Difference between revisions of "Golden Spoon Cup/Exports"

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Line 54: Line 54:
{{team away|lgbt}}<br>
{{team away|lgbt}}<br>
Export: https://mega.nz/#!d34yDagC!0uVWVv0f6M4Kn_WEpFasfIjQtFmWmkgc-vdYOwDRcM4<br>
Export: https://mega.nz/#!d34yDagC!0uVWVv0f6M4Kn_WEpFasfIjQtFmWmkgc-vdYOwDRcM4<br>
Aesthetics: Same as Summer.<br>
Music: Same as Summer.<br>
{{team away|m}}<br>
Export: https://mega.nz/#!KJVzzToC!nD3mGcOgNBjirMauZ2eKnWmm_Oz0m9-2UkbOHp6omwk<br>
Aesthetics: Same as Summer.<br>
Aesthetics: Same as Summer.<br>
Music: Same as Summer.<br>  
Music: Same as Summer.<br>  

Revision as of 18:05, 15 August 2017

Post team exports (tactical and aesthetic, if needed) for the Golden Spoon Cup here.

If you have no changes from the 2017 4chan Summer Cup you do not need an aesthetic or music export posted here.

Signed up Teams

H icon.png /h/
Export: https://mega.nz/#!qNFRBT5R!Cafc6NPjvg9uk-FLUH7buA8FLNBBPgGF-bqeArkyuY0
Aesthetics: https://mega.nz/#!GA12iCBJ!dEHVlyCbjjeWVBO5SF61vVuEXASsh6vacpR94i4Bb7w
Other: Just use the other teams goalhorn

Sci icon.png /sci/

Tactical: https://mega.nz/#!xIZQQKKL!OZ1S1EJhOzZfI6nIFDZFUCgp2QQWPlz5SOxH3S6Rus8


Custom Anthem and Goalhorn: https://mega.nz/#!tAglVSBB!4gM2LsuELX-bih3kd1UB8mE-myKaoBOK_MAvef5SKTI

Int icon.png /int/
tacticool genes: https://puu.sh/x9B3J/08faf0f0f7
aesthetics: https://puu.sh/wQym7/3748998d33.rar (it's just the same shit from summer)
music: https://puu.sh/x76F6/da5a0362ac.rar (also just the same shit from summer)

G icon.png /g/
Export: https://mega.nz/#!mwZzTRLR!J0rHxUtGhzMHk0lGEcfNCFn5Oyi42jc27O0OOYMNbWo
Aesthetics: https://my.mixtape.moe/baurbs.rar
Other: Use regular music. Please contact me via discord if any issues arise. (music pack is on /g/ team page)

Tg icon.png /tg/
Export: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sFLtbSeqljS19RWmZMVDZ1S0E
Aesthetics: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qtvmpf84dzox908/TG%20Aesthetic%20Export.zip?dl=0 (It's the same summer export, no updates required)
Music: The regular music on the /tg/ team page.

Toy icon.png /toy/
Export: https://mega.nz/#F!4DoHxLZY!OAEzPcczf8Rq6ZzNI6ELwQ
Aesthetics: Same fixed stuff from Summer, coming soon with proper link.
Music: https://mega.nz/#F!kL4BBDaL!iswhyXsZc68Ktcc6MWUHXg!QGpSEKRS

Pol icon.png /pol/
Export: Soon
Aesthetics: Fixed Stuff, required
Music: Soon

Vg icon.png /vg/
Export: SOON™
Aesthetics: It's just the same as Summer
Music: It's (probably) just the same as Summer

Mlp icon.png /mlp/
Export: https://puu.sh/xaqVC/6ec848220d
Aesthetics: https://puu.sh/xaquc/41b4bf4c39.7z
Music: https://puu.sh/xasy0/12603ce918.7z

Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/
Export: https://mega.nz/#!d34yDagC!0uVWVv0f6M4Kn_WEpFasfIjQtFmWmkgc-vdYOwDRcM4
Aesthetics: Same as Summer.
Music: Same as Summer.

M icon.png /m/
Export: https://mega.nz/#!KJVzzToC!nD3mGcOgNBjirMauZ2eKnWmm_Oz0m9-2UkbOHp6omwk
Aesthetics: Same as Summer.
Music: Same as Summer.

Reserve Teams

Gd icon.png /gd/
Aesthetics: Graphic Design Is My Passion
Music: Songs to draw on the wrong layer to
I put too much effort into this shitpost.