/mlp/ Match History

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Final Cup Placements

Cup Final Placement
SBC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup 31
WC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Winter Cup 18
Summer16 H ALT 2.png 2016 4chan Summer Cup 1
WC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Winter Cup 15
2015 Summer Cup Logo.png 2015 4chan Summer Cup 1
2015 4chan winter cup logo.png 2015 4chan Winter Cup 9
2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 6
2014SummerCupLogo.png 2014 4chan Summer Cup 19
2014 Winter Cup logo.png 2014 4chan Winter Cup 3
2013 Summer Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Summer Cup 5
2013 Spring Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1
2013 Winter Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Winter Cup 16
2012 Autumn Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 7
2012 Spring Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup 15

Official matches

2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies

10 March, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 1
/int/ Int icon.png
??? Goal Goal ???
11 March, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 3
/lit/ Lit icon.png
??? Goal Goal ???

2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup

23 March, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 4
/pol/ Pol icon.png
>rape Goal 65'92' Goal 24'30'50'54' Stormfront
24 March, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 1
/sci/ Sci icon.png
>rape Goal 22' Goal 88' Bill Nye
25 March, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 2
/r9k/ R9k icon.png
Goal 54' Kissless Virgin
Goal 80' ROBOT9001

2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies

12 May, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 2
/b/ B icon.png
Goal 20' Tacgnol
Goal 56' Mudkipz
16 May, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 0
/f/ F icon.png
>rape Goal 90+1'
26 May, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 3
/jp/ Jp icon.png
>rape Goal 13'26' Goal 65'80'90+1' Get out of /jp/

2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies

1 September, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 2
/co/ Co icon.png
Best Pony Goal 18'
>rape Goal 88'
Goal 13' Tucker
Goal 21' /co/meleon
15 September, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 1
/toy/ Toy icon.png
Best Pony Goal 70'74' Goal 3' Woody
22 September, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 3
/pol/ Pol icon.png
>rape Goal 16'21' Goal 13'33' Stormfront
Goal 68' (pen.) Doompaul

2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

13 October, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 2
/hm/ Hm icon.png
>rape Goal 66'71' Goal 68' Anderson Cooper
Goal 88' Blonde Fernando Torres
13 October, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 0
/3/ 3 icon.png
Best Pony Goal 33'90+2'
>rape Goal 54'72'
19 October, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2
/diy/ Diy icon.png
Cheeselegs Goal 29'
Best Pony Goal 40'
>rape Goal 49'
Goal 56' MacGyver
Goal 90+1' Cheapass
21 October, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2
/sci/ Sci icon.png
>rape Goal 22'71'
Best Pony Goal 49'
Goal 6'51' Bill Nye
21 October, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 3
/tv/ Tv icon.png
Faust Goal 29' Goal 22'55' Poor Little White Guy
Goal 85' Crablegs

2013 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies

08 December, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 2
/k/ K icon.png
>rape Goal 54'66' Goal 15' BRRRRRRTTTTTTT
Goal 49' Deagle Brand Deagle

2013 4chan Winter Cup

09 February, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 2
/m/ M icon.png
>rape Goal 43' Goal 34' Gundam
Goal 65' Alteisen
15 February, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 2
/adv/ Adv icon.png
>rape Goal 26'68'73'
Lyra Plushie Goal 50'
Goal 23' S/adv/irgin
Goal 52' 5inchdick
17 February, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 2
/a/ A icon.png
Goal 26' Cowboy Bebop
Goal 71' Tsubasa Oozora

2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies

05 April, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 1
/v/ V icon.png
>rape Goal 6' Goal 70' SANIC
14 April, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 2
/f/ F icon.png
>rape Goal 25' Goal 48' DA HOOD
Goal 63' Nipaa

2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup

04 May, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
5 - 1
/u/ U icon.png
Alicorn Twilight Goal 29'79'
Tracy Goal 49'
>rape Goal 74'81'
Goal 76' Teru Time
10 May, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 1
/o/ O icon.png
Goal 65' Takumi
12 May, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 1
/r9k/ R9k icon.png
Best Pony Goal 2'
Alicorn Twilight Goal 16'
Goal 6' >tfw no gf
18 May, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 1 (O.T.)
/d/ D icon.png
>rape Goal 59' Goal 12' Bob Sapp
Best Pony Scored
Alicorn Twilight Missed
Tracy Scored
>rape Scored
Derpy Hooves Scored
Missed Bob Sapp
Scored Haigure
Scored No Western
Scored Dmitrys
Missed Image Below You
19 May, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 0
/fa/ Fa icon.png
>rape Goal 57'
19 May, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 1
/x/ X icon.png
Best Pony Goal 31'
>rape Goal 53'75'
Goal 56' Pyramid Head
19 May, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 0
/tv/ Tv icon.png
Tracy Goal 13'
Best Pony Goal 29'
>rape Goal 47'
Alicorn Twilight Goal 61'

2013 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies

12 July, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 3
/wg/ Wg icon.png
Derpy Hooves Goal 77' Goal 23'59'85' Cunt Destroyer
21 July, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2
/soc/ Soc icon.png
Tracy Goal 32'
>rape Goal 66'
Tara Strong Goal 87'
Goal 30' Haunter
Goal 49' Feet

2013 4chan Summer Cup

17 August, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 0
/adv/ Adv icon.png
>rape Goal 79'
23 August, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 1
/trv/ Trv icon.png
>rape Goal 69' Goal 31' Couchsurfer Rapist
25 August, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 2
/f/ F icon.png
Goal 35'85' DA HOOD
31 August, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 1
/co/ Co icon.png
Best Pony Goal 22'
>rape Goal 53'
Goal 76' Archer
1 September, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 2
/v/ V icon.png
Best Pony Goal 47' Goal 35' Cpt. Falcon
Goal 42' Gabe Newell

2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies

22 September, 2013
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2
/a/ A icon.png
Best Pony Goal 20'51'
>rape Goal 83'
Goal 67' Colossal Titan
Goal 90+' Cowboy Bebop

2014 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies

11 January, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 0
/e/ E icon.png
Tracy Goal 76'
25 January, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 3
/toy/ Toy icon.png
Goal 23' Woody
Goal 49' Optimus Prime
Scored 54' Derpy Hooves

2014 4chan Winter Cup

15 February, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 3
/asp/ Asp icon.png
Goal 33'90+' American Dragon
21 February, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 0
/m/ M icon.png
>rape Goal 59'
Tracy Goal 78'
Alicorn Twilight Goal 85'
23 February, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 1
/s/ S icon.png
Alicorn Twilight Goal 40'
>rape Goal 90+'
Goal 58' Banned
1 March, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 1
/x/ X icon.png
Alicorn Twilight Goal 4'54'
>rape Goal 42'
Goal 11' Pyramid Head
2 March, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2
/wg/ Wg icon.png
Alicorn Twilight Goal 51'87'
>rape Goal 60'
Goal 12' Cunt Destroyer
Goal 67' Descartes
2 March, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 2(O.T)
/a/ A icon.png
Horsefucker Goal 90+' Goal 88'114' Bert is a Titan
2 March, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 0
/h/ H icon.png
Tracy Goal 21'
Alicorn Twilight Goal 73'

2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies

31 May, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 1
/k/ K icon.png
Goal 77' Moist Nugget
7 June, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 1
/diy/ Diy icon.png
Faust Goal 9'
>rape Goal 18'
Goal 5' Imitation Crab Meat

2014 4chan Summer Cup

19 July, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 1
/diy/ Diy icon.png
Tracy Goal 70' Goal 80' Google It First
25 July, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 1
/x/ X icon.png
Goal 9' (pen) Pyramid Head
27 July, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 0
/lgbt/ Lgbt icon.png
Best Pony Goal 80'

2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

17 October, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2
/c/ C icon.png
Tracy Goal 44'
>rape Goal 59'
Best Pony Goal 84'
Goal 13' Sayaka Miki
Goal 27' Yui Hirasawa
19 October, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 1
/g/ G icon.png
Best Pony Goal 3'
Princess Twilight Goal 20'
Goal 45+' Teedus
25 October, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 0
/trv/ Trv icon.png
Princess Twilight Goal 13'
>rape Goal 24'48'
1 November, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 1
/hm/ Hm icon.png
Goal 50' Eelen
8 November, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 2 (O.T.)
/tg/ Tg icon.png
Princess Twilight Goal 52'
>rape Goal 66'
Goal 22' Creed
Goal 63' Jace
>rape Scored
Best Pony Scored
Princess Twilight Scored
Tracy Scored
Faust Scored
Scored Doomrider
Scored Creed
Scored Jace
Scored Sir Bearington
Missed Noh
9 November, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 2
/wg/ Wg icon.png
Goal 77' Headphone Girl
Goal 90+' Cunt Destroyer

2015 4chan Winter Cup

14 February, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 2
/x/ X icon.png
Princess Twilight Goal 12'56'
Best Pony Goal 25'
>rape Goal 90+'
Goal 67'87' /x/-tan
20 February, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 3
/m/ M icon.png
Best Pony Goal 16'
Tracy Goal 56'
Princes Twilight Goal 90+'
Goal 7'36' Gundam RX-78-2
Goal 90+' Gaoking Striker
22 February, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 1
/s4s/ S4s icon.png
Best Pony Goal 22' Goal 3' [s4s]-tan
28 February, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 3
/h/ H icon.png
Tracy Goal 51'
IWantToCumInDashie Goal 67'
Goal 1'48' Asuka
Goal 55' Incest

2015 4chan Summer Cup

31 July, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 1
/fit/ Fit icon.png
Best Pony Goal 57' Goal 44' Zyzz
2 August, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2
/u/ U icon.png
>rape Goal 32'
Best Pony Goal 45+'
Princess Twilight Goal 63'
Goal 45+' Teru Time
Goal 80' Akkarin
8 August, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
5 - 1
/d/ D icon.png
>rape Goal 36'57'62'
Tracy Goal 53'
Best Pony Goal 70'
Goal 44' Faye Artemis
15 August, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 0
/gd/ Gd icon.png
>rape Goal 34'
16 August, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 1
/asp/ Asp icon.png
Best Pony Goal 19'37'66' Goal 33' CENAWINSLOL
16 August, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 1
/mu/ Mu icon.png
>rape Goal 8'
Princess Twilight Goal 36'
Best Pony Goal 57'
Goal 30' Jeff Magnum
16 August, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 1
/g/ G icon.png
>rape Goal 55'74' Goal 30' DPT

2016 4chan Winter Cup

19 February, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 2
/an/ An icon.png
Biscuit Scored 13'
Princess Twilight Goal 58'
Goal 37' Take It To The Bet
Goal 90+' Scanned Snake
21 February, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 2
/o/ O icon.png
Tracy Goal 60'
>rape Goal 90+'
Goal 4' VIN Check
Goal 33' Takumi
27 February, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 1
/vp/ Vp icon.png
Razzle Dazzle Goal 28'
>rape Goal 37'
Best Pony Goal 43'
Goal 4' Bravest Bird
5 March, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 4 (O.T.)
/gd/ Gd icon.png
Princess Twilight Goal 56'
Best Pony Goal 70'
Goal 40'72'98' Kerning
Goal 120+' Fuck You Pay Me

2016 4chan Summer Cup

31 July, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 6
/o/ O icon.png
Tracy Goal 14'
>rape Goal 37'63'
Goal 7'29'52'61' Takumi
Goal 23' Miata
Goal 40' WAT Racing
2 August, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 2
/u/ U icon.png
>rape Goal 16'41' Goal 78' Teru Time
Goal 90+4' Homucifer
8 August, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 2
/vr/ Vr icon.png
Best Pony Goal 3'
Princess Twilight Goal 53'
>rape Goal 71'
Tracy Goal 71'
Goal 27' Doomguy
Goal 89' CRT
20 August, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2
/r9k/ R9k icon.png
Best Pony Goal 8'
Tracy Goal 70'
>rape Goal 90+5'
Goal 5' Elliot Rodger
Goal 45+1' >tfw no gf
21 August, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2
/asp/ Asp icon.png
>rape Goal 2'42'50' Goal 35' Big Match John
21 August, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 1
/m/ M icon.png
Best Pony Goal 57'
>rape Goal 90+5'
Goal 12' Shin Getter Robo
21 August, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
5 - 2
/o/ O icon.png
Tracy Goal 9'
>rape Goal 40'45'82'86'
Goal 16' Renault Twingo
Goal 26' Miata

2017 4chan Winter Cup

10 February, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 1
/jp/ Jp icon.png
>rape Goal 13' Goal 81' Get out of /jp/
12 February, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 1
/an/ An icon.png
>rape Goal 18'
Best Pony Goal 62'90+1'
Goal 86' >outdoor Cat
18 February, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 2
/mu/ Mu icon.png
Goal 60' MC Ride
Goal 64' Jeff Mangum

2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup

12 May, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 2
/his/ His icon.png
Princess Twilight Goal 88' Goal 12'71' >Holy>Roman>Empire
14 May, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 3
/n/ N icon.png
Princess Twilight Goal 85' Goal 32' Hipster Fixie
Goal 80' Bepsi
Goal 83' F40PH
20 May, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 1
/sci/ Sci icon.png
Goal 19' Shinichi Mochizuki

Invitational/Unofficial matches

These matches are not counted on the main /mlp/ page nor towards the players' goal count.

Trip Cup

25 November, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 1
/soc/ Soc icon.png
Best Pony Goal 32'57'
>rape Goal 45+1'64'
Goal 15' Crush
25 November, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 2 (O.T.)
/k/ K icon.png
LyraPlushie Goal 66'
Best Pony Goal 97'
Goal 28'118' Zergface
Molestia Scored
Cheeselegs Scored
Lyra Plushie Scored
Fuck Your Marker Scored
>rape Scored
Scored Zergface
Scored Deagle Brand Deagle
Scored Moist Nugget
Missed Nex Alea
25 November, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 2
/vg/ Vg icon.png
Goal 3' New Thread
Goal 83' Gootecks

2012 Christmas Cup

25 December, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 3 (O.T.)
/an/ An icon.png
>rape Goal 22'
Best Pony Goal 32'57'
Scanned Snake Scored 114'
Goal 9'12' Spacebat
Goal 48'
25 December, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 4
/o/ O icon.png
Goal 16'26'59' Takumi
Goal 89' LS1 Swap

Jenkey Memorial Cup

10 January, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 2
/w/ W icon.png
Tracy Goal 43'
>rape Goal 45+'
Best Pony Goal 50'
Princess Twilight Goal 88'
Goal 12'24' Vectors
10 January, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 3
/biz/ Biz icon.png
Princess Twilight Goal 35'
>rape Goal 70'
Goal 43'80' Phsical Sliver
Goal 45+' Bitcoin Millionare
11 January, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
2 - 0
/mu/ Mu icon.png
>rape Goal 39'60'
11 January, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
7 - 2
/diy/ Diy icon.png
>rape Goal 6'22'25'45+'55'
Best Pony Goal 31'
Faust Goal 52'
Goal 59' Google it First
Goal 71' MacGyver
11 January, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2 (O.T.)
/biz/ Biz icon.png
Best Pony Goal 51'
>rape Goal 69'
Tracy Goal 110'
Goal 45+' Bitcoin Millionare
Goal 90+' 80s Guy

2015 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies

17 January, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 1
/b/ B icon.png
>rape Goal 57' Goal 41' Triforce
24 January, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 2
/an/ An icon.png
Tracy Goal 7' Goal 29' Honeybadger
Goal 90+' Sexy Shrimp

2015 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies

10 July, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
5 - 0
/o/ O icon.png
= Goal 11'55'71'78'90+'
11 July, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 3
/tv/ Tv icon.png
= Goal 34' Goal 21' Dan "The Candy Man" Schneider
Goal 38' FOR YOU
Goal 82' Brendan Fraser

2015 4chan Summer Cup Final Boss

16 August, 2015
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 8
/4ccc/ 4ccc icon.png
Goal 11'35'90+' TS Small Market
Goal 30'80' SS-HTA
Goal 56' MV Big Market
Goal 63' Comfy Truck
Goal 76' Blaze it

Jon Memorial Cup

2 January, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 2
/y/ Y icon.png
>rape Goal 12'19'
Best Pony Goal 52'68'
Goal 47'76' Ramen Yaoi
2 January, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
5 - 3
/mu/ Mu icon.png
>rape Goal 3'
Princess Twilight Goal 52'73'
Best Pony Goal 56'90+'
Goal 14' Jeff Mangum
Goal 36' Michael Gira
Goal 50' MC Ride
3 January, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
4 - 3
/co/ Co icon.png
>rape Goal 4'
Best PonyGoal 30'
>no hooves Goal 34'
Princess Twilight Goal 45+'
Goal 37' Hope Corgi
Goal 57'90+' /co/lette
3 January, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 2
/w/ W icon.png
Best Pony Goal 90+' Goal 30'36' Powerlevel
3 January, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 6
/mu/ Mu icon.png
Goal 29'70' Sufjan Stevens
Goal 31'51' Jeff Mangum
Goal 39' MC Ride
Goal 58' Michael Gira

Meme Texas Egg Massacre

9 April, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 8
/block/ Block icon.png
>rape Goal 40' Goal 24'64'76' JIMBO
Goal 30'51' STORMER
Goal 33'43'60' ZIV ZULANDER

2016 4chan Summer Cup Final Boss

21 August, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
0 - 5
/4ccc/ 4ccc icon.png
Goal 5' Small Markets
Goal 21' Big Markets
Goal 56' Long Haul
Goal 87'90+3' Rigged

Stormer Strikes Back

21 August, 2016
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 2
/block/ Block icon.png
Best Pony Goal 29' Goal 17' JIMBO
Goal 77' STORMER

2017 Winter Cup Friendlies

6 January, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
5 - 1
/k/ K icon.png
7 January, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
1 - 1
/co/ Co icon.png

Stupor Cup 2

8 January, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/
3 - 2
/jp/ Jp icon.png
>rape Goal 2'12'
Best Pony Goal 10'
Goal 18'37' Autism