Difference between revisions of "Exports"

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(→‎{{team away|b}}: kit name height fix)
Line 67: Line 67:
* '''Tactical Export:'''
* '''Tactical Export:'''
* '''Tactic-less Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/Ub42nL5Z#2w8WBvz-tbJgVbzqK0fWqyOCdH-sWTXfo1Nb5rtid2M Non tactical]
* '''Tactic-less Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/Ub42nL5Z#2w8WBvz-tbJgVbzqK0fWqyOCdH-sWTXfo1Nb5rtid2M Non tactical]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/UWhEnLwI#9TRtIe7wKANUtOGLqTLS28EUT_TGKWxmnZaj3f5Sq5c Aes]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/cDxG3DLT#8UAMXXZf0HY7XFu2uOKX6gKx2huajQL5ZSGvsH0rU7s Aes]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/NKoAEbAa#WLUyDQheFUrnws_eRkIjkhKS8GKDEJgUbODRn5yYg4g Theres alot of primates that eat other primates, like chimps eat the fuck out of monkeys, david attenborough you wanna watch? ok pull up the david attenbourough, so they hunt, they hunt monkeys, they coral them in, its the most ruthless shit, cause theres a video of this chimp eating a monkey while its alive, its holding onto the monkey and biting its hips, and just pulling chunks of meat while the monkeys screaming like AHHHHHHHHH like his little primate face just screaming while this chimps eating him alive. They do everything they can eat theyre omnivourous they eat everything like humans theyre omnivores but they didnt figure this out till the 1990s attenbourough was doing this documentary and these trackers took him and showed how these monkeys , look look it thats a chimp eating a monkey, yeah this is the video this is really dark shit man they chase these monkeys and the monkeys get scared and theyre trying to figure it out and theyre trying to run away but the chimps are bigger and stronger and they coral them in and so once they get em man,they just tear em apart its just horrible to watch, see now the monkeys trying to get away and this is the footage of the monkey trying to escape and the chimp comes chasing after him grabs him. Its rough bro they eat babies they eat em all]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/NKoAEbAa#WLUyDQheFUrnws_eRkIjkhKS8GKDEJgUbODRn5yYg4g Theres alot of primates that eat other primates, like chimps eat the fuck out of monkeys, david attenborough you wanna watch? ok pull up the david attenbourough, so they hunt, they hunt monkeys, they coral them in, its the most ruthless shit, cause theres a video of this chimp eating a monkey while its alive, its holding onto the monkey and biting its hips, and just pulling chunks of meat while the monkeys screaming like AHHHHHHHHH like his little primate face just screaming while this chimps eating him alive. They do everything they can eat theyre omnivourous they eat everything like humans theyre omnivores but they didnt figure this out till the 1990s attenbourough was doing this documentary and these trackers took him and showed how these monkeys , look look it thats a chimp eating a monkey, yeah this is the video this is really dark shit man they chase these monkeys and the monkeys get scared and theyre trying to figure it out and theyre trying to run away but the chimps are bigger and stronger and they coral them in and so once they get em man,they just tear em apart its just horrible to watch, see now the monkeys trying to get away and this is the footage of the monkey trying to escape and the chimp comes chasing after him grabs him. Its rough bro they eat babies they eat em all]

Revision as of 11:16, 2 July 2021

Out of date.svg
When editing the exports page, edit your team's section only (click the [edit] link next to the header with your team's name) in order to prevent edit conflicts and loss of links! If an edit conflict happens, we'll be able to tell whose fault it is.

This page is for the upcoming 2021 4chan World Cup. Archived exports pages can be found at Exports/Archive

This page is for the preliminary and tactical deadlines only. See the Save Fixes for tactical export-related changes beyond the first deadline.

Make sure to read the warning message above.

The Aesthetics/Tactics-less Exports Deadline has passed

Making your export

To make your export, start PES 2021 and go to the main menu. When there select Edit to go to the Edit menu. Then select Data Management at the bottom and then select Export Team. After that just follow all the instructions on the screen. When done the export can be found in My Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\WEPES. Just look for the .ted file after how you named it. This is the file you will have to upload and put under the team's header on this page.

For your aesthetics export, please refer to the current aesthetics export template.
For music export, please check the Rigdio page.

Post a link to download your team's export. It is mandatory to separate the tactical export and the aesthetics download. Music exports are optional but appreciated, and should be separate from the prior files. Check the wiki main page for the export deadline timer.

Note: It is highly recommended that you use Auto-ATF which is included in the 4ccEditor, which can be found here to check your export before uploading it.

Don't be afraid to contact the 4CCC or anyone else who may be able to help you about the current cup rules if you have questions.

Alive teams

3 icon.png /3/

A icon.png /a/

Aco icon.png /aco/

Adv icon.png /adv/

An icon.png /an/

Asp icon.png /asp/

B icon.png /b/

Bant icon.png /bant/

Biz icon.png /biz/

C icon.png /c/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export: CUTE!
  • Aesthetics Export: Cute!
  • Audio Export:

Ck icon.png /ck/

Cm icon.png /cm/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export: Cute
  • Aesthetics Export: Boys
  • Audio Export:

Co icon.png /co/

D icon.png /d/

Diy icon.png /diy/

F icon.png /f/

Fa icon.png /fa/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export: fa no tictacs
  • Aesthetics Export: fa aes
  • Audio Export:

Fit icon.png /fit/

H icon.png /h/

His icon.png /his/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export:Not important
  • Aesthetics Export: aes
  • Audio Export:

I icon.png /i/

Int icon.png /int/

Jp icon.png /jp/

K icon.png /k/

Lit icon.png /lit/

M icon.png /m/

Mlp icon.png /mlp/

Mu icon.png /mu/

N icon.png /n/

O icon.png /o/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export: this year
  • Aesthetics Export: aesthetics
  • Audio Export:

Out icon.png /out/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export: export
  • Aesthetics Export: hiking gear
  • Audio Export:

P icon.png /p/

Pol icon.png /pol/

R9k icon.png /r9k/

S4s icon.png /s4s/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export: this is
  • Aesthetics Export: nice init
  • Audio Export:

Sci icon.png /sci/

Sp icon.png /sp/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export: Mickey
  • Aesthetics Export: Mouse
  • Audio Export: Cup

Tg icon.png /tg/

Toy icon.png /toy/

Trv icon.png /trv/

Tv icon.png /tv/

  • Tactic-less Tactical Export: BIGGUS
  • Aesthetics Export: DICKUS!
  • Audio Export: HE HAS A WIFE YOU KNOW...

U icon.png /u/

V icon.png /v/

Vg icon.png /vg/

Vp icon.png /vp/

Vr icon.png /vr/

W icon.png /w/

Wg icon.png /wg/

Wsg icon.png /wsg/

X icon.png /x/

Y icon.png /y/

New teams

Vm icon.png /vm/

Vrpg icon.png /vrpg/

Vst icon.png /vst/

Vt icon.png /vt/

Revived teams

Cgl icon.png /cgl/

E icon.png /e/

G icon.png /g/

Gd icon.png /gd/

Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export:
  • Aesthetics Export:
  • Audio Export:

Po icon.png /po/

S icon.png /s/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export: Dox list
  • Aesthetics Export: Eye candy
  • Audio Export:

Soc icon.png /soc/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export:
  • Aesthetics Export:
  • Audio Export:

T icon.png /t/

  • Tactical Export:
  • Tactic-less Tactical Export: No
  • Aesthetics Export: Copy
  • Audio Export: Floppy