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The page is where information such as: teams, times, dates and stream locations should be posted for all tournaments and events not hosted by the 4CCCC.


2012 Autism Awareness and Ganon Memorial Cup

The first invitational tournament held around Easter. The teams that competed in the tournament are /3/, /a/, /cgl/, /m/, /n/, /pol/, /sp/ and /tg/. /tg/ were the winners of the cup beating /a/ 2-0.


A series played between /co/ and /tg/ in honor of their amazing Winter Cup qualifying match. First series was played on December 2nd. Always played in an open-air stadium for some reason. /tg/ won the Cup 3 games 0.


Tournament created by /u/ manager Gracen Hallibaster that will feature the teams related to Japanese culture. The competitors are /a/, /jp/, /m/, /d/, /c/, /cm/, /cgl/ and /u/. Tournament was held on December 22. /u/ were were winners of the cup beating /cgl/ 3-1.

Trip Cup

An unranked tournament created and run by /mlp/ manger Nor/mlp/erson. The cup competitors were chosen by the immense numbers of tripfaggotry located on their respective boards. The teams competeing were /sp/, /o/, /vg/, /mu/, /soc/, /mlp/, /vp/, and /k/. Date originally set for November 24 but was pushed back to November 25. Host ended up being Loli. /vg/ won the cup beating /mlp/ 2-0.

2012 Christmas Cup

Impromptu invitational created by former /n/ manager (and manager of 16 other teams) Dragonfag !!FJeHLyDVDRa. Contestants were chosen on a first come, first serve basis, with newcomer teams /an/, /fa/, /int/, /po/, /tv/ and /x/ taking this advantage to participate. /o/ defeated /y/ 3-0 in the final, while /tv/ and /po/ duked it out on penalties until /tv/ won. /o/ went on to face Cup Bosses /toy/ (Who they lost to 3-0), /q/ (Who they defeated 1-0), and reddit (who they beat 5-0).


The World Series

An invitational created by /trv/ manager MauledByTheTigers !!jawkONBJmdi that featured international boards. The competitors were /int/, /pol/, /n/ and /trv/. Tournament consisted of a Round-Robin Style Group Stage followed by a seeded knockout round. /n/ won the tournament beating /trv/ 3-2.

ISS 64chan

A friendly competition between /v/ and /vg/ hosted by Doogie_ !!x+r9Qm5rK7O. The inaugural ISS 64chan Cup was held on February 14th as a best of 3 series, featuring /v/ and /vg/. /vg/ won the series 2 to 1 in a stunning 12-6 victory in the deciding third game.

Cup Finalists Cup

An invitational set up by /soc/ manager Sexcopter !!DmLjci16Djv that will feature the finalist from the 2012 Spring Babby Cup to the 2013 Winter Cup. The teams will be set to match their appearance in their respective Cup. The Winter Cup /toy/ Squad won the tournament, defeating Spring Babby Cup /3/ 3-0.

Tottoric Up

A terrible no-good invitational being operated by Tottori to settle on the field who gets their PES model requests made. /tg/ won the tournament, beating /u/ 3-1.

2013 World Wars Cup

An invitational set up by /g/ manager UselessNepgear !!fHl/yYFVg52. Teams participating have a tie to war in some way. /int/ won the tournament, beating /trv/ 3-1.

Halloween Bowl 2013

An invitational set up by /jp/ manager Doogie_ !!x+r9Qm5rK7O. In order to compete each team has to have a horror themed roster, anthem and goalhorn. /c/ won the tournament, beating /m/ 4-1.

/vg/ League

An invitational League set up by Nor/mlp/erson !!NOg6D3P25U that features teams created by the various general threads on /vg/. /dsg/ won the tournament, beating /acg/ 3-2.

Weeabowl II

A bowl that features the teams related to Japanese culture. The Weeabowl should be held on Dec 21-22, With Gracen and Boris splitting up the work load. Teams are /a/, /c/, /cm/, /d/, /jp/, /m/, /u/, and /y/ . It will be the first un/offical stream of PES14 game-play. /h/ won the tournament, beating /jp/ 2-1.


Tottoric Up 2

Wherein teams compete for fabulous Blender prizes and stuff, again. /tg/ won the tournament (again), beating /v/ 4-1.

Fake Teamb Owl

Warning: Heavy circlejerking. Just stay far away from this.

/vg/ League 2

The Second installment of the /vg/ League featuring new additions. /dng/ won the tournament, beating /pdg/ 4-1 on Penalties.

Tecmo 4cc

A tournament held by SUPERtwinky where various 4cc teams (plus the LA Raiders) played towards the Superb Owl in Tecmo Bowl. /vp/ won the Owl, beating /mu/ 42-24.

Thanksgiving Bowl

A tournament held by carmastrikes. Held on the 28th and the 29th of November. [s4s] won the tournament after beating /b/ 4-2 in the final match.

4CC FA Cup

A tournament held by Old Man Sou. Draw already held, Challonge Bracket here. Stream dates TBD due to work and other things.

/vg/ League 3

The third installment of the /vg/ League. Set to begin on December 5th.

Kurisumasu Cup

A tournament that is totally-not-this-year's-Weeabowl. This single elimination tournament will feature 12 teams related to Japanese culture - /a/, /c/, /d/, /e/, /i/, /jp/, /h/, /m/, /u/, /vp/, /w/ and /y/. Set to be held on 19th and 20th of December by Sleep Deprived Anon.

CanadaFag's PotatoBowl 2014

A 16 team single-elimination knockout tournament hosted by CanadaFag on his trusty potato PC. Expected to play on December 28th-29th


Ded Dump Board With No Culture Owl

A tournament held by /c/rispy featuring dump boards. Set to happen sometime in January/February and may be run on PES 15.

2015 Antares Memorial Cup

A 10-man tournament hosted by Ordinate and Pybro featuring mostly technology related teams (and /a/). Set to happen Jan. 3 and 4th, 2015.

Jenkey Memorial Cup

A x-team cup hosted by Mlp icon.png /mlp/ featuring selected teams played in PES 15. Will probably happen in the weekend of January 10 and 11.

Upcoming Invitationals


The second installment of the FLGS series between /co/ and /tg/. Date rumored to be late December or early January.

Weeabowl III

The third installment of the Weeabowl. Was originally set to happen in December and was to be hosted by Sleep Deprived Anon but was changed when Gracen announced he was hosting it after all. Date set for either February or December 2015.

Creative Board Bowl

A tournament being created by the managers of the creative boards. Dates TBD.

Tag Team Cup

Boards compete in pairs, with joint teams consisting of members from both teams, and 1 combined gold player(For example a /k/-/asp/ team could have Sergeant Slaughter) in a GSSSS format with both teams gold players as the silver players. Dates TBD, sometime in 2015.

Uncompleted Invitationals

2013 Popularity Cup

Hosted by Nor/mlp/erson !!NOg6D3P25U. The entrants were chosen by popular vote but as an added twist, managers were also being put up for popular vote. The most voted team was managed by the most voted manager and so on until 16 teams were paired with 16 managers. Originally scheduled to take place on March 2nd and March 3rd but was moved to March 23rd where it was deemed not popular enough and is currently on hiatus until further notice.

Halloween Bowl II

A second edition of the Halloween Bowl hosted by Doo_Gay that would feature teams with a spooky roster, aesthetics, and goalhorn. Was originally set for Halloween 2014 but was cancelled when the 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup was announced to play on that date.