/ag/ league 7 exports
If you're unsure of what team slot(s) you are assigned, then check HERE:
Primary Sign-ups
Check the pastebin above for your team INVITATIONAL slot
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
/Banter F.C./
- Tactical Export: It's banter
- Aesthetics Export: It's just
- Audio Export: BANTER bass drops and EDM continues
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Wooahhhhh. Just me.
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: People who can't play and bet on themselves can't do anything right, nya.
- Aesthetics Export: Want to borrow the power of a genius? Gu~~ess it can't be helped~~♪ nya~
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
File:C&cg icon.png /c&cg/
- Tactical Export: lol
- Aesthetics Export: lmao
- Audio Export: rofl
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Money, that's what I want.
- Aesthetics Export: Money, that's what is hot.
- Audio Export: Money, it's what we ain't got,
- Mr. Saturn Ball: 'cept freedom, freedom, freedom is what we've really sought!
- Tactical Export: Eggceptional.
- Aesthetics Export: Eggstraordinary.
- Audio Export: Eggsciting.
- Egg! Ball: Eggstatic.
- /eggs/ Pastebin: Eggstremely important.
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: https://mega.nz/file/r2ZDFIIB#06Gm1usL1DrKWv509jMZ49V9KrT81w5P7DsL0-vnboU
- Aesthetics Export: https://mega.nz/file/PiZiCKTB#KZea8JsIS4jisQoxw3DKgGAHNWkanDvovHgB7X60_0E
- Audio Export:https://mega.nz/file/XrJUULJb#7B8f7bfTeOzV4VNzeIJpF9K7mD1SjoDmgtGZpCx93s4
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Tactical Beats Ft. Macross 82-99
- Aesthetics Export: Drip, as the kids say
- Tactics:Tactical Instructions ft. Yung Bae
- Audio Export:This is a Gusic League team but I tried to be reasonable and cut it to 4 alt horns
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Cheat code to access Battle Frontier in ORAS
- Aesthetics Export: Shiny Feebas
- Audio Export: Trompets
- Pastebin: Instructions on where to find the Regis
- Tactical Export: https://mega.nz/file/inQW0RLI#FkeVKNoC8HX5DLDqQ9-6opboiQox_gI348eMu_W8fDo
- Aesthetics Export: https://mega.nz/file/2n5mmAiS#80lsGdHM0pkqL6fCAOclefRYxAicGLgqa3kyd3al2pY
- Audio Export: https://mega.nz/file/L3RzADja#0oBZBKRcvOL5VL0UWqFLgT9jKI8MJ2u4ZbVBafpbGYk
File:Kamige icon.png /kamige/
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Peaches
- Aesthetics Export: Peaches Peaches
- Audio Export: Peaches Peaches Peaches
- Pastebin: I promise it's a small gimmick
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Score goals, don't get scored on.
- Aesthetics Export: Fashion Hunters (working just fine, but want to clean up a few players)
- Audio Export: Songs of Glory (some short chants I want to adjust)
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Please group us with /p1+p2/ thanks
- Aesthetics Export: Let us start the game.
- Audio Export: Please wait warmly for jazz bangers.
- Stadium: Grab a coffee, some curry, and watch the game at Cafe Leblanc
- Billboard: Required for the stadium's pitch to load, otherwise it'll just be pitch black
- Ball: Hee Ho!
- Tactical Export:New Tera Raid
- Aesthetics Export: Day 1 patch
- Audio Export: Penny's theme on repeat
- Tactical Export: Soon
- Aesthetics Export: Soon
- Audio Export: Soon
- Pastebin: EoS
- Tactical Export:Rabi Rabu
- Aesthetics Export:There's no way a Rabi Rabu'd this taco
- Audio Export:Rabi has her headphones on she can't hear Sol creeping up behind her!
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Glyndas Lesson Plan
- Aesthetics Export: Leaked images of RWBY x JL part 2
- Audio Export: Rwby has some damn good songs
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Remi's bored again, what do? Start a war with the Lunarians, block the sun out or enter a virtual divegrass tournament?
- Aesthetics Export:Red, everything with red everywhere
- Audio Export: Dusk to dawn raves
- Pastebin: 18+ doujins about breeding Koakuma
- Tactical Export: Maybe these tactics won't suck
- Aesthetics Export: Newly tweaked swimsuit kits!
- Audio Export: Updated music export
- Pastebin: If we do suck, save us Pastebin-kun!
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: COME ON AND SLAM
- Aesthetics Export: AND WELCOME TO THE JAM
- Audio Export: COME ON AND SLAM
- Pastebin: IF YOU WANNA JAM
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export: The aesthetics that will pierce the heavens
- Audio Export: Still proudly featuring chants in a language you can understand.
- Stadium 1: Currently replaces stadium 46 aka Racist Barn/Peach Beach
- Stadium 2: Currently replaces stadium 13 aka Adobe Arena/Aion Hangar
- Ball: Team Dai-Gurren had no soccer ball to play with, so Kamina decided they should use Boota as the ball.
- Tactical Export: Pools > Top 6. I won't be told otherwise.
- Aesthetics Export: At least TNS tournaments happen on a weekly basis so I don't have to wait for the next Tournament for long.
- Audio Export: FOO-FOOT DIVE!
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Brutalizing Angel Lingeriana
- Aesthetics Export: Courtisane the Impaler
- Audio Export: Bride Whore Kitty Fisher
- Tactical Export: me testing against /omog/ (they're bad)
- Aesthetics Export: me looking at /yiik/'s aesthetics (they're good)
- Audio Export: yes, it has the toby fox song
- Pastebin: just a few simple instructions
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Fuck Philip Banks.
- Aesthetics Export: Banks wants to empty the banks,
- Audio Export: fill our streets with banks,
- Pastebin: and run a bank-making operation out of his banks.
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
File:Δ icon.png /Δ/
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
Filthy Secondaries
Check the pastebin above for your team BACKUP slot
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:Strategy to beat Mysterious Figure
- Aesthetics Export:Simple and Clean Aesthetics
- Audio Export: Melody of Memory certified jams
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export: