This page is for the upcoming 2021 4chan World Cup. Archived exports pages can be found at Exports/Archive
This page is for the preliminary and tactical deadlines only. See the Save Fixes for tactical export-related changes beyond the first deadline.
Make sure to read the warning message above.
The Aesthetics/Tactics-less Exports Deadline has passed |
Making your export
To make your export, start PES 2021 and go to the main menu. When there select Edit to go to the Edit menu. Then select Data Management at the bottom and then select Export Team. After that just follow all the instructions on the screen. When done the export can be found in My Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\WEPES. Just look for the .ted file after how you named it. This is the file you will have to upload and put under the team's header on this page.
For your aesthetics export, please refer to the current aesthetics export template.
For music export, please check the Rigdio page.
Post a link to download your team's export. It is mandatory to separate the tactical export and the aesthetics download. Music exports are optional but appreciated, and should be separate from the prior files. Check the wiki main page for the export deadline timer.
Note: | It is highly recommended that you use Auto-ATF which is included in the 4ccEditor, which can be found here to check your export before uploading it. |
Don't be afraid to contact the 4CCC or anyone else who may be able to help you about the current cup rules if you have questions.
Alive teams
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: Now with 200% Elastic ass
- Aesthetics Export: Also Featuring 500% more vampire titties. Plus free arms for your Virtual Rig!
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: train your dog
- Aesthetics Export: cute animals
- Audio Export: animal sounds
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: F for Fandango, the first player to ever score a goal for /asp/
- Aesthetics Export: 'sthetics
- Audio Export: Imma do things my way, it's my way, my way or the highway
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: Non tactical
- Aesthetics Export: Aes
- Audio Export: Theres alot of primates that eat other primates, like chimps eat the fuck out of monkeys, david attenborough you wanna watch? ok pull up the david attenbourough, so they hunt, they hunt monkeys, they coral them in, its the most ruthless shit, cause theres a video of this chimp eating a monkey while its alive, its holding onto the monkey and biting its hips, and just pulling chunks of meat while the monkeys screaming like AHHHHHHHHH like his little primate face just screaming while this chimps eating him alive. They do everything they can eat theyre omnivourous they eat everything like humans theyre omnivores but they didnt figure this out till the 1990s attenbourough was doing this documentary and these trackers took him and showed how these monkeys , look look it thats a chimp eating a monkey, yeah this is the video this is really dark shit man they chase these monkeys and the monkeys get scared and theyre trying to figure it out and theyre trying to run away but the chimps are bigger and stronger and they coral them in and so once they get em man,they just tear em apart its just horrible to watch, see now the monkeys trying to get away and this is the footage of the monkey trying to escape and the chimp comes chasing after him grabs him. Its rough bro they eat babies they eat em all
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: bant no tictacs
- Aesthetics Export: bant aes
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:*click* Rig it.
- Aesthetics Export:Crashing zis market, with no survivors
- Audio Export:(incoherent screaming)
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:prelim deadline stuff
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: diy no tictacs
- Aesthetics Export: diy aes
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: Totally legit strat guys for realz
- Aesthetics Export: Holy shit actual models is it 2016?
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: fa no tictacs
- Aesthetics Export: fa aes
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: Onassis Says
- Aesthetics Export: Don't
- Audio Export: Sleep
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: vorg in brogress :DDDD
- Aesthetics Export: segs :DDDDDD
- Audio Export: kaksoispiste dedededede
- Tactical Export: "VTWEETERS could be here" Billy thought, "I've never been on /vt/ before. There could be VTWEETERS anywhere."
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: あの賑やかな市場は今どこに 〜 Immemorial Marketeers reverberated his entire car, making it pulsate even as the 160円 FamilyMart sake circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) distaste for English-language vtubing.
- Aesthetics Export: The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE VTWEETERS" he thought.
- Audio Export: "With a mini-Hakkero, laser is not difficult" he said to himself, out loud.
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: >wearing a hawaii shirt and a plate carrier in 2021 >ISHYGDDT
- Aesthetics Export: >He doesn't wear alpenflage
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export: Get in the robot, Shinji
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: For less than the cost of a Big Mac,
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: fries and a Coke, you can buy a loaf of
- Aesthetics Export: fresh bread and some good cheese or
- Audio Export: roast beef, which will enjoy much more
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export: aesthetics
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: watermarked picture donut steel
- Aesthetics Export: someone please make my request :^)
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: von Braun is the only one that is going to take you to the moon, kids
- Aesthetics Export: Local team of scientists still befuddled at how blender works, more at 11
- Audio Export: When the board comes up with something new to put, we'll let you know.
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: Completely Tact(ics)less.
- Aesthetics Export: Putting the ass in Assthetics exports.
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: It's kinda like those old Lego brick buckets without the instructions in a way
- Aesthetics Export: Old legends return, and some oldies get some new updates. That'll be $200.
- Audio Export: Includes The Touch as well as The Power.
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Anyways...Fuwa, could I ask you something?
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: Are you one of them?
- Aesthetics Export: Soon you will be too, Marika.
- Audio Export: I'll make sure of it. Inside and out.
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: If its not fun, why bother?
- Aesthetics Export: It Just Works
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export: Stop going to robf author not take the aesthetic without fighting it
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: 500 IQ Tic tacs
- Aesthetics Export: P A P E S
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: wsg no tictacs
- Aesthetics Export: wsg aes
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
New teams
- Tactical Export: Come on, man.
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: Join our party!
- Aesthetics Export: We're missing one player.
- Audio Export: And the upcoming game wouldn't be the same without (You).
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: Open World Builder
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetic over functionality
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Debut: TBA
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: ogey
- Aesthetics Export: rrat
- Audio Export: Debut: TBA
Revived teams
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS
- Audio Export: INSTALL GENTOO
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: Ignore Kerning
- Aesthetics Export: Only use comic sans
- Audio Export: Apply drop shadow
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export: The cutting mat
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetics folded over 7 times
- Audio Export: Paper cuts
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Tactic-less Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export: