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2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Signups

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When editing the sign-up page, edit your team's section only (click the [edit] link next to the header with your team's name) in order to prevent edit conflicts and loss of links! If an edit conflict happens, we'll be able to tell whose fault it is.

This is a sign-up page for teams to play in the 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup.

Sign-ups will officially close at 11:59:59pm UTC on the 4th of October. Also, please note that this is not an Exports page, so do not post any exports of any kind here.

Rules (please read these or be deemed a dumbass):

  1. Only invited teams may sign up. This includes:
    1. Teams that qualify for the 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup.
    2. Teams intending to attempt to revive from ded status.
    3. Teams intending to attempt to be newly created.
  2. Verified managers are required to sign their team up directly through this page and should sign their posts using ~~~~ at the end.
  3. Caretakers may sign their autopilot team up with a signature on this page if they so choose but are not required to do so if they've chosen to remain anonymous. They are required however to contact Old Man Sou or another member of /admin/ in order to inform them of their intent in signing their team up to play.
  4. After being signed up, a team must have their manager or caretaker provide Proof of Interest (POI) to Old Man Sou or another member of /admin/.
    1. If you have already done this prior to the opening of sign-ups and are not recognized as having valid POI, please remind whoever it was sent to of its existence, possibly with relinks, for certainty of receipt and ease of tracking.
    2. POI may include any number of active or archived threads on your team's board concerning the cup (preparations for play in a future cup, threads for match days, etc.) and polls for players/music/etc.
    3. POI is required to have been made within the last six months. This may include threads created for a team's previous cup run provided it is within the six month time period.
    4. It is not required but you may provide more recent POI if you are already listed as having valid POI from an earlier date.
    5. You are not required to post your POI publicly on this page at any time and are encouraged to not do so unless it is an archived thread or closed poll in order to reduce outside interference and tampering. Doing otherwise will likely damage its validity.
  5. Upon receipt of POI, /admin/ will examine it and deliberate to find if it is acceptable evidence of interest from a board for their team to be able to play or not.
    1. If deemed acceptable proof of interest, a team's section below will be edited and added upon by a member of /admin/ to verify and announce the team's sign-up as complete and being eligible to play.
    2. If deemed unacceptable, managers/caretakers will be informed of the decision and may attempt to gather and hand in new POI before sign-ups close if they wish to. POI gathered after sign-ups close will not be accepted.


4ccc icon.png /4ccc/

signing up fr fr no cap on god fam 4cccManager (talk) 04:20, September 13 2024 (UTC)

  • POI approved but ur a faget Old Man Sou (talk) 04:20, September 13 2024 (UTC)

Autumn Babby Cup Competitors

An icon.png /an/

Singing up please let us in I need to win the cash prize so I can pay my vet bill please don't let my animals die! Alternativeroo (talk) 21:32, 13 September 2024 (UTC)

Sorry m8, no cash prize. All we got is a jar of peanut butter this time. I didn't embezzle the prize money to pay off my own debts. What are you talking about? PoI Approved Old Man Sou (talk) 06:24, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

B icon.png /b/

Theres so many paid kamala shills recently on /b/ right now its weird 6letters (talk) 05:54, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Welcome to election season! We have three flavors! Glownigger Grape, Shill Sherbet, and everyone's favorite.... Buttscotch Bot! PoI Approved Old Man Sou (talk) 17:50, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Bant icon.png /bant/

The official 4ccg dating app is broken, I haven't gotten any matches please fix MediumPlans (talk) 02:32, 17 September 2024 (UTC)

Anon I have some sad news. That wasn't a hot single in your area of ANONYMOUS PROXY but a government agent trying to give you a proposition involving some high grade hardware. PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 06:28, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Biz icon.png /biz/

You motherfucker sirs, You bloody banchod bitch. You redeem'd my token sirs, my village will die now sirs. Sirs, please, do the needfull sirs Ryperiour2 (talk) 23:17, 13 September 2024 (UTC)

NO! You listen to ME you bitch! These are my ICP token! Not YOURS I am the better scammer of elderly Americans okay you bitch!?!? I will be drinking the faygo! I will be gathering with juggalos! And you will be drinking from gutters. Plage be apon you! PoI accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 06:31, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

C icon.png /c/

We've got the cuteness ready and on lock! MagicalCoat (talk) 03:09, 29 September 2024 (UTC)

PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 06:33, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Ck icon.png /ck/

Might be a close one, but I’ll get the POI before the deadline.

Hmmmm... Crunchy on the edges, very under cooked in the middle, but points on the rye bread.... The cheese is melted so you win me on that. PoI approved Old Man Sou (talk) 06:38, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Cm icon.png /cm/

Ten thousand fucking pages of AIslop boys on pixiv and all of them absolute soulless garbage, none of them cute. I need Japan to go back to drawing boys with yaoi proportions like God intended. Freakishly broad shoulders and CLAMP-ass noodle arms? Perfection. tech (talk) 19:41, 3 October 2024 (UTC)

Is Ted Kaczynski gonna become /cm/ clay soon? Because I'm telling you right now I don't think Uncle Ted would be happy seeing that in heaven. I feel like you're airing out the 9/11 to anime homos but I also feel like it's heading there soon. Old Man Sou (talk) 06:40, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

F icon.png /f/

So let me guess what the problem is this time. Dinero? Dadfish (talk) 16:51, 20 September 2024 (UTC)


Fa icon.png /fa/

Caretaker turned in PoI, autopilot as always Old Man Sou (talk) 17:50, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

H icon.png /h/

I now announce the foundation of the Cuntry rhs (talk) 07:12, 14 September 2024 (UTC)

I cum to thee my Cuntry ;_;7 POI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 07:06, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

His icon.png /his/

JunoIvanovich (talk) 20:40, 18 September 2024 (UTC)

FUCK IM BAD AT FILL IN THE BLANK PUZZLES! PoI Still good from Summer Old Man Sou (talk) 07:09, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

I icon.png /i/

Late because doodling while traveling - Discordant (talk) -17:01NZDT 4/10/2024

Just draw your destination closer dumbass. PoI still under 6 month rule. Old Man Sou (talk) 09:16, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

K icon.png /k/

It's not a warcrime if it's a Canadian treaty. LT Jody (talk) 09:55, 14 September 2024 (UTC)

If you use Maple Syrup involved it's technically not a war crime. Just like how you can get off by ending a sentence with "In Minecraft" you can get out of war crimes as long as you include maple syrup. It's the loophole that never closes. PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 09:19, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Lit icon.png /lit/

Another cup, christ life is relentless TrickyDick (talk) 19:50, The Fourth of October in the Year of Our Lord 2024 (EDT)

The Cycle of Rigging is never ending and merciless. PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 00:00, 5 October 2024 (UTC)

M icon.png /m/

Is always morally correct to drop your space colony in Australia GMG (talk) 21:39, 13 September 2024 (UTC)

NO ZEON, NO! PoI Still Good from Summer Old Man Sou (talk) 16:42, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Mu icon.png /mu/

Mister, would you please vote for a better cup logo? Trainer (talk) 19:28, 2 October 2024 (UTC)

Blame the Marefare horsefuckers not me. I wanted the shitpost logo. PoI still good from summer Old Man Sou (talk) 16:44, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

N icon.png /n/

I hate Autumn, leaves on the track, every fucking time. sgbong (talk) 21:36, 13 September 2024 (UTC)

Just like run over the leaves nigga. Hahahahaha how is this even real just speed up the train nigga, like nigga scoop more coal into the engine. PoI accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 16:53, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

O icon.png /o/

Caretaker turned in POI, brick is now glued onto the accelerator pedal and RNGesus is at the wheel Old Man Sou (talk) 17:51, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Pol icon.png /pol/

We are ready for the autumn blitzkrieg. GaryD12 (talk) 21:33, 13 September 2024 (UTC)

PUH-LEEEEEEEEESE. Blitzkriegs are SO 1942. Join us in the next century already and start up bot shill farms on Twitter to squash dissenting opinions. Frontlines? Shelling? What is that anyway? Misinformation is what it is and it's the warfare of the future! PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 16:56, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

S4s icon.png /s4s/

what if . . . the jannies were nicers instead? Mephitis (talk) 18:08, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Challenge Difficulty: Impossible. PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 00:00, 5 October 2024 (UTC)

T icon.png /t/

The ship is still sailing KPZ (talk) 14:40, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

The ship in question: PoI Accepted, /t/ will play as an autopilot. Old Man Sou (talk) 17:01, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Toy icon.png /toy/

Surely Bandai releases a SH Monsterarts Megalon in 2025, right?....................right? Legendairyman (talk) 03:06, 18 September 2024 (UTC)

Totally, Bandai wouldn't leave money on the table like that... Surely. PoI still under 6 month rule Old Man Sou (talk) 17:02, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Tv icon.png /tv/

Just... few... more... alimony... payments.... Suule (talk) 01:23, 16 September 2024 (UTC)

Don't worry the last ones are always the most expensive. PoI still good from summer Old Man Sou (talk) 17:17, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

V icon.png /v/

Still mad about TGS LawfulDickish (talk) 16:48, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

At least you aren't Ubisoft? PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 17:18, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Vg icon.png /vg/

signing up fr fr no cap on god fam Chenfromarknightszoomer.png Dazlatan (talk) 21:37, 13 September 2024 (UTC)

I fucking hate you Zoomer Rabi. You're the worst fucking Rabi variant. >Implying you guys ever need POI Old Man Sou (talk) 17:24, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Vm icon.png /vm/

Would you believe me if I tell you Valve is saving Multiplayer gaming again? I don't dig Deadlock that much but I'm glad some other fellows do. t. Goldshitter Laventale (talk) 21:32, 13 September 2024 (UTC)

No because I'm too busy with the Tetris and the like. My view of Multiplayer Gaming has been narrowed down to stacking blocks and chipping at a green health bar by smashing buttons at random. PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 17:29, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Yeah that happens to everyone on their 30+. Laventale (talk) 21:33, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Vmg icon.png /vmg/

EoS in 3 months? How about NONE, thanks Project KV Yonk (talk) 18:36, 15 September 2024 (UTC)

What in the god damn is a Project KV? ... On second thought don't answer that. PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 17:36, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Vp icon.png /vp/

Just got back from Kalos, where's my god damn Pokémon ZA info? TheBird (talk) 19:08, 2 October 2024 (UTC)

Somewhere in the Palworld Lawsuit. Please understand Nintendo needs it's annual Courtroom Squash Match. PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 17:37, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Vr icon.png /vr/

"Die, horsefucker. You don't belong in this cup!"

"It was not by my tactics that I am once again given a trophy. I was called here by PES16 who wished to pay me 90+ers."

"90+ers!?! You steal board managers and make them your testers!"

"Perhaps the same could be said of all big market teams..."

"Your goals are as empty as your soul! 4cc ill needs a savior such as you!"

"What is the 4cc? A miserable little pile of shitposting. But enough talk... Activate Centring Targets"

Polybius (talk) 00:15, 1 October 2024 (UTC)

This boss is BULLSHIT why can THEY use Centering Targets but not the other teams! I'm gonna have a word with that blockbuster employee! PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 17:38, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Vrpg icon.png /vrpg/

My only hope is that the PES16 nightmare is well and truly over Doyes (talk) 21:44, 13 September 2024 (UTC)

The nightmare is over. For now. But you must fight the real final boss... THE JANNY PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 17:41, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Vst icon.png /vst/

Who would win? 1 trillion zerglings or the sun? VandalVoid (talk) 08:31, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Does the sun have siege tanks on high ground? Game thread from Spring still under 6 month rule Old Man Sou (talk) 17:43, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Vt icon.png /vt/

This signup has been sponsored by the Scarlet Wands. Visit any Faunamart and redeem promo code: IMISSFAUNA for one free lottery ticket with the purchase of nine lottery tickets. (Not valid with any other offers or promotion. Expires August 31 2024.) 12 2 more weeks.pngHLGGDiveGrass (talk) 05:53, 18 September 2024 (UTC)

I only stop in the Faunamart to buy a pack of gum and to piss on the seat of the bathroom at 3 AM. PoI Still valid from summer Old Man Sou (talk) 17:44, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

Wg icon.png /wg/

Have a pleasant October.
Moze (talk) 06:25, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

This is nice pape but you got anything more sporty? It is my busy season. PoI still valid (But no by much) Old Man Sou (talk) 17:46, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

X icon.png /x/

Never stop being schizophrenic, the voices are based Amphetamemes (talk) 23:28, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

I dunno, sometimes the voices say some pretty cringe things like "Be a better member of society" PoI still under 6 month rule Old Man Sou (talk) 00:01, 5 October 2024 (UTC)

Xs icon.png /xs/

POI turned in by caretaker, /xs/ will run as an auto again. Old Man Sou (talk) 19:18, 4 October 2024 (UTC)


Fit icon.png /fit/

lets fucking go boys Kostas GRE (talk) 02:12, 14 September 2024 (UTC)

>When you OD on HGH and Testosterone suppliments but you LIVE IT so hard your heart starts itself back up PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 17:48, 4 October 2024 (UTC)

G icon.png /g/

Turns out it's actually NOT impossible to revive the team. Huh, who knew? Bluecollar (talk) 02:06, 19 September 2024 (UTC)

People hate this fact but the reality is that malformed AI Titties is a DRAW brother. PoI Accepted Old Man Sou (talk) 17:49, 4 October 2024 (UTC)