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*{{team away|k}} (Last missed: [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 Winter]], has played in '''2''' Babbies since then)
*{{team away|k}} (Last missed: [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 Winter]], has played in '''2''' Babbies since then)
*{{team away|tg}} (Last missed: [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 Winter]], has played in '''2''' Babbies since then)
*{{team away|tg}} (Last missed: [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 Winter]], has played in '''2''' Babbies since then)
*{{team away|h}} (Last missed: [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 Winter]], has played in '''3''' Babbies since then)

=== Teams that have never played in an Elite Final Day ===
=== Teams that have never played in an Elite Final Day ===

Revision as of 19:39, 5 November 2023

As if having over thirteen thousand (and counting!) edits to the wiki of a fake divegrass tournament for a Malaysian Moving Pictures Website wasn't enough autism. If you're reading this page, you're so gay you might actually become a /vg/ manager one day.

Longest Time Between Elite Cup Promotions (Active)

If your team is on this list, it's basically a non-team. Or, like /asp/, taken from us too soon.

Teams that have never played in a Fetus

If your team ISN'T on this list, it's basically a non-team. This includes /vg/, I know. Spring 2016 did not happen.

Teams that haven't missed an Elite Cup in at least two years

Totals updated to include the last Babby the team was relegated to. Italics indicate team is about to play in a Babby Cup, putting their streak at risk. This page is still probably not readable.

Teams that have never played in an Elite Final Day

/ic/ have made an Elite Final Day more recently than /a/. So have /t/.

/vg/ manager records

this shit's a mess

Manager Record (W-D-L)
Trofflesby (2012 Summer Friendlies) 2-0-1
CAnon (2012 Autumn-2013 Spring) 4-1-11
DeMessi (2013 Autumn-2015 Autumn) 10-3-13
>me (2015 Autumn-2017 Autumn) 7-3-8
QD (2015 Autumn-2018 Summer) 2-3-2
Amis (2016 Autumn) 1-0-0
Technetium (2017 Summer-2021 Winter) 13-0-8
Windy (2018 Spring-2019 Summer) 4-1-2
Resolink (2019 Winter-2020 Summer, 2022 Winter-???) 9-0-3
Zilyana (2020 Winter-???) 4-4-4
BigOlBrainlet (2021 World-???) 3-1-3
>/vg/ "council" (2015 Autumn-2017 Autumn) 9-5-11
>/vg/ "council" (2018 Spring-2019 Summer) 17-2-7
>/vg/ "council" (2020 Winter-2021 Winter) 6-4-6
>/vg/ "council" (2021 World-???) 10-1-6

We clean swept a babby (with a benuldy assist) lmaoooooooo

"Real" Teams /vg/ Has Overwritten

>Fame Multipliers

PES 2012: Spain National Team
PES 2013 (Winter/Spring 2013): Nigeria National Team
PES 2013 (Autumn 2013): Costa Rica National Team
PES 2014: O'Higgins
PES 2015: Olympique Lyonnais
PES 2016: if you read this
PES 2017: you are
PES 2018: the biggest gay
PES 2019 (Spring 2019 Friendlies): Fenerbahçe
PES 2019 (not Spring 2019 Friendlies): nope
PES 2021: back in my day, some lucky bastard got to put his team's gold on Messi's slot