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As of yet, there is no real crack for PES2020. However, the dumb rocks at Konmai have made the full game a DLC of the demo, meaning that you can use a stealthy, undetectable way to pirate DLCs called CreamAPI to pirate the game. This used to get you kicked out of the game, but it appears Konami has given up enforcing licensing checks.
{{Pes2020 TOC}}
As of yet, there is no real crack for PES2020. However, the dumb rocks at Konami have made the full game a DLC of the demo, meaning that you can use a stealthy, undetectable way to pirate DLCs called CreamAPI to pirate the game. This used to get you kicked out of the game, but it appears Konami has given up enforcing licensing checks.

Latest revision as of 22:50, 5 July 2020

2020 4chanlogo.png
Pro Evolution Soccer 2020
This is still a work in progress.
Please be patient.

As of yet, there is no real crack for PES2020. However, the dumb rocks at Konami have made the full game a DLC of the demo, meaning that you can use a stealthy, undetectable way to pirate DLCs called CreamAPI to pirate the game. This used to get you kicked out of the game, but it appears Konami has given up enforcing licensing checks.

Converting PES20 LITE

(1.08.00+, just check this thread if this guide is out of date)

Download the LITE game from Steam, then download the full exe and bypass and extract it in PES' install folder, overwriting the exe, dlls and such. Run the game - the online works, so you will be pestered by various updates and such, unless you block it the firewall or something - if your title bar says "eFootball PES 2020" rather than "eFootball PES 2020 LITE", congrats, you have the full game.

On Steam, set the game's Properties to "Only update this game when I launch it" under the Updates tab, or your bypass will be overwritten every time there's a new update.

Remember to turn off Live Update when >testing otherwise your EDIT file will not work correctly.