/ybc/ Historical Roster
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/ybc/ Historical Rosters
This page shows detailed explanations of /ybc/'s rosters throughout the /vt/Leagues. To go back to the main page click >>>/ybc/
/vt/ League 1
/vt/ League 2
/vt/ League 3
/vt/ League 4
/vt/ League 5
Yubicraft DARK
/vt/ League 2
/vt/ League XXX
Detailed Roster
Sub | Starter | Silver | Gold |
Pos. | No. | Name | Picture | Description | ||
0 | Schizo Hole | ![]() |
The Schizo Hole is one of several large holes that have been dug in Yubicraft for no aparent reason. Anons just got together and started digging. It's not the most famous one (that'd be the Autism Hole), nor the most impressive, but that's exactly why it's perfect. Even the most average of its kind can become something incredible if given the chance, and Schizo Hole did so. Now a Golden Glove resides at the very bottom of it. | ||
14 | Captura de Pantalla.png | ![]() |
Screenshots. The staple of any /ybc/ thread, showcasing all sorts of autism from funny happenings to massive pixel-arts to comfy images of towns. Most screenshots are named by the date and time they were taken in, however, a specific poster refuses to use the game's built-in screenshot system, distinguishing it amongst the others with its funny-sounding Spanish name. Paired with the low graphical settings the taker of these screenshots is immediately recognizable. |
Pos. | No. | Name | Picture | Description | ||
FUTBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLL!!!!! Divegrass has completely taken over yubicraft, to the point where they cannot wait 6 months for the /vt/ league to start again. The solution? Play divegrass with each other. So the block autists came up with their own league, lit a little slime on fire, and got to building their own massive stadiums to be able to host the /ybc/ divegrass tournament. Every town will have their stadium, some will have multiple. There's no escape. THERE. ARE. NOT. ENOUGH. STADIUMS. | ||
31 | Containment Zone | ![]() |
KFP were a very problematic faction in the early days of Yubicraft. Conflictive, ignoring all general codes of not stealing shit, or blowing up things. So one night they woke up to find out their settlement had been fully walled overnight with massive, incredibly tall cobblestone walls. The area became a containment zone for KFP, and some players even began killing the KFP players on sight whenever they left their area. Eventually KFP calmed down and even redecorated the ugly walls, now having a Mordor theme to them, and in the process becoming one of the best looking cities on the server. | ||
666 | Forever Online Deadbeat | ![]() |
Dead hours, 1 player online. You can be sure it's him. He just sits there, all day, doing nothing. Maybe he's plotting great evils, maybe he just forgot his computer on. | ||
69 | Erotic Role Play | ![]() |
With the addition of the sitting and lying commands plugin, yubicraft players finally had the freedom to... get parasocial with each other. No more putting two beds side to side, we are in the future, old man! And the future is yubicraft anons creating totem poles of head riders. | ||
70 | You are going to VIETLAM | ![]() |
In the Spawn hub, just to the right, there's a lamyfication chamber. Once you step inside, your player skin will be hard-changed to Lamy, and you will be teleported to the far away lands of Vietlam, where the remains of the Lamy wars rest partially submerged in the jungle. Said conflict happened just before server maintenance, with a large amount of players turning into Lamy and fighting against other players and mobs as the rules of the game kept changing, such as no gravity or instant lava floors. Nowadays, whenever someone is sent to Vietlam a global message appears, and the players salute the fellow Lamy in chat | ||
44 | pogupogudansu | ![]() |
An enygmatic player that never says a word and is heavily theorized to be Hololive's very own Minato Aqua herself sneaking in to see the progress of the server. The rrat escalated to the point where anons started crosschecking pogupogudansu's activity with Aqua's tweets, streams and general breaks, only to find out they all lined up perfectly. Is it all just an incredible coincidence? Most likely. But that won't stop people from thinking pogu is Aqua anyways. | ||
8 | War Veteran Haaton | ![]() |
A stand in for all the members involved in the largest conflict in the history of Yubicraft: The Great Haaton-Tako War. Unlike other big clashes, this wasn't a planned event due to a new update or server maintenance, but rather a build up of tension as the two neighbouring factions grew both in playercount and size, and the border between them became a point of contention. Threats of attacks and a heavy militarization of the border followed as both superpowers attempted to inch into each other's territory, with several small clashes as they days passed. Eventually the conflict was settled with the construction of a large wall inspired by the Berlin divisions. And despite the peaceful times, all military constructions still remain on both sides of the border, a reminder that the rivalry is still very much alive. | ||
420 | Unlimited Alt Works | ![]() |
There has always existed a rrat that talked about how "everyone is a bot and you are playing alone". This narrative evolved and soon the naturally schizophrenic populaton of Yubicraft began to theorize every newfag to be an alt of an existing player, which was made even more believable due to the actual custom of having one alt account for Teleport Anchoring. | ||
21 | FAQ Jannies | ![]() |
Yubicraft's early life was plagued by mods heavily policing what was being posted, to the point that simple discussion was virtually impossible. This escalated until /ybc/ was finally exiled from /vt/, the threads KOS and only allowed on /vm/, which started the Dark Ages. As such, Yubicraft in general is particularly antagonistic to jannies, beyond just "doing it for free" memes. To this day, even with /ybc/ back on /vt/, the tensions are high.
Pos. | No. | Name | Picture | Description | ||
43 | Dragoon Book Thief | ![]() |
After the Newfag Invasions, one of the factions that began to grow exponentially were the Dragoons. They took several... interesting decisions, such as building their base incredibly far away from everything, or having absolutely 0 cohesion between their structures. But their most egregious clash with the oldfags was their idea of making a library with all the books in the server. Unfortunately, they decided to straight out take the original versions instead of copies, including some that were not from a specific faction such as history tomes. This led to an incursion into said library where most originals were reclaimed, and the Dragoons given an ultimatum by several factions. They have been somewhat decent ever since. | ||
911 | Nyan/11 | ![]() |
Yubicraft welcomes anons regardless of their oshi, even if your oshi is none other than the fabled Pink Cat (the bad one). That said, in the early days of /ybc/ Nyanderthals weren't exactly the most beloved people out there. That all chanaged when, for reasons beyond our understanding, a lone Nyanderthal built a statue to his oshi, filled it with TNT and invited everyone to come and watch as he mercilessly detonated the structure, vaporizing Nyanners for everyone to see. It was a beautiful moment of comunion and comraderie between factions. Maybe the pink cat people weren't so bad after all. | ||
6 | Pax Hoomana | ![]() |
Much like their oshi, Hoomans are a scary bunch of unpredictability. As one of the biggest forces behind the Newfag Invasions, Hoomans decided to settle in a small enclave deep in Nenepro forests. Originally Nekkos were fine with this, but it quickly became apparent that Hoomans weren't just gonna be their new pet. One of these Nekkos (after several ineffective threats) finally decided to challenge a Hooman to a 1 vs 1 duel. The winner would force the other's faction to fully vacate the territory. Hoomans accepted, and their champion (wearing only Iron armor and having 2 apples for regeneration) fought with swords against the Nekko (who was wearing fully enchanted diamond gear). It was a complete stomp... in Hooman favour. Somehow they won and forced the Nekkos to abandon their own land, turning it into the Hooman Province of today. Ave Mumei, Noctua Invicta. | ||
11 | ONE OF US! | ![]() |
Pippa's ties with yubicraft had started with an offline visit in July 2021. Shortly after yubicraft appeared on her stream. This was largely accepted as a one-off thing, and thinking Pippa would never actually come back, This player used to be named "PLEASE COME BACK PIPPA" as a joke. Now that the joke is outdated after Pippa visiting the server on stream multiple times, building her house and even participating in a yubicraft PvP event, she's become one of us, instead of just some tourist. | ||
999 | Iron Block Run... | ![]() |
A server-wide marathon, on horseback, comes with multiple custom checkpoint towns and easter eggs to give you an advantage. Tens of miles of total length. Sounds too ambitious? Well, that's because it is. Started by a Nousagi and a Teamate (both MIA) back in late 2021, it still has not shown any sign of being completed. Since it still has signups open in spawn, it is technically the longest-lasting event of yubicraft history. Some other yubimems have shown interest in taking the project over and finally completing the track but nothing has come of it. Maybe our grandchildren will finish this race. | ||
4 | Australian "Pomu" | ![]() |
Pomudachis, after constant bullying from other nijifriends, decided togather their most brilliant and capable minds to create a landmark for the ages: The largest pixelart yet to be built on the server, a massive undertaking that would showcase their capabilities of organization, sheer skill and devotion to their oshi. After a week, their hard work was finally complete, and that would have allowed to act smugly in front of Dragoons. Unfortunately, the fanart they had chosen wasn't actually Pomu but rather a gacha character that looked like her, and it was also built mistakenly from north to south, making it look upside down on maps. Truly the embodiment of what Pomudachi culture is all about. | ||
19 | Judgement Day | ![]() |
It's approaching. You cannot run from judgement. Tick tock. | ||
26 | Illiterate Newfag | ![]() |
Yubicraft has 3 rules: Don't steal from chests that aren't yours. Don't blow up shit that isn't yours. And most importantly, TAG UP. It isn't an option, belonging to a faction is a requirement to play in the server, even if you are the only one in that faction. And yet, historically most newfags are unable to cope with these simple asks, especially the tagging up. Chumbuds seem to be particularly bad at this (which is understandable given their average age) and will often get spawn killed for half an hour before they finally pick their oshi's tag. | ||
65 | Yubitweeter | ![]() |
A pseudo-derogatory term against players who log in sporadically, or rarely ever. For their similar work ethic, they get compared to Ayame. |
No. | Pos | Name | Picture | Description | ||
55 | Nether Portal Chad | ![]() |
It is a known issue that if you get disconnected as you are being teleported by a portal, you can get stuck in it. This makes it impossible for the player to log back in, due to the chat no longer working. Most players throw hissy fits when that happens and beg in the thread to be helped, which prompts the mockery of fellow anons. However, this wasn't the case with one player, who simply posted an image of a Chad male sitting comfortably in the nether portal, no username, no begging, just stating he was now trapped. The image became a meme and the attitude is an example for newfags on how to take the random bullshit minecraft throws at you sometimes. | ||
10 | /tp @e | ![]() |
A major yab from the early days of yubicraft, it happened after an infamous former janitor typed out the command /tp @e in the chat, causing all nearby entities; including players, animals, minecarts and boats to be teleported to a single spot. Remember that all yabs in yubicraft can be traced back to the french. Never trust them. | ||
9 | OP RAN WITH THE MONEY | ![]() |
The original OP for /ybc/ (a guy that went by Quake and was a massive Okayu fan) was always a bit of an evasive character. Not only was it rare to see him online, but he also seemed unable to host a stable server for extended periods of time. By the middle of the Dark Ages, the situation was incredibly dire; the update to 1.17 left the server essentially unplayable half the time, and constantly crashing when players finally managed to log in. OP didn't seem too concerned, and this continued for weeks. It became a meme to blame OP of abandoning Yubicraft and not paying the servers, instead running away to his femboy Okayu yacht. Eventually, he finally announced his retirement as OP, running away one last time, now leaving for good. Yubicraft has a new OP now, but Quake will always live in our hearts, both in glory for creating /ybc/, and infamy for almost killing it. Godspeed, anon. Godspeed. |