The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/trv/ Winter 2022 roster poll results

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"do your best, lads, it's all going to be only metaverse in a few years, we have to enjoy physical travel while we still can"

In January 2022 covid restrictions still have not been lifted. Yet glimpses of hope began to emerge. This time it took two threads to collect opinions on the roster. The poll was also linked in Rollercoaster general (warm response and a good discussion) and Japan general (no responses, ignored). In total 18 votes were submitted, from which:

  • 2 votes were discarded because they did not answer the verification question,
  • 1 vote was discarded because the submitter said "Please do not count it, I am a board tourist",
  • 15 votes were used in the final count.

Changes in medal status: Desperate Weeaboo lost his silver status, while Chinese Tour Group took his spot. The spot was highly contested with a tie between 4 players so that an additional strawpoll was run. From 25 total votes, Chinese Tour Group received 9, while the nearest contestant, Thai Ladyboy got very close with 8.

Three new players: CringeLord #afghandrip, >white woman >Dubai and A Cred's A Cred.
Çabër, wtf Pakistan looks like THIS? and Post-travel Depression were voted off the team.


People were asked to rate each player, both old and new, from 0 to 2. The players with most votes were granted the medal status. New or returning player entries are italicised.

Name I LOVE YOU You're ok I guess >>>out Result
Sex Tourist 13 1 1 27
Darién Gap 12 3 0 27
Real Traveller™ 11 4 0 26
Couchsurfer Rapist 10 3 2 23
Chinese Tour Group 8 6 1 22
Thai Ladyboy 9 4 2 22
Karl Pilkington 8 6 1 22
American "Tourist" 9 4 2 22
Desperate Weaboo 9 3 3 21
Begpacker 8 5 2 21
Squat Toilet 8 5 2 21
SEA Retirement Plans 8 5 2 21
I'm trans, if that matters 9 2 4 20
CringeLord #afghandrip 9 2 4 20
Vaccine Passport 8 4 3 20
Is It Safe? 6 8 1 20
Neckbeard TEFL 7 5 3 19
Boomer Cruise 7 5 3 19
Remote Working 7 4 4 18
Peruvian Guide 6 6 3 18
whatarethewomenlike 6 6 3 18
>white woman >Dubai 7 2 6 16
A Cred's A Cred 5 0 1 10
Çabër 4 8 3 16
Post-travel Depression 5 5 5 15
Birthright Israel 4 6 5 14
Anxious Coomer 5 2 6 12
TTT 4 4 7 12
wtf Pakistan looks like THIS? 1 9 5 11
Karabakh Travel Tips 2 6 6 10
Travel is Over 4 1 2 9
SLURRRP 1 0 5 2