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Virtual Reality, Real Suffering
Vrg logo.png
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Founded December 26th, 2017
Manager Tupper
IRL manager Kizzy
ClingingMars !!wX0LNTKWzpR
Team colors
Extra team colors
Chat color 1b9fc5
Unity-chan Teal
Ranking 8th (decrease 4)
Highest rank 1st (June 24th, 2018)
Lowest rank 29th (June 30th, 2019)
Top scorer Unity-chan (21)
Top assister Proteus Effect (10)
Captain Unity-chan
Website /vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Nickname No nickname
Historic performance
16 3 6 25 64%
61 41 +20
Biggest win
/vrg/ Vrg icon.png 7–4 Alg icon.png /alg/
November 22nd, 2019
Biggest defeat
/vrg/ Vrg icon.png 1–3 Gbpen icon.png /gbpen/
June 14th, 2019
First match
/vrg/ Vrg icon.png 4–2 Rsg icon.png /rsg/
June 23rd, 2018
/vg/ League
Appearances 5 (First in /vg/ League X)
Best result 1st, /vg/ League X
Team music
Anthem Virtual Insanity
Victory Anthem Escape [Beat Saber Soundtrack]

Goal horn Login (feat. Tupper)(Scrambled Harder VIP)
Unity-chan Goal Horn Database
Unity-chan Brace Horn Database (Guitar Solo)
Unity-chan Hatrick Horn UNITE IN THE SKY
Unity-chan Double Brace Horn Tok! Tok! Tok!
Custom Avatar Goal Horn Custom Avatar
Proteus Effect Goal Horn Bang The Faggot All Day (feat. Yuru)
30 Yr Old VR Boomer Goal Horn Boomer USA/Daytona USA
Home kit Vrghome vglX.png
Away kit Vrgaway vglX.png
Goalkeeper kit Vrgkeeper vglX.png

Vrg vgl winners.png

/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General

No. Position Player
Cheers Kippis Kanpai Portrait.png Cheers, Kippis, Kanpai, Fuck Niggers
Projekt Melody Portrait.png Projekt Melody
TDA Thot.pngGlow in the Dark TDA Thot
Half life alyx.png Half-Life: Alyx
Proteus Effect Portrait.png Proteus Effect
RMA Portrait.png RMA
Boomer Portrait.png 30 Yr Old VR Boomer
Chad Portrait.png The CHAD Full Body User
Custom Avatar Portrait.png Custom Avatar
Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.png Unity-chan Captain.png
No. Position Player
Beat Saver Portrait.png Beat Saver
Riftcuck Portrait.png Riftcuck
Brb afk Portrait.png brb, afk
Hate Speech Portrait.png Hate Speech
Gay niggas Portrait.png gay niggas kissing from black mirror
Vivelet Portrait.png Vivelet
Network IK Portrait.png Network IK
Boothcat Portrait.png Boothcat
Nintendo Labo VR Portrait.png Nintendo Labo VR
Coconut Kap Portrait.png Coconut Kap
Implying lockdown Portrait.png>implying lockdown

Retired Players

No. Position Player
Ugandan Knuckles Portrait.png Ugandan Knuckles
VR Socks Portrait.png VR Socks
Waste Of Draw Calls Portrait.png Waste of Draw Calls
Awptist Portrait.png Awptist
Nepbar Portrait.png Nepbar
Bote Girls Portrait.png Bote Girls
El Kamino Portrait.png El Kamino
Im gay Portrait.png i'm gay
Kemono Friends Portrait.png Kemono Friends
Lavender When Portrait.png Lavender when?
Questlet Portrait.pngQuestlet
Mutetopper Portrait.png Mutetopper
Monkeysphere Portrait.png Monkeysphere
Dinner Circle Portrait.png Dinner Circle
VR Hole Portrait.png VR Hole
VR Sleep Portrait.png VR Sleep
A Panty Shot Portrait.png A Panty Shot
Veteran User Portrait.png Veteran User
Tfw no vrfu Portrait.png >tfw no vrfu
Half life alyx.pngWe play things other than VRChat we swear
Dance Crew Portrait.png/dance crew/
He Doesnt Know Portrait.png>he doesn't know
Abyssal Futa Dick Portrait.pngAbyssal Futa Dick

Team History


VGLX - 1st

VGL11 - 10th

VGL12 - 34th

VGL13 - 3rd

Overall - 4th

Key Players:


Proteus Effect

Custom Avatar

30 Yr Old VR Boomer

Counteraction rising. Yeah, we are ready for the punch line. There's no use with all your gimmicks, so check this out.

The story and legacy behind Vrg icon.png /vrg/ is not one that can easily be summarized. How did one team go from being the most hated, infuriating general, to the point where even the tournament organizers despised them, to winning the whole thing and going on to redeem themselves in the eyes of many by helping to lead /vg/ to their first ever cup victory? This is the story of one gay, arrogant team that entered as villains and came out as heroes.

/vg/ League X

The /vrg/ general was formed in the very late December of 2017. The soccer team was formed in May of 2018. Although /vrg/ is the "Virtual Reality General", the main game that is played by the vast majority of people is VRChat, a social game with near infinite creative possibilites. /vrg/ prides itself on content creation and as such, wanted to create their own custom team from scratch without any help. Due to this, as well as other factors, misunderstandings, and some bant, /vrg/ was already hated by the vast majority of people, including the VGL organizers themselves, before VGLX had even begun. Many had told them they would lose immediately, and be the laughing stock of the tournament, especially when /vrg/'s refusal to ask for help wound up making them miss the aesthetic deadline. However, that didn't happen. /vrg/ won their very first game, even without their aesthetics. And then they got their aesthetics, and they won. And then they won again, and then they kept winning, and winning, and winning, until no one was laughing anymore. To the dismay of many, /vrg/ sweeped their first ever tournament, coming in first place without a single loss on their record. VGL had laughed at /vrg/, and now /vrg/ was laughing back.

However, /vrg/'s story doesn't end there. It continues on in the form of Unity-chan, their MVP who had been elected to lead Vg icon.png /vg/ in the 4Chan 2018 Summer Cup as their gold medal player. In the very first game that /vg/ played, Unity-chan landed herself a red card, all but assuring /vg/'s complete and total destruction in the tournament after only a single game played. The hate for /vrg/ had multipled tenfold. Due to the /vg/ team management's expert strategies and tactics, as well as the performance of a lifetime by goalkeeper Jannu (/fgoalter/), /vg/ was somehow barely able to cling on for dear life until Unity-chan's suspension was up. Unity-chan, and by extension /vrg/, would then go on to have a legendary redemption arc, going from a red card in the first game and no goals scored in the entire group stage to absolutely annihilating every team and tying for the Golden Boot on most goals scored in the entire tournament, as well as helping /vg/ to win their first ever 4Chan Cup. You laughed at us, we laughed at you, and now we all laugh together.

After accomplishing just about everything there is to accomplish, there's nowhere to go but downhill from here for /vrg/. The biggest victory they now seek to achieve is the same as it was when they first started - Having fun watching their walking abomination shitpost of a team kick the ball around while watching the game on a big screen in virtual reality.

/vg/ League 11

VGL11 occurred, marking /vrg/'s second VGL tournament after they became champions of the last one. Waste of Draw Calls, VR Hole, and four other players that never saw any playtime in VGLX were retired (/dance crew/, Monkeysphere, Abyssal Futa Dick, and >he doesn't know). Newcomers Veteran User, Awptist, El Kamino, Nepbar, Beat Saber, and 30 Yr Old VR Boomer were added to the team. Beat Saber would replace VR Socks as /vrg/'s main goalkeeper, with VR Socks becoming a fullback.

Unfortunately VGL11 would be a rude wake-up call. Although /vrg/ was placed in what seemed like an extremely easy group stage against the likes of Osg icon.png /osg/, Aceg icon.png /aceg/, and Utg icon.png /utg/, /vrg/ would suffer their first ever loss on the opening day of the tournament against /osg/ in a 2-1 blunder in which both goals were caused by newly added CB "El Kamino"'s inability to intercept easy passes by the enemy team. Team captain Proteus Effect was able to knock one in but unfortunately it wasn't enough. Although they suffered their first ever loss, /vrg/ was not out just yet. In their next match, Kap and Unity-chan would make quick work of /utg/ in a 3-0 blowout, and Unity-chan was able to further carry her team in the next match against the cursed /aceg/ (who of course, were cursed and despite getting one of their members tripped in the box, the ref for some reason called it for /vrg/ and a penalty kick was avoided) with the lone goal to send them through.

/osg/'s win against /vrg/ was no fluke though, as they also continued to destroy both /aceg/ and /utg/ and claim first place in the group stage. /vrg/ came in second place and as such had to face off in a playoff round against VGL8 champions Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/ before they could move on to the Round of 16. Proteus Effect and Kap would make quick work of the idols in another 3-0 blowout, sending /vrg/ to the Round of 16, where they were drawn against the advanced block-building autism of Mcg icon.png /mcg/. /vrg/ had previously gone up against /mcg/ in the Quarterfinals in VGLX and was BARELY able to scrape a 1-0 victory by Custom Avatar's header at 89 minutes into the match. Unfortunately though, the autism of /mcg/ had begun to prove too much in this rematch. /vrg/ was down 3-2 and in 90+ overtime, this looked like the end of the Virtual Reality General. Then, with barely a minute left to spare in the match, the 30 Yr Old VR Boomer was able to blast a pass up to Unity-chan, who of course sank it right into the goal to tie the game and save /vrg/ for the moment to send them into overtime. /ourgirl/ came in clutch yet again as she always does. Unfortunately it was again not enough, as /mcg/'s Autism (literally the player's name) sank a fourth goal (and a hattrick) in at the 117 minute mark, which would send /mcg/ through with a 4-3 victory. /mcg/ won the rematch this time, and /vrg/ would eventually come in 10th place in VGL11 as a result, although their overall ranking was only knocked down 4 positions, down to 5th place.

As a result of coming in 10th place and not being able to secure a medal spot on the /vg/ roster, /vrg/ decided to send in the 30 Yr Old VR Boomer as a representative for /vg/ instead of Unity-chan. The boomer would go on to become a fan favorite and would eventually secure an even higher position among the /vrg/ team.

/vg/ League 12

The VGL12 roster poll occurred. VGLX original members Bote Girls, Mutetopper, A Panty Shot, PHOTOSHOP ME IN, and even the silver medal Coconut Kap failed to make it onto the team and were retired. VGL11 additions Awptist, Veteran User, and the worst player /vrg/ has ever had, El Kamino (who literally clapped for the other fucking team in his last match ever played against /dbg/ after he failed to prevent a goal YET AGAIN), were also retired. 8 new players were added to the team: Indexfag, Cheers, Kippis, Kanpai, Fuck Niggers, Hate Speech, i'm gay, Nintendo Labo VR, Boothcat, Lavender When? and VR Sleep being the new additions. In addition to new players and new models, the vast majority of the current members on the team had their aesthetics updated and polished.

Due to his immense popularity on the /vg/ team in the 2019 Winter 4Chan Cup (as well as winning the #1 most voted for player in the roster poll behind team captain Proteus Effect and vice-captain Unity-chan), 30 Yr Old VR Boomer was promoted from a bench position all the way to a bronze medal, and Custom Avatar would promote from a bronze to a silver medal due to the previous silver, Coconut Kap, being retired. The second bronze medal spot would go to VGLX veteran TUPPERED, replacing the previous bronze >tfw no vrfu, who is now on the bench. In addition, Ugandan Knuckles was renamed to Knuckles & Knuckles ft. Knuckles, and is no longer a goalkeeper. The second goalkeeper spot would go to new VGL12 addition Cheers, Kippis, Kanpai, Fuck Niggers.

After the draw for VGL12 was held, /vrg/ was placed in Group G along with the cripples of Ksg icon.png /ksg/, the familiar faces of the peasants, lords, and kings of Mbg icon.png /mbg/ (whom /vrg/ defeated during the Semi-Finals in their run for the VGLX championship), and whatever the fuck Gbpen icon.png /gbpen/ is, assumingly gachashit. /vrg/ started off VGL12 strong, as Proteus Effect and Custom Avatar (in a wheelchair, no less) carried them to victory 2-1 against the handicapped players of /ksg/. Next, /vrg/ hoped to recapture the same magic that allowed them to win their Semi-final VGLX match against /mbg/, but just like with Mcg icon.png /mcg/, the rematch had turned out in their opponent's favor, and /mbg/ destroyed /vrg/ 3-1. Custom Avatar (this time riding a horse onto the field) was able to knock one in, but it was nowhere near enough. His horse also had to be euthanized on the pitch, not just once but TWICE.

Because of these results, /vrg/ needed to either tie or win against /gbpen/ to advance. As a result, /vrg/ decided that they wanted to try and harness Unity-chan's magic, who had so far been absolutely abhorrent, by temporarily making her into the gold medal center forward, as well as granting her temporary captainship of the team. /vrg/'s first half began strong, with Custom Avatar (this time as a band of girls) once again scoring for his third game in a row. /gbpen/ would eventually equalize though in the second half, and then scored a second goal to take the lead. Then, they were able to knock a third one in. /vrg/ was finished. Although Unity-chan had played far better than previous matches, it was simply not enough as /gbpen/'s defenders constantly swarmed her, with the rest of /vrg/'s offense doing very little to support her. In their most embarrassing result yet, /vrg/, considered an "elite team", was unable to even make it out of the group stage and would finish 34th. Their overall ranking had dipped from 5th place to 29th, and they would not obtain a spot on the /vg/ roster for the Summer 2019 4Chan Cup.

If there is at least some silver lining here, it's that because of Dbg icon.png /dbg/'s second straight VGL victory in a row, /vrg/ is still technically, sort of, not really but kinda considered the previous cup winning team. Look, we got 34th place, we'll take whatever we can get.

/vg/ League 13

VGL13 occurred, this time on a new version of PES, PES16. Armed with brand new tactics for a brand new game, this time with the aesthetics manager making the tactics for the first time, /vrg/ seeked to redeem themselves after their absolutely abhorrent showing in VGL12. VGL12 was /vrg/'s worst showing yet. With 1 win and 2 losses, /vrg/ was not even able to make it past the group stage, and wound up getting an extremely disappointing and laughable 34th place. While they had originally said after VGLX that there was nowhere to go but down from here, /vrg/ certainly did not expect to go this far down. /vrg/ needed to redeem themselves in VGL13, and redeem they did...

Firstly, before the tournament had started, the roster poll was conducted. There were six new players that were added: "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CUM IN MY ASS", "The CHAD Full Body User", "Glow in the Dark TDA Thot", "Questlet", "gay niggas kissing from black mirror", and "We play things other than VRChat we swear". VGLX veterans "Dinner Circle", "Kemono Friends", and "Knuckles & Knuckles ft. Knuckles" were retired. VGL11 veteran "Nepbar/Bepbar" was retired, and finally VGL12 additions "i'm gay" and "VR Sleep" were retired.

There were also some significant changes to the medals. For starters, /vrg/ had decided to permanently give Unity-chan the gold medal CF position, as well as declare her captain. Why exactly did it take us 4 VGLs to realize we should probably make our star mascot player a gold instead of a silver? Because we're retarded I guess. Proteus Effect was demoted from the gold CF/captain position as a result, and due to the new tactical changes, was moved from a striker position to the midfield. Custom Avatar kept his spot as the silver SS. The 30 Yr Old VR Boomer remained a bronze, but was moved into a striker position as a result of the new tactical changes. Finally, the previous bronze DMF, TUPPERED, went all the way from a medal player to the bench. Newcomer "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CUM IN MY ASS" replaced him as the new bronze medal.

After a very impressive showing in the VGL13 friendlies in which they won against R6g icon.png /r6g/ and Fgoalter icon.png /fgoalter/ (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA), /vrg/ was ready to enter the real tournament.

After the VGL13 draw occurred, /vrg/ was drawn into Group B along with Egg icon.png /egg/, Drg icon.png /drg/, and Alg icon.png /alg/.

The first match was against Alg icon.png /alg/. It was an absolute slaughter of a goalfest, tying the record for the most goals scored in a single VGL match with 11 goals in total. /vrg/ won 7-4, with Unity-chan, Proteus Effect, and the non-medal CHAD Full Body User scoring braces, with Custom Avatar scoring one to make seven goals in total.

The next match was against Egg icon.png /egg/. It was a very even match, tied at 3-3, until extremely late into the game when /egg/'s own defender, Aeiou, accidentally sent the ball into his own net for an own goal, winning the game for /vrg/. Due to /drg/ winning against /alg/, /vrg/ and /drg/ had been confirmed to make it through the group stage before the 3rd match had even been played, which was a great victory for both generals, as both had a terrible showing in the previous VGL, and both were elite teams that were eliminated in VGL12's group stage.

Finally though, it was time for Vrg icon.png /vrg/ and Drg icon.png /drg/ to face off to decide who would be going straight to the Round of 16, and who would have to battle their way through the Survival Round first. /drg/, an extremely defensive team, took an early lead, making it 1-0. /vrg/ was unable to break through their defense for the entire game, until they had decided they wanted to win, changed up their tactics, and then tied the game, with Proteus Effect scoring a goal 88 minutes in. The game ended in a draw, 1-1, but was technically a victory for /vrg/ as they would be the ones to advance to the Round of 16, a spot they had achieved back in VGL11 where their run was cut short there by a team they had faced before, Mcg icon.png /mcg/, which sadly did not participate in VGL13 due to lack of interest.

In the Round of 16, /vrg/ was lucky enough to be drawn up against one of the weaker teams, Tnm icon.png /tnm/, whom barely scraped their way by into the Round of 16. The match went as expected, with /vrg/ obliterating the gacha team in a 3-0 blow-out. Proteus Effect, Unity-chan, and Custom Avatar all scored one goal each. /vrg/ would then move on the Quarter Finals, surpassing their previous best result (after winning in VGLX) in VGL11 in the Round of 16. However, a very familiar face would once again be versing off against /vrg/ in the Quarter Finals...

It was harvesting season YET AGAIN, as /vrg/ was drawn up against Mbg icon.png /mbg/ for a THIRD time across four VGLs. /vrg/ had previous barely scraped a win by in the semi-finals of VGLX against /mbg/, and /vrg/ was then humiliated by them in a 1-3 blowout in VGL12. The series was tied 1-1, and this match would decide who was truly the better team. /mbg/ took an early lead, but Unity-chan scored a goal to equalize it 1-1. Right before halftime, the FULLBACK DEFENDER Vivelet somehow impressively blooted in a goal from about fifty trillion fucking miles away from the net, making it 2-1 in /vrg/'s favor. This result seemed like it was going to hold for the rest of the game, which was the exact same scoreline of the VGLX game. Custom Avatar fucked it up though, scoring another goal at 90+3, making it 3-1. /vrg/ was headed to the semi-finals yet again. It looked almost all but certain that /vrg/ might clinch the 1st place spot again and earn a second star...

The final four teams facing off in the semi-finals were Vrg icon.png /vrg/, Dng icon.png /dng/, Lzg icon.png /lzg/, and another familiar face, Drg icon.png /drg/, who managed to bounce back from the survival round and see themselves through all the way back into an equal position with /vrg/. /dng/ and /drg/ had to face off against each other, while /vrg/ went up against YET ANOTHER familiar face, /lzg/, which was the only team that /vrg/ could not beat during their winning VGLX run, that had ended up in a 2-2 tie. Before that match was played though, /drg/ had barely scraped by a victory against /dng/, which sent them to the finals, and sent /dng/ to the third place match.

The match against Lzg icon.png /lzg/ started promising, with /vrg/ having an incredibly aggressive offensive attack that kept pressing /lzg/ over and over. Yet, the shots kept going wide. Surely though, one of these shots would eventually go in... right? Not quite. Despite many many opportunities, every single shot against /lzg/ in the first half had gone wide, with the stats screen showing 5(0). Five shots at the goal, zero of them on target. /lzg/ scored 1 goal before the half ended. The second half had started, and /lzg/ bounced back into gear, scoring a second goal and making it 2-0 at the 65 minute mark. /vrg/ was in trouble. Despite all of this though, /vrg/ STILL could not land a single fucking shot at the goal no matter how hard they tried. Time passed and passed, and by the time the game was basically over, this looked like a for-sure defeat. Finally, at 90+3 minutes, Unity-chan broke through and scored a goal, making it 2-1. /vrg/ needed a miracle in order to score one more in the final minute of the game. They needed to steal the ball away from /lzg/ immediately after the kickoff and get it up the field. And they actually did! Unity-chan stole the ball away and was going on a run, looking for Proteus Effect who was running into the box, ready to receive the pass and score. Unfortunately though, /vrg/ once again could not shoot or pass anything on target, and the pass was too far up, sending it out of play and ending the game 2-1. /lzg/ had won, and /vrg/'s chance at a second star was halted. The end result screen showed 12(3). /vrg/ had taken 12 shots at the goal, and only 3 of them were on target. That is a 25% accuracy rating, and that is fucking terrible. However, Cheers Kippis Kanpai Fuck Niggers, /vrg/'s goalkeeper, had made a whopping 9 (NINE) saves during the game, which would later come in to play...

/vrg/ was not out just yet though. /drg/ and /lzg/ were going to the Finals, but before that, there must be the most important match of the tournament, the match for the coveted Third Place Trophy. /vrg/ was pitted up against arguably the second best VGL team to ever exist, Dng icon.png /dng/, who was the first team to ever win two stars. After disappearing for literally almost 5 years, /dng/ was back in this tournament, and /vrg/ now had to face off against them for Third Place. It was the match of 2 stars vs 1 star, who would win? The stakes were high, these two teams weren't just fighting for the coveted third place trophy, they were fighting for the last remaining medal spot on the /vg/ roster. Normally, 3rd and 4th place would both receive bronze medals, so the match didn't used to matter. Ever since the 4chan Cup had decided to go back to a 4 medal system though, without any bronze medals, only the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams would receive medals (since the 4th spot was taken by /vg/ meta player Git Gud). /vrg/ had nearly completed their goal of sending Unity-chan back onto /vg/'s roster as a medal player yet again, all that stood in their way was /dng/.

The match was a back and forth nail biter. Unity-chan scored 5 minutes in, but /dng/ eventually took an early lead. Unity-chan had realized the importance of this match though, and wanted to fight as hard as she could to become a star player for /vg/ again. Shortly after half-time, she scored another goal and a brace, tying it up at 2-2. She wasn't done though. 12 minutes later, after a long pass from the wing from Custom Avatar, Unity-chan literally dropkicked the fucking ball into the goal, earning her (and /vrg/'s) first ever hatrick in an official game. 9 minutes after that, the 30 Yr Old VR Boomer (who had been jobbing hardcore in almost every single game prior) scored a goal, making it 4-2. /dng/ wasn't done though, and wouldn't let /vrg/ have the victory that easily. 10 minutes later, /dng/'s Blaster ;( blasted a goal into the net, making it 4-3 and lessening /vrg/'s comfortable lead. With only 10 minutes left in the game, /vrg/ switched to defensive possessive tactics, wasting as much time passing the ball back and forth as humanly possible. It worked. /vrg/ won the game, 4-3.

/vrg/ won the coveted 3rd place trophy (also an actual literal physical trophy), accomplishing yet another feat they had never done before, becoming only one of two teams (the other being Twg icon.png /twg/) to ever win both the coveted 1st and 3rd place positions. The most important prize though, was that Unity-chan would finally come back to Vg icon.png /vg/ as a medal player, this time as a silver medal. The girl who had won it all for them has finally made her return. It wasn't just Unity-chan though. Drg icon.png /drg/ came in 2nd place, earning a silver spot next to /vrg/. Lzg icon.png /lzg/, the only team /vrg/ lost to in VGL13, won the entire tournament and clinched 1st place. /drg/ had previously come in 3rd place in VGLX, and /vg/ won in Summer 18 with both /vrg/ and /drg/ being medals on the team. For whatever reason, it seems /vrg/ and /drg/ are bound to be together as two of the most elite teams in the league. Furthermore, /vg/ had won Summer 18 with a Fate/Go rep as the goalkeeper, Jannu. Now, BANE?, another Fate/Go rep, would be the goalkeeper for /vg/, winning the Golden Glove with a whopping 18 saves. You know who else won the Golden Glove and got 18 saves though? Cheers, Kippis, Kanpai, Fuck Niggers. After saving 9 goals against /lzg/, and 5 against /dng/, they got 14 total saves for the day. Before the final day, they had only gotten a pathetic 4 saves. This added up to 18, tying them for most goals saved in the entire tournament. If /vrg/ had wanted to, they very well could have sent them as the goalkeeper for the /vg/ team, but that would mean giving up Unity-chan's medal spot.

/vrg/'s overall ranking in the VGL went from 29th to 4th. /vrg/ was back, and stronger than ever since their original victory. Now, they leave their faith in the hands of Unity-chan and /vg/ once again. All the conditions for history to repeat itself had lined up. Now it's in the hands of /vg/ management. Can Unity-chan help win /vg/ a second star? We'll know soon enough. For now, /vrg/ plans to go up this time instead of down, and achieve their second star in VGL14.

Player Statistics

Click to sort

Player Goals in VGLX Assists in VGLX Goals in VGL11 Assists in VGL11 Goals in VGL12 Assists in VGL12 Goals in VGL13 Assists in VGL13 Goals in VGL14 Assists in VGL14 Goals (Total) Assists (Total)
Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.png Unity-chan 5 3 4 0 0 0 9 2 3 1 21 6
Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect 4 2 5 4 1 0 4 2 0 1 17 10
Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar 1 0 0 0 3 0 4 3 1 1 9 4
Coconut Kap Portrait.pngCoconut Kap 4 3 2 1 0 0 6 4
Boomer Portrait.png30 Yr Old VR Boomer 0 1 0 0 2 4 0 0 2 5
Chad Portrait.pngThe CHAD Full Body User 2 0 3 0 5 0
Tfw no vrfu Portrait.png>tfw no vrfu 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
Vivelet Portrait.pngVivelet 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3
Riftcuck Portrait.pngRiftcuck 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
A Panty Shot Portrait.pngA Panty Shot 0 2 0 0 0 2
TUPPERED Portrait.pngTUPPERED 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Lavender When Portrait.pngLavender When? 0 0 0 1 0 1

Goalkeeper Statistics

Player Saves in VGLX Saves in VGL11 Saves in VGL12 Saves in VGL13 Saves in VGL14 Saves (Total)
Beat Saver Portrait.pngBeat Saver 8 2 5 12 27
Cheers Kippis Kanpai Portrait.png Cheers, Kippis, Kanpai, Fuck Niggers 5 18 0 23
VR Socks Portrait.pngVR Socks 19 19
Ugandan Knuckles Portrait.pngUgandan Knuckles 7 6 13

Match History

Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
/vg/ League X
Group Stage Rsg icon.png /rsg/ 4-2 W

Unity chan face.pngUnity-chan Goal 23'

Coconut Kap Portrait.pngCoconut Kap Goal 33'

Tfw no vrfu Portrait.png>tfw no VRfu Goal 57'

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 62'

June 1st, 2018 YouTube
2hug icon.png /2hug/ 1-0 W

Unity chan face.pngUnity-chan Goal 6'

June 10th, 2018 YouTube
Lzg icon.png /lzg/ 2-2 D

Coconut Kap Portrait.pngCoconut Kap Goal 37'

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 40'

June 16th, 2018 YouTube
Round of 16 @ icon.png /@/ 2-1 W

Coconut Kap Portrait.pngCoconut Kap Goal 18'

Unity chan face.pngUnity-chan Goal 70'

June 23rd, 2018 YouTube
Quarter-finals Mcg icon.png /mcg/ 1-0 W

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 88'

June 24th, 2018 YouTube
Semi-finals Mbg icon.png /mbg/ 2-1 W

Unity chan face.pngUnity-chan Goal 80'85'

June 24th, 2018 YouTube
Finals Fgg icon.png /fgg/ 4-1 W

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 2'74'

Coconut Kap Portrait.pngCoconut Kap Goal 8'

Tfw no vrfu Portrait.png>tfw no VRfu Goal 53'

June 24th, 2018 YouTube
Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
/vg/ League 11
Group Stage Osg icon.png /osg/ 1-2 L

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 72'

November 23rd, 2018 YouTube
Utg icon.png /utg/ 3-0 W

Coconut Kap Portrait.pngCoconut Kap Goal 18'

Unity chan face.pngUnity-chan Goal 58'84'

December 2nd, 2018 YouTube

Aceg icon.png /aceg/ 1-0 W

Unity chan face.pngUnity-chan Goal 45'

December 8th, 2018 YouTube
Playoffs Round 2 Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/ 3-0 W

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 55'85'

Coconut Kap Portrait.pngCoconut Kap Goal 72'

December 14th, 2018 YouTube
Round of 16 Mcg icon.png /mcg/ 3-4 L

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 45+1'69'

Unity chan face.pngUnity-chan Goal 90+3'

December 15th, 2018 YouTube
Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
/vg/ League 12
Group Stage Ksg icon.png /ksg/ 2-1 W

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 28'

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 87'

June 8th, 2019 YouTube
Mbg icon.png /mbg/ 1-3 L

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 50'

June 14th, 2019 YouTube
Gbpen icon.png /gbpen/ 1-3 L

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 8'

June 23rd, 2019 YouTube
Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
/vg/ League 13
Group Stage Alg icon.png /alg/ 7-4 W

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 11'80'

Chad Portrait.pngThe CHAD Full Body User Goal 23'41'

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 49'55'

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 63'

November 22nd, 2019 YouTube
Egg icon.png /egg/ 4-3 W

Boomer Portrait.png30 Yr Old VR Boomer Goal 5'

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 20'

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 39'

Aeiou Scored 81'

December 1st, 2019 YouTube
Drg icon.png /drg/ 1-1 D

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 88'

December 7th, 2019 YouTube
Round of 16 Tnm icon.png /tnm/ 3-0 W

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 4'

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 31'

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 81'

December 14th, 2019 YouTube
Quarter-Finals Mbg icon.png /mbg/ 3-1 W

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 29'

Vivelet Portrait.pngVivelet Goal 38'

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 90+3'

December 15th, 2019 YouTube
Semi-Finals Lzg icon.png /lzg/ 1-2 L

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 90+3'

December 15th, 2019 YouTube
Third Place Match Dng icon.png /dng/ 4-3 W

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 5'52'64'

Boomer Portrait.png30 YR Old VR Boomer Goal 73'

December 15th, 2019 YouTube
Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
/vg/ League 14
Group Stage Gbpen icon.png /gbpen/ 3-2 W

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 3'53'

Chad Portrait.pngThe CHAD Full Body User Goal 80'

June 5th, 2020 YouTube
Domg icon.png /domg/ 2-3 L

Chad Portrait.pngThe CHAD Full Body User Goal 62'80'

June 14th, 2020 YouTube
Alg icon.png /alg/ 2-2 D

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 77'

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 86'

June 20th, 2020 YouTube

Unofficial Matches

Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
/vg/ League 11
Friendlies Gsg icon.png /gsg/ 1-1 L (3-5 PK)

Penis Shaft Landing Craft Goal 38'

September 14th, 2018 YouTube
Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
/vg/ League 12
Friendlies Dbg icon.png /dbg/ 3-3 W (5-3 PK)

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 23'

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 85'89'

March 23rd, 2019 YouTube
Gfg icon.png /gfg/ 4-3 W

Coconut Kap Portrait.pngCoconut Kap Goal 8'10'

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 52'79'

March 30th, 2019 YouTube
Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
/vg/ League 13
Friendlies R6g icon.png /r6g/ 5-2 W

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 4'7'82'

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 51'56'

September 28th, 2019 YouTube
Fgoalter icon.png /fgoalter/ 3-2 W

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 47'76'

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 117'

September 29th, 2019 Youtube
Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
/vg/ League 14
Friendlies Mjg icon.png /mjg/ 3-3 W (6-5 PK)

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 47'

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 50'81'

March 27th, 2020 YouTube
Kfg icon.png /kfg/ 5-1 W

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 14'

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 21'38'

El Kamino Portrait.pngEl Kamino Goal 62'68'

March 28th, 2020 YouTube
Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
Vrg vs mlpol.png
Battle of the Nazi Horsefuckers
Exhibition Match Mlpol icon.png /mlpol/ 3-8 L

Unity chan face.pngUnity-chan Goal 63'78'

Gogeta Da Goal 90+0'

April 20th, 2019 Twitch
Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
Vrg vs mlpol 2.png
Nazi Horsefuckers 2: Crawboil's Revenge
Exhibition Match Mlpol icon.png /mlpol/ 5-6 L

Proteus Effect Portrait.pngProteus Effect Goal 20'

Boomer Portrait.png30 Yr Old VR Boomer Goal 31'40'

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 33'88'

November 16th, 2019 YouTube
Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date Video
Vrg vs 2hug.png
The Aesthetics Cancerbowl
Friendlies/Exhibition Match 2hug icon.png /2hug/ 4-3 W

Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.pngUnity-chan Goal 7'

Please Please Please.pngPLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CUM IN MY ASS Goal 66'

Custom Avatar Portrait.pngCustom Avatar Goal 93'98'

February 6th, 2020 YouTube

/vg/ Representatives

2018 Summer Cup
Unity chan face.png
Center Forward (CF)
2019 Winter Cup
Boomer face.png
30 Yr Old VR Boomer
Defensive Midfielder (DMF)
2019 Summer Cup
Fucking NO ONE
2020 Winter Cup
Candy Rockstar Unity Chan Portrait.png
Center Midfielder (CMF)
2020 Summer Cup
Fucking NO ONE


Vrg icon.png /vrg/

VGL15 Friendlies

Team Art

/vg/ League
Preceded by
/vg/ League 9 Aog icon.png /aog/
/vg/ League Champions
/vg/ League X (1st title)
Succeeded by
/vg/ League 11 Dbg icon.png /dbg/