Difference between revisions of "Talk:Gusic League"

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Please Upload your Exports below.
Please Upload your Exports below.
*{{team away|2huremix}} '''Use Team ID 831''' [https://mega.nz/file/ACQhASAA#jwATaOi3T9KqNsPIxNZtGtB6iSU53U7kcPqCliPXxoE Audio - please wait warmly girls are preparing]
*{{team away|2huremix}} '''Use Team ID 831''' [https://mega.nz/file/ACQhASAA#jwATaOi3T9KqNsPIxNZtGtB6iSU53U7kcPqCliPXxoE Audio - please wait warmly girls are preparing] [https://mega.nz/file/BH4AkTRY#7EZPABmUE_kyRj2logNoMHcguKAAYRid4vIKOTUYyno Danmaku] [https://mega.nz/file/5DR12awQ#upuarDWMf9iE5-Z8Y0-sjTEUJv_6Xu6ICvzPc8U--R0 Frilly Hats]  - everything but aesthetics checked
*{{team away|aidoru}} '''Use Team ID 832''' [https://mega.nz/file/2ApwSR5I#MhAxHtmn6jq3_m2zQ5tjiwE7P3oGpkDl6ldrJiAVWcw tictacs] [https://mega.nz/file/nd4XAYoL#XlGy93E01pImEq_yKuYe-rgaw-FaAHrbloKUthJhjMA aesthetics] [https://mega.nz/file/rQ5TVaAI#oIOY93G_tWjMyJI6UEmoB_yYEciww25N_CxdUArGt5E snow halation intensifies] - Checked  
*{{team away|aidoru}} '''Use Team ID 832''' [https://mega.nz/file/yNZRQaRI#zM-Wak3eFo0w00hKkvWy3tJYZXqZyUvv_rnN9_td6lA tictacs] [https://mega.nz/file/nd4XAYoL#XlGy93E01pImEq_yKuYe-rgaw-FaAHrbloKUthJhjMA aesthetics] [https://mega.nz/file/TIBF1aRJ#79RE-xHRKhYKpgoWKDZUOU4xz42Vq-MH8NCe4IxgmEI snow halation intensifies even more] [https://pastebin.com/WeqXswm6 paste]- Checked  
*{{team away|aquabats}} '''Use Team ID 833''' : [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bXDSjR-Uil4twsqpV6VVpIYsA_dKjnmL?usp=sharing everything] - Checked
*{{team away|aquabats}} '''Use Team ID 833''' : [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bXDSjR-Uil4twsqpV6VVpIYsA_dKjnmL?usp=sharing everything] - Checked
*{{team away|wresmu}} '''Use Team ID 834'''
*{{team away|wresmu}} '''Use Team ID 834''' [https://mega.nz/folder/wBIHGCAI#spAL7GOHQCB0Hh8FU5S5cA music] [https://mega.nz/folder/EUonAaDD#_9Ys1teS_gsOMARjaYud_Q tictacs] [https://mega.nz/file/5MZB3ApY#4cdLIfebDS1iuxu8QPLa-fMJ0NRXGWy31x02fmx_EZQ aesthetics] - checked
*{{team away|basshunter}} '''Use Team ID 835''' [tactical] [https://files.catbox.moe/x82k8b.7z ARE YOU READY TO PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY] [gusic]
*{{team away|basshunter}} '''Use Team ID 835''' [https://files.catbox.moe/x165or.7z B-B-BASS] [https://files.catbox.moe/x82k8b.7z ARE YOU READY TO PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY] [https://files.catbox.moe/yb6903.7z basshunter yeah] - checked except for gusic
*{{team away|Blues}} '''Use Team ID 836''' [https://mega.nz/folder/0xVi2bZR#rR-g-LhpKFzRwni_NYHzsg music]
*{{team away|Blues}} '''Use Team ID 836''' [https://mega.nz/folder/0xVi2bZR#rR-g-LhpKFzRwni_NYHzsg music] - checked, in
*{{team away|broadway}} '''Use Team ID 837'''
*{{team away|broadway}} '''Use Team ID 837''' - checked, in
*{{team away|classical}} '''Use Team ID 838''' [tac] [aes] [https://mega.nz/file/qqYF0KzB#tsxjnvVTt9QnkPY4QhM5CqjvSkKRtORrzKZsbnTMGGY music] [https://pastebin.com/UJB49FXm paste]
*{{team away|classical}} '''Use Team ID 838''' [tac] [aes] [https://mega.nz/file/qqYF0KzB#tsxjnvVTt9QnkPY4QhM5CqjvSkKRtORrzKZsbnTMGGY music] [https://pastebin.com/UJB49FXm paste] - checked, in
*{{team away|comedy}} '''Use Team ID 839''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/i2xxud2h9smu4a3/TEXPORT00000000/file tactics] [http://www.mediafire.com/file/bb1xzyzuwpo0kgo/comedyaes.rar/file something resembling aesthetics if you squint hard enough] [music soon]
*{{team away|comedy}} '''Use Team ID 839''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/i2xxud2h9smu4a3/TEXPORT00000000/file tactics] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XD132w2xGzVqbOj8H5MlK-isLNgxztHx/view?usp=sharing aesthetics] [music soon] - tactics checked, aesthetics fixed, thanks roo. [http://www.mediafire.com/file/g1yth9f0dov62oc/ComedyGold.rar/file Check after the match for the MOTM victory anthem because there are at least 23 to choose from] [https://pastebin.com/wF1FRdeQ oh yeah, tictacs.]
*{{team away|dadrock}} '''Use Team ID 840'''
*{{team away|mongol}} '''Use Team ID 840''' [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lR1W5k_PH_dkMWpepGq-PvKCMQ2_tO8g?usp=sharing My throat hurts.] - checked
*{{team away|spebsqsa}} '''Use Team ID 841''' [https://mega.nz/file/R2wAwDAY#gGnc7Cmj9cxv9njuyf4DqLLP5IcpOH7ral9fvnLXyKk Tactics] [https://mega.nz/file/By52DJwL#DXXTR4Seq0U3PA0oaS1Jm0eWOAUp3Gy27rlnkyRYPZE Aesthetics] Music soon
*{{team away|spebsqsa}} '''Use Team ID 841''' [https://mega.nz/file/R2wAwDAY#gGnc7Cmj9cxv9njuyf4DqLLP5IcpOH7ral9fvnLXyKk Tactics] [https://mega.nz/file/By52DJwL#DXXTR4Seq0U3PA0oaS1Jm0eWOAUp3Gy27rlnkyRYPZE Aesthetics] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16rKFMuULYjBE8gG_13vP44_yHB_V3BlO/view?usp=sharing Music] [https://pastebin.com/nU7JrPEm pastebin] - checked
*{{team away|nfsu}} '''Use Team ID 842''' '''[https://mega.nz/file/bO4C3TaS#nWGN-9n5w35I0HE1fgymSuGjKjTDPJmh2aEO4AuiRUA JUST ACCELERATE, LMAO.] - [https://mega.nz/file/KXwy1BrD#aNYxzQ-FWl1PHuffQr7hgGexFs-tsf2pA98KAhAGJfM Samantha gave us her Civic Vinyls, quite nice of her.] - [https://mega.nz/file/vO5SDbxB#vzzk7qRP5N3OCttzfYQIEbyEOCqyng8fxqVF8lUywXQ Tunes to destroy your fucking car at 300KM/H to.]'''
*{{team away|nfsu}} '''Use Team ID 842''' '''[https://mega.nz/file/bO4C3TaS#nWGN-9n5w35I0HE1fgymSuGjKjTDPJmh2aEO4AuiRUA JUST ACCELERATE, LMAO.] - [https://mega.nz/file/KXwy1BrD#aNYxzQ-FWl1PHuffQr7hgGexFs-tsf2pA98KAhAGJfM Samantha gave us her Civic Vinyls, quite nice of her.] - [https://mega.nz/file/vO5SDbxB#vzzk7qRP5N3OCttzfYQIEbyEOCqyng8fxqVF8lUywXQ Tunes to destroy your fucking car at 300KM/H to.] - [https://pastebin.com/ZgaKW7FF Pastebin Shit]''' - checked
*{{team away|demetori}} '''Use Team ID 843''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16atZIO2rh2Fo_kgRSELKaYurQdwhA0BS/view?usp=sharing Aes] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/14bsLMX344XIvfzHD2ODLKU7X6VyKc_8q/view?usp=sharing Tac] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PY7Ajm57zGgzcLyotp1BpdNnUo84dNaR/view?usp=sharing Music] - Checked
*{{team away|demetori}} '''Use Team ID 843''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16atZIO2rh2Fo_kgRSELKaYurQdwhA0BS/view?usp=sharing Aes] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/14bsLMX344XIvfzHD2ODLKU7X6VyKc_8q/view?usp=sharing Tac] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PY7Ajm57zGgzcLyotp1BpdNnUo84dNaR/view?usp=sharing Music] - Checked
*{{team away|emo}} '''Use Team ID 844''' [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z9kf2BawhjT7uqyvGcB6CIVgB_LhGt6z?usp=sharing tictacs and asthetics] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nw5mdbQYO1d8LBfCBTjkEwz5H5_hioYB/view?usp=sharing music] - Checked
*{{team away|emo}} '''Use Team ID 844''' [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z9kf2BawhjT7uqyvGcB6CIVgB_LhGt6z?usp=sharing tictacs and asthetics] [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1H6jz7BCyDF-x1h_8jg-a5Zg8tC6CpcMP?usp=sharing music] - Checked
*{{team away|90salt}} '''Use Team ID 845'''
*{{team away|90salt}} '''Use Team ID 845'''
*{{team away|e-s}} '''Use Team ID 846'''
*{{team away|e-s}} '''Use Team ID 846''' [https://mega.nz/file/11gkDAZB#n_FnL5N1iy3BlH95ilg8U4XqxOFwDihEOQU0K8pLcJU Swing out wide] [https://mega.nz/file/tx5ymQ5B#Yr5qBJQ6a4dk5Nvy5wT310Kjlnyjx-QrwsOEIHMTNYc Flapper dresses] [https://mega.nz/file/ckh0AYbR#eTX5HVIgLMV8zH3YT5qkseMB-SeVPO8otroqkTDH2Ic Lost in the rythm]
*{{team away|europop}} '''Use Team ID 847''' [tactics] [https://files.catbox.moe/6sj6ai.7z <span style="color: #0000dd;>Aesthetics] [gusic]
*{{team away|europop}} '''Use Team ID 847''' [https://files.catbox.moe/spscj5.7z MA YA HEE] [https://files.catbox.moe/6sj6ai.7z <span style="color: #0000dd;>Aesthetics] [https://files.catbox.moe/znfh57.7z lalalalalla] - checked minus gusic
*{{team away|fashwave}} '''Use Team ID 848'''
*{{team away|fashwave}} '''Use Team ID 848'''
'''Tictacs''' : [https://mega.nz/file/hHR3kQTS#x8nc0qPsyuoHAI1vuX-yQmZ5g5upqyBH0O5c-IVsdI4 K]
'''Tictacs''' : [https://mega.nz/file/hHR3kQTS#x8nc0qPsyuoHAI1vuX-yQmZ5g5upqyBH0O5c-IVsdI4 K]
'''Nightly''' : [https://mega.nz/file/EHITQYwQ#hnqi4pcwrpUgOdEI-Qh15K6g3PISG2AEwt2h_bhr088 Now with double the Hitler]
'''Pastebin''': [https://pastebin.com/bZYND6sm Now with memes.]

'''Aesethics''' : [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nbXRROvTiANkrDv3fa83ynDlqCDaPKIa/view?usp=sharing K]   
'''Aesethics''' : [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nbXRROvTiANkrDv3fa83ynDlqCDaPKIa/view?usp=sharing K]   

'''Gusic''': [https://mega.nz/file/9bYyyRqD#DyUfsy0dAZzvkiJ1PS8iImki1bAL8JMuTRYuCU4bRZM K] - Checked  
'''Gusic''':-[https://mega.nz/file/kaBh2IBb#bl-3Tzo1nzjgiGF399ojN26orKvvO6rMBXlKib7lyoo K (Night of the Purged Alt-Right Music Edition.)] Checked  
*{{team away|Futurefunk}} '''Use Team ID 849''' [http://www.mediafire.com/file/5bzs1z9kasgofug/FF+Export.rar/file Everything but music.] [http://www.mediafire.com/file/8dx7u7qvli6hlh8/FF+Music+export.rar/file Music and tactical pastebin] - Checked
*{{team away|Futurefunk}} '''Use Team ID 849''' [http://www.mediafire.com/file/5bzs1z9kasgofug/FF+Export.rar/file Everything but music.] [http://www.mediafire.com/file/8dx7u7qvli6hlh8/FF+Music+export.rar/file Music and tactical pastebin] - Checked
*{{team away|ghostbc}} '''Use Team ID 850''' [https://mega.nz/file/oRIz1SRD#EFru-pR4zbk_NH6QGPJ2wJJ7Kc6cw2kvTU6ugkcLXFc Tactical]
*{{team away|ghostbc}} '''Use Team ID 850''' [https://mega.nz/file/oRIz1SRD#EFru-pR4zbk_NH6QGPJ2wJJ7Kc6cw2kvTU6ugkcLXFc Tactical] [https://mega.nz/file/cE5kAQLL#uKAWuw-JCEFPpfU87eQC-vvONbeLNzJdeFxUUqWpIMg Aesthetics Round 1] [https://mega.nz/file/hNx0iIwK#z5xG0c4BOuHvV2EUWoogastlYVv0oYtGNogCRW6bPA8 Prequelle] - tactics checked
*{{team away|hmu}} '''Use Team ID 851''' [https://mega.nz/file/m51gXJiD#NltI0TsspHz-jaioxt3zj3hFFpQDwZtme2A63SMJveU Aesthetics] [https://mega.nz/file/xyhlGQRA#a0Ky2lxgiTYiS-EqsuVQUvNCT7PN86UkvyckX5Rke7o tictacs] [https://mega.nz/file/L5VjFIQD#OFqyO-Eb2IcnXfOFmyV2JR7cEeb0fkv7lwIFQoGjqSI temporary music in case we all die in our sleep] - checked
*{{team away|hmu}} '''Use Team ID 851''' [https://mega.nz/file/ouxAjYoA#XOgmT0fRHmjkPmogF928EIIgeKKZUPtB1prhAdJ5i0E Aesthetics] [https://mega.nz/file/RzpQyAzL#gmBkTsNaZJM-OEIriM2JBUE5CJzdAN49SP-rplXTHZc tictacs] [https://mega.nz/file/pEhgUIqB#NtBhBmJmQxfRNgNYoCSXSBjeLjngr54Q4eEk1fCnM4Q updated and fixed music!!!]
*{{team away|honk}} '''Use Team ID 852''' [https://mega.nz/file/TVIGzDhK#ttRxv0viXe8x261xHjZCq2ZAImKgwSAWIkygRWciizY Honkthetics] [https://mega.nz/file/3JgUVbiY#lKv5Eer06wv_hPqhB4xL9xfDdIfFmqtmx8ADeoxTyWk Honktics]
*{{team away|honk}} '''Use Team ID 852''' [https://mega.nz/file/TVIGzDhK#ttRxv0viXe8x261xHjZCq2ZAImKgwSAWIkygRWciizY Honkthetics] [https://mega.nz/file/3JgUVbiY#lKv5Eer06wv_hPqhB4xL9xfDdIfFmqtmx8ADeoxTyWk Honktics] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NlxjXFWHeSj6kSqsBeUoZLS0NsbNFGFB/view?usp=sharing Honks] - everything but gusic checked
*{{team away|jazz}} '''Use Team ID 853''' [https://mega.nz/file/opgAXY6Q#rSqntb00ukD2IIwlbtc3TcGrldXKCejnitv_VQL9gsk RIP] [https://mega.nz/file/FgIQVRSD#Xj1eCpv5hmgiwFIImkUXO_iCgdeGhRRR4iaKBW9Pw70 CHICK] [https://mega.nz/file/swQyHBzA#o8SwLIE-bXS6L_Vm0VPd6q042HbtsEqIt6N6jVY5H_Y COREA] ;_;7 - checked
*{{team away|jazz}} '''Use Team ID 853''' [https://mega.nz/file/opgAXY6Q#rSqntb00ukD2IIwlbtc3TcGrldXKCejnitv_VQL9gsk RIP] [https://mega.nz/file/FgIQVRSD#Xj1eCpv5hmgiwFIImkUXO_iCgdeGhRRR4iaKBW9Pw70 CHICK] [https://mega.nz/file/d0Z02LgD#a6T6kEKF5YKOYjq9h1SWZdZ78270Spft3O71hzWFK4Y COREA] [https://pastebin.com/GNyK9BcV ;_;7] [http://www.mediafire.com/file/2e1216ptr3o1ctl/Anthem.mp3/file Anthem.mp3 for /muvr/ - checked
*{{team away|jojoreference}} '''Use Team ID 854''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KGfZMuyB1D2Z8xeIVXNy-jeK9E7DEdD-/view?usp=sharing All in one export] - checked
*{{team away|jojoreference}} '''Use Team ID 854''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XfQLWOC3xbMLp1u930u4ohWrwV3-L49V/view?usp=sharing FIXES (PLEASE USE THIS FOR EXPORT AND MUSIC)]  [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KGfZMuyB1D2Z8xeIVXNy-jeK9E7DEdD-/view?usp=sharing All in one export] - [https://pastebin.com/KhFhVKNC PASTEBIN FOR EVERY GAME] checked
*{{team away|jsrf}} '''Use Team ID 855''' [https://mega.nz/file/shgCAC6Z#I_sxgGYnd3E2iNTAEnveVvkioLF-sYwpZQz6WXZAc4g SKATE GRIND SPRAY LIVE FREE] - [https://mega.nz/file/FhgiUaiJ#NVF3he1451Lc4AkLRzCY1CozCMrpa4nUWBvY77snx1E The sickest graffitis you'll ever see] - [https://mega.nz/file/UsxmhYiQ#uez1jXC_7cauMxZDmLFhvnyuK5Z1cxqkLEvzzE__2sc JET SET RADIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO]
*{{team away|jsrf}} '''Use Team ID 855''' [https://mega.nz/file/shgCAC6Z#I_sxgGYnd3E2iNTAEnveVvkioLF-sYwpZQz6WXZAc4g SKATE GRIND SPRAY LIVE FREE] - [https://mega.nz/file/FhgiUaiJ#NVF3he1451Lc4AkLRzCY1CozCMrpa4nUWBvY77snx1E The sickest graffitis you'll ever see] - [https://mega.nz/file/UsxmhYiQ#uez1jXC_7cauMxZDmLFhvnyuK5Z1cxqkLEvzzE__2sc JET SET RADIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO] - checked
*{{team away|kfb}} '''Use Team ID 856''' [https://mega.nz/file/dY5zlYJA#D-Ve-k1z0sGzsh7Tt_QOZw_2KUwOEyiUzFl4SNGqjZY tactics] [https://mega.nz/file/xNoR3CCQ#52YV-rtqvWTlxvw_jIK4WWe6IrIw6aIiN572PauNBVc aesthetics] [https://mega.nz/file/sEpGhBKb#Rh5lrVkvDbX2sPGadHZ-GwHAK-bkgDOJrQwaKuZXiBY gusic] - checked
*{{team away|kfb}} '''Use Team ID 856''' [https://mega.nz/file/dY5zlYJA#D-Ve-k1z0sGzsh7Tt_QOZw_2KUwOEyiUzFl4SNGqjZY tactics] [https://mega.nz/file/xNoR3CCQ#52YV-rtqvWTlxvw_jIK4WWe6IrIw6aIiN572PauNBVc aesthetics] [https://mega.nz/file/sEpGhBKb#Rh5lrVkvDbX2sPGadHZ-GwHAK-bkgDOJrQwaKuZXiBY gusic] - checked
*{{team away|metal}} '''Use Team ID 857'''
*{{team away|metal}} '''Use Team ID 857'''
*{{team away|midi}} '''Use Team ID 858'''
*{{team away|midi}} '''Use Team ID 858''' export handed via save [https://mega.nz/file/oAoWmDbK#sVkaKh4nUsRWgcJFiVqjgf_yKfdAiWWVQRuesh-rmF0 aesthetics] [https://mega.nz/file/8Ih2jBRb#EbqBacx9kAHm4_iVbzU8HLZGNDXmB8GD3_jpJzE7eHM wanna listen to some tunes?] - checked
*{{team away|mogra}} '''Use Team ID 859''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lfi4VmnsxmVFPtMWrgrgb3PJkRpyuxLz/view?usp=sharing Aes] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rQEBlIGTWQtxmwHwStLAtreYnV7Q7_Ji/view?usp=sharing Tac] [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NLwzKyeTitHaEybakJYeDY0ZAweXdIcl Music] - checked
*{{team away|mogra}} '''Use Team ID 859''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lfi4VmnsxmVFPtMWrgrgb3PJkRpyuxLz/view?usp=sharing Aes] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rQEBlIGTWQtxmwHwStLAtreYnV7Q7_Ji/view?usp=sharing Tac] [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NLwzKyeTitHaEybakJYeDY0ZAweXdIcl Music] - checked
*{{team away|muvr}} '''Use Team ID 860'''
*{{team away|muvr}} '''Use Team ID 860''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l-b6dClVo9CTbmt_eWWm6Lt7BUeLR6s6/view?usp=sharing u rappin awful] [https://pastebin.com/AyMHtt2w past ebin]
*{{team away|m.w}} '''Use Team ID 861''' [https://mega.nz/file/pmJVXCDb#_uYQ1viIOUBAcvOKi75WX4fxcvnnPlf02ZDRrzWBnUA Tactics] [https://mega.nz/file/xzgShBST#50yP8q65srYrCCrdPJumLarDFW1DPKK77okqWUTWZCY Aesthetics] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Qct8XROIxIF7afZ5J8P6LnaJXWcEe4H/view?usp=sharing Music] [https://pastebin.com/tWPQcAQq Music Pastebin] - checked
*{{team away|m.w}} '''Use Team ID 861''' [https://mega.nz/file/pmJVXCDb#_uYQ1viIOUBAcvOKi75WX4fxcvnnPlf02ZDRrzWBnUA Tactics] [https://mega.nz/file/xzgShBST#50yP8q65srYrCCrdPJumLarDFW1DPKK77okqWUTWZCY Aesthetics] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aq0iLKZJ-sUYROOMvFLv2EHRcclh7WDe/view?usp=sharing Music (updated)] [https://pastebin.com/2uHR3nGB pastebin (updated)] - checked
*{{team away|nc}} '''Use Team ID 862'''
*{{team away|nc}} '''Use Team ID 862''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/12bJTVDTS0rsfu3QaGuccpYZXv8upg-v_/view?usp=sharing I shit myself] [https://pastebin.com/TJb70iGe past ebin]
*{{team away|newwave}} '''Use Team ID 863'''  [https://drive.google.com/file/d/10xc-HxuECDrwUxsnb7eBQO_mGM3I6R90/view?usp=sharing I HOPE THAT SOMEONE GETS MY]
*{{team away|newwave}} '''Use Team ID 863'''  [https://drive.google.com/file/d/10xc-HxuECDrwUxsnb7eBQO_mGM3I6R90/view?usp=sharing I HOPE THAT SOMEONE GETS MY]
[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ccdZ8auOjaWzNv6FC6E-wd3hBu1Z-Kdp?usp=sharing I HOPE THAT SOMEONE GETS MY]
[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ccdZ8auOjaWzNv6FC6E-wd3hBu1Z-Kdp?usp=sharing I HOPE THAT SOMEONE GETS MY]
[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q2q3Sg7kK-wYWFrRdYFTAuODRBZzlMI5?usp=sharing MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE] - checked
[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q2q3Sg7kK-wYWFrRdYFTAuODRBZzlMI5?usp=sharing MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE] - checked
*{{team away|ovmu}} '''Use Team ID 864'''
*{{team away|ovmu}} '''Use Team ID 864'''[https://mega.nz/file/8tg0kY5a#tCsDIJF96oxna8BjlBoCxi70Y5ZPi2gyWKqOvTvqkU0 PEDAL TO THE MEDAL] - [https://mega.nz/file/koomAKwS#QNGsC0Af1_sWM6T0PEWYcPMcqFOCWlVOKwllYXydqFg 9000hours in MSPaint Paintjob] - [https://mega.nz/file/FxwQzK5b#LeaZBDhjO-meRKaV9dvDjLXaOoODBbD6x_jJQrhTNRE Want rock? Crash!]
*{{team away|porter}} '''Use Team ID 865'''
*{{team away|porter}} '''Use Team ID 865''' WayJay Team, I'll upload when i can, its in.
*{{team away|pup}} '''Use Team ID 866''' '''|'''  [https://drive.google.com/file/d/13yKDozqUaR3LpeL3KGQPnC3DApgRnK_6/view?usp=sharing Aesth.] '''|''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CNJwfDc0LK1Mt8nwpRWQAU1tcGyy86Bb/view?usp=sharing Tactical] '''|''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kNlIhTiqRYyrqkzqYUOe178Xt_xdHc7N/view?usp=sharing Musical] '''|''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/13hAtkkGTZFDOkjwJa4tbW8pm857H2z0n/view?usp=sharing Pastebin] - Checked
*{{team away|pup}} '''Use Team ID 866''' '''|'''  [https://drive.google.com/file/d/13yKDozqUaR3LpeL3KGQPnC3DApgRnK_6/view?usp=sharing Aesth.] '''|''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CNJwfDc0LK1Mt8nwpRWQAU1tcGyy86Bb/view?usp=sharing Tactical] '''|''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kNlIhTiqRYyrqkzqYUOe178Xt_xdHc7N/view?usp=sharing Musical] '''|''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/13hAtkkGTZFDOkjwJa4tbW8pm857H2z0n/view?usp=sharing Pastebin] - Checked
*{{team away|prog}} '''Use Team ID 867''' [http://www.mediafire.com/file/pm0dw10hb20v7t7/TEXPORT00000012 2deep4u] / [http://www.mediafire.com/file/vuphg8m9g4h09vy/prog+aesthetics+export.7z Shitty aesthetics plus some stolen models] / [http://www.mediafire.com/file/wbcfnm31amknc39/prog+music+export.7z Shortest goalhorn is around 4 minutes] / [https://pastebin.com/ZYkr07KH Pastebin] - checked  
*{{team away|prog}} '''Use Team ID 867''' [http://www.mediafire.com/file/pm0dw10hb20v7t7/TEXPORT00000012 2deep4u] / [http://www.mediafire.com/file/vuphg8m9g4h09vy/prog+aesthetics+export.7z Shitty aesthetics (UPDATE 2/18) plus some stolen models] / [http://www.mediafire.com/file/wbcfnm31amknc39/prog+music+export.7z Shortest goalhorn is around 4 minutes] / [https://pastebin.com/ZYkr07KH Pastebin] - checked  
*{{team away|rats}} '''Use Team ID 868''' [https://mega.nz/file/N2AE3LSS#C5LxOzrGW_IMwQY6Wj6JltT0ChTZxtykV2caUs2M2eQ we're] the [https://mega.nz/file/YmASFBpa#WQWJeR0o9tnRbp1v_2QISzIRf_2NPZVamZw57bzDdYM rats]
*{{team away|rats}} '''Use Team ID 868''' [https://mega.nz/file/wygQHIrS#zf5TkBjvdQAoDqhvuP9lTFWg2i4RdLBEzsuCuVKs2LM we're] [https://mega.nz/file/l3oQSawL#q7IMAQ6vLtYoMLx7VVHCt-fBjlZxVUglPCV5bkZ_yDI the] [https://mega.nz/file/FngwxK5T#FybdCg-brfvqvrMg7fGgQ-aOzEnLv0xzPaPlwHWPWfs rats] [https://pastebin.com/S293D5UQ ratbin]- checked minus aesthetics
*{{team away|rmdio}} '''Use Team ID 869''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/0byjnqfpk4yrp2v/rmdio_aesthetic.rar/file Aesco] [http://www.mediafire.com/file/zcbzffhpr0vk4h8/TEXPORT00000008/file Tactics] [https://www.mediafire.com/file/lk7f3e2vu8ktbu3/rmdio.7z/file Gusic]
*{{team away|rmdio}} '''Use Team ID 869''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/0byjnqfpk4yrp2v/rmdio_aesthetic.rar/file Aesco] [http://www.mediafire.com/file/zcbzffhpr0vk4h8/TEXPORT00000008/file Tactics] [https://www.mediafire.com/file/lk7f3e2vu8ktbu3/rmdio.7z/file Gusic] - checked
*{{team away|LMFAO}} '''Use Team ID 870''' [https://files.catbox.moe/97brw7.7z PARTY ROCK IS IN THE GUSIC LEAGUE TONIGHT] [gusic]
*{{team away|LMFAO}} '''Use Team ID 870''' [https://files.catbox.moe/y73r0d.7z Just have a good time because] [https://files.catbox.moe/97brw7.7z PARTY ROCK IS IN THE GUSIC LEAGUE TONIGHT] [https://files.catbox.moe/4jxxks.7z SHAKE THAT] - checked minus gusic
*{{team away|ska}} '''Use Team ID 871''' [[https://www.mediafire.com/file/j7oihopzfhdimxj/Ska_Aesthetic_Export.rar/file Skaesthetics]] [[https://www.mediafire.com/file/4lpsk19nvb7egwl/ska_Music_Export.rar/file Skankin' Tunes]]
*{{team away|ska}} '''Use Team ID 871''' [[https://www.mediafire.com/file/j7oihopzfhdimxj/Ska_Aesthetic_Export.rar/file Skaesthetics]] [[https://mega.nz/file/pNM2wDTY#ICH21hxEdowmBEy94NqOdQ7eZ1wtVHVThILbaT504s0 Skankin' Tunes]] - checked minus tictacs
*{{team away|simpsonwave}} '''Use Team ID 872'''
*{{team away|simpsonwave}} '''Use Team ID 872''' export handed via save [https://mega.nz/file/5JYzUajR#U7mNrl_g5MlgSVFotAdOTR1aAGNRSRhRw3encWZZGaY a e s t h e t i c s heeh get it lol] [https://mega.nz/file/VEgEAYrL#t402LuQEs9WknhpO-ycUNb1HpRKykcU4yLuYaJL3jq0 good vibes] - checked
*{{team away|synth}} '''Use Team ID 873''' [[https://mega.nz/file/Hv43zAhJ#LtbLSP2t4rbYjJHNYQcLMRPdNykoE3QhV76n-zMd-dU Gusic]] [[https://mega.nz/file/H7hF1aaJ#Lwo8MV-XzAfSmaY9QWSpjiYD_5u5IvD_8SxzFc1Tf4A Tictac]] [https://mega.nz/file/rz4XDQ5I#5IOENor-kRYR4upwKuO8eJQQWU7dA8EsCvg08UIO8N4 assthicc]] - checked
*{{team away|synth}} '''Use Team ID 873''' [[https://mega.nz/file/Hv43zAhJ#LtbLSP2t4rbYjJHNYQcLMRPdNykoE3QhV76n-zMd-dU Gusic]] [[https://mega.nz/file/X6RzQKqB#yNSA8XxDsTyWwKr2FvsyTKVcEubovH5vnFJkSxUZKyI Tictac]] [https://mega.nz/file/rz4XDQ5I#5IOENor-kRYR4upwKuO8eJQQWU7dA8EsCvg08UIO8N4 assthicc]] - checked
*{{team away|thps}} '''Use Team ID 874''' [https://mega.nz/file/gohEVByC#76ZatMXSpQiVCFgjwtL2O04Brm61SOPuKNZoU1ugJhY All in one link][https://pastebin.com/0WUUkiyM Paste] - checked
*{{team away|thps}} '''Use Team ID 874''' [https://mega.nz/file/gohEVByC#76ZatMXSpQiVCFgjwtL2O04Brm61SOPuKNZoU1ugJhY All in one link][https://pastebin.com/0WUUkiyM Paste] - checked
*{{team away|trance}} '''Use Team ID 875'''
*{{team away|trance}} '''Use Team ID 875''' - '''[https://mega.nz/file/2SIBDK6R#OZLCxB0ul_7socQVG3Lqo_HIxSu-NVQ3WnAtLprkECU Comfy Tactics to blast your favourite Trance tracks to.] - [https://mega.nz/file/jGZz0KoA#LJXx6LqKlh85APwg-SJe0pqtGfLXTs30mEbT95MZM9A Aesthetics are as pretty as Rave Lights] - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fWxAjieFLm-V8vBcbLR4l5Lr60_EZ2v_/view?usp=sharing More than 15 years of Trance in one Folder.] - [https://pastebin.com/mjspUqJs Pastebin Shit]''' - checked minus gusic
*{{team away|tyler}} '''Use Team ID 876'''
*{{team away|tyler}} '''Use Team ID 876''' - WayJay Team, will upload when i can but its in
*{{team away|vocaloid}} '''Use Team ID 877''' [https://mega.nz/file/fEhU1bQZ#xMhrVvvnMTDa3qOwde66Ga38rHHgmbfhu9PXNIV5DWo tacs]
*{{team away|vocaloid}} '''Use Team ID 877''' [https://mega.nz/file/fEhU1bQZ#xMhrVvvnMTDa3qOwde66Ga38rHHgmbfhu9PXNIV5DWo tacs] - tactics only checked [https://mega.nz/file/2JoWkRLK#b6ufxMnfSA0eKx5lX3kt-lK8J3nkBnqp3l_x--w0wcg Aes] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sj55QG89kTjtlAH_o3jmfdGVB3mGS-ma/view?usp=sharing music]
*{{team away|yankovic}} '''Use Team ID 878'''
*{{team away|yankovic}} '''Use Team ID 878'''

Latest revision as of 21:37, 2 March 2021


Please Upload your Exports below.

Tictacs : K

Nightly : Now with double the Hitler

Pastebin: Now with memes.

Aesethics : K

Gusic:-K (Night of the Purged Alt-Right Music Edition.) Checked


Sign ups

Signups closed. No further teams accepted.
48 teams, first come first serve.
Reserve teams also serve as replacements for teams that fail to submit their shit on time.

  1. Vocaloid icon.png /vocaloid/ my nigga free at last Tejen (talk) 19:59, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  2. Pup icon.png /pup/ full blown meltdown Kostas GRE (talk) 20:00, 1 September 2020 (UTC) <- Based
  3. Kfb icon.png /kfb/ based on what tensai !!UkbBMHkM4Hl (talk) 20:02, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  4. Classical icon.png /classical/ the only proper music team Stellar occultation (talk) 20:02, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  5. Synth icon.png /synth/ CASIO MOOG ROLAND KORG YOU NAME IT WE GOT ITFapoleon (talk) 20:03, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  7. Basshunter icon.png /basshunter/ probably gonna change it to /nightcore/ if i don't get enough ideas but PARTY HARD Svenskii (talk) 20:16, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  8. File:Aquabats Makocore icon.png aquabats Makocore oh shit boys it's happening and Mike Gerudo is coming too Mako 20:16, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  9. Aidoru icon.png /aidoru/ I hope you're ready for some weebshit Metagross01 (talk) 20:30, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  10. Nc icon.png /nc/ IT'S BEEN Trainer Keks (talk) 20:59, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  11. Futurefunk icon.png /Futurefunk/ Because Funk is everlasting Pooinloo402 (talk) 19:59, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  12. File:Yankovic icon.png /yankovic/ Still hope it gets to be an AL-topilotDrDtroit (talk) 21:31, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  13. Rats icon.png /rats/ [ m i c h a e l ] its your birthday today KinseyTypeF (talk) 01:35, 2 September 2020 (UTC)
  14. Trance icon.png /trance/ FUCK IT, WHO'S AFRAID OF 138? Laventale (talk) 22:37, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  15. Metal icon.png /metal/ OOOOOOOOOGH HarryEnfield (talk) 23:31, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  16. File:Erb icon.png /erb/ Signing up a with a non weeb team for once, hooray. --Jinrai (talk) 04:32, 2 September 2020 (UTC)
  17. Daft icon.png /daft/ Television Rules the Nation --MikeMcBob (talk) 05:12, 2 September 2020 (UTC)
  18. E-s icon.png /e-s/ Man I can't wait for dropping this sign-up again! MS (talk) 05:37, 2 September 2020 (UTC)
  19. Broadway icon.png /broadway/ --Discordant (talk) 17:42, 2 September 2020 (NZST)
  20. File:Dadrock icon.png /dadrock/ SleepDeprivedAnon (talk) 05:44, 2 September 2020 (UTC) You know you are a boomer when you like your dad's music more and more.
  21. M.w icon.png /m.w/ The defenders of Akihabara XEon8x (talk) 12:21, 2 September 2020 (UTC)
  22. Prog icon.png /prog/ You're not ready to step into the court of the crimson king Mantis (talk) 15:23, 2 September 2020 (UTC)
  23. Fashwave icon.png /fashwave/ Sicker then your average nig- [USER WAS BANNED] PunishedJuan 16:09, 2 September 2020 (UTC)
  24. Mogra icon.png /mogra/ You don't understand. The life I live is so much more interesting and dynamic than yours it may be fucking impossible for you to grasp this but I will try to make this simple. I live here. I do cool shit all the time. I have been to Mogra multipe times. I fucking toured the whole fucking country this summer, I have lots of things to do and lots of things on my mind. I love Mogra. When I can go I do, but it slipped my mind because I simply was busy with other things. Do you understand? Maybe for your pathetic life going to Mogra is a once in a lifetime chance that you plan months in advance but it isnt for me. I climbed Mt Fuji 36 hours ago, what did you do? I cant go tonight, but I can go tomorrow night. Does that frustrate you? Kill yourself. Blinky (talk) 15:21, 3 September 2020 (UTC)
  25. File:SovietAfghan icon.png /SovietAfghan/ No bullets or explosions will stop us, We will not be turned off the highway, Forward KAMAZ! Seigmann (talk) 20:58, 3 September 2020 (UTC)
  26. Ghostbc icon.png /ghostbc/ Are you on the square? Are you on the level? AxAndy (talk) 21:08, 3 September 2020 (UTC)
  27. Sabaton icon.png /Sabaton/ It's a call to arms. Our battle hymns. Today is a good day to dive. DKD (talk) 22:02, 3 September 2020 (UTC)
  28. Newwave icon.png /newwave/ IT'S HIP TO BE SQUARE CriticalStrike (talk) 02:00, 4 September 2020 (UTC)
  29. Thps icon.png /thps/ SO HERE I AM DOING EVERYTHING I CAN HOLDING ON TO WHAT I AM PRETENDING I'M A SUPERMAN Alexl7l (talk) 05:53, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
  30. Hmu icon.png /hmu/ Ay ridin thru my block in Chicagcolt / Colts think they nice til dey pull up and they jaws broke / Why the hell a spitta gotta care for they sorrows / This pony rap game, me and Hollow head honchos Magicblue (talk) 01:10, 7 September 2020 (UTC)
  31. Jojoreference icon.png /jojoreference/ Is that a.... musical reference? Alternativeroo (talk) 19:50, 11 September 2020 (UTC)
  32. Midi icon.png /midi/ actually I changed my mind (´・ω・`) (talk) 21:23, 14 September 2020 (UTC)
  33. Emo icon.png /emo/ CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES, THIS IS MY PES EXPORT Thunderlizard (talk) 15:52, 15 September 2020 (UTC)
  34. 2huremix icon.png /2huremix/ Music for people who only "Get" music if its boss music and theyve fought that boss #ArmpitLife 6letters (talk) 17:55, 18 September 2020 (UTC)
  35. Start listening to Jazz icon.png /jazz/ Beej (talk) 18:39, 20 September 2020 (UTC)
  36. File:Aspmu icon.png /aspmu/ I SEE THE TARPS, IN THE STANDS | WHERE OH WHERE ARE THE FANS?!! MINUSFIVESTARS (talk) 23:52, 23 September 2020 (UTC)
  37. Comedy icon.png /comedy/ What's the point of music if you have to take it all so seriously? Also I promise this won't just be /yankovic/ 2 CollieBro (talk) 21:16, 5 October 2020 (UTC)
  38. Rmdio icon.png /rmdio/ Member when r/m/dio was a thing? I member. Also, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM Vilkenparadis (talk) 19:21, 10 October 2020 (UTC)
  39. Europop icon.png /europop/ cus everytime we touch i get this feeling i'm blue if i was green i would die in a barbie world. song name? dragostea din tei Svenskii (talk) 22:05, 3 September 2020 (UTC)
  40. Honk icon.png /honk/ *honk* Tejen (talk) 20:24, 3 September 2020 (UTC)
  41. Ska icon.png /ska/ literally everyone wanted this team, if someone wants to sign it up as a main team feel free but we'll get this going this way if not, also feel free to make roster suggestions.DrDtroit (talk) 21:35, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
  42. Dnb icon.png /dnb/ One can't host a Musicb Owl with one of the best EDM Genres of the market being excluded. Make way for the KING! I've been told our nigga can be freed again so fuck it, mask off!. You know who (Yeah, that's right.) 19:06, 4 September 2020 (UTC)
  44. File:Edm icon.png /edm/ Oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah Get a feeling that I never, never, never, never had before, no no I get a good feeling, yeah --MikeMcBob (talk) 19:08, 14 September 2020 (UTC)
  45. Blues icon.png /Blues/ Do you Feel the Blues?? Pooinloo402 (talk.) 21:59, 14 September 2020 (UTC)
  47. Muvr icon.png /muvr/ TIm Follin is an absolute god (might drop this if shit hits the fan but at least I got until February, feel free to take over) Trainer Keks (talk) 09:35, 20 September 2020 (UTC)
  48. Jsrf icon.png /jsrf/ JET SET RADIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MS (talk) 21:47, 25 September 2020 (UTC)

Reserve Sign Ups

  1. File:Simpsonwave icon.png /simpsonwave/ imagine having an unironic music team signed up for this (´・ω・`) (talk) 07:21, 15 September 2020 (UTC)
  2. File:Doomer icon.png /doomer/ "haha anon, you're so mysterious, anyway what are you listening to?" feel free to take over this team or provide roster/music suggestions King Gusic Note: If someone other than Silence wants to take over /doomer/ it will be second in line, otherwise /turbofolk/ will take its place Stellar occultation (talk) 16:25, 3 September 2020 (UTC)
  3. File:Turbofolk icon.png /Turbofolk/ Са Србима не смије инат да се тера, Изгубићеш јато црних бомбардера Seigmann (talk) 21:30, 3 September 2020 (UTC)
  4. File:Lmfao icon.png /lmfao/ party rock is in the gusic league tonight Svenskii (talk) 20:24, 14 September 2020 (UTC)
  5. File:March icon.png /march/ TWO TIME CHAMPS. PunishedJuan (talk) 20:43, 14 September 2020 (UTC)
  6. Spebsqsa icon.png /spebsqsa/ a-bung-bung! XEon8x (talk) 16:59, 23 September 2020 (UTC)
  7. File:Drums icon.png /drums/ *lays down a beat* HarryEnfield (talk) 04:31, 21 September 2020 (UTC)
  8. File:Metalsolo icon.png /Metalsolo/ Team for the Metal players who play convey their feelings through instrumentals only Pooinloo402 (talk.) 21:59, 12 September 2020 (UTC)
  9. File:Pusa icon.png /pusa/ SHE'S LUMP, SHE'S LUMP SHE'S IN MY HEEEEAD. i put this in backup since i already signed aquabats, might change my mind Mako (talk.) 19:04, 14 September 2020 (UTC)
  10. File:Csh icon.png /csh/ /trash/ team in spirit KinseyTypeF (talk) 22:32, 1 September 2020 (UTC)