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(530 intermediate revisions by 21 users not shown)
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|team= his
|team= his
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|date= October 31, 2015
|date= October 31, 2015
|owner= Voltaire
|owner= Voltaire
|irl= {{Anonymous|JunoIvanovich|!!pRLnAqrt9vP}}
|irl= {{Anonymous|Managerless}}
|bgcolor= FCD405
|bgcolor= FCD405
|ranking= 18 (<small>{{decrease|1}}</small>)
|ranking= 29 <small>({{increase|1}})</small>
|high_ranking= 15
|high_ranking= 1
|high_date= August 19, 2017
|high_date= February 14, 2021
|low_ranking= 56
|low_ranking= 56
|low_date= April 17, 2016
|low_date= April 17, 2016
|captain= Charles II
|captain= Charles II
|scorer= {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}
|scorer= {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}
|goals= 28
|goals= 71
|assister= Bismarck
|assister= {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}
|assists= 8
|assists= 46
|w= 10
|w= 43
|d= 2
|d= 10
|l= 11
|l= 47
|gf= 45
|gf= 207
|ga= 44
|ga= 212
|win_home= his
|win_home= his
|win_away= v
|win_away= fa
|win_score_home= 4
|win_score_home= 5
|win_score_away= 1
|win_score_away= 0
|win_date= April 15, 2016
|win_date= July 26, 2020
|lose_home= his
|lose_home= his
|lose_away= vp
|lose_away= a
|lose_score_home= 1
|lose_score_home= 1
|lose_score_away= 5
|lose_score_away= 7
|lose_date= May 5, 2018
|lose_date= November 11, 2023
|first_home= his
|first_home= his
|first_away= v
|first_away= v
Line 40: Line 39:
|first_score_away= 1
|first_score_away= 1
|first_date= April 15, 2016
|first_date= April 15, 2016
|elite_cup_appearances= 2
|elite_cup_appearances= 10
|first_elite_appearance= [[2017 4chan Summer Cup|Summer 2017]]
|first_elite_appearance= [[2017 4chan Summer Cup|Summer 2017]]
|best_elite_result= 11th
|best_elite_result='''<span style="color:  #C0C0C0; font-size: 100%">2nd</span>'''
|best_elite_cup= [[2017 4chan Summer Cup|Summer 2017]]
|best_elite_cup= [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|Winter 2021]]
|babby_cup_appearances= 3
|babby_cup_appearances= 13
|first_babby_appearance= [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Spring 2016]]
|first_babby_appearance= [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Spring 2016]]
|best_babby_result= 13th
|best_babby_result='''<span style="color:  #C0C0C0; font-size: 100%">2nd</span>'''
|best_babby_cup= [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Spring 2017]]
|best_babby_cup= [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Autumn 2018]]
|hex= FCD405
|hex= FCD405
|color= Holy Roman Yellow
|color= Holy Roman Yellow
|a_title=Anthem of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
|a_title=Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser ♔
|altanthem2_what=Victory Anthem
|gh_title=Unter dem Doppeladler Marsch
|altanthem1_what=Victory Anthem
|altanthem2_title=Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture (Finale)
|altanthem1_title=Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture (Finale)
|gh_title=Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire
||altgh1_what=Mongolian Horse Archer Goalhorn
|altgh1_title=Khuleg Baatar
||altgh2_what={{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} Goalhorn
||altgh3_what=Bismarck Goalhorn
|altgh3_title=Preußens Gloria
|altgh4_what=Charles II Goalhorn
|altgh4_title=El Mundo - Chaccaron Maccaron
|home_ground=Battleship Bismarck (groundshare with [[/k/]])
The great Emperor Hiroyuki Nishimura answered the calls of the repressed /his/ communities of 4chan and granted them a homeland. This homeland was called /his/; and it was estimated to have been created in 2015AD (but possibly sometime after that because we couldn't be fucked sourcing). The anons of this board have come together to form a team that represents them in the 4chan Cup, in all their historical, humanitarian and philosophical capacity.
The great Emperor Hiroyuki Nishimura finally answered the calls of the repressed, history-loving communities of 4chan, and granted them a homeland. This homeland was called /his/; and it was estimated to have been created in AD 2015 - but also possibly sometime after that, because we couldn't be fucked sourcing. The anons of this board have come together to form a team that represents them in the 4chan Cup, in all their historical, humanitarian and philosophical capacity.

After a humiliating defeat in [https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/2018_4chan_Winter_Cup Winter]by overwhelming forces of /u/ and /mlp/ the /his/ forces are in full retreat. Now they are preparing for [https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/2018_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup Spring]. <br>
'''By the way, we have a discord server now. Join''' [https://discord.gg/842Jf8Z here]!
'''By the way, we have a discord server now. Join''' [https://discord.gg/842Jf8Z here]!


===2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup===
* '''Tactical Export:'''[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oE57gqMndXqQIciVQ3zh_skQixELDE2L Tactics]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aKuC9A4AD2PZS_2KTFbUfCG8diviS-hy Aesthetics]
* '''Music Export:'''[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U9_w4XFSsXnvl4qdjF06U1sMCGrtKP1Z Music]
:''Main Article: [[/his/ roster]]''
:''Main Article: [[/his/ roster]]''
{{sq start}}
{{sq start|bg=#FCD405|fg=#000000}}
{{sq start player |no=10 |pos=GK |name=Maginot Line}}
{{sq start player |no=27 |pos=GK |name=Taft}}
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos=LB |name=Diogenes}}
{{sq start player |no=66 |pos=LB |name=Maoist Worst Nightmare}}
{{sq start player |no=19 |pos=CB |name=Finno-Korean Hyper war}}
{{sq start player |no=17 |pos=CB |name=Finno-Korean Hyper war}}
{{sq start player |no=17 |pos=CB |name=Charlemagne}}
{{sq start player |no=30 |pos=CB |name=Decisive Tang Victory}}
{{sq start player |no=18 |pos=RB |name=Napoleon}}
{{sq start player |no=16 |pos=RB |name=Pregnant Anne Frank}}
{{sq bronze player |no=31 |pos=DMF |name=Vlad the Implier}}
{{sq start player |no=6 |pos=DMF |name=More Wives, Your Grace?}}
{{sq start player |no=4 |pos=CMF |name=Monsieur Lindy}}
{{sq start player|no=1|pos=CMF|name=Tiktaalik}}
{{sq bronze player |no=43 |pos=AMF |name=Bomber Harris}}
{{sq silver player |no=4 |pos=CMF|name=Gaius & Aulus}}
{{sq silver player |no=71 |pos=SS |name=Bismarck}}
{{sq silver player |no=45 |pos=AMF|name=Bomber Harris/Bombs Away Lemay}}
{{sq silver player |no=15 |pos=SS |name=Charles II {{captain}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=12 |pos=SS|name={{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=45 |pos=CF |name={{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=38 |pos=CF |name=Charles II {{captain}}}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq mid|bg=#FCD405|fg=#000000}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=GK |name=Great Wall of China}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=GK |name=___ Battle of the Isonzo}}
{{sq player |no=6 |pos=LB |name=Maoist worst nightmare}}
{{sq player |no=43 |pos=LB |name=bomes}}
{{sq player |no=11 |pos=LB |name=Pregnant Anne Frank}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos=LB|name=What the fuck was his problem}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos=RB |name=EVERY MAN A KING}}
{{sq player |no=5 |pos=CB |name=Nutmeg Genocide}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=RB |name={{greentext|&Humanities}}}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=CB|name=Plague-carrying Rat}}
{{sq player |no=20 |pos=CB |name=The Russian Baltic Fleet}}
{{sq player |no=60 |pos=CB |name= Muh Haplogroups}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos=CB |name=African paratrooper}}
{{sq player |no=81 |pos=RB |name=Ea-Nasir}}
{{sq player |no=1 |pos=CB |name=Angry Old Man}}
{{sq player |no=24 |pos=RB |name=MS Paint Jehovah's Witness}}
{{sq player |no=46 |pos=DMF |name=CARTHAGO DELENDA EST}}
{{sq player |no=44 |pos=DMF |name=Dirlewanger}}
{{sq player |no=64 |pos=CMF |name=Burnin’ Sherman}}
{{sq player |no=99 |pos=CMF |name=Mongolian Horse Archer}}
{{sq player |no=99 |pos=CMF |name=Mongolian Horse Archer}}
{{sq player |no=95 |pos=CMF |name=More Wives, Your Grace?}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=CMF |name=Julius Caesar}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos=CMF |name=Radical Centrist}}
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}

[[File:Spring -his- 2018 Squad.png|800px|thumb|none|''From left to right, back row'': Maginot Line, {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}, Bomber Harris, Napoleon, Finno-Korean Hyper war, Charles II.<br>''From left to right, front row'': Vlad the Implier, Charlemagne, Diogenes, Monsieur Lindy, Bismarck.]]
==Special music==
Anthem for /u/: [https://youtu.be/gPM_VETJxIo Franz Joseph Haydn, String Quartet No. 62 in C major, Op. 76, No. 3, Hob.III:77, "Emperor"]
''[[/his/ match history| Previous campaigns]]''
''[[/his/ History| Previous campaigns]]''

===2018 Winter Campaign===
==Special Music==
2nd kit anthem: [https://youtu.be/9S4faeVpUds Magna Mater]
3rd kit anthem: [https://youtu.be/R_1SbOoPS2U Heil dir im Siegerkranz]
'''Step Aside Peasants; his Royal Highness takes to the Field''' <br>
Strategically, there was little more that could have been done - that was the assertion of the coaching staff come the close of the Summer fighting season. His most Royal Highness Charles II, the King of Spain, Naples, Sardinia, Sicily and Burgundy, disagreed. With vigour and energy his majesty revamped the team to include himself, donned his football boots and strode out into the narrow and blustery winter cup like a colossus.<br>  
4th kit anthem: [https://youtu.be/72RZwNZxwbk Verdun Chant Militaire ON NE PASSE PAS !!!]
====/his/ v /fit/====
5th kit anthem: [https://youtu.be/12wtsBDQTJQ Khusugtun - Tes goliin magtaal]
5th kit vs {{team away|int}}: [https://youtu.be/xoc2EC3LA60 "Мен – тыва мен" - Anthem of the Tuva Republic]
6th kit anthem: [https://youtu.be/mMGxIvDe9fU?t=15 Kukultan - Atekokoli]
7th kit anthem: [https://youtu.be/QqQZD0aMVZU?t=9 The Battle Hymn of the Republic]
Taft MoM Victory Anthem: [https://youtu.be/OFghXnA0G5M Taft!]
{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} goalhorn:[https://youtube.com/watch?v=E1IOO5wdPJk Schei-wi-dei-wi-du]
{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} hattrick goalhorn: [https://youtu.be/-JqYKPsh6iM DJ Ostkurve feat Die Jungen Zillertaler - Schei wi dei wi du (Lyrics Remix Video)]
Charles II goalhorn: [https://youtube.com/watch?v=wvkHIZg_954&t=32s El Mundo - Chaccaron Maccaron]<br>
Bomber Harris goalhorn: [https://youtu.be/xEw9Z2J2_eg?t=42 Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris™]
Bomber Harris hattrick goalhorn: [https://youtu.be/l2H3PFyL9dI?t=38 DO IT AGAIN BOMBER HARRIS]
Gaius & Aulus goalhorn: [https://youtu.be/6Cp6mKbRTQY Avicii - Hey Brother]
Bombs Away Lemay goalhorn: [https://youtu.be/A_sY2rjxq6M The Trammps - Disco Inferno]
Mongolian Horse Archer goalhorn:[https://youtube.com/watch?v=el93MIxAf-c&t=4 Khuleg Baatar]
Burnin' Sherman goalhorn: [https://youtu.be/F3uph_1bqZk When Johnny comes marching home Matzzz Remix]
Finno-Korean Hyper war goalhorn: [https://youtu.be/aUz4VlSja58 Ensiferum - Into Battle]
The team, all of them petty men, walked beneath his huge legs and basked in the shade of his majestic chin as they began their slow march towards a premiership. /fit/, having been challenged by the presence of the ultimate alpha male, were the first combatants /his/ were to face. The contest was noted in the opening minutes for a lack of control from both /his/ and /fit/, but /his/ would not bow to the aggressive style that /fit/ adopted.
Tiktaalik goalhorn: [https://youtu.be/B9h1tR42QYA Tiktaalik (Your Inner Fish)]
:::''...It's true, they're not really being intimidated by the muscles of /fit/. /fit/ wojak back there... whoever that is - ah, it's 'feelin' fit, buddy' - is basically ripping out of his clothes he's so ripped, but /his/ will not be intimidated.''
::::::::::::::::::::'''--Marqod''' <br>
Contrary to this, in fact, /his/ dominated the half in both possession and territory (63% possession with 4 shots on goal), though they were unable to capitalize immediately due to a tightly-packed defence. {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} continued to apply pressure, starting in the 25th minute with a pass to an on-side Charles II, but despite a mighty chin swing from his majesty READ THE FUCKING STICKY made a solid save to keep the scores nil-all. Barely a minute later, a penalty conceded by Gains Goblin allowed Bismarck an attempt, but again the /fit/ goalkeeper was competent, and in such a way the game continued at an impasse until the 35th minute - where a daring chip into territory by Bismarck met an aerial strike by Charles II, which hit the post and then the back of the goalkeeper's head to award /his/ their first goal of the season (albiet not one they scored). /fit/'s strategy shift into counterattack was immediate, and a header by /fit/ striker Zyzz into the top-left pocket was saved comfortably by the new /his/ Goalkeeper, Maginot Line, to end the half 1-0. <br>
The second half began with reasonable /fit/ offensive maneuvers, but a sudden breakthrough by {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} to beat three offenders kept them honest, forcing the goalie into an alarming dive to save a blooter. The resulting corner gave a rare opportunity to Lutheran Shitposter, who struck well, but yet-a-fucking-gain /fit/'s goalie bore the brunt of the attack with a good save.
:::''I saw the book moving at about the right speed - that was a '''power''' header for a non-medal [player]!''
::::::::::::::::::::'''--Marqod, referring to Lutheran Shitposter's playermodel (a bible)''' <br>
/fit/ scrambled to assemble a proper countermeasure, finally taking it to the /his/ defensive line in the 68th minute - a potential shot on goal by Squatz was pounced on by the Maginot Line. Occasional moments of glory emerged to keep /fit/ aggression at bay, with Gauled utterly deleting two defenders in the 75th minute to keep the ball aggressively postured. Moments later, Bomber Harris sensed the presence of the eternal g*rman and dropped a bomb that cannoned into the back of Bismarck's head, ''who was then also fouled for being offside.'' The turnabout took the ball back into /his/'s defensive half, and gave opportunity afresh to /fit/, but ultimate several brilliant and not-at-all-reflected-in-real-life defences by the Maginot Line rendered the attack inert, and the /his/torians emerged 1-0 and victorious in their first match for the season.
====/his/ v /u/; Featuring 'That Goal'====
Dirlewanger goalhorn: [https://youtu.be/zxHelCzB1QI?si=JVcesz7KkEH2LDPu Franzl Lang - In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus]

:::''"...[A] magnificent joint anthem. We're into this comfy match."''
==Match Log==
::::::::::::::::::::'''--Doyes, after the dual /his/-/u/ Anthem''' <br>

It was a dignified affair at the /u/ home stadium of St. Michael's, but those on the /his/ side who were old enough to remember the previous year remembered the indignities suffered at the hands of /u/, who would go on to place second in the [[2017 4chan Summer Cup|Summer Cup of 2017.]] So too were the battle lines drawn for a chance to score a revenge and pillage a few lesbians.
===Cup Perfomance===
{| class="wikitable"
An honest and decent contention was made in the attack and defence of both teams; who both ran 3/5/2 to open the play - but the outcome of this was that the Macaron (/u/'s ball) remained squarely in the /his/ defensive half. A foul at the 13th minute committed by the Russian Baltic Fleet gave /u/ a threatening chance to score, but the Maginot line saved competantly. The order of attack down the /his/ line was, in much the same way as th fleet itself, also similarly mired in communication issues - /his/ could not manage to crack the /u/ seige. Matters were complicated further when Bomber Harris reaped the proverbial whirlwind a bit too hard - he recieved a yellow card for a personal foul on Friending. He left the field amid howls of frustration from the /his/ 4CC discord and fans. Moments later, the Maginot Line was subject to attack from Feito-chan, which it rebuked - but barely a few seconds had passed before Feito-chan scored a goal from a very thin angle to the Line's right-hand side.
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Event
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| {{tt|Record|Win-Draw-Loss}}
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| {{tt|GF|Goals For}}
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| {{tt|GA|Goals Against}}
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| {{tt|GD|Goal Difference}}
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Result
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Place
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:2016_spring_fetus_logo.png|link=2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group B|25px]] [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| 2-0-1
| 9
| 5
| 4
| Promoted
| 3rd
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:2016_Spring_Cup_Logo.png|link=2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C|25px]] [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 1-0-2
| 8
| 9
| -1
| Failed to Advance
| 21st
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:ABC16_Design_A.png|link=2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H|25px]] [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 0-1-2
| 5
| 9
| -3
| Relegated
| 29th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:SBC17_Design_Aq.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| 3-1-0
| 7
| 3
| 4
| Promoted
| 1st
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:SBC17 Design A.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 2-0-2
| 8
| 9
| -1
| Round of 16
| 13th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:SC17_Design_A.png|link=2017 4chan Summer Cup|25px]] [[2017 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 2-0-2
| 8
| 7
| -1
| Round of 16
| 11th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:WC18_Design_F2.png|link=2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G|25px]] [[2018 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 1-0-2
| 2
| 4
| -2
| Relegated
| 23rd
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:SBC18 Design G2.png|link=2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|25px]] [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 0-0-4
| 8
| 19
| -11
| Relegated
| 40th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:ABC18 Design Aq.png|link=2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group B|25px]] [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| 2-0-1
| 2
| 3
| -1
| Promoted
| 6th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:ABC18 Design A.png|link=2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group D|25px]] [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 4-1-2
| 9
| 3
| 6
| Runner-up
| 2nd
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:WC19 Design E.png|link=2019 4chan Winter Cup Group G|25px]] [[2019 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 3-0-1
| 12
| 6
| 6
| Round of 16
| 13th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:Summer19_C.png|link=2019_4chan_Summer_Cup|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 0-0-3
| 4
| 11
| -7
| Relegated
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:ABC19_Design_E.png|link=2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|25px]] [[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 1-1-1
| 4
| 4
| 0
| Failed to Advance
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:SBC20 Design A.png|link=2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup|25px]] [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 2-0-2
| 8
| 7
| 1
| Promoted
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:SC20_Design_E2.png|link=2020 4chan Summer Cup|25px]] [[2020 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 3-0-2
| 15
| 7
| 8
| Quarterfinals
| 5th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:WC21 Design D.png|link=2021 4chan Winter Cup|25px]] [[2021 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 5-1-1
| 13
| 6
| 7
| Runner-up
| 2nd
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:WoC21 Design E.png|link=2021 4chan World Cup|25px]] [[2021 4chan World Cup]]
| 1-0-2
| 8
| 8
| 0
| Failed to Advance
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:WC22 Design D.png|link=2022 4chan Winter Cup|25px]] [[2022 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 1-0-2
| 3
| 8
| -5
| Relegated
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|link=2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 1-2-1
| 3
| 3
| 0
| Failed to Advance
| 24th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:ABC22 Design H.png|link=2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 1-0-2
| 6
| 7
| -1
| Failed to Advance
| 23rd
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:SBC23 Design Dq.png|link=2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|25px]] [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| 1-1-2
| 7
| 10
| -3
| Failed to Advance
| 9th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:ABC23 Design G.png|link=2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 2-0-2
| 10
| 13
| -3
| Promoted
| 16th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:WC24 Design E1.png|link=2024 4chan Winter Cup|25px]] [[2024 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 0-0-3
| 3
| 9
| -6
| Relegated
| 30th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:SBC24 Design G.png|link=2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup|25px]] [[2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 3-0-2
| 16
| 16
| 0
| Promoted
| 7th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:SC24 Design C.png|link=2024 4chan Summer Cup|25px]] [[2024 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 0-1-2
| 8
| 13
| -5
| Relegated
| 29th
| style="background:#f8f9fa"|[[File:ABC24_Design_B.png|link=2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|25px]] [[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 3-1-1
| 18
| 10
| 8
| Promoted
| 6th

The response to aggress was instant; with Gen. Ivanovich observing that there was too much danger to allowing /u/ unmitigated access to their half. /his/ had not offered a single strike on goal.
:::''"Their [/his/'s] offence can't get it very far, like - they get to the midfield, and then they get the ball stolen almost immediately."''
::::::::::::::::::::'''--Doyes''' <br>
From here until the end of the first half ran a more contested state of play, albiet not one without substantial note from the commentary box that /u/ were contesting it all too well. {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} attempted to put /his/ on the board with a shot in the 45th - but it was lackluster, and largely muffled by /u/ defender Black Sunshine to the point where PES did not even consider it a shot on goal. The stats told the story: /u/ had managed 4 shots, all on target at that juncture, versus /his/'s zero - all the while maintaining a two-point deficit on possession (/u/ 48%-52% /his/).
At the start of the second half, a sneak attack yielded an opportunity for Bismarck, but he was cleared confidently by /u/ defenders. The resulting momentum was sharply reverted as the ball was cleared to Purest Form of Love at the halfway mark, who utterly annihilated three /his/ defenders, making a last-second cross to Akkarin. The /u/ striker took another incredibly sharp-angled goal past the Maginot line to take the score to 2-0.
:::''"I mean, I do question /his/ putting what is essentially a meme in the goal - *stifles laughter* - it's like, 'hey, what'd be a good player to represent our goalkeeper? The maginot line! Brilliant."''
::::::::::::::::::::'''--Paval, not quite getting the joke''' <br>
A preset change later to a defensive-oriented aspect left many scratching their heads. Gen. Ivanovich later admitted it was designed to lure /u/ into a false sense of security, an act that was swiftly justified. A long ball from near /his/' goal box from Diogenes found its way to {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}, who promptly dazzled an attacker and crossed into Charles II in the centre - and oh lord, his most gracious majesty would not disappoint. In a summary of what this team really fucking means, he leapt into the air above and ahead of no less than four /u/ defenders and delivered an explosive bicycle kick from well beyond the box; rocketing the coveted Macaron into the back of the net at a blinding pace that not even the well-experienced /u/ goalkeeper Madokami could match. It was /his/' first goal scored for the cup.
[[File:He does not need wings to fly.png|thumb|right|He does not need wings to fly.]]
:::''...Incredible. I am completely at a loss for words.''
::::::::::::::::::::'''--Doyes''' <br> 
:::''Spectacular... what an absolutely ''ludicrious'' cross.''
::::::::::::::::::::'''--Paval''' <br> 
:::''If you thought /his/ was buried, you're dead wrong.''
::::::::::::::::::::'''--MBa''' <br> 
Suffice it to say that after that point, the commentary box was substantially less critical of the /his/ attack.
Subs were introduced at 65:00, with African Paratrooper and Caesar taking the field to replace Napoleon and Anne Frank respectively. Elsewhere, energy and fitness ran high, and /his/ was considerably more aggressive and dangerous as they moved into the last quarter.
A threatening corner from /u/, to briefly switch the flow, led to a series of repelled attacks; only one of which reached the Maginot line and was deflected. Tension and nerves ran high on the /u/ side of things, and Feito-chan was booked for a foul on Caesar in the 75th - an offence that would remove her from play from the next game (it being her second in two games). The opportunity was there. But no amount of /his/ attack could finish the job, and under immense pressure, /u/ refused to break despite a blooter from Charles that scraped the left goalpost. In the end, a strategic retreat was ordered. /his/ had taken their best and given a few moments of magic, and possession remained competitive at 50% each, but /u/ proved far more competent, and the match ended in their favour 2-1. /u/ would later go on to forge a hard-earned finals victory to claim their first star; and in this way it is worth pointing out that the relatively new /his/ could keep their head held high, even in loss that threatened to relegate them.
==Match Log==
=== Recent & Upcoming Official Matches===
=== Recent & Upcoming Official Matches===
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
{| class="wikitable" width=72% style="background:linear-gradient(to right, #111D2E, #0E2353, #1387B8)
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Date
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=20%| Competition
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Opponent
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=14%| Stage
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Competition
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=10%| Opponent
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Result
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=8%| Result
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Scorers
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=30%| Scorers
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Video
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=18%| Date
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=18%| VOD
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="7" align=center|[[File:WC25_Design_J.png|135px|link=2025 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2025 4chan Winter Cup|2025 4chan Winter Cup}}
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2025 4chan Winter Cup Group H|Group H]]
|align=center|{{team away|sci}}
|align=center|2-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|5}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Rmpire}} <br> {{goal|80}} Gaius & Aulus</small>
|align=center|January 25, 2025
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/winter25/2025-01-25/?t=3:53:49.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|v}}
|align=center|1-1 D
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|10}}</small>
|align=center|January 31, 2025
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/winter25/2025-01-31/?t=3:51:19.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|int}}
|align=center|1-1 D
|align=center|<small>{{goal|12}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|February 2, 2025
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/winter25/2025-02-02/?t=01:43:46 Video]
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2025 4chan Winter Cup knockout stage|Knockouts]]
|align=center|{{team away|vm}}
|align=center| 2-0 W
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|45+1}}<br>Bomber Harris {{goal|51}}</small>
|align=center| February 8, 2025
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2025 4chan Winter Cup Quarter Finals|Quarter Finals]]
|align=center|{{team away|a}}
|align=center| 3-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|34||84}} Bombs Away LeMay<br>{{goal|45+4|pen.}} Charles II</small>
|align=center| February 9, 2025
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2025 4chan Winter Cup Semi Finals|Semi Finals]]
|align=center|{{team away|v}}
|align=center| 1-4 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|66}} Charles II</small>
|align=center| February 9, 2025
| align=center| May 5, 2018
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2025 4chan Winter Cup Third Place Match|Third Place Match]]
| align=center| {{team away|vp}}
|align=center|{{team away|tv}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC18 Design G2.png|link=2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|25px]] [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group G]]
|align=center| 3-5 L
| align=center|1-5 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|}} Charles II<br>{{goal|49}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}<br>{{goal|86}} Burnin' Sherman</small>
| align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|32|}}</small>
|align=center| February 9, 2025
| align=center| May 11, 2018
| align=center| {{team away|trv}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC18 Design G2.png|link=2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|25px]] [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group G]]
| align=center|TBD
| align=center|<small></small>
| align=center| May 13, 2018
| align=center| {{team away|lit}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC18 Design G2.png|link=2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|25px]] [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group G]]
| align=center|TBD
| align=center|<small></small>
| align=center| May 20, 2018
| align=center| {{team away|b}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC18 Design G2.png|link=2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|25px]] [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group G]]
| align=center|TBD
| align=center|<small></small>

===Previous Official Matches===
===Previous Official Matches===
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
<div style="width:75%; height:400px; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; height:637px; overflow-y:scroll; margin:1em 0">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="background:linear-gradient(to right, #111D2E, #0E2353, #1387B8)
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Date
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=20%| Competition
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Opponent
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=14%| Stage
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Competition
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=10%| Opponent
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Result
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=8%| Result
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Scorers
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=30%| Scorers
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Video
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=18%| Date
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000" width=18%| VOD
| align=center| April 15, 2016
|  align=center|{{team away|v}}
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="5" align=center|[[File:ABC24 Design B.png|135px|link=2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup}}
| align=center|[[File:2016_spring_fetus_logo.png|link=2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group B|25px]] [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group B|2016 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group B]]
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group A|Group A]]
| align=center|4-1 W
|align=center|{{team away|vr}}
| align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|45+1||56||73||}}<br> Bismarck {{goal|64}}</small>
|align=center|3-0 W
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|29||90+0}}<br>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|42}}</small>
| align=center| April 16, 2016
|align=center|November 1, 2024
| align=center|{{team away|co}}
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/24abc/2024-11-01/?t=1:36.0 Video]
| align=center|[[File:2016_spring_fetus_logo.png|link=2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group B|25px]] [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group B|2016 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group B]]
| align=center|4-1 W
|align=center|{{team away|toy}}
| align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|17||66}}<br> Bismarck {{goal|33}}<br> Vlad the Implier {{goal|36}}</small>
|align=center|4-4 D
|align=center|<small>{{goal|3}} Charles II <br> {{goal|58}} Gaius & Aulus <br> {{goal|70}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} <br> {{goal|90+3}} Bomber Harris</small>
|align=center|November 3, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/24abc/2024-11-03/?t=4:03:16.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|vst}}
|align=center|5-2 W
|align=center|<small>Bomber Harris {{goal|4||11}}<br>Gaius & Aulus {{goal|16}}<br>Tiktaalik {{goal|23}}<br>Charles II {{goal|35}}</small>
|align=center|November 9, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/24abc/2024-11-09/?t=2:59:51.0 Video]
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup knockout stage|Knockouts]]
|align=center|{{team away|o}}
|align=center| 3-1 W
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|2}}<br>Gaius & Aulus {{goal|65}}<br>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|90+2}}</small>
|align=center| November 17, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/24abc/2024-11-16/?t=16:02.0 Video]
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Quater Finals |Quater Finals]]
|align=center|{{team away|x}}
|align=center| 3–3 L <br>Penalties 3-4
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|89}}<br>Mongolian Horse Archer {{goal|97}}<br>What The Fuck Was His Problem {{goal|115}}<br><br>Charles II {{pengoal}}<br>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{penmiss}}<br>Bomber Harris {{penmiss}}<br>Gaius & Aulus {{pengoal}}<br>What The Fuck Was His Problem {{pengoal}}</small>
|align=center| November 18, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/24abc/2024-11-17/?t=15:59.0 Video]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:SC24 Design C.png|135px|link=2024 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2024 4chan Summer Cup|2024 4chan Summer Cup}}
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2024 4chan Summer Cup Group A|Group A]]
|align=center|{{team away|pw}}
|align=center|3-4 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|9||21||36}} Charles II</small>
|align=center|July 19, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/summer24/2024-07-20/?t=19:07.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|m}}
|align=center|4-4 D
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|27||57}}<br>Bombs Away Lemay {{goal|64}}<br>Gaius & Aulus {{goal|83}}</small>
|align=center|July 21, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/summer24/2024-07-21/?t=6:15:38.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|a}}
|align=center|1-5 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|48}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|July 27, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/summer24/2024-07-27/?t=3:28:40.0 Video]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="5" align=center|[[File:SBC24_Design_G.png|135px|link=2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group H|Group H]]
|align=center|{{team away|vmg}}
|align=center|4-1 W
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|21||63||79||86}}</small>
|align=center|April 27, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring24/2024-04-27/?t=5:45:11.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|vp}}
|align=center|4-6 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|3}} Gaius & Aulus<br>{{goal|21||78}} Charles II<br>{{goal|90+3}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|May 3, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring24/2024-05-03/?t=2:46:55.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|n}}
|align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|<small>Tiktaalik {{goal|5}}<br>Charles II {{goal|37||90+0}}</small>
|align=center|May 5, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring24/2024-05-05/?t=1:36:59.0 Video]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2024_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup_knockout_stage|Knockouts]]
|align=center|{{team away|c}}
|align=center|4-3 W
|align=center|<small>Bomber Harris {{goal|22}}<br>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|36}}<br>Charles II {{goal|63||82}}</small>
|align=center|May 11, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring24/2024-05-11/?t=5:05:16 Video]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2024_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup_quarter_finals|Quarter Finals]]
|align=center|{{team away|y}}
|align=center|1-4 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|48}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|May 12, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring24/2024-05-12/?t=3:07:08.0 Video]
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:WC24 Design E1.png|135px|link=2024 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2024 4chan Winter Cup|2024 4chan Winter Cup}}
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2024 4chan Winter Cup Group C|Group C]]
|align=center|{{team away|vrpg}}
|align=center|1-3 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|7}} Bomber Harris</small>
|align=center|January 19, 2024
|align=center| [https://implying.fun/video/24winter/2024-01-19/?t=05.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|aco}}
|align=center|0-2 L
|align=center|January 21, 2024
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/24winter/2024-01-21/?t=2:16:22.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|vst}}
|align=center|2-4 L
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|73}}<br>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|90+0}}</small>
|align=center|January 27, 2023
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/24winter/2024-01-27/?t=1:00:52 Video]
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:ABC23 Design G.png|135px|link=2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup}}
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group G|Group G]]
|align=center|{{team away|vr}}
|align=center|3-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|33||44||61}} Charles II</small>
|align=center|October 28, 2023
|align=center| [https://implying.fun/video/2023abc/2023-10-28/?t=3:36:40.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|toy}}
|align=center|1-3 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|23}} Charles II</small>
|align=center|November 3, 2023
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/2023abc/2023-10-28/?t=3:36:40.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|s4s}}
|align=center|5-2 W
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|16||20||45+3}}<br>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|25}}<br>Gaius & Aulus {{goal|58}}</small>
|align=center|November 5, 2023
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/2023abc/2023-11-05/1/?t=44:09.0 Video]
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2023_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup_knockout_stage#/a/_v_/his/|Knockouts]]
|align=center|{{team away|a}}
|align=center|1-7 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|55}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|November 11, 2023
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/2023abc/2023-11-11/?t=4:26:46.0 Video]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:SBC23 Design Dq.png|135px|link=2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]<br>{{color|000|2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group B|Group B]]
|align=center|{{team away|wsg}}
|align=center|1-3 L
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|79}}</small>
|align=center|April 21, 2023
|align=center| [https://implying.fun/video/spring23q/2023-04-21/?t=1:20:07.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|vt}}
|align=center|5-4 W
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|3}}<br>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|43||58||86}}<br>Tiktaalik {{goal|60}}</small>
|align=center|April 22, 2023
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring23q/2023-04-22/?t=1:35:30.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|i}}
|align=center|1-1 D
|align=center|<small>{{goal|19}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}</small>
|align=center|April 23, 2023
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring23q/2023-04-23/?t=2:10:51.0 Video]
|style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2023_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup_Qualifiers_Playoffs#/his/_v_/r9k/|Playoffs]]
|align=center|{{team away|r9k}}
|align=center|0-2 L
|align=center|April 23, 2023
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring23q/2023-04-23/?t=4:12:54.0 Video]
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:ABC22 Design H.png|135px|link=2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup}}
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2022_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup_Group_A|Group A]]
|align=center|{{team away|int}}
|align=center|2-3 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|55||64}} Bomber Harris</small>
|align=center|November 4, 2022
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/autumn22/2022-11-04/?t=26:28.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|aco}}
|align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|49||55||65}}</small>
|align=center|November 6, 2022
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/autumn22/2022-11-06/?t=44:40.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|vm}}
|align=center|1-2 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|10}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|November 12, 2022
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/autumn22/2022-11-12/?t=13:59.0 Video]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:SBC22 Design D.png|135px|link=2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" align=center|[[2022_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Group_B|Group B]]
|align=center|{{team away|jp}}
|align=center|1-2 L
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|17}}</small>
|align=center|April 29, 2022
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring22/2022-04-29/?t=2:38:13.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|h}}
|align=center|1-1 D
|align=center|<small>{{goal|67}} Bombs away Lemay</small>
|align=center|May 7, 2022
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring22/2022-05-07/?t=2:24:30.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|vrpg}}
|align=center|1-0 W
|align=center|<small>Bombs away Lemay {{goal|76}}</small>
|align=center|May 13, 2022
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring22/2022-05-13/?t=1:40:01.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|r9k}}
|align=center| 0-0 D
|align=center|May 15, 2022
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/spring22/2022-05-15/?t=1:18:44.0 Video]
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:WC22_Design_D.png|135px|link=2022 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2022 4chan Winter Cup|2022 4chan Winter Cup}}
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2022_4chan_Winter_Cup_Group_E|Group E]]
|align=center|{{team away|w}}
|align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|<small>{{tt|Bombs away Lemay {{goal|4||66}}|Haven't seen someone drop two on Japan like that since 1945}}<br>Charles II {{goal|81}}</small>
|align=center|January 29, 2022
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/winter22/2022-01-29/?t=18:52.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|out}}
|align=center|0-3 L
|align=center|February 4, 2022
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/winter22/2022-02-04/?t=17:13.0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|v}}
|align=center|0-3 L
|align=center|<small>{{yel|42}} What the Fuck was his Problem</small>
|align=center|February 6, 2022
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/winter22/2022-02-06/1/?t=53:49.0 Video]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|135px|link=2021_4chan_World_Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2021_4chan_World_Cup|2021 4chan World Cup}}
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2021_4chan_World_Cup_Group_H|Group H]]
|align=center|{{team away|wg}}
|align=center|1-3 L
|align=center|<small>Bomber Harris {{goal|65}}</small>
|align=center|July 18, 2021
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/mnQzonsiPBQ Video]
|align=center|{{team away|e}}
|align=center|4-1 W
|align=center|<small>Napoleon {{goal|19||79}}<br>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|52}}<br>Charles II {{goal|29}}</small>
|align=center|July 10, 2021
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/X0Y5AWAn-kI Video]
|align=center|{{team away|lgbt}}
|align=center|3-4 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|29}} Napoleon<br>{{goal|39||52}} Charles II</small>
|align=center|July 30, 2021
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/BxD1mt5AUb4 Video]
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="7" align=center|[[File:WC21 Design D.png|135px|link=2021 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 4chan Winter Cup}}
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2021 4chan Winter Cup Group D|Group D]]
|align=center|{{team away|trv}}
|align=center|2-1 W
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|63||76}}</small>
|align=center|January 29, 2021
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/7OJjABYjEH8 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|lit}}
|align=center|1-1 D
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|13}}</small>
|align=center|January 31, 2021
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/j-gO4ZCx_Z0 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|v}}
|align=center|2-0 W
|align=center|<small>Bomber Harris {{goal|45+0}}<br>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|83}}</small>
|align=center|February 6, 2021
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/Cabp2pi49HU Video]
|style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2021_4chan_Winter_Cup_knockout_stage#.2Fhis.2F_v_.2Fd.2F|Knockouts]]
|align=center|{{team away|d}}
|align=center|2-0 W
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|58}}<br>Charles II {{goal|82}}</small>
|align=center|February 13, 2021
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/dv6srN53XNw Video]
|style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2021_4chan_Winter_Cup#Quarter_Finals|Quarter Finals]]
|align=center|{{team away|mu}}
|align=center|5-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|12||65}} Charles II<br>{{goal|39||79}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}<br>{{goal|90+2}} Gaius & Aulus</small>
|align=center|February 14, 2021
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/3zGTJBSEU7U Video]
|style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2021_4chan_Winter_Cup#Semi_Finals|Semi Finals]]
|align=center|{{team away|wg}}
|align=center|2-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|49||90+0}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}</small>
|align=center|February 14, 2021
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/3NbJZILIm3A Video]
|style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2021_4chan_Winter_Cup_Final|Final]]
|align=center|{{team away|n}}
|align=center|1-3 L
|align=center|<small>Bomber Harris {{goal|58}}</small>
|align=center|February 14, 2021
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/i1-I0iB1FyM Video]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="5" align=center|[[File:SC20_Design_E2.png|135px|link=2020 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2020 4chan Summer Cup|2020 4chan Summer Cup}}
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2020_4chan_Summer_Cup#Group_F|Group F]]
|align=center|{{team away|u}}
|align=center|1-2 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|89}} Pregnant Anne Frank</small>
|align=center| July 18, 2020
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/oHZuUnFHpUY Video]
|align=center|{{team away|wg}}
|align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|64||71}} Gaius & Aulus<br>{{goal|76}} Charles II</small>
|align=center| July 24, 2020
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/qoyUR-pGO4E Video]
|align=center|{{team away|fa}}
|align=center|5-0 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|18||30}} Gaius & Aulus<br>{{goal|59||90+4}} Charles II <br>{{goal|72}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}</small>
|align=center| July 26, 2020
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/qHFGfYqGgrs Video]
|style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2020_4chan_Summer_Cup_knockout_stage#/his/_v_/toy/|Knockouts]]
|align=center|{{team away|toy}}
|align=center|5-0 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|18||30}} Gaius & Aulus<br>{{goal|59||90+4}} Charles II <br>{{goal|72}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}</small>
|align=center| July 26, 2020
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/summer20/2020-08-01/?t=3:55:48.0 Video]
|style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2020_4chan_Summer_Cup#Quarter_Finals|Quarter Finals]]
|align=center|{{team away|u}}
|align=center|3-3 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|25}} Burnin' Sherman<br>{{goal|73}} Charles II<br>{{goal|82}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}
Penalties 4-5 <br> {{pengoal}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}<br>{{penmiss}} Charles II<br>{{pengoal}} Gaius & Aulus<br>{{pengoal}} Bomber Harris<br>{{pengoal}} Muh Haplogroups</small>
|align=center| August 2, 2020
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/Bvk57QY-hDI Video]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:SBC20_Design_A.png|135px|link=2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2020_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Group_D|Group D]]
|align=center|{{team away|mu}}
|align=center|2-1 W
|align=center|<small>Bomber Harris {{goal|15}}<br> {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|35}}</small>
|align=center| April 24, 2020
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/byJHmZ0hRI8 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|aco}}
|align=center|1-0 W
|align=center|Bomber Harris {{goal|65}}</small>
|align=center| April 26, 2020
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/fhR6xG8lOFM Video]
|align=center|{{team away|w}}
|align=center|2-3 L
|align=center|{{goal|11}} Bomber Harris<br>{{goal|82}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}</small>
|align=center| May 2, 2020
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/fhR6xG8lOFM Video]
|style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2020_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup_knockout_stage#/m/_v_/his/|Knockouts]]
|align=center|{{team away|m}}
|align=center|3-3 L
|align=center|{{goal|55}} Bomber Harris<br>{{goal|62}} Gaius & Aulus<br>{{goal|102}} Charles II</small>
<small>Penalties 0-3 <br>
{{penmiss}} Charles II<br>{{penmiss}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}<br>{{penmiss}} Bomber Harris</small>
|align=center| May 9, 2020
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/Z6oerMw5kdM Video]
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:ABC19_Design_E.png|135px|link=2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup}}
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2019_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Group_H|Group H]]
|align=center|{{team away|out}}
|align=center|0-1 L
|align=center| October 26, 2019
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/J6_N3Pvsm-U Video]
|align=center|{{team away|ck}}
|align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|{{goal|25||43}} Charles II<br>{{goal|70}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}</small>
|align=center| November 1, 2019
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/Snr6BdydB1U Video]
|align=center|{{team away|mu}}
|align=center|1-1 D
|align=center|Charles II {{goal|60}}</small>
|align=center| November 3, 2019
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/CuXJxEopiOE Video]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|135px|link=2019_4chan_Summer_Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2019 4chan Summer Cup|2019 4chan Summer Cup}}
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2019_4chan_Summer_Cup_Group_E|Group E]]
|align=center|{{team away|aco}}
|align=center|2-5 L
|align=center|<small>Bomber Harris {{goal|11}}<br>Charles II {{goal|62}}</small>
|align=center| July 20, 2019
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/JjI2HwBsVk8 Video]
|align=center|{{team away|mlp}}
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/1ayHUHoX82U 1-4 L]
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|60}}</small>
|align=center| July 26, 2019
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/2rLbS47HG0I Video]
|align=center|{{team away|co}}
|align=center|1-2 L
|align=center|<small>Bomber Harris {{goal|90+1}}</small>
|align=center|July 28, 2019
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/SKqqmgKZNLs Video]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:WC19 Design E.png|135px|link=2019 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2019 4chan Winter Cup|2019 4chan Winter Cup}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2019 4chan Winter Cup Group G|Group G]]
|align=center|{{team away|k}}
|align=center|3-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|23||56}} Bomber Harris<br>{{goal|36}} Monsieur Lindy</small>
|align=center|February 16, 2019
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/P5rh4Dg_52c Video]
|align=center|{{team away|tv}}
|align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|<small>Bomber Harris {{goal|30||36}}<br>Charles II {{goal|77}}</small>
|align=center|February 22, 2019
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/7Ug6c1XwIJU Video]
|align=center|{{team away|b}}
|align=center|5-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|17||34||59}} Charles II<br>{{goal|48}} Bomber Harris<br>{{goal|65}} Mongolian Horse Archer</small>
|align=center|February 24, 2019
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/Kq7WRe6jJf8 Video]
|style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2020_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup_knockout_stage#/m/_v_/his/|Knockouts]]
|align=center|{{team away|vg}}
|align=center|1-2 L
|align=center|Bismarck {{goal|74}}</small>
|align=center|March 2, 2019
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/JWLrXZwqX88 Video]
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="7" align=center|[[File:ABC18 Design A.png|135px|link=2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup}}
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2018_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Group_D|Group D]]
|align=center|{{team away|u}}
|align=center|1-2 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|23}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|October 26, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/c7foc7CvKxA Video]
|align=center|{{team away|cm}}
|align=center|2-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|27}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} <br>{{goal|45+1}} Bismarck</small>
|align=center|October 28, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/fxD9NgSy1Rc Video]
|align=center|{{team away|gif}}
|align=center|0-0 D
|align=center|November 3, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/vqbWd25X7OE Video]
|style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2018_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup_knockout_stage#/3/_v_/his/|Knockouts]]
|align=center|{{team away|3}}
|align=center|1-0 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|33}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|November 3, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/WOHoT885tjw Video]
|style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2018_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Quarter_Finals|Quarter Finals]]
|align=center|{{team away|mu}}
|align=center|3-0 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|11||72}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}<br>{{goal|53}} Bismarck</small>
|align=center|November 11, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/egvriiXsmn8 Video]
|style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2018_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Semi_Finals|Semi Finals]]
|align=center|{{team away|vp}}
|align=center|3-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|29||33}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}<br>{{owngoal|40}} I Rabbu Rirrie-Chan</small>
|align=center|November 11, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/gyo7e3gGQC0 Video]
|style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2018_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Final|Final]]
|align=center|{{team away|pol}}
|align=center|0-2 L
|align=center|November 11, 2018
|align=center|[https://implying.fun/video/autumn18/2018-11-11/?t=5:19:45.0 Video]
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:ABC18 Design A.png|135px|link=2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers]]<br>{{color|000|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers}}
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group C|Group C]]
|align=center|{{team away|a}}
|align=center|1-0 W
|align=center|<small>Bismarck {{goal|85}}</small>
|align=center|October 12, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/xoXrsYVp7Ik Video]
|align=center|{{team away|i}}
|align=center|1-0 W
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|72}}</small>
|align=center|October 13, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/BanewT3oyKw Video]
|align=center|{{team away|w}}
|align=center|0-3 L
|align=center|October 14, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/SfzQw0tF2tc Video]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:SBC18 Design G2.png|135px|link=2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" align=center|[[2018_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Group_G|Group G]]
|align=center|{{team away|vp}}
|align=center|1-5 L
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|32|}}</small>
|align=center|May 5, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/Oxfnr-nOSKE Video]
|align=center|{{team away|trv}}
|align=center|2-3 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|26}} Charles II<br> {{goal|71}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|May 11, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/MaE7wb2KCQE Video]
|align=center|{{team away|lit}}
|align=center|3-7 L
|align=center|<small>Monsieur Lindy{{goal|6}}<br>Charles II {{goal|12}}<br>Bomber Harris {{goal|35}}</small>
|align=center|May 13, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/lky_-bSaql8 Video]
| align=center| April 17, 2016
|align=center|{{team away|b}}
| align=center| {{team away|toy}}
|align=center|2-4 L
| align=center|[[File:2016_spring_fetus_logo.png|link=2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group B|25px]] [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group B|2016 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group B]]
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|42||64|}}</small>
| align=center|1-3 L
|align=center|May 13, 2018
| align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|64}}</small>
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/06dqcAPFFAY Video]
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:WC18_Design_F2.png|135px|link=2018 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2018 4chan Winter Cup|2018 4chan Winter Cup}}
| style="background:#c4e0fc" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G|Group G]]
|align=center|{{team away|fit}}
|align=center|1-0 W
|align=center|<small>Read the Fucking Sticky {{owngoal|36}}</small>
|align=center|17 February, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/O9Fiig4pbG0 Video]
| align=center| May 6, 2016
|align=center|{{team away|u}}
align=center|{{team away|lit}}
|align=center|1-2 L
| align=center|[[File:2016_Spring_Cup_Logo.png|link=2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C|25px]] [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C|2016 Spring Babby Cup - Group C]]
|align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|59}}</small>
| align=center|5-6 L
|align=center|23 February, 2018
| align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|44||45||49||54||73}}
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/He8-LZ8pPcA Video]
|  align=center|May 8, 2016
|align=center|{{team away|mlp}}
|  align=center|{{team away|o}}
|align=center|0-2 L
| align=center|[[File:2016_Spring_Cup_Logo.png|link=2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C|25px]] [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C|2016 Spring Babby Cup - Group C]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| align=center| May 14, 2016
| align=center| {{team away|cm}}
| align=center|[[File:2016_Spring_Cup_Logo.png|link=2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C|25px]] [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C|2016 Spring Babby Cup - Group C]]
| align=center|3-2 W
| align=center|<small>Bismarck {{goal|30||}} <br> {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|43||66}}</small>
| align=center| October 29, 2016
| align=center| {{team away|p}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC16_Design_A.png|link=2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H|25px]] [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H|2016 Autumn Babby Cup - Group H]]
| align=center|4-5 L
| align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|8||31}}<br> Napoleon {{goal|73||}}<br> Bismarck {{goal|90+4||}}</small>
| align=center| November 4, 2016
| align=center| {{team away|int}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC16_Design_A.png|link=2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H|25px]] [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H|2016 Autumn Babby Cup - Group H]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|68|}}</small>
|  align=center|November 6, 2016
|  align=center|{{team away|wg}}
| align=center|[[File:ABC16_Design_A.png|link=2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H|25px]] [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H|2016 Autumn Babby Cup - Group H]]
| align=center|0-3 L
| align=center|<small></small>
| align=centeR|April 28, 2017
| align=center|{{team away|lgbt}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC17_Design_Aq.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|2017 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers - Group A]]
| align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|<small>Bismarck {{goal|21||30}}<br>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|68}}</small>
| align=center|April 29, 2017
| align=center|{{team away|wsg}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC17_Design_Aq.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|2017 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers  - Group A]]
| align=center|3-0 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|13||76}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}<br>{{goal|89}} Napoleon </small>
| align=center|April 30, 2017
| align=center|{{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC17_Design_Aq.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|2017 Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers  - Group A]]
| align=center|1-1 D
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|89}}</small>
| align=center|May 12, 2017
| align=center|{{team away|mlp}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC17 Design A.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group B |2017 Spring Babby Cup - Group B]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|12||71}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
| align=center|[https://youtu.be/pucOR5I3OKg Video]
| align=center|May 14, 2017
| align=center|{{team away|sci}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC17_Design_Aq.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group B |2017 Spring Babby Cup - Group B]]
| align=center|4-3 W
|align=center|<small>Vlad The Implier {{goal|5}} <br> {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|45+0}} <br> Bismarck {{goal|74||90+5}}</small>
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/eOeAMcSI4dg Video]
| align=centeR| May 20, 2017
| align=center|{{team away|n}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC17_Design_Aq.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group B|2017 Spring Babby Cup  - Group B]]
| align=center|2-3 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|87}} Bomber Harris <br> {{goal|90+6}} Anarcho-Memeism</small>
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/aukHsAhL6yM Video]
| align=centeR| May 27, 2017
| align=center|{{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[File:SBC17_Design_Aq.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup knockout stage|2017 Spring Babby Cup  - Knockouts]]
| align=center|0-2 L
|align=center| [https://youtu.be/N7rT6uKRxo4 Video]
|align=center|25 February, 2018
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/KmrpD84nZDk Video]
| align=center| July 28, 2017
| align=center|{{team away|s4s}}
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:SC17_Design_A.png|135px|link=2017 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2017 4chan Summer Cup|2017 4chan Summer Cup}}
| align=center|[[File:SC17_Design_A.png|link=2017 4chan Summer Cup|25px]] [[2017 4chan Summer Cup Group C|2017 4chan Summer Cup - Group C]]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2017 4chan Summer Cup Group C|Group C]]
| align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|{{team away|s4s}}
| align=center|<small>{{goal|7||29}} Bismarck <br> {{goal|22}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|7||29}} Bismarck <br> {{goal|22}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|July 28, 2017
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/4koWf1_5Src Video]
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/4koWf1_5Src Video]
| align=center| July 30, 2017
|align=center|{{team away|wg}}
| align=center|{{team away|wg}}
|align=center|1-2 L
| align=center|[[File:SC17_Design_A.png|link=2017 4chan Summer Cup|25px]] [[2017 4chan Summer Cup Group C|2017 4chan Summer Cup - Group C]]
|align=center|<small>{{goal|69}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
| align=center| 1-2 L
|align=center|July 30, 2017
| align=center|<small>{{goal|69}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/1sH5r4I4bPs Video]
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/1sH5r4I4bPs Video]
| align=center| August 5, 2017
|align=center|{{team away|asp}}
| align=center|{{team away|asp}}
|align=center|2-0 W
| align=center|[[File:SC17_Design_A.png|link=2017 4chan Summer Cup|25px]] [[2017 4chan Summer Cup Group C|2017 4chan Summer Cup - Group C]]
|align=center|<small>{{goal|42}} Bomber Harris <br> {{goal|52}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
| align=center| 2-0 W
|align=center|August 5, 2017
| align=center|<small>{{goal|42}} Bomber Harris <br> {{goal|52}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/UsYkI15ent0 Video]
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/UsYkI15ent0 Video]
| align=center| August 12, 2017
|style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2017_4chan_Summer_Cup_knockout_stage#/u/_v_/his/|Knockouts]]
| align=center|{{team away|u}}
|align=center|{{team away|u}}
| align=center|[[File:SC17_Design_A.png|link=2017 4chan Summer Cup|25px]] [[2017 4chan Summer Cup knockout stage|2017 4chan Summer Cup - Knockouts]]
|align=center|2-3 L
| align=center| 2-3 L
|align=center|<small>{{goal|8}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} <br> {{goal|90+2}} Bomber Harris </small>
| align=center|<small>{{goal|8}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} <br> {{goal|90+2}} Bomber Harris </small>
|align=center|August 12, 2017
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/uogENMJwcDU Video]
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/uogENMJwcDU Video]
| align=center| 17 February, 2018
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:SBC17 Design A.png|135px|link=2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup}}
| align=center|{{team away|fit}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group B|Group B]]
| align=center|[[File:WC18_Design_F2.png|link=2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G|25px]] [[2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G|2018 4chan Winter Cup - Group G]]
|align=center|{{team away|mlp}}
| align=center|1-0 W
|align=center|2-1 W
| align=center|<small> Read the Fucking Sticky {{owngoal|36}}</small>
|align=center|<small>{{goal|12||71}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|[https://youtu.be/O9Fiig4pbG0 Video]
|align=center|May 12, 2017
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/pucOR5I3OKg Video]
|align=center|{{team away|sci}}
|align=center|4-3 W
|align=center|<small>Vlad The Implier {{goal|5}} <br> {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|45+0}} <br> Bismarck {{goal|74||90+5}}</small>
|align=center|May 14, 2017
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/eOeAMcSI4dg Video]
|align=center|{{team away|n}}
|align=center|2-3 L
|align=center|<small>Bomber Harris <br> {{goal|90+6}} Anarcho-Memeism</small>
|align=center|May 20, 2017
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/eOeAMcSI4dg Video]
|style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" align=center|[[2017_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup_knockout_stage#/tg/_v_/his/|Knockouts]]
|align=center|{{team away|tg}}
|align=center|0-2 L
|align=center|May 27, 2017
|align=center|[https://youtu.be/N7rT6uKRxo4 Video]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:SBC17 Design Aq.png|135px|link=[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]<br>{{color|000|2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2017_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup_Qualifiers#Group_A|Group A]]
|align=center|{{team away|lgbt}}
|align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|<small>Bismarck {{goal|21||30}}<br>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|68}}</small>
|align=center|April 28, 2017
|align=center|{{team away|wsg}}
|align=center|3-0 W
|align=center|<small>{{goal|13||76}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}<br>{{goal|89}} Napoleon</small>
|align=center|April 29, 2017
|align=center|{{team away|tg}}
|align=center|1-1 D
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|89}}</small>
|align=center|April 30, 2017
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:ABC16_Design_A.png|135px|link=[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup}}
| style="background:#ffead6" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H|Group H]]
|align=center|{{team away|p}}
|align=center|4-5 L
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|8||31}}<br> Napoleon {{goal|73||}}<br> Bismarck {{goal|90+4||}}</small>
|align=center|October 29, 2016
|align=center|{{team away|int}}
|align=center|1-1 D
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|68|}}</small>
|align=center|November 4, 2016
|align=center|{{team away|wg}}
|align=center|0-3 L
|align=center|November 6, 2016
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:2016_Spring_Cup_Logo.png|135px|link=[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>{{color|000|2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C|Group C]]
|align=center|{{team away|lit}}
|align=center|5-6 L
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|44||45||49||54||73}}</small>
|align=center|May 6, 2016
| align=center| 23 February, 2018
|align=center|{{team away|o}}
| align=center|{{team away|u}}
|align=center|0-1 L
| align=center|[[File:WC18_Design_F2.png|link=2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G|25px]] [[2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G|2018 4chan Winter Cup - Group G]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|align=center|May 8, 2016
| align=center|<small>Charles II {{goal|59}}</small>
|[https://youtu.be/He8-LZ8pPcA Video]
|align=center|{{team away|cm}}
|align=center|3-2 W
|align=center|<small>Bismarck {{goal|30||}} <br> {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|43||66}}</small>
|align=center|May 8, 2016
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:2016 spring fetus logo.png|135px|link=[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]<br>{{color|000|2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" align=center|[[2016_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup_Qualifiers#Group_B|Group B]]
|align=center|{{team away|v}}
|align=center|4-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|45+1||56||73||}}<br> Bismarck {{goal|64}}</small>
|align=center|April 15, 2016
|align=center|{{team away|co}}
|align=center|4-1 W
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|17||66}}<br> Bismarck {{goal|33}}<br> Vlad the Implier {{goal|36}}</small>
|align=center|April 16, 2016
| align=center| 25 February, 2018
|align=center|{{team away|toy}}
| align=center|{{team away|mlp}}
|align=center|1-3 L
| align=center|[[File:WC18_Design_F2.png|link=2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G|25px]] [[2018 4chan Winter Cup Group G|2018 4chan Winter Cup - Group G]]
|align=center|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|64}}</small>
| align=center|0-2 L
|align=center|April 17, 2016
| align=center|<small></small>
|[https://youtu.be/KmrpD84nZDk Video]

===Unofficial Matches===
===Unofficial Matches===
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
<div style="width:75%; height:640px; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; height:637px; overflow-y:scroll; margin:1em 0">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Date
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Date
Line 407: Line 1,129:
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Result
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Result
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Scorers
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Scorers
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Video
| January 30, 2016
| January 30, 2016
| [[File:Trash icon.png]] '''[[User:Janitor//trash/|/trash/]]'''
| [[File:Trash icon.png]] '''[[User:Janitor//trash/|/trash/]]'''
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Winter Cup Unfriendlies|2016 Winter Cup Unfriendlies]]
| [[2016 4chan Winter Cup Unfriendlies|2016 Winter Cup Unfriendlies]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| 2-3 L
|<small>Rasputin's Dick {{goal|21|}}<br> Bismarck {{goal|43|}}</small>
| <small>Rasputin's Dick {{goal|21|}}<br> Bismarck {{goal|43|}}</small>
| January 7, 2017
| January 7, 2017
| {{team away|vg}}
| {{team away|vg}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| [[2017 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-3 L
| 1-3 L
|<small>Bismarck {{goal|30|}}</small>
| <small>Bismarck {{goal|30|}}</small>
| May 6, 2017
| May 6, 2017
| {{team away|block}}
| {{team away|block}}
| align=center|[[Invite challenge]]
| [[Invite challenge]]
| align=center|4-5 L
| 4-5 L
| <small></small>
| January 19, 2018
| January 19, 2018
| {{team away|pol}}
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| [[2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-3 L
| 1-3 L
|<small>{{goal|88}} Bismarck</small>
| <small>{{goal|88}} Bismarck</small>
| January 20, 2018
| January 20, 2018
| {{team away|vg}}
| {{team away|vg}}
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| [[2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-5 L
| 2-5 L
|<small>Charles II {{goal|54||63}}</small>
| <small>Charles II {{goal|54||63}}</small>
| May 20, 2018
| {{team away|trash}}
| [[Wooden Spoon Match History| Wooden Spoon Match]]
| 13-1 W
| <small>{{goal|2||17||20||23}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}<br>{{goal|12||27||31||34}} Mongolian Horse Archer<br>{{goal|15}} Julius Caesar<br>{{goal|63||71}} Napoleon<br>{{goal|79||90+1}} Maoist Worst Nightmare</small>
| [https://youtu.be/1ZYdHDhIyzk Video]
| August 25, 2019
|{{team away|lit}}
|[[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|5-2 W
|<small>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|16||50}}<br> Bomber Harris {{goal|19}}<br> Charles II {{goal|22}}<br>{{tt|Finno-Korean Hyper war {{goal|54}}|And the cup was saved}}</small>
| December 20, 2019
|{{team away|eqg}}
|[[Test Cup V 19|Test Cup V 19]]
|3-0 W
|<small>Charles II {{goal|3||36}}<br>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|42}}</small>
|[https://bootleg.hamuko.moe/video/test-cup-v-19/2019-12-20//?t=2:47:12 Video]
| December 21, 2019
|{{team away|co}}
|[[Test Cup V 19|Test Cup V 19]]
|2-3 L
|<small>{{goal|19||38}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}</small>
|[https://bootleg.hamuko.moe/video/test-cup-v-19/2019-12-21/?t=4:58:25 Video]
| December 27, 2019
|{{team away|mu}}
|[[Test Cup V 19|Test Cup V 19]]
|2-2 D
|<small>Charles II {{goal|33}}<br>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|63}}</small>
|[https://bootleg.hamuko.moe/video/test-cup-v-19/2019-12-27/1/?t=0:38:46 Video]
| December 28, 2019
|{{team away|mlp}}
|[[Test Cup V 19|Test Cup V 19 round of 16]]
|2-2 L
|<small>Charles II {{goal|33}}<br>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|63}} <br>
Penalties 3-5 <br> {{penmiss}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}<br>{{pengoal}} Charles II<br>{{pengoal}} Bomber Harris<br>{{pengoal}} Gaius & Aulus</small>
|[https://bootleg.hamuko.moe/video/test-cup-v-19/2019-12-28/?t=3:36:10 Video]
| March 6, 2020
|{{team away|tv}}
|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|1-2 L<br>
|<small>{{goal|13}} Charles II</small>
| March 13, 2020
|{{team away|k}}
|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|2-1 W<br>
|<small>{{goal|24}} Charles II<br>{{goal|71}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}</small>
| March 20, 2020
|{{team away|tg}}
|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|1-1 W
|<small>{{goal|17}} Charles II <br>
Penalties 3-2 <br> {{penmiss}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}<br>{{pengoal}} Charles II<br>{{pengoal}} Bomber Harris<br>{{penmiss}} Gaius & Aulus<br>{{pengoal}} 9th Battle of the Isonzo </small>
| September 19, 2020
|{{team away|k}}
|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|1-1 L
|<small>{{goal|17}} Charles II <br>
Penalties 1-2 <br> {{penmiss}} {{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}}<br>{{penmiss}} Charles II<br>{{penmiss}} Bomber Harris<br>{{pengoal}} Gaius & Aulus<br>{{penmiss}} Taft </small>
|[https://youtu.be/RHxu-h9u0Eo Video]
| September 27, 2020
|{{team away|tg}}
|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|1-4 L
|<small>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|52}}</small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/autumn20f/2020-09-27/2/?t=1:17:22.800 Video]
|  September 27, 2020
|{{team away|v}}
|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|4-1 W
|<small>Charles II {{goal|5||43||78||83}}<br>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|90+1}}</small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/autumn20f/2020-09-27/2/?t=1:43:30.0 Video]
|  May 2, 2021
|{{team away|x}}
|[[2021_4chan_Spring_Friendlies#May_2nd|2021 4chan Spring Friendlies]]
|0-2 L
|[https://implying.fun/video/spring21f/2021-05-02/?t=1:17:04.0 Video]
|  May 8, 2021
|{{team away|vst}}
|[[2021_4chan_Spring_Friendlies#May_8th|2021 4chan Spring Friendlies]]
|2-0 W
|<small>{{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}} {{goal|11}}<br>Gaius & Aulus {{goal|90+2}}</small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/spring21f/2021-05-08/?t=06:04.0 Video]
|  May 23, 2021
|{{team away|k}}
|[[2021_4chan_Spring_Friendlies#May_23rd|2021 4chan Spring Friendlies]]
|2-1 W
|<small>{{goal|63}} Charles II<br>{{goal|87}} {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}</small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/spring21f/2021-05-23/2/?t=2:08:35.0 Video]
|  September 17, 2022
|{{team away|tv}}
|[[2022_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup_Friendlies#September_17th|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|2-1 W
|<small>{{goal|72}} Charles II<br>{{goal|92}} Bombs away Lemay</small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/autumn22f/2022-09-17/4/?t=2:14:21.0 Video]
|  September 18, 2021
|{{team away|wg}}
|[[2022_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup_Friendlies#September_18th|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|3-1 W
|<small>Charles II {{goal|9}}<br>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|45+2}}<br>Bombs away Lemay {{goal|90+0}}</small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/autumn22f/2022-09-18/2/?t=4:49.0 Video]
|  September 24, 2021
|{{team away|c}}
|[[2022_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup_Friendlies#September_24th|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
|3-1 W
|<small>Charles II {{goal|61}}<br>source? {{goal|62}}<br>{{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}} {{goal|64}}</small>
|[https://implying.fun/video/autumn22f/2022-09-24/?t=2:52:55.0 Video]

==Team Statistics==
==Team Statistics==
Line 450: Line 1,312:
| {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}
| {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}
| 28
| 66
| 4
| 41
| Charles II
| 49
| 21
| Bomber Harris
| 26
| 20
| Bismarck
| Gaius & Aulus
| 11
| 9
| 8
| 8
| Napoleon
| Tiktaalik
| 4
| 7
| Vlad the Implier
| 2
| 2
| 3
| 3
| Mongolian Horse Archer
| Mongolian Horse Archer
| 1
| 3
| Pregnant Anne Frank
| 1
| 1
| Burnin' Sherman
| 1
| 1
| More Wives, Your Grace?
| 0
| 0
| 1
| ''Napoleon''
| 5
| 8
| ''Monsieur Lindy''
| 2
| 2
| 1
| Bomber Harris
| ''Bismarck''
| 3
| 14
| 3
| 10
| ''Vlad the Implier''
| 2
| 4
| Lutheran Shitposter
|'' Lutheran Shitposter''
| 0
| 0
| 1
| 1
| Charlemagne
| ''Charlemagne''
| 0
| 0
| 1
| 1
| Charles II
| 1
| 0
| ''Shitposting Cossack''
| ''Shitposting Cossack''
Line 518: Line 1,404:
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Clean Sheets
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Clean Sheets
| Maginot Line
| 3
| 38
| 12
| 90
| 4
| ___ Battle of the Isonzo
| 25
| 48
| 6
| ''Shitposting Cossack''
| 2
| 6
| 0
| ''Maginot Line''
| 4
| 19
| 1
| 1
| Great Wall of China
| ''Great Wall of China''
| 7
| 7
| 14
| 20
| 0
| 0
Line 540: Line 1,441:

{| class="wikitable" width=60%
{| class="wikitable" width=62%
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Holder
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Holder
Line 546: Line 1,447:
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Record
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Record
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Match
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Match
| {{team away|his}} (Tied)
| May 6, 2016
| Most goals scored in a single match for the losing team with '''5'''.
| align=center|{{team home|his}} 5 - 6 {{team away|lit}}
| {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}
| {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}
Line 571: Line 1,467:
| Most free kicks awarded to a single team with '''10'''.
| Most free kicks awarded to a single team with '''10'''.
| align=center|{{team home|s4s}} 2 - 3 {{team away|his}}
| align=center|{{team home|s4s}} 2 - 3 {{team away|his}}
| {{team away|his}}
| May 21, 2018
| Most goals allowed by a team within a single tournament with '''19'''.
| align=center|{{team home|b}} 4 - 2 {{team away|his}}
| {{team away|his}} (Tied)
| May 21, 2018
| Lowest GD in a group stage with '''-11'''.
| align=center|{{team home|b}} 4 - 2 {{team away|his}}
| {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}
| February 24, 2019
| Most assists by a single player in a game, at 5.
| align=center|{{team home|b}} 1 - 5 {{team away|his}}
===Former records===
{| class="wikitable" width=62%
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Holder
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Date set
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Record
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Match
!style="background:#FCD405;color:#000000"| Date beaten
| {{greentext|Holy>Roman>Empire}}
| May 6, 2016
| Most goals scored in a single match by a single player with '''5'''.
| align=center|{{team home|his}} 5 - 6 {{team away|lit}}
| August 6, 2016
| {{team away|his}}
| May 6, 2016
| Most goals scored in a single match for the losing team with '''5'''.
| align=center|{{team home|his}} 5 - 6 {{team away|lit}}
| February 15, 2019
Line 576: Line 1,510:
<div style="display: table; position-align: center;">
<div style="display: table; position-align: center;">
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 50%; margin: 0%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"  
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 33%; margin: 0%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"  
| [[file:Lit_logo.png|159px|link=/lit/]]
| [[file:Lit_logo.png|159px|link=/lit/]]
Line 584: Line 1,518:
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>0-0-1</b>
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>0-1-2</b>
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 50%; margin: 0%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"  
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 33%; margin: 0%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"  
| [[file:pol_logo.png|159px|link=/pol/]]
| [[file:pol_logo.png|159px|link=/pol/]]
|[[/pol/|'''The Edgelord Derby''']] <br>  
|[[/pol/|'''The Edgelord Derby''']] <br>  
Most people got tired of /pol/'s right-wing shitposting. Based Hiro heard our call and created /his/, where in a (mostly) civil matter, anons discuss history and the humanities. The edgelords of /pol/ are now contained in their conspiratard safe space, free to jerk off to Donald Trump and other wingnuts. What cucks.
It could hardly be avoided - people were tired of /pol/ shitposting. It was impossible to have meaningful conversation on anything remotely related to the last three centuries of history without Bob McDuff of Alabama injecting his fetid political ideology into matters long done-and-dusted. Based Hiro heard our call and created /his/, where in a (mostly) civil matter, anons discuss history and the humanities as they are studied. Mercifully, /pol/ are now contained in their conspiratard safe space, free to jerk off to framed infographics long-debunked and portraits of Stalin, Donald Trump and other wingnuts. When these edgelords take the field against us, they must be reminded of the singular indisputable lesson of /his/tory:
Those who fail to learn from it, are doomed to repeat it.
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>0-0-1</b>
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 33%; margin: 0%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"
| [[file:u_logo.png|159px|link=/u/]]
|[[/u/|'''The Siege of Lesbos''']] <br>
A rivalry forged in the fires of 4cc competition, rather than from actual board relations. Still, ever since the two teams met for the first time, they were seemingly inseparable. From the first ever Elite run for /his/ being cut short by the Y/u/ris, to being relegated by them in the very next cup, it seemed the two might just have a bone to pick. But when the defending lesbian champions spooned their Summer 18 run, only to be drawn against the current babby spoon holder in /his/ for their very first game, people started suspecting that (((some))) unusual forces might be at play here, especially since every time the two boards met, one of them would end up in the final of the same cup.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
We also just can't beat this fucking team for shit.  
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>0-0-0</b>
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>0-0-5</b>
== Honors ==
File:WC21 Design D.png|[[2021_4chan_Winter_Cup#Team_Awards|2021 4chan Winter Cup]]: '''Most Exciting Team'''
File:SC20_Design_E2.png|[[2020_4chan_Summer_Cup#Team_Awards|2020 4chan Summer Cup]]: ''' Best Anthem [https://youtu.be/E_OvT3Qm45E Deutsche Kaiserhymne]'''
File:SC20_Design_E2.png|[[2020_4chan_Summer_Cup#Team_Awards|2020 4chan Summer Cup]]: ''' Best Goalhorn [https://youtu.be/RTnp6oJTn28 We Didn't Start The Fire]'''
File:SC20_Design_E2.png|[[2020_4chan_Summer_Cup#Team_Awards|2020 4chan Summer Cup]]: ''' Best Alt-horn [https://youtu.be/wvkHIZg_954 Charles II]'''
File:ABC18 Design A.png|[[2018_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Team_Awards|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]: '''Runner-up'''
File:ABC18 Design A.png|[[2018_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Team_Awards|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]: '''Most improved team'''
File:SBC18 Design G2.png|[[2018_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Team_Awards|2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]: '''Biggest spaghetti moment'''
File:SBC18 Design G2.png|[[2018_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Team_Awards|2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]: '''{{tt|Match of the tournament| Losing to /lit/ AGAIN 3-7}}'''
File:2016 Spring Cup Logo.png|[[2016_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Team_Awards|2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]: '''Match of the tournament'''
File:2016 Spring Cup Logo.png|[[2016_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Team_Awards|2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]: '''At least you tried'''
File:ABC18 Design A.png|[[2018_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Team_Awards|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]: '''Best Player Comeback ({{greentext|Holy >Roman >Empire}})'''
==Team photos==
==Team photos==
File:His team photo.png|Summer 2017 squad
File:His team photo.png|Summer 2017 squad
File:Spring -his- 2018 Squad.png|Spring 2018 squad
File:2018 Autumn squad.png|Autumn 2018 squad
File:2019 Winter squad.png|Winter 2019 squad
File:LegacySquad.png|2021 World Cup Legacy Squad

Line 605: Line 1,583:
{{quote|Alright, consider me convinced. /his/ is actually a good team.|source=DrBorisG, 2016 Spring Qualifiers}}
{{quote|Alright, consider me convinced. /his/ is actually a good team.|source=DrBorisG, 2016 Spring Qualifiers}}
{{quote|Always a /his/ fan|source=PAVAL, 2018 Spring}}
File:HRE_dribbling.png|L'capitan dribbling up the pitch
File:El capitan.png|thumb|El capitán dribbling up the pitch
File:HRE_dribbling.png|(Former)L'capitan dribbling up the pitch
File:His wojak.png|Born to feel
File:His wojak.png|Born to feel
File:His guilty men.png|{{greentext|Propoganda}} following the /his/ vs. /lit/ match
File:His guilty men.png|{{greentext|Propoganda}} following the /his/ vs. /lit/ match - Spring 2016
File:Tfw ides of march.jpg|Julius Caesar contemplating his life choices.
File:Tfw ides of march.jpg|Julius Caesar contemplating his life choices - Autumn 2016
File:Anarco goal.png|thumb|Anarco-Memeism scores during the /n/ match.
File:Anarco goal.png|thumb|Anarco-Memeism scores during the /n/ match - Spring 2017
File:Napoleon macaron.png|Napoleon gets bumped by a lesbian sweet
File:Napoleon macaron.png|Napoleon gets bumped by a lesbian sweet - Summer 2017
File:Spring results.png|thumb|{{greentext|Wiki page}} about the 2018 Spring campaign.
File:Gulag'd.jpg|thumb|Stalin Purging /his/ out of the knockouts - Winter 2019
File:Cato red card.png|thumb|The destruction of Carthage went a bit too far - Spring 2020
File:CharlesDance.gif| Charles continues to baffle the 4CC by scoring goals - Summer 2020
File:Chales header.png| Merzbow can't handle Charles big head - Winter 2021
File:BalticFleetFuckup2.png| Russian Baltic Fleet [https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/File:BalticFleetFuckup.gif living up to his name] - Summer 2021

Latest revision as of 23:57, 9 February 2025

We Didn't Start the Fire
His logo.png
/his/ - History & Humanities
Founded October 31, 2015
Owner Voltaire
IRL manager Managerless
Team colors
Chat color FCD405
Holy Roman Yellow
Ranking 29 (increase 1)
Highest rank 1 (February 14, 2021)
Lowest rank 56 (April 17, 2016)
Top scorer >Holy>Roman>Empire (71)
Top assister >Holy>Roman>Empire (46)
Captain Charles II
Website /his/ - History & Humanities
Nickname /his/torians
Home ground Battleship Bismarck (groundshare with /k/)
Historic performance
43 10 47 100 43%
207 212 -5
Biggest win
/his/ His icon.png 5–0 Fa icon.png /fa/
July 26, 2020
Biggest defeat
/his/ His icon.png 1–7 A icon.png /a/
November 11, 2023
First match
/his/ His icon.png 4–1 V icon.png /v/
April 15, 2016
Elite Cup
Appearances 10 (First in Summer 2017)
Best result 2nd, Winter 2021
Babby Cup
Appearances 13 (First in Spring 2016)
Best result 2nd, Autumn 2018
Team music
Anthem Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser ♔
Victory Anthem Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture (Finale)

Goal horn Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire
Home kit Hishome-2022wc.png
Away kit Hisaway-2016sbc.png
Third kit Hiskit2-2017sc.png
Fourth kit Hisfourth-2018abcq.png
Fifth kit Hisfifth-2021wc.png
Sixth kit Hissixth-2022wc.png
Seventh kit Hisseventh-2022wc.png

The great Emperor Hiroyuki Nishimura finally answered the calls of the repressed, history-loving communities of 4chan, and granted them a homeland. This homeland was called /his/; and it was estimated to have been created in AD 2015 - but also possibly sometime after that, because we couldn't be fucked sourcing. The anons of this board have come together to form a team that represents them in the 4chan Cup, in all their historical, humanitarian and philosophical capacity.

By the way, we have a discord server now. Join here!


Main Article: /his/ roster
No. Position Player
Maoist Worst Nightmare
Finno-Korean Hyper war
Decisive Tang Victory
Pregnant Anne Frank
More Wives, Your Grace?
Gaius & Aulus
Bomber Harris/Bombs Away Lemay
Charles II Captain
No. Position Player
___ Battle of the Isonzo
What the fuck was his problem
Nutmeg Genocide
Plague-carrying Rat
Muh Haplogroups
MS Paint Jehovah's Witness
Burnin’ Sherman
Mongolian Horse Archer


Previous campaigns

Special Music

2nd kit anthem: Magna Mater
3rd kit anthem: Heil dir im Siegerkranz
4th kit anthem: Verdun Chant Militaire ON NE PASSE PAS !!!
5th kit anthem: Khusugtun - Tes goliin magtaal
5th kit vs Int icon.png /int/: "Мен – тыва мен" - Anthem of the Tuva Republic
6th kit anthem: Kukultan - Atekokoli
7th kit anthem: The Battle Hymn of the Republic

Taft MoM Victory Anthem: Taft!
>Holy>Roman>Empire goalhorn:Schei-wi-dei-wi-du
>Holy>Roman>Empire hattrick goalhorn: DJ Ostkurve feat Die Jungen Zillertaler - Schei wi dei wi du (Lyrics Remix Video)
Charles II goalhorn: El Mundo - Chaccaron Maccaron
Bomber Harris goalhorn: Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris™
Bomber Harris hattrick goalhorn: DO IT AGAIN BOMBER HARRIS
Gaius & Aulus goalhorn: Avicii - Hey Brother
Bombs Away Lemay goalhorn: The Trammps - Disco Inferno
Mongolian Horse Archer goalhorn:Khuleg Baatar
Burnin' Sherman goalhorn: When Johnny comes marching home Matzzz Remix
Finno-Korean Hyper war goalhorn: Ensiferum - Into Battle
Tiktaalik goalhorn: Tiktaalik (Your Inner Fish)
Dirlewanger goalhorn: Franzl Lang - In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus

Match Log

Cup Perfomance

Event Record GF GA GD Result Place
2016 spring fetus logo.png 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 2-0-1 9 5 4 Promoted 3rd
2016 Spring Cup Logo.png 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1-0-2 8 9 -1 Failed to Advance 21st
ABC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-1-2 5 9 -3 Relegated 29th
SBC17 Design Aq.png 2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 3-1-0 7 3 4 Promoted 1st
SBC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2-0-2 8 9 -1 Round of 16 13th
SC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Summer Cup 2-0-2 8 7 -1 Round of 16 11th
WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup 1-0-2 2 4 -2 Relegated 23rd
SBC18 Design G2.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0-0-4 8 19 -11 Relegated 40th
ABC18 Design Aq.png 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers 2-0-1 2 3 -1 Promoted 6th
ABC18 Design A.png 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4-1-2 9 3 6 Runner-up 2nd
WC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Winter Cup 3-0-1 12 6 6 Round of 16 13th
Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup 0-0-3 4 11 -7 Relegated 32nd
ABC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1-1-1 4 4 0 Failed to Advance 19th
SBC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2-0-2 8 7 1 Promoted 10th
SC20 Design E2.png 2020 4chan Summer Cup 3-0-2 15 7 8 Quarterfinals 5th
WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup 5-1-1 13 6 7 Runner-up 2nd
WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup 1-0-2 8 8 0 Failed to Advance 40th
WC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Winter Cup 1-0-2 3 8 -5 Relegated 27th
SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1-2-1 3 3 0 Failed to Advance 24th
ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1-0-2 6 7 -1 Failed to Advance 23rd
SBC23 Design Dq.png 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 1-1-2 7 10 -3 Failed to Advance 9th
ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2-0-2 10 13 -3 Promoted 16th
WC24 Design E1.png 2024 4chan Winter Cup 0-0-3 3 9 -6 Relegated 30th
SBC24 Design G.png 2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3-0-2 16 16 0 Promoted 7th
SC24 Design C.png 2024 4chan Summer Cup 0-1-2 8 13 -5 Relegated 29th
ABC24 Design B.png 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3-1-1 18 10 8 Promoted 6th

Recent & Upcoming Official Matches

Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date VOD
WC25 Design J.png
2025 4chan Winter Cup
Group H Sci icon.png /sci/ 2-1 W Goal 5' >Holy>Roman>Rmpire
Goal 80' Gaius & Aulus
January 25, 2025 Video
V icon.png /v/ 1-1 D >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 10' January 31, 2025 Video
Int icon.png /int/ 1-1 D Goal 12' >Holy>Roman>Empire February 2, 2025 Video
Knockouts Vm icon.png /vm/ 2-0 W >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 45+1'
Bomber Harris Goal 51'
February 8, 2025
Quarter Finals A icon.png /a/ 3-1 W Goal 34'84' Bombs Away LeMay
Goal 45+4' (pen.) Charles II
February 9, 2025
Semi Finals V icon.png /v/ 1-4 L Goal 66' Charles II February 9, 2025
Third Place Match Tv icon.png /tv/ 3-5 L Goal Charles II
Goal 49' >Holy>Roman>Empire
Goal 86' Burnin' Sherman
February 9, 2025

Previous Official Matches

Competition Stage Opponent Result Scorers Date VOD
ABC24 Design B.png
2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Group A Vr icon.png /vr/ 3-0 W Charles II Goal 29'90+0'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 42'
November 1, 2024 Video
Toy icon.png /toy/ 4-4 D Goal 3' Charles II
Goal 58' Gaius & Aulus
Goal 70' >Holy>Roman>Empire
Goal 90+3' Bomber Harris
November 3, 2024 Video
Vst icon.png /vst/ 5-2 W Bomber Harris Goal 4'11'
Gaius & Aulus Goal 16'
Tiktaalik Goal 23'
Charles II Goal 35'
November 9, 2024 Video
Knockouts O icon.png /o/ 3-1 W Charles II Goal 2'
Gaius & Aulus Goal 65'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 90+2'
November 17, 2024 Video
Quater Finals X icon.png /x/ 3–3 L
Penalties 3-4
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 89'
Mongolian Horse Archer Goal 97'
What The Fuck Was His Problem Goal 115'

Charles II Scored
>Holy>Roman>Empire Missed
Bomber Harris Missed
Gaius & Aulus Scored
What The Fuck Was His Problem Scored
November 18, 2024 Video
SC24 Design C.png
2024 4chan Summer Cup
Group A Pw icon.png /pw/ 3-4 L Goal 9'21'36' Charles II July 19, 2024 Video
M icon.png /m/ 4-4 D Charles II Goal 27'57'
Bombs Away Lemay Goal 64'
Gaius & Aulus Goal 83'
July 21, 2024 Video
A icon.png /a/ 1-5 L Goal 48' >Holy>Roman>Empire July 27, 2024 Video
SBC24 Design G.png
2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup
Group H Vmg icon.png /vmg/ 4-1 W Charles II Goal 21'63'79'86' April 27, 2024 Video
Vp icon.png /vp/ 4-6 L Goal 3' Gaius & Aulus
Goal 21'78' Charles II
Goal 90+3' >Holy>Roman>Empire
May 3, 2024 Video
N icon.png /n/ 3-2 W Tiktaalik Goal 5'
Charles II Goal 37'90+0'
May 5, 2024 Video
Knockouts C icon.png /c/ 4-3 W Bomber Harris Goal 22'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 36'
Charles II Goal 63'82'
May 11, 2024 Video
Quarter Finals Y icon.png /y/ 1-4 L Goal 48' >Holy>Roman>Empire May 12, 2024 Video
WC24 Design E1.png
2024 4chan Winter Cup
Group C Vrpg icon.png /vrpg/ 1-3 L Goal 7' Bomber Harris January 19, 2024 Video
Aco icon.png /aco/ 0-2 L January 21, 2024 Video
Vst icon.png /vst/ 2-4 L Charles II Goal 73'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 90+0'
January 27, 2023 Video
ABC23 Design G.png
2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Group G Vr icon.png /vr/ 3-1 W Goal 33'44'61' Charles II October 28, 2023 Video
Toy icon.png /toy/ 1-3 L Goal 23' Charles II November 3, 2023 Video
S4s icon.png /s4s/ 5-2 W Charles II Goal 16'20'45+3'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 25'
Gaius & Aulus Goal 58'
November 5, 2023 Video
Knockouts A icon.png /a/ 1-7 L Goal 55' >Holy>Roman>Empire November 11, 2023 Video
SBC23 Design Dq.png
2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers
Group B Wsg icon.png /wsg/ 1-3 L >Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 79' April 21, 2023 Video
Vt icon.png /vt/ 5-4 W Charles II Goal 3'
>Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 43'58'86'
Tiktaalik Goal 60'
April 22, 2023 Video
I icon.png /i/ 1-1 D Goal 19' >Holy >Roman >Empire April 23, 2023 Video
Playoffs R9k icon.png /r9k/ 0-2 L April 23, 2023 Video
ABC22 Design H.png
2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Group A Int icon.png /int/ 2-3 L Goal 55'64' Bomber Harris November 4, 2022 Video
Aco icon.png /aco/ 3-2 W >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 49'55'65' November 6, 2022 Video
Vm icon.png /vm/ 1-2 L Goal 10' >Holy>Roman>Empire November 12, 2022 Video
SBC22 Design D.png
2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup
Group B Jp icon.png /jp/ 1-2 L Charles II Goal 17' April 29, 2022 Video
H icon.png /h/ 1-1 D Goal 67' Bombs away Lemay May 7, 2022 Video
Vrpg icon.png /vrpg/ 1-0 W Bombs away Lemay Goal 76' May 13, 2022 Video
R9k icon.png /r9k/ 0-0 D May 15, 2022 Video
WC22 Design D.png
2022 4chan Winter Cup
Group E W icon.png /w/ 3-2 W Bombs away Lemay Goal 4'66'
Charles II Goal 81'
January 29, 2022 Video
Out icon.png /out/ 0-3 L February 4, 2022 Video
V icon.png /v/ 0-3 L Booked 42' What the Fuck was his Problem February 6, 2022 Video
WoC21 Design E.png
2021 4chan World Cup
Group H Wg icon.png /wg/ 1-3 L Bomber Harris Goal 65' July 18, 2021 Video
E icon.png /e/ 4-1 W Napoleon Goal 19'79'
>Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 52'
Charles II Goal 29'
July 10, 2021 Video
Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ 3-4 L Goal 29' Napoleon
Goal 39'52' Charles II
July 30, 2021 Video
WC21 Design D.png
2021 4chan Winter Cup
Group D Trv icon.png /trv/ 2-1 W Charles II Goal 63'76' January 29, 2021 Video
Lit icon.png /lit/ 1-1 D Charles II Goal 13' January 31, 2021 Video
V icon.png /v/ 2-0 W Bomber Harris Goal 45+0'
>Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 83'
February 6, 2021 Video
Knockouts D icon.png /d/ 2-0 W >Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 58'
Charles II Goal 82'
February 13, 2021 Video
Quarter Finals Mu icon.png /mu/ 5-1 W Goal 12'65' Charles II
Goal 39'79' >Holy >Roman >Empire
Goal 90+2' Gaius & Aulus
February 14, 2021 Video
Semi Finals Wg icon.png /wg/ 2-1 W Goal 49'90+0' >Holy >Roman >Empire February 14, 2021 Video
Final N icon.png /n/ 1-3 L Bomber Harris Goal 58' February 14, 2021 Video
SC20 Design E2.png
2020 4chan Summer Cup
Group F U icon.png /u/ 1-2 L Goal 89' Pregnant Anne Frank July 18, 2020 Video
Wg icon.png /wg/ 3-2 W Goal 64'71' Gaius & Aulus
Goal 76' Charles II
July 24, 2020 Video
Fa icon.png /fa/ 5-0 W Goal 18'30' Gaius & Aulus
Goal 59'90+4' Charles II
Goal 72' >Holy >Roman >Empire
July 26, 2020 Video
Knockouts Toy icon.png /toy/ 5-0 W Goal 18'30' Gaius & Aulus
Goal 59'90+4' Charles II
Goal 72' >Holy >Roman >Empire
July 26, 2020 Video
Quarter Finals U icon.png /u/ 3-3 L Goal 25' Burnin' Sherman
Goal 73' Charles II
Goal 82' >Holy >Roman >Empire

Penalties 4-5
Scored >Holy >Roman >Empire
Missed Charles II
Scored Gaius & Aulus
Scored Bomber Harris
Scored Muh Haplogroups

August 2, 2020 Video
SBC20 Design A.png
2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup
Group D Mu icon.png /mu/ 2-1 W Bomber Harris Goal 15'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 35'
April 24, 2020 Video
Aco icon.png /aco/ 1-0 W Bomber Harris Goal 65' April 26, 2020 Video
W icon.png /w/ 2-3 L Goal 11' Bomber Harris
Goal 82' >Holy >Roman >Empire
May 2, 2020 Video
Knockouts M icon.png /m/ 3-3 L Goal 55' Bomber Harris
Goal 62' Gaius & Aulus
Goal 102' Charles II

Penalties 0-3
Missed Charles II
Missed >Holy >Roman >Empire
Missed Bomber Harris

May 9, 2020 Video
ABC19 Design E.png
2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Group H Out icon.png /out/ 0-1 L October 26, 2019 Video
Ck icon.png /ck/ 3-2 W Goal 25'43' Charles II
Goal 70' >Holy >Roman >Empire
November 1, 2019 Video
Mu icon.png /mu/ 1-1 D Charles II Goal 60' November 3, 2019 Video
Summer19 C.png
2019 4chan Summer Cup
Group E Aco icon.png /aco/ 2-5 L Bomber Harris Goal 11'
Charles II Goal 62'
July 20, 2019 Video
Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 1-4 L Charles II Goal 60' July 26, 2019 Video
Co icon.png /co/ 1-2 L Bomber Harris Goal 90+1' July 28, 2019 Video
WC19 Design E.png
2019 4chan Winter Cup
Group G K icon.png /k/ 3-1 W Goal 23'56' Bomber Harris
Goal 36' Monsieur Lindy
February 16, 2019 Video
Tv icon.png /tv/ 3-2 W Bomber Harris Goal 30'36'
Charles II Goal 77'
February 22, 2019 Video
B icon.png /b/ 5-1 W Goal 17'34'59' Charles II
Goal 48' Bomber Harris
Goal 65' Mongolian Horse Archer
February 24, 2019 Video
Knockouts Vg icon.png /vg/ 1-2 L Bismarck Goal 74' March 2, 2019 Video
ABC18 Design A.png
2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Group D U icon.png /u/ 1-2 L Goal 23' >Holy>Roman>Empire October 26, 2018 Video
Cm icon.png /cm/ 2-1 W Goal 27' >Holy>Roman>Empire
Goal 45+1' Bismarck
October 28, 2018 Video
Gif icon.png /gif/ 0-0 D November 3, 2018 Video
Knockouts 3 icon.png /3/ 1-0 W Goal 33' >Holy>Roman>Empire November 3, 2018 Video
Quarter Finals Mu icon.png /mu/ 3-0 W Goal 11'72' >Holy >Roman >Empire
Goal 53' Bismarck
November 11, 2018 Video
Semi Finals Vp icon.png /vp/ 3-1 W Goal 29'33' >Holy >Roman >Empire
Scored 40' I Rabbu Rirrie-Chan
November 11, 2018 Video
Final Pol icon.png /pol/ 0-2 L November 11, 2018 Video
ABC18 Design A.png
2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers
Group C A icon.png /a/ 1-0 W Bismarck Goal 85' October 12, 2018 Video
I icon.png /i/ 1-0 W Charles II Goal 72' October 13, 2018 Video
W icon.png /w/ 0-3 L October 14, 2018 Video
SBC18 Design G2.png
2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup
Group G Vp icon.png /vp/ 1-5 L >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 32' May 5, 2018 Video
Trv icon.png /trv/ 2-3 L Goal 26' Charles II
Goal 71' >Holy>Roman>Empire
May 11, 2018 Video
Lit icon.png /lit/ 3-7 L Monsieur LindyGoal 6'
Charles II Goal 12'
Bomber Harris Goal 35'
May 13, 2018 Video
B icon.png /b/ 2-4 L >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 42'64' May 13, 2018 Video
WC18 Design F2.png
2018 4chan Winter Cup
Group G Fit icon.png /fit/ 1-0 W Read the Fucking Sticky Scored 36' 17 February, 2018 Video
U icon.png /u/ 1-2 L Charles II Goal 59' 23 February, 2018 Video
Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 0-2 L 25 February, 2018 Video
SC17 Design A.png
2017 4chan Summer Cup
Group C S4s icon.png /s4s/ 3-2 W Goal 7'29' Bismarck
Goal 22' >Holy>Roman>Empire
July 28, 2017 Video
Wg icon.png /wg/ 1-2 L Goal 69' >Holy>Roman>Empire July 30, 2017 Video
Asp icon.png /asp/ 2-0 W Goal 42' Bomber Harris
Goal 52' >Holy>Roman>Empire
August 5, 2017 Video
Knockouts U icon.png /u/ 2-3 L Goal 8' >Holy>Roman>Empire
Goal 90+2' Bomber Harris
August 12, 2017 Video
SBC17 Design A.png
2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup
Group B Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 2-1 W Goal 12'71' >Holy>Roman>Empire May 12, 2017 Video
Sci icon.png /sci/ 4-3 W Vlad The Implier Goal 5'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 45+0'
Bismarck Goal 74'90+5'
May 14, 2017 Video
N icon.png /n/ 2-3 L Bomber Harris
Goal 90+6' Anarcho-Memeism
May 20, 2017 Video
Knockouts Tg icon.png /tg/ 0-2 L May 27, 2017 Video
link=[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers
2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers
Group A Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ 3-2 W Bismarck Goal 21'30'
>Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 68'
April 28, 2017
Wsg icon.png /wsg/ 3-0 W Goal 13'76' >Holy >Roman >Empire
Goal 89' Napoleon
April 29, 2017
Tg icon.png /tg/ 1-1 D >Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 89' April 30, 2017
link=[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Group H P icon.png /p/ 4-5 L >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 8'31'
Napoleon Goal 73'
Bismarck Goal 90+4'
October 29, 2016
Int icon.png /int/ 1-1 D >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 68' November 4, 2016
Wg icon.png /wg/ 0-3 L November 6, 2016
link=[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup
2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Group C Lit icon.png /lit/ 5-6 L >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 44'45'49'54'73' May 6, 2016
O icon.png /o/ 0-1 L May 8, 2016
Cm icon.png /cm/ 3-2 W Bismarck Goal 30'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 43'66'
May 8, 2016
link=[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers
2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers
Group B V icon.png /v/ 4-1 W >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 45+1'56'73'
Bismarck Goal 64'
April 15, 2016
Co icon.png /co/ 4-1 W >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 17'66'
Bismarck Goal 33'
Vlad the Implier Goal 36'
April 16, 2016
Toy icon.png /toy/ 1-3 L >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 64' April 17, 2016

Unofficial Matches

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers Video
January 30, 2016 Trash icon.png /trash/ 2016 Winter Cup Unfriendlies 2-3 L Rasputin's Dick Goal 21'
Bismarck Goal 43'
January 7, 2017 Vg icon.png /vg/ 2017 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 1-3 L Bismarck Goal 30'
May 6, 2017 Block icon.png /block/ Invite challenge 4-5 L
January 19, 2018 Pol icon.png /pol/ 2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 1-3 L Goal 88' Bismarck
January 20, 2018 Vg icon.png /vg/ 2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 2-5 L Charles II Goal 54'63'
May 20, 2018 Trash icon.png /trash/ Wooden Spoon Match 13-1 W Goal 2'17'20'23' >Holy>Roman>Empire
Goal 12'27'31'34' Mongolian Horse Archer
Goal 15' Julius Caesar
Goal 63'71' Napoleon
Goal 79'90+1' Maoist Worst Nightmare
August 25, 2019 Lit icon.png /lit/ 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 5-2 W >Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 16'50'
Bomber Harris Goal 19'
Charles II Goal 22'
Finno-Korean Hyper war Goal 54'
December 20, 2019 Eqg icon.png /eqg/ Test Cup V 19 3-0 W Charles II Goal 3'36'
>Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 42'
December 21, 2019 Co icon.png /co/ Test Cup V 19 2-3 L Goal 19'38' >Holy >Roman >Empire Video
December 27, 2019 Mu icon.png /mu/ Test Cup V 19 2-2 D Charles II Goal 33'
>Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 63'
December 28, 2019 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ Test Cup V 19 round of 16 2-2 L Charles II Goal 33'
>Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 63'

Penalties 3-5
Missed >Holy >Roman >Empire
Scored Charles II
Scored Bomber Harris
Scored Gaius & Aulus

March 6, 2020 Tv icon.png /tv/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 1-2 L
Goal 13' Charles II
March 13, 2020 K icon.png /k/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 2-1 W
Goal 24' Charles II
Goal 71' >Holy >Roman >Empire
March 20, 2020 Tg icon.png /tg/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 1-1 W Goal 17' Charles II

Penalties 3-2
Missed >Holy>Roman>Empire
Scored Charles II
Scored Bomber Harris
Missed Gaius & Aulus
Scored 9th Battle of the Isonzo

September 19, 2020 K icon.png /k/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 1-1 L Goal 17' Charles II

Penalties 1-2
Missed >Holy >Roman >Empire
Missed Charles II
Missed Bomber Harris
Scored Gaius & Aulus
Missed Taft

September 27, 2020 Tg icon.png /tg/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 1-4 L >Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 52' Video
September 27, 2020 V icon.png /v/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 4-1 W Charles II Goal 5'43'78'83'
>Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 90+1'
May 2, 2021 X icon.png /x/ 2021 4chan Spring Friendlies 0-2 L Video
May 8, 2021 Vst icon.png /vst/ 2021 4chan Spring Friendlies 2-0 W >Holy >Roman >Empire Goal 11'
Gaius & Aulus Goal 90+2'
May 23, 2021 K icon.png /k/ 2021 4chan Spring Friendlies 2-1 W Goal 63' Charles II
Goal 87' >Holy>Roman>Empire
September 17, 2022 Tv icon.png /tv/ 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 2-1 W Goal 72' Charles II
Goal 92' Bombs away Lemay
September 18, 2021 Wg icon.png /wg/ 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 3-1 W Charles II Goal 9'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 45+2'
Bombs away Lemay Goal 90+0'
September 24, 2021 C icon.png /c/ 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 3-1 W Charles II Goal 61'
source? Goal 62'
>Holy>Roman>Empire Goal 64'

Team Statistics

Italics denote retired players


Who /his/ here?
Player Goals Assists
>Holy>Roman>Empire 66 41
Charles II 49 21
Bomber Harris 26 20
Gaius & Aulus 9 8
Tiktaalik 2 3
Mongolian Horse Archer 1 3
Pregnant Anne Frank 1 1
Burnin' Sherman 1 1
More Wives, Your Grace? 0 1
Napoleon 5 8
Monsieur Lindy 2 1
Bismarck 14 10
Vlad the Implier 2 4
Lutheran Shitposter 0 1
Charlemagne 0 1
Shitposting Cossack 1 0
Anarco-Memeism 1 0
Empire for Sale 0 1
>Marxism 0 1
Eternal Anglo 0 1
Carl von Clausewitz 0 1


Player Starts Saves Clean Sheets
TAFT 38 90 4
___ Battle of the Isonzo 25 48 6
Shitposting Cossack 2 6 0
Maginot Line 4 19 1
Great Wall of China 7 20 0
Julius Caesar 3 5 0
Christian Dark Ages 10 23 3


Holder Date Record Match
>Holy>Roman>Empire May 6, 2016 Fastest brace, scoring in 44' and 45' (1 minute). /his/ His icon.png 5 - 6 Lit icon.png /lit/
>Holy>Roman>Empire May 6, 2016 Fastest hattrick, scoring in 44', 45', and 49' (5 minutes). /his/ His icon.png 5 - 6 Lit icon.png /lit/
>Holy>Roman>Empire May 6, 2016 Fastest double brace, scoring in 44', 45', 49', and 54' (10 minutes). /his/ His icon.png 5 - 6 Lit icon.png /lit/
His icon.png /his/ July 28, 2017 Most free kicks awarded to a single team with 10. /s4s/ S4s icon.png 2 - 3 His icon.png /his/
His icon.png /his/ May 21, 2018 Most goals allowed by a team within a single tournament with 19. /b/ B icon.png 4 - 2 His icon.png /his/
His icon.png /his/ (Tied) May 21, 2018 Lowest GD in a group stage with -11. /b/ B icon.png 4 - 2 His icon.png /his/
>Holy>Roman>Empire February 24, 2019 Most assists by a single player in a game, at 5. /b/ B icon.png 1 - 5 His icon.png /his/

Former records

Holder Date set Record Match Date beaten
>Holy>Roman>Empire May 6, 2016 Most goals scored in a single match by a single player with 5. /his/ His icon.png 5 - 6 Lit icon.png /lit/ August 6, 2016
His icon.png /his/ May 6, 2016 Most goals scored in a single match for the losing team with 5. /his/ His icon.png 5 - 6 Lit icon.png /lit/ February 15, 2019


Lit logo.png
The Spooker Bowl

Both boards like dusty old books, but whose are better? In a /his/toric first Babby match, the goals poured in for /lit/ until >HRE fought back to turn what would have been a humiliating defeat into a narrow 5-6 loss.

Pol logo.png
The Edgelord Derby

It could hardly be avoided - people were tired of /pol/ shitposting. It was impossible to have meaningful conversation on anything remotely related to the last three centuries of history without Bob McDuff of Alabama injecting his fetid political ideology into matters long done-and-dusted. Based Hiro heard our call and created /his/, where in a (mostly) civil matter, anons discuss history and the humanities as they are studied. Mercifully, /pol/ are now contained in their conspiratard safe space, free to jerk off to framed infographics long-debunked and portraits of Stalin, Donald Trump and other wingnuts. When these edgelords take the field against us, they must be reminded of the singular indisputable lesson of /his/tory:

Those who fail to learn from it, are doomed to repeat it.

U logo.png
The Siege of Lesbos

A rivalry forged in the fires of 4cc competition, rather than from actual board relations. Still, ever since the two teams met for the first time, they were seemingly inseparable. From the first ever Elite run for /his/ being cut short by the Y/u/ris, to being relegated by them in the very next cup, it seemed the two might just have a bone to pick. But when the defending lesbian champions spooned their Summer 18 run, only to be drawn against the current babby spoon holder in /his/ for their very first game, people started suspecting that (((some))) unusual forces might be at play here, especially since every time the two boards met, one of them would end up in the final of the same cup.

We also just can't beat this fucking team for shit.





Team photos


"Alright, consider me convinced. /his/ is actually a good team."
— DrBorisG, 2016 Spring Qualifiers
"Always a /his/ fan"
— PAVAL, 2018 Spring