Difference between revisions of "/vg/ League 19 Signups"

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(→‎{{team away|llsifg}}: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
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You can place 1 "/dng/" sign up from your hand on the bottom of the page; draw 1 POI, then if you control "/dng/", you gain 800 LP. If your former manager moves a team(s) out of either knockout zone (except during the Cup Step): You can Special Summon from your ass, 1 "/dng/" Council Sign Up using this face-up sign up you control as material. (This is treated as an Council Summon.) You can only use each effect of "Sacked Manager Freebie" once per cup. [https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/405229790/#405309378 POI]
You can place 1 "/dng/" sign up from your hand on the bottom of the page; draw 1 POI, then if you control "/dng/", you gain 800 LP. If your former manager moves a team(s) out of either knockout zone (except during the Cup Step): You can Special Summon from your ass, 1 "/dng/" Council Sign Up using this face-up sign up you control as material. (This is treated as an Council Summon.) You can only use each effect of "Sacked Manager Freebie" once per cup. [https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/405229790/#405309378 POI]
== {{team away|drg}} ==
== {{team away|drg}} ==
Noooo Raincode is offtopic! It may LOOK like Danganonronpa, SOUND like Danganronpa, and be MADE by the same people who made Danganronpa but it ISNT Danganronpa. Please go back to the regularly scheduled shitposting and complaining about shitposters. https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/403464527/#403653346  [[User:Anameiguess|Anameiguess]] ([[User talk:Anameiguess|talk]]) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

== {{team away|egg}} ==
== {{team away|egg}} ==

Revision as of 00:00, 29 October 2022

This is the signup page for teams to play in /vg/ League 19. Signups will be open until November 5th at 11:59 PM UTC or when 48 teams are confirmed to play.

Signups are currently OPEN.

Please read the following rules.


  1. Only teams that were accepted to play by their general may participate.
  2. Anyone can sign up the team, whether it is a fan or a manager. Rule 1 still applies.
  3. Managers should sign their signup posts on this page by adding a ~~~~ at the end of the line.
  4. You must have a team page prepared with a team infobox filled out (if possible also a roster box, even if WIP) and a link to your proof of interest (archive link preferable) to verify signups. It does not have to be posted right away, but it must be before the registration deadline. Copy the team page from another team if you don't know how to do one from scratch. Also make sure your team page has a filled roster box by the time the cup starts.
  5. You do NOT need any managerial verification to sign up a team. However, if you want to manage your general's team you will need a quick verification through VGL discord. No webcam or microphone required, just a few questions regarding whether you actually browse the general will be asked.
  6. Returning generals also need verification, however their verification check will be more relaxed due to acceptance of previous entry.
  7. It is required to inform your general that they are playing in a match whenever one is about to happen/happening. If you forget to do so one match or cannot post due to circumstances, a VGL council member may be able to cover you if told before hand. Failure to notify your general multiple times will result in a punishment.
  • You may look at the old signup pages if you are still unsure on how to signup your general.


Becoming a Manager

While intimidating at first, the steps required to become a team manager are simpler than what most would assume.
Just follow these steps:

  • Initial preparation
  1. Make sure your general has some proven interest in participating.
  2. Assign a name/trip to yourself for live managing purposes, and join the VGL discord to get verified.
  3. Put your name on your team's wiki page, or create a new one by copying another team's page if your team is new.
  4. Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 and the VGL DLC. Installation guide here.
  5. Wait for a Team ID to be assigned to your team before starting to assemble it. In the meanwhile read the Rules and the Tactics pages at least once to get an idea of can and can't be done. You can also use an empty invitational team slot to make a test team and try some tactics, or start working on aesthetics (don't worry about player IDs for now).
  • Making a tactical export
  1. As soon as you get the Team ID, check the Team IDs table to find out its corresponding VGL team slot in the game.
  2. You can now edit the blank team's players to fit your team's tactics (don't use the "create new player" function). The latest editor can be found here and also includes functions for checking your team is legal on the current ruleset.
  3. Once your team is ready you can make a Tactical Export and check it for correctness. From the main PES menu go to Edit > Data Management > Import/Export > Export Team and export your team. It'll be saved as a .ted file in your Documents/Konami/PES 21/WEPES folder.
  4. Grab the VGL ruleset adapted editor and checking tool linked above, read its readme, and use it to check your export. After solving any eventual errors the tactical part is ready!
  • Making an aesthetic export
  1. Regarding aesthetics, you need at least three kits (goalkeeper, home, away) and there are many resources available for making custom models for your players. Help with all of these can be found by asking any of the many aesthetics helpers in the VGL organization discord.
  2. Kits:
    1. Kits are generally quite simple to make and there are many resources for making or generating PES kits textures to be found on this page. You will need to download paint.net, GIMP or use photoshop to export as .dds files but besides this they are limited only by your own artistic talent.
  3. Faces:
    1. Option A: There is a request spreadsheet in the VGL organization discord created by the aesthetics council for any and all modelling needs (within reason). This can ensure that your team will have high quality models but is limited by the amount of time that aesco has.
    2. Option B: Direct yourself to the Blender Tutorials page and learn it yourself! The tutorials are quite thorough and are video assisted. Aesco is always willing to give help or advice to anyone attempting to make their own aesthetics so again feel free to ask for any assistance.
  4. Once all of your aesthetics are ready, read the AET page to prepare an Aesthetics Export. Make sure to get the Note txt right.
  5. If you want, you can also grab the compiler from the bottom of the same page to check if you did everything right and see how do your kits and faces look ingame.
    To make it accept your export you need to open the teams_list txt file and replace the team name next to the ID you want to use with your team's name as written on the Note txt.

And that's all there is to it. If you need further help, reach out to Denko or QD on the VGL discord.

/vg/ Reward Rules

This is all subject to change.
Roster position on the official /vg/ team is will be given to the teams that place in the top 22 in final rankings. First Place will be awarded the gold medal position, 2nd place will receive a silver medal position, 3rd place will receive the other silver medal position.

The general of the Golden Glove winner will have the option to have their rep be the starting GK for /vg/. On top of this, you may choose one of the following: have the /vg/ GK kit will be themed around your rep, have the /vg/ GK be themed around your general, or choose a sponsor to slap over the existing /vg/ kit.

Generals, please note that you may submit a list of favored positions that you'd like your rep to play. We'd prefer a list, 1-5 (1 being the position you would favor the most, etc.) on said positions. Note that the higher you place, the more likely your player will get the most favored position, meaning if you place 21st, you probably won't get any of the 5 picked positions as they could be completely filled by then, leaving me to put you wherever we need your rep.

Also note that the /vg/ management reserves the right to position medals if need be due to the fact that some positions just do not warrant a medal being placed there (i.e. >gold defender), or the fact that the choice would be illegal, or previously taken (i.e. GK medal, or Gold CF respectively).


Vglg icon.png /vglg/

duhh bringe uhhh cringeeee uhhhh uhhh euuhhh (poi goes here) (´・ω・`) (talk) 00:50, 23 October 2022 (UTC)

Returning Sign Ups

@ icon.png /@/

I JUST WANNA MOTTO GIMME GIMME MORE TheBird (talk) 23:59, 28 October 2022 (UTC)

2hug icon.png /2hug/

5N@F icon.png /5N@F/

Aceg icon.png /aceg/

Akg icon.png /akg/

Numero ventidue: I dettagli culinari sono come le regole di famiglia. I siracusani saranno osessionati da ogni dettaglio. Which is why Chiave is now banned from Siracusa after he tried to introduce them to chocopasta and Siestan-style pizza. Dazlatan (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Alg icon.png /alg/

https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/403102485/#403132686 ObamaCare (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Assg icon.png /assg/

Bag icon.png /bag/

D2g icon.png /d2g/

Dbg icon.png /dbg/

Ddlc icon.png /ddlc/

Digi icon.png /digi/

Dng icon.png /dng/

You can place 1 "/dng/" sign up from your hand on the bottom of the page; draw 1 POI, then if you control "/dng/", you gain 800 LP. If your former manager moves a team(s) out of either knockout zone (except during the Cup Step): You can Special Summon from your ass, 1 "/dng/" Council Sign Up using this face-up sign up you control as material. (This is treated as an Council Summon.) You can only use each effect of "Sacked Manager Freebie" once per cup. POI

Drg icon.png /drg/

Noooo Raincode is offtopic! It may LOOK like Danganonronpa, SOUND like Danganronpa, and be MADE by the same people who made Danganronpa but it ISNT Danganronpa. Please go back to the regularly scheduled shitposting and complaining about shitposters. https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/403464527/#403653346 Anameiguess (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Egg icon.png /egg/

Feg icon.png /feg/

Fg icon.png /fg/

== Fgoalter icon.png /fgoalter/ == This POI is van goghk Vilkenparadis (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Fgog icon.png /fgog/

Isn't it funny how I could've made a Road to LB7 joke in the last couple sign ups and could make one again now and it'd still be relevant? POI

Forza icon.png /forza/

Gbfg icon.png /gbfg/

Gbpen icon.png /gbpen/

Happy Birthday to Yukina and Arisa. It must suck to have your birthday right after THE Dori huh Arisa? but really Happy Birthday to those two GuyF (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Gfg icon.png /gfg/

First Mirror Stage and now Poincare Recurrence. I love it when the devs actually release new content. POI#1 POI#2 POI#3 HLGGDiveGrass (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Ggg icon.png /ggg/

Gig icon.png /gig/

Klee let out.png
poi 1 poi 2 tensai (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Hgg2d icon.png /hgg2d/

Hanny icon.png /hanny/

Indie icon.png /indie/

Ink icon.png /ink/

Kfg icon.png /kfg/

Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh POI AkariAkaza (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Mbg icon.png /mbg/

Mjg icon.png /mjg/

Mmg icon.png /mmg/

Nepgen icon.png /nepgen/

Osg icon.png /osg/

Pmmm icon.png /pmmm/

Rena-chan Based! Rena-chan Based! Rena-chan Based! Rena-chan Based! SagradoHöek (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Psg icon.png /psg/

Revue icon.png /revue/

Sgg icon.png /sgg/

Skg icon.png /skg/

Smtg icon.png /smtg/

Ss13g icon.png /ss13g/

Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/

Twg icon.png /twg/

Uma icon.png /uma/

Took Concentration for good gate exit, POI1, POI2, POI 3 AnTriangle (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Utg icon.png /utg/

Vn icon.png /vn/

Fuck pinks, fuck terrorism, fuck EVNs, fuck Bubby, fuck Danny and fuck Talent, in that order. Well, maybe fuck Tomboys with spats too. Laventale (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Vrg icon.png /vrg/

Wtg icon.png /wtg/

きらら icon.png /きらら/

次回も頑張ります!ポイ Kiyose (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

New or Revived Teams

If you would like a slot, please come ask the commissioner directly via Discord.

Pcrg icon.png /pcrg/

Vgt icon.png /vgt/

move aside and let the man go through let the man go through through TightensDontCut (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Vitagen icon.png /vitagen/

Vitagen was just in a coma last VGL. Vitagen, WAKE UP! RetardMaster (talk) 00:00, 29 October 2022 (UTC)