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We Didn't Start the Fire
His logo.png
/his/ - History & Humanities
Founded October 31, 2015
Owner Voltaire
IRL manager JunoIvanovich !!pRLnAqrt9vP
Team colors
Chat color FCD405
Holy Roman Yellow
Ranking 40 (increase 5)
Highest rank 15 (August 19, 2017)
Lowest rank 56 (April 17, 2016)
Top scorer >Holy>Roman>Empire (32)
Top assister Bismarck (8)
Captain Charles II
Website /his/ - History & Humanities
Nickname /his/torians
Home ground Amphitheatrum Flavium (groundshare with /lit/)
Historic performance
10 2 15 27 37.04%
53 63 -10
Biggest win
/his/ His icon.png 4–1 V icon.png /v/
April 15, 2016
Biggest defeat
/his/ His icon.png 1–5 Vp icon.png /vp/
May 5, 2018
First match
/his/ His icon.png 4–1 V icon.png /v/
April 15, 2016
Elite Cup
Appearances 2 (First in Summer 2017)
Best result 11th, Summer 2017
Babby Cup
Appearances 3 (First in Spring 2016)
Best result 13th, Spring 2017
Team music
Anthem Anthem of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Victory Anthem Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture (Finale)

Goal horn Unter dem Doppeladler Marsch
Mongolian Horse Archer Goalhorn Khuleg Baatar
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goalhorn Schei-wi-dei-wi-du
Bismarck's Goalhorn Bismarck's Mixtape
Charles II Goalhorn El Mundo - Chaccaron Maccaron
Home kit Hishome-2016sbc.png
Away kit Hisaway-2016sbc.png
Third kit
Fourth kit

The great Emperor Hiroyuki Nishimura answered the calls of the repressed /his/ communities of 4chan and granted them a homeland. This homeland was called /his/; and it was estimated to have been created in 2015AD (but possibly sometime after that because we couldn't be fucked sourcing). The anons of this board have come together to form a team that represents them in the 4chan Cup, in all their historical, humanitarian and philosophical capacity.

The Long March to Autumn
By the way, we have a discord server now. Join here!


2018 4chan Autumn Babby Qualifiers

2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup


Main Article: /his/ roster
No. Position Player
Isonzo river
Finno-Korean Hyper war
Vlad the Implier
Monsieur Lindy
Bomber Harris
Charles II Captain
No. Position Player
TRUE Communism has NEVER been tried
Maoist worst nightmare
Pregnant Anne Frank
The Russian Baltic Fleet
African paratrooper
Gaius & Aulus
Mongolian Horse Archer
More Wives, Your Grace?
tfw too smart for the republic
Jeanne d' glorified cheerleader
From left to right, back row: Isonzo river, >Holy>Roman>Empire,Vlad the Implier, Bomber Harris, Finno-Korean Hyper war, Charles II.
From left to right, front row:Diogenes, Napoleon, Charlememe, Monsieur Lindy, Bismarck.

Special music

Victory against /b/
Anthem for /u/


Previous campaigns

2018 Autumn Campaign

Whatever remained of any army under Charles II was now positioned somewhere between the Caucasus and the Pyrenees. Finally, after the virtual divegrass equivalent of a Bataan death march through six months of undocumented winter and spring, the team were ready, in some sense of the word, to begin forging their way back to some form of relevance. Some older players had been returned from otherwise permanent exile to fill the ranks left by starvation and cold. Even Julius Caesar took the opportunity to un-stab himself 23 times (and also un-stab the entire team, whose backs he had stabbed in 2016) just to be part of the fun, but a quick and decisive team vote kept him out of the goalie box. That job was given to newcomer General Luigi Cadorna, whose record showed a passion to give up absolutely anything any number of times to protect something thoroughly insignificant.

Autumn Qualifiers - /his/ v /a/, /i/, and /w/

A chill mist settled over the Tokyo Dome, and Kabarebe adjusted his paratrooper's cap. How had /his/ forces come to be here? This wasn't Kinshasa; this was a divegrass field. More importantly, why was the opposing team filing out of the changing rooms comprised entirely of 13 year old girls? With reckless abandon they began a game of soccer, but not too rough Kabarebe-chan, nyaa~.

It was a slow start to a slow game. Early attacking opportunities from Bebop kept The Isonzo River busy, and for operating purposes it seemed /his/ were without much organisation until a sudden and mysterious clearance led to his most serene highness Charles II with a scoring opportunity. Sensing a degree of unfairness in such an early and easy opportunity, his most gracious majesty promptly cannoned the ball into the crowd at a 45 degree angle to the goal, decapitating a spectator.

"Charles II has an attempt. Keyword being an attempt... [on viewing the replay] A literal retard."
--Doyes, shortly before getting the axe for his insolence

Shy of this attempt, the match continued with genial passing practice in and about the midfield. Confusingly for all involved, one of the /a/ players named Robocop would routinely issue offsides to his own team. It took several minutes to work out that he was, in fact, both a referee and a player. Obvious questions about potential unfairness and rigging were largely mitigated by the fact that nobody seemed particularly determined to do anything with the ball at all. Truck-kun gave up another valuable clearance in the 42nd minute to Bebop, who attacked without support to no avail. Retaliatory moves by Bismarck and Diogenes bought the ball into aggressive positions, but the half came without a goal by either side.

"This match is bought to you by Cornflakes; I like corn. We're nil-nil at the half."
--Doyes, corn enthusiast

The second half began in much the same way as the first half had ended. Lelouch (pronounced: "Lel ouch") came up with exciting opportunities for /a/ in the 62nd minute off the back of an error by a heavily marked >>Holy>Roman>Emperor, but for reasons unknown chose to pass it to Imagine instead of opting for the one on one rumble with Luigi in the Isonzo. This unbelievably disgusting and stupid play led to a /his/ interception and clearing. The /a/ manager from the side was heard screeching with rage, and while a swift round of subbings was ordered there was only continued incompetence from Lel Ouch, who gave openings for African Paratrooper to continue clearing throughout.

An elbow to the not inconsiderable chin of Charles II gave cause for Robocop to issue a free kick and ask Yotsuba to 'calm the fuck down'. Huey Long's Huey-longball led to a fierce header from Bismarck that was on target, only to have it narrowly deflected by valiant goalie-work. The /his/ throw-in to follow landed right at the feet of Bomber Harris, who navigated a defender and chipped inwards to Charles, who struck again only to be deflected - but this time the Iron Chancellor was ready to clean up the mess, sweeping through and netting the ball for /his/' first goal of Autumn in the 85th minute. The match closed out without further pressure from the outclassed /a/, and /his/ emerged victorious for the first time in six months (thank christ).

The match against /i/ began just over the road (which was, all things considered, rather convenient). Having successfully beaten one team, /his/ moved from strength to strength, posting a commanding performance on both offence and defence to boast 61% possession with 4 shots on target throughout the first half, but with no real attacking opportunities outside of a scare by >>Holy>Roman>Emperor towards the halftime horn (or, indeed, any action at all).

The second half, however, sought to defy expectations. It rapidly accelerated in aggression and scale between what had been otherwise two evenly matched teams, and culimnated in the 70th minute with Charles II beating a defender and the goalie both to slide the match's only goal past the goalkeeper.

Feeling triumphant off the back of two consecutive wins (the first time the team had such a posting under Gen. JunoIvanovich), Charles II then proceeded to pick a fight with an actual team. With /a/'s little girls having beaten a hasty retreat, the /w/eebs showed up to ascertain who exactly in their right mind would pick on a pack of their precious preteen waifus. A suggestion ventured as to the existence of certain Japanese war crimes led to battle lines being drawn and engaged on the 14th of October.

Right from the get-go, /w/ showed they would not be taken as lightly as their /a/ counterparts at all. At four minutes, Minimalist was penalised for a personal foul on Charles II. The subsequent free kick into /w/'s goalbox - cleared by defender Waifu Wars - would be one of the only times in the match /his/ would find themselves on the offensive. /w/ ran a controlling game in the midfield, and provided threats throughout the first twenty minutes, though all were foiled by decisive efforts of African paratrooper - though a sudden turnover by /w/ attackers in the midfield, followed by a chip and longball to /w/ striker Powerlevel all in the space of ten seconds awarded them a lethally clinical goal that made the Isonzo River Valley look more like a fucking puddle. Later in the first half, Minimalist would beat no less than 3 defenders to be the beneficiary of yet another aggressive and precise chip from the midfield, which led to a 2-0 just before the halftime. The stats - which showed only a 5% difference of possession between the two teams - did not bely the fact that /his/ had been on the defensive for the entire game.

The second half began with /his/ attacks. Monsieur Lindybiege took this a little bit too seriously, and ran the risk of a foul by the referee just to offer /his/ an attacking opportunity (nothing decisive) - but no sooner had the ball gone then it had come back into /his/'s half; and Powerlevel's blocked strike gave Waifu Walls the chance to score, again pummeling three defenders in the process in the 56th minute. Thankfully, /his/ managed to avoid further embarrassment in front of a large crowd in the Amphitheatrum Flavium, stabilising in the second half to put an otherwise game on for the remainder of the match. With a total of 7 shots (5 on target) to /his/'s 3 (1 on target), it was clear that despite roughly even possession the /his/torians were outgunned and outmatched by the bigger, older weebs. Regardless, finishing second in the group allowed them a route forward and an invitation to the Autumn Babby Cup.

Match Log

Recent & Upcoming Official Matches

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers Video
October 26, 2018 U icon.png /u/ ABC18 Design A.png 2018 Autumn Babby Cup Group D 1-2 L Goal 23' >Holy>Roman>Empire Video
October 28, 2018 Cm icon.png /cm/ ABC18 Design A.png 2018 Autumn Babby Cup Group D
November 3, 2018 Gif icon.png /gif/ ABC18 Design A.png 2018 Autumn Babby Cup Group D

Previous Official Matches

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers Video
April 15, 2016 V icon.png /v/ 2016 spring fetus logo.png 2016 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group B 4-1 W >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 45+1'56'73'
Bismarck Goal 64'
April 16, 2016 Co icon.png /co/ 2016 spring fetus logo.png 2016 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group B 4-1 W >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 17'66'
Bismarck Goal 33'
Vlad the Implier Goal 36'
April 17, 2016 Toy icon.png /toy/ 2016 spring fetus logo.png 2016 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group B 1-3 L >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 64'
May 6, 2016 Lit icon.png /lit/ 2016 Spring Cup Logo.png 2016 Spring Babby Cup - Group C 5-6 L >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 44'45'49'54'73'
May 8, 2016 O icon.png /o/ 2016 Spring Cup Logo.png 2016 Spring Babby Cup - Group C 0-1 L
May 14, 2016 Cm icon.png /cm/ 2016 Spring Cup Logo.png 2016 Spring Babby Cup - Group C 3-2 W Bismarck Goal 30'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 43'66'
October 29, 2016 P icon.png /p/ ABC16 Design A.png 2016 Autumn Babby Cup - Group H 4-5 L >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 8'31'
Napoleon Goal 73'
Bismarck Goal 90+4'
November 4, 2016 Int icon.png /int/ ABC16 Design A.png 2016 Autumn Babby Cup - Group H 1-1 D >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 68'
November 6, 2016 Wg icon.png /wg/ ABC16 Design A.png 2016 Autumn Babby Cup - Group H 0-3 L
April 28, 2017 Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ SBC17 Design Aq.png 2017 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group A 3-2 W Bismarck Goal 21'30'
>Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 68'
April 29, 2017 Wsg icon.png /wsg/ SBC17 Design Aq.png 2017 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group A 3-0 W Goal 13'76' >Holy >Roman >Empire
Goal 89' Napoleon
April 30, 2017 Tg icon.png /tg/ SBC17 Design Aq.png 2017 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group A 1-1 D >Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 89'
May 12, 2017 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ SBC17 Design A.png 2017 Spring Babby Cup - Group B 2-1 W Goal 12'71' >Holy>Roman>Empire Video
May 14, 2017 Sci icon.png /sci/ SBC17 Design Aq.png 2017 Spring Babby Cup - Group B 4-3 W Vlad The Implier Goal 5'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 45+0'
Bismarck Goal 74'90+5'
May 20, 2017 N icon.png /n/ SBC17 Design Aq.png 2017 Spring Babby Cup - Group B 2-3 L Goal 87' Bomber Harris
Goal 90+6' Anarcho-Memeism
May 27, 2017 Tg icon.png /tg/ SBC17 Design Aq.png 2017 Spring Babby Cup - Knockouts 0-2 L Video
July 28, 2017 S4s icon.png /s4s/ SC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Summer Cup - Group C 3-2 W Goal 7'29' Bismarck
Goal 22' >Holy>Roman>Empire
July 30, 2017 Wg icon.png /wg/ SC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Summer Cup - Group C 1-2 L Goal 69' >Holy>Roman>Empire Video
August 5, 2017 Asp icon.png /asp/ SC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Summer Cup - Group C 2-0 W Goal 42' Bomber Harris
Goal 52' >Holy>Roman>Empire
August 12, 2017 U icon.png /u/ SC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Summer Cup - Knockouts 2-3 L Goal 8' >Holy>Roman>Empire
Goal 90+2' Bomber Harris
17 February, 2018 Fit icon.png /fit/ WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup - Group G 1-0 W Read the Fucking Sticky Scored 36' Video
23 February, 2018 U icon.png /u/ WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup - Group G 1-2 L Charles II Goal 59' Video
25 February, 2018 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup - Group G 0-2 L Video
May 5, 2018 Vp icon.png /vp/ SBC18 Design G2.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group G 1-5 L >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 32' Video
May 11, 2018 Trv icon.png /trv/ SBC18 Design G2.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group G 2-3 L Goal 26' Charles II
Goal 71' >Holy>Roman>Empire
May 13, 2018 Lit icon.png /lit/ SBC18 Design G2.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group G 3-7 L Monsieur LindyGoal 6'
Charles II Goal 12'
Bomber Harris Goal 35'
May 20, 2018 B icon.png /b/ SBC18 Design G2.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group G 2-4 L >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 42'64' Video
October 12, 2018 A icon.png /a/ ABC18 Design Aq.png 2018 Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group C 1-0 W Bismarck Goal 85' Video
October 13, 2018 I icon.png /i/ ABC18 Design Aq.png 2018 Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group C 1-0 W Charles II Goal 72' Video
October 14, 2018 W icon.png /w/ ABC18 Design Aq.png 2018 Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group C 0-3 D Video

Unofficial Matches

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers Video
January 30, 2016 Trash icon.png /trash/ 2016 Winter Cup Unfriendlies 2-3 L Rasputin's Dick Goal 21'
Bismarck Goal 43'
January 7, 2017 Vg icon.png /vg/ 2017 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 1-3 L Bismarck Goal 30'
May 6, 2017 Block icon.png /block/ Invite challenge 4-5 L
January 19, 2018 Pol icon.png /pol/ 2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 1-3 L Goal 88' Bismarck
January 20, 2018 Vg icon.png /vg/ 2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 2-5 L Charles II Goal 54'63'
May 20, 2018 Trash icon.png /trash/ Wooden Spoon Match 13-1 W Goal 2'17'20'23' >Holy>Roman>Empire
Goal 12'27'31'34' Mongolian Horse Archer
Goal 15' Julius Caesar
Goal 63'71' Napoleon
Goal 79'90+1' Maoist Worst Nightmare

Team Statistics

Italics denote retired players


Who /his/ here?
Player Goals Assists
>Holy>Roman>Empire 32 7
Bismarck 11 8
Napoleon 4 7
Charles II 3 1
Vlad the Implier 2 4
Mongolian Horse Archer 0 3
Bomber Harris 4 3
Monsieur Lindy 1 1
Lutheran Shitposter 0 1
Charlemagne 0 1
Shitposting Cossack 1 0
Anarco-Memeism 1 0
Empire for Sale 0 1
>Marxism 0 1
Eternal Anglo 0 1
Carl von Clausewitz 0 1


Player Starts Saves Clean Sheets
Maginot Line 4 19 1
Great Wall of China 7 20 0
Julius Caesar 3 5 0
Christian Dark Ages 10 23 3


Holder Date Record Match
His icon.png /his/ (Tied) May 6, 2016 Most goals scored in a single match for the losing team with 5. /his/ His icon.png 5 - 6 Lit icon.png /lit/
>Holy>Roman>Empire May 6, 2016 Fastest brace, scoring in 44' and 45' (1 minute). /his/ His icon.png 5 - 6 Lit icon.png /lit/
>Holy>Roman>Empire May 6, 2016 Fastest hattrick, scoring in 44', 45', and 49' (5 minutes). /his/ His icon.png 5 - 6 Lit icon.png /lit/
>Holy>Roman>Empire May 6, 2016 Fastest double brace, scoring in 44', 45', 49', and 54' (10 minutes). /his/ His icon.png 5 - 6 Lit icon.png /lit/
His icon.png /his/ July 28, 2017 Most free kicks awarded to a single team with 10. /s4s/ S4s icon.png 2 - 3 His icon.png /his/
His icon.png /his/ May 21, 2018 Most goals allowed by a team within a single tournament with 19. /b/ B icon.png 4 - 2 His icon.png /his/
His icon.png /his/ (Tied) May 21, 2018 Lowest GD in a group stage with -11. /b/ B icon.png 4 - 2 His icon.png /his/


Lit logo.png
The Spooker Bowl

Both boards like dusty old books, but whose are better? In a /his/toric first Babby match, the goals poured in for /lit/ until >HRE fought back to turn what would have been a humiliating defeat into a narrow 5-6 loss.

Pol logo.png
The Edgelord Derby

Most people got tired of /pol/'s right-wing shitposting. Based Hiro heard our call and created /his/, where in a (mostly) civil matter, anons discuss history and the humanities. The edgelords of /pol/ are now contained in their conspiratard safe space, free to jerk off to Donald Trump and other wingnuts. What cucks.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

U logo.png
The Siege of Lesbos

A rivalry forged in the fires of 4cc competition, rather than from actual board relations. Still, ever since the two teams met for the first time, they were seemingly inseparable. From the first ever Elite run for /his/ being cut short by the Y/u/ris, to being relegated by them in the very next cup, it seemed the two might just have a bone to pick. But when the defending lesbian champions spooned their Summer 18 run, only to be drawn against the current babby spoon holder in /his/ for their very first game, people started suspecting that (((some))) unusual forces might be at play here.

We also just can't fucking beat them.


Team photos


"Alright, consider me convinced. /his/ is actually a good team."
— DrBorisG, 2016 Spring Qualifiers
"Always a /his/ fan"
— PAVAL, 2018 Spring