Exports/2019 4chan Summer Cup
This page is for the preliminary and tactical deadlines only. See the Save Fixes for tactical export-related changes beyond the first deadline.
Make sure to read the warning message above.
Making your export
To make your export, start PES 2018 and go to the main menu. When there select Edit to go to the Edit menu. Then select Data Management at the bottom and then select Export Team. After that just follow all the instructions on the screen. When done the export can be found in My Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2018\WEPES. Just look for the .ted file after how you named it. This is the file you will have to upload and put on the team's wikipage.
For your aesthetics export, please refer to the current aesthetics export template.
Post a link to download your team's export. It is mandatory to separate the tactical export and the aesthetics download. Music exports are optional but appreciated, and should be separate from the prior files. Check the wiki main page for the export deadline timer.
Note: | It is highly recommended that you use Auto-ATF which is included in the 4ccEditor, which can be found here, to check your export before uploading it. |
Don't be afraid to contact the 4CCC or anyone else who may be able to help you about the current cup rules if you have questions.
Summer 2019
- Tactical Export: The hot part of the scenario is Shantae getting raped and then having to shamefully bring herself to orgasm afterward because she's too wound up.
- Aesthetics Export: Despite my best efforts, some players have swapped models. I don't know why, this seems like such an easy fix. Here's who has what and where it should be.
- Audio Export: That last frame killed my boner for life. I will never get an erection again until I repress this day.
- Tactical Export: Lewd The Smol
- Aesthetics Export: Getting portraits in at least, having issues with faces
- Audio Export: Chorley FM Coming in your Ears
- Tactical Export: Tactical Cuteness
- Aesthetics Export: Big Head Mode disabled (hopefully)
- Audio Export: Sounds of cuteness
- Tactical Export: check out these 23 crazy summer cocktails!
- Aesthetics Export: as many blenders as brits put spices in their food
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Autopilot
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Now with a neck
- Aesthetics Export: And we made the shirt blue this time
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Autopilot
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Several years later export pages are still GAY
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Tacticools
- Aesthetics Export: Assthetics
- Audio Export: Musex
- Tactical Export: A lot less screaming about the tactics in comparison to the aesthetics this time around
- Aesthetics Export: A lot of waiting, a lot of time, a lot of scrambling, and finally here we have... about 40% of a real export
- Audio Export: A lot of bullshit, gonna be honest here
- Tactical Export: Chose a bad time to leave my love of 4-3-3
- Aesthetics Export: deadline export with added dick
- Audio Export: cbf with chants
- Tactical Export: Tic tacs
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetics
- Audio Export: We Didn't Start the Fire
- Tactical Export: Just going with what was doodled on the chalkboard
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export: RigDJ machine broke
- Tactical Export: Autopilot
- Aesthetics Export: Big fugging benis inside :DDD
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: jp export
- Aesthetics Export: Barebone ass export
- Audio Export: I guess nothing changed as usual
- Tactical Export: Autopilot
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Tactical Export: All aboard the star train
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: better late than never tics
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:this is nice export
- Aesthetics Export:nice pictures
- Audio Export:nice music
- Tactical Export: Autopilots rise up
- Aesthetics Export: Slight improvements from last time but not really.
- Audio Export: /toy/'s music never changes, and that's a good thing!
- Tactical Export: The purest form of export.
- Aesthetics Export: Thanks pes 18.
- Audio Export: More pure than ever.
- Tactical Export: Beware of the cunt with blue hair
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Masuda is the devil himself.
- Aesthetics Export: Rare Pokémon you can't meet in Galar!
- Tactical Export: Autopilot
- Aesthetics Export: here
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: I need a pape for this.
- Aesthetics Export: Contains no papes, unless you're a 1280x720 scrub (updated: v3)
- Audio Export: Give her the MP3
- Tactical Export: NOW with 200% more shinto bullshit
- Aesthetics Export: Uh... yeah
- Audio Export: