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U ft wc18.jpg

Girls Can Love Girls
U logo.png
/u/ - Yuri
Founded July 15, 2012
Manager Charlotte Scherzen
Owner Lily Maria
IRL manager ! !!W3eMiMxaoie
Team colors
Chat color E35496
Purist's Pink
Ranking 1 (increase 1)
Highest rank 1 (March 2018)
Lowest rank 48 (May 2013)
Top scorer Akemi Homura (60)
Top assister Purest Form of Love (22+)
Captain Akkarin
Website /u/ - Yuri
Nickname /u/nicorns
Historic performance
42 22 19 83 50.6%
148 102 +46
Biggest win
/u/ U icon.png 4–0 Fit icon.png /fit/
August 16, 2013
Biggest defeat
/u/ U icon.png 1–5 Mlp icon.png /mlp/
May 4, 2013
First match
/u/ U icon.png 0–3 Trv icon.png /trv/
July 20, 2012
Elite Cup
Appearances 11 (First in Summer 2013)
Best result Champions, Winter 2018
Babby Cup
Appearances 5 (First in Autumn 2012)
Best result Third place, Autumn 2016
Team music
Anthem Pastel Pure
Victory Anthem Super Ultra Hyper Miracle Romantic

Goal horn Agony
Akkarin \Akkariiin/ Mesorogiwi
Homucifer Magia
Teru Time Miyanaga Teru Theme
Home kit Uhome-2017sbc.png
Away kit Uaway-2017sbc.png
Third kit Uthird-2017sbc.png
Fourth kit Ufourth-2017sc.png
Fifth kit Ufifth-2018wc.png
Sixth kit Usixth-2017sc.png
Seventh kit Useventh-2018wc.png
Eighth kit Ueighth-2018wc.png
Ninth kit Useventh-2017sc.png

In a part of 4chan unseen by most other than its citizens and the occasional lost /v/irgin, sits a place called /u/. Slow and elegant posting is preferred here, and you will find no pornographic material on this NSFW board, for it is far too lewd and impure. Sex? Not pure. Kissing? Still not pure. Hand-holding? Just pure enough. The /u/nicorns of /u/ like to sit down for a cup of tea and a nice, long, slow discussion about their favorite girls' love. After years of suffering /u/ finally got a triumphant yuri end in the 2018 4chan Winter Cup.


For earlier history: /u/ History

2018 4chan Winter Cup: AT LAST

In the span of two years, the /u/nicorns have reached the elite finals and lost both times, the frustration of being denied that elusive first star was steadily growing by the time the 2018 4chan Winter Cup happened. Unfortunately the group stage draw couldn’t possibly be more disastrous: the /u/nicorns found themselves in the company of Summer 17 knockouts rival /his/ and two white whales they can't manage to get off their back: /fit/, who they’ll face for the 5th time and who denied the team their first star in Winter 2016 and /mlp/ who has the grating habit of winning every cup where they’re grouped with /u/.

Despite the ominous circumstances, the team was out for blood and it showed in the first match against /mlp/; capitalizing on a numerous questionable decisions by the ponies, Feito-chan and Akkarin carried the team to a 3-0 victory, the first of any kind they had over /mlp/ who fumbled all over the place, with Derpy Hooves even contributing to /u/’s scoring. Up next the rematch against /his/ was more one-sided than in the previous Summer; Feito-chan and Akkarin once again teaming up to give /u/ a 2-1 win, although Feito-chan ate a second consecutive yellow, forcing her to sit the third match. This would thankfully turn out to be inconsequential; /u/ advanced and /fit/ was relegated before the last match which ended in a 0-1 loss for /u/.

In the Round of 16, /u/ faced a very dynamic /co/ and it showed right at the start with /co/lette breaking the game open. /u/ tried desperately to answer for 80 minutes, until a miracle happened, and CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling made a heroic run past the /co/ defence to level the game at 90+1, sending it to extra time. This proved to be the end of /co/ who completely run out of steam and Befriending sealed the deal 2-1 to propel /u/ forward. The quarterfinals against /sci/ were a completely one-sided affair, Akkarin put one in and Homucifer finally woke up and put two in the net to end the game 3-0 and face /n/ in the semifinals. /n/ boldly decided to park a gigantic bus in front of their net and play the long game, which resulted in the game going to extra time scoreless, but eventually Homucifer found an opening and Feito-chan finished it shortly afterwards, taking advantage of /n/ going full panic mode, and the game ended 2-0.

And then it was, once again, time for an elite final, /u/’s third elite final. And, of course, it had to be against /mlp/. Coincidentally /mlp/ was also playing their third elite final, but already had two stars to their name and was eyeing their third, while /u/ was still desperately chasing their first. The two sides were absolutely determined and turned the final into an incredible slugfest with both teams constantly trying to outmanoeuvre the other. /u/ got first blood thanks to Homucifer but /mlp/ soon retaliated, then got the lead again courtesy of Purest form of Love only to see /mlp/ go back level; tackles, cards, near misses, saves, clearances, wild shots just kept happening in quick succession, increasingly building up a tension. Eventually the game went to extra time and just kept getting wilder and wilder, until Purest form of Love completed her brace to put /u/ ahead a third time. It looked like the end of it, but no, of course no, of course /mlp/ HAD to sneak a stoppage goal at 120+2 and send the game to the coinflip of penalties. Despair was high amongst the /u/nicorns, as /mlp/ had already won two penalty shootouts that day, and now the star was to be decided by who would blink first in RNGesus’ cruellest joke. In a buzzing atmosphere, the strikers took their turn in front of the net, then the midfielders, then the goalkeepers, then the defenders…none of the players slipped for 9 rounds but then, /mlp/’s Hi Anon, tried to be cheeky and shot it right at an unsurprised Madokami, leaving the outcome on the match and the whole cup on Science Babies.

DrBorisG !!uWmnP2zIyZF

U champs.png

At last


At last /u/ triumphed and finally got their own star. It a was long and hard-earned yuri end, and it’s with a much lighter heart that the /u/nicorns await the 2018 4chan Summer Cup.


Main Article: /u/ roster
Old rosters: /u/ Historical Rosters
No. Position Player
Science Babies
Teru Time
Purest Form Of Love
Akkarin Captain
No. Position Player
But We're Both Girls
How Two Girls Have Sex
Low Impact Consensual Cuddling
Being Yaya is suffering
Post-Apocalyptic Bonding
Hifumin Leeeeeader
The Mochiverse
Alien From Black Lizard Planet
Are You a Lolicon?
Black Sunshine

The starting 11 (With a little help from Sealdoka)

Tournament History

Competition Win Tie Loss End result Notes
2012 Autumn Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0 1 2 Group stage
2013 Spring Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 0 1 Group stage Promoted due to Dragongate
2013 Summer Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Summer Cup 2 1 1 Ro16
2014 Winter Cup logo.png 2014 4chan Winter Cup 0 2 1 Group stage Relegated
2014 Spring Cup logo.png 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3 2 1 Quarter final Promoted
2014SummerCupLogo.png 2014 4chan Summer Cup 3 1 1 Quarter final
2015 4chan winter cup logo.png 2015 4chan Winter Cup 2 2 1 Quarter final
2015 Summer Cup Logo.png 2015 4chan Summer Cup 3 0 2 Quarter final >4th (fourth) quarter final finish in a row
WC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Winter Cup 5 1 1 Runner up Curse broken
Summer16 H ALT 2.png 2016 4chan Summer Cup 0 2 1 Group stage Relegated
ABC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4 1 2 3rd place Promoted
WC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Winter Cup 1 1 1 Group stage Relegated
SBC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 1 2 Ro16 Promoted
SC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Summer Cup 5 1 1 Runner up Yo-yo broken
WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup 6 0 1 Champions AT LAST

Match History

For earlier match history: /u/ Match History

Official Matches

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
February 17, 2018 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G 3-0 W Akkarin Goal 15'
Feito-chan Goal 21'
Derpy Hooves Scored 86'
February 23, 2018 His icon.png /his/ WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G 2-1 W Feito-chan Goal 26'
Akkarin Goal 50'
February 25, 2018 Fit icon.png /fit/ WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G 0-1 L
March 3, 2018 Co icon.png /co/ WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup Round of 16 2-1 W Low Impact Consensual Cuddling Goal 90+1'
Befriending Goal 96'
March 4, 2018 Sci icon.png /sci/ WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup Quarterfinals 3-0 W Akkarin Goal 23'
Homucifer Goal 63'77'
March 4, 2018 N icon.png /n/ WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup Semifinals 2-0 W Homucifer Goal 104'
Feito-chan Goal 111'
March 4, 2018 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup Final 3-3 (10-9 PK) W Homucifer Goal 36'
Purest Form of Love Goal 79'94'


Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
January 14, 2018 Y icon.png /y/ 2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 6-2 W Are You a Lolicon? Goal 21'
Akkarin Goal 29'
Science Babies Goal 44'90+6'
Purest Form Of Love Goal 88'
Goggles Goal 90+0'

Goalscoring Hall of Fame

Player As Non Medal As Bronze Medal As Silver Medal As Gold Medal
Homucifer - - 4 56
Purest Form of Love - - 0 32
Teru Time 0 1 20 -
Akkarin 0 - 16 -
Feito-chan 1 3 - -
Befriending 2 1 - -
Black Sunshine 2 - - -
Metall/u/rgy 2 - - -
Fingering For World Peace 2 - - -
Low Impact Consensual Cuddling 1 - - -
Macarons 1 - - -
Kuma Shock 1 - - -
Ayayayaya 1 - - -
Erica Hartmann 0 1 - -
Own goal 1 0 - -





A logo.png
/a/ - The Sisterlyb Owl
/u/, being a cousin of /a/, can't quite understand why her onee-sama talks so badly about her one moment, then cheers for her to win the next. One way or another, it seems that despite /a/'s constant complaints about how much /u/ has changed, /a/ does feel happy for her when she succeeds. Head to head, /u/ has never lost to /a/, and was even partially responsible for their relegation in the 2014 4chan Summer Cup - only time will tell if /u/'s onee-sama can forgive her, and reestablish their close friendship of old.
C logo.png
/c/ - The Purity Derby
Though the images and characters posted on /u/ would frequently fit right in on /c/, there exists a schism between the two due to the fact that /u/ would much rather have Cute Girls doing Cute Girls, as opposed to Cute Things. The fact that heterosexual couples are allowed to be posted on /c/ is another strike against her in /u/'s eyes, leading her to deny /c/'s claims of being the purest board there is. The teams have played against each other a number of times over the years; twice during the early friendlies and twice during actual cups. The first time was a 3-0 victory by /u/ in the 2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies, and the second a 2-2 draw in the 2013 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies, a result that was repeated during the group stages of the 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup. After more than two years apart, both teams got reunited rather surprisingly during the quarterfinals of the 2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup, where /u/ claimed a 2-1 win.
Y logo.png
/y/ - The Uriaoi Bowl

Forget all about the argument over which type of love is purer (partly because it's obviously the love between two girls). Forget all about their match history, which counts as one Durgenfaf-powered win by /y/ and one friendly win by /u/. No, the real, true reason behind this rivalry is that /y/ stole the precious first-letter board descriptor. Doomed to use the second letter in their name for all eternity, y/u/ri will never truly forgive /y/aoi for such an insult.

Lit logo.png
/lit/ - The Classyb Owl
A rivalry built on a mutual appreciation of class and style, /lit/ and /u/ hold no ill will towards each other, instead appreciating the other's awareness of the value of class. These two teams have only ever met once, in the 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies. The match was a classy, respectable affair, with both teams dressed up to the nines, /lit/ decked out in a curious monochrome suit, and /u/ in a traditional and colour-coordinated miko outfit arrangement. The match ended in the classiest of scorelines; 1-1.

Macaron Press

Macaron Press 30th August 2013


Name Image Description
Sealdoka Sealdoka.jpg Brought to this universe by Madokami in a belief that the captain and the team needed an unconditional supporter. Not much is known about /u/'s signature supporter aside from her constant chanting of "Homura-Cha~." Sealdoka is currently being taught the rest of the team's names in hopes of providing the most vocal support in the entire tournament.


U ABC16.png

The team that got the COVETED third place trophy in Autumn 2016.

U in a Nutshell.png

>The absolute state of /u/


Winter 18 Friendlies Export

Winter 18 Tactical Export

Winter 18 Aesthetics Export

Music Export

Elite Cups
Preceded by
2017 /fit/ Fit icon.png
Winter Champions
2018 (1st title)