Pro Evolution Soccer 2015/Auto-ATF
The autoATF is an automated save/export checker and comparer.
This tool allows managers to check their team against the current tournament ruleset to ensure they are compliant. Any inconsistencies are highlighted allowing the user to adjust their team back within regulation.
It also contains a compare function that allows managers to verify the differences between two saves or exports. This can be useful for managers who wish to ensure their daily export does not contain any changes that would lead to it being disqualified.
- autoATF currently supports both EDIT.bin save files, and TEXPORT.bin team export files.
- autoATF is a Windows application and will not function under Linux or MacOS. It's assumed that if you have PES, you have a Windows install available.
- autoATF is Open Source and respects your freedums.
The latest version is prepared for the 2015 Autumn Babby Cup ruleset.
autoATF - Autumn 2015 Ruleset - v2.1:!qIhxSRyD!OMwQz6Mjh-R_qkBE_s1qYo7WESfWoWubQLIS_lRqpJQ
(Last Update NBD (talk) 17:57, 11 September 2015 (UTC))
Source Code
autoATF Repository:
File List
The autoATF has three files:
- AATF_15.exe
- The main executable - run this to spawn a command window and start the program
- autoATF.ini
- The config file - this is where you set the filename of the .bin file(s) you wish autoATF to check or compare
- BinFileUtility.dll
- Allows autoATF to decrypt raw .bin files
All three files must be present. If the ini or dll files are missing, AATF_15.exe will be unable to run.
autoATF has two modes, checker and compare.
Checker Mode is where the autoATF will take a team and apply the current tournament's ruleset against it. If any inconsistencies are found, they will be flagged as errors, and the exact problem displayed to the user. If a team returns zero errors, then they are fully compliant and ready for tournament use.
You can enter Checker Mode by only providing a single .bin file within autoATF.ini - at the input.bin option.
Compare Mode is where the autoATF will take two exports/saves and compare a team that is within each. This allows the user to check if there are any differences between the two saves.
You can enter Compare Mode by providing a second .bin file within autoATF.ini - at the compare.bin option.
autoATF will alert the user as to what mode it is entering upon startup.
How To Use
autoATF supports both save files (EDIT.bin) and export files (TEXPORT.bin). You can provide either to the autoATF via the ini file, and the program will detect which it is and unpack accordingly.
The files must be located within the same directory as autoATF.
Remember that if you want to use Checker Mode, you must leave the compare.bin option blank. Having a filename there will put the program into Compare Mode.
Checker Mode
If you provide a save file to the autoATF, you will be prompted to enter the name of the team you wish to check. Enter the board name without slashes and hit enter.
The program will then fetch that team from the save and check it. Each player will be listed in turn as it is checked, and any errors listed. A total error count is stated at the end.
autoATF will then reset and allow you to enter another team name.
If you provide an export file to the autoATF, you will not be prompted for a team name, as there is only one team available - the one in the export. The program will automatically start checking this team and list errors like before.
Compare Mode
If you provide two .bin files to the autoATF, via the compare.bin option in the ini file, the program will attempt to compare them.
You can provide any combination of save or export (two saves, two exports, save and an export, etc).
If you provide two saves, you will be prompted to enter the name of the team you wish to check. Enter the board name without slashes and hit enter.
The program will then fetch that team from the pair of saves and directly compare them. Any differences between the players will be listed.
If you provide an export at all, you will not be prompted for a team name, as there is only one team avaliable to check - the one in the export(s).
If you provide two exports with different teams, autoATF will display an error.
The autoATF currently does not support checking any aspect of a team's tactical setup. This includes formation, tactics, free kick takers, etc. The user will have to ensure these details are correct manually.
Future Development
- Tactics checker
- Linux version