The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions. | ||
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used. You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo. | ||
Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg |
Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg |
This page is for the upcoming 2023 4chan Winter Cup. Archived exports pages can be found at Exports/Archive
This page is for the preliminary and tactical deadlines only. See the Save Fixes for tactical export-related changes beyond the first deadline.
Make sure to read the warning message above.
Making your export
To make your export, start PES 2021 and go to the main menu. When there select Edit to go to the Edit menu. Then select Data Management at the bottom and then select Export Team. After that just follow all the instructions on the screen. When done the export can be found in My Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\WEPES. Just look for the .ted file after how you named it. This is the file you will have to upload and put under the team's header on this page.
For your aesthetics export, please refer to the current aesthetics export template.
For music export, please check the Rigdio page.
Post a link to download your team's export. It is mandatory to separate the tactical export and the aesthetics download. Music exports are optional but appreciated, and should be separate from the prior files. Check the wiki main page for the export deadline timer.
Note: | It is highly recommended that you use Auto-ATF which is included in the 4ccEditor, which can be found here to check your export before uploading it. |
Don't be afraid to contact the 4CCC or anyone else who may be able to help you about the current cup rules if you have questions.
- Tactical Export: its over
- Aesthetics Export: Smug Crab
- Audio Export: wierd animal noises
- Tactical Export: Cute Winter Tactics!
- Aesthetics Export: Cute Winter wear!
- Audio Export: Cute Cheering!
- Tactical Export: Export i guess
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetics 21/23
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: A boy can do anything better than a girl can, including being cute
- Aesthetics Export: Is there an Aphrodite (for cute boys) I can pray to to make my model of a twink real? Asking for a friend (not Pygmalion)
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:I have a plan!
- Aesthetics Export:generic soccer girl aesthetics
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Tactics to cause somnophilia.
- Aesthetics Export: Only slightly more likely to get the stream banned!
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Day ??? of AI art cope, send help
- Aesthetics Export: Will finish this aes export for food (WIP-ish)
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Played Rance VI to try and break the bounce
- Aesthetics Export: Latias best poke girl
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours.
- Aesthetics Export: Apply here.
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: >11 months of Russia's >special >military >operation
- Aesthetics Export: >Seriously what the fuck were they thinking?
- Audio Export: >Did they seriously think that they could replicate Operation Desert Storm in this day and age?
- Tactical Export: How 2 keep your thrusters running in deep space
- Aesthetics Export: New designs for your cockpit
- Audio Export: Your mecha songs 2023 edition If you had the 2022 Special edition, get this patch
- Tactical Export: Last night I heard lepers flinch like birth defects
- Aesthetics Export: Its musk was fecal in origin
- Audio Export: As the words dribbled off of its chin
- Tactical Export: Export
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetics
- Audio Export: Music
- Tactical Export: أنا سعودي حقيقي ، أقاتل من أجل حقوق الرجال فقط
- Aesthetics Export: تم اغتصاب كيفن ناش في صيف عام 1992
- Audio Export: ذكور عربية ، ذكور عربية ، ذكور عربية
- Tactical Export:somebody once told me
- Aesthetics Export:the world is gonna
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:Is divegrass a hard science?
- Aesthetics Export:>get new players >can't into new aesthetics
- Audio Export:its not like they warrant any new chants
- Tactical Export: la scaloneta
- Aesthetics Export: tsuudi arabia
- Audio Export: ESCUCHEN
- Tactical Export: ACTUALLY not pirated tactics this time *wink*
- Aesthetics Export: aes
- Audio Export: music
- Tactical Export: Looks cool, sign up and start making a character.
- Aesthetics Export: I swear the tavern had to be some kind of 8th dimensional shape, because EVERYONE was in their own corner away from everyone else.
- Audio Export: One more Battle Cry, blow infinite Spirit, and...
- Tactical Export: the road to handholding hell is paved with vidya tactics
- Aesthetics Export: Vidya Edition
- Audio Export: With bocchi chant in
- Aesthetics Export: WATCHAN
- Audio Export: LISTENAN
- Aesthetics Export: Preliminary Aes (I don't have a lot of goblin images)
- Audio Export: Here's a fun tip that most cup viewers don't know: gachas are free to play
- Tactical Export: 15 years of development into this Export leaked. It's totally over.
- Aesthetics Export: The Door Stuck fandom is dying. Use this Aesthetic Export if you're a Genuine Dicksucker.
- Tactical Export: ? Post ELO
- Aesthetics Export: Day 1 patch downloaded separately
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: >He didn't mod his NES to >test PES on it
- Aesthetics Export: >He doesn't stream PES on a CRT with SCART cables for the optimal RGB experience
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: >>tfw you grind for hours for a boss only to realize it's a gimmick fight
- Aesthetics Export: Basically the same as Autumn
- Audio Export: Why change an already good thing?
- Tactical Export: Time to paint the map red.
- Aesthetics Export: Nimble>Battle Forged
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: I've crashed the waves across the walls, across a barren rock, just out of pure design
- Aesthetics Export: Seriously though do some shadow work at least
- Audio Export: I've crashed the waves across the walls, to share a stem cell, let's sit down and rise some more
- Tactical Export: Part of me, won't agree
- Aesthetics Export: Cause I don't know if it's for sure
- Audio Export: Suddenly, suddenly, I don't feel so insecure
- Tactical Export: Second to none
- Aesthetics Export: 20/01/23- Only major change is kits
- Audio Export: 18/01/23