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{{Template:Pes2015 TOC}}
''Note: PES 2015 will be used for the 2015 Spring Babby Cup.''

== Saves, Aesthetics and Stuff ==
== Saves, Aesthetics and Stuff ==

Revision as of 15:32, 12 September 2015

2014 4chanlogo.png
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
Game Installation · File List
Rules Rules · Aesthetic Exports · Auto-ATF
Info Team IDs · Tactical · FAQ
Modding Save Editor · DLC · Hex-editing · Managers · Stadiums · Faces · Kits · Boots · GK Gloves · Adboards · Team Colors · Strings · zlib · Aesthetics

Saves, Aesthetics and Stuff

Sider: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0TwHGHvKz8TZlJHZklZdFd3c1E/view?usp=sharing


Spring + Summer Aesthetics: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0TwHGHvKz8TbjNINHAxYktDelk/view?usp=sharing

2015 4chan Summer Cup

Save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0TwHGHvKz8Tc0g4elV4WUpTSGM/view?usp=sharing
Aesthetics: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0TwHGHvKz8TZkJYS1dKdWNWSGM/view?usp=sharing

2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup

Save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0TwHGHvKz8TTEprSXZGVjIwNG8/view?usp=sharing
Aesthetics: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0TwHGHvKz8TQWJUeDZWZklGNFk/view?usp=sharing
Post-cup Aesthetics: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0TwHGHvKz8TRjZFOEJQZG51T2M/view?usp=sharing


60 Team Aesthetics Save: https://mega.nz/#!KBkFzBwT!lXF64r1vhEVDEVutTcSwR3av2IvgjqeQF_OZBKr3IGU

Things you must NOT do when working with the official 4cc edit.bin

Still doing one of the things below can result in your team's export not being accepted because it might break other teams too.

Create custom players

When working with the official 4cc edit.bin your team already has 23 players, there is no need to make any new players via the 'Create Player' function.

Remove players

If you still accidentally delete a player, quit the game without saving the edit.bin and start over.

Transfer players from/to other teams

When working with official 4cc edit.bin you need to work with the 23 players your team has, transferring players is not allowed. If you still want a certain player of an other team please ask someone to get the player's face from the PES15 files and have him set it up for your player(s).

Base copy players from other teams

Base copying is allowed, but when the face of the player you base copied is changed (only in the cases when the original face is a real face aka a blender), your player's face will change too. So watch out when base copying players from other teams. For example, if you base copy Ronaldo and his original face is changed to a pony model, all your players with Ronaldo's face will also become a pony.

More rules may be announced in the future.