Difference between revisions of "/g/"

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(New Manager)
(168 intermediate revisions by 19 users not shown)
Line 4: Line 4:
|name= Technology
|name= Technology
|date= August 2011
|date= August 2011
|irl= {{Anonymous|mercurialok|!!mzkcte6P0Y8}}
|irl= {{Anonymous|bluecollar|!!Phf1UfTn0PI<br>|}}
|color1= BBBAFF
|color1= BBBAFF
|color2= 000000
|color2= 1B1B1B
|hex= BBBAFF
|hex= BBBAFF
|color= GentooPurple
|color= GentooPurple
|ranking= 11 (<small>{{increase|25}}</small>)
|ranking= 56 <small>({{increase|1}})</small>
|high_ranking= 2nd
|high_ranking= 2nd
|high_date= August, 2015
|high_date= August, 2015
|low_ranking= 43rd
|low_ranking= 60
|low_date= 2017
|low_date= 22 May 2022
|scorer= Install Gentoo
|scorer= Install Gentoo
|goals= 23
|goals= 74
|assister= No Time For Love
|assists= 30
|captain= Install Gentoo
|captain= Install Gentoo
|home_ground= The GNU/Lag
|win_date=October 20, 2012
|win_date=October 31, 2014
Line 39: Line 42:
|first_date=August 6, 2011
|first_date=August 6, 2011
|first_elite_appearance=[[2011 4chan Summer Cup|SC 2011]]
|first_elite_appearance=[[2011 4chan Summer Cup|SC 2011]]
|best_elite_result='''<span style="color:  #B7BEC5; font-size: 100%">2nd</span>'''
|best_elite_cup=[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|SC 2015]]
|best_elite_cup=[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|SC 2015]]
|first_babby_appearance=[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|ABC 2012]]
|first_babby_appearance=[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|ABC 2012]]
|best_babby_cup=[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|ABC 2014]]
|best_babby_cup=[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|ABC 2018]]
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn8gealMDsg
|anthem= youtu.be/Dn8gealMDsg?t=5s
|a_title= GNU/StallmanQuest
|a_title= GNU/Stallman Quest
|altanthem1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFxyYYRqobw
|altanthem1_what= Knockout Stage Anthem
|altanthem1_title= For special occasions only
|altanthem1= youtu.be/9sJUDx7iEJw?t=20s
|altanthem1_title= Stallman Sings the Free Software Song
|altanthem2_what= Victory Anthem
|altanthem2= youtu.be/IdYMA6hY_74
|altanthem2_title= Risen (Remix)
|altanthem3_what= Promotion Victory Anthem
|altanthem3= youtu.be/0Xa3lfd0ukk
|altanthem3_title= Dreamscape
|altanthem4_what= Legacy Victory Anthem
|altanthem4= youtu.be/_SgWum9kHYk
|altanthem4_title= Duvet (Serial Experiments Lain OP) '''<span style="color: #dd0000; font-size: 100%">Dead link</span>'''
|horn= youtu.be/U7mPqycQ0tQ?t=40s
|gh_title= Gee
|gh_title= Gee
|altgh1= drive.google.com/file/d/0B33HGIGrHLacaUplMV91ZGNwX0U/view?usp=sharing
|altgh1_what= Install Gentoo Goalhorn
|altgh1_title= Fasten your Teedus
|altgh1= youtu.be/R9yLJoD2hz8
|altgh1_title= A piece of magicmix
|altgh2_what= Install Gentoo {{tt|Special|90+ or hat trick}} Goalhorn
|altgh2= youtu.be/tAb7OID5lt8?t=2s
|altgh2_title= INSTALL GENTOO<br>(DO IT FAGGOT)
|altgh3_what= No Time For Love Goalhorn
|altgh3= drive.google.com/file/d/1uMTy6u_waPCSMiCUw1lJZCZ-V6sdh50f/view?usp=sharing
|altgh3_title= Fasten your Teedus (GNU/Rida Extended Edit)
|altgh4_what= Terry A. Davis Goalhorn
|altgh4= puu.sh/wbALo/9da75299b3.mp3
|altgh4_title= Terry Sings Paranoid by Black Sabbath
|altgh5_what= DEVELOPERS Goalhorn
|altgh5= youtu.be/rRm0NDo1CiY
|altgh5_title= Steve Ballmer Developers Music Video
|altgh6_what= Sir Nagoor Babu Goalhorn
|altgh6= youtu.be/DJztXj2GPfk
|altgh6_title= Mundian To Bach Ke
|nickname= The /g/entoomen
|nickname= The /g/entoomen
|kithome=G home kit 2019 winter cup.png
|kitaway=G away kit 2019 winter cup.png
|kitgk=G goalkeeper kit 2017 summer cup.png
|kitgk=Ggk sc2015.png
Being one of the sixteen starters of the 4chan Cup, /g/'s trajectory has been one of mediocrity. Their performance in the [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]] was better than [[2011 4chan Summer Cup|their]] [[2012 4chan Winter Cup|past]] [[2012 4chan Summer Cup Group B|Elite]] [[2013 4chan Summer Cup Group E|Cup]] [[2014 4chan Winter Cup Group B|performances]], seeing the team advance to the finals but lose to /mlp/. /g/ delivered a refined and sharpened performance in the [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]] and is looking forward to competing in the [[2017 4chan Summer Cup]].
Being one of the [[Original_Sixteen|sixteen starters]] of the 4chan Cup, /g/'s trajectory has been one of mediocrity. Their performance in the [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]] was better than [[2011 4chan Summer Cup|their]] [[2012 4chan Winter Cup|past]] [[2012 4chan Summer Cup Group B|Elite]] [[2013 4chan Summer Cup Group E|Cup]] [[2014 4chan Winter Cup Group B|performances]], seeing the team advance to a final they would eventually lose. Afterwards, /g/ had the same bad luck they'd historically had in their [[2016 4chan Winter Cup Group G|next]] [[2018 4chan Winter Cup Group B|Elite Cups]], down to [[2016 4chan Summer Cup#Competitors|not even competing in one they promoted to]], their misery only temporarily halted by the [[2017 4chan Summer Cup]] and [[2019 4chan Winter Cup]].
*''' You can join the /g/ 4chan cup discord [https://discord.gg/z2xjfSA here] '''

==Useful things==
{{tt|''{{main|/g/ Roster}}''|updated as of 26-7-2020}}
|style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#2D2D35; font-size:90%;" align="center"|'''Music'''
|style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#2D2D35; font-size:90%;" align="center"|'''Info'''
|style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#2D2D35; font-size:90%;" align="center"|'''Exports'''
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn8gealMDsg Anthem]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7mPqycQ0tQ&t=40s Goalhorn]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMqLoIaiYkc&t=10s Terrorist Watch Goalhorn]
*[https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B33HGIGrHLacaUplMV91ZGNwX0U/view?usp=sharing No Time For Love Goalhorn]
*[https://puu.sh/wbALo/9da75299b3.mp3 Terry A. Davis Goalhorn]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_sY2rjxq6M&t=30s Housefires Goalhorn]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIPggCgYK38&t=70s No Drivers Goalhorn]
*[[/g/ roster]]
*[[/g/ Match History]]
*[https://mega.nz/#!29xHjaZQ!Ub4ZVFmF7Nia5Tefn2qlGvkWFO6Ppo48FyDpnkE4Bh4 '''Summer 2017 Export''' ]
*[https://my.mixtape.moe/baurbs.rar '''Summer 2017 Aesthetics Pack''' ]
*[https://mega.nz/#!ushSXYSb!l2wDeOqQvy4hoeJ1mfN7EEFk3dR0chdkcHGkRFe-Vyo Music Export (.4ccm + Music Files)]

{{sq start|bg=#1B1B1B|fg=#BBBAFF}}
''Main Article: [[/g/ roster]]'' '''Updated as of 19/07/17'''
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=1 |pos=GK |name=Stallman}}
{{sq start player |no=1 |pos=GK |name=Stallman}}
{{sq start player |no=9 |pos=CB |name=*BSD}}
{{sq start player |no=76 |pos=LB |name=iToddlers BTFO}}
{{sq start player |no=3 |pos=CB |name=Battlestation}}
{{sq start player |no=20 |pos=CB |name=i use arch btw}}
{{sq start player |no=4 |pos=CB |name=Mechanical Keyboards}}
{{sq start player |no=79 |pos=CB |name=SICP}}
{{sq start player |no=29 |pos=DMF |name=SICP}}
{{sq start player |no=12 |pos=RB |name=Something Happened}}
{{sq start player |no=5 |pos=CMF |name=Terry A. Davis}}
{{sq start player |no=92 |pos=DMF |name=Thinkpad}}
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos=AMF |name=Programming Socks}}
{{sq start player |no=56 |pos=CMF |name=Developers}}
{{sq silver player |no=26 |pos=RMF |name=Thinkpad}}
{{sq silver player |no=8 |pos=LMF |name=No Time For Love}}
{{sq silver player |no=10 |pos=LMF |name=Botnet {{captain}}}}
{{sq silver player |no=0 |pos=RMF |name=Botnet}}
{{sq gold player |no=14 |pos=SS |name=No Time For Love}}
{{sq gold player |no=13 |pos=SS |name=Terry A. Davis}}
{{sq gold player |no=11 |pos=CF |name=Install Gentoo}}
{{sq gold player |no=42 |pos=CF |name=Install Gentoo {{Captain}}}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos=GK |name=Common Sense}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=LB |name={{greentext|A fucking cheese grater}}}}
{{sq player |no=85 |pos=CB |name=GIVE IT BACK JAMAL}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos=CB |name=Consumerism}}
{{sq player |no=2 |pos=CB |name=Tay.ai}}
{{sq player |no=38 |pos=CB |name=Give It Back Jamal}}
{{sq player |no=96 |pos=CB |name=Housefires}}
{{sq player |no=69 |pos=CB |name=Torvalds}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos=DMF |name=Green Is My Pepper}}
{{sq player |no=88 |pos=CB |name=Louis Rossmann}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos=CMF |name=CS Grad}}
{{sq player |no=50 |pos=RB |name=Mommy Lisa}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=CMF |name=Something Happened}}
{{sq player |no=99 |pos=DMF |name=Mr. Sir Nagoor Babu}}
{{sq player |no=20 |pos=RMF |name=CloverOS}}
{{sq player |no=77 |pos=DMF |name=*BSD}}
{{sq player |no=61 |pos=LMF |name=No Drivers}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=DMF |name=Techtubers}}
{{sq player |no=42 |pos=AMF |name=Pajeet}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos=CMF |name=Green Is My Pepper}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos=AMF |name=Mitu}}
{{sq player |no=96 |pos=CMF |name=AMD-chan}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos=SS |name=Terrorist Watch}}
{{sq player |no=420 |pos=CMF |name=CS Grad}}
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}
<div style="text-align: center;">[[File:gteamphotoart.png|650px]]<br/>
<div style="text-align: left;">

==Match History==
== Team History ==
''Main Article that features full history: [[/g/ Match History]]'' '''Updated as of 25/07/17'''
{{tt|''{{main|/g/ History}}''|Updated as of 8/11/19}}
== Tournament History ==
{| class="wikitable"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B"| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B;width:5%"| Win
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B;width:5%"| Draw
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B;width:5%"| Loss
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B"| Final Placement
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B"| Tier
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B"| Status
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B"| Notes
| [[File:4cc Trophy-Logo.png|25px]] [[2011 4chan Summer Cup]]
| Losers' Round 3
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{steady}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Stayed Elite
| Double elimination bracket
| [[File:2012 Winter Cup logo.png|25px]] [[2012 4chan Winter Cup]]
| Losers' Round 2
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{steady}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Stayed Elite
| Double elimination bracket
| [[File:2012 Summer Cup logo.png|25px]] [[2012 4chan Summer Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{decrease|}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Relegated to Babby
| Relegated with Wooden Spoon; Lost Elite Status
| [[File:2012 Autumn Cup logo.png|25px]] [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{steady}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Stayed Babby
| [[File:2013 Spring Cup logo.png|25px]] [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{increase|}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Promoted to Elite
| Promoted to Elite due [[Dragongate]]
| [[File:2013 Summer Cup logo.png|25px]]  [[2013 4chan Summer Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{decrease|}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Relegated to Babby
| [[File:2013 Autumn Cup logo.png|25px]]  [[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| Round of 16
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{increase|}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Promoted to Elite
| [[File:2014 Winter Cup logo.png|25px]]  [[2014 4chan Winter Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{decrease|}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Relegated to Babby
| [[File:2014 Spring Cup logo.png|25px]]  [[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| Group Stage
| style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{steady}}
| style="background:#ffcccc" | Stayed Babby
| [[File:2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png|25px]] [[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| Quarter Final
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{increase|}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Promoted to Elite
| {{tt|4-20 sliders are a quick and reliable tactic for comebacks|nothing can possibly go wrong, can it?}}
| [[File:2015 4chan winter cup logo.png|25px]] [[2015 4chan Winter Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{decrease|}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" |Relegated to Babby
| [[File:2015 Spring Cup Logo.png|25px]] [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| Round of 16
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{increase|}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Promoted to Elite

This year's Winter Cup had similar results for /g/ - 1 win, 2 losses, back to the Spring Babby Cup. Following this, {{Anonymous|OMP}} quit managing /g/, and {{Anonymous|MonsterIsland}} took over in hopes of getting the /g/entoomen back in a major cup.
| [[File:2015 Summer Cup Logo.png|25px]]  [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]]
| <span style="color:#B7BEC5; font-size: 100%">2nd place</span>
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{steady}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Stayed Elite
| thanks {{greentext|stallman}} for fucking up in the final

/int/'s glory days were far behind them, and in a 4-2 loss to /g/, it was clear that those days wouldn't come back any time soon. Afterwards, /g/ faced a slight scare with a 3-1 loss to /vr/. The infamous Steve Jobs scored the consolation goal, but this wouldn't be Apple's last involvement in /g/'s goals. Terrorist Watch scored a double against /w/, and before they knew it, /g/ qualified for the 2015 Summer Cup due to having 6 points in the group, and a combination of other results. The /g/entoomen were able relax for the rest of the cup.
| [[File:WC16 Design A.png|25px]]  [[2016 4chan Winter Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{decrease|}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Relegated to Babby
| {{greentext|medal defenders}}

/g/'s hopes of competing in the 2015 Summer Cup were nearly dashed when {{anonymous|MonsterIsland}} retired just before Summer. However, {{anonymous|OMP}} came back, and with yet another hugely revised roster, /g/ went into Summer 2015 an underdog among the top teams. The first match of /g/'s Summer Cup was a 1-0 victory over /f/ backed by goalkeeper Common Sense, a surprise given /g/'s rather terrible previous history against /f/. The second match came with Gentoo fully installed, as he scored a hat trick and /x/'s spaghetti goalkeeper allowed new gold medal No Time For Love to score a 4th in a 4-2 victory over /x/. With 6 points through 2 matches, all /g/ needed to advance to the final round was a draw or /x/ win in the second to last Group G match. /x/ delivered with a cheeky 90+ goal to make their match 2-2, and while it seemed like /g/ would relax for the final match, any speculation about their taking this match less seriously was silenced when Audiophiles scored the first goal against /h/. /g/oalkeeping saved the day again as long-time savior Richard Stallman stopped most of a late /h/ onslaught to secure /g/'s spot atop the group.
| [[File:2016 Spring Cup Logo.png|25px]] [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| Round of 16
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{increase|}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Promoted to Elite

The later rounds of the Summer Cup took /g/ to new heights as they got an upset victory over /tg/, the defending 4chan cup champions. In the quarterfinals, /g/ fucked /tv/'s shit up in a 4-1 win, and an early goal against /b/ from Audiophiles gave the /g/entoomen all they needed to get to the final against /mlp/. For a while, at least, /g/ seemed to be unstoppable due to their sharp offense and Stallman putting on great goalkeeping performances. During the first half of their fateful match against /mlp/, /g/ took the lead and were looking like they could walk away as the Summer Cup champions. Sadly, all good things must come to an end: /g/'s form finally decayed in the second half, and an unfortunate bounce of the ball led to /mlp/ getting ahead by one. From then on, /mlp/ rolled with the momentum they had and eventually won the final 2-1. While the team did not manage to put the metaphorical cherry on top of the cake, this match concluded /g/'s most successful Cup run to date and finally put them on the radar as a force to be reckoned with. Until...
|- style="background:#cccccc"
| [[File:Summer16 H ALT 2.png|25px]]  [[2016 4chan Summer Cup]]
| Disqualified
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{decrease|}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Relegated to Babby
| Disqualified due to having no Manager

The cup moved into PES 2016, and this ended up turning /g/'s world upside down. As a result, the [[2016 4chan Winter Cup]] was a disaster for the /g/entoomen, who were eliminated after just two matches in the group stage. Things were already looking bad for the team after a 4-0 loss to /s4s/, and the 2-1 loss to /gd/ combined with /r9k/'s 1-1 draw with /s4s/ killed them. Having no pressure in the next match, /g/ put on a hell of a performance in a 4-3 win over /r9k/, but it was simply too little, too late.
| [[File:ABC16 Design A.png|25px]] [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]  
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{steady}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Stayed Babby
| At least we didn't get relegated into the fetus

Down in the babbies once more, /g/ had to figure out the ways of PES 2016 sooner rather than later. The cup got off to a strange start for them with a 1-1 draw against /biz/, a team that was initially seen as a minnow in Group G. The once mighty /tg/ was up next, but they were a shadow of the team they once were, and the /g/entoomen got a 2-1 win out of that match. In order to get into the Summer Cup safely, /g/ had to win or draw against /sci/, and they got the win with Install Gentoo's early goal being all that was needed in a 1-0 victory. Following that, the round of 16 draw got /g/ to face /sp/, a familiar opponent. Though this was a chance for revenge against the GOATs who previously relegated /g/ and doomed them to the 0 point hall of shame, /sp/ was still a cut above them after all these years. Despite Install Gentoo's 11th minute goal, /sp/ didn't panic and turned the tables on /g/ to get a 3-1 win to eliminate the /g/entoomen. {{anonymous|OMP}} quit after this, and without a manager for the Summer Cup, /g/ was sent back down to the babbies.
| [[File:SBC17 Design A.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| Quarter Final
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{increase|}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Promoted to Elite
| {{greentext|two reds in a quarter final}}

Eventually, {{anonymous|Narcissist}} became /g/'s new manager in time for the [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]. The group stage draw was not kind to the /g/entoomen in this season, as their opponents Group G would include giants like /tv/ and /mu/. Only /t/ seemed like a possibly easy opponent. The Big Guys from /tv/ had little trouble beating /g/ 5-2. Up next was another embarrassing result at the hands of /t/. After taking a 3-0 lead in the first half, the /g/entoomen crumbled in the second half and had to settle for a 3-3 draw. There was still some hope for a promotion despite these results: a win against /mu/ would have promoted /g/, and it looked like a real possibility after the first half of their match. /g/ had taken a 2-1 lead against /mu/, but once again, they lost the lead, and Michael Gira's 88th minute goal sealed /g/'s fate. The 3-2 loss to /mu/ kept the /g/entoomen in the babbies once again.
| [[File:SC17 Design A.png|25px]] [[2017 4chan Summer Cup]]
| Round of 16
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{steady}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Stayed Elite
| thanks {{greentext|pajeet}} for fucking up the corner

/g/ went into [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]] with new tactics and faced up against both new and old opponents in Group E.The /g/entoomen drew /w/ 1-1 and were left with 1 point. Up next was a familiar enemy, /a/ , who ruined /g/'s chances of advancing in previous cups. The midfield was the contesting ground for both teams in the first half but No Time For Love delivered a beautiful shot at the start of the second half but /a/ returned with a 74 minute goal by Bebop ; Nearing the end of the match, it was looking over for the /g/entoomen but an amazing and stoic header from Install Gentoo won /g/ the game in the 91st minute. With a win and a draw, /g/ faced their final opponents of the group stage, /out/. /out/ scored 2 goals in the first 20 minutes but then Install Gentoo returned 3 goals over the game doing 3 miraculous things, advancing /g/ to summer and the knockouts and winning /g/ the match. The /g/entoomen went into their first knockouts match-up against /po/ levelheaded and ready, /po/ grabbed the first goal of the match only to find Install Gentoo returning back at kick-off ; Just after half-time, /po/ scooped up another goal but /g/ ferociously swung back and grabbed 2 goals to take control of the match and win. /g/ advanced to the quarter finals facing /an/, a well-performing opponent. /g/ put extreme pressure on /an/ in the first half, sieging down their defences and taking midfield control but in the second half /an/ scored 2 goals in quick succession, A goal by Install Gentoo kept the /g/ attack in swing but sadly, it was too late and /g/ fate in the [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]] was sealed.
| [[File:WC18 Design F2.png|25px]] [[2018 4chan Winter Cup]]
Overall, this performance was very good by /g/, Not only did this see them make it to the quarter finals but it allowed them to advance into the [[2017 4chan Summer Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{decrease|}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Relegated to Babby
| {{greentext|letting /toy/ go over you}}

==Official Match Results==
| [[File:SBC18 Design G2.png|25px]] [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{steady}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Stayed Babby
| {{greentext|letting /bant/ go over you}}

As a consequence of the [[Dragongate]] controversy, a number of results have been vacated or altered. Those matches marked in gray have been voided, regardless of the original result.
| [[File:ABC18 Design A.png|25px]] [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| Quarter Final
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{increase|}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Promoted to Elite
| {{greentext|dying on benadies while scoring nothing in full time}}

{| class="wikitable" width=100%
!style="background:#BBBAFF;color:#000000"| Date
| [[File:WC19 Design E.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Winter Cup]]
!style="background:#BBBAFF;color:#000000"| Opponent
!style="background:#BBBAFF;color:#000000"| Competition
!style="background:#BBBAFF;color:#000000"| Result
!style="background:#BBBAFF;color:#000000"| Scorers
| Round of 16
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{steady|}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Stayed Elite
| It's [[Pro Evolution Soccer 2016|PES16]] what are you gonna do?
| [[File:Summer19 C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{decrease|}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Relegated to Babby
| [[File:ABC19 Design E.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{steady}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Stayed Babby
| [[File:SBC20 Design A.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| Quarter Final
|style="background:#ccffcc" align=center|{{increase|}}
|style="background:#ccffcc" | Promoted to Elite
| [[File:SC20 Design E2.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Summer Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{decrease|}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Relegated to Babby
| a-autopilot bros...
| [[File:WoC21 Design E.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan World Cup]]
| Round of 16
|style="background:#FFFAD4" align=center|{{steady|}}
|style="background:#FFFAD4" | World Cup
| [[File:ABC24 Design B.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| Group Stage
|style="background:#ffcccc" align=center|{{steady|}}
|style="background:#ffcccc" | Stayed Babby
|{{greentext|LB-CB-RB backline >dodged quals anyway}}
|colspan="9" |
| Cup performances
|align=center|{{tt|40|39 without voided matches}}
|align=center|{{tt|48|46 without voided matches}}
| Official Friendlies
|align=center|{{tt|9|7 without voided matches}}
| '''Total'''
|align=center|{{tt|41|40 without voided matches}}
|align=center|{{tt|57|53 without voided matches}}
== Match History ==
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| August 6, 2011  
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="4" |[[File:4cc Trophy-Logo.png|135px|link=2011 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>[[2011 4chan Summer Cup|2011 Summer Cup]]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" |[[2011 4chan Summer Cup#First round|First Round]]
| {{team away|int}}
| {{team away|int}}
| align=center|[[2011 4chan Summer Cup|First Round Winners' Bracket SC 2011]]
| [[2011 4chan Summer Cup#First Round|0-1 L]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| August 6, 2011
| August 7, 2011  
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" |[[2011 4chan Summer Cup#Losers.27 round 1|Losers' Round 1]]
| {{team away|s}}
| {{team away|s}}
| align=center|[[2011 4chan Summer Cup|First Round Losers' Bracket SC 2011]]
| [[2011 4chan Summer Cup#Losers.27 round 1|2-1 W]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| align=left| <small>? {{goal|?}}<br>? {{goal|?}}</small>
| August 6, 2011
| August 7, 2011  
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" |[[2011 4chan Summer Cup#Losers.27 round 2|Losers' Round 2]]
| {{team away|tv}}
| {{team away|tv}}
| align=center|[[2011 4chan Summer Cup|Second Round Losers' Bracket SC 2011]]
| [[2011 4chan Summer Cup#Losers.27 round 2|3-0 W]]
| align=center|3-0 W
| align=left| <small>? {{goal|?}}<br>? {{goal|?}}<br>? {{goal|?}}</small>
| August 7, 2011
| August 8, 2011  
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" |[[2011 4chan Summer Cup#Losers.27 round 3|Losers' Round 3]]
| {{team away|a}}
| {{team away|a}}
| align=center|[[2011 4chan Summer Cup|Third Round Losers' Bracket SC 2011]]
| [[2011 4chan Summer Cup#Losers.27 round 3|1-2 L]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| align=left| <small>Firefox {{goal|?}}</small>
| August 8, 2011
|colspan="6" |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
As a consequence of the [[Dragongate]] controversy, a number of results have been vacated or altered. Those matches marked in gray have been voided, regardless of the original result.
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="3" |[[File:2012 Winter Cup logo.png|135px|link=2012 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>[[2012 4chan Winter Cup|2012 Winter Cup]]
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="1" |[[2012 4chan Winter Cup#First Round|First Round]]
| {{team away|tv}}
| [[2012 4chan Winter Cup#First Round|3-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>No Drivers {{goal|6||65||69}}</small>
| January 5, 2012
| January 5, 2012
| {{team away|tv}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Winter Cup|First Round Winners' Bracket WC 2012]]
| align=center|3-0 W
|<small>No Drivers {{goal|6||65||69}}</small>
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="1" |[[2012 4chan Winter Cup#Quarter Finals|Quarter Finals]]
| {{team away|ck}}
| [[2012 4chan Winter Cup#Quarter Finals|0-1 L]]
| January 6, 2012
| January 6, 2012
| {{team away|ck}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Winter Cup|Second Round Winners' Bracket WC 2012]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="1" |[[2012 4chan Winter Cup#Losers.27 Round 2|Losers' Round 2]]
| {{team away|co}}
| [[2012 4chan Winter Cup#Losers.27 Round 2|2-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>No Drivers {{goal|21}}<br>Sennheiser {{goal|81}}</small>
| January 7, 2012
| January 7, 2012
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Winter Cup|Second Round Losers' Bracket WC 2012]]
| align=center|2-3 L
|<small>No Drivers {{goal|21}}<br> Sennheiser {{goal|81}}</small>
| March, 2012
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" |[[File:2012 Spring Cup logo.png|135px|link=2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2012 Spring Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" |[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|Friendlies]]
| {{team away|gif}}
| {{team away|gif}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|SBC Friendlies 2012]]
| [[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies#March 4th|1-4 L]]
| align=center|1-4 L
| align=left| <small>Bloat {{goal|45+2}}</small>
|<small>Bloat {{goal|45+2}}</small>
| March 4, 2012
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="6" |[[File:2012 Summer Cup logo.png|135px|link=2012 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>[[2012 4chan Summer Cup|2012 Summer Cup]]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" |[[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies|Friendlies]]
| {{team away|sci}}
| [[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies#April 21st|3-7 L]]
| align=left| <small>Bloat {{goal|22||89}}<br> No Drivers {{goal|45+1}}</small>
| April 21, 2012
| April 21, 2012
| {{team away|sci}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies|SC Friendlies 2012]]
| align=center|3-7 L
|<small>Bloat {{goal|22||89}}<br> No Drivers {{goal|45+1}}</small>
| {{team away|3}}
| [[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies#April 28th|1-7 L]]
| align=left| <small>No Drivers {{goal|30}}</small>
| April 28, 2012
| April 28, 2012
| {{team away|3}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies|SC Friendlies 2012]]
| align=center|1-7 L
|<small>No Drivers {{goal|30}}</small>
| {{team away|wg}}
| [[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies#May 26th|2-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Woodscrews {{goal|11}} <br> No Drivers {{goal|37}}</small>
| May 26, 2012
| May 26, 2012
| {{team away|wg}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies|SC Friendlies 2012]]
| align=center|2-3 L
|<small>Woodscrews {{goal|11}} <br> No Drivers {{goal|37}}</small>
| July 13, 2012
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" |[[2012 4chan Summer Cup#Group B|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|a}}
| {{team away|a}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup|Group B SC 2012]]
| [[2012 4chan Summer Cup Group B#.2Fa.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-1 D]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| align=left| <small>No Drivers {{goal|45+1}}</small>
|<small>No Drivers {{goal|45+1}}</small>
| July 12, 2012
| {{team away|pol}}
| [[2012 4chan Summer Cup Group B#.2Fpol.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>randytaylor69 {{goal|90+2}}</small>
| July 14, 2012
| July 14, 2012
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup|Group B SC 2012]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|<small>RandyTaylor69 {{goal|90+2}}</small>
| {{team away|m}}
| [[2012 4chan Summer Cup Group B#.2Fg.2F v .2Fm.2F|0-5 L]]
| July 15, 2012
| July 15, 2012
| {{team away|m}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup|Group B SC 2012]]
| align=center|0-5 L
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="6" |[[File:2012 Autumn Cup logo.png|135px|link=2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2012 Autumn Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="3" |[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|Friendlies]]
| {{team away|mu}}
| [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies#September 9|2-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>No Drivers {{goal|38||53||}} </small>
| September 9, 2012
| September 9, 2012
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|ABC Friendlies 2012]]
| align=center|2-3 L
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|38}} <br> No Drivers {{goal|53}}</small>
| {{team away|adv}}
| [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies#September 15|3-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>No Drivers {{goal|12||30||51}}</small>
| September 15, 2012
| September 15, 2012
| {{team away|adv}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|ABC Friendlies 2012]]
| align=center|3-1 W
|<small> No Drivers {{goal|12||30||51}}</small>
| {{team away|k}}
| [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies#September 23|1-1 D]]
| align=left| <small>Woodscrews {{goal|7||}} <br></small>
| September 23, 2012
| September 23, 2012
| {{team away|k}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|ABC Friendlies 2012]]
| align=center|1-1 D
|<small> Woodscrews {{goal|7}}</small>
| October 12, 2012
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="3" |[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group E|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|h}}
| {{team away|h}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group E ABC 2012]]
| [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group E#.2Fg.2F vs .2Fh.2F|3-5 W]]
| align=center|3-5 L
| align=left| <small>No Drivers {{goal|14||67}}<br> Woodscrews {{goal|22}}</small>
|<small>No Drivers {{goal|14||67}} <br> Woodscrews {{goal|22}}</small>
| October 12, 2014
| October 13, 2012
| {{team away|v}}
| {{team away|v}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group E ABC 2012]]
| [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group E#.2Fv.2F vs .2Fg.2F|0-2 L]]
| align=center|0-2 L
| October 14, 2014
| {{team away|ic}}
| [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group E#.2Fg.2F vs .2Fic.2F|6-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>Woodscrews {{goal|4||59}}<br> No Drivers {{goal|42||46||52||53}}</small>
| October 20, 2012
| October 20, 2012
| {{team away|ic}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group E ABC 2012]]
| align=center|6-0 W
|<small>Woodscrews {{goal|14||50}} <br> No Drivers {{goal|42||46||52||53}}</small>
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="1" |[[File:2013 Winter Cup logo.png|135px|link=2013 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>[[2013 4chan Winter Cup|2013 Winter Cup]]
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="1" |[[2013 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies|Friendlies]]
| {{team away|an}}
| [[2013 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies#December 22|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>P-P-P-POWERBOOK {{goal|84}}</small>
| December 22, 2012
| December 22, 2012
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies|WC Friendlies 2013]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|colspan="6" |
|<small>P-P-POWERBOOK {{goal|84}}</small>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
As a consequence of the [[Dragongate]] controversy, a number of results have been vacated or altered. Those matches marked in gray have been voided, regardless of the original result.
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="5" |[[File:2013 Spring Cup logo.png|135px|link=2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2013 Spring Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="2" |[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|Friendlies]]
| {{team away|3}}
| [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies#April 5|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>No Drivers {{goal|90+2}}</small>
| April 5, 2013
| April 5, 2013
| {{team away|3}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|SBC Friendlies 2013]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|<small>No Drivers {{goal|90+1}}</small>
| {{team away|po}}
| [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies#April 7|1-1 D]]
| align=left| <small>No Drivers {{goal|39}}</small>
| April 7, 2013
| April 7, 2013
| {{team away|po}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies|SCB Friendlies 2013]]
| align=center|1-1 D
|<small>No Drivers {{goal|39}}</small>
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" |[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|x}}
| [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group B#.2Fx.2F v .2Fg.2F|2-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>RandyTaylor69 {{goal|27||81}}</small>
| May 3, 2013
| May 3, 2013
| {{team away|x}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group B SBC 2013]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small>RandyTaylor69 {{goal|27||81}}</small>
| {{team away|diy}}
| [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group B#.2Fg.2F v .2Fdiy.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>RandyTaylor69 {{goal|43}}</small>
| May 5, 2013
| May 5, 2013
| {{team away|diy}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group B SBC 2013]]
| align=center|1-1 D
|<small>RandyTaylor69 {{goal|43}}</small>
| {{team away|3}}
| [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group B#.2F3.2F v .2Fg.2F|0-3 L]]
| May 11, 2013
| May 11, 2013
| {{team away|3}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group B SBC 2013]]
| align=center|0-3 L
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" |[[File:2013 Summer Cup logo.png|135px|link=2013 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>[[2013 4chan Summer Cup|2013 Summer Cup]]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" |[[2013 4chan Summer Cup#Group E|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|m}}
| [[2013 4chan Summer Cup Group E#.2Fm.2F v .2Fg.2F|0-1 L]]
| August 17, 2013
| August 17, 2013
| {{team away|m}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Summer Cup|Group E SC 2013]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| {{team away|jp}}
| [[2013 4chan Summer Cup Group E#.2Fjp.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|51}}</small>
| August 23, 2013
| August 23, 2013
| {{team away|jp}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Summer Cup|Group E SC 2013]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|51}}</small>
| {{team away|sp}}
| [[2013 4chan Summer Cup Group E#.2Fg.2F v .2Fsp.2F|0-2 L]]
| August 25, 2013
| August 25, 2013
| {{team away|sp}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Summer Cup|Group E SC 2013]]
| align=center|0-2 L
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="6" |[[File:2013 Autumn Cup logo.png|135px|link=2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2013 Autumn Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="2" |[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|Friendlies]]
| {{team away|r9k}}
| [[2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies#September 28|0-1 L]]
| September 28, 2013
| September 28, 2013
| {{team away|r9k}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|ABC Friendlies 2013]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| {{team away|u}}
| [[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C#October 5|2-2 D]]
| align=left| <small>Developers {{goal|32}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|44}}</small>
| October 5, 2013
| October 5, 2013
| {{team away|u}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies|ABC Friendlies 2013]]
| align=center|2-2 D
|<small>Developers {{goal|32}} <br> Install Gentoo {{goal|44}}</small>
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="3" |[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group C|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|d}}
| [[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C#.2Fd.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-1 D]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|55}}</small>
| November 15, 2013
| November 15, 2013
| {{team away|d}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group C ABC 2013]]
| align=center|1-1 D
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|??}}</small>
| {{team away|n}}
| [[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C#.2Fg.2F v .2Fn.2F|2-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Tidus {{goal|32||41}}</small>
| November 17, 2013
| November 17, 2013
| {{team away|n}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group C ABC 2013]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small>Tidus {{goal|32||41}}</small>
| {{team away|an}}
| [[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C#.2Fan.2F v .2Fg.2F|0-3 L]]
| November 23, 2013
| November 23, 2013
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group C ABC 2013]]
| align=center|0-3 L
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="1" |[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|f}}
| [[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Ff.2F v .2Fg.2F|0-2 L]]
| November 30, 2013
| November 30, 2013
|colspan="6" |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="3" |[[File:2014 Winter Cup logo.png|135px|link=2014 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>[[2014 4chan Winter Cup|2014 Winter Cup]]
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="3" |[[2014 4chan Winter Cup#Group B|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|f}}
| {{team away|f}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Round of 16 ABC 2013]]
| [[2014 4chan Winter Cup Group B#.2Ff.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=center|0-2 L
| align=left| <small>Tidus {{goal|79}}</small>
| February 14, 2014
| February 14, 2014
| {{team away|f}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Winter Cup|Group B WC 2014]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|<small>Tidus {{goal|79}}</small>
| {{team away|lgbt}}
| [[2014 4chan Winter Cup Group B#.2Flgbt.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|20}}</small>
| February 16, 2014
| February 16, 2014
| {{team away|lgbt}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Winter Cup|Group B WC 2014]]
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|20||}}</small>
| {{team away|sp}}
| [[2014 4chan Winter Cup Group B#.2Fg.2F v .2Fsp.2F|1-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Tidus {{goal|21}}</small>
| February 22, 2014
| February 22, 2014
| {{team away|sp}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Winter Cup|Group B WC 2014]]
| align=center|1-3 L
|<small>Tidus {{goal|21||}}</small>
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" |[[File:2014 Spring Cup logo.png|135px|link=2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2014 Spring Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" |[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group F|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|3}}
| [[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group F#.2Fg.2F v .2F3.2F|4-2 W]]
| align=left| <small>Dead Waifu Age {{goal|4||69}}<br> Moto /g/ {{goal|43}}<br> Teedus {{goal|63}}</small>
| April 5, 2014
| April 5, 2014
| {{team away|3}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group F SBC 2014]]
| align=center|4-2 W
|<small>Dead Waifu Age {{goal|4||69}}<br>Moto /g/ {{goal|43}}<br>Teedus {{goal|63}}</small>
| {{team away|r9k}}
| [[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group F#.2Fr9k.2F v .2Fg.2F|0-0 D]]
| April 11, 2014
| April 11, 2014
| {{team away|r9k}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group F SBC 2014]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| {{team away|gd}}
| [[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group F#.2Fg.2F v .2Fgd.2F|1-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Dead Waifu Age {{goal|4}}</small>
| April 12, 2014
| April 12, 2014
| {{team away|gd}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group F SBC 2014]]
| align=center|1-3 L
|<small>Dead Waifu Age {{goal|4||}}</small>
| {{team away|ic}}
| [[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group F#.2Fic.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-1 D]]
| align=left| <small>Dead Waifu Age {{goal|52}}</small>
| April 20, 2014
| April 20, 2014
| {{team away|ic}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group F SBC 2014]]
| align=center|1-1 D
|<small>Dead Waifu Age {{goal|52||}}</small>
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="2" |[[File:2014SummerCupLogo.png|135px|link=2014 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>[[2014 4chan Summer Cup|2014 Summer Cup]]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="2" |[[2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies|Friendlies]]
| {{team away|a}}
| [[2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies#May 30|0-6 L]]
| May 30, 2014
| May 30, 2014
| {{team away|a}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies|SC Friendlies 2014]]
| align=center|0-6 L
| {{team away|co}}
| [[2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies#June 1|0-0 D]]
| June 1, 2014
| June 1, 2014
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies|SC Friendlies 2014]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="6" |[[File:2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png|135px|link=2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2014 Autumn Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="4" |[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group C|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|trv}}
| [[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C#.2Ftrv.2F v .2Fg.2F|4-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Audiophiles {{goal|12}}<br>Teedus {{goal|45+||77|}}<br>TOX {{goal|56}}</small>
| October 17, 2014
| October 17, 2014
| {{team away|trv}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group C ABC 2014]]
| align=center|4-1 W
|<small>Audiophiles {{goal|12||}}<br>Teedus {{goal|45+||77}}<br>TOX {{goal|56||}}</small>
| {{team away|mlp}}
| [[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C#.2Fg.2F v .2Fmlp.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>Teedus {{goal|45+}}</small>
| October 19, 2014
| October 19, 2014
| {{team away|mlp}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group C ABC 2014]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|<small>Teedus {{goal|45+||}}</small>
| {{team away|hm}}
| [[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C#.2Fhm.2F v .2Fg.2F|2-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Waifu Desktop {{goal|21}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|36}}</small>
| October 25, 2014
| October 25, 2014
| {{team away|hm}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group C ABC 2014]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small>Waifu Desktop {{goal|21||}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|36||}}</small>
| {{team away|c}}
| [[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C#.2Fg.2F v .2Fc.2F|5-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>Teedus {{goal|37}}<br>Audiophiles {{goal|56||90+}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|59||65}}</small>
| October 31, 2014
| October 31, 2014
| {{team away|c}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group C ABC 2014]]
| align=center|5-0 W
|<small>Teedus {{goal|39||}}<br>Audiophiles {{goal|56||90+}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|59||65}}</small>
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="1" |[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|m}}
| [[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Fg.2F v .2Fm.2F|2-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|10||52}}</small>
| November 8, 2014
| November 8, 2014
| {{team away|m}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Round of 16 ABC 2014]]
| align=center|2-0 W
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|25||42}}</small>
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="1" |[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Quarter Finals|Quarter Finals]]
| {{team away|e}}
| [[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Fg.2F v .2Fe.2F|0-4 L]]
| November 9, 2014
| November 9, 2014
| {{team away|e}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Quarterfinals ABC 2014]]
| align=center|0-4 L<br>(a.e.t.)
|colspan="6" |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Due to post-cup drama, the match against {{team away|wsg}} in the [[2015 4chan Winter Cup]] has been voided.
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="3" |[[File:2015 4chan winter cup logo.png|135px|link=2015 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>[[2015 4chan Winter Cup|2015 Winter Cup]]
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="3" |[[2015 4chan Winter Cup#Group E|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|vg}}
| [[2015 4chan Winter Cup Group E#.2Fvg.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>Teedus {{goal|6}}</small>
| February 14, 2015
| February 14, 2015
| {{team away|vg}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Winter Cup|Group E WC 2015]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|<small>Teedus {{goal|6}}</small>
| {{team away|lit}}
| [[2015 4chan Winter Cup Group E#.2Fg.2F v .2Flit.2F|2-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|26||85||}}</small>
| February 20, 2015
| February 20, 2015
| {{team away|lit}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Winter Cup|Group E WC 2015]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|26||85}}</small>
| {{team away|wsg}}
| [[2015 4chan Winter Cup Group E#.2Fwsg.2F v .2Fg.2F|3-1 L]]
| align=left| <small>Teedus {{goal|3}}</small>
| February 22, 2015
| February 22, 2015
| {{team away|wsg}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Winter Cup|Group E WC 2015]]
| align=center|1-3 L
|<small>Teedus {{goal|3}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="5" |[[File:2015 Spring Cup Logo.png|135px|link=2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>[[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2015 Spring Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" |[[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group C|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|int}}
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C#.2Fg.2F v .2Fint.2F|4-2 W]]
| align=left| <small>Terrorist Watch {{goal|2}}<br>Ballmer {{goal|15||58}}<br>Beats by Dr. Dr {{goal|66}}</small>
| April 24, 2015
| April 24, 2015
| {{team away|int}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group C SBC 2015]]
| align=center|4-2 W
|<small>Terrorist Watch {{goal|2||}}<br>Ballmer {{goal|15||58||}}<br>Beats by Dr. Dre {{goal|66||}}
| {{team away|vr}}
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C#.2Fvr.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Steve Jobs {{goal|90+}}</small>
| April 26, 2015
| April 26, 2015
| {{team away|vr}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group C SBC 2015]]
| align=center|1-3 L
|<small>Steve Jobs {{goal|90+||}}
| May 2, 2015
| {{team away|w}}
| {{team away|w}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group C SBC 2015]]
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C#.2Fg.2F v .2Fw.2F|2-0 W]]
| align=center|2-0 W
| align=left| <small>Terrorist Watch {{goal|22||90+}}</small>
|<small>Terrorist Watch {{goal|22||90+||}}
| May 3, 2015
| {{team away|trv}}
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C#.2Ftrv.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Ballmer {{goal|23}}</small>
| May 9, 2015
| May 9, 2015
| {{team away|trv}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group C SBC 2015]]
| align=center|1-3 L
|<small>Ballmer {{goal|23||}}
| May 16, 2015
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" |[[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|mu}}
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Round of 16 SBC 2015]]
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Fmu.2F v .2Fg.2F|3-4 L]]
| align=center|3-4 L
| align=left| <small>Beats by Dr. Dr {{goal|10}}<br>Terrorist Watch {{goal|50}}<br>Steve Jobs {{goal|86}}</small>
|<small>Beats by Dr. Dr {{goal|10}}<br>Terrorist Watch {{goal|50}}<br>Steve Jobs {{goal|86}}
| May 27, 2017
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="7" |[[File:2015 Summer Cup Logo.png|135px|link=2015 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 Summer Cup]]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" |[[2015 4chan Summer Cup#Group G|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|f}}
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup Group G#.2Ff.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>Audiophiles {{goal|19}}</small>
| August 1, 2015
| August 1, 2015
| {{team away|f}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|Group G SC 2015]]
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small>Audiophiles {{goal|19|}}
| {{team away|x}}
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup Group G#.2Fx.2F v .2Fg.2F|4-2 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|20||40||55}}<br>No Time For Love {{goal|50}}</small>
| August 7, 2015
| August 7, 2015
| {{team away|x}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|Group G SC 2015]]
| align=center|4-2 W
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|20||40||55}}<br>No Time For Love {{goal|80}}
| {{team away|h}}
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup Group G#.2Fg.2F v .2Fh.2F|1-1 D]]
| align=left| <small>Audiophiles {{goal|40}}</small>
| August 9, 2015
| August 9, 2015
| {{team away|h}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|Group G SC 2015]]
| align=center|1-1 D
|<small>Audiophiles {{goal|40}}
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" |[[2015 4chan Summer Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|tg}}
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup knockout stage#.2Fg.2F v .2Ftg.2F|3-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Failed /g/ Project {{goal|4}}<br>Audiophiles {{goal|40}}<br>No Time For Love {{goal|56}}</small>
| August 15, 2015
| August 15, 2015
| {{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|Round of 16 SC 2015]]
| align=center|3-1 W
|<small>Failed /g/ Project {{goal|4}}<br>Audiophiles {{goal|40||}}<br>No Time For Love {{goal|56||}}
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" |[[2015 4chan Summer Cup#Quarter Finals|Quarter Finals]]
| {{team away|tv}}
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup knockout stage#.2Fg.2F v .2Ftv.2F|4-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|45+||52||89}}<br> No Time For Love {{goal|72}}</small>
| August 16, 2015
| August 16, 2015
| {{team away|tv}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|Quarterfinals SC 2015]]
| align=center|4-1 W
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|45+||52||89}}<br>No Time For Love {{goal|72}}
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" |[[2015 4chan Summer Cup#Semi Finals|Semi Finals]]
| {{team away|b}}
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup knockout stage#.2Fb.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>Audiophiles {{goal|7}}</small>
| August 16, 2015
| August 16, 2015
| {{team away|b}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|Semifinals SC 2015]]
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small>Audiophiles {{goal|7}}
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" |[[2015 4chan Summer Cup#Final|Final]]
| {{team away|mlp}}
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup knockout stage#Final|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>DPT {{goal|30}}</small>
| August 16, 2015
| August 16, 2015
| {{team away|mlp}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|Finals SC 2015]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|colspan="6" |
|<small>DPT {{goal|30}}
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| February 20, 2016
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="3" |[[File:WC16 Design A.png|135px|link=2016 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>[[2016 4chan Winter Cup|2016 Winter Cup]]
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="3" |[[2016 4chan Winter Cup#Group G|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|s4s}}
| {{team away|s4s}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Winter Cup|Group G WC 2015]]
| [[2016 4chan Winter Cup Group G#.2Fg.2F v .2Fs4s.2F|0-4 L]]
| align=center|0-4 L
| February 20, 2016
| {{team away|gd}}
| [[2016 4chan Winter Cup Group G#.2Fg.2F v .2Fgd.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>No Time For Love {{goal|31}}</small>
| February 26, 2016
| February 26, 2016
| {{team away|gd}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Winter Cup|Group G WC 2015]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|<small>No time For Love {{goal|31}}
| {{team away|r9k}}
| [[2016 4chan Winter Cup Group G#.2Fr9k.2F v .2Fg.2F|4-3 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|5||64||}}<br>No Time For Love {{goal|59||84}}</small>
| February 28, 2016
| February 28, 2016
| {{team away|r9k}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Winter Cup|Group G WC 2015]]
| align=center|4-3 W
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|5||64}}<br>No time For Love {{goal|59||84}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" |[[File:2016 Spring Cup Logo.png|135px|link=2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2016 Spring Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" |[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group G|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|biz}}
| [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group G#.2Fg.2F v .2Fbiz.2F|1-1 D]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|71}}</small>
| May 7, 2016
| May 7, 2016
| {{team away|biz}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group G SBC 2016]]
| align=center|1-1 D
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|71||}}
| {{team away|tg}}
| [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group G#.2Ftg.2F v .2Fg.2F|2-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Botnet {{goal|39}}<br>No Time For Love {{goal|62}}</small>
| May 13, 2016
| May 13, 2016
| {{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group G SBC 2016]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small>Botnet {{goal|39||}}<br>No Time For Love {{goal|62||}}
| {{team away|sci}}
| [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group G#.2Fg.2F v .2Fsci.2F|1-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|11}}</small>
| May 15, 2016
| May 15, 2016
| {{team away|sci}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Group G SBC 2016]]
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|11||}}
| style="background:#91F7A7" |[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|sp}}
| [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Fg.2F v .2Fsp.2F|1-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|7}}</small>
| May 21, 2016
| May 21, 2016
| {{team away|sp}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|Round of 16 SBC 2016]]
| align=center|1-3 L
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|7||}}
| October 29, 2016
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="3" |[[File:ABC16 Design A.png|135px|link=2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>[[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2016 Autumn Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="3" |[[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group D|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|tv}}
| {{team away|tv}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group G ABC 2016]]
| [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group G#.2Ftv.2F v .2Fg.2F|2-5 L]]
| align=center|2-5 L
| align=left| <small>No Time For Love {{goal|60}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|79}}</small>
|<small>No Time For Love {{goal|60}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|79}}
| October 28, 2016
| {{team away|t}}
| [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group G#.2Fg.2F v .2Ft.2F|3-3 D]]
| align=left| <small>No Time For Love {{goal|16||24}} <br> Install Gentoo {{goal|31}}</small>
| November 4, 2016
| November 4, 2016
| {{team away|t}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group G ABC 2016]]
| align=center|3-3 D
|<small>No Time For Love {{goal|16||24}} <br> Install Gentoo {{goal|31}}
| {{team away|mu}}
| [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group G#.2Fmu.2F v .2Fg.2F|2-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Botnet {{goal|43||48}}</small>
| November 6, 2016
| November 6, 2016
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center|[[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|Group G ABC 2016]]
| align=center|2-3 L
|colspan="6" |
|<small>Botnet {{goal|43||48}}
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="5" |[[File:SBC17 Design A.png|135px|link=2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2017 Spring Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" |[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group E|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|w}}
| [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E#.2Fw.2F v .2Fg.2F | 1-1 D]]
| align=left| <small>No Time For Love {{goal|8}}</small>
| May 13, 2017
| May 13, 2017
| {{team away|w}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|1-1 D
|<small>No Time For Love {{goal|8||}}
| {{team away|a}}
| [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E#.2Fg.2F v .2Fa.2F|2-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|90+1}}<br>No time For Love {{goal|67}}</small>
| May 19, 2017
| May 19, 2017
| {{team away|a}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|90+1||}}<br>No time For Love {{goal|67||}}
| May 21, 2016
| {{team away|out}}
| {{team away|out}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E#.2Fout.2F v .2Fg.2F|3-2 W]]
| align=center|2-3 W
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|21||51||75}}</small>
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|21|51|75}}
| May 21, 2017
| May 15, 2016
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" |[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|po}}
| {{team away|po}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Fg.2F v .2Fpo.2F|3-2 W]]
| align=center|3-2 W
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|10||52}}<br>Thinkpad {{goal|49}}</small>
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|10|52}}<br>Thinkpad {{goal|49||}}
| May 27, 2017
| May 21, 2016
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="1" |[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Quarter Finals|Quarter Finals]]
| {{team away|an}}
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center|[[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Fg.2F v .2Fan.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|43}}</small>
|<small>Install Gentoo {{goal|43||}}
| May 28, 2017
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="4" |[[File:SC17 Design A.png|135px|link=2017 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>[[2017 4chan Summer Cup|2017 Summer Cup]]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" |[[2017 4chan Summer Cup#Group H|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|gd}}
| [[2017 4chan Summer Cup Group H#.2Fgd.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>Thinkpad {{goal|42}}</small>
| July 29, 2017
| {{team away|co}}
| [[2017 4chan Summer Cup Group H#.2Fg.2F v .2Fco.2F|3-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|16||20||44}}</small>
| August 4, 2017
| {{team away|int}}
| [[2017 4chan Summer Cup Group H#.2Fint.2F v .2Fg.2F|4-4 D]]
| align=left| <small>SICP {{goal|47}}<br>No Time For Love {{goal|57||90+5}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|75}}</small>
| August 6, 2017
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="1" |[[2017 4chan Summer Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|toy}}
| [[2017 4chan Summer Cup knockout stage#.2Fg.2F v .2Ftoy.2F|2-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Programming Socks {{goal|28}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|65}}</small>
| August 12, 2017
|colspan="6" |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="3" |[[File:WC18 Design F2.png|135px|link=2018 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>[[2018 4chan Winter Cup|2018 Winter Cup]]
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="3" |[[2018 4chan Winter Cup#Group B|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|pol}}
| [[2018 4chan Winter Cup Group B#.2Fg.2F v .2Fpol.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|38}}</small>
| February 16, 2018
| {{team away|toy}}
| [[2018 4chan Winter Cup Group B#.2Ftoy.2F v .2Fg.2F|2-2 D]]
| align=left| <small>Something Happened {{goal|16}}<br>No Time For Love {{goal|75}}</small>
| February 18, 2018
| {{team away|sp}}
| [[2018 4chan Winter Cup Group B#.2Fg.2F v .2Fsp.2F|2-2 D]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|21}}<br>Thinkpad {{goal|69}}</small>
| February 24, 2018
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" |[[File:SBC18 Design G2.png|135px|link=2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>[[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2018 Spring Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="4" |[[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group E|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|po}}
| [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E#.2Fg.2F v .2Fpo.2F|4-3 W]]
| align=left| <small>Terry A. Davis {{goal|10}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|24||45+2}}<br>Thinkpad {{goal|52}}</small>
| May 5, 2018
| {{team away|o}}
| [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E#.2Fo.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-1 D]]
| align=left| <small>Botnet {{goal|23}}</small>
| May 12, 2018
| {{team away|bant}}
| [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E#.2Fg.2F v .2Fbant.2F|0-4 L]]
| May 18, 2018
| {{team away|ck}}
| [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E#.2Fck.2F v .2Fg.2F|2-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Programming Socks {{goal|15}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|83}}</small>
| May 20, 2018
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="5" |[[File:ABC18 Design A.png|135px|link=2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2018 Autumn Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="3" |[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group E|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|aco}}
| [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group E#.2Fg.2F v .2Faco.2F|0-0 D]]
| align=left| <small></small>
| October 27, 2018
| {{team away|toy}}
| [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group E#.2Ftoy.2F v .2Fg.2F|4-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>No Time For Love {{goal|48}}<br>Thinkpad {{goal|60}}<br>Botnet {{goal|63}}<br>Terry A. Davis {{goal|69}}</small>
| November 2, 2018
| {{team away|vp}}
| [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group E#.2Fg.2F v .2Fvp.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>No Time For Love {{goal|73}}</small>
| November 4, 2018
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="1" |[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|co}}
| [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Fco.2F v .2Fg.2F|2-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|8}}<br>Botnet {{goal|34}}</small>
| November 10, 2018
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="1" |[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Quarter Finals|Quarter Finals]]
| {{team away|w}}
| [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Fg.2F v .2Fw.2F|0-0 (4-5 PK) L]]
| align=left| <small></small>
| November 11, 2018
|colspan="6" |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="4" |[[File:WC19 Design E.png|135px|link=2019 4chan Winter Cup]]<br>[[2019 4chan Winter Cup|2019 Winter Cup]]
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="3" |[[2019 4chan Winter Cup#Group B|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|sci}}
| [[2019 4chan Winter Cup Group B#.2Fsci.2F v .2Fg.2F|8-6 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|13||34||86||90+3}}<br>No Time for Love {{goal|28||80}}<br>Programming Socks {{goal|60}}<br>Terry A. Davis {{goal|69}}</small>
| February 15, 2019
| {{team away|f}}
| [[2019 4chan Winter Cup Group B#.2Fg.2F v .2Ff.2F|5-3 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|55||74||90+0}}<br>Terry A. Davis {{goal|60||66}}</small>
| February 17, 2019
| {{team away|h}}
| [[2019 4chan Winter Cup Group B#.2Fh.2F v .2Fg.2F|2-2 D]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|3||49}}</small>
| February 23, 2019
| style="background:#C5ECF8" rowspan="1" |[[2019 4chan Winter Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|s4s}}
| [[2019 4chan Winter Cup knockout stage#.2Fg.2F v .2Fs4s.2F|4-5 L]]
| align=left| <small>Developers {{goal|34}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|54||90+3}}<br>Terry A. Davis {{goal|109}}</small>
| March 2, 2019
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" |[[File:Summer19 C.png|135px|link=2019 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>[[2019 4chan Summer Cup|2019 Summer Cup]]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" |[[2019 4chan Summer Cup#Group B|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|lit}}
| [[2019 4chan Summer Cup Group B#.2Fg.2F v .2Flit.2F|1-1 D]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|76}}</small>
| July 19, 2019
| {{team away|vg}}
| [[2019 4chan Summer Cup Group B#.2Fvg.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>Terry A. Davis {{goal|90}}</small>
| July 21, 2019
| {{team away|h}}
| [[2019 4chan Summer Cup Group B#.2Fg.2F v .2Fh.2F|1-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Terry A. Davis {{goal|87}}</small>
| July 27, 2019
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="3" |[[File:ABC19 Design E.png|135px|link=2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2018 Autumn Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="3" |[[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group F|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|fa}}
| [[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group F#.2Fg.2F v .2Ffa.2F|0-1 L]]
| October 26, 2019
| {{team away|jp}}
| [[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group G#.2Fjp.2F v .2Fg.2F|2-5 L]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|47||90+1}}</small>
| November 1, 2019
| {{team away|a}}
| [[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group G#.2Fg.2F v .2Fa.2F|4-2 W]]
| align=left| <small>Botnet {{goal|7}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|38||49}}<br>Terry A. Davis {{goal|74}}</small>
| November 3, 2019
|colspan="6" |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="5" |[[File:SBC20 Design A.png|135px|link=2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2020 Spring Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#91F7A7" rowspan="3" |[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group G|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|wsg}}
| [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group G#.2Fwsg.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|90+3}}</small>
| April 25, 2020
| {{team away|p}}
| [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group G#.2Fg.2F v .2Fp.2F|3-0 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|33||71}}<br>No Time for Love {{goal|68}}</small>
| May 1, 2020
| {{team away|co}}
| [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group G#.2Fco.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-1 D]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|76}}</small>
| May 3, 2020
| style="background:#91F7A7" |[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|w}}
| [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Fw.2F v .2Fg.2F|4-3 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|8||31||50}}<br>Green Is My Pepper {{goal|114}}</small>
| May 9, 2020
| style="background:#91F7A7" |[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Quarter Finals|Quarter Finals]]
| {{team away|d}}
| [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup knockout stage#.2Fd.2F v .2Fg.2F|1-3 L]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|4}}</small>
| May 10, 2020
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" |[[File:SC20 Design E2.png|135px|link=2020 4chan Summer Cup]]<br>[[2020 4chan Summer Cup|2020 4chan Summer Cup]]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="3" |[[2020 4chan Summer Cup#Group A|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|pol}}
| [[2020 4chan Summer Cup Group A#.2Fpol.2F v .2Fg.2F|0-2 L]]
| July 17, 2020
| {{team away|adv}}
| [[2020 4chan Summer Cup Group A#.2Fg.2F v .2Fadv.2F|2-4 L]]
| align=left| <small>Terry A. Davis {{goal|23}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|64}}</small>
| July 19, 2020
| {{team away|c}}
| [[2020 4chan Summer Cup Group A#.2Fc.2F v .2Fg.2F|0-2 L]]
| July 25, 2020
|colspan="6" |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="6" |[[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|135px|link=2021 4chan World Cup]]<br>[[2021 4chan World Cup|2021 World Cup]]
| style="background:#FFFAD4" rowspan="4" |[[2021 4chan World Cup#Group G|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|a}}
| [[2021 4chan World Cup Group G#.2Fa.2F v .2Fg.2F|4-3 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|15||43||75}}<br>Botnet {{goal|83}}</small>
| July 10, 2021
| {{team away|pol}}
| [[2021 4chan World Cup Group G#.2Fg.2F v .2Fpol.2F|2-2 D]]
| align=left| <small>Green Is My Pepper {{goal|28}}<br>Install Gentoo {{goal|58}}</small>
| July 18, 2021
| {{team away|b}}
| [[2021 4chan World Cup Group G#.2Fb.2F v .2Fg.2F|4-4 D]]
| align=left| <small>Terry A. Davis {{goal|15||45+1||60}}<br>iTODDLERS BTFO {{goal|28}}</small>
| July 30, 2021
| style="background:#FFFAD4" |[[2021 4chan World Cup#Round of 32|Round of 32]]
| {{team away|d}}
| [[2021 4chan World Cup Knockout Stage#.2Fd.2F_v_.2Fg.2F|4-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Install Gentoo {{goal|4||21||38}}<br>Terry A. Davis {{goal|73}}</small>
| August 8, 2021
| style="background:#FFFAD4" |[[2021 4chan World Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16]]
| {{team away|sp}}
| [[2021 4chan World Cup Knockout Stage#.2Fg.2F_v_.2Fsp.2F|1-2 L]]
| align=left| <small>Terry A. Davis {{goal|39}}</small>
| August 14, 2021
<div class="mw-collapsible">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align: center"
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=19%| Competition
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=16%| Round
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=10%| Opponent
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=8%| Result
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=29%| Scorers
!style="color:#BBBAFF; background:#1B1B1B; font-size:90%;" width=22%| Date
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="3" |[[File:ABC24_Design_B.png|135px|link=2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]<br>[[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| style="background:#EFCE80" rowspan="3" |[[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group F|Group Stage]]
| {{team away|x}}
| [[2024_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Group_F|0-3 L]]
| November 2, 2024
| {{team away|vmg}}
| [[2024_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Group_F|0-0 D]]
| November 8, 2024
| {{team away|vrpg}}
| [[2024_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Group_F|2-1 W]]
| align=left| <small>Terry A. Davis {{goal|7||42}}</small>
| November 10, 2024


== Honors ==
== Honors ==
=== Team ===
File:2015_Summer_Cup_Logo.png|link=2015 4chan Summer Cup|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 Summer Cup]]<br>'''Runner-up'''
File:2015_Summer_Cup_Logo.png|link=2015 4chan Summer Cup|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 Summer Cup]]<br>'''Most improved team'''
File:2015_Summer_Cup_Logo.png|link=2015 4chan Summer Cup|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 Summer Cup]]<br>'''Underdog/surprise of the tournament'''
File:2015_Summer_Cup_Logo.png|link=2015 4chan Summer Cup|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 Summer Cup]]<br>'''Biggest upset'''
File:2015_Summer_Cup_Logo.png|link=2015 4chan Summer Cup|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 Summer Cup]]<br>'''Biggest spaghetti moment'''<br>Stallman heading the ball into his own net to lose the final
File:SBC20 Design A.png|link=2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]<br>'''Biggest spaghetti moment'''<br>Louis Rossman scoring a 90+ own goal against /w/
=== Individual ===
File:2015_Summer_Cup_Logo.png|2015 Summer Cup Runner-up
File:2015_Summer_Cup_Logo.png|link=2015 4chan Summer Cup|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 Summer Cup]]<br>'''Player of the tournament'''<br>Richard Stallman
File:2015_Summer_Cup_Logo.png|link=2015 4chan Summer Cup|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 Summer Cup]]<br>'''Golden Glove'''<br>Richard Stallman
File:2015_Summer_Cup_Logo.png|link=2015 4chan Summer Cup|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 Summer Cup]]<br>'''{{tt|Golden Ball|Shared with /b/'s Giga Puddi and /mlp/'s Best Pony}}'''<br>Install Gentoo
File:SC17 Design A.png|link=2017 4chan Summer Cup|[[2017 4chan Summer Cup|2017 Summer Cup]]<br>'''Goal of the tournament'''<br>Install Gentoo's bicycle kick against /toy/
File:SC17 Design A.png|link=2017 4chan Summer Cup|[[2017 4chan Summer Cup|2017 Summer Cup]]<br>'''{{tt|Golden Ball|Shared with /toy/'s Optimus Prime}}'''<br>No Time For Love

== {{tt|Fan Content|Implying Fans}} ==
== Gallery and Fan Content ==
*'''[[2019 4chan Winter Cup]] Medals Photo'''
[[File:G WC19 Medals.png|550px]]
*'''The gold wonder striker'''
*'''[[2017 4chan Summer Cup]] Team Photo'''
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbVx_qDFZ7Y '''Gentoo In Time'''] - A mashup of /vr/'s and /g/'s goalhorns
== Trivia ==
* '''Install Gentoo''' currently holds the record for most career hat tricks '''(9)'''. (As of [[2021 4chan World Cup#Records|World Cup 2021]])
* '''Install Gentoo''' in [[2019 4chan Winter Cup#Group B|Winter 19]] tied the record for most goals scored in the group stage with '''9'''.
* {{team away|g}} vs {{team away|an}} in [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Quarter Finals|Spring 17]] tied the record of most red cards with '''2'''.
* {{team away|g}} vs {{team away|mu}} in [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Round of 16|Spring 15]] has the record of most shots by both teams.
* {{team away|g}} is the first team to spoon a modern Elite Cup.

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbVx_qDFZ7Y Gentoo In Time] - A mashup of /vr/'s and /g/'s goalhorns.
== Contact ==


{{Navbox Teams}}
{{Navbox Teams}}

[[Category:Official teams|g]]
[[Category:Official teams|g]]
[[Category:Original Sixteen|g]]

Latest revision as of 00:38, 21 December 2024

Non vestri personalis auxilium bigas
G logo.png
/g/ - Technology
Founded August 2011
IRL manager bluecollar !!Phf1UfTn0PI
Team colors
Chat color BBBAFF
Ranking 56 (increase 1)
Highest rank 2nd (August, 2015)
Lowest rank 60 (22 May 2022)
Top scorer Install Gentoo (74)
Top assister No Time For Love (30)
Captain Install Gentoo
Website /g/ - Technology
Nickname The /g/entoomen
Home ground The GNU/Lag
Historic performance
39 22 52 113 34.51%
201 232 -31
Biggest win
/g/ G icon.png 5–0 C icon.png /c/
October 31, 2014
Biggest defeat
/3/ 3 icon.png 7–1 G icon.png /g/
April 28, 2012
First match
/int/ Int icon.png 1–0 G icon.png /g/
August 6, 2011
Elite Cup
Appearances 13 (First in SC 2011)
Best result 2nd, SC 2015
Babby Cup
Appearances 13 (First in ABC 2012)
Best result 5th, ABC 2018
Team music
Anthem GNU/Stallman Quest
Knockout Stage Anthem Stallman Sings the Free Software Song
Victory Anthem Risen (Remix)
Promotion Victory Anthem Dreamscape
Legacy Victory Anthem Duvet (Serial Experiments Lain OP) Dead link

Goal horn Gee
Install Gentoo Goalhorn A piece of magicmix
Install Gentoo Special Goalhorn INSTALL GENTOO
No Time For Love Goalhorn Fasten your Teedus (GNU/Rida Extended Edit)
Terry A. Davis Goalhorn Terry Sings Paranoid by Black Sabbath
DEVELOPERS Goalhorn Steve Ballmer Developers Music Video
Sir Nagoor Babu Goalhorn Mundian To Bach Ke
Home kit G home kit 2019 winter cup.png
Away kit G away kit 2019 winter cup.png
Goalkeeper kit G goalkeeper kit 2017 summer cup.png
Third kit Gthird-2018abc.png
Fourth kit Gfourth-2018abc.png
Fifth kit Gfifth-2018abc.png
Sixth kit Gsixth-2018abc.png
Seventh kit Gseventh-2018abc.png
Eighth kit Gninth-2018abc.png
Ninth kit Geighth-2018abc.png

Being one of the sixteen starters of the 4chan Cup, /g/'s trajectory has been one of mediocrity. Their performance in the 2015 4chan Summer Cup was better than their past Elite Cup performances, seeing the team advance to a final they would eventually lose. Afterwards, /g/ had the same bad luck they'd historically had in their next Elite Cups, down to not even competing in one they promoted to, their misery only temporarily halted by the 2017 4chan Summer Cup and 2019 4chan Winter Cup.


No. Position Player
iToddlers BTFO
i use arch btw
Something Happened
No Time For Love
Terry A. Davis
Install Gentoo Captain
No. Position Player
>A fucking cheese grater
Give It Back Jamal
Louis Rossmann
Mommy Lisa
Mr. Sir Nagoor Babu
Green Is My Pepper
CS Grad

Team History

Tournament History

Competition Win Draw Loss Final Placement Tier Status Notes
4cc Trophy-Logo.png 2011 4chan Summer Cup 2 0 2 Losers' Round 3 steady Stayed Elite Double elimination bracket
2012 Winter Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Winter Cup 1 0 2 Losers' Round 2 steady Stayed Elite Double elimination bracket
2012 Summer Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Summer Cup 0 1 2 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby Relegated with Wooden Spoon; Lost Elite Status
2012 Autumn Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 0 2 Group Stage steady Stayed Babby
2013 Spring Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 0 2 Group Stage increase Promoted to Elite Promoted to Elite due Dragongate
2013 Summer Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Summer Cup 0 0 3 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby
2013 Autumn Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 1 1 Round of 16 increase Promoted to Elite
2014 Winter Cup logo.png 2014 4chan Winter Cup 1 0 2 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby
2014 Spring Cup logo.png 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 2 1 Group Stage steady Stayed Babby
2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4 0 2 Quarter Final increase Promoted to Elite 4-20 sliders are a quick and reliable tactic for comebacks
2015 4chan winter cup logo.png 2015 4chan Winter Cup 1 0 2 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby
2015 Spring Cup Logo.png 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2 0 3 Round of 16 increase Promoted to Elite
2015 Summer Cup Logo.png 2015 4chan Summer Cup 5 1 1 2nd place steady Stayed Elite thanks >stallman for fucking up in the final
WC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Winter Cup 1 0 2 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby >medal defenders
2016 Spring Cup Logo.png 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2 1 1 Round of 16 increase Promoted to Elite
Summer16 H ALT 2.png 2016 4chan Summer Cup 0 0 0 Disqualified decrease Relegated to Babby Disqualified due to having no Manager
ABC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0 1 2 Group Stage steady Stayed Babby At least we didn't get relegated into the fetus
SBC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3 1 1 Quarter Final increase Promoted to Elite >two reds in a quarter final
SC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Summer Cup 2 1 1 Round of 16 steady Stayed Elite thanks >pajeet for fucking up the corner
WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup 0 2 1 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby >letting /toy/ go over you
SBC18 Design G2.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2 1 1 Group Stage steady Stayed Babby >letting /bant/ go over you
ABC18 Design A.png 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2 1 2 Quarter Final increase Promoted to Elite >dying on benadies while scoring nothing in full time
WC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Winter Cup 2 1 1 Round of 16 steady Stayed Elite It's PES16 what are you gonna do?
Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup 0 1 2 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby
ABC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 0 2 Group Stage steady Stayed Babby
SBC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2 1 2 Quarter Final increase Promoted to Elite
SC20 Design E2.png 2020 4chan Summer Cup 0 0 3 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby a-autopilot bros...
WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup 2 2 1 Round of 16 steady World Cup
ABC24 Design B.png 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 1 1 Group Stage steady Stayed Babby >LB-CB-RB backline >dodged quals anyway
Cup performances 40 19 48
Official Friendlies 1 4 9
Total 41 23 57

Match History


Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
4cc Trophy-Logo.png
2011 Summer Cup
First Round Int icon.png /int/ 0-1 L August 6, 2011
Losers' Round 1 S icon.png /s/ 2-1 W ? Goal ?'
? Goal ?'
August 6, 2011
Losers' Round 2 Tv icon.png /tv/ 3-0 W ? Goal ?'
? Goal ?'
? Goal ?'
August 7, 2011
Losers' Round 3 A icon.png /a/ 1-2 L Firefox Goal ?' August 8, 2011


As a consequence of the Dragongate controversy, a number of results have been vacated or altered. Those matches marked in gray have been voided, regardless of the original result.

Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
2012 Winter Cup logo.png
2012 Winter Cup
First Round Tv icon.png /tv/ 3-0 W No Drivers Goal 6'65'69' January 5, 2012
Quarter Finals Ck icon.png /ck/ 0-1 L January 6, 2012
Losers' Round 2 Co icon.png /co/ 2-3 L No Drivers Goal 21'
Sennheiser Goal 81'
January 7, 2012
2012 Spring Cup logo.png
2012 Spring Babby Cup
Friendlies Gif icon.png /gif/ 1-4 L Bloat Goal 45+2' March 4, 2012
2012 Summer Cup logo.png
2012 Summer Cup
Friendlies Sci icon.png /sci/ 3-7 L Bloat Goal 22'89'
No Drivers Goal 45+1'
April 21, 2012
3 icon.png /3/ 1-7 L No Drivers Goal 30' April 28, 2012
Wg icon.png /wg/ 2-3 L Woodscrews Goal 11'
No Drivers Goal 37'
May 26, 2012
Group Stage A icon.png /a/ 1-1 D No Drivers Goal 45+1' July 12, 2012
Pol icon.png /pol/ 1-2 L randytaylor69 Goal 90+2' July 14, 2012
M icon.png /m/ 0-5 L July 15, 2012
2012 Autumn Cup logo.png
2012 Autumn Babby Cup
Friendlies Mu icon.png /mu/ 2-3 L No Drivers Goal 38'53' September 9, 2012
Adv icon.png /adv/ 3-1 W No Drivers Goal 12'30'51' September 15, 2012
K icon.png /k/ 1-1 D Woodscrews Goal 7'
September 23, 2012
Group Stage H icon.png /h/ 3-5 W No Drivers Goal 14'67'
Woodscrews Goal 22'
October 12, 2014
V icon.png /v/ 0-2 L October 14, 2014
Ic icon.png /ic/ 6-0 W Woodscrews Goal 4'59'
No Drivers Goal 42'46'52'53'
October 20, 2012
2013 Winter Cup logo.png
2013 Winter Cup
Friendlies An icon.png /an/ 1-2 L P-P-P-POWERBOOK Goal 84' December 22, 2012


As a consequence of the Dragongate controversy, a number of results have been vacated or altered. Those matches marked in gray have been voided, regardless of the original result.

Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
2013 Spring Cup logo.png
2013 Spring Babby Cup
Friendlies 3 icon.png /3/ 1-2 L No Drivers Goal 90+2' April 5, 2013
Po icon.png /po/ 1-1 D No Drivers Goal 39' April 7, 2013
Group Stage X icon.png /x/ 2-1 W RandyTaylor69 Goal 27'81' May 3, 2013
Diy icon.png /diy/ 1-2 L RandyTaylor69 Goal 43' May 5, 2013
3 icon.png /3/ 0-3 L May 11, 2013
2013 Summer Cup logo.png
2013 Summer Cup
Group Stage M icon.png /m/ 0-1 L August 17, 2013
Jp icon.png /jp/ 1-2 L Install Gentoo Goal 51' August 23, 2013
Sp icon.png /sp/ 0-2 L August 25, 2013
2013 Autumn Cup logo.png
2013 Autumn Babby Cup
Friendlies R9k icon.png /r9k/ 0-1 L September 28, 2013
U icon.png /u/ 2-2 D Developers Goal 32'
Install Gentoo Goal 44'
October 5, 2013
Group Stage D icon.png /d/ 1-1 D Install Gentoo Goal 55' November 15, 2013
N icon.png /n/ 2-1 W Tidus Goal 32'41' November 17, 2013
An icon.png /an/ 0-3 L November 23, 2013
Round of 16 F icon.png /f/ 0-2 L November 30, 2013


Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
2014 Winter Cup logo.png
2014 Winter Cup
Group Stage F icon.png /f/ 1-2 L Tidus Goal 79' February 14, 2014
Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ 1-0 W Install Gentoo Goal 20' February 16, 2014
Sp icon.png /sp/ 1-3 L Tidus Goal 21' February 22, 2014
2014 Spring Cup logo.png
2014 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage 3 icon.png /3/ 4-2 W Dead Waifu Age Goal 4'69'
Moto /g/ Goal 43'
Teedus Goal 63'
April 5, 2014
R9k icon.png /r9k/ 0-0 D April 11, 2014
Gd icon.png /gd/ 1-3 L Dead Waifu Age Goal 4' April 12, 2014
Ic icon.png /ic/ 1-1 D Dead Waifu Age Goal 52' April 20, 2014
2014 Summer Cup
Friendlies A icon.png /a/ 0-6 L May 30, 2014
Co icon.png /co/ 0-0 D June 1, 2014
2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png
2014 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Trv icon.png /trv/ 4-1 W Audiophiles Goal 12'
Teedus Goal 45+'77'
TOX Goal 56'
October 17, 2014
Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 1-2 L Teedus Goal 45+' October 19, 2014
Hm icon.png /hm/ 2-1 W Waifu Desktop Goal 21'
Install Gentoo Goal 36'
October 25, 2014
C icon.png /c/ 5-0 W Teedus Goal 37'
Audiophiles Goal 56'90+'
Install Gentoo Goal 59'65'
October 31, 2014
Round of 16 M icon.png /m/ 2-0 W Install Gentoo Goal 10'52' November 8, 2014
Quarter Finals E icon.png /e/ 0-4 L November 9, 2014


Due to post-cup drama, the match against Wsg icon.png /wsg/ in the 2015 4chan Winter Cup has been voided.

Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
2015 4chan winter cup logo.png
2015 Winter Cup
Group Stage Vg icon.png /vg/ 1-2 L Teedus Goal 6' February 14, 2015
Lit icon.png /lit/ 2-1 W Install Gentoo Goal 26'85' February 20, 2015
Wsg icon.png /wsg/ 3-1 L Teedus Goal 3' February 22, 2015
2015 Spring Cup Logo.png
2015 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage Int icon.png /int/ 4-2 W Terrorist Watch Goal 2'
Ballmer Goal 15'58'
Beats by Dr. Dr Goal 66'
April 24, 2015
Vr icon.png /vr/ 1-3 L Steve Jobs Goal 90+' April 26, 2015
W icon.png /w/ 2-0 W Terrorist Watch Goal 22'90+' May 3, 2015
Trv icon.png /trv/ 1-3 L Ballmer Goal 23' May 9, 2015
Round of 16 Mu icon.png /mu/ 3-4 L Beats by Dr. Dr Goal 10'
Terrorist Watch Goal 50'
Steve Jobs Goal 86'
May 27, 2017
2015 Summer Cup Logo.png
2015 Summer Cup
Group Stage F icon.png /f/ 1-0 W Audiophiles Goal 19' August 1, 2015
X icon.png /x/ 4-2 W Install Gentoo Goal 20'40'55'
No Time For Love Goal 50'
August 7, 2015
H icon.png /h/ 1-1 D Audiophiles Goal 40' August 9, 2015
Round of 16 Tg icon.png /tg/ 3-1 W Failed /g/ Project Goal 4'
Audiophiles Goal 40'
No Time For Love Goal 56'
August 15, 2015
Quarter Finals Tv icon.png /tv/ 4-1 W Install Gentoo Goal 45+'52'89'
No Time For Love Goal 72'
August 16, 2015
Semi Finals B icon.png /b/ 1-0 W Audiophiles Goal 7' August 16, 2015
Final Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 1-2 L DPT Goal 30' August 16, 2015


Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
WC16 Design A.png
2016 Winter Cup
Group Stage S4s icon.png /s4s/ 0-4 L February 20, 2016
Gd icon.png /gd/ 1-2 L No Time For Love Goal 31' February 26, 2016
R9k icon.png /r9k/ 4-3 W Install Gentoo Goal 5'64'
No Time For Love Goal 59'84'
February 28, 2016
2016 Spring Cup Logo.png
2016 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage Biz icon.png /biz/ 1-1 D Install Gentoo Goal 71' May 7, 2016
Tg icon.png /tg/ 2-1 W Botnet Goal 39'
No Time For Love Goal 62'
May 13, 2016
Sci icon.png /sci/ 1-0 W Install Gentoo Goal 11' May 15, 2016
Round of 16 Sp icon.png /sp/ 1-3 L Install Gentoo Goal 7' May 21, 2016
ABC16 Design A.png
2016 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Tv icon.png /tv/ 2-5 L No Time For Love Goal 60'
Install Gentoo Goal 79'
October 28, 2016
T icon.png /t/ 3-3 D No Time For Love Goal 16'24'
Install Gentoo Goal 31'
November 4, 2016
Mu icon.png /mu/ 2-3 L Botnet Goal 43'48' November 6, 2016


Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
SBC17 Design A.png
2017 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage W icon.png /w/ 1-1 D No Time For Love Goal 8' May 13, 2017
A icon.png /a/ 2-1 W Install Gentoo Goal 90+1'
No time For Love Goal 67'
May 19, 2017
Out icon.png /out/ 3-2 W Install Gentoo Goal 21'51'75' May 21, 2017
Round of 16 Po icon.png /po/ 3-2 W Install Gentoo Goal 10'52'
Thinkpad Goal 49'
May 27, 2017
Quarter Finals An icon.png /an/ 1-2 L Install Gentoo Goal 43' May 28, 2017
SC17 Design A.png
2017 Summer Cup
Group Stage Gd icon.png /gd/ 1-0 W Thinkpad Goal 42' July 29, 2017
Co icon.png /co/ 3-0 W Install Gentoo Goal 16'20'44' August 4, 2017
Int icon.png /int/ 4-4 D SICP Goal 47'
No Time For Love Goal 57'90+5'
Install Gentoo Goal 75'
August 6, 2017
Round of 16 Toy icon.png /toy/ 2-3 L Programming Socks Goal 28'
Install Gentoo Goal 65'
August 12, 2017


Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
WC18 Design F2.png
2018 Winter Cup
Group Stage Pol icon.png /pol/ 1-2 L Install Gentoo Goal 38' February 16, 2018
Toy icon.png /toy/ 2-2 D Something Happened Goal 16'
No Time For Love Goal 75'
February 18, 2018
Sp icon.png /sp/ 2-2 D Install Gentoo Goal 21'
Thinkpad Goal 69'
February 24, 2018
SBC18 Design G2.png
2018 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage Po icon.png /po/ 4-3 W Terry A. Davis Goal 10'
Install Gentoo Goal 24'45+2'
Thinkpad Goal 52'
May 5, 2018
O icon.png /o/ 1-1 D Botnet Goal 23' May 12, 2018
Bant icon.png /bant/ 0-4 L May 18, 2018
Ck icon.png /ck/ 2-1 W Programming Socks Goal 15'
Install Gentoo Goal 83'
May 20, 2018
ABC18 Design A.png
2018 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Aco icon.png /aco/ 0-0 D October 27, 2018
Toy icon.png /toy/ 4-1 W No Time For Love Goal 48'
Thinkpad Goal 60'
Botnet Goal 63'
Terry A. Davis Goal 69'
November 2, 2018
Vp icon.png /vp/ 1-2 L No Time For Love Goal 73' November 4, 2018
Round of 16 Co icon.png /co/ 2-1 W Install Gentoo Goal 8'
Botnet Goal 34'
November 10, 2018
Quarter Finals W icon.png /w/ 0-0 (4-5 PK) L November 11, 2018


Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
WC19 Design E.png
2019 Winter Cup
Group Stage Sci icon.png /sci/ 8-6 W Install Gentoo Goal 13'34'86'90+3'
No Time for Love Goal 28'80'
Programming Socks Goal 60'
Terry A. Davis Goal 69'
February 15, 2019
F icon.png /f/ 5-3 W Install Gentoo Goal 55'74'90+0'
Terry A. Davis Goal 60'66'
February 17, 2019
H icon.png /h/ 2-2 D Install Gentoo Goal 3'49' February 23, 2019
Round of 16 S4s icon.png /s4s/ 4-5 L Developers Goal 34'
Install Gentoo Goal 54'90+3'
Terry A. Davis Goal 109'
March 2, 2019
Summer19 C.png
2019 Summer Cup
Group Stage Lit icon.png /lit/ 1-1 D Install Gentoo Goal 76' July 19, 2019
Vg icon.png /vg/ 1-2 L Terry A. Davis Goal 90' July 21, 2019
H icon.png /h/ 1-3 L Terry A. Davis Goal 87' July 27, 2019
ABC19 Design E.png
2018 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Fa icon.png /fa/ 0-1 L October 26, 2019
Jp icon.png /jp/ 2-5 L Install Gentoo Goal 47'90+1' November 1, 2019
A icon.png /a/ 4-2 W Botnet Goal 7'
Install Gentoo Goal 38'49'
Terry A. Davis Goal 74'
November 3, 2019


Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
SBC20 Design A.png
2020 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage Wsg icon.png /wsg/ 1-3 L Install Gentoo Goal 90+3' April 25, 2020
P icon.png /p/ 3-0 W Install Gentoo Goal 33'71'
No Time for Love Goal 68'
May 1, 2020
Co icon.png /co/ 1-1 D Install Gentoo Goal 76' May 3, 2020
Round of 16 W icon.png /w/ 4-3 W Install Gentoo Goal 8'31'50'
Green Is My Pepper Goal 114'
May 9, 2020
Quarter Finals D icon.png /d/ 1-3 L Install Gentoo Goal 4' May 10, 2020
SC20 Design E2.png
2020 4chan Summer Cup
Group Stage Pol icon.png /pol/ 0-2 L July 17, 2020
Adv icon.png /adv/ 2-4 L Terry A. Davis Goal 23'
Install Gentoo Goal 64'
July 19, 2020
C icon.png /c/ 0-2 L July 25, 2020


Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
WoC21 Design E.png
2021 World Cup
Group Stage
A icon.png /a/ 4-3 W Install Gentoo Goal 15'43'75'
Botnet Goal 83'
July 10, 2021
Pol icon.png /pol/ 2-2 D Green Is My Pepper Goal 28'
Install Gentoo Goal 58'
July 18, 2021
B icon.png /b/ 4-4 D Terry A. Davis Goal 15'45+1'60'
July 30, 2021
Round of 32 D icon.png /d/ 4-1 W Install Gentoo Goal 4'21'38'
Terry A. Davis Goal 73'
August 8, 2021
Round of 16 Sp icon.png /sp/ 1-2 L Terry A. Davis Goal 39' August 14, 2021


Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
ABC24 Design B.png
2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage X icon.png /x/ 0-3 L November 2, 2024
Vmg icon.png /vmg/ 0-0 D November 8, 2024
Vrpg icon.png /vrpg/ 2-1 W Terry A. Davis Goal 7'42' November 10, 2024




Gallery and Fan Content

G WC19 Medals.png

  • The gold wonder striker




  • Install Gentoo currently holds the record for most career hat tricks (9). (As of World Cup 2021)
  • Install Gentoo in Winter 19 tied the record for most goals scored in the group stage with 9.
  • G icon.png /g/ vs An icon.png /an/ in Spring 17 tied the record of most red cards with 2.
  • G icon.png /g/ vs Mu icon.png /mu/ in Spring 15 has the record of most shots by both teams.
  • G icon.png /g/ is the first team to spoon a modern Elite Cup.
