Server maintenance/downtime still planned during the offseason pending f4r getting some time to actually do it.

The logo poll for the 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup is now open.
You can vote here. Logos are in this gallery.


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Need to contact a manager? Look up their contact info here.

If a manager's contact info cannot be found here, try the /vg/ thread. If you suspect that the manager of your board's team has become inactive while a cup is around the corner, let the /vg/ thread know, too.


Aesthetics Helper

  • Shakes !!bde0TdEQ2r5
  • Wiki Page: User:Shakes
  • Discord: Shakes#9782
  • /4ccg/: Anonymous

Server admin

I look after the wiki, IRC and the server as a whole. If you find something broken, please let me know (>implying I'll fix it soon or ever).


Usually in /4ccg/ too lurking probably, but if you want something important addressed personally and at-length, contact me via the above instead.

Cup Discord Servers

4ccc icon.png General 4cc Discord

Team Discord Servers

Aesthetics Helper's personal aesthetics Discord

3 icon.png /3/

This team does not currently have a manager.

A icon.png /a/

Potatotron !!7x8lho7obpm

  • Discord: Potatotron#3465
  • Email:
  • Alternatively, yell at me on /4ccg/ and I'll eventually see it.

Blinky !!SpytPK2KVVY

  • Skype: Bl1nky
  • Discord: Blinky#5555

Team Discord server

Aco icon.png /aco/

Overseer - Guy_F

  • Discord: Guy_Fiati#5481
  • Email:

Adv icon.png /adv/

WayJay !!YFJnn8+UiFE

  • Discord: WayJay#5468
  • Email:
  • >skype: the_flying_w
  • Twitter: @adv_fc

Svenskii !!nQLt/0Ty+IY

  • Discord: sven#2525
  • /4ccg/ : I browse / shitpost there every day so you'll probably be able to easily find me in the thread as well.
  • Mail: (not recommended because I barely check it on the off-season, better use discord).

An icon.png /an/

Alternativeroo !!R5/4Cpex4Bg
Skype: spectralwing

Asp icon.png /asp/

Groudon !!9aKmRIjeVg1

  • 4CC Skype: Groudonasp

In the offseason might not be in the /vg/ thread as much, but feel free to add me on Skype

Prozach !!SSPtXJ6yC1U

  • 4CC Skype: z33km0
  • Discord: Prozach#0563

Discord is the easiest way to get in touch with me if needed for any reason

B icon.png /b/

Captain Planet
Skype: elcapitanplanet42
Discord: CaptainPlanet#7769
6letters  !!9Ddx6tl1+0u
Discord: 6letters#6275

Bant icon.png /bant/

Dr.Medic !admin.cH4I

  • Discord: Dr.Medic#2754
  • Discord server (only if i do not answer DM's

Biz icon.png /biz/

plus !!IfFZMaPmcC7

  • IRC: plus
  • Discord: plus#0862
  • Telegram: @plusbiz

C icon.png /c/

MagicalCoat !!tH1G0QpCBBI
Skype name: MagicalCoat
Discord: MagicalCoat#0858
E-Mail: (worst way to contact me)
I'm also always lurking in the /4ccg/ thread.

Anzai !!xfVTOxZRtMC

Discord: Anzai#2111

Dog-chan !!5DOgkneuFTr
Discord: Dog-chan#3279
Twitter: @Dogchan1

Cgl icon.png /cgl/

This team does not currently have a manager.

Ck icon.png /ck/

Bochumbrew !!vij0cTUzxLY

  • Skype: MMMaster48
  • Twitter: @Bochumbrew
  • Discord: Bochumbrew#9128

Cm icon.png /cm/

Manager: Excalibur !!8cquq1ssnQV

  • Discord: Excalibur#4985
  • E-mail:
  • Reach out to me on discord for primary contact

Caretaker: tech !!rb+zz19X9Cq

  • E-mail:
  • I'm on the main 4CC server; @ me if you need anything.
  • I lurk /4ccg/ during the cup season and during VGL; I'll likely catch anything directed at me or /cm/.
  • During the off-season you'll probably have better luck reaching out on Discord. I lurk the thread during cups.

Co icon.png /co/

DocSax !!CZDGJzT39aK:
skype: dctrsax
discord: DocSax#8758

Mantis !!JQtP16lnumY:
skype: mantisofpraying15
discord: Mantis#8299

CuriousAnon !!NNJPLf1BkZ:
skype: starburstking

D icon.png /d/


  • Skype: generalpseudonym
  • Wiki Page: Guar/d/iola
  • E-mail:

Team secretary

DrDtroit !!pVg5N2qQSk/

  • Skype: drdtroit
  • Talk page: User talk:DrDtroit
  • Email:
  • discord: drdtroit#8664

Live Manager

Kinsey Type F !!SHeuLX1RDVQ

  • Email:
  • Discord: Kinsey Type Fug#9347
  • IRC: KinseyTypeF


Diy icon.png/diy/

gio !!up/5f4cJvZ6 (Caretaker)

E icon.png /e/

This team does not currently have a manager.

F icon.png /f/

Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ

  • Skype: Sirsmudgey
  • Discord: Smudgey#9560

Old Man Sou !!c6N8js+QjEQ

  • Skype: oldmansou
  • Discord: Old_Man_Sou#5052

Fa icon.png /fa/

Horizons !!a4gAWsQNbFY

  • Email: (checked ~twice a week)
  • Discord: Horizons#8617 (only active when divegrass is happening)

Fit icon.png /fit/

Kostas[GRE] !!p9ZsvQpP8fW

G icon.png /g/

This team does not currently have a manager.

Team IRC Channel

Gd icon.png /gd/

smear !!!!ZpszUblgJq9 (Inactive)

  • Skype: GraphicDesign333
  • Twitter: @GraphicDesignFC
  • IRC Handle: smear


Incoming !!LIKZcxsmOAv

  • User Page: Incoming
  • Discord (best bet): Incoming#0888
  • Email (checked infrequently):
  • IRC (gameday only): Incoming
  • Skype (gameday only): incomingnumbers5643

Gif icon.png /gif/

Golden_hue  !!PdUd0Uu75m3

  • Skype: golden.hue
  • Discord: golden_hue#4419

Ashton Kootcher  !!yezDaCiuvaq

  • Discord: Ashton Kootcher#0971

H icon.png /h/

Flowonthego !!OsuyA1ar1o9

  • Skype: deliriouseagle
  • IRC: Flowonthego
  • Discord: Flowonthego#2778

rhs !!7U8GBtyDxxf

  • Skype: rhs (rarely on)
  • IRC: rhs
  • Discord: rhs II#8154 (can be contacted on the 4cc discord)
  • Email:

His icon.png /his/

JunoIvanovich !!pRLnAqrt9vP

  • IRC: JunoIvanovich
  • E-mail:
  • Discord: JunoIvanovich#6095

Hm icon.png /hm/

This team does not currently have a manager.

Hr icon.png /hr/

This team does not currently have a manager.

I icon.png /i/

Discordant !!mlkum25dCpk

  • Discord: Discordant#1074

Team dickscord:

Ic icon.png /ic/

This team does not currently have a manager.

Int icon.png /int/

HQOlive !!6C5dTcgdbQ2 (caretaker)

  • Skype: jean.valjean11111
  • Discord: HQOlive#7044

Team discord:

Jp icon.png /jp/

tensai !!UkbBMHkM4Hl


Discord: dingus#1036

K icon.png /k/

Seigmann !vaXW12lKzk

  • E-mail:
  • Discord: Seigmann#8622

Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/

This team does not currently have a manager.

Lit icon.png /lit/

Team Server

San Marino !!K7UPgnq6Ao2

  • Email:
  • Skype: sanmarinolit
  • Discord: SanMarino#1952
  • Twitter: @LolitaWantedIt

Autocrat !!CgrAMDqsYHX

  • Skype: autocrat_

TrickyDick !!LsEdMTSFTMN

  • Email:
  • Discord: Tricky Dick#8993

M icon.png /m/

The /m/ Council

Update Guy !!Iu7w9XSvmty

  • Discord: Update Guy#2111
  • Skype: Fireboltprime (Rarely on it, please add me on Discord)
  • Twitter: @UpdateGuyofm


Mlp icon.png /mlp/

Noteperson !!OaxI+wTW5//

  • Wiki Page: Noteperson (talk)
  • Discord: Noteperson#0381
  • Email:

Sita !!8/pyiYRJcmO//

  • Discord: Sita#2257

Titan !!b/AiOBK2ATd

  • Discord: Titan#9967

Mu icon.png /mu/


  • Email:

N icon.png /n/

Megabeastage !!KlfUffM+oow

  • skype: megabeastage.4cc
  • email:

O icon.png /o/

Ben !!lW97z8wDwE1 Discord: Ben#2846

Discord: CaptainLykaios#5878

Out icon.png /out/

Superzak !!I1ftieCPe9P

  • Discord: Superzak#8209
  • Skype: comfy_superzak (I pretty much never use this so don't bother)
  • IRC: Superzak

Smoothie Mane !!0z3uZxZe05x

  • Discord: Smoothie Mane#7420 (Fast)
  • Skype: Will be added soon
  • Email: (Slow)

P icon.png /p/

This team does not currently have a manager.

Po icon.png /po/

This team does not currently have a manager.

Pol icon.png /pol/

Rabbi Shlomo !!i3uxIMqTCIK

  • Skype: Rabbi Shlomo
  • Discord: Rabbi Shlomo#5087
  • Email:

Canes !!J3ZSDcbgj7h

  • Email:
  • Discord: Canes#4555
  • Skype: Canes 4cc (canes.4cc)
  • IRC: Canes

Fapoleon !!S7eJCyYuP+v

R9k icon.png /r9k/

Shuckle !!QKW7kiLRIvE

  • Skype: Ash Shuckle
  • IRC: Shuckle
  • Discord: Shuckle#2385

Tejen !!eYnsyTWICh0

  • Discord: Tejen#9665

S icon.png /s/

This team does not currently have a manager.

S4s icon.png [s4s]

Mephitis !!v8t9nYkJLKq

  • Discord: Mephitis#6621
  • IRC: mephitis
  • Email:

Shouganaina !!+HJ7qWns8oA

  • Discord: Oxen#0733
  • IRC: shouganaina

DoubleNigger !!vJ4xN7F+JgX

  • Skype: doubleniggers4squatch
  • Discord: DoubleNigger#0421
  • IRC: [s4s]DN or [s4s]DoubleNigger
  • Talk Page: User talk:Double Nigger

Sci icon.png /sci/

Yuyukow !!EOZVjSE1Oud

  • Email:
  • Discord: HappyGapHag#8393

Aitor Karanka !!IfSTavRYsiM

  • Email:
  • Discord: thelateaitork#4855

Soc icon.png /soc/

This team does not currently have a manager.

Sp icon.png /sp/

CollieBro !!0sD18ui7YXt

  • Email:
  • message me on discord or /4ccg/ if you actually want a response within the day

Falco !!aXzH59K0ThX

  • Discord: Falco#1143

HarryEnfield !HSOblOU2q2

  • Discord: Harry Enfield#2174

T icon.png /t/

This team does not currently have a manager.

Tg icon.png /tg/

Marqod !!ScG+JApFxMq

  • mail: eltharius at gmail

Send me a mail if you've got questions or would like to help with the team.

Lazyturd !!9uWeC3vphKo

  • Skype: Lazyturd
  • Mail:
  • Discord: Lazyturd#5819

CorgiLord !!vLRzEDZAWOl

  • Skype: CorgiLord
  • Steam: Ash Hearthguard
  • Discord: Alycornanon#3760
  • Email:

We are always on the lookout for people who want to help out, feel free to stop by our discord or matchday threads for more info.

CptCourage !!X48HYmeF9dn

  • Discord: CptCourage#6445
  • Skype: cptcourage10
  • Email:

Globits !!hNlssvttyNC

  • Skype: globits
  • Discord: Globits#0015
  • Email:

Toy icon.png /toy/

CriticalStrike !!4eLlDKFb1I

  • Discord: Critical Strike#0315
  • Team Discord is here.

Trv icon.png /trv/

Mako !!ZkuL34PQ0W9

  • discord: Mako#3730
  • E-mail:
  • irc only on matchdays
  • i usually ctrl+f trv on /4ccg/, but if you want to be sure to get the insults right at me, use discord

Tv icon.png /tv/

ClingingMars !!wX0LNTKWzpR
Discord: ClingingMars#2818
Suule !!/bQ+kfA6ObJ
Discord: Suule#5142

U icon.png /u/

Myuer !!3uFZRY/rUap

  • Discord: Myuer#0082

Alexl7l !!MGBAes2OQ00

  • Discord: Alex|7|#9246
  • IRC: Alexl7l

HinanoSensei !!2+mfPgGZJ0N

  • Discord: AriaP#9481
  • IRC: AriaU

V icon.png /v/

Sillius !!f7WVZt/RWCS

  • IRC
  • Discord: Sillius 💨#2905
  • /4ccg/
  • Twitter: Sillius2
  • E-mail:

Crimson !!axWqG7oLyXn

  • Discord: Crimson#2855
  • /4ccg/

Vg icon.png /vg/

tech !!rb+zz19X9Cq

  • E-mail:
  • Discord: I'm on the main 4CC server or the VGL server; @ me if you need anything.
  • Or use my talk page.
  • During the off-season you'll probably have better luck reaching out on Discord; during cups I lurk the thread.

Resolink !!ob5SBk6Vu3m

  • Twitter: @Resolink_4cc
  • Discord: Resolink#6626
  • always on /4ccg/

Zilyana !!t8bvo456WNa

  • Discord: Zilyana#1390
  • I lurk /4ccg/ at least quite frequently so I'll usually catch anything there as well.

Vp icon.png /vp/

TheBird !!imX5RWup/L6

  • >Skype: sirpains
  • Discord: TheBird#5396

Rytky !!CFRnaumE3vQ

  • Discord: Rytky#5697
  • Email:
  • Thread: Just mention me or /vp/

Vr icon.png /vr/

Nemo !!uMaTyAPDDnV

  • Skype: nemo_electrosphere
  • Discord: Nemo#7957

Polybius !!b4C2LITsENl

  • Skype: Polybius_4cc /
  • Discord: Polybius#0137
  • IRC: Polybius

W icon.png /w/

Shork !!IQwetoMaGvn

  • Discord: Shork#6117

Team discord

Wg icon.png /wg/

Moze !!Moze78KszJJ
Find me on Discord. I'm called Moze on the general cup Discord.
You can also reach both of us on the team Discord.

Meno  !!o5KIJgy4fQA

  • Skype: shiaslaw

I'm also lurking the /4ccg/ page at all times

Wsg icon.png /wsg/

admiralmeru !!On6QI38faPh

  • Discord: admiralmeru#5694
  • Email:
  • I also check /4ccg/, more during cups than in offseason, as well as during invitationals that i'm involved in. I will also for sure check any 4cc thread up on /wsg/.

.WEBMarshmallow !!XIy7rvj1rvo

  • Discord: .WEBM#6204
  • Email:
  • Always active on /4ccg/. If you're interested in helping the team and admiralmeru doesn't appear to be active feel free to contact me instead.

X icon.png /x/


Y icon.png /y/

Sleep Deprived Anon !!z16KEuJW8s3

  • Skype: Obradovich (SDA)
  • Steam: Doctor_Papa
  • E-mail:
  • IRC: Sleepy_Australian

If in need of kits, contact me.
If help is needed anything else, come to me if no one else wants to help ya.