2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Signups

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Revision as of 15:19, 22 September 2023 by Ben (talk | contribs) (→‎{{team away|o}})
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When editing the sign-up page, edit your team's section only (click the [edit] link next to the header with your team's name) in order to prevent edit conflicts and loss of links! If an edit conflict happens, we'll be able to tell whose fault it is.

This is a sign-up page for teams to play in the 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup.

Sign-ups will officially close at 11:59:59pm UTC on the 24th of September. Also, please note that this is not an Exports page, so do not post any exports of any kind here.

Rules (please read these or be deemed a dumbass):

  1. Only invited teams may sign up. This includes:
    1. Teams that qualify for the 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup.
    2. Teams intending to attempt to revive from ded status.
    3. Teams intending to attempt to be newly created.
  2. Verified managers are required to sign their team up directly through this page and should sign their posts using ~~~~ at the end.
  3. Caretakers may sign their autopilot team up with a signature on this page if they so choose but are not required to do so if they've chosen to remain anonymous. They are required however to contact Old Man Sou or another member of /admin/ in order to inform them of their intent in signing their team up to play.
  4. After being signed up, a team must have their manager or caretaker provide Proof of Interest (POI) to Old Man Sou or another member of /admin/.
    1. If you have already done this prior to the opening of sign-ups and are not recognized as having valid POI, please remind whoever it was sent to of its existence, possibly with relinks, for certainty of receipt and ease of tracking.
    2. POI may include any number of active or archived threads on your team's board concerning the cup (preparations for play in a future cup, threads for match days, etc.) and polls for players/music/etc.
    3. POI is required to have been made within the last six months. This may include threads created for a team's previous cup run provided it is within the six month time period.
    4. It is not required but you may provide more recent POI if you are already listed as having valid POI from an earlier date.
    5. You are not required to post your POI publicly on this page at any time and are encouraged to not do so unless it is an archived thread or closed poll in order to reduce outside interference and tampering. Doing otherwise will likely damage its validity.
  5. Upon receipt of POI, /admin/ will examine it and deliberate to find if it is acceptable evidence of interest from a board for their team to be able to play or not.
    1. If deemed acceptable proof of interest, a team's section below will be edited and added upon by a member of /admin/ to verify and announce the team's sign-up as complete and being eligible to play.
    2. If deemed unacceptable, managers/caretakers will be informed of the decision and may attempt to gather and hand in new POI before sign-ups close if they wish to. POI gathered after sign-ups close will not be accepted.


4ccc icon.png /4ccc/

signing up fr fr no cap on god fam 4cccManager (talk) 04:20, 16 September 2023 (UTC)

  • POI approved but ur a faget Old Man Sou (talk) 03:04, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

2023 Autumn Babby Teams

A icon.png /a/

Fall 2023 season looking good. Jnt (talk) 05:13, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

Aco icon.png /aco/

An icon.png /an/

PRÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖH XDDDD Alternativeroo (talk) 07:46, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

B icon.png /b/

Small north korean guard.jpeg bratty north korean guards💢💢💢💢 seducing american adults💢💢💢💢 6letters (talk) 01:47, 21 September 2023 (UTC)

Bant icon.png /bant/

Do you remember? The 21st night of September? MediumPlans (talk) 23:48, 21 September 2023 (UTC)

Biz icon.png /biz/

>puts the black swan as medal
>gets relegated
Swan.jpgRyperiour2 (talk) 03:20, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

Ck icon.png /ck/

Cm icon.png /cm/

The problem with gay subtext is it's all just text. Blatant. All over the fucking page. He's desperately begging for his boyfriend's cock and people will still say it's subtext if they don't kiss or fuck onscreen. tech (talk) 03:17, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

F icon.png /f/

Fa icon.png /fa/

Gd icon.png /gd/

One sec I need to give my credit card information to chat gpt to come up with a funny signup meme Juice (talk) 03:19, 22 September 2023 (UTC)

H icon.png /h/

His icon.png /his/

What the FUCK was his problem? JunoIvanovich (talk) 16:46, 20 September 2023 (UTC)

I icon.png /i/

Hopefully we don't play on the wrong layer this time Discordant (talk) 01:20, 19 September 2023 (UTC)

Int icon.png /int/

India can into space. Fingol (talk) 09:19, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

K icon.png /k/

Eggs being measured.png

>day 571 of the 3-day special military operation to denazify ukraine
>prigozhin crashed with no survivors
>the wagner group is memory holed
>kadyrov is probably next in line
>the >russian >black sea >fleet is losing ships to a nation without navy
>mines everywhere
>drones everywhere
>cluster munitions flying left, right and center
>mobiks are being turned into cubes
>ass is in ass
>eggs are being measured
Anyways what's your favourite grenade and why is it a Glock? Kommandanten (talk) 04:54, 18 September 2023 (UTC)

Lit icon.png /lit/

Mlp icon.png /mlp/

On the bright side, if we get aborted there's no where to go but up! MotorScooter (talk) 18:31, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

O icon.png /o/

Exhaust pipe connected to the muffler broke. Now everyone thinks I drive a riced out Golf. Ben (talk) 15:19, 22 September 2023 (UTC)

Out icon.png /out/

Pol icon.png /pol/

This time /pol/ will Blitzkrieg the competition this year! And get us out of the damn fetus GaryD12 (talk) 03:27, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

R9k icon.png /r9k/

S4s icon.png /s4s/

Sci icon.png /sci/

Imagine trying to pass off a diamagnetic substance as a RSTC. Koreans, not even once. UU (talk) 03:25, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

Tg icon.png /tg/

Surely we'll pass the leadership test this time. Los Magos del Tiempo (talk) 06:15, 21 September 2023 (UTC)

Toy icon.png /toy/

It's Autumn! You knoe what that means? It means the skeleton threads are back and stronger than ever. Legendairyman (talk) 06:40, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

U icon.png /u/

Defy this logic
Making out.png Alexl7l (talk) 03:36, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

V icon.png /v/

Let's a go! wait, fuck, it's "wowie zowie" now isn't it? This sucks LawfulDickish (talk) 01:31, 22 September 2023 (UTC)

Vg icon.png /vg/

Momoihype.gif Dazlatan (talk) 03:55, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

Vm icon.png /vm/


Sorry bro, I couldn't sign the team up earlier because I was too fucking busy getting defeated by the paizuri.
What do you mean I won't reach the Cadet skin?
Laventale (talk) 01:05, 21 September 2023 (UTC)

Vmg icon.png /vmg/

Vmg spring23run.png It keeps happening Yonk (talk) 12:59, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

Vr icon.png /vr/

Cursing this Franchise... With no Survivors! I hate netflix.png Polybius (talk) 16:11, 21 September 2023 (UTC)

Vt icon.png /vt/

What a strange dream I just had. Quake guy killed Chris Benoit in Minecraft, Avril Lavigne was clubbing a seal and lion, a panini press burnt my spider pizza, whores stole my daughter's ice cream cone and now someone squirted mayo all over my house plants. HLGGDiveGrass (talk) 05:46, 19 September 2023 (UTC)

W icon.png /w/

Friendly reminder that Autumn is best season Anonymous Goat (talk) 04:48, 17 September 2023 (UTC) Autumn.jpg

Wg icon.png /wg/

check out this painting I found Moze (talk) 03:33, 21 September 2023 (UTC) Painting.jpg

X icon.png /x/

Xs icon.png /xs/

New & Reviving Teams

N icon.png /n/

The train is back on the tracks Vaughan (talk) 01:40, 22 September 2023 (UTC)