecord    = 1 Win - 1 Draw - 2 Losses
|vsteam      = diy
|rivalryname = [[/diy/|Science vs. Engineering]]
|description = An age old question that has been argued for years: Which is more useful, Science or Engineering? This derby plans to settle the debate once and for all with /sci/ and /diy/ facing each other for philanthropic dominance. The first matchup between these two boards was in the 2013 Autumn Babby Cup friendlies, on which /diy/ managed to pull a draw with the /sci/entists. These two teams would not face each other (barring friendlies and invitationals where /sci/ won a game and drew the other) until the 2015 4chan Winter Cup in a decisive match where it was a situation of do or die for both teams in order to advance, /diy/ struck first with an early 2-0, but with Feynman’s once-in-a-lifetime shot, a miracle performance by CB Triple Integrals and a goal by Bosnia’s Brave Nikola Tesla made /sci/ take a trip to the knockouts and the advantage on this rivalry. They would meet again in the [[2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2015 Autumn Babby Cup]] but with a strong /diy/ and a /sci/ in a do-or-die situation, things looked to be a bit lopsided… and they were, in favour of /sci/, giving the /sci/borgs their largest win recorded so far. Both teams failed to advance but at least /sci/ can still maintain the “all engineers are fags” statement as law.
|vsrecord    = 2 Wins - 1 Draw - 0 Losses
<!-- Keep this here to make sure the div for the Contact section doesn't disappear -->  

==<div style='display:inline-block;width:calc(100% - 100px);background:linear-gradient(to right, #0047AB, #ffffff);font-family:sans-serif;padding:2px;padding-left:10px;border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;font-weight:700'><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Contact</span></div>==
<big>[https://discord.gg/RMefwSdXwg '''Team Discord''' ]</big> <br>
*'''IRC:''' Yuyukow
*'''Email:''' Yuyukow@protonmail.com
*'''Discord''': Yuyukow#8393

* /sci/ is one of only 4 teams to have conceded 100 or more goals.
{{Babby Tier}}
* Despite being one of the longest tenured players on the team, Stephen Hawking has only two recorded clean sheets. The amount for most clean sheets on the team belongs to retired player Thorium with 5 clean sheets.
{{Champion|prev={{Year|2022|Autumn|b}} {{team home|vg}}|season=Autumn|year={{Year|2023|Autumn|b}} (1st title)|next={{Year|2024|Autumn|b}} {{team home|k}}}}

==Cup History==
*'''2012 Spring Babby Cup:''' 3rd Place
*'''2012 Summer Cup:''' 19th Place
*'''2012 Autumn Babby Cup:''' 9th Place
*'''2013 Winter Cup:''' T-16th Place
*'''2013 Spring Babby Cup:''' {{tt|19th Place|Promoted after Dragongate scandal}}
*'''2013 Summer Cup:''' 23rd Place
*'''2013 Autumn Babby Cup:''' 21st Place
*'''2014 Spring Babby Cup:''' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_asNhzXq72w 30th Place]
*'''2014 Autumn Babby Cup:''' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13tnjh3dZw4 5th Place]
*'''2015 Winter Cup:''' 14th Place
*'''2015 Summer Cup:''' 31st Place
*'''2015 Autumn Babby Cup:''' 24th Place
*'''2016 Spring Babby Cup:''' 26th Place
*'''2016 Autumn Babby Cup:''' - (Failed to submit an export)
*'''2017 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers:''' 8th Place
*'''2017 Spring Babby Cup:''' {{tt|18th Place|Promoted after /t/, /out/, and /p/ were culled and disqualified from Summer}}
*'''2017 Summer Cup''' T-6th Place
{{Navbox Teams}}
{{Navbox Teams}}

[[Category:Official teams|sci]]
[[Category:Official teams|sci]]
[[Category:Founding Babbies|sci]]

Latest revision as of 01:09, 10 February 2025

What has science done?
Sci logo.png
/sci/ - Science & Math
Founded Jan. 6, 2012
Manager John Urschel
IRL manager Yuyukow !!EOZVjSE1Oud
Team colors
Chat color 0047AB
Cobalt Blue
Ranking 4 (increase 2)
Highest rank 4 (August 2018)
Lowest rank 54 (November 2016)
Top scorer Shinichi Mochizuki (63)
Top assister Richard Feynman (38)
Captain You SHOULD be able to solve this
Website /sci/ - Science & Math
Nickname /sci/entists, /sci/borgs, The Science Team
Home ground The Time Cube
Historic performance
57 32 63 152 37.5%
264 290 -26
Biggest win
/sci/ Sci icon.png 5–0 Diy icon.png /diy/
November 1, 2015
Biggest defeat
/sci/ Sci icon.png 1–7 Wg icon.png /wg/
September 29, 2012
First match
/d/ D icon.png 1–0 Sci icon.png /sci/
February 11, 2012
Elite Cup
Appearances 14 (First in 2012 4chan Summer Cup)
Best result 4th, 2024 4chan Winter Cup
Babby Cup
Appearances 17 (First in 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup)
Best result 1st, 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Team music
Anthem The Science Rap G
Victory Anthem Glorious Dawn
You SHOULD be able to solve this MotM Hacking to the Gate

Goal horn Weird Science
Feynman Goalhorn Richard Feynman Playing Bongos
Wernher von Braun & Musk Goalhorn Go!
Comeback Goalhorn Blinding Lights
Home kit Scihome sc2015.png
Away kit Sciaway-2016sbc.png
Goalkeeper kit Sci home goalkeeper kit 2014 spring babby cup.png
Third kit Scithird-2016sbc.png
Fourth kit Scifourth-2016sbc.png
Fifth kit Sci kit 5 2020 spring babby cup.png
Sixth kit Sci kit 6 2021 autumn babby cup.png

Since the dawn of time, anons from far and wide have come to /sci/ to post their IQ and take autism tests. The best and brightest of these pseuds have come together and put forth 23 of their finest memes and beloved scientists to represent them in the 4chan Cup. Over 10 years after the team's founding, the /sci/entists are looking to put their Ph.D's to use and sperg their way into the history books, and after many trials and tribulations the team had achieved victory in the 2023 Autumn Babby Cup. So put down that CS book and get ready to do some real science, brainlet.


Main Article: /sci/ Roster

Top: Ed Witten, Lying Koreans- 99, Boiling Water, >carbon fiber hull, Yukariposter , Stephen Hawking
Bottom: You SHOULD be able to solve this, Richard Feynman (Captain), Shinichi Mochizuki, Wernher von Braun, Norman Wildberger
Not pictured: Secret Italian Supercat (/sci/'s mascot), Black Science Guy (Coming to /sci/: When any Ivy League athlete becomes the MVP of 3 Super Bowls)
No. Position Player
The Phenotype
>carbon fiber hull
Boiling Water
Lying Koreans - 99
Operation Pooperclip
Norman Wildberger
Shinichi Mochizuki
Wernher Von Braun
Richard Feynman
You SHOULD be able to solve thisCaptain
No. Position Player
Stephen Hawking
4 Color Retardation
1+2+3+4+5+.... = -1/12
CS Pleb
>biology >hard science
McDonnell-Douglas Mergercaust
Cool Science Facts
Homo Engineer
300k Starting
Does 0.999 = 1?
Carl Sagan

Cup & Match History

Main Article: /sci/ History

2024 Summer Cup

After a fourth place exit in the previous winter, /sci/ was excited for its team to ignite its engines and leave the competition inhaling whatever exhaust products they produced. With a 5-2 win over the previous spring's runner up /sp/ to start the group stage, /sci/ had established itself as a powerhouse on the very heavily offensive PES 16. Such energy would not be seen from /sci/ in the next two matches against /toy/ and /x/, as against the former the attack only managed to secure 2 goals in regulation. This wouldn't have been a problem, /toy/ had only managed to respond once, but then the game would completely fall apart for /sci/ in injury time as Woody and Madoka Titus sunk in two 90+ goals to rob /sci/ of another 3 points. Instead of /sci/ being more or less safe at the top of a 6-6-3-0 group, the game against /x/ had effectively become a must win in order to advance, the only way to move forward on a draw or a loss was is /toy/ could beat /sp/. /sci/ was staring down one of its many white whales, tensions were high as the first half of the game was uneventful but was eventually opened up after Feynman had lodged a penalty kick in the back of /x/'s net, A follow up by You SHOULD be able to solve this a few minutes later had the team on a 2-0 lead that it would hold until /x/-tan managed to score in fergie time. Thankfully the game ended before the debacle with /toy/ could repeat itself and /sci/ confirmed through to the knockouts. Continuing onto the Round of 16, the /sci/borgs once against faced /d/, and once again /sci/ managed to dispatch the /d/eviants just as they did six months prior. While it may have been that /d/ was sitting at 2 goals to /sci/'s 1 at the end of the first half, the offense that was so sorely missed after the game against /sp/ returned in full force in the second to swing the game to a victorious 5-2 and the team would move forward to the final day to face /u/. Unfortunately disaster would strike and /sci/'s metaphorical rocket engines would explode in a miserable 2-7 defeat, leaving /sci/ with yet another Quarter Final defeat while /u/ would go all the way to the championship game, only to lose to the [wsg] in the same 3-4 scoreline seen in the previous Winter's third place match. While somewhat demoralized, /sci/ had largely performed well on a PES it had previously done poorly on and was looking forward for what would come in winter.

2025 Winter Cup

With the end of the Summer, the cup returned to PES 17, a version PES that /sci/ had historically done well on. Drawn against /his/, /int/, and /v/ many still favored /sci/ to advance out of their group and stay in the elites. However the first game against /his/ did not go very well as his managed to rack up two goals before Shinichi managed to get one on the board late into the game. The anemia undermining /sci/'s offense would continue into the next game against the white whale of /int/, who ran up a 4 goals with only a pitiful few shots that were wide from /sci/'s strikers in response. The loss relegated /sci/ and had the team looking at the possibility that they might spoon the tournament, and when ultimate group stage game against /v/ began it looked like /sci/ would fail yet again as /v/ got an early goal and /sci/'s offense failed to amount to much for most of the game. It was only with tactical changes in the last minutes that You SHOULD be able to solve this managed to score a couple of goals, securing a win for the team when all seemed lost. /sci/'s would be headed to the Spring Babby for the first time in 3 years, the only consolation in light of its poor performance being that the ignominy of coming in dead last was avoided.

Tournament History

Competition Wins Draws Losses Goal For Goals Against Goal Differential Rank Notes
2012 Spring Cup logo.png2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup 4 2 1 11 7 4 3rd place
2012 Summer Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Summer Cup 0 1 2 5 11 -6 19th place - Group Stage
2012 Autumn Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2 1 1 10 5 5 9th place - Round of 16
2013 Winter Cup logo.png2013 4chan Winter Cup 1 0 2 5 6 -1 16th place - Group Stage
2013 Spring Cup logo.png2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 0 2 2 4 -2 19th place- Group Stage Promoted due to the Dragongate scandal
2013 Summer Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Summer Cup 1 0 2 3 7 -4 23rd place - Group Stage
2013 Autumn Cup logo.png2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 1 1 5 7 -2 21st place - Group Stage
2014 Spring Cup logo.png2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 1 2 3 4 -1 30th place - Group Stage
2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4 1 1 12 7 5 5th place - Quarterfinals
2015 4chan winter cup logo.png2015 4chan Winter Cup 1 2 1 6 7 -1 14th place - Round of 16
2015 Summer Cup Logo.png2015 4chan Summer Cup 0 0 3 3 10 -7 31st - Group Stage
ABC15 Design G.png2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 2 1 8 4 4 24th place - Group Stage
2016 Spring Cup Logo.png2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0 1 2 2 7 -5 26th place - Group Stage
ABC16 Design A.png2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0 0 0 0 0 0 Forfeit No export presented
SBC17 Design Aq.png2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 0 2 1 4 5 -1 8th place - Group Stage
SBC17 Design A.png2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 1 1 6 6 0 18th - Group Stage Promoted after /t/, /out/ and /p/ were culled
SC17 Design A.png2017 4chan Summer Cup 3 1 1 10 7 3 6th place - Quarterfinals Tied with /tv/
WC18 Design F2.png2018 4chan Winter Cup 3 0 2 9 8 1 8th place - Quarterfinals
Summer18 E.png2018 4chan Summer Cup 4 0 1 10 5 5 6th Place - Quarterfinals
WC19 Design E.png2019 4chan Winter Cup 0 1 2 12 15 -3 25th place - Group Stage
SBC19 Design B1.png2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0 3 0 0 0 0 21st place - Group Stage
ABC19 Design Eq.png2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers 1 0 2 4 6 -2 8th place - Group Stage >go autopilot >get aborted
SBC20 Design A.png2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0 3 0 6 6 0 21st - Group Stage Lost playoffs to /d/
ABC20 Design F.png2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 0 2 3 7 -4 25th - Group Stage
WoC21 Design E.png2021 4chan World Cup 0 2 1 6 7 -1 53rd - Group Stage
ABC21 Design C.png2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 0 3 6 10 -4 34th - Group Stage
SBC22 Design D.png2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2 0 3 9 8 1 11th - Round of 16 Drought ended after 3 years, tied with /c/
SC22 Design G.png2022 4chan Summer Cup 0 2 1 4 7 -3 28th - Group Stage >jobbing to /cm/
ABC22 Design H.png2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2 2 1 8 7 1 8th - Quarter Finals >a fucking repeat group >another QF loss
WC23 Design G.png2023 4chan Winter Cup 4 0 1 12 7 5 5th - Quarter Finals >losing the first elite QF the team had 4.5 years
SC23 Design G1.png2023 4chan Summer Cup 1 0 2 6 9 -3 24th - Group Stage >getting relegated in summer AGAIN
ABC23 Design G.png2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 5 0 2 16 9 7 Champions 9-3-3-3 miracle promotion, Quarterfinal curse broken
WC24 Design E1.png2024 4chan Winter Cup 4 0 3 11 13 -2 4th - Third Place Match
SC24 Design C.png2024 4chan Summer Cup 3 0 2 16 15 1 8th - Quarter Finals >get to summer knockouts for once >job to /u/ in QFs
WC25 Design J.png2025 4chan Winter Cup 1 0 2 3 7 -4 26th - Group Stage >back on a PES that /sci/ did well on >get BTFO by /int/
Elite Matches 26 8 27 124 144 -20
Babby Matches 26 20 26 111 111 0
Total Cup Matches 52 28 54 235 255 -20
Official Friendlies 5 4 9 29 35 -6 No more official friendlies, RIPIP
Official Total 57 32 63 264 290 - 26

Recent & Upcoming Matches

For a >complete match history see: /sci/ Match History

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers Video
January 20, 2024 T icon.png /t/ Group Stage WC 2024 0-4 L >fun
January 26, 2024 K icon.png /k/ Group Stage WC 2024 3-2 W You Should Be Able To Solve This Goal 36'53'59' >fun
January 28, 2024 Y icon.png /y/ Group Stage WC 2024 2-1 W You Should Be Able To Solve This Goal 20'90+4' >fun
February 3, 2024 D icon.png /d/ Round of 16 WC 2024 5-1 W You Should Be Able To Solve This Goal 43' Shinichi Mochizuki Goal 59'62' Richard Feynman Goal 78'85' >fun
February 4, 2024 F icon.png /f/ Quarterfinals WC 2024 1-1 W (3-1 Pen) Richard Feynman Goal 38' >fun
February 4, 2024 Pw icon.png /pw/ Semifinals WC 2024 0-3 L >fun
February 4, 2024 Wsg icon.png /wsg/ Third Place Match WC 2024 3-4 L Shinichi Mochizuki Goal 4' Richard Feynman Goal 21'88' >fun
July 20, 2024 Sp icon.png /sp/ Group Stage SC 2024 5-2 W You Should Be Able To Solve This Goal 15'34'51' Shinichi Mochizuki Goal 84' Richard Feynman Goal 90+5' >fun
July 26, 2024 Toy icon.png /toy/ Group Stage SC 2024 2-3 L You Should Be Able To Solve This Goal 26' Richard Feynman Goal 73' >fun
July 28, 2024 X icon.png /x/ Group Stage SC 2024 2-1 W Richard Feynman Goal 52' (pen.) You Should Be Able To Solve This Goal 58' >fun
August 3, 2024 D icon.png /d/ Round of 16 SC 2024 5-2 W Wernher von Braun Goal 34' Richard Feynman Goal 48' You Should Be Able To Solve This Goal 73'85'90+2' >fun
August 4, 2024 U icon.png /u/ Quaterfinals SC 2024 2-7 L You Should Be Able To Solve This Goal 45+2' Richard Feynman Goal 75' >fun
January 25, 2025 His icon.png /his/ Group Stage WC 2025 1-2 L Shinichi Mochizuki Goal 83' >fun
January 31, 2025 Int icon.png /int/ Group Stage WC 2025 0-4 L >fun
February 2, 2025 V icon.png /v/ Group Stage WC 2025 2-1 W You Should Be Able To Solve This Goal 80'88' >fun


Main Article: /sci/ Player Statistics


  • /sci/ is one of only 2 teams to have drawn 30 or more games.
  • Despite being the longest tenured keeper on the team, Stephen Hawking finished his goalkeeping career only recorded seven clean sheets in an 11 year period, averaging less than 1 per year, and his first recorded clean sheet did not come until 2017. For comparison, Thorium, the second leader in clean sheets, had a short career spanning four years averaged over 1 clean sheet per year.
  • /sci/ went 10 years without promoting from a Spring Babby Cup in a way that didn't involve a scandal or a controversial decision (2012-2022), being eligible to play in 6 of them; staying within the same subject, /sci/ spent 8 years without promoting from an Autumn Babby Cup (2014-2022), although they only participated in 4 thanks to a combination of staying elite and one forfeit.
  • As of the time of writing /sci/ has conceded goals in 91.1% of games played.
  • In the 2023 Summer Cup, Norman Wildberger scored /sci/'s first double brace since Richard Feynman's against /diy/ in 2015
  • As of October 2023, /sci/ has never won on Halloween weekend.
  • /sci/ became the second team to register a four medal performance in a Final, against /mlp/, the first team that achieved this feat against /tv/ in Spring 2013.


Summer 2024

Da time cube.pngScitexport.pngAestheticssci.pngSciMusicExportWIP.png


Version Tactics Aesthetics Music
Pro Evolution Soccer 2021
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015

Gallery & Promotional Media





Official tournaments:

2012 Spring Cup logo.png
2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup
Third Place
2012 Summer Cup logo.png
2012 4chan Summer Cup
At least you tried award
ABC23 Design G.png
2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
ABC23 Design G.png
2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Team of the tournament
ABC23 Design G.png
2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Most Improved Team
ABC23 Design G.png
2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Underdog/Surprise of the Tournament
ABC23 Design G.png
2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Best Goalhorn - Weird Science
ABC23 Design G.png
2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
ABC23 Design G.png
2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Biggest Upset - /sci/ vs /mlp/ Final


2015 Antares Memorial Cup
Third place
Akko Invitational II 2nd logo.png
Akko League II: Sucy I Need A Tagline
Akko Stuptor Cup


2012 Summer Cup logo.png
2012 4chan Summer Cup
No. Position Player
Bill Nye
All-Star 2nd Team
2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png
2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
No. Position Player
Stephen Hawking
All-Star Starting XI
Gold Glove Winner (26 Saves)
WC18 Design F2.png
2018 4chan Winter Cup
No. Position Player
Shinichi Mochizuki
Golden Boot Winner (6 Goals, 4 way tie)
ABC23 Design G.png
2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
No. Position Player
Shinichi Mochizuki
Best Player (4 Man of the Match Awards )


Lit logo.png
/lit/ - The Intellectualism Derby
A match filled with brains and boredom (specially the 10+ minute managing spaghetti at the 2013 Spring Babbies), both boards enjoy reading but /sci/ prefers books that have the purpose of understanding the universe and physics while /lit/ prefers to read made up stories that are 2deep4u. The /lit/erati see the /sci/entists as a soulless team, as for The Science Team say they are just jelly of their 300k starting jobs in Math because they took an actual helpful God Tier Major instead of ending up on the dole because of their shit tier majors. As for 4CC matters, /lit/ has won three official matches and an old offical friendly, but /sci/ will keep on testing until they can find a scientifically proven tactic that will drive them to victory.
0 Wins - 0 Draws - 4 Losses
Pol logo.png
/pol/ - The Progress Bowl
Both boards want the best for humanity, although they both disagree on some aspects: /pol/ disagrees with the moral values of /sci/ and /sci/ disagrees with the ethnic cleansing proposals of /pol/. These matches are filled with air raids and nuclear testings so the happenning is now. Both boards have met three times, the first time was a 2-1 victory for the /sci/entists with goals by Richard Feynman and Dawkins, the next one was a 2-1 win for the /pol/acks in the 2012 Summer Cup friendlies. Given /pol/'s elite status and /sci/'s decline both boards had to wait one year to face each other again, this time in the 2013 Summer Cup, where both teams were already eliminated but that didn't stop them from having fun at the infamous Doompaul pitch, whereas /sci/ won 1-0 with a goal by Bill Nye to put the ball back in /sci/'s court. These teams would not face each other for nearly 4 years, this time in a complete different scenario, the 2017 Spring Babby Qualifiers, /pol/ in shambles after disastrous performances one after the other and /sci/ returning after a year of hiatus, both teams were put on a do or die situation where a draw would favor /sci/, taking into account the horrid performances by /pol/ in their new stadium, /sci/ opted to use their stadium instead of the Time Cube, this time around both teams gathered for a joint anthem to protest Bill Nye's brainlet views on gender. Richard Feynman put 2 goals that were enough to gain the draw to advance and bury /pol/ in their stadium, being buried by a Jewish scientist that scored twice on them on the same day that marked the anniversary of Hitler's suicide. The most recent matchup was in Summer 18 and saw /sci/ bury /pol/ 2-1 and staying elite at their expense, while they headed to the inferno of the babbies. /sci/ and /pol/ would meet again in Spring 22 losing to /pol/ 1-2 for the first time in an official cup match, both promoted anyway. While /sci/ normally opposes the idea of slavery, they seem content on owning /pol/.
4 Wins - 1 Draw - 2 Losses
X logo.png
/x/ - Take Your Meds
A rivalry as old as /sci/'s founding. Many a post about supernatural horseshit or schizophrenic opinions about physics has found it's way onto /sci/ from the Time Cube to Electric Universe, yet they do not belong here and most /sci/borgs would wish that whoever posted them would instead go to /x/ where they belong. Starting off with a painful 0-3 loss in an official friendly back in the spring of 2013, /sci/ would grind out an uneventful 0-0 draw when the two teams met for the first time in a cup match 6 years later. Another loss against /x/ would occur in the fall of 2023 in the group stage, what was /sci/'s first game in what would become its title run. Despite the poor showing that had been established, /sci/ rose to the challenge to beat /x/ in the Summer of 2024 during a must win game in order to advance to the knockouts, finally overcoming a opponent that would have become an recurring obstacle.
1 Win - 1 Draw - 2 Losses
Diy logo.png
/diy/ - Science vs. Engineering
An age old question that has been argued for years: Which is more useful, Science or Engineering? This derby plans to settle the debate once and for all with /sci/ and /diy/ facing each other for philanthropic dominance. The first matchup between these two boards was in the 2013 Autumn Babby Cup friendlies, on which /diy/ managed to pull a draw with the /sci/entists. These two teams would not face each other (barring friendlies and invitationals where /sci/ won a game and drew the other) until the 2015 4chan Winter Cup in a decisive match where it was a situation of do or die for both teams in order to advance, /diy/ struck first with an early 2-0, but with Feynman’s once-in-a-lifetime shot, a miracle performance by CB Triple Integrals and a goal by Bosnia’s Brave Nikola Tesla made /sci/ take a trip to the knockouts and the advantage on this rivalry. They would meet again in the 2015 Autumn Babby Cup but with a strong /diy/ and a /sci/ in a do-or-die situation, things looked to be a bit lopsided… and they were, in favour of /sci/, giving the /sci/borgs their largest win recorded so far. Both teams failed to advance but at least /sci/ can still maintain the “all engineers are fags” statement as law.
2 Wins - 1 Draw - 0 Losses


Team Discord

Yuyukow !!EOZVjSE1Oud

  • IRC: Yuyukow
  • Email: Yuyukow@protonmail.com
  • Discord: Yuyukow#8393

Babby Cups
Preceded by
2022 /vg/ Vg icon.png
Autumn Champions
2023 (1st title)
Succeeded by
2024 /k/ K icon.png