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"Buy high sell low"
Biz logo.png
/biz/ - Business & Finance
Founded May 3rd, 2014
Owner Bogdanoff Brothers
IRL manager wand !!mZEulPrzZDp

Ryperiour2 !!oczH3VqQg6N

Team colors
Chat color FCC119
Solid Gold
Ranking 12 (decrease 2)
Highest rank 2 (May 23, 2022)
Lowest rank 60 (November 9, 2014)
Top assister Sminem (31)
Captain Sergey of Nazareth
Website /biz/ - Business & Finance
Nickname /biz/raelis, /biz/nessmen
Home ground Crypto Space
Historic performance
39 19 41 99 39.39%
200 196 +4
Biggest win
/r9k/ R9k icon.png 0–6 Biz icon.png /biz/
1 February 2025
Biggest defeat
/sp/ Sp icon.png 6–1 Biz icon.png /biz/
30th October 2016
First match
/vr/ Vr icon.png 0–0 Biz icon.png /biz/
19th October 2014
Elite Cup
Appearances 11 (First in 2016 4chan Summer Cup)
Best result 1st, 2022 Winter
Babby Cup
Appearances 11 (First in 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup)
Best result 8th, 2019 Autumn
Team music
Anthem JUST
KO Anthem Bogs Vs Sminem
Semi Final VA Ticket to the Moon

Goal horn Loadsamoney
Hat Trick Big Enough
Double Brace Dispear
Bogs Brace Bogda Bogdanov
90+ Horn Hosanna
Home kit Biz Kit A19 1.png
Away kit Biz Kit A19 2.png
Goalkeeper kit Biz Kit A19 GK.png
Third kit Biz Kit A19 3.png
Fourth kit Biz Kit A19 4.png
Fifth kit Biz Kit A19 5.png
Sixth kit Biz Kit A19 6.png
Seventh kit Biz Kit A19 7.png
Eighth kit Biz Kit A19 8.png
Ninth kit Biz Kit A19 9.png

The earliest team of the Sixth Founding, /biz/ entered the 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup with limitless ambition and a drive for profit. After ups and (almost entirely) downs, /biz/ started their uptrend in the 2019 4chan Winter Cup. A small correction occured but they recovered with in the 2020 4chan Winter Cup, and continued their steady growth in the 2020 4chan Summer Cup up to the 2021 4chan World Cup. After all being in it together for years, it was in the 2022 4chan Winter Cup that /biz/ finally did it. MOON MISSION COMPLETED, WE'RE ALL GOING TO MAKE IT BROS.


Main page: /biz/ Roster
Main page: /biz/ Historical Roster

2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup

No. Position Player
Sergey icon.png Quantitative EatingCaptain
Vitalik icon.png Money Skeleton
Pajeet icon.png Pajeet
Chink icon.png Around Chinks, Never Blink
Wagie icon.png Wagie
Dodo Icon.png Dodo
Bog icon.png Bogged
Sminem icon.png Sminem
Mumu icon.png Mumu
No. Position Player
XMR Chan icon.png XMR Chan
ICP icon.png Buy High, Baghold Forever
Snib icon.png Snib Snab
Charles H.png The Chain Charles
Bobo icon.png Bobo
Powell icon.png Inflation is theft
Klaus icon.png You Will Conform to the ESG
Boat icon.png Crypto Tax Boating Accident
Garloid icon.png Garloid
Bagholder icon.png is it shitcoin season yet?
Ramsey icon.png Dave Ramsey
Shiff icon.png Boomer Rocks

Team Gallery

From left to right, back row: Sergey Saves, AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH, Money Skeleton, Sminem, Bogged, Bear Market Bobo.
From left to right, front row: Pajeet, Nice Just Bought 100k, Buy High Sell Low, Golden Bullrun, Chinked.


Wall Street is dead. We Crypto Space now. Bullruns forever?

Biz cryptospace.png

Hype Videos

Biz vs vg hyp.pngGullible mongoloids.png
Click to view.

Cup History

Bizcoin graph side.png
Bizcoin Chart Winter 21.png

2014 - The Initial Crash

Autumn - A Bad Start

Do something.png

/biz/ began with an aspiration and drive for profit and success but being the only real board from the Sixth Founding would not mean that it too would not buy high and then sell low. Like its autistic, pirate, and wall weeb noobs /biz/ would similarly AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH the cup. The cup being a mega baby with five teams per group already meant that the odds of /biz/ advancing into the elite was low since only two could advance but /biz/’s attempt to pull through would only be matched by its handling of “money making” in the following years. /biz/’s group was similarly retarded, filled with boomers, degenerate weebs, nazis, and neckbeards. /biz/’s performance for the first three games would be considered sad if it was not for the fact that it was so boring to describe the games as anything else would be a crime. Three draws, not 2-2, 1-1s, but all 0-0s. /biz/ fans were praying something would happen in their final game of the group, and their prayers were answered in a way /biz/ would come accustomed to, with /biz/ proceeding to crash 0-4 against /tg/. This would mean that /biz/ not only did not win a single game, started with a GD of -4, but would mean /biz/ did not score at all in its first cup. You may think it cannot get any worse, but oh are you in for a surprise.

2015 - It Keeps Tumbling Down

Biz Starting 11.png

Spring - Round Two
It was then time for /biz/’s’ round two, it would be hard to do worse than the last time considering /biz/ scored no goals at all and that the team left with three draws which could be equivalent to one win. Similarly, their group looked much less intimidating, filled with hipsters, degenerates, faggots, and degenerate weebs again. But to no surprise due to all the autism in the group and the fact that the group was a mega baby group /biz/ would again struggle. To begin with their match against /mu/ would be close, with /biz/ managing to score its first goal by 80s guy to equalize the game into a 1-1. /mu/ would score again and 80s guy would again equalize. But it would all crash near the end with a late goal that would give /mu/ not /biz/ the match. /biz/ next match would be similarly close, with /soc/ starting with an early lead, losing it, then equalizing late into the match. But this time Warren Buffett would pull out a miracle 90+4 to push the game into a win. Feeling up, /biz/ anons bought, after all losing to /mu/ in a close game and beating /soc/ was clearly a buy signal. Well the call was placed and the poor fools that went all in found their investments entirely lost to a blow out 6-2 game against /lgbt/. /biz/ was now nearing the end of the group, with a small possibility of crawling out and into the elite cup if they could beat /jp/ by a large amount. But like its last time against the weebs /biz/ would again find itself in a 0-0 snooze fest. The cup would again end, this time with /biz/ at the bottom of the group, even if it had preformed slightly better then its last cup. But surely this was a buy signal, things could only go up…

Biz crashing.png

Autumn - Freefalling
Sell. EVERYTHING. In this cup /biz/ would lose everything. EEEEEVERYTHING! Their first game would be a pathetic loss to the closed homosexuals. It would have been a 1-3, or maybe a 1-2, but their Sell me this PEN would play a dirty tackle inside the /biz/ box, letting /fit/ score off a penalty shot. As if that wasn’t bad enough /fit/ would then score off kickoff turning a 1-2 into a 1-4, 88 minutes into the game. And with this, the sell spell would begin. It was against >>>/out/, a must win game to secure a ticket out to the elites. Out would score twice in a row, but /biz/ would score at 37 and into extra time in the first half. But /biz/ would fail to hold, and attempting to swing would let /out/ score a 90+ goal making /biz/ not only lose, but lose their manager as he raged that his swing trading skill were sucked. Now /biz/ who had lost two games, had only ever won once against /soc/, and now had no manager in this cup, would face the coomers. Everyone was selling, there was no buy pressure. If it wasn’t for the fact that /gif/ had few to no buyers since they were also a dead team, /biz/’s closing would have likely been worse. Their game ended 2-3 with /biz/ losing again. And that left /biz/ with their last foe, the schitzos who also was at an impossibility of advancing. And again, /biz/ would continue to crash so hard that they would end up dead and in the spring 2016 qualifying fetus for the baby cup. /biz/ had lost everything in the cup. Lost 4 games in a mega baby. Lost their only manager. Placed worse team currently in the cup. Worse team in percent wins (8%). And now was headed for being aborted in a fetus. /biz/ even lost the Wooden Spoon to /co/ who had somehow managed to do worse then them in the cup (by 3 goals). J U S T

2016 - The Bull Trap

Spring - A False Hope

Biz hope.PNG

After /biz/ had been JUSTED hard in autumn there was a new hope for the board. After doing the absolute worse any board could do in the cup, /biz/ now had a chance to come up from their constant crashing, and find a new hope in their market. After all, why not buy at the lowest and sell after the pump? But it would have a way to go with /biz/ first needing to get out of a fetus, a qualifier of a qualifier. /biz/ would first need to face off against the underage posters . The match was close with back and forth goals on both ends, but in the end /biz/ would manage to gain a draw from the match, ending it 3-3 indicating to the buyers that /biz/ had at the very least stopped crashing. Next /biz/ would face against fem-men . The match would be slow, with /biz/ again crabbing on par with its old self, a pattern in which /biz/ buyers would hold their breath entering the next game with. /biz/ had 2 draws, and now needed a win to progress into the babby cup proper. The charts were made showing that the pattern was on in which would follow would be another crab match or a outright crash. And so /biz/ would enter its final match for the fetus against the coomers again. This time however /biz/ would break through the resistance and would push out a win. Due to the win, the second ever in /biz/ history, /biz/ would progress to the babby cup again, with the opportunity to attempt to qualify for an elite cup yet again.

Biz 2016 Roster 0.PNG

And this time it would look like the winds were on /biz/ side. Having broken through the resistance it seemed as if /biz/ would keep pushing through their old paradigm and would begin creating an entirely new path for the team. Their first match would be against the geeks where /biz/ would draw 1-1 due to initial disbelief that /biz/ could preform well in a babby cup. However, the next match against the nerds would show anything but. The match opened strongly for /biz/ and ended strongly with /biz/ mooning throughout the entire match. Everyone had now priced into /biz/, it looked like they were an extremely strong team to buy into. Having an extremely high chance of progressing to the elite already, /biz/ would enter into their final match, against their original foe, the team in which had began their bear market, the neckbeards. For /tg/ to steal /biz/’s spot in the elite cup the fa/tg/uys would need to win by 3 goals, a hefty order in which would place /biz/ in a safe spot. The match began, and it would look like /biz/’s fortunes were clear, with /biz/ taking an early lead. /tg/ would quickly equalize but /biz/ would quickly there after re-take the lead before the half ended. However, /tg/ would come back in the second half to score twice more, and /biz/ would only just manage to savage a draw with a 90+ goal. It would end 3-3, /biz/ advancing into their first ever elite cup. Although /biz/ would look strong on paper, in the round of 16 match for the babby /biz/ walked in against their mech foes and were quickly made aware that /biz/ was nothing more pump and dump team. It had pumped, and now everyone was looking to exit. All the gains, in which were made against /sci/ were lost in a blow out game where /biz/ would lose 2-6. /biz/ did have an elite cup to look forward to, but it was clear to those who watch that /biz/’s buy pressure had weakened.
Summer - An Elite Failure


/biz/ would enter into their first elite, looking shacky after their battle with /m/ but with optimism. That Hope-ium would soon fade as /biz/ saw its group, with normies, shitposters, and worst of all the same team that had ripped them apart last time . The group would be hard to push through, and so along with the cool off in buying pressure would lead /biz/ into summer. All /biz/ would need to show that the last loss was a black swan event would be a win against /tv/ which seemed very possible. When the game opened /biz/ would lead the game 2-0 at the half, calming the /biz/ sellers. But little did anyone know that a whale had in fact dropped all his /biz/ holdings. And so, the second half /biz/ would crash, and /tv/ would score 3 goals, with /biz/ having nothing to return against them. /tv/ would score a final 90+ goal making clear that /biz/’s shacky performance was not a one off, but was part of a larger trend. A trend that would follow into their next game against /m/, who would sweep /biz/ yet again 5-3. Although /biz/ had put up a better fight against them then their last game, /biz/ was now out of the elite cup with no possibility of staying in they’d enter into their last match against [s4s]. Again, /biz/ would score early, only to lose 1-2 to [s4s]. /biz/ had lost all of its buy pressure, it had been pumped, and now this cup it had dumped hard.

Autumn - Back to Square One

Biz 2016 Roster.PNG

/biz/ was in shambles, having been BTFOed in an elite it was now returning to a spot it had been more accustomed to, a babby. The buy pressure was still entirely gone, the team still crashing from the bulltrap that had been set up in spring. Could it stabilize itself in this babby? Well to put it simply there would still be hard times ahead for the /biz/ market, having three strong team in which it would face off against. First, they’d face the manchildren. In this game /biz/ would be decisively defeated by /vg/ 1-3 making clear that /biz/’s times of trouble had not stopped. /biz/ next game would be against the sperges. /biz/ thought it could not go any lower, /biz/ had lost several embracing blowout games to /lgbt/, /tg/, and /m/. But here in this game /biz/ would find itself one goal off from a bra7i1. The game ended 6-1 and it was clear that /biz/ was back to its original position of being one of the worst teams. But /biz/ had no crashed to new record lows, there was no more sell pressure since /biz/ had reached near zero. So /biz/ would have nowhere to go but up which would be the case against the neckbeards, where /biz/ would win 1-0. /biz/ had returned to its original position, but had avoided the fetus, even if it had one if its worst runs in terms of being scored against.

2017 - Sideways

Spring - I Sleep

Biz sideways.PNG

/biz/ had gone through a roller coaster over the last few years, a few ups (arguably one) and a lot of downs. If /biz/ was a stock or a coin it’d be one you’d have pumped and dumped and then would never return to at this point. But it was spring so surely it was time to turn a new leaf, /biz/ could get buyers r-right? Well their group looked live-able, first they had the oldfags newfags then /biz/ would need to face off against the neckbards and lastly would have to face off against the actual oldfags. Their first match would be end in a mildly close match, with /biz/ winning triggering a mild buy signal. Two wins a in a row, unheard of in /biz/ history up to this point (it pains me to even write such a thing). But the anons who bought would shortly after lose all their gains for making the mistake of FOMOing into /biz/, with /tg/ ending a 0-1 match in their favor. /tg/ having won again would then put /biz/ into the precarious spot of needing another win to advance into the elite cup, with a loss potentially sending /biz/ into the autumn fetus. The match that would follow would be nothing short of murderball. Literally, one of the most carded games for a single team in all cup history, with /f/ getting 5 cards in a single game. Sadly although /biz/ began with an early lead of 2-1 /f/ would quickly rebound and end the game 3-2. Although the score line would save /biz/ from a fetus, /biz/ bad record, crashing in 2016, and now moving sideways in this cup would prove too much for many a /biz/ buyers, including its manager. Dukesilver who bough /biz/ when it seemingly was at its lowest only to see his gains slip away in autumn would cash out at a loss. Could anyone save this team?

Autumn - Wake Me Up Inside

Biz 2017 Roster.PNG

Over the off season the BTC Bullrun of 2017 would begin, with BTC’s price jumping up into the thousands. This would cause an explosion of activity on /biz/ and so would allow the much-needed new blood for the team. Optimistic due to their gains the new management lead by Eternal Aussie would enter into Autumn with a drive for profit. But it would be difficult to say the least due a tester’s mistake, and a real tough looking group. First /biz/ would face off against the neckbeards, a, fucking, again. Next, they’d fight against… Oh god the horsefuckers. Lastly, they’d end their group against the hipsters who had cucked them once before. /biz/ first match would be a disappointment, having a very boring game against /tg/, and losing to them AGAIN. This would put /biz/ in a tight spot, and due to the management being new would leave them unaware of how cup logistics worked (for a second time) which would allow /mlp/ to score early against /biz/. However, when /biz/ fixed their shit they’d score against /mlp/ twice leading them 2-1 and a lot of screaming as AAAAAAAHHHH would make his scoring debut. However, no one could have good things and /mlp/ would quickly counter attack leading to a draw at the half, at which point /mlp/ would score again on kick off leading to their victory. /biz/’s new blood had lost their optimism and now only would be able to savage their bags by winning against /mu/, which they’d do in a boring 0-1 match. This was the bottom, there was almost no buy pressure but nothing to be sold either. Everything was moving to the side with no clear pattern for growth only pink screaming men wishing for more.

2018 - Re-Accumulation

Spring - An Upwards Trend


As we had last seen /biz/ was crashing again. But this time not only was the team, no the entire board was dying. BTC and /biz/ would were in the process of crashing. /biz/ as a team had been the laughing stock of the cup, /biz/ as a board was being laughed at for holding worthless internet money, and seems did not seem to be able to get any better. But with the addition of Sminem it was the time for smart money to begin pushing /biz/ into the light. But this would not be clear to the average pleb, and it would not begin with the start of the cup. /biz/’s group, yet another mega cup, would see /biz/ facing a the closeted homosexuals (again), the normies (again), the literal who, and a fucking joke. Their first game, after waking in with no expectations, and a prayer to Sminem and crossing their fingers that bogs would not rig, oh wait that is exactly what happened. Somehow, /biz/ who was dominating the entire game didn’t score once. It was boring as hell, and /fit/ who did jack shit all game scored on their only shot at 90+. Disappointing, but it was a megababy, so if /biz/ could win against /tv/… Nope. Up one, then /tv/ scored twice. Next /biz/ would face against /w/ looking good at first but with a sudden /w/ comeback it would look like /biz/ was finished and headed for another fetus to end the cup not with Sminem saving the team but with the bogs getting the last laugh. But the Bogs seeing the markets at their lowest and all the anons sold out with all the smart money placed in would make the call. /biz/ would score a 90+ at the last second saving them from complete embracement allowing /biz/ a victory. This along with the free win against /y/ would place /biz/ in a very different spot then they were used to. They had actually won two games. And soon this feeling would not be uncommon to /biz/.

Autumn - The Call


Having ended the megababy on a good note and with /biz/ having stabilized all while starting to produce massive amounts of new content /biz/ would enter into Autumn looking to finally join the winter cup and finally make up for all their loses. Their group on first look seemed easy, the the schitzos were under new management, the oldfags were not bad looking but not great, and the crazy cat “ladies” looked janky as hell. Plus everything looked up for once. /biz/ would start the cup dominating /x/, gaining a massive 3-0 lead at 35 minutes into the game. However, /biz/ would slowly climb their way up to 3-2. All the /biz/ buyers would make a sign of relief when the game ended having won another game. However, /biz/’s luck would run short against /f/, who would successfully beat shut /biz/ out 2-1. It was all up to /biz/ beating /an/, which seemed to be a certain victory due to how poor they had looked. But in classic /biz/ fashion Bagholder’s would make a blunder allowing /an/ to score. /biz/ was now in a hole and would need to not only score one to tie up the game, but two if it wished to ensure an advancement. To which /biz/ would quickly get its first goal at 38. Despite what many technical analyses may claim after the fact, no one could call this game. It would be at 82 /biz/ would find a lead. Everyone thinking they were up would jump in, only to have /an/ score a 90+ leveling the game off 2-2. It seemed to be the end, but somehow be it a miracle by Sminem or a hidden rig by the Bogs /biz/ would find their last-minute goal scoring themselves an even later 90+ goal. This would push /biz/ into the elites, and would put them up against the Stormfags Trump cultists for their second round against each other this time each with a bog on their side. /biz/ and /pol/ would patriciate in an epic chess match of wit with neither team being willing to make a mistake causing everyone to hold tight to their shekels. The game would go to 80 minutes without scoring before the /biz/ manager would get a call from the bogs who would rig the game. /biz/ would score and now only would need to hold. But both after both teams had made their changes /pol/ would come out the stronger of the two and would find a goal in the dying minutes of the game putting the game into extra time. In extra time /pol/ would find another goal and would end the game with a 120+ goal to finish /biz/ off 1-3. Having lost to the Autumn cup winner, /biz/ would not be in a bad spot and for a second cup in a row the markets would look up for /biz/.

2019 - The Awareness Phase

Winter - The Moonshot

Biz team photo.png

/biz/ had finished Autumn placing it into its second ever elite cup and its first ever winter cup. Optimism was abundant and the markets looking when /biz/ started, but the group stage /biz/ would enter into would not be an easy one. First /biz/ would face off against the containment board of a containment board, next they would go against the closeted furfags, and they would end their game against the man children . Due to /bant/ playing on /pol/’s cursed stadium /pol/’s cursed stadium /biz/ would take an early lead, have /bant/ equalize their lead twice but would pull ahead at 61 and would score a 90+ to finish the game off 2-4. So far /biz/ looked bullish, and against /vp/ the bullish trend would lead to /biz/ starting the game with a 4-1 lead ahead of /vp/. However, it was a bull trap, and /vp/ would recover equalizing with three goals in 5 minutes. /biz/ desperate to push ahead and continue the bull market would score another goal, but the bears would have nothing of it, equalizing /biz/ last late goal with a 90+ from /vp/. This would place /biz/ in a precarious spot in the group. If /vg/ and /vp/ won their respective games /biz/ would be relegated back to the babies. And /vp/ would win, meaning /biz/ would need to win or draw to make it to the elite Knock outs. This was easier said then done, given /vg/ was the strongest team in the group having won both their matches and given /vg/ wished to see their follow video game board pushed through. What followed was a desperate game by /biz/ lead by Sergey who successfully shut out /vg/ saving 7 shots and letting not one goal pass all the while /biz/ would score 3. /biz/ was on path to moon in the elite knock outs for the first time. First, they would need to beat the team I have no clever name for. /biz/ would due continue their moon mission in the first half scoring 4 goals placing it near the record 4-0 game /biz/ had against /sci/; however, in the second half /wg/ would find some life scoring 2 goals of their own. The rapid upward trend followed by a sudden dip made would prove the undoing of the team. /biz/ having done amazingly for 4 games caused a rumor of a crash to come against the shitposters. The FUD would work, and after having an indecisive half a massive sell off would start. /biz/’s manager would try and savage this buy off with desperate measures but it was too late and the FUD had done its work. The quarterfinal would end 3-1 for [s4s]. /biz/ would be out, but all things considered they did surprisingly well. The question would be could they keep up the upward trend?

Summer - Murphy's Law
To explain this cup properly we need a bit of background into a clusterfuck. Firstly, the move over from PES 2017 to PES 2018 was brutal with aesthetics being a major pain due to technical limitation. Next /biz/ was now coming down from a major high in winter which left them feeling cocky. Lastly, the /biz/ manager was being a fucking idiot for not asking for it to be an autopilot as we will soon see. When the groups were drawn things seemed easy enough, the teams in which were playing against them were the failed mechanics who were without a manager and were autopiloted, the oldfags (again), and virgins who need to have sex. None of these teams looked particularly strong, and /biz/ feeling strong from winter would walk in feeling a strong bull market incoming. Little would they know it would crab from here. Their first game, due to the manager not being present had /biz/ play with a pastebin, which had /biz/ see a goal in the first 2 minutes and then a response in the next 9 after. And then… Well nothing. Well, a draw is better then a lose? Surely this was a time to buy. Well despite what technical analysis may suggest it was not. Because the next game, despite both manager’s best effort ended up a boring 0-0 game reminiscent of /biz/’s starting run. And from there anyone with half a mind could see how this storyline would end. With a big red drop. But /biz/ would only need a win to continue their elite run. However, the /biz/ manager not being present and handing the pastebin to the wrong streamer would cause the prophecy to be fulfilled. On game day /biz/’s plan was not used at all, and it showed, with /biz/ quickly dropping 3 goals in a half. Everyone was selling, no buy pressure at all, but then suddenly seeing the dip causing a spike in shorts, the bogs knew they had to JUST the those who though this was going to be a major blow out. The Bogs would score twice, but knowing it would be an even greater JUST if /biz/ still lost would keep the game a loss for /biz/. And so /biz/ would be sent back to the baby cup for a run in Autumn to fullfill another prophecy…

Autumn - A Similar Story

Biz is alive.gif

Speaking of arks that needed a repeat, this cup happened. Shit was crabbing after /biz/ had looked good and no one knew how to feel about this. /biz/ had done poorly on all fronts in the last cup only having won most boring team, but little did anyone know behind the sense big things were at play. A prophecy was being fulfilled with the Asuka prophecy claiming BTC would be 19k by the end of October and Snowden retweeting it. /biz/ was having a massive spike in activity and so again was able to find new blood in a lot of testers giving the management time to also get their aesthetics in order, which would show up looking amazing in a cup where almost no teams had aesthetics at all. Their group was one that looked moderately strong, the angry retards looked solid, the played in exposure fags as always looked tough, and the crazy cat “ladies” looked as janky as last time they had faced off. But with Asuka at their side and a prophecy about to be fulfilled surely things were looking up. Well, their first match was a disappointment, /v/ won despite the prophecy’s fly me to the moon. /biz/ would need a win against /gd/ to keep striving towards Winter. May anons doubted it, especially after /gd/ would score on kickoff, but thanks to Snibs passing two great passes to Asuka things would go tumbling down for /gd/ as they would find themselves equalized and then down by the end of the game. /biz/ was yet again in a position where beating /an/ or drawing would allow them to cross the finish line. And just like their last game /an/ would score first placing them ahead. /biz/ would quickly answer two additional goals and from there would attempt to hold on for dear life, but with /an/ equalizing at 68 and having the momentum things looked bad. The /biz/ manager made another call to the bogs, who would hack the streamer’s audio, making the late 88 minute goal by Outdoor cat hurt slightly less as the Bogs removed its goal horn with a much better set of music (none). /biz/ was in a hole, by one and with only 2 minutes to respond it seemed over. Everyone was selling no one buying this seemed to be the end, everyone was laughing at /biz/ again. The prophecy had failed and now /biz/ was not going to advance into winter. But somehow, SOMEHOW Sminem passed THE PERFECT PASS TO THE PROPHECY. And there it was, a 90+ goal to equalize the game 3-3. /biz/ would live. She may have failed in virtual currency but Asuka had saved /biz/. /biz/’s next opponent were the degenerate weebs in the Knock Outs. Again /biz/ would give away an early goal and would look awful in the first half. But come the second half they would look amazing and would score once. Despite having a half, a dozen amazing chances and keeping /jp/ under siege for 30 entire minutes of non-stop attacking /biz/ couldn’t manage to score an additional goal. Come over time /biz/ would again blunder a goal but this time the prophecy would quickly equalize again. But alas /jp/ would get an additional goal in to which /biz/ could not respond to. Despite a strong showing, /biz/ was unable to defeat /jp/ like /pol/ was outlasted. In general, the ark was a copy paste from last Autumn, and hopefully meant that last winter would be repeated.

2020 - Rising Returns

Winter - Holding on for Dear Life


/biz/ had done it, they were back into an Elite cup. After barely scraping by on 2 draws and a win only to lose in the Round of 16 they had made it to winter. But even with the newfound fortune things didn't look good over the horizon. /biz/ was drawn into a group with 3 teams that had a powerful history, one of them held hooves, the other held D20's and that last held action figures. With the reputation of the teams in this group had, the assholes on /biz/ were flexing in panic. The first match in the group was against /toy/ and from the start, the first goal set the tone for that match, a through ball from AAAAAAAAAAAAA to the Prophecy at 5 minutes in to put /biz/ in the lead and in hopeful spirits. Despite /toy/'s dominance in the midfield and a late goal they still lost to /biz/ 2-1. With the 2nd game against /tg/, it seems like things would be on the up and up, with an early goal from AAAAAAAAAAA to secure a lead for /biz/. Only for Doomrider to score a goal 2 minutes later through a kick-off abuse header from the wing. It only continued from there with /tg/ securing the 2nd goal. The defense decided to wizen up and do its job but it wasn't enough and /biz/ lost 1-2 to /tg/. Despite /mlp/'s accolades things were looking promising for /biz/, their opponent had 2 draws in the group and was not in form for the game. In order to advance /biz/ needed a tie and it did not look good especially with /mlp/'s reputation for 90+ goal abuse. But the team managed to power through, even with the fans as volitile as they were, abusing possession, and +1 they scored 2 goals in the half. It seemed like a most dangerous lead especially when >rape scored at 60 minutes, but /biz/ managed to hodl'd until 90 to secure a win at the top of the group and a ticket to the knockouts and killing /mlp/ in the process by sending them back to the babies. Relief swept over the team as they entered the knockouts, /biz/ had an uphill battle to prove themselves. It would all come to an end in the Round of 16. /vg/ was a tough team and it certainly showed in that match, a 4-1 crushing defeat to end /biz/'s showing in the winter cup against the would-be runners up of the Winter 2020 cup. But things were looking up for the team and hopefully it would continue in Summer.

Summer- The Take Off


Winter's performance had /biz/ looking bullish and LINK's price action had /biz/ ecstatic. Their group looked similarly bullish with payed in exposurefags again, degenerated weebs proto-vtrannies with a new manager, and alcoholics. Of the group /gd/ and /ck/ looked the most dangerous, but /biz/ would luck out with the /gd/ manager working on aesthetics so much (for free btw) that he neglected to get the team into shape. But despite this supposed lucky break /biz/ would like the last time they went up against /gd/ get dumped on by Glitch art in the first few minutes. But /biz/ had acquired strong hands over time and no one was reading or selling the bad news. AAAAAAAAHHHH would follow up and equalize a few minutes later, but all would be for not as Bobo, the shorting fuck, pretty much passed the ball straight to the /gd/ offense to let them score on /biz/ all so he could short. But no one was going to fall for his tricks, and seeing that he couldn't slurp anything after AAAAAAAAHHHHH equalized he was forced to buy back in at a loss when he scored at 84 minutes winning /biz/ the game. Their first hard game under their belt, /jp/ would be up next, and the game was an easy win, with /jp/ only scoring at 90+1 because /biz/ almost felt bad for the team getting dunked on so hard. /ck/ would be the last team in the group, and /biz/ had already advanced so the manager allowed the new co-manager to take charge for the game. /biz/ was winning the game solidly but attempted to try to make changes after their defense allowed a goal to be scored. Well this backfired, and /ck/ would get a win out of the result. This caused some unrest in the /biz/ markets as if it was an ill omen of something to come.

Speaking of ill omens, /biz/ would face the schitzos in the KOs. Not much to say here, /biz/ walked in shorted /x/ walked out 3-0 proving once in for all /biz/ was the better board at reading obscure signs to divine the future and making a massive profit. Outdoor shiters was /biz/'s last resistance to their final bullmarket. If they could beat /out/ it'd be /u/ and then whoever made it to the final. /biz/ was ready, their charts showed they were destined for the golden bullrun. And half way into the game with /biz/ up by 1 it looked to be the case. But then, the bogs called, and the bull market became a bear market by informing the /out/ team the exact instruction on how to beat /biz/. Out having moved their defensive line up scored not once but twice making it so that even Sminem couldn't save /biz/, and /biz/'s death would lead directly to /u/'s second star. Truly a dark time. But even with that news /biz/ fans were still holding. None of them had sold and they would await the next bullish momentum to come.

2021 - New Paradigm

Winter - Great Green Dildo


Well, that bullish momentum had carried over all throughout the summer and into the winter, with /biz/ exploding into the golden bullrun of 2021. The markets not only looked up but as did /biz/’s prospects of coming home. And with the group called, /biz/’s bullishness would have anyone buying them as the top spot of the group, with the discount graphic artists (that’s saying something), manchildren again, and europoors all being in the same group, with both the manchildren and europoors under new, and doubtful management. /biz/’s moon mission would start with a massive green candle stick, the /biz/ manager boldly stating that the team was all in this together, and that if they visualized, let their minds and wills become money, /biz/ would kill /3/ 5-1. To everyone’s surprise, the madman visualized, and the markets pumped as the /biz/ buyers saw the writing on the wall with /biz/ not only defeating, not even clobbering, but breaking /biz/’s record for biggest win. The bullrun would continue, with /biz/ facing /toy/, and make them kneel as /biz/ proved keeping the manchild merch in the box is a better investment then taking it out to play in a 4-1 victory. With this win, /biz/ was already through and after all the /biz/ fans successfully shorted /3/ who spooned after looking to be the second most competent team in the group would play /int/ in a meme game to determine who seeded first in their group. The bullrun had no breaks, and despite /int/’s manager being new and having some gay idea about “having fun” meaning throwing the game, /biz/ had fun blowing /int/ the fuck out in a 4-0 victory.

/biz/ buyers were ecstatic. This green candle kept going up and up and seemed to be unstoppable. It had already tied for the record for most goals in a group stage, and /biz/ seemed unstoppable. With the knockouts begging it seemed to be the start of /biz/’s final push to win a star and hit the golden bullrun not only in crypto, but in the cup. Their opponent would be /n/, who, like /biz/ had not lost a match in their group stage, all be it, having drawn every match. Yet when /n/ entered with /biz/ fans fanatically shorting /n/ and longing /biz/, to everyone’s surprise /n/ would score first, and then again against /biz/ in quick succession. /biz/ would quickly close down on the bleeding and keep /n/ at bay; and yet, the /biz/ attack which had steamrolled everyone else was not present in the first half. The /biz/ buyers began to hear FUD as the second half began and /biz/’s attack still struggled. The match would stay as it was till the end with /biz/ fans still in disbelief as their profits that they believed were locked in were liquidated in a flash crash. Maybe /biz/ was just facing easy teams, maybe /biz/ was a paper tiger, like fiat based on nothing and a ponzi scheme? /biz/ would exit the winter cup having a massive green dildo behind it, and the hope that the next cup would not fuck it up after the group ended.

World - The Eternal Crab Market


/biz/ would walk into summer to find that this was not summer at all however, it would be the 10th anniversary of the cup, making the cup into the 4chan world cup, with 64 teams playing on an entirely new PES, with many long dead teams. Despite the large number of teams in the world cup, the cup would remain with groups of 4, and would have all teams qualify be they baby teams or elite teams like /biz/ itself. The bullmarket was still in full swing on the board and the team despite having some questions felt good given the last cup’s performance having won all games besides against the winter cup champion. Optimistic, /biz/’s group would confirm their hope as it was not a bad group, facing the “those are men”, men drama, and the nerds. Their first match would be against /s/, who /biz/ would be blown out leading to a reoccurring question of the FUD that had plagued /biz/ at the end of their last cup. Many diehards would sell thinking it was at last over as /s/ went up by 2, mirroring /n/’s last victory over /biz/. However, the tides would be turn in the second half, as /biz/ equalized with 2 goals in quick succession. Against /asp/ with the FUD ongoing no one would be shocked as /biz/ was down at 80 minutes by 1. It seemed to be the end till out of left field, the man, the legend, the person added back on the team as a meme to remind everyone of the last 6 years, Carlos Matos of New York city New York would score at 89 minutes to equalize the game, again 2-2.

/biz/ had lost no games, but also not won a single game. It was not unheard of for teams to advance on all draws, /n/ had done so last cup and then won the entire cup, yet going into their final day /biz/ would need /asp/ to win, and then /biz/ would need to defeat or draw /sci/ who had lost against /asp/ and drawn against /s/. Despite the FUD, /asp/ would defeat /s/ leaving it to /biz/. The market was volatile as could be in the last match of the group, with /sci/ scoring the first goal the entire market crashed, yet /biz/’s quick response would have the team draw and confidence to be restored. /sci/’s 45+2 goal would cause another sudden drop as /biz/ fans prepared for the worse, yet /biz/ would not only equalize at the start of the next half, but would at 83 go ahead placing /biz/ in its safe spot as what seemed to guaranteed portion on what was finally a win. However, at the last moment, /sci/ would equalize, not removing /biz/ from their advancement into the knockouts, but hurting /biz/’s overall consumer confidence.

The overall sentiment of the market seemed to be crabish at this point everyone understood this would be a crab market till the end. /biz/ would face /mu/ who similar to /biz/ last time was undefeated and never had drawn. What would happen against /mu/ would be a story of a legend, Sergey who had been taken out of the goal, would be made to shot for the cup, and in this game, he would break the record for most goals from one player in a half, scoring 4 times. Yet /mu/ was not without teeth having score twice in the first half and in the second would score one at 57 and another just near the end at 87, putting both teams into overtime. Both teams would attempt as hard as they could, yet neither gave space for each other to score place the end result at 4-4 to be resolved with a penalty shootout. /mu/ just like England would have both of their black men miss their penalty kicks causing a /biz/ win allowing /biz/ to move forward and face /p/ in the ground of 16. /p/’s manager who had made the patch however would not be defeated easily, and with /p/ scoring a kickoff goal not only in the first half, but in the second would prove to much for /biz/. Despite the confidence reinstated after the /mu/ win /biz/ would still prove too bearish this cup to match its performance in the crypto sphere. /biz/ fans would sell as /p/ would advance on a 1-2 win for /p/. /biz/ had risen in the last cup, and crabbed in this cup. The question was, is this the slow down or merely the start of a new paradigm.

2022 - The Golden Bullrun

Winter - Trancending


As winter had come /biz/ had cooled down, but not without the news that the bogs had transcended into the blockchain. It would be this somber mood full of FUD that the /biz/ team would enter into another winter cup. And immediately the FUD would begin, as the group proved to be one of the strongest /biz/ had been placed into for years with the sperges who had for the last few cups seemed very strong, the hipsters whom /biz/ had barely defeated in their KO game in the world cup, and the boomers who had temporarily set the record for highest goal differential for a group stage of 4 games. Those who were not in the know would short /biz/, for surely the team that had advanced on 4 draws in the last cup could not manage to survived such a group of death. It was with this that /biz/ would face /sp/, to which despite /sp/’s early success /biz/ would equalize and then gain the lead over /sp/. /sp/ proved its competency yet again however by equalizing at 83, forcing /biz/’s longs to be liquidated and the team to yet again be placed in doubt on the 3-3 draw.

/mu/ would be up next, and would come at /biz/ with not only with fun custom hype and /biz/’s newly revealed cyber bogs but a surprise change in tactics which would lead to /biz/ falling for their own FUD, and panic selling. /biz/ grimly would walk out of the game having been BTFOed 1-4 by /mu/, making it so not only would they have to win their next game against /vr/, but would need /sp/ to win. /vr/, the team that had won their last group stage undefeated with a goal differential of 13. Even the /biz/ managers were starting to accept that it was over. On game day with this somber mood /biz/ would walk onto the pitch, with nothing to lose, and because of this would have everything to win. Scoring on kickoff and then putting /vr/ under constant pressure as /biz/ would then score again and again with /vr/ only managing to make 2 conciliation goals in a absolutely brutal 6-2 game, with /biz/ breaking the record for most shots with 100% accuracy at 15 shots and 15 on target and /biz/ biggest win, allowing /biz/ to sigh in relief, as now even a /mu/ victory could allow /biz/ to advance into the knockouts. To which given /mu/ would convincingly lose in their next game would be unnecessary, allowing /biz/ to advance once again into the knockouts.

/biz/’s opponent in the round of 16 would be /adv/, not an impressive team, and many claimed did not deserve to even be in the knockouts. Despite this, people did not rate /biz/ all that highly either and despite the hopium injected into the market with the /vr/ match FUD still was persistent. Yet on game day, despite /adv/ looking dangerous at the start, /biz/ would quickly score 2 goals and take a firm lead. The next move that was made surprised many, as /biz/ would then go -2, a mentality for moving the team to be as defensive as possible and sacrifices all the offensive capabilities of the team. For the next 50 minutes nothing would happen, as it looked as if /biz/ would easily coast their way to a 2-0 victory, then suddenly, /biz/ would score twice more against /adv/ leading to a dominating 4-0 blow out in /biz/’s favor. This would allow /biz/ into the quarter final, against the unlikely /y/, a historically joke of a board/team. Yet despite some saying not to over think the charts, many bought into /y/ thinking that the /y/ miracle would continue, in fact FUD was told within the /biz/ manager circle that this joke team had a extremely powerful export and just might kill /biz/. Well spoiler, it didn’t the rug was pulled and /y/ collapsed the next day as they faced /biz/, losing in a 5pa1nful 5-1, making this /biz/’s 3rd game in a row where it had won by 4 goals. Not only that but this would make it so /biz/ would advance into its first ever semifinal, and regardless of /biz/’s result, /biz/ had already come further then it ever had before in its history.


Against /biz/, who it seemed was experiencing a goldenbullrun would be the undefeated europoors of /int/ once again, now battle hardened, and with no short grudge against /biz/ for murdering them 2 cups ago in the 4-0 victory and ignoring their dumb opinion on what was “fun” (because gains are fun.) /int/ seething at the mouth refused to take /biz/ up on a joke deal of using -2 all game long, and despite /int/ being a pussy /biz/ would commit to -2 near the start of the game. /int/ would because of this score on kickoff, and even with all the market volatility, all the FUD, and those from /int/ and the cup in general screaming for /biz/ anons to sell, they would just laugh back at them while saying, “not selling.” And they wouldn’t as /biz/ would not change a thing, and despite /int/’s first goal, /biz/ would score not only 1 goal, but 2 before /int/ realized that maybe they should have taken /biz/ up on going -2 the entire game. Well that ship had sailed, /biz/ was now up, and despite /int/ moving to -2, and even +2, where the team scarifies almost all its defensiveness in favor of attack, the score would remain 2-1 with /biz/ victorious, yet again, over /int/.

You do see what this means don’t you? /biz/ had made it to the final. And not any final, a final on /biz/’s birthday, during the cup in honor of the day the bogs ascended to the blockchain, against /x/ of all teams. It seemed clear, it was a sign and all the /biz/ lifelongs were holding on as it began to dawn on them it was coming home. /x/ and /biz/ would walk out on the pitch, and both teams would fight tooth and nail for the ball. /x/’s defense seemed unbreakable, and /biz/’s attack relentless. Yet it was a diving header from dog coin season that would put /biz/ ahead. Not AAAAAAAAAHHHHH, or Sminem, or either of the bogs. But dog, coin, season. Memes became dreams and many began to buy at the top. Yet 60 minutes of the game still remained, and both /biz/ and /x/ would come dangerously close to scoring, both teams hitting the post of the goal several times. Yet, in the end, /x/ calling for +2 at 85 minutes would lead to /biz/’s AAAAAAHHHHHHHH scoring the final goal, representing the internal scream of the /x/ management as their future broke down, and the ecstatic scream of /biz/ who had finally, FINALLY, MADE IT. BROS WE ALL MADE IT! IT CAME HOME! MOON MISSION COMPLETE!

Summer - The New Normal

Snib Garrison.png

/biz/ came into the tournament confident from their win in Winter, despite the new patch and the draw results it didn't seem to bother the newly crowned Elite Champions. The 1st match being against the crazy cat lady's followed after by paid in "exposure" fags (again) with the newly minted mic spamming appreciators to round out the group stage. Given the past match ups with /an/ & /gd/ as well as /vm/'s previous performance, /biz/ was expected to make this group a clean sweep to the top. /biz/ was confident. Maybe too much so...

The first match against /an/ was a clean 4-0 win that seemed to set the tone for future games to come. With /an/ going +1 at the start, bobo in his new mech suit was the 1st to dab on them and AAAAAAAAHHH attempted a shot in the net only for it to bounce of the post. The atmosphere was set, the hyp was on and it had only been 15 minutes in. The constant pressure that was being put on /an/ was to much and The (now ascended) Bogs scored a goal to round out the 1st half with a green candle. Even with a tactics change the constant attacking pressure from /biz/ sealed the match with Bobo's brace and AAAAAAAAAAAHHH's only goal both in quick succession. It was a crushing defeat for /an/ and one that would help send them back to the babbies. But more importantly: for the 1st time EVER /biz/ was at a positive GD score, Lets hope it never goes back down again.

With /biz/ winning the last elite and /gd/ coming 1st in the babies it was time for another Stupor Cup but this time, it actually mattered. Like with the last game /biz/ had not lost to /gd/ in any previous matchup and it was expected for /biz/ to win ((again)x2). Both teams went on attack at in the 1st half but it was only in the 36th minute that the ball was finally put in the back of the net. By /gd/. With a cheeky header of all things. not one to be left out /biz/ scored a (somewhat) quick counter to level the game at the half. Both teams seemed to be in a deadlock for the 2nd half with neither side gaining the upper hand for a good 35 minutes. /gd/ had a better attack but the majority of them were always off target but /biz/ having a never selling mentality, they didn't have that problem and the screaming wojack putting it into the back of the net to tie it up for /biz/

With those 2 wins /biz/ was confirmed into the knockouts, so it was decided that it might be time to relax a bit and focus on other teams who the team might play against next. But when you get careless, there will be something (or someone) out there to mess you up. Weather it was the Bogs calling it in or Bobo deciding to take a dump on the teams performance, /biz/ lost the match against /vm/ by a single goal. With both teams scoring early the match seemed like it would be a patented /sp/ tier match(tm) only for the bunny hopping speed demon on /vm/ to put one in at the final minutes of the game for their only win in the group. Regardless of this /biz/ had advanced and was ready to continue on in the knockouts with the goal of reaching the top again.

The matches were drawn and the next team was /v/. Immediately after starting the went -1, an unusual strategy but one that seemed to pay off with the 1st half ending 0-0 despite the constant attacks from the frontmen. The 2nd half however was a massive momentum shift for /v/. A quick counter followed by a 1-1 equaliser was quickly rendered moot when /v/ scored twice in the last 20 minutes of the game. The match was over and /biz/ was out of the running, proving that once again you cant always throw money (or even shitcoins) at a problem and expect it to go away. /v/ would eventually take the star for themselves after beating /biz/ in the round of 16.

2023 - Buying the dip

Winter - The Continuing Crab Market
Another season brings another cup and once again the crab was in control. Starting the group off in true crab fashion was a draw against /vm/, an improvement from last time. A defender fumble midway through the 1st half of the game allowed The bogs to score an easy goal from the top of the box giving /biz/ an early lead. It was not to last however as late in the half the D-boys scored to level the playing field. The 2nd half wasn't much of an improvement, with enough defending on both sides to keep the score level, once again, the crab had the last laugh.

/co/ was the next opponent in the group, it was a WORL PREMIERE match too. Both teams were going for the aggressive strat, sieges from the forwards made the players cover all ends of the pitch. While /biz/ was able to keep up /co/ started to slow down and that allowed AAAAAAAAAAHHHH to score a goal from a cheeky throughball late in the 1st half. The siege continued for /biz/ in the 2nd half, more back and forth over the pitch but it was the screaming wojack who got a brace at the 65' mark, seeming to thread the needle through the group of players in the box to make it 2-0. Understandably a 2-0 lead would lead to panic in /co/ and that worried /biz/ considering the bench was full of purple and blue condition players. Fortunately it never came to pass as /co/'s 1st goal only came at 90 minutes. The HODL worked and /biz/ gained 3 points.

The final match to round out the group was against /x/, historicaly /biz/ had only lost against the team of spooks once, but that was back in 2015, so the team was confident going into this match. Add to the fact that a draw at minimum was required to advance to the knockouts. AAAAAAAAAAHHHH scored the 1st goal in no time with a laser beam strike onto the back of the net of a header from the bogs. Quick changes from /x/ seemed to improve things for them with a goal but it didn't last as once again the pink wojack was centered up to score another one before the 1st half ended. The 2nd Half was more of the same, /biz/ dominating in the midfield to make sure that the /x/ attack could not get the opportunity to score, as well as taking advantage of any holes in the defense to give AAAAAAAAAAHHHH his hat trick and giving /x/ the spoon. /biz/ was once again through to the Knockouts in high spirits.

Summer - Black Swan Event

Autumn -

2024 -

Winter -

Game History

Main page: /biz/ Game History

Competition GD GDC End Result
2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup -4 -4 36th
2015 Spring Cup Logo.png 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup -4 -8 30th
ABC15 Design G.png 2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup -6 -14 39th
2016 Spring Cup Logo.png 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup +1 -13 16th
Summer16 H ALT 2.png 2016 4chan Summer Cup -4 -17 29th
ABC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup -6 -23 24th
SBC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup -1 -24 23rd
ABC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup -1 -25 22nd
SBC18 Design G2.png 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup +1 -24 20th
ABC18 Design A.png 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup -1 -25 16th
WC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Winter Cup +5 -20 7th
Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup -1 -21 23rd
ABC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup -1 -22 11th
WC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Winter Cup -2 -24 15th
SC20 Design E2.png 2020 4chan Summer Cup +3 -21 6th
WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup +9 -12 12th
WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup -1 -13 9th
WC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Winter Cup +12 -1 1st
SC22 Design G.png 2022 4chan Summer Cup +2 +1 11th
WC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Winter Cup +4 +5 6th
SC23 Design G1.png 2023 4chan Summer Cup -2 +3 27th
ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup +4 +7 8th
WC24 Design E1.png 2024 4chan Winter Cup +1 +8 18th
SBC24 Design G.png 2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup -4 +4 30th
ABC24 Design B.png 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0 +4 8th
WC25 Design J.png 2025 4chan Winter Cup +2 +6 17th
? logo.png 2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup N/a N/a N/a
Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Video Date
2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png
2014 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Vr icon.png /vr/ 0-0 D >Fun October 19th, 2014
Jp icon.png /jp/ 0-0 D >Fun October 24th, 2014
Pol icon.png /pol/ 0-0 D >Fun October 26th, 2014
Tg icon.png /tg/ 0-4 L >Fun November 1st, 2014
2015 Spring Cup Logo.png
2015 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage Mu icon.png /mu/ 2-3 L 80's Guy Goal 54'77' >Fun April 24th, 2015
Soc icon.png /soc/ 3-2 W 80's Guy Goal 25'
Warren Buffett Goal 44'90+'
>Fun April 26th, 2015
Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ 2-6 L 80's Guy Goal 13'
Forex Goal 90+'
>Fun May 3rd, 2015
Jp icon.png /jp/ 0-0 D >Fun May 9th, 2015
ABC15 Design G.png
2015 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Fit icon.png /fit/ 1-4 L Bitcoin Millionaire Goal 68' >Fun October 24th, 2015
Out icon.png /out/ 2-3 L Warren Buffett Goal 37'45+' >Fun October 30th, 2015
Gif icon.png /gif/ 2-3 L Warren Buffet Goal 12'
Bitcoin Millionaire Goal 31'
>Fun November 6th, 2015
X icon.png /x/ 0-1 L >Fun November 8th, 2015
2016 Spring Cup Logo.png
2016 Spring Babby Cup
Qualifiers Adv icon.png /adv/ 3-3 D Martin Shkreli Goal 11'
Ethereum Goal 29'
Yatch Goal 65'
>Fun April 15th, 2016
Fa icon.png /fa/ 0-0 D >Fun April 16th, 2016
Gif icon.png /gif/ 2-1 W Bitcoin Millionaire Goal 5'
Martin Shkreli Goal 83'
>Fun April 16th, 2016
Group Stage G icon.png /g/ 1-1 D Etherium Goal 74' >Fun May 7th, 2016
Sci icon.png /sci/ 4-0 W Etherium Goal 10'
Martin Shkreli Goal 74'28'
Idea Guy Goal 82'
>Fun May 13th, 2016
Tg icon.png /tg/ 3-3 D Martin Shkreli Goal 2'36'
Etherium Goal 90'
>Fun May 15th, 2016
Round of 16 M icon.png /m/ 2-6 L Bitcoin Millionaire Goal 18'
Vitalik Buterin Goal 39'
>Fun May 21th, 2016
Summer16 H ALT 2.png
2016 Summer Cup
Group Stage Tv icon.png /tv/ 2-3 L Vitalik Buterin Goal 38'40' >Fun August 6th, 2016
M icon.png /m/ 3-5 L Ethercuck Goal 36'
Martin Shkreli Goal 44'76'
>Fun August 12th, 2016
S4s icon.png /s4s/ 1-2 L Ethercuck Goal 14' >Fun August 14th, 2016
ABC16 Design A.png
2016 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Vg icon.png /vg/ 1-3 L Trumpcoin Goal 26' >Fun October 28th, 2016
Sp icon.png /sp/ 1-6 L Trumpcoin Goal 88' >Fun October 30th, 2016
Tg icon.png /tg/ 1-0 W Ethercuck Goal 20' >Fun November 5th, 2016
SBC17 Design A.png
2017 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage B icon.png /b/ 1-0 W Martin Shkreli Goal 41' >Fun May 12th, 2017
Tg icon.png /tg/ 0-1 L >Fun May 12th, 2017
F icon.png /f/ 2-3 L Warren Buffett Goal 6'
Warren Buffett Goal 56'
>Fun May 12th, 2017
ABC17 Design A.png
2017 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Tg icon.png /tg/ 0-1 L >Fun October 27th, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 2-3 L AAAAAHHHHHHHH Goal 22'
Money Skeleton Goal 40'
>Fun October 29th, 2017
Mu icon.png /mu/ 1-0 W AAAAAHHHHHHHH Goal 22' >Fun November 4th, 2017
SBC18 Design G2.png
2018 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage Fit icon.png /fit/ 0-1 L >Fun May 4th, 2018
Tv icon.png /tv/ 1-2 L Sminem Goal 43' >Fun May 6th, 2018
W icon.png /w/ 3-2 W AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Goal 6'
Sminem Goal 22'
Money Skeleton Goal 90+3'
>Fun May 12th, 2018
Y icon.png /y/ 4-2 W Sminem Goal 21'34'
Dump It Goal 26'
Money Skeleton Goal 90+0'
>Fun May 18th, 2018
ABC18 Design A.png
2018 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage X icon.png /x/ 3-2 W SminemGoal 3'
Money SkeletonGoal 30'
>Fun October 26th, 2018
F icon.png /f/ 1-2 L Money Skeleton Goal 76' >Fun October 28th, 2018
An icon.png /an/ 3-2 W Money Skeleton Goal 38'82'90+2' >Fun November 3rd, 2018
Round of 16 Pol icon.png /pol/ 1-3 L AAAAAHHHHHHHH Goal 84' >Fun November 10th, 2018
WC19 Design E.png
2019 Winter Cup
Group Stage Bant icon.png /bant/ 4-2 W Goal 13'54' Money Skeleton
Goal 61' Dump it
>Fun 15 February 2019
Vp icon.png /vp/ 5-5 D Goal 24'44' Sminem
Goal 39' Dump It
>Fun 17 February 2019
Vg icon.png /vg/ 3-0 W Dump It Goal 6'58'
Money Skeleton Goal 75'
>Fun 23 February 2019
Round of 16 Wg icon.png /wg/ 4-2 W Dump it Goal 3'69'
Lambo Goal 33'
>Fun 2 March 2019
Quarter Finals S4s icon.png /s4s/ 1-3 L Sminem Goal 73' >Fun 3 March 2019
Summer19 C.png
2019 Summer Cup
Group Stage Diy icon.png /diy/ 1-1 D Dump it Goal 2' >Fun 19 July 2019
F icon.png /f/ 0-0 D >Fun 21 July 2019
R9k icon.png /r9k/ 2-3 L Dump it Goal 72, 78' >Fun 27 July 2019
ABC19 Design E.png
2019 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage V icon.png /v/ 1-2 L The Prophesy Goal 33' >Fun 26 October 2019
Gd icon.png /gd/ 2-1 W The Prophecy Goal 28'77' >Fun 1 November 2019
An icon.png /an/ 3-3 D Goal 21'45+0' AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH
Goal 90+0' The Prophecy
>Fun 3 November 2019
Round of 16 Jp icon.png /jp/ 2-3 L Goal 48' Bogged
Goal 98' The Prophecy
>Fun 9 November 2019
WC20 Design A.png
2020 Winter Cup
Group Stage Toy icon.png /toy/ 2-1 W Goal 5' Punished Prophecy
>Fun 17 January 2020
Tg icon.png /tg/ 1-2 L Goal 16' AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH >Fun 19 January 2020
Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 2-1 W AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Goal 32'45+2' >Fun 25 January 2020
Round of 16 Vg icon.png /vg/ 1-4 L Golden Bullrun Goal 56' >Fun 1 February 2020
SC20 Design E2.png
2020 Summer Cup
Group Stage Gd icon.png /gd/ 3-2 W AAAAAAAAHHHH Goal 15'57'
Bear Market Bobo Goal 84'
>Fun 18 July 2020
Jp icon.png /jp/ 2-1 W Goal 41' AAAAAAAAHHHH
Goal 69' Sminem
>Fun 24 July 2020
Ck icon.png /ck/ 2-3 L OOOOOOOH LINKIES Goal 12'
>Fun 26 July 2020
Round of 16 X icon.png /x/ 3-0 W Bear Market Bobo Goal 26'
Sminem Goal 34'44'
>Fun 1 August 2020
Quarter Finals Out icon.png /out/ 2-3 L AAAAAAAAHHHH Goal 26'43' >Fun 2 August 2020
WC21 Design D.png
2021 Winter Cup
Group Stage 3 icon.png /3/ 5-1 L AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Goal 16'
Bobo Goal 23'55'
BOGGED Goal 51'90+2'
>Fun 30 January 2021
Toy icon.png /toy/ 4-1 L AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Goal 18'44'
XMR-chan Goal 53'
Sminem Goal 68'
>Fun 30 January 2021
Int icon.png /int/ 4-0 W Goal 61'76' BOGGED
Goal 73'90+4' Sminem
>Fun 7 February 2021
Round of 16 N icon.png /n/ 0-2 L >Fun 13 February 2021
WoC21 Design E.png
2021 World Cup
Group Stage S icon.png /s/ 2-2 D BOGGEDGoal 51'
>Fun 9 July 2021
Asp icon.png /asp/ 2-2 D AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 22'
>Fun 17 July 2021
Sci icon.png /sci/ 3-3 D AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 27'47'83' >Fun 25 July 2021
Round of 32 Mu icon.png /mu/ 4-4 W
Sergey of NazarethGoal 6'25'41'45+4' >Fun 7 August 2021
Round of 16 P icon.png /p/ 1-2 L AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 40' >Fun 14 August 2021
WC22 Design D.png
2022 Winter Cup
Group Stage Sp icon.png /sp/ 3-3 D AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Goal 29'
GrichkaGoal 44'
IgorGoal 63'
>Fun 29 January 2022
Mu icon.png /mu/ 1-4 L AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 43' >Fun 4 February 2022
Vr icon.png /vr/ 6-2 W AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 4'66'
GrichkaGoal 14'22'
IgorGoal 57'
SminemGoal 90+0'
>Fun 6 February 2022
Round of 16 Adv icon.png /adv/ 4-0 W GrichkaGoal 6'
SminemGoal 28'89'
IgorGoal 82'
>Fun 12 February 2022
Quarter Finals Y icon.png /y/ 5-1 W GrichkaGoal 10'
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 35'65'89'90+4'
>Fun 13 February 2022
Semi Finals Int icon.png /int/ 2-1 W SminemGoal 7'
GrichkaGoal 20'
>Fun 13 February 2022
Finals X icon.png /x/ 2-0 W Dog Coin SeasonGoal 12'
>Fun 13 February 2022
SC22 Design G.png
2022 Summer Cup
Group Stage An icon.png /an/ 4-0 W Mecha BoboGoal 9'81'
BOGGEDGoal 38'
>Fun 29 July 2022
Gd icon.png /gd/ 2-1 W AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 42'86' >Fun 31 July 2022
Vm icon.png /vm/ 1-2 L BOGGEDGoal 15' >Fun 6 August 2022
Round of 16 V icon.png /v/ 1-3 L AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 63' >Fun 13 August 2022
WC23 Design G.png
2023 Winter Cup
Group Stage Vm icon.png /vm/ 1-1 D BOGGEDGoal 25' >Fun 28 January 2023
Co icon.png /co/ 2-1 W AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 35'65' >Fun 3 February 2023
X icon.png /x/ 3-1 W AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 6'37'56' >Fun 5 February 2023
Round of 16 Y icon.png /y/ 3-1 W Mecha BoboGoal 34'
SminemGoal 45+0'
>Fun 11 February 2023
Quarter Finals Ck icon.png /ck/ 2-3 L AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 26'61' >Fun 12 February 2023
SC23 Design G1.png
2023 Summer Cup
Group Stage D icon.png /d/ 1-3 L DodoGoal 8' >Fun 29 July 2023
V icon.png /v/ 1-1 D DodoGoal 5' >Fun 4 August 2023
Sp icon.png /sp/ 1-1 D DodoGoal 23' >Fun 6 August 2023
ABC23 Design G.png
2023 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Fa icon.png /fa/ 3-1 W AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGoal 18'52'
Sergey is Feeling, Gold ManGoal 38'
>Fun 27 October 2023
Bant icon.png /bant/ 2-1 W Sergey is Feeling, Gold ManGoal 71'75' >Fun 29 October 2023
Tg icon.png /tg/ 3-2 W Sergey is Feeling, Gold ManGoal 13'30'79' >Fun 4 November 2023
Round of 16 Vg icon.png /vg/ 3-2 W AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Goal 21'
Sergey is Feeling, Gold Man Goal 71' (pen.)81'
>Fun 11 November 2023
Quarter Finals Ck icon.png /ck/ 0-1 L >Fun 12 November 2023
WC24 Design E1.png
2024 4chan Winter Cup
Group Stage C icon.png /c/ 2-1 W BOGGEDGoal 29'39' >Fun 20 January 2024
Int icon.png /int/ 2-0 W Sergay is Feeling, Gold ManGoal 53'
BOGGEDGoal 80'
>Fun 26 January 2024
Co icon.png /co/ 2-4 L Sergay is Feeling, Gold ManGoal 60'
>Fun 28 January 2024
SBC24 Design G.png
2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage V icon.png /v/ 3-4 L Sminem Goal 2'
Bogged Goal 4'
>Fun 26 April 2024
Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 4-6 L Sminem Goal 2'22'45+2'
Mumu Goal 38'
>Fun 28 April 2024
O icon.png /o/ 2-3 L Dodo Goal 51'
>Fun 4 May 2024
ABC24 Design B.png
2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage C icon.png /c/ 2-0 W BoggedGoal 8'
Ika-chanScored 14'
>Fun 2 November 2024
Vm icon.png /vm/ 0-0 D [ >Fun] 8 November 2024
Vg icon.png /vg/ 1-2 L BoggedGoal 18' [ >Fun] 10 November 2024
Round of 16 H icon.png /h/ 2-1 W AAAAAAAAAAAHHH Goal 37'
Sminem Goal 75'
[ >Fun] 16 November 2024
Quarter Finals Vm icon.png /vm/ 2-4 L Bogged Goal 4' (pen.)41' [ >Fun] 17 November 2024
WC25 Design J.png
2025 4chan Winter Cup
Group Stage Wsg icon.png /wsg/ 0-4 L >Fun 24 January 2025
Tv icon.png /tv/ 2-2 D Bogged Goal 10'55' >Fun 26 January 2025
R9k icon.png /r9k/ 6-0 W AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Goal 15'
Bogged Goal 25'
Sminem Goal 29'45+0'54'
Snib Snab Goal 47'
>Fun 1 February 2025
? logo.png
2025 4chan Winter Cup
Group Stage TBD icon.png TBD 0-0 N/a [>Fun] N/a
TBD icon.png TBD 0-0 N/a [>Fun] N/a
TBD icon.png TBD 0-0 N/a [>Fun] N/a


G logo.png

Crypto Derby
Oh look at this great new technology. Cryptography will allow the betterment of mankind and allow more decentralization. Oh who the hell believes this, its obviously just a bunch of brainlets trying to get into a pyramid scheme to try and make a buck.
Now the question is, who will sell last, /biz/ or /g/?

Pol logo.png

Bogda Bowl
/BIZ/ BROS MAKE IT STOP, /POL/ IS LAUGHING AT US AGAIN! YOU COULD HAVE PREVENTED THIS, BUT ITS HAPPENING, /BIZ/ VS /POL/. Will /biz/ be dumped, or will the bogs make the call to crash /pol/, find out in the /biz/ vs /pol/ the bogdabowl!

X logo.png

Divination Derby
How do you predict market trends? Surely through technical anaysis or reading the white paper to see if the project is promising in long term growth. What a joke, a crystal ball and cards can unironically read better into it. Same with when these two groups of schitzos play.
So read see who the stars align for /biz/ or /x/!


Stats, Awards & Records

Our lord and saviour, our captain, bringer of gains and lambos, Sergey.


Player Goals Assists MotM
Bogged 28 20 6
Sminem 19 31 6
Money Skeleton 14 5 6
Sergey of Nazareth 12 2 4
Bear Market Bobo 7 5 0
Dodo 3 0 0
Dog Coin Season 1 0 1
XMRChan 1 2 0
Lambo 1 0 0
Golden Mumu 1 0 0
Snib Snib 0 2 0


Player Saves MotM
Sergey of Nazareth 135 1

Previous Players


Player Goals Assists MotM
Martin Shkreli 9 3 6
Ethercuck 7 0 2
Warren Buffet 7 3 1
Financial Ruin 7 0 1
Bitcoin Millionaire 4 8 0
80s Guy 4 2 0
Trump Coin 2 1 0
Forex 1 1 0
Idea Guy 1 0 0
Yatch 1 0 0
Step 1 be a Jew 0 2 0
Robinhood 0 2 0
Sell Me This Pen 0 2 0
Bag Holders 0 1 0
Pyramid Scheme 0 1 0
Accounting Major 0 1 0
$1/Pop 0 1 0
Neet 0 0 1
How I Get Rich? 0 0 1


Player Saves MotM
Firm Hand Shake 54 0
Money Skeleton 10 0
Hodl 8 0
>Ebay 4 0
Scrooge McDuck 4 0
Sharpie In Pooper 3 0
DR;NS 2 0
Janet Yellen 2 0
Black Monday 2 0



Competition Record Result Opponent Player Status
WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup Highest Goal Differential for a group stage (3 Games) +11 3 icon.png /3/ Int icon.png /int/ Toy icon.png /toy/ N/a Active
WC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Winter Cup Most shots all on target 15(15) Vr icon.png /vr/ N/a Active
ABC24 Design B.png 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Most cards in a match for a single team 5 Booked Vg icon.png /vg/ N/a Active


Name/Tripcode Status Start Date End Date Days Active Days Active (Cumulative)
QinTheWise !!FRIAQNig8Tn Inactive May 1st, 2014 July 27, 2015 452 452
La Suisse !/BaNkerPPA Inactive May 15th, 2014 November 11th, 2014 180 180
N R !!ZbCofK9fXan Inactive November 6th, 2014 March 6th, 2015 120 120
Art Vandelay !!LUrK4sGtfgo Inactive November 19th, 2014 October 30th, 2015 345 345
Managerless ~ October 31st, 2015 December 2nd, 2015 32 32
DukeSilver !!nAHV/RtPB1q Inactive December 3rd, 2015 May 30th, 2017 544 544
Managerless ~ May 31st, 2017 September 6th 2017 99 131
EternalAussie !!UFEvGhKxyAZ Inactive September 7th 2017 July 29th, 2019 690 690
plus !!IfFZMaPmcC7 Inactive February 27th, 2018 February 14th, 2021 1083 1083
plus !!IfFZMaPmcC7 Inactive August 15th, 2021 January 10th, 2024 878 1961
wand !!mZEulPrzZDp Active December 29th 2019 N/a 1894 1894
Ryperiour2 !!oczH3VqQg6N Active November 17th, 2020 N/a 1570 1570


  • Up until the /biz/ vs /an/ game in Summer 2022, /biz/ had never been on positive Goal Difference before
  • The total number of times /biz/ has appeared in an elite cup is 13
  • Dog Coin Season is the only non medal to get MotM
  • 4 Teams have beaten /biz/ in the Knockouts to then go on to win the cup. Spring 2016:/m/, Autumn 2018:/pol/, Winter 2021:/n/, Summer 2022:/v/. Coincidence? Who knows.
  • /biz/ was managerless for 131 Days
  • /biz/ won its 1st Elite cup on the teams 8th year anniversary in the competition
  • The IRL Bogdanoff brothers died shortly before this happened :(
  • /biz/ has the highest Efficiency and Goal Differential in the Sixth Founding
  • /biz is the only team in the Sixth Founding with a positive GD (as of Winter 2024)
  • /biz/ has gotten the hat pick 4 times: Summer 2016, Autumn 2017, World 2021, Spring 2024.


Current Export: Link

Song Artist Link Used for
Just Jeremy Just & Bizonacci Youtube Group Stage Anthem
Thomas the Money Engine Biggie Small Youtube Anthem vs /n/
AC/BC - You Shook Me All Night Long (PALEOROCK CLASSIC) ACDC & Bizonacci Youtube Anthem vs /out/
Fierce Battle Against A Mighty Foe (HQ) - Dragon Ball Super Norihito Sumitomo Youtube Knockouts Anthem
Loadsamoney (Doin' Up the House) Harry Enfield Youtube Default Goalhorn
Bogda Bogdanov - Cyril Hanouna (Officiel) Cyril Hanouna Youtube Bogged Goalhorn
Do not Redeem N/a N/a Pajeet Goalhorn
Bloody bastard bitch Hush On Da Beat Youtube Pajeet 2nd Goalhorn
Komm Susser Tod Arianne Cleopatra Schreiber Youtube Goalhorn vs Weebs
lods of ghosts / lodsbusters (Ghostbusters / Doin' Up the House mash-up) dannylemon Youtube Soundcloud Goalhorn vs /x/
We All Shit In The Designated Street Sub Youtube Honk.fm Joint anthem vs /int/
LOOOVE BIT'ONNECT Anon Clyp.it Default Victory Anthem
Tsubasa wo Kudasai Megumi Hayashibara Youtube Victory Anthem vs Weebs
The boy who saved Crypto Kirk Franklin Youtube Sminem MOTM Victory Anthem


For autisim & testing: Discord icon.png Discord

Ryperiour2 !!oczH3VqQg6N

  • Discord: flats_01
  • Email: r2.4cc.benis@gmail.com

wand !!mZEulPrzZDp

  • IRC: wand
  • Discord: Wand#7138


Related Teams

Elite Cups
Preceded by
2021 /n/ N icon.png
Winter Champions
2022 (1st title)
Succeeded by
2023 /vst/ Vst icon.png