Pro Evolution Soccer 2021/Installation

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Pro Evolution Soccer 2021
This is still a work in progress.
Please be patient.


Step 1. Downloading the game

base game
Non fitgirl torrent - Same instructions as google drive version
>non torrent - some files here are missing/corrupt: use torrent to fix them if setup.exe doesn't work
>2nd non torrent alternative Google drive 13 parts - Bigger file size but faster installation, includes all language files if you want to reduce space delete the extra dt20 for text and dt_40 voice languages files on data folder
Download PES21 using the magnet link from above, using a program like qBittorrent. If the torrent and links are not working or dead, please bring it up in the thread.

Step 2. Installing the game

After downloading the torrent, open the folder with the installation files and run setup.exe. It is recommended that you don't install PES to the Program Files folder, otherwise you'll have to approve a UAC message every time you need to compile an aesthetics export. Choose another folder, for example Downloads.

Step 3. Patching the game

Download the PES 1.1.9 exe
Once finished, extract the archive and copy PES2021.exe into your PES21 main folder.

Step 4. Downloading and installing the aesthetics pack

Get the latest official aesthetics pack from the Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 main page.

Create a "download" folder inside the folder where you installed PES21 (or empty its contents if there is one already) and extract the contents of the pack to that folder.

Please note that Final packs are usually update packs and need the Base pack to be downloaded and extracted first.

Step 5. Downloading and installing the save

Get the latest official save from the Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 main page.

Once finished, extract the archive and copy the files to your save file folder.
EDIT00000000 is the actual save file, while COACH files are optional, they are just the in-game coach pictures.

Downloaded save files go into C:\Users\...\Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\save.
If you don't have a save folder just run PES21 once and it should automatically generate it once you get to the main menu.
Close PES before copying the savedata.

Step 6. Settings and running the game

You might want to run Settings.exe in the main PES21 folder and set up several things to your own liking first.

Help, the crack keeps getting deleted

Stop using Windows Security Essentials or any other terrible antivirus and get a decent one. And yes, Windows Defender will keep deleting your files without informing you even if you've disabled it. No, they are not viruses. You can set up an exception: XP/Vista/7, 8/8.1/perhaps 10.