Difference between revisions of "User:Lear/Export Trading Post"

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If you're using this system, place an export here, put it above the big line of BRs.<br>
continue to notice that this is FLAT height, no bonus cms sto sprinkle around.<br>
thanks, Boris<br><br>
*{{team away|wtg}} [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368142510293254144/393036190355423232/TEXPORT00000012 red, use only p2 and only the manlet wingers] [[User:MarcoZ|MarcoZ]] ([[User talk:MarcoZ|talk]]) 13:46, 20 December 2017 (UTC) <br>
*{{team away|c}} [https://puu.sh/yL6zP/4df1914279 Green heights used and changed sliders to hopefully work better with the Green system] [https://pastebin.com/Bg6334a2 little pastebin] [[User:MagicalCoat|MagicalCoat]] ([[User talk:MagicalCoat|talk]]) 14:12, 20 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|ddg}} [https://puu.sh/yKppB/b599f67d60 red 5-3-2 Just adjust corner takers inverted to the fullbacks, RB to left, LB to right if you have to do subs.] [[User:Myuer|Myuer]] ([[User talk:Myuer|talk]]) 14:24, 20 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|pol}} [https://mega.nz/#!yFt3BC7J!AYWIus0QfvMHaTqohH8jKxUODNhAoe-Ie5VDcXKDc1A Autumn 4-3-1-2 GREEN] [https://mega.nz/#!fRFmzBwZ!b52Me0H1vMrKyHVDOZtUE6UG3VaycDlCEXXXympmoA8 GREEN second version, less defensive (and less dumb)] [[User:Canes|Canes]] ([[User talk:Canes|talk]]) 14:55, 20 December 2017 (UTC) <br>
*{{team away|rw}} [https://mega.nz/#!HpkDXKpD!566r1NshKIKKe5E5a63_LxYy-x3YLbEfQero-p11MFk Fixed Green heights (good hit is now a silver lel)] [https://pastebin.com/iFRP9wqZ Instructions][[User:Megabeastage|Megabeastage]] ([[User talk:Megabeastage|talk]]) 15:04, 20 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|civ4xg}} [https://mega.nz/#!L9dTGARa!uu73cZIUBOnTnlGzw6C-0r1h3sHqVE8lB7FPyUZFR5c Red heights] [https://pastebin.com/20BPgMXF Autistic instructions][[User:Megabeastage|Megabeastage]] ([[User talk:Megabeastage|talk]]) 15:04, 20 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|x}} [https://mega.nz/#!dzwyBJ4I!0saJY3PI9CO0zrA2D_0oC4mW4u08yi-bKyRTArqCgEo Autumn 5-2-1-2 Fluid GREEN.] [[User:XEon8x|XEon8x]] ([[User talk:XEon8x|talk]]) 15:22, 20 December 2017 (UTC) <br>
*{{team away|sog}} [https://mega.nz/#!BQsVkD6I!LRxZkndP-TREMVzO6BvFsxIoeZG2G_c-odzO0LOedV8 green 334/532 fluid memes] [https://mega.nz/#!AdlgRT7R!TmOU-rlkfMzTia6XkkvZFToNlQYJBb4dWDWse8OS2E0 aesthics] (keep the starting keeper, make sure corners on wingmids and central CB to join attack)<br>
*{{team away|hanny}} FIXED [https://mega.nz/#!jEMGyRCD!uzO1j1i2mD_8vkw7kKlWPnwMAuvmaDNO8MXiUNEnpac Red with manlet keepers] Probably called /hsg/ on your PES. Use p1. Make sure left FB is taking right corners and right FB is taking left corners. If doing subs sub the CMF and FBs at the 65th [[User:Rance|rhs]] ([[User talk:Rance|talk]]) 15:34, 20 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|gd}} [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368142510293254144/393089366353903617/TEXPORT00000003 Green Rules GD (preset 1)] [[User:Incoming|Incoming]] ([[User talk:Incoming|talk]]) 17:18, 20 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|agdg}} [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368142510293254144/393201352458895380/TEXPORT00000006 Red Rules AGDG (always start godot in the net, +1 mentality the whole time)] [[User:Incoming|Incoming]] ([[User talk:Incoming|talk]]) 00:43, 21 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|lgbt}} [https://mega.nz/#!sqoykDKL!VWdFN1IgaSQZyJT8JtKW8uE-ofIpks3be9KcIJEpHHM Green height Summer /lgbt/ conversion. Keep The Closet as keeper no matter what and make the opposite side DMFs take the corners.] [[User:KinseyTypeF|KinseyTypeF]] ([[User talk:KinseyTypeF|talk]]) 11:25, 21 December 2017 (UTC)
*{{team away|}} (Invitational 7) [http://puu.sh/yKoSh/6eba53ff25 RED fluid] [http://puu.sh/yL85T/2b8a5aa024 Meme RED, run it on +2 the whole time] [https://youtu.be/SKLd2Ht36n0 Updated Goalhorn] [[User:Ravenire|ravenire]] ([[User talk:Ravenire|talk]]) 15:45, 21 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|agdg}} [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368142510293254144/393603051816222720/TEXPORT00000007 Another Red Version that might not go 5 - 0 to lgbt. (Sub by ability godot always in net, no +1)] [[User:Incoming|Incoming]] ([[User talk:Incoming|talk]]) 03:19, 22 December 2017 (UTC)
[[File:Height Test.png]]
[[File:Height Test.png]]

Place exports here that follow these height rules so people can mess around with them.<br><br>
Place exports here that follow these height rules so people can mess around with them. Note there is no extra 25cm for either bracket currently.<br><br>
Please note what height ruleset you're using.<br><br>
Please note what height ruleset you're using as well as if your export has any differences from above.<br><br>
'''After some discussion, to tweak this slightly, golds and silvers get an extra card than what they did now, and the free tallbois are going to only be 194cm for the 12/20 tests. If you turn somebody giant, they lose the 4/4 off foot advantage and go to normal. We failed to note that anywhere before but it's important.'''<br><br>

[http://www97.zippyshare.com/v/Q6e6spqV/file.html /sp/ green] (Messi has an extra card)<br>
[http://www97.zippyshare.com/v/Q6e6spqV/file.html /sp/ green] (Messi has an extra card)<br>
[http://www97.zippyshare.com/v/4xDwtOFe/file.html /sog/ red] (bench DMFs,CMFs,LB,RB are untouched; only sub side MFs and a CB)<br>
[http://www97.zippyshare.com/v/4xDwtOFe/file.html /sog/ red] (bench DMFs,CMFs,LB,RB are untouched; only sub side MFs and a CB)<br>
{{team away|wtg}} [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368142510293254144/392372275623624704/TEXPORT00000008 ur a] [[User:MarcoZ|MarcoZ]] ([[User talk:MarcoZ|talk]]) 16:39, 18 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|wtg}} [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368142510293254144/392372275623624704/TEXPORT00000008 ur a (red 4-3-3 into 3-3-4 just like VGL9, but not on the same presets)] [[User:MarcoZ|MarcoZ]] ([[User talk:MarcoZ|talk]]) 16:39, 18 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
{{team away|r9k}} [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368142510293254144/392372427566350346/TEXPORT00000009 faget] [[User:MarcoZ|MarcoZ]] ([[User talk:MarcoZ|talk]]) 16:39, 18 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|r9k}} [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368142510293254144/392372427566350346/TEXPORT00000009 faget (green totally not legbutt with totally not CT)] [[User:MarcoZ|MarcoZ]] ([[User talk:MarcoZ|talk]]) 16:39, 18 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
{{team away|m}} [http://puu.sh/yJ6vF/ce4be95ea5.7z Summer tactics only changed red heights, Gold Alt, Silver mazinger and getter, bronze Char and gundam, card number and centering targets in preset 1] [[User:GMG|GMG]] ([[User talk:GMG|talk]]) 16:52, 18 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|m}} [http://puu.sh/yJ6vF/ce4be95ea5.7z Summer tactics only changed red heights, Gold Alt, Silver mazinger and getter, bronze Char and gundam, card number and centering targets in preset 1] [[User:GMG|GMG]] ([[User talk:GMG|talk]]) 16:52, 18 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
{{team away|ksg}} [https://mega.nz/#!s2Z1yDBa!Q08PKBwqd0n8GUsbsd8DMkONdqLCUt3Zv6KAECfwYyE red system VGL tactics] [[User:Tuvalu|Tuvalu]] ([[User talk:Tuvalu|talk]]) 18:32, 18 December 2017 (UTC)
*{{team away|ksg}} [https://mega.nz/#!s2Z1yDBa!Q08PKBwqd0n8GUsbsd8DMkONdqLCUt3Zv6KAECfwYyE red system VGL tactics] [[User:Tuvalu|Tuvalu]] ([[User talk:Tuvalu|talk]]) 18:32, 18 December 2017 (UTC) <br>
*{{team away|c}} [https://puu.sh/yJikM/18636dcbb0 red height system, slighty changed Autumn tactics and gave the bronze medals form 8 like other medals since I didn't know if they needed it]<br>
*{{team away|}} (Invitational 5) [http://puu.sh/yJy70/7026810dee GREEN flat height, totally not by the rules anymore] [https://youtu.be/uzmt5Dju67w Team Music] [[User:Ravenire|ravenire]] ([[User talk:Ravenire|talk]]) 07:26, 19 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|k}} [https://puu.sh/yKl0S/75e8703c40 Red Height Rev 1 for 12/20] [https://puu.sh/yKl1f/708df16058 Green Height Rev 1 for 12/20 + foot adjustment for tallbois]<br>
*{{team away|d}} [http://www.mediafire.com/file/z0bnwbbfc8bxaxk/Height%20Test%20D.rar I hope this is right for Green Heart- er, Height] <br>
*{{team away|}} (Invitational 4) [http://puu.sh/yKldP/da4b4e9471 GREEN 194cm meme setup, should be played on +2 from the start] [https://youtu.be/SKLd2Ht36n0 Goalhorn]<br>
*{{team away|}} (Invitational 3) [http://puu.sh/yKlTa/e14a28fcce GREEN 4-4-2 194cm, make wing CBs join the attack] [https://youtu.be/UybD-dSerSY Goalhorn] [[User:Ravenire|ravenire]] ([[User talk:Ravenire|talk]]) 11:40, 20 December 2017 (UTC)<br>
*{{team away|lgbt}} [https://mega.nz/#!d35F3DSY!qsjwGnQEBsk076KaKciNe7U-66-lBKYHkBwwZa6CW1I Red height Summer /lgbt/ conversion, langball centring and all. Has the extra card for silvers and gold.] [[User:KinseyTypeF|KinseyTypeF]] ([[User talk:KinseyTypeF|talk]]) 11:53, 20 December 2017 (UTC)<BR>
*{{team away|rw}} [https://mega.nz/#!bkET2QjT!V7xixq-UQkM-GXAdGKWwvWvEC33bAgIS5nS_NwsrUHY Green Heights on 12/20 rules] [[User:Megabeastage|Megabeastage]] ([[User talk:Megabeastage|talk]]) 12:12, 20 December 2017 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 11:00, 1 May 2018


If you're using this system, place an export here, put it above the big line of BRs.
continue to notice that this is FLAT height, no bonus cms sto sprinkle around.
thanks, Boris

Height Test.png

Place exports here that follow these height rules so people can mess around with them. Note there is no extra 25cm for either bracket currently.

Please note what height ruleset you're using as well as if your export has any differences from above.

After some discussion, to tweak this slightly, golds and silvers get an extra card than what they did now, and the free tallbois are going to only be 194cm for the 12/20 tests. If you turn somebody giant, they lose the 4/4 off foot advantage and go to normal. We failed to note that anywhere before but it's important.

/sp/ green (Messi has an extra card)
/sog/ red (bench DMFs,CMFs,LB,RB are untouched; only sub side MFs and a CB)