Pro Evolution Soccer 2015/Strings
This page is still under construction.
Strings are a sequence of characters that make up words or texts. PES has a huge amount of strings; almost every word on screen that is not part of a texture is stored as a string.
Strings in PES
Generally speaking, strings that can be edited in-game (like player and team names) are stored within the save file. Most other strings (like menu items, explanations, game tips) however are stored in the game data.
This article does not cover strings that are stored in the save file. Edit those strings in-game whenever possible or use an external tool. See Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2015/PES_Next-Gen_Editor_2015 for more details. Note that are a few inconsistencies when it comes to devision names, as those appear in the save game as well as in the game data and might be used interchangeably.
String Editing Tools
There are currently two known string editing tools. Both come with their own set of flaws which make them a pain to use. Futhermore, they are not compatible with one another.
Jenkey's File Explorer
While originally written for PES14, Jenkey's File Explorer can still be used for modifying certain aspects of PES15. However, there are some incompabilities and issues:
- A string file has to be unpacked (unziplib'ed) with another tool first due to changes between PES14 and PES15.
- Clicking the wrong button at the wrong time might irreversibly damage the file. This is made evident by missing block names or all strings being replaced with '~'.
- Changes are not always applied and saved as expected. Always reopen the file to make sure.
- After applying modifications, the file becomes unreadable by other known editors as Jenkey injects a custom string into the file.
- Importing from an *.ini file does not support new line or other special characters (umlauts, unicode, ...).
- When replacing a string with a shorter one, the string is padded with zeros to avoid rebuilding the file. While PES accepts this lazy solution, this might a be sign of a lack of understanding by the tool creator.
- After replacing a string, the tool might clear all data from the following block. This cannot be reversed. It is unclear why and when this happens, but it might be partially related to replacing a string with a longer one.
- Under unknown circumstances, blocks might get shortened. This cannot be reversed.
Fortunately, PES handles missing strings without crashing. Losing the block after Tips2C for example does not seem to be an issue. If Tips2C however gets cleared, No String might show up instead of a game tip.
Game Tips
Game Tips show up during the loading screen before a match starts. While the game actually cycles through them while loading, usually only one will show up before it is done.
In-game Structure
Each Game Tip in PES has two parts: a caption and a body. These are stored as two separate string entries.
Unfortunately, it is not always obvious which body belongs to which caption. In fact they are so scrambled in PES15 that it is not safe to assume a caption and a body are a pair just because their neighbours are.
Known pairs
Known Issues
The following issues with Game Tips in PES15 are currently present:
- Despite intensive testing, not all pairs are known (and might never be). This can be handled by using an empty caption for these.
- Not all captions are found in Tips1C and Tips2C. Rarily, certain game terms are shown instead. It is unclear at this point where those are taken from.
- The string tools currently available are bugged and/or are missing features.
Editing single entries
Bulk editing for Game Tips