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'''''The Final Tour'''''

Hey, I'm the guy who used to be {{team away|sci}}'s manager, for a short period of time I {{tt|"managed"|I revived it and then let it run on autopilot}} {{team away|tf2g}} before being {{greentext|banned from the /vg/l}}
Tripcode is: {{Anonymous|Lab Coat|!!xjloyu2m+mY}}
Contact me at LabCoat#1630 on Discord, or send an email at labcoattripfag@gmail.com
==Invitational Teams==
===Current Invitational Teams===
{{team away|math}} - Mathematics
{{team away|fed}} - United Federation of Planets
===Current Concept Teams===
{{team away|chem}} - Chemistry
{{team away|md}} - Maryland
{{team away|tmbg}} - They Might Be Giants
===Retired Teams===
{{team away|tfe}} - Team Fortress Engineer
==Fantasy Teams==
{|  width="720px" border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;"
{|  class="wikitable" style="font-size: 90%; background: transparent;"
|  colspan="4" | <b>[[2017 4chan Summer Cup Fantasy Football|2017 4chan Summer Cup Fantasy Football Rankings]] </b>
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="5%" |  Rank
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="5%" |  Change
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="82.5%" |  Teams
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="7.5%" |  Points
|  align="center" | <b>14</b>
|  align="center" | [[File:decrease2.png]]9
|  align="left" | [Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name]
|  align="right" |  199<br>[[File:increase.png]]63
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:720px">
'''[Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name]'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{{sq ff start}}
{{sq ff player |team=sci |pos=GK |name=Stephen Hawking |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=u |pos=CB |name=Goggles |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=vr |pos=LB |name=Blast Processing |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=s4s |pos=RB |name={{greentext|dinosaurs >feathers}} |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=u |pos=DMF |name=Macarons |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=lit |pos=CMF |name=my diary desu |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=g |pos=CMF |name=Terry A. Davis |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff silver player |team=sci |pos=AMF |name=Sun of Lava/Ice |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff silver player |team=int |pos=AMF |name={{greentext|Argentina >White}} {{vice-captain}} |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff gold player |team=vr |pos=SS |name=Kirby |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff gold player |team=sci |pos=CF |name=Shinichi Mochizuki {{captain}} |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff mid}}
{{sq ff player |team=g |pos=GK |name=Stallman |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=toy |pos=CB |name=Kinder Eggs |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=wg |pos=CB |name=Kilometer One |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=vr |pos=DMF |name=Atari Dragon |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=int |pos=CMF |name=Polandball |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff gold player |team=vr |pos=CF |name=Doomguy |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff end}}</div>
{|  width="500px" border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;"
{|  class="wikitable" style="font-size: 90%; background: transparent;"
|  colspan="4" | <b>[[2018 4chan Winter Cup Fantasy Football|2018 4chan Winter Cup Fantasy Football Rankings]]</b>
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="5%" |  Rank
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="5%" |  Change
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="82.5%" |  Teams
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="7.5%" |  Points
|  align="center" | <b>3</b>
|  align="center" | [[File:increase.png]]1
|  align="left" | [Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name 2: Electric Boogaloo]
|  align="right" |  291<br>[[File:increase.png]]123
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:720px">
'''[Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name 2: Electric Boogaloo]'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{{sq ff start}}
{{sq ff player |team=sci |pos=GK |name=Stephen Hawking |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=k |pos=CB |name=Vining |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=n |pos=CB |name=Steel is Reel |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=x |pos=CB |name=SCP Series |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=tg |pos=DMF |name=Settra The Imperishable |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff bronze player |team=h |pos=DMF |name=Unwilling Elf |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff bronze player |team=an |pos=LMF |name=Birb |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=an |pos=CMF |name=Orange Bitey Thing |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff silver player |team=tg |pos=SS |name=Thin Your Paints |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff silver player |team=u |pos=CF |name=Homucifer |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff gold player |team=sci |pos=CF |name=Shinichi Mochizuki {{captain}} |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff mid}}
{{sq ff player |team=u |pos=GK |name=Madokami |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=int |pos=LB |name={{greentext|A Fucking Leaf}} |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=vr |pos=CB |name=Blast Processing |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=u |pos=DMF |name=Macarons |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=int |pos=DMF |name=Sopa De Macaco |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff gold player |team=vr |pos=CF |name=Doomguy |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff end}}</div>
{|  width="500px" border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;"
{|  class="wikitable" style="font-size: 90%; background: transparent;"
|  colspan="4" | <b>[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Fantasy Football|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Fantasy Football Rankings]] </b>
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="5%" |  Rank
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="5%" |  Change
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="82.5%" |  Teams
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="7.5%" |  Points
|  align="center" | <b>22</b>
|  align="center" | [[File:decrease2.png]] 5
|  align="left" | Team Gul Dukat Did Nothing Wrong
|  align="right" |  103<br>[[File:increase.png]]26
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:720px">
'''Team Gul Dukat Did Nothing Wrong'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{{sq ff start}}
{{sq ff player |team=g |pos=GK |name=Stallman  |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=biz |pos=CB |name=Buy High Sell Low |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=u |pos=CB |name=Science Babies |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=tv |pos=LB |name=Problem Child 2  |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=3 |pos=RB |name=Uncanny Valley |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=tv |pos=CMF |name=Gul Dukat |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff bronze player |team=u |pos=CMF |name=Feito-Chan  |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff bronze player |team=his |pos=CMF |name=Bomber Harris |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff silver player |team=g |pos=SS |name=No Time For Love {{vice-captain}}|lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff silver player |team=his |pos=SS |name=Bismarck  |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff gold player |team=g |pos=CF |name=Install Gentoo {{captain}} |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff mid}}
{{sq ff player |team=wg |pos=GK |name=Bliss |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=wg |pos=CB |name=Dank Papes |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=tv |pos=CB |name=Lynched |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=wg |pos=DMF |name=I Am Very Sad |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff player |team=mu |pos=CMF |name=John Lennon Beats His Wife |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff gold player |team=his |pos=CF |name={{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} |lastscore=- |totalscore=- }}
{{sq ff end}}
</div> </div>
{|  width="500px" border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;"
{|  class="wikitable" style="font-size: 90%; background: transparent;"
|  colspan="4" | <b>[[2019 4chan Winter Cup Fantasy Football|2019 4chan Winter Cup Fantasy Football Rankings]] </b>
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="5%" |  Rank
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="5%" |  Change
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="82.5%" |  Teams
!  style="background-color:#cdcdcd;" width="7.5%" |  Points
|  align="center" | <b>19</b>
|  align="center" | [[File:increase.png]] 1
|  align="left" | You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
|  align="right" |  51
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed' style='width:720px'>
'''You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack'''
<div class='mw-collapsible-content'>
{{sq ff start}}
{{sq ff start player |team=sci |pos=GK |name=Stephen Hawking |lastscore=0 |totalscore=-2 }}
{{sq ff start player |team=vr |pos=CB |name=BEWARE I LIVE |lastscore=0 |totalscore=0 }}
{{sq ff start player |team=wg |pos=CB |name=COMMUNISM |lastscore=0 |totalscore=0 }}
{{sq ff start player |team=3 |pos=CB |name=PLS GIVE ME A JOB |lastscore=0 |totalscore=0 }}
{{sq ff start player |team=vr |pos=DMF |name=MAX DAMAGE |lastscore=0 |totalscore=0 }}
{{sq ff start player |team=vr |pos=DMF |name=SOLID SNAKE |lastscore=0 |totalscore=1 }}
{{sq ff start player |team=wg |pos=CMF |name=BOSS NIGGER |lastscore=0 |totalscore=2 }}
{{sq ff silver player |team=mu |pos=CMF |name=VIPER THE RAPPER |lastscore=0 |totalscore=1 }}
{{sq ff gold player |team=tg |pos=CF |name=Doomrider {{vice-captain}} |lastscore=0 |totalscore=2 }}
{{sq ff gold player |team=sci |pos=CF |name=Shinichi Mochizuki {{captain}} |lastscore=0 |totalscore=34 }}
{{sq ff silver player |team=sci |pos=SS |name=Richard Feynman |lastscore=0 |totalscore=13 }}
{{sq ff mid}}
{{sq ff player |team=3 |pos=GK |name=Quads Only |lastscore=0 |totalscore=0 }}
{{sq ff player |team=bant |pos=CB |name=>romania |lastscore=0 |totalscore=0 }}
{{sq ff player |team=b |pos=CB |name=Rule 34 |lastscore=0 |totalscore=0 }}
{{sq ff player |team=biz |pos=DMF |name=John "Boomer" McAfee |lastscore=0 |totalscore=0 }}
{{sq ff player |team=ck |pos=DMF |name=Pink Himalayan Salt |lastscore=0 |totalscore=0 }}
{{sq ff gold player |team=gd |pos=CF |name=Kerning |lastscore=0 |totalscore=0 }}
{{sq ff end}}
</div> </div>

Latest revision as of 04:19, 28 October 2021

The Final Tour

Hey, I'm the guy who used to be Sci icon.png /sci/'s manager, for a short period of time I "managed" Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/ before being >banned from the /vg/l

Tripcode is: Lab Coat !!xjloyu2m+mY

Contact me at LabCoat#1630 on Discord, or send an email at labcoattripfag@gmail.com

Invitational Teams

Current Invitational Teams

Math icon.png /math/ - Mathematics

Fed icon.png /fed/ - United Federation of Planets

Current Concept Teams

Chem icon.png /chem/ - Chemistry

Md icon.png /md/ - Maryland

Tmbg icon.png /tmbg/ - They Might Be Giants

Retired Teams

Tfe icon.png /tfe/ - Team Fortress Engineer

Fantasy Teams

2017 4chan Summer Cup Fantasy Football Rankings
Rank Change Teams Points
14 Decrease2.png9 [Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name] 199

[Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name]

2018 4chan Winter Cup Fantasy Football Rankings
Rank Change Teams Points
3 Increase.png1 [Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name 2: Electric Boogaloo] 291

[Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name 2: Electric Boogaloo]

2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Fantasy Football Rankings
Rank Change Teams Points
22 Decrease2.png 5 Team Gul Dukat Did Nothing Wrong 103

Team Gul Dukat Did Nothing Wrong

2019 4chan Winter Cup Fantasy Football Rankings
Rank Change Teams Points
19 Increase.png 1 You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack 51

You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack