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/sp/ found a way
Sp logo.png
/sp/ - Sports
Founded August 2011
IRL manager TWAIN !!VnvXhN8Apg7

ESK !!33JM24iZ0fW

Team colors
Chat color 990000
Ranking 1 (increase 20)
Highest rank 1 (January 8, 2012)
Lowest rank 32 (March 2, 2015)
Top scorer MESSI (31)
Top assister N/A (N/A)
Captain N/A
Website /sp/ - Sports
Nickname The GOATs - (the acronym of the commonly-used sporting term "Greatest Of All Time")
/sp/artans - (originally used as the collective term for the denizens of the /sp/ board)
Historic performance
39 12 25 76 51.32%
122 93 +29
Biggest win
/sp/ Sp icon.png 6–1 Biz icon.png /biz/
October 30, 2016
Biggest defeat
/sp/ Sp icon.png 1–5 Diy icon.png /diy/
October 25, 2015
First match
/fa/ Fa icon.png 1–2 Sp icon.png /sp/
August 6, 2011
Elite Cup
Appearances 7 (First in 2011 4chan Summer Cup)
Best result Champions, 2013 4chan Winter Cup
Babby Cup
Appearances 3 (First in 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup)
Best result 8th, 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup
Team music
Anthem NBA on NBC

Goal horn Wavin' Flag (Celebration Mix)
Alternate goal horn 'MURICA FUCK YEAH - USA USA USA
Alternate goal horn TSUUUUUUUU goalhorn
Alternate goal horn Hat-trick and comeback goalhorn for TSUUUUUUUU
Alternate goal horn Shiggy Diggy - George Costanza
Home kit Sphome-2016sc.png
Away kit Spaway-2016sc.png
Third kit Spthird-2016sbc.png
Fourth kit Spfourth-2016abc.png
Fifth kit Spfifth-2016abc.png
Sixth kit Spsixth-2016sc.png
Seventh kit Spseventh-2016sc.png

The True /sp/ Badge/Logo/Crest wotevs

The /sp/artans Football Club is a simulated professional football team founded in August 2011, representing /sp/, the 4chan board dedicated to sports. They won the 2013 4chan Winter Cup, and also won the 2012 4chan Summer Cup before the title was revoked due to the Dragongate, making them for a time the first and only team to have won two Elite competitions. They also held the 1st position in the cup rankings from January 2012 to May 2013, the longest time the position was held so far.

The club's popularity among the proud posters of /sp/ has made them susceptible to negative press. Accusations of rigging lead to the Match Fixing Scandal in early January 2012, the team was heavily involved in the Dragongate scandal as well, and their almost systematic shitposting on other boards in the event /sp/ participate in a match is often cited as one of the possible reasons for the global cup ban by the 4chan moderation.

/sp/'s main rivals are without a doubt /a/, who knocked them out twice out of the cup on top of being dirty weeaboos, but they also have minor rivalries with /k/, /toy/, /tg/, /v/, /fit/, and potentially any board who knocks them out of the cup (/gd/ and /i/ we're looking at you) or have a fanbase as rambuctious as theirs.


For earlier history: /sp/ History


It was time for the cup to enter a new era, as PES 2017 would be the game in which the matches would take place. The group stage draw placed /sp/ in group H, where they would EARN THE RIGHT to play against /soc/, /o/ (who were the runner-up of the last major cup), and /vr/ (the 4th place team in the last Babby Cup). This was not an easy group by any means, and fortunately, the GOATs started off on the right foot with a 2-1 win over /soc/ at Snapchat Stadium. TSUUUUUUUUUUU scored a double in that match, and in the next one against /vr/, but his efforts against the retro vidya board were not enough. /vr/ were well-prepared for /sp/ and got a 4-2 win over the /sp/artans with a Doomguy hat-trick. USA USA USA and Tony Kornheiser picked up yellow cards in this match, and with >I Rate Zidane's yellow from the first match, /sp/ would end up being the only team to get yellow cards in the group. Additionally, the combination of results after the second fixture left everyone in Group H with 3 points.

On the final group stage fixture, /soc/ and /vr/ battled to a 1-1 draw. If /sp/ vs /o/ did not end in a draw, /soc/ would be relegated. The GOATs desperately needed a win, and got it with TSUUUUUUUUU keeping up his good form. To finish the job, Le Cut Inside Man scored /sp/'s second goal right at the start of the second half, placing /sp/ at the top of group H. This would send /sp/ to the knockout stages of a major cup for the first time since the 2014 4chan Winter Cup. Fans celebrated, but were quickly brought down to Earth with the Round of 16 draw. /sp/'s opponent ended up being none other than /v/.

It was a tough match without many shots. Strangely, notorious AB/sp/ commentator >Ducky predicted that this would be when Messi would redeem himself. After all, the Argentine forward was practically a non-factor in the previous matches while TSUUUUUUUUU was /sp/'s hero. Sure enough, Messi was the one who broke the deadlock against /v/. However, the previously suspended SANIC made up for his absence by getting /v/ a goal with what would be the vidya team's only shot of the match. During the second half, Messi fought for the ball against Captain Falcon and managed to hit a perfect cross to George Costanza, who scored /sp/'s winning goal of the match. /v/ neutralized TSUUUUUUU, but that alone was not enough for them, and with that, /sp/ advanced to the quarterfinals. The opponent waiting for them was their little brother, /asp/. This was a huge match for both teams because it would be the first time that they would face each other in an official cup.

The difference between mainstream sports and alternative sports became clear in this match. /sp/ played as if they were right at home in the quarterfinals, dominating their rivals in a 3-1 win for the GOATs. The first half featured some kickoff abuse right after Le Cut Insideman broke the deadlock. Towards the end of the same half, Women's """Wrestling""" scored an own goal that gave /sp/ the lead again. From then on, /asp/ couldn't get back into the match, and TSUUUUUUUUUU finished them off at the start of the second half.

Unfortunately, the good times ended here. Without much time to rest, /sp/ had to face /fit/ in the semifinals and in a slow paced match, the /sp/artans were eliminated with a 1-0 loss. George Costanza picked up a yellow card that got him suspended for the next match. This ended up being the most viewed match of the cup, with 2286 people in attendance. /sp/'s work was not done yet: the third place playoff came right after the semifinals, and they had to face /vp/. In a strange match, /sp/ was getting more chances to score than their shy rivals, but the match had to be decided by penalty kicks after a 2-2 draw in full time. There, Punished Messi and Da Burrs missed their shots as /sp/ lost 4-3 in penalty kicks.

Despite the losses, not all /sp/ fans were upset. This was /sp/'s best cup performance since the infamous 2013 4chan Winter Cup.

Colors and Mascot

/sp/ is maroon, orange, black and white.

Maroon: R173 G17 B12
Orange: R200 G85 B5

For the first 4chan World Cup, /sp/ wore an all white kit with a simplistic green logo. Before the 2012 Winter Cup the team wore blue but eventually settled on the current iconic maroon and orange home kit, based on real world Italian divegrass team AS Roma. For away matches, /sp/ wears solid black kit with orange details. To continue the theme that the club's number one goalkeeper is DA BEARS, the uniform for the goalkeeper is a near representation of the uniform of the handegg team, the Chicago Bears.

The mascot of the club is Paul the Goat (named after the legendary Paul the Octopus), who has gained worldwide fame for his alleged psychic powers. When presented with two boxes containing goat food decorated with the club crest of the two teams who are about to play in a game, Paul has successfully picked the winning team 100% of the time from 25 attempts.

Two logos have been used to represent /sp/ Football Club. While one is the official logo and the other pointless, both are alright to use when depicting the /sp/ Club.

Image Description
Sp logo.png The famous logo of /sp/ Fooball Club and currently the most widely used, it depicts Paul the Goat standing proud on an image of a Spartan soldier. The nickname of the club is the /sp/artans, which is the reason for the Spartan on the logo. The star under the Spartan is a representation of /sp/'s first cup victory in the 4chan summer cup. Football came home that night.
Sp logo 2.png The lesser used logo. Paul the Goat is given orange colored horns and a shawl with the /sp/ name on it. While a lesser used logo, it is quite a classic among die-hard fans of the club.


No. Position Player
Da Burrs
>he does it for free
£100M for a dabbing Dembele
George Costanza
Le Cut Inside Man
Punished Messi
No. Position Player
Roast Solo
An Horse
Please Watch Our Sport
Tony Kornheiser
>I rate Zidane
Universal Choking Sign

Tactics & Aesthetics


/sp/ is known to have some of the most passionate fans in the game. Due to this passion, /sp/artans are often seen as whiners by other boards, especially in the wake of the 2012 SC Bracket Scandal. Due to this, /sp/ was the winner of the Worst Fans Award in that cup. However, /sp/ does boast some of the most supportive fans in all of 4chan, participating in the most watched game of the 2012 4chan Summer Cup. After claiming victory in this cup, /sp/ was flooded with celebratory "MESSIMESSIMESSI" and "THANK YOU BASED TORRES" posts.

Available NOW: /sp/artans FC scarfs. Cost including shipping: 14.50€/17$ further enquiries and orders can be made at sp_scarfs@hotmail.com

design of the aforementioned scarf


  • Some History

You might have some history,

But we don’t give a crud,

Your team will always be a joke until they have a cup

(Shout the Opposing team’s name)!!!


A logo.png
The Derby of /sp/art/a/

The biggest derby in the game. A battle between GOATs of /sp/orts and the Men of /a/nime to see who is the greater champion. There is a lot of history between these teams, and it's not all pretty, beginning in the 2011 4chan Cup Semi Finals, a moment /a/ refers to as Yamakan saving Anime while /sp/ often refers to it as BasedChoke. The 2 teams did not meet in an official match until the 2013 Spring Babby Cup friendlies, and did not meet in an Official Cup game until the 2014 Winter Cup. Both teams have won Summer cups by this time, and the feud was reignited with /sp/ winning a friendly for the first time ever against /a/. However, /a/ leads /sp/ 3 games to 0 under cup competitions. Tournament matches between /sp/ and /a/ have been dubbed as "El Classico".

Asp logo.png
The Not-Sports Derby

Whenever there was a WWE thread on /sp/, there was always at least one person who told WWE fans that pro wrestling is fake and that it belongs on /asp/. Eventually, /sp/ managed to get wrestling threads officially kicked off the board with the help of Hiroyuki Nishimura, the new owner of 4chan in 2015, and thus the rivalry became hotter than it ever was. In the 4chan cup, these teams have completely different mentalities, with /sp/ angrily sacking managers if they don't win cups, and /asp/ practicing the concept of patience with their managers. The two teams finally met in an official cup during the 2017 4chan Winter Cup, where /sp/ won 3-1.

V logo.png
The e-Sports Derby

/sp/ and /v/ are intense rivals in a feud that is essentially the alphas vs. the weeaboo gaming nerds, and this rivalry was only made worse after /sp/ sent /v/ to the Loser's Bracket in 2011. /v/ is also jealous of /sp/'s endless creativity and epic maymays, as well as their ability to handle the banter. Despite this, /v/ took control of this rivalry for years, getting three wins in a row against the GOATs. This streak was broken in the 2017 4chan Winter Cup when /sp/ eliminated /v/ at the round of 16.



Main article: /sp/ Match History

Recent Form

O logo.png V logo.png Asp logo.png Fit logo.png Vp logo.png
(4-3 PK)

Tournament History

Competition Win Loss Tie End result Notes
All friendlies 4 5 6 >implying friendlies count
2012 Summer Cup logo.png 2011 4chan Summer Cup 3 2 0 Third Place Double elimination bracket
2012 Winter Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Winter Cup 5 2 0 Runner up Double elimination bracket
2012 Summer Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Summer Cup 6 0 0 Champions Title vacated due to Dragongate
0 0 0 Nullified Record after 2nd correction.
2013 Winter Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Winter Cup 6 0 0 Champions One match striken, due to Dragongate.
2013 Summer Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Summer Cup 1 2 1 Ro16 >tfw almost relegated
2014 Winter Cup logo.png 2014 4chan Winter Cup 3 1 0 Ro16 >could've been relegated on 6 (six) points
2014SummerCupLogo.png 2014 4chan Summer Cup 1 1 1 Group (Relegated) >Moyes
2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2 2 0 Group (Failed to promote) >losing to a shit team and a new team
2015 Spring Cup Logo.png 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 2 1 Group (Failed to promote) >couldn't even beat any weeb team
ABC15 Design G.png 2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2 2 1 Ro16 Promoted
WC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Winter Cup 0 2 1 Group (Relegated) Killed after just two matches.
>one point
2016 Spring Cup Logo.png 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3 2 0 Quarterfinals Promoted
Broke the Curse
Won Round of 16 match for the first time since 2013 Winter Cup
Summer16 H ALT 2.png 2016 4chan Summer Cup 1 1 1 Group (Relegated) The final match of the group got /vp/ to second place over /sp/ via goal difference.
>Let's go, /vp/ (but not by much)
ABC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3 1 0 Ro16 A combination of results got /sp/ past the group stage after just two matches.
WC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Winter Cup 4 3 0 4th /sp/ finally broke the yo-yo cycle and reached the #1 spot on the Rankings


The pipeline after which /sp/'s stadium is named.

/sp/'s current home is the Transatlantic Semen Pipeline Stadium, named in remembrance of Murrika's selfless donations to impoverished Yurop.


  • Of the nine teams to win the 4chan cup, /sp/ is the only one to win with a perfect record of 6-0-0 (/a/ finished 8-0-1 and /k/ finished 5-0-1).
  • /sp/ became the first board to have a sticky thread for a 4chan Cup event during the 2012 Winter Cup.


Official Honors


Vacated Honours

Video Gallery

Old Downloads

Elite Cups
Preceded by
2011 /a/ A icon.png
Summer Champions
2012 (Title vacated)
Succeeded by
2013 /wg/ Wg icon.png
Preceded by
2012 /k/ K icon.png
Winter Champions
2013 (1st title)
Succeeded by
2014 /trv/ Trv icon.png