Rigging After Dark is a series of hastily assembled exhibition matches where in which teams of the 4CC (minus /mlp/), /vg/ League, and fake teams come to compete against each other once the moon and tensions are high. Matches will take place from June 13th to June 30th. Cards and schedule are subject to change but any and all changes to the schedule will be announced and the matches from that day will take place on the upcoming Saturday/Sunday to allow for the appropriate amount of time to accommodate these matches. Matches will take place 4-6 PM (16:00-18:00) PST (23:00-01:00 UTC).
Live managing is encouraged however limited. Each team will be allowed two time outs, half time changes and subs. Concession timeouts are not unlimited as they also count towards the two timeout limit. Preset changes will not cost a timeout. If /your team/ isn't /mlp/ or related to it then your squad is practically allowed as long as it passes through the Auto-ATF. Five matches per stream with standard cup settings unless a different setting or stipulation is agreed upon by the managers and can be stated in the corresponding match slot. Please ensure you have an opponent prior to booking a match. Also be considerate to the other teams and don't book more than 3 matches for one team. This is supposed to give teams that probably wont be playing until autumn maybe even longer a chance to play.
A stipulation could be for example a Loser Leaves Town match where in which the losing manager must retire and will never manage again. This is just an an example. A stipulation could be anything ranging from all manlet teams, GSBB, All Players above 205cm, whatever you can come up with.
June 13th
Day 1 Video
13 June 2016
Donald Trump 7' Stormfront 77', 89'
Tricky Rick 8', 50'
13 June 2016
Maya 89'
Disturbia 5', 30', 38'
All-orange conditions
No subs
Benuldies (no extra time) on
13 June 2016
Homucifer 3', 9' Purest Form of Love 65'
Dio Brando 28' Purest Form of Love 59'
Viewers Choice match
All Purple Conditions
13 June 2016
Clean Diesel 43' Takumi 50', 55'
For You 77'
13 June 2016
DA HOOD 18', 51', 90+0'
Jeff Mangum 82' David Bowie 90+2' MC Ride 90+7'
June 14th
Day 2 Video
dogs > cat bowl
14 June 2016
- X
16' MGE Me 28' pottis 53' mfw i kill 59'
start over 34' TEETH! 44', 64'
14 June 2016
Kacho Arino 24', 30' Doomguy 43'
- Extra time and benuldies on RIGGED MATCH ITS ALL RUINED
14 June 2016
Woody 34', 90+3'
Bravest Bird 55' No Moves 68' Tentaquil 80'
Viewers Choice, All Purple Conditions, No Subs, Beginner Difficulty
14 June 2016
X-Acto 27' No Moves 68' Tentaquil 80'
Triforce 35', 82' Giga Puddi 60'
14 June 2016
Rook 5', 81' Grigori 8', 63'
Yui 18', 77' Minase Iori 45+3'
Rigging at maximum
June 15th
Day 3 Video
15 June 2016
PKE 7' Honk Honk 20'
Snaketits 5', 14'
Viewers Choice, Beginner Difficulty, All Red Conditions, Max Subs, Flexible Auto Subs, Keepers take all Set Pieces, SS players mark each other.
15 June 2016
The Grey 38', 70'
Richard Feynman 60' Shinichi Mochizuki 77'
15 June 2016
Couchsurfer Rapist 1' Superpornowat Farangbang 22' Sex Tourist 36', 55'
You Love You Lose 74' Thunder Thighs 84' In the Crack 89'
Couchsurfer Rapist of /trv/ sets new unofficial record for fastest goal at 1:05
15 June 2016
Miror. B 18', 33'
Jeb 43' Manly Picnic 58'
Set all conditions to red and penalties to ON.
15 June 2016
Yui 16', 56', 72'
Glitch Art 8' Helvetica 13' Kerning 19', 50'
June 16th
Memematch: Goalhorn screamfest
- Meme formations for plenty of goals
- Goalhorn set to default for every one of /fgog/'s players, except STELLAAAAA
- Benuldies on
VGL5 Final rematch:
- Extra time on.
- Benuldies on.
Extra Time & Benuldies on, we MUST have a winner! ||| /d/ special music: http://pastebin.com/b1vjRPhB
June 17th
Must be played at the Slamnasium [which last I checked was the Winter variant of the /co/ stadiums] and with the basketball
Blazin' Tens Yolobowl III
- Flip a coin to decide home team.
- Extra time and PKs on.
- Support Range, Defensive Line and Compactness will be set to 10 and kept at 10.
Australian Showdown
- Both managers have agreed to do their end of the bargain in the event that their team loses.
- Extra time and benuldies, THERE MUST BE A WINNER.
June 18th
Stupor Cup match
- Standard cup knockout round rules (random conditions, extra time and penalties both ON)
- Use Riggly Field
- Show complete match stats after the match
- Purple conditions for both teams.
- Benuldies on only
- Chat decides sliders for both teams (whatever goes on Preset 1 must also be replicated on Preset 2 for both teams)
- Auto Preset Change to ON
- Use Riggly Field on Winter
95/90/80 for player stats.
June 19th
Benuldies and conditions for both teams set to all-purple to properly reflect the state of both cities.
19 June 2016
- 2-3-5 goalhorn spam derby
- Nerf GKs as much as possible
June 20th
Fighting is all about speed and offense. Defense means nothing. Both teams will play 3-3-4 with defensive line 10 and defensive compactness 1.
June 21st
STAND PROUD Derby - Both teams' goalhorns set to STAND PROUD only (Mike Schmidt's goalhorn). Benaldies and Extra Time.
June 22nd
Disregard the Moeshit Cup, this is the real decider for the title of most influential moeshit anime in history
- Extra time and benuldies on, we must have a winner
- All conditions set to red; the stakes are high
- Playing on Kawaii park stadium
June 23rd
Ded Console v Ded Game Bowl. Slurpfest incoming tbh.
Grand Opening for the Sad Panda Memorial Faphouse, a new multi-board stadium. (i hope it's done in time ;_;) ||| /d/ special anthem - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA6rSccEvz8
June 24th
Benuldies on pls
11 Saves Memorial Bowl
205cm Gold GKs
Metal work is masterwork
June 25th
All players will be 210 cm.
Play /mu/'s gh list and a selection of music to be provided by /rmu/ on a shuffled playlist for the whole match with no commentary.
What is the cutest? Country Girl doing cute things or City Girls doing random shit ?
Meme rules: TBD
June 26th
26 June 2016
11 vs 11 Pokémon Battle ET and benuldies :DDD No subs so please use red conditions
I'd like to hold these three matches for a happening that has happened before but not for a long time. I'll give the specifics once our friends confirm some details. Hope this is alright. Lear (talk) 04:09, 15 June 2016 (UTC)
Benuldies on pls
Subject to change [Or lack of Exports]
June 30th
The status of June 30th is questionable but we're still gonna book matches just in case.
30 June 2016
30 June 2016
30 June 2016
30 June 2016
30 June 2016
Team Slots
This is for the new teams without a fixed slot in PES16.
Please claim a spot before making your team to avoid export conflicts.
If you have any Aesthetics, please submit them here in Aesthetic Export form.