Talk:Divegrass Before Christmas 5: Christmas on Easter Island
- Post your Midcups here (In the Pending Midcups section)
- Nightlies are allowed, but do not make any changes to player abilities (like normal in the 4cc or vgl)
Pending Midcups
/4ccc/ New stuff for aesthetics new pastebin Nightly New music export
/2huremix/ add AMF to the 55'subs on pastebin
/myth/ new tictacs
/hfz/ Nightly for Knockouts
/暁Records/ Nightly sent vs /hfs/, also disregard pastebin for this match
/skynetFC/ Yup, it's another audio export
/HAHA/ More slight updates for Laughing Bird and Skinsuit DLC (should have text over their eyes now).
/ytp/ Un-Wimp Lo'd export for the knockouts
/tm/ Nightly for Round of 16, Sweet Tooth should finally be captain and not the keeper lmao
/4ccg/ Fix to make Kit 2 functional.
/暁Records/ Nightly sent vs /parappa/
Processed Midcups
/nijiID/ i forgor they did xmas covers so now i added them to my musics
/jrpg/ I won't be there, start on p2 autopilot rules
/fluff/ nightlyyyyy for every match
/copalib/ music for thursday
/pcmx/ Now with an actual Christmas horn! | Nightly against /copalib/
/ytp/ Wimp Lo export vs /retardy/
/troubleshooter/ Updated audio for a Gook-off. (Hopefully) fixed ball because it seems the example texture in the template I edited uses a different filename than what's written in the accompanying material file ???
/retardy/ Too many toasters!!! vs. /ytp/ music export
/skynetFC/ Even more updated audio
/numbersstation/ Updated portraits. Your contribution will be rewarded. Await midnight.
/HAHA/ Silly midcup for the match against /rats/. SKINSUIT DLC must play this match. If kit 3 (orange+black) hasn't been used yet and /rats/' kit isn't also orange+black, please use that kit.
/pcmx/ Ball - Liacon | Nightly against /San Marino/ | Audio: Now With More Chants!
/copalib/ music for tuesday | pastebin for tuesday
/slush/ Portraits – Nightly – Drag link related's files to main music export – Ball
/hfz/ Nightly vs /2huremix/
/暁Records/ nightly sent and pastebin update vs /myth/
/joshu/ angeshu hair fix!
/troubleshooter/ I should be home by kickoff, but just in case, a pastebin.
/jrpg/ Start on P3 and treat it like an auto if I'm not there Cipher-chama.
/skynetFC/ Kick the turtle, he deserved it (this is a ball) | updated audio
/AG/ Our portraits aren't made of cake this time, so no one should eat them.
/2huremix/ akitsuki records model needs FPC hiding on player 89221 (Long sleeves Tucked shirt Short socks Boots 55 gloves 11)
/HAHA/ Slightly adjusted base pastebin. Will miss the Sunday match, so this should be used.
/🗿/ updated 🗿 music
/joshu/ aes! music! version 2!
/copalib/ music
/slush/ Pastebin Save fixes
/jrpg/ Music
/parappa/ BELIEVE
/KH/ Aestehtic Keyblades
/numbersstation/ Transmissions... Music...
/rats/ pastebin instructions
/HAHA/ Midcup 1 (2024-12-05) - new model and textures for Laughing Bird. | Base pastebin, in case the manager isn't around. Forgot the kick takers the first time around.
Exports (Main Teams)
/4ccg/ Invitational 1 (Team ID 851)
- Tactics: Standard autopilot tactics unless down by 3, at which point chat takes the wheel.
- Aesthetics: 23 brand new* models
- Music: Oh right, I had to do this too. Well the 2020 export is still up so that'll do.
/AG/ Invitational 2 (Team ID 852)
- Tactics: In for a penny, In for a Pound.
- Aesthetics: Portraits will be midcupped.
- Stadium: Fat Tradwife chuubas are real and do in fact love you.
- Ball: My copy of GoldenEye doesn't look quite right....
- Music: A big audio export for the biggest team
/ahem/ Invitational 3 (Team ID 853)
- Tactics: *lights cigar*
- Aesthetics:*dabs on the janny*
- Music:*Clears throat*
/copalib/ Invitational 4 (Team ID 854)
- Tactics: /bant/ if it was a /vg/ general
- Aesthetics: fixed some stuff when I uploaded the tactics
- Music: messi kimochii
/essex/ Invitational 5 (Team ID 855)
- Tactics: Last Sexmas, I gave you my Sex, but the very next Sex, you Sex'ed it away
- Aesthetics: It's begining to look a lot like Sexmas, everywhere you Sex
/fluff/ Invitational 6 (Team ID 856)
- Tactics: Mofu Mofu!
- Aesthetics: Nin-Nin!
- Music: Kon-Kon!
/gehenna/ Invitational 7 (Team ID 857)
- Tactics: Erika Soon, right?!
- Aesthetics: Story Volume Soon, right?!
- Pastebin: Pandemonium Plans for Total Kivotos Domination
File:Gtasa icon.png /gtasa/ Invitational 8 (Team ID 858)
- Tactics:
- Aesthetics:
- Music:
/HAHA/ Invitational 9 (Team ID 859)
- Tactics: Imagine having tactics for your backup team ready before the ones for the team you're actually running.
- Aesthetics: It's the unchanged VTL7 export, just adjusted for the new team slot. Midcups for better textures and potentially a full face rig for Doki coming soon.
- Music: Just another cog in the sloppy machine. We have 40 chants now!
- Stadium: Use /ck/'s stadium.
- Ball: "The ball is my friend," you say? What kind of friend would enjoy being kicked around by 22 dolts for 90+ minutes? Apparently this little fella would. Must be some weird fetish.
/hfz/ Invitational 10 (Team ID 860)
- Tactics: Kevin
- Aesthetics: Was
- Music: Always
- Pastebin: BASED
- Note: Use kit 2 unless it clash with the home team
/hi3/ Invitational 11 (Team ID 861)
- Tactics: Life blooms like a flower
- Aesthetics: Far away or by the road
- Music: Waiting for the one
- Pastebin: To find the way back home
- Ball & Stadium: Ask Aoba
/hlm/ Invitational 12 (Team ID 862)
- Tactics: tictacs, this time with backup subs incase medals get suspended.
- Aesthetics: aesthetics
- Music: gusic
- Other notes: Fullbacks on corners, GK on penalties
/honk/ Invitational 13 (Team ID 863)
/izakaya/ Invitational 14 (Team ID 864)
/joshu/ Invitational 15 (Team ID 865)
- Tactics: konkoyo!
- Aesthetics: might be a day late...
- Stadium: koyolabo!
- Ball: angy koyoball!
- Music: will be up shortly! (taking a bit longer than i thought but soon!)
/jrpg/ Invitational 16 (Team ID 866)
- Tactics: Tictacs
- Aesthetics: Aesthetics
- Music: [tomorrow]
/kengan/ Invitational 17 (Team ID 867)
- Tactics: The team scales with the manga's quality
- Aesthetics: The aesthetics look better than the manga these days
- Music: But the music stays the same
- Notes: All player heights are based on character heights, striker is 181cm so its ok :^)
/KH/ Invitational 18 (Team ID 868)
/LAD/ Invitational 19 (Team ID 869)
- Tactics: No gimmick this time around.
- Aesthetics: Surprise player.
- Music: Music
/madness/ Invitational 20 (Team ID 870)
/miiverse/ Invitational 21 (Team ID 871)
- Tactics: Switch 2. Trust
- Aesthetics: The
- Music: Plan.
/🗿/ Invitational 22 (Team ID 872)
/myth/ Invitational 23 (Team ID 873)
- Tactics: tictacs
- Music: Real Human Bean
- Ball: Your lonely rolling star
- Stadium: Just throw us into the /pw/ stadium
/nijiID/ Invitational 24 (Team ID 874)
- Tactics: noob's auto up, now onto aes, it should come at the latest 30hrs after this post
- Aesthetics: dhlh
- Music: pls andastand, tictacs+aes might be late by 1-2days
- Stadium: just adding this stadium request to inform that yes, tictacs+aes are indeed coming late
/numbersstation/ Invitational 25 (Team ID 875)
- Tactics: 9126 3741 5125
- Aesthetics: 4887 0134 6225
- Music:
/parappa/ Invitational 26 (Team ID 876)
/pcmx/ Invitational 27 (Team ID 877)
- Tactics: Futbol callejero Mexicano superior
- Aesthetics: Disfrazarse de Navidad
- Music: Musica de Fiesta
- Ball: Ocho Muerte
/PRR/ Invitational 28 (Team ID 878)
- Tactics: the Keystone Formation
- Aesthetics: actual train models next invitational i swear
- Music: train sounds
/rats/ Invitational 29 (Team ID 879)
- Tactics: we're the rats we're the rats just we're the rats
- Aesthetics: where they at where they at yeah we're the rats
- Music: where they at where they at where they at
/retardy/ Invitational 30 (Team ID 880)
/San Marino/ Invitational 31 (Team ID 881)
- Tactics: Export with updated in-game faces
- Instructions: Please read instructions for every match
- Aesthetics: Has kits, logos and icons. Player Aesthetics are in-game faces
- Music: Updated music
- Stadium: Stadio Olimpico di Serravalle
/skynetFC/ Invitational 32 (Team ID 882)
- Tactics: Crazy
- Aesthetics: Fucking
- Music: Robot Body
/slush/ Invitational 33 (Team ID 883)
- Tactics: Slush Invaders 2 never ever... Wait what do you mean that first was the animation and the game is the sequel?
- Aesthetics: Aesthetics
/tdc/ Invitational 34 (Team ID 884)
- Tactics:
- Aesthetics:
- Music:
/tm/ Invitational 35 (Team ID 885)
- Tactics: TM Tictacs that was made at 6 in the morning
- Aesthetics: Aesthetics
- Music: The best music in this cup
/trinity/ Invitational 36 (Team ID 886)
- Tactics: Winter funtime.
- Aesthetics: Same old uniforms
- Music: Holiday music
/troubleshooter/ Invitational 37 (Team ID 887)
- Tactics: The basic tactic of assassination is to make the target as careless as it can get.
- Aesthetics: A neat suit hides all ugliness. Even the harsh tone and actions that you all learned from battlefields.
- Music: Here! Music just for you! (it may say DBC4, but there really wasn't anything to add)
- Ball: PePe only wishes to sleep in comfort.
- Stadium: The citizens of Sky Wind Park had trouble sleeping because the crows began crowing at dawn.
/ux/ Invitational 38 (Team ID 888)
- Tactics: Spooky shit on December
- Aesthetics: It's red which means Christmas right
- Music: Screaming chants
/ytp/ Invitational 39 (Team ID 889)
- Tactics: Behold, a thousand cereals
- Aesthetics: I collect cereals
- Music: It took me nine yeareals to collect the cereals
/暁Records/ Invitational 40 (Team ID 890)
Exports (Backups)
/srt/ Invitational 41 (Team ID 891)
- Tactics: Autopilot
- Aesthetics:Tactical Loadout Ready
- Music: Radio Check...Test 1,2,3...
/2huremix/ Invitational 42 (Team ID 892)
- Tactics: export pastebin - updated
- Aesthetics: a touhou without a hat isnt a touhou - updated i forgot portraits get ignored by the converter
- Music: what a funky
/rrat/ Invitational 43 (Team ID 893)
- Tactics: JDON MY (BRAIN)
- Aesthetics: JDON MY (BEAUTY)
- Music: JDON MY (VOICE)
/wonderland/ Invitational 44 (Team ID 894)
- Tactics:
- Aesthetics:
- Music:
/captsuba/ Invitational 45 (Team ID 895)
- Tactics: Take me back to the year of the tiger.
- Aesthetics: Now featuring Japan's cursed red kit. Will submit midcups to fix some of the texture issues and wonky faces if the team ends up playing.
- Music: Even your favorite game has a Captain Tsubasa reference.
- Stadium: Use the Saitama 2002 stadium if its slot hasn't been taken yet. It was in the pre-fetus pack so I assume it can be used. Star Crown Stadium isn't anywhere close to being ready sadly.
- Ball: Use the regular clover ball (#2).
/vocaloid/ Invitational 46 (Team ID 896)
- Tactics:
- Aesthetics:
- Music:
/sa/ Invitational 47 (Team ID 897)
- Tactics:
- Aesthetics:
- Music:
/tcr/ Invitational 48 (Team ID 898)
/tnm/ Invitational 49 (Team ID 899)
- Tactics: Reviving
- Aesthetics: the autistic and gay
- Music: Hymen eater
/lia/ Invitational 50 (Team ID 900)
- Tactics: LIA!
- Music: Teen Idol Sensation Setlist!
/become/ Invitational 51 (Team ID 901)
- Tactics: uuuhmmm
- Aesthetics: eeeehhhhhh
- Music: oops
- PES 17, no patch, game settings copied from 4cc
- No tactical export rules, but any export deemed too strong will be nerfed.
- Only heights and stats will be checked. If your team is not stronger than an average 4cc or VGL team, you're good. Fun gimmicks are usually accepted
Sign-up rules:
- No circlejerk teams
- Board leagues and teams in the 4cc are capped to 4 (4 for each specific league), once the limit is reached you may sign up a team that goes beyond this limit under Backups
- You may sign up one team in the main sign up sections, but you may sign up other teams under Backups
- If you want to sign up a back up team, you can add it to primary back ups if you don't have a team in the main sign ups yet and if your team does not go over the board league limit, otherwise sign it up in the Secondary Sign Up section
Sign-ups (40 teams)
/hi3/ songque feet Funpill (talk) 23:29, 20 October 2024 (UTC)
/miiverse/ The NSO beta test is Miiverse 2. Trust. The. Plan. (update: what the FUCK is a beacon zone) TightensDontCut (talk) 00:42, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/pcmx/ Feliz Navidad Lia!! Mette (talk) 06:30, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/暁Records/ DBC5 is looking really Stack'd now (may be subbed out for /sa/ if not finished in time) sgbong (talk) 11:14, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/essex/ Eh? Christmas? Cipher (talk) 09:27, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/nijiID/ Merged branch, Quota stolen, No contribution SvtOP (talk) 10:06, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/gehenna/ No new content? Then we will create our own with Blackjack and Sensei as a hooker. Laventale (talk) 10:17, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/4ccg/ I didn't see no rules ObamaCare (talk) 10:30, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/AG/ There's gonna be food, right? Mariawitch (talk) 10:39, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/HAHA/ Fantomethief is real! BLACKASCOAL (talk) 10:48, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/fluff/ Kemonomimi supremacy. Sovlmancer (talk) 10:55, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/ahem/ My name is Nate Higgers Ryperiour2 (talk) 10:56, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/kengan/ Technically a 0% Loss Rate team. Fazoo (talk) 10:59, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/honk/ Honkmas time is here Tejen (talk) 11:00, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/🗿/ Defending champions Stellar occultation (talk) 11:18, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/trinity/ Why not? UiArmpitEnjoyer (talk) 11:35, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/skynetFC/ From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. Skele (talk) 13:07, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/PRR/ We have a train for the Christmans tree at home. The train at home AkariAkaza (talk) 13:17, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/ux/ something will show up here for sure trust me Alexl7l (talk) 13:21, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/tm/ So how about some high octane car combat before Christmas of 2005? GaryD12 (talk) 14:01, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/ytp/ I'll give you a story, it's called: Grunkle Stunkle wins the Funkle Bunkle Prozach (talk) 14:15, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/numbersstation/ 4... 7... 3... 1... 2... 5.... Suule (talk) 14:24, 21 October 2024(UTC)
/myth/ The Show Goes on! Figman (talk) 06:00, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/troubleshooter/ Third time lucky, right guys? Whomeve (talk) 18:26, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/izakaya/ It's about time, I should get ready to open the izakaya now. Shakes (talk) 19:43, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/joshu/ WAO!! joshukun (ᐡ •͈ ·̫ •͈ ᐡ) (talk) 20:10, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/copalib/ Here is some cheese for your coffee valeu beleza MediumPlans (talk) 23:11, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/hlm/ Hi this is 'Tim' at the bakery. The cookies that you ordered should be delivered by now... A list of ingredients are included... Make sure that you read them carefully! centralnegro (talk) 23:48, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/LAD/ something showed up here for sure trust me HLGGDiveGrass (talk) 00:31, 22 October 2024 (UTC)
- File:Gtasa icon.png /gtasa/ You picked the wrong invitational fool! Aoba (talk) 06:22, 22 October 2024 (UTC)
/madness/ Happy Birthday Jebus Horsbussy (talk) 15:13, 22 October 2024 (UTC)
/hfz/ WAR GAMES 2024 Russo Revenge 999 (talk) 20:09, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/jrpg/ haha Jnt (talk) 03:49, 22 October 2024 (UTC)
/tdc/ Ami wins the ryuujibowl for the 300th christmas in a row North (talk) 17:08, 22 October 2024 (UTC)
/KH/ friendship Amphetamemes (talk) 04:53, 23 October 2024 (UTC)
/San Marino/ It was an early Christmas gift for San Marino in September, let us give some christmas gifts to others. SleepDeprivedAnon (talk) 10:19, 23 October 2024 (UTC)
/rats/ rats, rats, we are the rats, celebrate another christmas cup KinseyTypeF (talk) 12:34, 23 October 2024 (UTC)
/slush/ BOOOO GET OFF THE STAGE TomKruise (talk) 00:38, 24 October 2024 (UTC)
/parappa/ NOW PUT THESE KIDS TO SLEEP WILL YA? TheBird (talk) 18:44, 28 October 2024 (UTC)
Primary Backups
/srt/ Christmas with rabbits and foxes? And helicopters too? Zoer (talk) 17:46, 28 October 2024 (UTC)
/2huremix/ happy as a monkey yeah im wide awake now everyday disconize funky monky 6letters (talk) 20:27, 28 October 2024 (UTC)
Secondary Backups
/wonderland/ DEMON SULTAN AZATHOTH BUBBLES IN CONFUSION Funpill (talk) 10:44, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/captsuba/ Would we be cursing ourselves by playing when it's no longer the year of the tiger? BLACKASCOAL (talk) 10:48, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/lia/ That's Lia in the Big City Mette (talk) 11:05, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
Tejen (talk) 11:08, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/sa/ How about spending Christmas underground? There's loads of alcohol down there in Former Hell! sgbong (talk) 12:10, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/rrat/ Love my rat. Taba (talk) 14:39, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/become/ not relevant on a board anymore? alcohol will fix it. can't play in the main League anymore? alcohol will fix it. how to bring this team back? MORE ALCOHOL Cipher (talk) 17:47, 21 October 2024 (UTC)
/tnm/ EoS happened before christmas technically Alexl7l (talk) 00:15, 25 October 2024 (UTC)