02012-01-02January 2, 2012
WC2012 Seeding
1–5 L
Get out of /jp/ 8'
02012-01-02January 2, 2012
WC2012 Seeding
3-1 W
Autism 7', 45+1' ZUN 60'
02012-01-05January 5, 2012
WC2012 Winner's R1
2-4 L
Autism 19' Rika 86'
02012-01-06January 6, 2012
WC2012 Loser's R1
1-0 W
sage 7'
02012-01-07January 7, 2012
WC2012 Loser's R2
1-3 L
sage 6'
02012-02-11February 11, 2012
SBC2012 Friendly
1-0 W
Autism ??'
02012-04-28April 28, 2012
SC2012 Friendly
Get out of /jp/ 10', 17', 91' Sage 71'
02012-05-26May 26, 2012
SC2012 Friendly
Get out of /jp/ 65', 80', 92'
02012-06-02June 2, 2012
SC2012 Friendly
Get out of /jp/ 6', 30', 67' Autism 40'
02012-07-13July 13, 2012
SC2012 Group Stage
3-3 D
Get out of /jp/ 33' Autism 39', 67'
02012-07-14July 14, 2012
SC2012 Group Stage
2-0 W
Autism 45' Billy Herrington 90'
02012-07-15July 15, 2012
SC2012 Group Stage
0-2 L
02012-07-20July 20, 2012
SC2012 Preliminaries
1-3 L
Get out of /jp/ ?'
02012-09-02September 2, 2012
FBC2012 Friendly
3-4 L
Get Out Of /jp/ 52' Sage 68' Autism 78'
02012-09-09September 9, 2012
FBC2012 Friendly
2-5 L
Sage 11' Get Out Of /jp/ 45+1'
02012-09-23September 23, 2012
FBC2012 Friendly
2-2 D
Get Out Of /jp/ 58' (pen.), 75'
02012-12-15December 15, 2012
WC2013 Friendly
1-3 L
Autism 66'
02013-02-08February 8, 2013
WC2013 Group Stage
0-3 L
02013-02-10February 10, 2013
WC2013 Group Stage
Get Out of /jp/ 26', 40', 48' Autism 85'
02013-02-16February 16, 2013
WC2013 Group Stage
1-0 W
Get Out of /jp/ 85'
02013-02-16February 16, 2013
WC2013 Round of 16
4-0 L
02013-04-06April 6, 2013
2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies
3-0 W
Get Out of /jp/ 48' Autism 70' Sage 78'
02013-04-13April 13, 2013
2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies
2-2 D
Get Out of /jp/ 16' Autism 77'
02013-07-14July 14, 2013
2013 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies
3-1 L
Get Out of /jp/ 17'
02013-07-20July 20, 2013
2013 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies
4-0 W
Sage 15', 53', 85' Japanese Bird 75'
02013-08-17August 17, 2013
SC2013 Group Stage
3-3 D
Get out of /jp/ 9', 67' Autism 34'
02013-08-23August 23, 2013
SC2013 Group Stage
2-1 W
Get out of /jp/ 67', 90' (pen.)
02013-08-25August 25, 2013
SC2013 Group Stage
2-4 L
Autism 63' Sage 88'
02013-09-21September 21, 2013
2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies
2-0 L
02013-10-06October 6, 2013
2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies
2-2 D
Pad Maid 3', 58'
02013-11-16November 16, 2013
2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
2-1 L
Autism 10'
02013-11-22November 22, 2013
2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
0-1 L
02013-11-24November 24, 2013
2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
2-0 W
Get Out of /jp/ 36', 82'
02014-01-25January 25, 2014
2014 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
3-0 W
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 3', 8', 47'
02014-01-26January 26, 2014
2014 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
1-0 L
02014-04-04April 4, 2014
2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup
4-0 W
Get out of /jp/ 11', 49' Cirno 19' Autism 83'
02014-04-05April 5, 2014
2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup
2-0 L
02014-04-11April 11, 2014
2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup
1-0 W
Get out of /jp/ 63'
02014-04-13April 13, 2014
2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup
4-2 L
内側に射精されることの喜びに 26' Autism 39'
02014-05-30May 30, 2014
2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies
2-2 D
Get Out of /jp/ 26' Flanfly 39'
02014-10-17October 17, 2014
2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
0-0 D
02014-10-18October 18, 2014
2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
0-0 D
02014-10-24October 24, 2014
2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
0-0 D
02014-10-26October 26, 2014
2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
3-2 W
Autism 1' Get out of /jp/ 50', 80'
02014-11-08November 8, 2014
2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
0-1 L
02015-02-13February 13, 2015
2015 4chan Winter Cup
0-2 L
02015-02-15February 15, 2015
2015 4chan Winter Cup
0-0 D
02015-02-21February 21, 2015
2015 4chan Winter Cup
0-1 L
02015-04-24April 24, 2015
2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup
2-0 W
Sage 34' Koisheep 49'
02015-05-02May 2, 2015
2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup
2-2 D
Get out of /jp/ 7' Autism 29'
02015-05-03May 3, 2015
2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup
0-3 L
02015-05-09May 9, 2015
2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup
0-0 D
02015-10-23October 23, 2015
2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
5-4 W
Autism 22', 37' Get out of /jp/ 28', 87' sage 69'
02015-10-25October 25, 2015
2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
2-1 W
Get out of /jp/ 24' sage 85'
02015-10-31October 31, 2015
2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
2-1 L
Get out of /jp/ 12'
02015-11-06November 6, 2015
2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
2-1 L
Autism 88'
02016-05-07May 7, 2016
2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup
4-3 W
Autism 37', 86' Japanese Bird 45' Sage 90+1'
02016-05-13May 13, 2016
2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup
1-3 L
Get out of /jp/ 82'
02016-05-15May 15, 2016
2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup
0-2 L
02016-10-28October 28, 2016
2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
2-0 W
Sage 23' Japanese Bird 49'
02016-10-30October 30, 2016
2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
0-1 L
02016-11-05November 5, 2016
2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
2-2 D
内側に射精されることの喜びに 70' Autism 83'
02016-11-12November 12, 2016
2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
2-1 W
Autism 6', 77'
02016-11-13November 13, 2016
2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
3-2 W
Autism 59', 105+1' Japanese Bird 90+5'
02016-11-13November 13, 2016
2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
3-2 W
Autism 45+0' Get Out of /jp/ 77', 90+3'
02016-11-13November 13, 2016
2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
3-1 W
Get Out of /jp/ 10', 40' Autism 29'
02017-02-10February 10, 2017
2017 4chan Winter Cup
1-1 D
Get Out of /jp/ 81'
02017-02-12February 12, 2017
2017 4chan Winter Cup
0-1 L
02017-02-18February 18, 2017
2017 4chan Winter Cup
4-1 W
Autism 6', 75' Get Out of /jp/ 24', 31'
02017-02-25February 25, 2017
2017 4chan Winter Cup
3-2 W
Autism 4' Get Out Of /jp/ 6', 97'
02017-02-26February 26, 2017
2017 4chan Winter Cup
4-4 (3-4 PK) L
Get Out Of /jp/ 9', 36', 102' Cirno 90+5'
02017-07-28July 28, 2017
2017 4chan Summer Cup
0-1 L
02017-07-30July 30, 2017
2017 4chan Summer Cup
2-1 W
Japanese Bird 28' Autism 45+5'
02017-08-05August 5, 2017
2017 4chan Summer Cup
4-2 W
Autism 19', 71' Get out of /jp/ 44' Sage 73'
02017-08-12August 12, 2017
2017 4chan Summer Cup
1-2 L
Get out of /jp/ 103'
02018-02-16February 16, 2018
2018 4chan Winter Cup
2-2 D
Sage 57' Japanese Bird 72'
02018-02-18February 18, 2018
2018 4chan Winter Cup
1-2 L
Sage 13'
02018-02-24February 24, 2018
2018 4chan Winter Cup
0-2 L
02018-05-04May 4, 2018
2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup
0-2 L
02018-05-04May 4, 2018
2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup
2-1 W
Get out of /jp/ 38' Sage 71'
02018-05-13May 13, 2018
2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup
1-1 D
Get out of /jp/ 57'
02018-05-19May 19, 2018
2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup
5-2 W
Get out of /jp/ 6', 21', 89' Sage 11' Japanese Bird 80'
02018-05-26May 26, 2018
2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup
0-1 L
02018-07-28July 28, 2018
2018 4chan Summer Cup
0-3 L
02018-08-03August 3, 2018
2018 4chan Summer Cup
3-2 W
Sage 61' Get out of /jp/ 72', 86'
02018-08-05August 5, 2018
2018 4chan Summer Cup
5-3 W
Japanese Bird 10' Sage 19', 41' Get out of /jp/ 36', 90+5'
02018-08-11August 11, 2018
2018 4chan Summer Cup
3-2 W
Get out of /jp/ 11' Japanese Bird 17', 90+4'
02018-08-12August 12, 2018
2018 4chan Summer Cup
3-6 L
Get out of /jp/ 11' Japanese Bird 23', 70'
02019-02-15February 15, 2019
2019 4chan Winter Cup
2-2 D
Get out of /jp/ 65', 79'
02019-02-22February 22, 2019
2019 4chan Winter Cup
4-4 D
Cirno 36', 84' Get out of /jp/ 6', 73'
02019-02-24February 24, 2019
2019 4chan Winter Cup
4-5 L
Cirno 8', 17', 86' Japanese Bird 65'
02019-05-18May 18, 2019
2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup
2-2 D
Get out of /jp/ 21' Cirno 62'
02019-05-24May 24, 2019
2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup
0-0 D
02019-05-26May 26, 2019
2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup
1-1 D
Cirno 18'
02019-06-01June 1, 2019
2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup
2-0 W
Get out of /jp/ 102' Cirno 114'
02019-06-02June 2, 2019
2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup
1-1 (5-3 PK) W
Cirno 68'
02019-06-02June 2, 2019
2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup
1-1 (3-5 PK) L
Fumos 57'
02019-06-02June 2, 2019
2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup
2-1 W
Cirno 4' Get out of /jp/ 38'
02019-07-20July 20, 2019
2019 4chan Summer Cup
0-2 L
02019-07-26July 26, 2019
2019 4chan Summer Cup
4-3 W
Get out of /jp/ 19', 30' Cirno 34', 90+1'
02019-07-28July 28, 2019
2019 4chan Summer Cup
1-1 D
Cirno 45+1'
02019-10-26October 26, 2019
2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
3-3 D
Get out of /jp/ 14', 90+0' Cirno 37'
02019-11-01November 1, 2019
2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
5-2 W
Cirno 5', 15', 42' SICP 32' Get out of /jp/ 55'
02019-11-03November 3, 2019
2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
6-0 W
Klown Kunny Klassic 6' Cirno 29', 40', 88' Get out of /jp/ 58', 85'
02019-11-09November 9, 2019
2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
3-2 W
Get out of /jp/ 9' Cirno 96', 119'
02019-11-10November 10, 2019
2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
5-4 W
Get out of /jp/ 13', 27', 38', 86' Cirno 57'
02019-11-10November 10, 2019
2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
0-1 L
02019-11-10November 10, 2019
2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
7-3 W
Cirno 4', 45+1', 68' Klown Kunny Klassic 30' Get out of /jp/ 69', 72' "..." 81'
02020-01-18January 18, 2020
2020 4chan Winter Cup
2-2 D
48' Cirno
72' Get out of /jp/
02020-01-24January 24, 2020
2020 4chan Winter Cup
0-2 L
02020-01-26January 26, 2020
2020 4chan Winter Cup
2-1 W
18' sage
64' Cirno
02020-02-01February 1, 2020
2020 4chan Winter Cup
Unofficial Matches
02012-01-02January 2, 2012
WC2012 Friendly
1-0 W
Get out of /jp/ ??'
02012-01-02January 2, 2012
WC2012 Friendly
2-1 W
Get out of /jp/ ??'
02012-12-22December 22, 2012
4-5 L
Get Out Of /jp/ 30', 93' Autism 34', 65'
02013-06-15June 15, 2013
Tottoric Up
1-3 L
Autism 6'
02013-12-15December 15, 2013
Weeabowl II
2-1 W
Sage 25' Autism 72'
02013-12-15December 15, 2013
Weeabowl II
2-1 W
Sage 26' Autism 37'
02013-12-15December 15, 2013
Weeabowl II
1-2 L
Autism 12'
02014-12-19December 19, 2014
Kurisumasu Cup
3-1 W
Sage 41', 58' Get out of /jp/ 83'
02014-12-20December 20, 2014
Kurisumasu Cup
0-0 W
02014-12-20December 20, 2014
Kurisumasu Cup
2-1 L
Autism 82'
02015-01-18January 18, 2015
2015 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
1-0 L
02015-01-23January 23, 2015
2015 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
6-4 W
I Can Feel It In My Bones 1', 77' Slow Sex With Youmu 58' Cirno 71' Sage 80', 90+'
02015-07-18July 18, 2015
2015 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies
3-6 L
Shimaslut 56' Slut Sanae 63' Autism 84'
02015-07-19July 19, 2015
2015 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies
4-2 W
Futo 13', 85' Shimaslut 64' Autism 72'
02015-12-25December 25, 2015
Kurisumasu Cup II
3-1 W
Autism 8' Get Out of /jp/ 104' Billy Herrington 119'
02015-12-28December 28, 2015
Kurisumasu Cup II
2-3 L
Autism 34' Corndog Tenshi 82'
02016-01-24January 24, 2016
2016 4chan Winter Cup Unfriendlies
2-4 W
Japanese Bird 48', 90' Get Out Of /jp/ 53', 90+4'
02016-01-31January 31, 2016
2016 4chan Winter Cup Unfriendlies
2-1 W
Autism 43' Get Out Of /jp/ 80'
02016-06-28June 28, 2016
Rigging After Dark
5-0 L
02017-01-07January 7, 2017
2017 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
6-1 L
Autism 35'
02017-01-08January 8, 2017
2017 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
3-2 L
Autism 18' (pen.), 37'
02017-01-15January 15, 2017
2017 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
3-1 W
Sage 2' Get Out Of /jp/ 73' Autism 83'
02018-01-19January 19, 2018
2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
6-4 W
Autism 13' Get out of /jp/ 20' Fumos 41', 62' Japanese Bird 45+2' Beato 50'
02018-01-21January 21, 2018
2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
1-1 (4-3 PK) W
Get out of /jp/ 88'
02018-09-30September 30, 2018
2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies
3-2 W
Japanese Bird 29' Autism 44' sage 60'
02018-10-19October 19, 2018
2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies
1-4 L
Autism 4'
02018-10-21October 21, 2018
2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies
0-0 W
Team History
/jp/ History
Event Timeline
- January 02, 2012 - Team created. [1]
- January 02, 2012 - /jp/ did really well in the friendlies and seeding matches for 2012 4chan Winter Cup, pulling in 3 wins and 1 loss.
- January 05 - 07, 2012 - Despite being created less than a week before the 2012 4chan Winter Cup, /jp/ managed to get into a respectable 11th placing.
- February 11, 2012 - /jp/ continued their good playing, winning a friendly against /cgl/ despite not even being in the 2012 4chan Babby Cup.
- April 28, 2012 - Maintaining their silent but strong will, /jp/ scored an easy 4 goals against /s/ in the 2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies.
- July 13 - 14, 2012 - /jp/ started the opening matches of the tournament days with impressive and exciting games, drawing with /ck/ 3-3 in an intense match on the first day and a beautiful 2-0 win against /tv/ on the second day.
- July 15, 2012 - /jp/ got their first manager through apathy on the part of the rest of the board, noting that this was the first and last post he would ever make on /jp/. Getting down to work immediately, Doogie_ !!IdTmTK73Akq lead /jp/ to a complete failure, losing against /co/ 0-2, despite being the favourites to win. Key decisions include: attempting to substitute the captain(gold player) for someone not even on the bench(the game obviously didn't have such an option), substituting the goalkeeper out before the match only to substitute the goalkeeper again during the match, using both super sub players (Corndog Tenshi and Billy Herington) as starters. Doogie_ !!IdTmTK73Akq also later revealed that he didn't know what conditions were since he didn't notice such a thing in his testing.
- Doogie_ !!IdTmTK73Akq also announced that he didn't test conditions because he only did exhibition matches.
- July 15, 2012 - /jp/ narrowly gets through the group stage of the 2012 Summer Cup after a 2-0 loss to /co/. /ck/'s 4-1 loss to /tv/ got /jp/ to advance through goal difference.
- July 20, 2012 - /jp/ is eliminated in the preliminaries by /tg/.
- Autumn 2012 - SuppaTenko joins /jp/, his debut on commentary was not met with approval due to his thick German accent.
- February 8, 2013 - /jp/ vs /tg/ had to be restarted due to >Germanbro after the match was 1-1. /jp/ lost to /tg/ again.
- February 16, 2013 - /jp/ beats /co/ 1-0 to qualify for the round of 16. Later, /tg/'s 3-1 win over /vp/ relegated /co/.
- February 23, 2013 - /toy/ blows /jp/ the fuck out.
- August 25, 2013 - Due to goal difference, /jp/ was relegated to a babby cup for the first time ever after a 4-2 loss to /m/ combined with /sp/'s 2-0 win over /g/. After this and a shitstorm on the /vg/ cup thread, Doogie_ stepped down from management to become /jp/'s Zugführer. During this cup, /jp/ had these chants, which were well-received by viewers.
- November 22, 2013 - After the 1-0 loss to /lgbt/, it was mathematically impossible for /jp/ to qualify to the 2014 Winter Cup, as they had 0 points after two matches, while /lgbt/ and /y/ had 6 points. Doogie_ left /jp/ on this day citing what was, at this point, the usual /jp/ excuse for an elimination. It was also revealed by him that he was the former /cgl/ manager known as Coleslaw.
- December 8, 2013 - GTN Mack joins /jp/ management.
- April 4, 2014 - /jp/ blows /m/ the fuck out 4-0.
- April 13, 2014 - /jp/ loses 4-2 to /e/, eliminating the team due to the combination of other results.
- October 24, 2014 - /jp/ becomes the second team ever to draw 0-0 three times in a row during an official 4chan cup (the first one was /e/ in the 2014 Summer Cup).
- October 26, 2014 - /jp/ wins 3-2 against /vr/ and would have to wait until the result of /biz/ vs /tg/ to see if this was enough to advance to the 2015 Winter Cup.
- November 1, 2014 - /jp/ was confirmed to have qualified to the 2015 Winter Cup, after /biz/'s 4-0 loss to /tg/.
- February 21, 2015 - /jp/ was relegated to the 2015 Spring Babbies after a 1-0 loss to /h/, finishing their Winter 2015 run without scoring a goal after a 0-0 draw to /wg/ and 2-0 loss to /toy/ earlier.
- May 13, 2016 - /jp/ played against a rival /v/ side in an official competition for the first time, and lost 1-3.
- May 15, 2016 - /sp/ defeats /jp/ 2-0, breaking The Together Forever Curse for a while. This caused /sp/'s fans to cum all over /a/'s catalog. /jp/ was looking like a permababby team, until...
- October 28, 2016 - /jp/ faces their rivals, /a/, for the first time ever in an official cup match, and defeated them 2-0.
- November 5, 2016 - /out/ falls victim to the most dangerous lead against /jp/. This comeback was enough for /jp/ to finally promote to the 2017 4chan Winter Cup. Additionally, this would be /jp/'s first appearance in a major cup since 2015.
- November 12, 2016 - /jp/ reaches the top 8 of a tournament for the first time ever after a 2-1 win over /w/ in the Round of 16.
- February 10, 2017 - /jp/ play in their first elite cup match since Winter 2015. They'd take on the champions /mlp/ in the first game of the cup, matching them in a 1-1 draw. It would later turn out that the game had been played on beginner difficulty. This naturally prompted screeches of rigging from some /mlp/ fans who demanded a rematch, comparing /jp/ to a crew of blind drivers who would have no chance of beating them if the match had been on regular settings.
- February 18, 2017 - /jp/ blow out /an/ 4-1 after a close loss to /mu/. With /mu/ later crushing /mlp/, /jp/ had secured a spot in the elite knockouts for the first time since Winter 2013.
- February 25 2017 - /jp/ faces /toy/ in the RO16, defeating them 3-2 in extra time and making their furthest ever run in an elite cup.
- February 26 2017 - In the semifinals they took on /vp/ in the match of the tournament, with a clutch Cirno 90+ to send the game to extra time and further 105+ by Get out of /jp/ to bring it down to penalties. Unfortunately, missed penalty kicks by Autism and Madotsuki would end /jp/'s run and leave them placing 5th overall.
- July 28, 2017 - The 2017 Summer Cup begins, with /jp/ kicking off their run against /trv/. Unfortunately a spaghetti moment between GK Captain Meido and defender Younger Sister would start it off with a 0-1 loss by own goal.
- August 5, 2017 - Despite this, victories over both /vr/ and /po/ would eventually see /jp/ topping the group and making their second consecutive elite knockout appearance.
- August 12, 2017 - However their run would be cut short in the Round of 16 by /lit/, with a defensive tug of war that ended in a 1-2 loss in extra time.
- May 4, 2018 - The 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup begins and /jp/ faces /s4s/ in what was Slut Sanae's last game as goalkeeper thanks to an own goal in a 2-0 loss
- May 12, 2018 - /jp/ beats /a/ again 2-1, then draws suddenly revived /t/ 1-1. Then /jp/ blows the fuck out of /c/ 5-2 to qualify for summer. Anime has a bad cup and /jp/ promotes again.
- May 26, 2018 - /jp/'s babby cup run would come to a short end as /fit/ defeated /jp/ 1-0.
- August 5, 2018 - However, /jp/'s fortunes came for the better, as 3-2 and 5-3 wins over /tv/ and /mlp/ respectively gave them not only a ticket to stay elite, but the top spot in the group in another summer cup.
- August 11, 2018 - /jp/ would play /h/ in a C94 affair, which had /jp/ nearly squander a 2-0 lead, but Japanese Bird cooked up a winning goal at 90+4 to seal /jp/'s second ever elite knockout victory
- August 12, 2018 - Unfortunately, they were trounced by the champions /vg/ 6-3, awakening the golden boot winner as well. This was good enough for 8th overall.
- February 24th, 2019 - /jp/ yet again gets relegated in a winter cup, this time from a 90+ goal from /u/, ending with only 2 points
- May 26th, 2019 - /jp/ advances out of the group stage with 3 draws, alongside a crucial 1-1 draw against rivals /a/, being the first team to do so since the 2018 4chan Winter Cup with /toy/. Anime and banter both lose again.
- June 2nd, 2019 - /jp/ won the 3rd place trophy against /toy/ after winning two consecutive extra time affairs against /n/ and /cm/, only to lose out in benuldies to cup champions /i/ in the semis.
- July 28th, 2019 - /jp/ was relegated on 4 points after drawing 1-1 to /w/, relegating them to their first autumn cup since 2016
- November 3rd, 2019-/jp/ back as an autopilot blow the fuck out /fa/ and /g/ and top a group with 7 points for the first time
- November 10th, 2019-/jp/ wins another third place trophy by defeating /c/ 7-3, and comes one goal short of tying the cup record for goals scored in a cup with 29. /jp/ also secured their first golden boot, with Cirno scoring 13 of those goals
- January 26th, 2020-/jp/ advances by the skin of their teeth, and get in on -1 GD, thanks to a /fa/ win.
 /c/ - All 2hu's Are Cute Alliance |
Friendly bout between two boards who like cute girls, and posting them. On /c/, every 2hu is best , but /jp/ would like to disagree.
The two official matchups have been blowouts for /jp/, 5-2 and 7-3 respectively
 /f/ - 音MAD Bowl |
Flashes are a big part of early 2000s Japanese web culture and both /f/ and /jp/ enjoy these things. Ranging from simple Touhou flash games, old 2ch flashes, Gachimuchi, and all sorts of randomness that is spawned between the two.
These two have only met three times, with each team taking a win each, but /jp/ having an upper hand in the series. They recently met in the 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies, where /f/ won 4-1
 /a/ - The A/JP Derby |
/a/ was never a fan of the 2hu hijacks that would take place on their threads. Every thread could be set offtrack simply by one Touhou post. Soon the bitching grew and moot complied, creating /jp/ in 2008, and having one of the nastiest stickies to ever be put on a board .
The three times these teams have met in official cup meetings were in the babby, and these three times saw /jp/ promote in front of their eyes, with 2-0 and 2-1 victories respectively, and a 1-1 draw recently. The only loss was from an invitational, seeing /a/ dominate /jp/ 5-0. These two met in the 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup, and /jp/ would draw once again in a 3-3 thriller
 /v/ - 2hu Isn't Vidya Bowl |
/v/ finds 2hu to be some retarded waifu shitter game, yet posts about 9001 threads on JRPGs and kusoge. While 2hu has been posted more often on /v/ as of late, the stench leaves certain /v/irgins in anger, wishing /jp/ would leave them alone.
- When sage scored against /tg/ during one match in the 2012 4chan Winter Cup, eyebrows were raised when the goalhorn played BANJO FINGER POWERHOUSE. That goalhorn has since become a staple of /jp/ knockout runs.
- BANJO FINGER POWERHOUSE was mixed by the same man who flew a single seater ultralight aircraft into orbit above Florida and came crashing down to Earth at an airspeed of 18,932 MPH.
- During the 2012 4chan Summer Cup, one anon from /jp/ sent an email to moot labelling the cup as a "money making scam". Later, during the /ck/ v /tv/ match, Germanbro read the email on air. [2] This led to /jp/ receiving the cup's Worst Fans Award.
subject: 4chan summer cup is a money making scam
Hello. I can't tell who I am but I can tell you I've been on the
inside of this whole "4chan summer cup" ordeal from it's inception
and have detatched myself from this project once the creator made his
intetions clear.
This event is a money-making scam. The creator and some of his friends,
taking advantage of the good will of other 4chan users, have publicized
an event where football teams representing each board participate in
a tournament. All this is made in pro evolution soccer 4. This event
is them streamed through livestream, where the owners of the channel
make money off of advertisements.
The creator of this scam is a german currently residing in portugal. His
prime time is late afternoons GMT. His threads, advertising his
event, and subsequent spam from his part, his friends and all the
unknowing users thus constitute as a violation of 4chan's rules under
spam/advertising/flooding and must be put to a stop.
I will spam this e-mail a couple of times to make sure it gets to you. I
hope you take action.
- While /sp/ was trying to steal /m/'s 8000000 GET, /jp/ popped out of nowhere and stole it from /sp/. Some said this was a prediction of future events; however, /jp/ were eliminated in their first knockout match of said tournament by /tg/ 3-1.
- /jp/'s 2015 Winter Cup run is one of only three times in which a team scored 0 goals in an Elite Cup. The other two times were /e/ in Summer 2014 and /lgbt/ in Winter 2014.
- Ever since the 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup, every team that has played /jp/ first in the group stages has failed to advance to the Round of 16 in that tournament. This has come to be known as The Day One /jp/ Curse and has since ended following the conclusion of the 2018 4chan Summer Cup
Awards and Accolades
Assburgers Enquirer and Team Artwork
Just a normal pre game for the team
/jp/ on being in the next elite cup following autumn
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