… And Putin said “Let there be divegrass,” and there was divegrass. Putin saw that the divegrass was good. Thus is the the genesis of /int/. An original team of the 4chan Cup, /int/'s story is that of roller-coastering success, but constant hope. They would be slow to find their footing with only three of their first 12 games resulting in wins, but would suddenly rocket to success as runners-up of the 2012 Summer Cup. Team captain Putin was so pleased with this outcome, he ordered that the rest of team would NOT be sent to the gulag and be given a whole half portion of rations. (They received a quarter portion.) Two more strong knockout finishes would follow for the next two major cups, but Putin's starvation diet would be /int/'s undoing with the coming of the Winter 2014 season. With a loss of all games in the group stage, /int/ saw their first relegation and would be among the first of the long-time Elite teams to lose such status. Humbled once more in Spring by failing to advance to Summer, the team has been soul-searching for what truly matters. The answer is obvious: to beat arch rivals /pol/ in their own hosted cup and to return to the Major cups where /int/ belongs. Fresh management hopes to do just that, and asks its fans to bring the hype while /int/ brings the dope Serbian beats.