Exports/2020 4chan Winter Cup
This page is for the upcoming 2020 4chan Winter Cup. Archived exports pages can be found at Exports/Archive
This page is for the preliminary and tactical deadlines only. See the Save Fixes for tactical export-related changes beyond the first deadline.
Make sure to read the warning message above.
Making your export
To make your export, start PES 2018 and go to the main menu. When there select Edit to go to the Edit menu. Then select Data Management at the bottom and then select Export Team. After that just follow all the instructions on the screen. When done the export can be found in My Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2018\WEPES. Just look for the .ted file after how you named it. This is the file you will have to upload and put on the team's wikipage.
For your aesthetics export, please refer to the current aesthetics export template. Also, please make sure to have downloaded your team's latest aesthetics export from the cup they played in previously (Summer or Autumn 19) and use that to add new and alter existing aesthetics to resubmit below.
Summer 2019 Aesthetics Exports
Autumn 2019 Aesthetics Exports
Post a link to download your team's export. It is mandatory to separate the tactical export and the aesthetics download. Music exports are optional but appreciated, and should be separate from the prior files. Check the wiki main page for the export deadline timer.
Note: | It is highly recommended that you use Auto-ATF which is included in the 4ccEditor, which can be found here, to check your export before uploading it. |
Don't be afraid to contact the 4CCC or anyone else who may be able to help you about the current cup rules if you have questions.
Winter 2020
- Tactical Export: https://mega.nz/#!dPhXkQYB!xBgV8CQ4tdP_PWj5bUXeqWrpWiI0VUKc4rXKQ5adJT0
- Aesthetics Export: 10TB of Dolphin porn
- Audio Export: 10 hours of soft loli breathing
- Tactical Export: on time tactical
- Aesthetics Export: AAAAAAAAAAA
- Audio Export: Len-kun's playlist
- Tactical Export: Oh right, the export. The export for Winter. The export specifically calibrated to win Winter. The Winter export.
- Aesthetics Export: Here we are with new aesthetics
- Audio Export: [1]
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:Fuck Jannies, Fuck Testing, Fuck making new exports
- Aesthetics Export: NO TIME FOR RENAMING
- Audio Export:The important people will get it I swear
- Tactical Export: Hat will never be free.
- Aesthetics Export: and FW20 comes to a close, this one without meme laces
- Audio Export: Vetements Runway Soundtrack High Quality ft. Rick Owens
- Tactical Export: Minty fresh tictacs
- Aesthetics Export: Natty aesthetics
- Audio Export: Songs to lift to
- Tactical Export: Sad panda is eternal
- Aesthetics Export: [2]
- Audio Export: music
- Tactical Export: Let's not commit giant eraser
- Aesthetics Export: Sorry, had to draw this chicken by hand
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export: Winter 2020 Aesthetics
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export: Autumn stuff. Midcups expected
- Audio Export: 你是一个……一个一个一个………啊~~~!
- Tactical Export: Autopilot DRONEWARFARELOL
- Aesthetics Export: Updated/fixed Winter 2020 Aesthetics
- Audio Export: Google Drive
- Tactical Export: How do ponies play football? They don't even have feet.
- Aesthetics Export: It's going to ruin your day.
- Audio Export: Find the music in you.
- Tactical Export: Here's the thing about Panda. The man Is a serious racist . He has 4 dark skinned slaves and beats them every day. He writes offensive songs. And his cruelty is only matched by Adolf Hitler
Seriously, Watch Animal Collective play "gas the kikes" at Coachella 2008 and then watch a video of the Nuremburg rallies. We better thank our lucky stars Panda Bear didn't go into politics or he would have taken over the world.
But Animal Collective as a whole had a prejudiced dynamic. It wasn't just the Panda Bear backup band. They all made racist creative contributions to what made AnCo what it is. Yes Panda wrote "Gas the kikes", "My slaves" and "Painting with the fuhrer"
But Avey Tare wrote "If it's not white...it's not right", "In the showers" and "chimp out 2014". Deakin wrote "Good race", "run faggot run" and "kill yourself"
Other bands like Nirvana for instance were not like that. Nirvana was basically just the Kurt Cobain backup band. Animal Collective was the perfect storm of legendary talent, and Panda Bear was the face of it all, the racist cherry on top of an already racist sundae. He was the ambassador that allowed the amazing talent of the combo that was Animal Collective to be brought into our lives. He was the prism that focused the racist beams from the brains of Avey, Deak and Geologist and amplified them until they were powerful enough to blow our minds out through our ear holes. - Aesthetics Export: Billboard's top aesthetics of the decade
- Audio Export: Gusic the sound of your best friends laughter, gusic is the sound of your baby waking up in the middle of the night for the first time, gusic is the sound of wind on a summer's day, gusic is there when you are alone, gusic is there when you aren't, gusic is the love of a good woman, or her breath in the morning, gusic is the cat that only sits in your lap when you don't plan on getting up for a while, gusic is cigarette and cup of coffee on a monday before work, gusic is breakfast in bed, gusic is tv dinners, gusic is the warmth of sand on your feet, gusic is aceing the test you thought you would fail, gusic is cleaning an itch in your ear with a q-tip, gusic is when your cutting a sheet of construction paper and the scissors start to glide, gusic is watching a woman dance in the rain on your way home together, gusic is sitting on the front porch with all your friends, gusic is matter, and energy, light, and darkness, gusic is fire and ice, all things good and nice, a story of men and mice, that makes you think twice about pulling the trigger. Gusic is first and last time you do drugs, gusic is the cosmic end all be all of reality, gusic is all these things and more, but most of all, gusic is a thing that brings us together, thank you for joining us in this gusic thread, post a picture of a cat and talk about gusic.
- Tactical Export: 65 AATF errors
- Aesthetics Export: cheap bodykits quick and dirty installation
- Audio Export: brap sounds and more
- Tactical Export:Hiking Plans
- Aesthetics Export: this is what we wear in germany
- Audio Export: outdoor music
- Tactical Export: Tactical
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetics
- Audio Export: Music
- Tactical Export: Last minute spooning material
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetics
- Audio Export:Suicide_stream_music.rar
- Tactical Export:Tactical decrees decided in accordance by the Tactica Imperialis
- Aesthetics Export: Crafted by the finest tech-artisans of the Adeptus Mechanicum, Praise be to the Omnissiah
- Audio Export: Dwarf Insults Elf - 10 Hour Version
- Tactical Export: *dabs*
- Aesthetics Export: The gang's all here
- Audio Export: Same as it ever was
- Tactical Export: hopefully not broken
- Aesthetics Export: some stuff. Midcups may happen. Missing faces are ingame faces.
- Tactical Export:KIKIKANRI
- Aesthetics Export: Now with more matrioska bochi
- Tactical Export: Heres one that doesn't say Autumn
- Aesthetics Export: It just works
- Audio Export: Now with even more chants
- Tactical Export: inb4 couldn't log in
- Aesthetics Export: He uploads aesthetics export OSRS
- Audio Export: Anthem now immediately goes into THE WIND IS PUSHING MEEEEEEE
- Aesthetics Export: Highest Quality Animations
- Audio Export: Incessant Cheering Noises Intensifies
- Tactical Export: He manages FOR FREE
- Aesthetics Export: Dude PAPES Lmao
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Do not open until Christmas
- Aesthetics Export: Wallpapers. Midcups likely
- Audio Export: Paperock
- Tactical Export: I have one question for /cm/: Why are you Gay?
- Aesthetics Export: I appear to have invented a Knife Wielding Aesthetics Export. If anyone would volunteer to come extract its contents, that would be just FINE by me.
- Audio Export: Everybody's Favorite Polar Bear Parade will be presenting this cup's music for Team /wsg/!
- Tactical Export: Rise up from your thousand year-old sleep
- Aesthetics Export: ARISE CHICKEN ARISE
- Audio Export: Music?