Difference between revisions of "/hsg/"

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(158 intermediate revisions by 12 users not shown)
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|team= hsg
|team= hsg
|general= yes
|general= yes
|motto= {{tt|Lok'tar ogar|Victory or Death}}
|name= Hearthstone General
|name= Hearthstone General
|date= 18th May 2015
|date= 18th May 2015
|owner= Blizzard
|owner= Blizzard
|manager= The Innkeeper
|manager= Harth Stonebrew
|irl= {{Anonymous|Spotmonkey|!!zZUi/j3mrUr}} <br> {{Anonymous|Scivir}} <br> {{Anonymous|Vilkenparadis}}
|irl= None
|color1= ccaa49
|color1= ccaa49
|color2= 647db3
|color2= 647db3
|bgcolor= ccaa49
|high_ranking= 20
|txtcolor= 647db3
|ranking=21 (<small>{{decrease|2}}</small>)
|high_date= Shieldbearer
|high_date= Shieldbearer
|low_ranking= 25
|low_ranking= 38
|low_date= Angry Chicken
|low_date= Angry Chicken
|w= 4
|w= 22
|d= 2
|d= 10
|l= 4
|l= 16
|gf= 21
|gf= 87
|ga= 21
|ga= 84
|hex= ccaa49
|hex= ccaa49
|color= Card Back Gold
|color= Card Back Gold
|scorer= Kel'Thuzad
|assists= 4
|assists= 8
|goals= 5
|goals= 18
|win_home= hsg
|win_home= hsg
|win_away= rsg
|win_away= feg
|win_score_home= 3
|win_score_home= 7
|win_score_away= 1
|win_score_away= 2
|win_date= June 28, 2015
|win_date= June 9, 2017
|lose_home= dng
|lose_home= hsg
|lose_away= hsg
|lose_away= mbg
|lose_score_home= 2
|lose_score_home= 0
|lose_score_away= 0
|lose_score_away= 4
|lose_date= June 24, 2018
|first_home= ssbg
|first_home= ssbg
|first_away= hsg
|first_away= hsg
|first_score_home= 1
|first_score_home= 1
|first_score_away= 1
|first_score_away= 1
|first_date=June 13, 2015
|anthem= youtube.com/watch?v=wFfVDzuiWhY
|first_vgl_appearance= [[/vg/ League 4|VGL4]]
|anthem= https://ufile.io/sng0h
|a_title= The Little Chugga Strikes Back
|a_title= The Little Chugga Strikes Back
|altanthem1_what=Victory Anthem
|altanthem1_what=Victory Anthem
|altanthem1_title=Andre Antunes - Get Lucky (Guitar Cover)
|altanthem1_title=Daft Punk - Get Lucky ft. Pharrell Williams, Nile Rodgers
|horn= youtube.com/watch?v=bwDNQTnHHJs&t=44s
|horn= https://youtu.be/bwDNQTnHHJs?t=44s
|gh_title= NymN - EVERYONE GET IN HERE (start at 44s)
|gh_title= NymN - EVERYONE GET IN HERE
|althorn1= youtu.be/vknLNh0bB3s?t=63
|althorn1= youtu.be/vknLNh0bB3s?t=63
|altgh1_title= NymN HS - The Grand Tournament
|altgh1_title= NymN HS - The Grand Tournament
|altgh1_what= WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goalhorn
|althorn2= youtu.be/CBbvpgr4Qb4?t=31
|althorn2= youtu.be/CBbvpgr4Qb4?t=31
|altgh2_title= Meme Circus
|altgh2_title= Meme Circus
|altgh2_what= BOW DOWN TO YOGG-SARON
|altgh2_what= 80+ Goal
|althorn3= youtu.be/Oc2Z38zVlQE?t=13
|nickname= Hearthchads
|altgh3_title= A HORN OF NOBLE BARNES
|altgh3_what= TONIGHT
|nickname= The Shieldbearers
/hsg/ is the /vg/ League team representing the /vg/ thread, Hearthstone General. Kripparino is our guy. {{greentext|ONE NIGHT IN DEVELOPMENT}}. <br>
/hsg/ is the /vg/ League team representing the /vg/ thread, Hearthstone General. Kripparino is our guy. {{greentext|we enjoy playing this broken game }}. <br>
Sometimes we’re Rank 5. Other times we’re Rank 10. Most of the time, we’re just a bunch of fedora-tipping Controlshitters. Never forget, Zoo is a Control Deck.
Sometimes we’re Rank 5. Other times we’re Rank 10. Most of the time, we’re just a bunch of fedora-tipping Comboshitters. Never forget, Zoo is a Control Deck.
==Team Info==/p1DbX/f162d3d9a7.xlsx<br>
(Change Tazdingo's name to "Gee Brann, 3 Emperors?")
==Team Info==
VGL 13 Export http://www.mediafire.com/file/z2yewcpswd2r73p/TEXPORT00000000/file
[[/hsg/ Decklist|Deck Code]]
{{sq start}}
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=GK |name=Gee Brann, 3 Emperors?}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=GK |name=<span class="explain" title="YOU PUSSY PROW">FACE ME}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=LIVE, INSECT!}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=LB |name=<span class="explain" title="WE'RE STILL RICH">Reno Jackson}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=HAH, {{greentext|Priest}}}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="N'Zoth, the Corruptor ">I TASTE THE ESSENCE OF YOUR SOUL}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=Fucking Shieldbearer}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="A God denied by his developers">Punished Yogg}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=DMF |name=Tony the Tiger}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=RB|name=<span class="explain" title="Good goy 80$ for a jpeg">{{greentext|he preordered}}}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=DMF |name=THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Sniperino>Kripparino}}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=LMF |name=Reno Jackson}}
{{sq bronze player |no= |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!">BOB THE BARTENDER}}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=RMF |name=Yogg-Saron, Meme's End}}
{{sq bronze player |no= |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="EREDAR LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION">YOU FACE JARAXXUS!}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=AMF |name=HAHAHAHAHA!}}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="The Al'Akir of mechs">'''UNITY. PRECISION. PERFECTION.'''}}
{{sq gold player |no= |pos=CF |name=Barnes}}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=AMF |name=<span class="explain" title="动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门">Fuck China</span>}}  
{{sq gold player |no= |pos=CF |name= WIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{captain}}}}
{{sq gold player |no= |pos=CF |name=<span class="explain" title="He's back at the wheel">WIIIIIIIIIIINDS!</span>}} {{captain}}  
{{sq mid}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=GK |name=Ice Block}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=GK |name=<span class="explain" title="Yeah haha wouldn't it be crazy if you had a 4/5 that dealt 10 damage then rushed? Haha totally crazy no way that'd exist WAKE ME UP">SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=EN PASSANT}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=LB |name=<span class="explain" title="How does he do it?">THREE HOURS UNTIL TAVERN BRAWL!}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=Implosion Guy}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=LB |name=<span class="explain" title="Keep him away from Murlocs">Chadgar}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=PARENTAL CONTROL}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Blood Manos: 0/3 Weapon: ALL Minions>ALL Minions}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=Hay Day}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Ragnaros, the Firelord">DIE INSECT}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=THE MIGHTY MILLHOUSE MANASTORM}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="HE'S SUITING UP AFTER TWO YEARS IN THE WILD">Dr. Balanced}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=Zeriyah Nudes}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=RB |name=<span class="explain" title="Absolute shit taste">{{greentext|liking card}}}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=477}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=RB |name=<span class="explain" title="One Mana - Get 3 mechs. Please stop.">[Created by ...]}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=Dies to Fiery War Axe}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="MAGA WILD MAGA>{{greentext|>>>>>>wild}}}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=AMF |name=YOU FACE JARAXXUS}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Rank 20 Scrub>FUCKING SHIELDBEARER!}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=AMF |name=EVERYONE, GET IN HERE!}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Your wish is my suggestion.">Zephyrs the Great}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=AMF |name=Fandral Tier}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CF |name=<span class="explain" title="What's his plan? What is Second Dinner?">HAHAHAHAHA! }}
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}
==Team History==
==Team History==
===/vg/ League 4===
===/vg/ League 4===
Line 116: Line 123:
With A New Way To Play in this Year of the Kraken, {{anonymous|Scivir}} was ready to take literally every suggestion from /hsg/ to build the perfect VGL Draft and go 12-0. Uh, 7-0.
With A New Way To Play in this Year of the Kraken, {{anonymous|Scivir}} was ready to take literally every suggestion from /hsg/ to build the perfect VGL Draft and go 12-0. Uh, 7-0.
Shit didn’t happen. I blame Brode. Actual summary coming soon™.
Shit didn’t happen. I blame Brode.
Slotted into Group D with /nepgen/, /aceg/, and newcomer /gerg/, /hsg/ had a lot to prove going into the /vg/ League 6. Gone was Kel’Thuzad, banished to Wild. Kripparino decided to skipparino, and the Grim Patron was nerfed into the bench. Taking on new leadership of the team for the tournament was Al’Akir the Windlord, a symbol, not merely a card; Reno Jackson, the hero we all deserve; Yogg-Saron, the 10-mana powerhouse who proved that even tryhard faggots need to meme to win; and Arch-Thief Rafaam, who stole the second Silver spot from *angry tree noises* after getting the card nerfed. New cards and a shuffled deck, /hsg/ pressed into the tournament, hoping to aggro their opponents down, and damn if it almost worked. Twice in a row, against champion-copycat /gerg/ and seemingly eternal knockout team /nepgen/, /hsg/ took a strong lead but blew it in the end. Funnily enough, the last match against /aceg/ was a promotable game, as all /hsg/ had to do was win by two goals. Sadly, Al’Akir and the cards you should fear were unable to take advantage of their board control, and the game ended in a 4-4 draw, putting /hsg/ dead last in the group.
Despite the horribly missed lethals in their official matches, /hsg/ went on to hone their skills in tiny Strivewire tournies and even find two Euros of prize money after winning the Fakkin Boolsheet II’s Gauntlet. The team was invited to Karazhan Tower in July and recruited their Theater Manager Barnes as the team’s new Gold Medal for the upcoming season.
===/vg/ League 7===
Weary from their rough performance in the previous League, /hsg/ looked to bring their competitors /@/, /wotg/, and /tfg/ to the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan and win by any means necessary under new manager {{anonymous|Vilkenparadis}}. A win against the idols gave the boys hope, but a hefty loss from Blisk and his crew clearly being bettah almost made /hsg/ uninstall the game and switch to Gwent. The final Group Stage match against /wotg/ was a brawl on the pitch, with goals everywhere. Mortars were shot and portals were cast, and at the end of it all, it was new recruit Barnes who set the stage at the 88th minute for /hsg/ to take to the knockouts. Second in the group, /hsg/ were paired against /vitagen/, a strong Group Stage team, for their Round of 16 match.
{{greentext|Playing on mobile}}
/hsg/ assumed direct control over /vitagen/ and played their most dominating game yet, taking a 2-1 victory to the Quarterfinals against /utg/. It was here that the cards were tested the greatest. With 14 minutes left in the game and lethal in sight for /utg/ in the form of a 3-1 lead, /hsg/ Innervated out a nerfed Yogg-Saron and ended on top, and a last-minute Al’akir-Rockbiter combo put the game into Extra Time. Resources exhausted, players gassed, and penalties in sight, /hsg/ tapped their hero power and found what they needed, Reno Jackson. The silver DMF blasted one into the net, healed /hsg/ to full, and delivered them to the Semi-Finals against fellow VGL silver medalist, /xcg/.
The match opened with the sixth consecutive goal from WIIIIIIIINDS! in the tournament and stayed 1-0 for 87 minutes. Time stood still as the /xcg/ manager deliberated his tactics over and over in his head, before making the perfect call and striking panic into the /hsg/ defensive line. They lost their footing, and let XCOM’s striker Snaketits put one in, sending the team, again, to Extra Time. Unfortunately, these advanced, next level tactics proved too much for the RNG-reliant /hsg/, and even though the world’s greatest Patron Combo kept the scoreline level for a spat, Snaketits completed her hattrick and ended /hsg/’s run to the championship crown.
Third Place is a beautiful thing, and /hsg/ had decided to just roll with it against /5N@F/. With a new Midrange deck in hand, the team was reminded that card games really are just about fun, and Captain WIIIIIIIINDS became the third ever VGL player to score in the maximum amount of games he could in a tournament, and the second player ever to do it in 7 games.
Third-place medal in hand, /hsg/ waved goodbye to their Blackrock Mountain, Grand Tournament, and League of Explorers players as dank new dinos were scouted for positions on the pitch, as well as a few pirates from Gadgetzan who missed the deadline to sign up for tryouts.
===/vg/ League 8===
Fresh from a 3rd-place win, /hsg/ was granted the Pot 1 position in Group A after champion /ddg/ failed to show. Captain Al'Akir descended upon the pitch alongside his minions in arms, fresh from a quarterfinal run as /vg/'s Silver medal, ready to lead the team to another amazing VGL campaign. The audience shuffled into their seats for the opening match between /hsg/ and /feg/ and were witness to a banger of an opener. Bolstered with the power of the meta-breaker, Patches the Pirate, /hsg/ put 7 (s e v e n) goals past /feg/'s Wyvern Reinforcements. A statement had been made to the 31 other competitors, no one was winning this League until they beat /hsg/.
Despite the show stopper opening, /hsg/ were quickly given a slice of humble funnelcake in the form of an /llsifg/ drubbing to the tune of a 1-2 loss. Fearful for their advancement, all the stops were pulled and every Taunt minion was dropped on-curve to force a 0-0 draw against /fgg/. Despite an outstanding GD and a fierce offense, /hsg/ were shaken going into the knockout round against returning side /meg/. Mass Effect General had clapped the cheeks of every squad they'd faced thusly, and no one knew where the match would go between the eager spacefarers and the shaken cards. The two clashed in a brutal (read: goalless) 2-hour affair before the ref blew the last Extra Time whistle and declared penalties. Back and forth they traded shots until finally the pressure got to /meg/'s most special player and /hsg/ were able to claim victory. They were in the final day again, but they had an old foe to contend with...
''No one was winning this League until they beat /hsg/''
These words rung in the ears of ever idol on /llsifg/ as they stepped onto the pitch. What followed was a bloodbath. Goals were scored and dreams were made and crushed. Garrosh, fed up with his team's disadvantage, began to put the smackdown on an idol and was promptly returned to Draenor where he belonged. Down to 10 men, /hsg/ put all their money on the line and stormed their opponents' box, praying for an out. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be, and /hsg/ was forced to exit the league at 5th place after a 3-2 loss. True to their declaration, /llsifg/, the team that beat /hsg/ twice in one league, went on to lift the trophy. Al'Akir would return to /vg/ as a 77 defender and put his Taunt keyword to use while his team retreated to Northrend. Something had to change.
==Match History==
==Match History==
{| class="wikitable" width=74%
{| class="wikitable" width=74%
Line 133: Line 167:
| align=center|0-2 L
| align=center|0-2 L
| align=center|
| align=center|
| align=center|17th June 2016
| align=center|17th June 2016
| align=center|{{team away|gsg}}
| align=center|{{team away|gsg}}
| align=center|[[File:Riggingafterdark1.png|25px]] [[Rigging After Dark|June 17th]]
| align=center|[[File:Riggingafterdark1.png|25px]] [[Rigging_After_Dark#June_17th|Rigging After Dark]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| align=center|2-1 W
| align=center| TBD
| align=center| TBD
| align=center|21th June 2016
| align=center|21th June 2016
| align=center|{{team away|xcg}}
| align=center|{{team away|dng}}
| align=center|[[File:Riggingafterdark1.png|25px]] [[Rigging After Dark|June 21st]]
| align=center|[[File:Riggingafterdark1.png|25px]] [[Rigging_After_Dark#June_21st|Rigging After Dark]]
| align=center|2-5 L
| align=center|2-5 L
| align=center| FUCK YUGIOH MAN
| align=center| FUCK YUGIOH MAN
| align=center|9th July 2016
| align=center|{{team away|nnb}}
| align=center|[[File:Fakkin Boolsheet.png|25px]] [[DrDtroit Fakkin Boolsheet Series|FAKKIN BOOLSHEET Tourney]]
| align=center|3-1 L
| align=center| <small>WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|30}} </small>
| align=center|16th September 2016
| align=center|{{team away|ARS}}
| align=center|[[File:Royal Humble.png|25px]] [[Fakkin Boolsheet Series II#Gauntlet 2|Gauntlet 2]]
| align=center|2-3 W
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|4||26}}<br> HAHAHAHAHA! {{goal|29}} </small>
| align=center|16th September 2016
| align=center|{{team away|snek}}
| align=center|[[File:Royal Humble.png|25px]] [[Fakkin Boolsheet Series II#Gauntlet 2|Gauntlet 2]]
| align=center|3-2 W
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|62||74||82}} </small>
| align=center|16th September 2016
| align=center|{{team away|ussr}}
| align=center|[[File:Royal Humble.png|25px]] [[Fakkin Boolsheet Series II#Gauntlet 2|Gauntlet 2]]
| align=center|3-0 W
| align=center| <small> Yogg-Saron, Meme’s End {{goal|13||90+4}}<br> Reno Jackson {{goal|17}} </small>
| align=center|16th September 2016
| align=center|{{team away|Naruto}}
| align=center|[[File:Royal Humble.png|25px]] [[Fakkin Boolsheet Series II#Gauntlet 2|Gauntlet 2]]
| align=center|4-3 W
| align=center| <small> Barnes {{goal|28||80}}<br> Reno Jackson {{goal|31||78}} </small>
| align=center|16th September 2016
| align=center|{{team away|wsr}}
| align=center|[[File:Royal Humble.png|25px]] [[Fakkin Boolsheet Series II#Gauntlet 2|Gauntlet 2]]
| align=center|3-2 W
| align=center| <small> Zeriyah Nudes {{goal|3}}<br> Barnes {{goal|79||90+3}} </small>
| align=center|16th September 2016
| align=center|{{team away|metallurgy}}
| align=center|[[File:Royal Humble.png|25px]] [[Fakkin Boolsheet Series II#Gauntlet 2|Gauntlet 2]]
| align=center|3-3(5-4) W
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|41}}<br> Barnes {{goal|73||90}} </small>
| align=center|16th September 2016
| align=center|{{team away|rw}}
| align=center|[[File:Royal Humble.png|25px]] [[Fakkin Boolsheet Series II#Gauntlet 2|Gauntlet 2]]
| align=center|3-1 W
| align=center| <small> Barnes {{goal|5}}<br> WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|28||39}} </small>
| align=center|16th September 2016
| align=center|{{team away|bird}}
| align=center|[[File:Royal Humble.png|25px]] [[Fakkin Boolsheet Series II#Gauntlet 2|Gauntlet 2]]
| align=center|3-2 W
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|18}}<br> Barnes {{goal|37}} </small>
| align=center| 12 December 2017
| align=center|{{team away|latvia}}
| align=center| [[File:Omegacup2017.png|25px]] [[Omegacup 2017]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| align=center|<small> Fucking Shieldbearer{{goal|63}}<br> {{greentext|477}} {{goal|83}}</small>
| align=center|15 April 2018
| align=center|{{team away|agdg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League X Friendlies]]
| align=center|3-4 L
| align=center|<small> Kolento Warrior{{goal|19}}<br> WIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|37}}<br> HAHAHAHAHA! {{goal|62}}</small>
| align=center|9 September 2018
| align=center|{{team away|dbg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 11 Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-3 L
| align=center|<small> HOPPED{{goal|90+5}}</small>
| align=center|16 September 2018
| align=center|{{team away|drg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 11 Friendlies]]
| align=center|3-4 L
| align=center|<small> HAHAHAHAHA!{{goal|22}}<br> WIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|51||87}}</small>
| align=center|30 March 2019
| align=center|{{team away|d2g}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 12 Friendlies]]
| align=center|5-0 W
| align=center|<small> Let me Change your Mind {{goal|11}}<br> Purify was Meta once {{goal|20}}<br> Is Someone Injured? {{goal|25}}<br> Amara, Warden of Hope {{goal|61||90+0}}</small>
| align=center|31 March 2019
| align=center|{{team away|drg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 12 Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-3 L
| align=center|<small> Let me Change your Mind {{goal|62}}</small>
{| class="wikitable" width=74%
{| class="wikitable" width=74%
Line 165: Line 289:
| align=center|{{team away|kspg}}
| align=center|{{team away|kspg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 4|/vg/ League 4]]
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 4|/vg/ League 4]]
| align=center| 1-0 L
| align=center| 0-1 L
| align=center|
| align=center|
Line 177: Line 301:
| align=center|{{team away|dsg}}
| align=center|{{team away|dsg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 4#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 4 Ro16]]
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 4#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 4 Ro16]]
| align=center| 2-3 W
| align=center| 3-2 W
| align=center| <small> Kel'Thuzad {{goal|4||40}}<br> EVERYONE, GET IN HERE {{goal|61}} </small>
| align=center| <small> Kel'Thuzad {{goal|4||40}}<br> EVERYONE, GET IN HERE {{goal|61}} </small>
Line 195: Line 319:
| align=center|{{team away|dng}}
| align=center|{{team away|dng}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 4#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 4 Final]]
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 4#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 4 Final]]
| align=center| 2-0 L
| align=center| 0-2 L
| align=center|
| align=center|
Line 207: Line 331:
| align=center|{{team away|nepgen}}
| align=center|{{team away|nepgen}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 6|/vg/ League 6]]
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 6|/vg/ League 6]]
| align=center| 4-3 L
| align=center| 3-4 L
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|16}}<br> Reno Jackson {{goal|54||64}}</small>
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|16}}<br> Reno Jackson {{goal|54||64}}</small>
Line 215: Line 339:
| align=center| 4-4 D
| align=center| 4-4 D
| align=center| <small> Yogg-Saron, Meme’s End{{goal|18}}<br> WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|35||49}}<br> YOU FACE JARAXXUS {{goal|57}}</small>
| align=center| <small> Yogg-Saron, Meme’s End{{goal|18}}<br> WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|35||49}}<br> YOU FACE JARAXXUS {{goal|57}}</small>
| align=center|3 December 2016
| align=center|{{team away|@}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 7|/vg/ League 7]]
| align=center| 2-1 W
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|49||89}}</small>
| align=center|9 December 2016
| align=center|{{team away|tfg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 7|/vg/ League 7]]
| align=center| 1-4 L
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|74}}</small>
| align=center|11 December 2016
| align=center|{{team away|wotg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 7|/vg/ League 7]]
| align=center| 4-3 W
| align=center| <small> Barnes{{goal|28||88}}<br> WIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|47}}<br> Punished Yogg {{goal|53}}</small>
| align=center|17 December 2016
| align=center|{{team away|vitagen}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 7#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 7 Ro16]]
| align=center| 2-1 W
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|9}}<br> Punished Yogg {{goal|43}}</small>
| align=center|18 December 2016
| align=center|{{team away|utg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 7#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 7 QF]]
| align=center| 4-3 W
| align=center| <small> Barnes {{goal|5}}<br>WIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|87}}<br> Punished Yogg {{goal|90+1}}<br>Reno Jackson {{goal|115}}</small>
| align=center|18 December 2016
| align=center|{{team away|xcg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 7#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 7 SF]]
| align=center| 2-3 L
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|7}}<br> EVERYONE, GET IN HERE {{goal|104}}</small>
| align=center|18 December 2016
| align=center|{{team away|5N@F}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 7#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 7 3rd Place Final]]
| align=center| 2-1 W
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|9}}<br> Barnes {{goal|69}}</small>
| align=center|9 June 2017
| align=center|{{team away|feg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 8|/vg/ League 8]]
| align=center| 7-2 W
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|2}}<br> FUCKING SHIELDBEARER{{goal|11}}<br> I'm In Charge Now{{goal|37||57}}<br> HAHAHAHA!{{goal|41||75}}<br> Punished Yogg{{goal|81}}</small>
| align=center|11 June 2017
| align=center|{{team away|llsifg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 8|/vg/ League 8]]
| align=center| 1-2 L
| align=center| <small> Heh, Greetings {{goal|87}}</small>
| align=center|17 June 2017
| align=center|{{team away|fgg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 8|/vg/ League 8]]
| align=center| 0-0 D
| align=center| <small> </small>
| align=center|24 June 2017
| align=center|{{team away|meg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 8#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 8 Ro16]]
| align=center| 0(5)-0(4) W
| align=center| <small> </small>
| align=center|25 June 2017
| align=center|{{team away|llsifg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 8#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 8 QF]]
| align=center| 2-3 L
| align=center| <small> Punished Yogg {{goal|58}}<br>WIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|77}} </small>
| align=center|24 September 2017
| align=center|{{team away|svg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 9 Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-1 D
| align=center|<small> Punished Yogg{{goal|76}}</small>
| align=center|1 December 2017
| align=center|{{team away|hanny}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 9|/vg/ League 9]]
| align=center| 1-2 L
| align=center| <small> HAHAHAHAHA! {{goal|24}}</small>
| align=center|3 December 2017
| align=center|{{team away|@}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 9|/vg/ League 9]]
| align=center| 1-1 D
| align=center| <small> Fucking Shieldbearer {{goal|21}}</small>
| align=center|9 December 2017
| align=center|{{team away|yyy}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 9|/vg/ League 9]]
| align=center| 3-1 W
| align=center| <small> I'm in Charge Now {{goal|20}}<br>I want to fuck the panda {{goal|40}}<br>Fucking Shieldbearer {{goal|90+2}}</small>
| align=center|16 December 2017
| align=center|{{team away|tf2g}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 9#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 9 Ro16]]
| align=center| 1-0 W
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|20}}</small>
| align=center|17 December 2017
| align=center|{{team away|fgg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 9#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 9 QF]]
| align=center| 0(7)-0(6) W
| align=center| <small> </small>
| align=center|17 December 2017
| align=center|{{team away|aog}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 9#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 9 SF]]
| align=center| 1-3 L
| align=center| <small> {{greentext|477}} {{goal|90+5}}
| align=center|17 December 2017
| align=center|{{team away|vitagen}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 9#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 9 3rd Place Final]]
| align=center| 1(10)-1(11) L
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|88}}
| align=center|3 June 2018
| align=center|{{team away|utg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League X|/vg/ League X]]
| align=center| 2-2 D
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS {{goal|2||17}}</small>
| align=center|9 June 2018
| align=center|{{team away|tf2g}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League X|/vg/ League X]]
| align=center| 4-2 W
| align=center| <small> HAHAHAHAHA! {{goal|20||55}}<br>WIIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|31}}<br>Fucking Shieldbearer {{goal|90+4}}</small>
| align=center|15 June 2018
| align=center|{{team away|pmmm}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League X|/vg/ League X]]
| align=center| 1-0 W
| align=center| <small> UN'GORO BELONGS TO THE TITANS! {{goal|22}}</small>
| align=center|23 June 2018
| align=center|{{team away|twg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League X#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League X Ro16]]
| align=center| 3-2 W
| align=center| <small> WIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|7||32}}<br>JAWS THAT BITE, CLAWS THAT CATCH {{goal|14}}</small>
| align=center|24 June 2018
| align=center|{{team away|mbg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League X#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League X QF]]
| align=center| 0-4 L
| align=center|
| align=center|24 November 2018
| align=center|{{team away|nepgen}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 11|/vg/ League 11]]
| align=center| 3-2 W
| align=center| <small> HAHAHAHAHA! {{goal|23}}<br>UN'GORO BELONGS TO THE TITANS {{goal|68}}<br>UNITY. PRECISION. PERFECTION. {{goal|82}} </small>
| align=center|30 November 2018
| align=center|{{team away|feg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 11|/vg/ League 11]]
| align=center| 1-0 W
| align=center| <small> UNITY. PRECISION. PERFECTION. {{goal|74}}</small>
| align=center|9 December 2018
| align=center|{{team away|きらら}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 11|/vg/ League 11]]
| align=center| 1-1 D
| align=center| <small> UNITY. PRECISION. PERFECTION. {{goal|48}}</small>
| align=center|15 December 2018
| align=center|{{team away|mggg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 11#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 11 Ro16]]
| align=center| 2-0 W
| align=center| <small> {{goal|48}} WIIIIIIIIINDS!<br>{{goal|56}} HAHAHAHAHA!</small>
| align=center|16 December 2018
| align=center|{{team away|fgog}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 11#Knockout Stage|/vg/ League 11 Quarterfinals]]
| align=center| 0-4 L
| align=center| <small></small>
| align=center|7 June 2019
| align=center|{{team away|tnm}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 12|/vg/ League 12]]
| align=center| 0-1 L
| align=center| <small></small>
| align=center|16 June 2019
| align=center|{{team away|tf2g}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 12|/vg/ League 12]]
| align=center| 3-0 W
| align=center| <small>WIIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|36}}<br>THE SUPREME ARCHAEOLOGIST {{goal|60}}<br>FUCKING SHIELDBEARER! {{goal|71}}</small>
| align=center|22 June 2019
| align=center|{{team away|skg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 12|/vg/ League 12]]
| align=center| 2-2 D
| align=center| <small> HAHAHAHAHA! {{goal|34}}<br>WIIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|88}}</small>
| align=center|28 June 2019
| align=center|{{team away|civ4xg}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 12|/vg/ League 12 Survival Round 1]]
| align=center| 1-3 L
| align=center| <small>WIIIIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|72}}</small>
| align=center|24 November 2019
| align=center|{{team away|d2g}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 13|/vg/ League 13]]
| align=center| 2-2 D
| align=center| <small>  WIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|19||33}}</small>
| align=center|30 November 2019
| align=center|{{team away|vitagen}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 13|/vg/ League 13]]
| align=center| 3-2 W
| align=center| <small>FUCK CHINA {{goal|55||87}} <br>WIIIIIIIINDS!{{goal|83}} </small>
| align=center|6 December 2019
| align=center|{{team away|きらら}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 13|/vg/ League 13]]
| align=center| 1-1 D
| align=center| <small>YOU FACE JARAXXUS! {{goal|55}} </small>
| align=center|13 December 2019
| align=center|{{team away|vn}}
| align=center|[[File:Vgleague.png|25px]] [[/vg/ League 13|/vg/ League 13]]
| align=center| 1-3 L
| align=center| <small>WIIIIIIIINDS! {{goal|18}} </small>
===Overall Records===
{| class="wikitable" width=74%
!style="background:#647db3;color:#ccaa49"| Competition
!style="background:#647db3;color:#ccaa49"| Record (W-D-L)
!style="background:#647db3;color:#ccaa49"| Goals Scored
!style="background:#647db3;color:#ccaa49"| Goals Allowed
!style="background:#647db3;color:#ccaa49"| Goal Differential
!style="background:#647db3;color:#ccaa49"| Overall Finish
| align=center|[[/vg/ League 4]]
| align=center|4-1-2
| align=center|11
| align=center|9
| align=center|+2
| align=center|2nd
| align=center|[[/vg/ League 6]]
| align=center|0-1-2
| align=center|10
| align=center|12
| align=center|-2
| align=center|[[/vg/ League 7]]
| align=center|5-0-2
| align=center|17
| align=center|16
| align=center|+1
| align=center|3rd
| align=center|[[/vg/ League 8]]
| align=center|2-1-2
| align=center|10
| align=center|7
| align=center|+3
| align=center|5th
| align=center|[[/vg/ League 9]]
| align=center|3-1-3
| align=center|8
| align=center|8
| align=center|+0
| align=center|{{tt|4th|Score less than 10 goals, get 4th place... okay}}
| align=center|[[/vg/ League X]]
| align=center|3-1-1
| align=center|10
| align=center|10
| align=center|+0
| align=center|8th
| align=center|[[/vg/ League 11]]
| align=center|3-1-1
| align=center|7
| align=center|7
| align=center|+0
| align=center|8th
| align=center|[[/vg/ League 12]]
| align=center|1-1-1
| align=center|5
| align=center|3
| align=center|+2
| align=center|20th*
| align=center|Total
| align=center|20-6-13
| align=center|78
| align=center|72
| align=center|+6
| align=center|Updated to last match, played on June 23, 2019
==The Rival Graveyard==
{{team away|hsg}} has had a number of rivals in its history, both due to the nature of the general and the sheer force of competition. All of them are inactive as of the start of the [[/vg/ League 12]]. We don't know what the fuck to do they keep dying.
<div style="display: table; position-align: center;">
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 22%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"
| [[file:dng_logo.png|150px]]<br />
|'''[[/dng/|Card Games Bowl]]'''<br/>
/hsg/'s success in the VGL started as early as you can get with their inaugural competition, where they blitzed into the finals after accrueing a meager 4 points in the group stage. It was there they met the original VGL card games team, /dng/, suffered a humiliating 0-2 loss, and allowed /dng/ to be the first (and only) VGL team to win two stars. It is ironic that the worst-performing VGL champion denied the current best-performing VGL team's sole chance at a star, thus far.
D̶u̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶N̶e̶t̶w̶o̶r̶k̶ ̶G̶e̶n̶e̶r̶a̶l̶'̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶a̶p̶p̶e̶a̶r̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶/v̶g̶/̶ ̶L̶e̶a̶g̶u̶e̶ ̶6 Never mind they are liv again.
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>0-0-1</b>
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 22%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"
| [[file:utg_logo.png|150px]]<br />
|'''[[/utg/|Repeated History Bowl]]'''<br/>
Starting in VGL7, /hsg/ would overcome a 3-1 deficit to take a Quarterfinal match to overtime and beat /utg/ 3-4 in perhaps the most Hearthstone-esque fasion yet, Yogg into Reno. The two would square off again in the Group Stage of the tenth League, this time Chara's monsters taking the 2-0 to 2-2 comeback against Al'Akir's minions.
Undertale General's last appearance was the [[/vg/ League X]].
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>1-1-0</b>
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 22%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"
| [[file:svg_logo.png|150px]]<br />
|'''[[/svg/|Mountain and Molehill]]'''<br/>
After /hsg/'s cinematic VGL 7 run, word spread of the competition to rivaling card game generals, including their most vocal and smelly rival. The anons of /svg/ and /hsg/ absolutely hate each other, so the opportunity to spoil the others' fun was an avenue both were willing to take. Unfortunately, /hsg/ continued to march into Final Day after Final Day while /svg/ was gasping for air in the Qualifiers, unable to win a single game. Too bad so sad.
Shadowverse General's last appearance was the [[/vg/ League X]], where they finally won a game.
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>0-0-0</b>
{|  class="wikitable" style="width: 22%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"
| [[file:xcg_logo.png|150px]]<br />
|'''[[/xcg/|The League's Strongest]]'''<br/>
Before the beginning of [[/vg/ League 3]], managers {{anonymous|Spotmonkey}} and {{anonymous|AlphaBrennenburg}} came together to found {{team away|xcg}}. {{anonymous|Spotmonkey}} would depart the squad before the team played their disastrous inaugural competition, only to found and helm /hsg/ in the following tournament. The two clashed in the Quarterfinals of the [[/vg/ League 4]] where /hsg/ would make a miracle comeback to claim a spot in the Top 4 of the tournament. Years later, the two met in the Semis of the [[/vg/ League 7]] under new management on both sides. This time, it was /xcg/'s turn to turn the tables with some absolute god-tier tactical changes that turned a near-game length lead in /hsg/'s favor into a desperate struggle to compete. /xcg/ won that matchup 3-2 only to flounder against {{team away|ddg}} in the finals while /hsg/ claimed a third place trophy.
In the leagues that followed, all other teams knew to watch out for these two as they hungrily dismantled opponent after opponent, begging for an opportunity to clash with each other again in the finals. Unfortunately, their fated third matchup never came to be; /xcg/ was dissolved into the failed /tbtg/ and faded into the void. {{tt|We miss you guys|/xcg/ was one of the best teams that ever played and we were honored to share the pitch with you not once but twice.}}.
XCOM General's last appearance was the [[/vg/ League 11]], however they live on in {{team away|civ4xg}}.
|  style="background:#dcdcdc; color: #333;" | <b>1-0-2</b>
Line 224: Line 698:
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 4]] Best New Anthem
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 4]] Best New Anthem
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 4]] Viewer's Pick for Favorite Player - '''Kel'Thuzad'''
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 4]] Viewer's Pick for Favorite Player - '''Kel'Thuzad'''
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 7]] 3rd Place
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 7]] Surprise of the Tournament
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 7]] Most Improved
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 7]] Best Goalhorn
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 7]] Best Alternate Goalhorn - '''WIIIIIIIIIINDS!'''
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 7]] Best non-4CC Manager {{anonymous|Vilkenparadis}}
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 8]] Match of the Tournament {{team home|hsg}} 7-2 {{team away|feg}} and {{team home|llsifg}} 3-2 {{team away|hsg}}
File:Vgleague.png|[[/vg/ League 9]] Golden Glove - '''Ice Block'''
==Team Gallery==
File:HAHAHAHAHA.png| /ourboy/ Brode before his defection to Second Dinner Studios
File:NevarkyMoroes.jpg| Nevarky's rendition of /hsg/'s march across the VGL KO's
==Team Statistics==
==Team Statistics==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width=22%
{| class="wikitable sortable" width=22%
Line 232: Line 720:
!style="background:#647db3;color:#ccaa49"| Goals
!style="background:#647db3;color:#ccaa49"| Goals
!style="background:#647db3;color:#ccaa49"| Assists
!style="background:#647db3;color:#ccaa49"| Assists
| align=center| 18
| align=center| 8
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="Formally know as Yogg Saron.">Punished Yogg
| align=center| 8
| align=center| 1
| align=center| HAHAHAHAHA!
| align=center| 6
| align=center| 3
| align=center| Kel'Thuzad
| align=center| Kel'Thuzad
Line 238: Line 738:
| align=center| EVERYONE, GET IN HERE
| align=center| EVERYONE, GET IN HERE
| align=center| 4
| align=center| 4
| align=center| 4
| align=center| 3
| align=center| 3
| align=center| Barnes
| align=center| 4
| align=center| 4
| align=center| 1
| align=center| Reno Jackson
| align=center| 3
| align=center| 2
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="Formally know as I'm In Charge Now.">YAR HAR!
| align=center| 3
| align=center| 2
| align=center| 3
| align=center| 0
| align=center| Chugga Chugga
| align=center| Chugga Chugga
| align=center| 2
| align=center| 2
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| Un'goro Belongs To The Titans
| align=center| 2
| align=center| 0
| align=center| Dr. Balanced
| align=center| Dr. Balanced
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| YOU FACE JARAXXUS
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| <span class="explain" title="Formally know as I want to fuck the panda"> Aya-chan~
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
| align=center| Heh, Greetings
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 0
| align=center| {{greentext|477}}
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 0
| align=center| "CLEVER TRICKS"
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 2
| align=center| "Wow..."
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 2
| align=center| Jaws That Bite, Claws That Catch
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 2
| align=center| Dies to Big Game Hunter
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| The Supreme Archaeologist
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| Dies to Fiery War Axe
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| Is Kripp gonna make it?
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| U L T R A S A U R
| align=center| 0
| align=center| 1
| align=center| 1
==Legacy Deckcodes==
https://mega.nz/#!pIEyCC7D!aBuLl2jwdirm5VBFCebBbYmoLZWmifQqKh68OPBfIkU VGL 12 Friendlies aesthetic export
[[Category:/vg/ League teams]]
{{navbox vg league}}
{{navbox vg league}}
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{| style="background: #ffffff; color: purple; box-shadow: 2px 1px 5px #888; text-shadow: 0.0em 0.1em 0.05em #000; position: fixed; left: 38%; top: 88%; z-index: 4; opacity: 0.9" width=44% cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
|<span style="margin-left: 0px; font-size:150%">[[File:rafaamHead.png|100px]] Fighting is not permitted here, but you can still hurt feelings. </span>

Latest revision as of 23:37, 28 June 2022

Hsg logo.png
/hsg/ - Hearthstone General
Founded 18th May 2015
Manager Harth Stonebrew
Owner Blizzard
IRL manager None
Team colors
Chat color ccaa49
Card Back Gold
Ranking 21 (decrease 2)
Highest rank 3 (Shieldbearer)
Lowest rank 38 (Angry Chicken)
Website /hsg/ - Hearthstone General
Nickname Hearthchads
Historic performance
22 10 16 48 45.83%
87 84 +3
Biggest win
/hsg/ Hsg icon.png 7–2 Feg icon.png /feg/
June 9, 2017
Biggest defeat
/hsg/ Hsg icon.png 0–4 Mbg icon.png /mbg/
June 24, 2018
First match
/ssbg/ Ssbg icon.png 1–1 Hsg icon.png /hsg/
June 13, 2015
/vg/ League
Appearances 6 (First in VGL4)
Best result 2nd, VGL4
Team music
Anthem The Little Chugga Strikes Back
Victory Anthem Daft Punk - Get Lucky ft. Pharrell Williams, Nile Rodgers

WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goalhorn NymN HS - The Grand Tournament
80+ Goal Meme Circus
Home kit Hsghome-vgl8real.png
Away kit Hsgaway-vgl8.png
Third kit Hsgthird-vgl8.png

/hsg/ is the /vg/ League team representing the /vg/ thread, Hearthstone General. Kripparino is our guy. >we enjoy playing this broken game .
Sometimes we’re Rank 5. Other times we’re Rank 10. Most of the time, we’re just a bunch of fedora-tipping Comboshitters. Never forget, Zoo is a Control Deck.

Team Info

VGL 13 Export http://www.mediafire.com/file/z2yewcpswd2r73p/TEXPORT00000000/file


Deck Code

No. Position Player
Reno Jackson
Punished Yogg
>he preordered
Fuck China
No. Position Player
ALL Minions
Dr. Balanced
>liking card
[Created by ...]
Zephyrs the Great

Team History

/vg/ League 4

Not long after the VGL4 signups were opened, an initial /hsg/ roster was made by a 4CC-viewing /hsg/ anon with the intent of seeing of them compete. While the anon was unable to manage, former 4CC manager Spotmonkey stepped in to finish the team's creation.

When it came time to submit exports, /hsg/ was the centre of controversy as they had elected to copy steal borrow the formation that /cgl/ had used to great success in the prior Spring cup. Undeterred, /hsg/ were drawn against /civ4xg/, /ssbg/, and /kspg/. In their first game /hsg/ took a shock lead late in the second half courtesy of Kel'Thuzad, but a last-gasp equalizer meant they had to settle for a draw. Against /kspg/, /hsg/ were unable to find their feet and fell to a disappointing 1-0 defeat. On the final day /hsg/ were in a situation where a win of any sort would send them through with /ssbg/, and despite being battered by /civ4xg/ they managed to get the cheekiest win possible with Kel'Thuzad scoring the winner with /hsg/'s only shot on target all match, sending /hsg/ to an unexpected knockout round place, flouting all pre-cup predictions.

Despite being relatively mediocre up until that point, on the final weekend /hsg/ finally found some form. First they got a 3-2 win in the Round of 16 over former champions and autopilot side /dsg/, in the Quarter Finals they came back from 2-0 down to win 3-2 against a highly-favored /xcg/, in the Semi-Finals they managed to shut down the previously overpowering offense of /rsg/, another autopilot side and eventual 3rd place team, and win 3-1 to book their place in the Final. Unfortunately the underdog story was not to be, as /hsg/ found themselves completely shut out in the Children's Card Gameb Owl against /dng/ succumbing to a 2-0 defeat to take 2nd place.

/vg/ League 5





/vg/ League 6

With A New Way To Play in this Year of the Kraken, Scivir was ready to take literally every suggestion from /hsg/ to build the perfect VGL Draft and go 12-0. Uh, 7-0.

Shit didn’t happen. I blame Brode.

Slotted into Group D with /nepgen/, /aceg/, and newcomer /gerg/, /hsg/ had a lot to prove going into the /vg/ League 6. Gone was Kel’Thuzad, banished to Wild. Kripparino decided to skipparino, and the Grim Patron was nerfed into the bench. Taking on new leadership of the team for the tournament was Al’Akir the Windlord, a symbol, not merely a card; Reno Jackson, the hero we all deserve; Yogg-Saron, the 10-mana powerhouse who proved that even tryhard faggots need to meme to win; and Arch-Thief Rafaam, who stole the second Silver spot from *angry tree noises* after getting the card nerfed. New cards and a shuffled deck, /hsg/ pressed into the tournament, hoping to aggro their opponents down, and damn if it almost worked. Twice in a row, against champion-copycat /gerg/ and seemingly eternal knockout team /nepgen/, /hsg/ took a strong lead but blew it in the end. Funnily enough, the last match against /aceg/ was a promotable game, as all /hsg/ had to do was win by two goals. Sadly, Al’Akir and the cards you should fear were unable to take advantage of their board control, and the game ended in a 4-4 draw, putting /hsg/ dead last in the group.

Despite the horribly missed lethals in their official matches, /hsg/ went on to hone their skills in tiny Strivewire tournies and even find two Euros of prize money after winning the Fakkin Boolsheet II’s Gauntlet. The team was invited to Karazhan Tower in July and recruited their Theater Manager Barnes as the team’s new Gold Medal for the upcoming season.

/vg/ League 7

Weary from their rough performance in the previous League, /hsg/ looked to bring their competitors /@/, /wotg/, and /tfg/ to the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan and win by any means necessary under new manager Vilkenparadis. A win against the idols gave the boys hope, but a hefty loss from Blisk and his crew clearly being bettah almost made /hsg/ uninstall the game and switch to Gwent. The final Group Stage match against /wotg/ was a brawl on the pitch, with goals everywhere. Mortars were shot and portals were cast, and at the end of it all, it was new recruit Barnes who set the stage at the 88th minute for /hsg/ to take to the knockouts. Second in the group, /hsg/ were paired against /vitagen/, a strong Group Stage team, for their Round of 16 match.

>Playing on mobile >ever

/hsg/ assumed direct control over /vitagen/ and played their most dominating game yet, taking a 2-1 victory to the Quarterfinals against /utg/. It was here that the cards were tested the greatest. With 14 minutes left in the game and lethal in sight for /utg/ in the form of a 3-1 lead, /hsg/ Innervated out a nerfed Yogg-Saron and ended on top, and a last-minute Al’akir-Rockbiter combo put the game into Extra Time. Resources exhausted, players gassed, and penalties in sight, /hsg/ tapped their hero power and found what they needed, Reno Jackson. The silver DMF blasted one into the net, healed /hsg/ to full, and delivered them to the Semi-Finals against fellow VGL silver medalist, /xcg/.

The match opened with the sixth consecutive goal from WIIIIIIIINDS! in the tournament and stayed 1-0 for 87 minutes. Time stood still as the /xcg/ manager deliberated his tactics over and over in his head, before making the perfect call and striking panic into the /hsg/ defensive line. They lost their footing, and let XCOM’s striker Snaketits put one in, sending the team, again, to Extra Time. Unfortunately, these advanced, next level tactics proved too much for the RNG-reliant /hsg/, and even though the world’s greatest Patron Combo kept the scoreline level for a spat, Snaketits completed her hattrick and ended /hsg/’s run to the championship crown.

Third Place is a beautiful thing, and /hsg/ had decided to just roll with it against /5N@F/. With a new Midrange deck in hand, the team was reminded that card games really are just about fun, and Captain WIIIIIIIINDS became the third ever VGL player to score in the maximum amount of games he could in a tournament, and the second player ever to do it in 7 games.

Third-place medal in hand, /hsg/ waved goodbye to their Blackrock Mountain, Grand Tournament, and League of Explorers players as dank new dinos were scouted for positions on the pitch, as well as a few pirates from Gadgetzan who missed the deadline to sign up for tryouts.

/vg/ League 8

Fresh from a 3rd-place win, /hsg/ was granted the Pot 1 position in Group A after champion /ddg/ failed to show. Captain Al'Akir descended upon the pitch alongside his minions in arms, fresh from a quarterfinal run as /vg/'s Silver medal, ready to lead the team to another amazing VGL campaign. The audience shuffled into their seats for the opening match between /hsg/ and /feg/ and were witness to a banger of an opener. Bolstered with the power of the meta-breaker, Patches the Pirate, /hsg/ put 7 (s e v e n) goals past /feg/'s Wyvern Reinforcements. A statement had been made to the 31 other competitors, no one was winning this League until they beat /hsg/.

Despite the show stopper opening, /hsg/ were quickly given a slice of humble funnelcake in the form of an /llsifg/ drubbing to the tune of a 1-2 loss. Fearful for their advancement, all the stops were pulled and every Taunt minion was dropped on-curve to force a 0-0 draw against /fgg/. Despite an outstanding GD and a fierce offense, /hsg/ were shaken going into the knockout round against returning side /meg/. Mass Effect General had clapped the cheeks of every squad they'd faced thusly, and no one knew where the match would go between the eager spacefarers and the shaken cards. The two clashed in a brutal (read: goalless) 2-hour affair before the ref blew the last Extra Time whistle and declared penalties. Back and forth they traded shots until finally the pressure got to /meg/'s most special player and /hsg/ were able to claim victory. They were in the final day again, but they had an old foe to contend with...

No one was winning this League until they beat /hsg/

These words rung in the ears of ever idol on /llsifg/ as they stepped onto the pitch. What followed was a bloodbath. Goals were scored and dreams were made and crushed. Garrosh, fed up with his team's disadvantage, began to put the smackdown on an idol and was promptly returned to Draenor where he belonged. Down to 10 men, /hsg/ put all their money on the line and stormed their opponents' box, praying for an out. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be, and /hsg/ was forced to exit the league at 5th place after a 3-2 loss. True to their declaration, /llsifg/, the team that beat /hsg/ twice in one league, went on to lift the trophy. Al'Akir would return to /vg/ as a 77 defender and put his Taunt keyword to use while his team retreated to Northrend. Something had to change.

Match History


Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
7th June 2015 Xcg icon.png /xcg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 4 Friendlies 0-2 L
17th June 2016 Gsg icon.png /gsg/ Riggingafterdark1.png Rigging After Dark 2-1 W TBD
21th June 2016 Dng icon.png /dng/ Riggingafterdark1.png Rigging After Dark 2-5 L FUCK YUGIOH MAN
9th July 2016 Nnb icon.png /nnb/ Fakkin Boolsheet.png FAKKIN BOOLSHEET Tourney 3-1 L WIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 30'
16th September 2016 ARS icon.png /ARS/ Royal Humble.png Gauntlet 2 2-3 W WIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 4'26'
16th September 2016 File:Snek icon.png /snek/ Royal Humble.png Gauntlet 2 3-2 W WIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 62'74'82'
16th September 2016 Ussr icon.png /ussr/ Royal Humble.png Gauntlet 2 3-0 W Yogg-Saron, Meme’s End Goal 13'90+4'
Reno Jackson Goal 17'
16th September 2016 Naruto icon.png /Naruto/ Royal Humble.png Gauntlet 2 4-3 W Barnes Goal 28'80'
Reno Jackson Goal 31'78'
16th September 2016 Wsr icon.png /wsr/ Royal Humble.png Gauntlet 2 3-2 W Zeriyah Nudes Goal 3'
Barnes Goal 79'90+3'
16th September 2016 Metallurgy icon.png /metallurgy/ Royal Humble.png Gauntlet 2 3-3(5-4) W WIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 41'
Barnes Goal 73'90'
16th September 2016 Rw icon.png /rw/ Royal Humble.png Gauntlet 2 3-1 W Barnes Goal 5'
16th September 2016 Bird icon.png /bird/ Royal Humble.png Gauntlet 2 3-2 W WIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 18'
Barnes Goal 37'
12 December 2017 Latvia icon.png /latvia/ Omegacup2017.png Omegacup 2017 2-3 L Fucking ShieldbearerGoal 63'
>477 Goal 83'
15 April 2018 Agdg icon.png /agdg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League X Friendlies 3-4 L Kolento WarriorGoal 19'
9 September 2018 Dbg icon.png /dbg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 11 Friendlies 1-3 L HOPPEDGoal 90+5'
16 September 2018 Drg icon.png /drg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 11 Friendlies 3-4 L HAHAHAHAHA!Goal 22'
30 March 2019 D2g icon.png /d2g/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 12 Friendlies 5-0 W Let me Change your Mind Goal 11'
Purify was Meta once Goal 20'
Is Someone Injured? Goal 25'
Amara, Warden of Hope Goal 61'90+0'
31 March 2019 Drg icon.png /drg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 12 Friendlies 1-3 L Let me Change your Mind Goal 62'


Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
13 June 2015 Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 4 1-1 D Kel'Thuzad Goal 76'
19 June 2015 Kspg icon.png /kspg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 4 0-1 L
21 June 2015 Civ4xg icon.png /civ4xg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 4 1-0 W Kel'Thuzad Goal 36'
27 June 2015 Dsg icon.png /dsg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 4 Ro16 3-2 W Kel'Thuzad Goal 4'40'
28 June 2015 Xcg icon.png /xcg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 4 QF 3-2 W EVERYONE, GET IN HERE Goal 33'81'
Chugga Chugga Goal 53'
29 June 2015 Rsg icon.png /rsg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 4 SF 3-1 W Chugga Chugga Goal 18'
Kel'thuzad Goal 34'
Dr. Balanced Goal 45+'
29 June 2015 Dng icon.png /dng/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 4 Final 0-2 L
3 June 2016 Gerg icon.png /gerg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 6 3-4 L Yogg-Saron, Meme’s End Goal 3'33'
5 June 2016 Nepgen icon.png /nepgen/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 6 3-4 L WIIIIIIIIIINDS!Goal 16'
Reno Jackson Goal 54'64'
11 June 2016 Aceg icon.png /aceg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 6 4-4 D Yogg-Saron, Meme’s EndGoal 18'
3 December 2016 @ icon.png /@/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 7 2-1 W WIIIIIIIIIINDS!Goal 49'89'
9 December 2016 Tfg icon.png /tfg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 7 1-4 L WIIIIIIIIIINDS!Goal 74'
11 December 2016 Wotg icon.png /wotg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 7 4-3 W BarnesGoal 28'88'
Punished Yogg Goal 53'
17 December 2016 Vitagen icon.png /vitagen/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 7 Ro16 2-1 W WIIIIIIINDS!Goal 9'
Punished Yogg Goal 43'
18 December 2016 Utg icon.png /utg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 7 QF 4-3 W Barnes Goal 5'
Punished Yogg Goal 90+1'
Reno Jackson Goal 115'
18 December 2016 Xcg icon.png /xcg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 7 SF 2-3 L WIIIIIIINDS!Goal 7'
18 December 2016 5N@F icon.png /5N@F/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 7 3rd Place Final 2-1 W WIIIIIIINDS!Goal 9'
Barnes Goal 69'
9 June 2017 Feg icon.png /feg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 8 7-2 W WIIIIIIINDS!Goal 2'
I'm In Charge NowGoal 37'57'
HAHAHAHA!Goal 41'75'
Punished YoggGoal 81'
11 June 2017 Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 8 1-2 L Heh, Greetings Goal 87'
17 June 2017 Fgg icon.png /fgg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 8 0-0 D
24 June 2017 Meg icon.png /meg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 8 Ro16 0(5)-0(4) W
25 June 2017 Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 8 QF 2-3 L Punished Yogg Goal 58'
24 September 2017 Svg icon.png /svg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 9 Friendlies 1-1 D Punished YoggGoal 76'
1 December 2017 Hanny icon.png /hanny/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 9 1-2 L HAHAHAHAHA! Goal 24'
3 December 2017 @ icon.png /@/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 9 1-1 D Fucking Shieldbearer Goal 21'
9 December 2017 Yyy icon.png /yyy/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 9 3-1 W I'm in Charge Now Goal 20'
I want to fuck the panda Goal 40'
Fucking Shieldbearer Goal 90+2'
16 December 2017 Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 9 Ro16 1-0 W WIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 20'
17 December 2017 Fgg icon.png /fgg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 9 QF 0(7)-0(6) W
17 December 2017 Aog icon.png /aog/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 9 SF 1-3 L >477 Goal 90+5'
17 December 2017 Vitagen icon.png /vitagen/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 9 3rd Place Final 1(10)-1(11) L WIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 88'
3 June 2018 Utg icon.png /utg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League X 2-2 D WIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS Goal 2'17'
9 June 2018 Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League X 4-2 W HAHAHAHAHA! Goal 20'55'
Fucking Shieldbearer Goal 90+4'
15 June 2018 Pmmm icon.png /pmmm/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League X 1-0 W UN'GORO BELONGS TO THE TITANS! Goal 22'
23 June 2018 Twg icon.png /twg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League X Ro16 3-2 W WIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 7'32'
24 June 2018 Mbg icon.png /mbg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League X QF 0-4 L
24 November 2018 Nepgen icon.png /nepgen/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 11 3-2 W HAHAHAHAHA! Goal 23'
30 November 2018 Feg icon.png /feg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 11 1-0 W UNITY. PRECISION. PERFECTION. Goal 74'
9 December 2018 きらら icon.png /きらら/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 11 1-1 D UNITY. PRECISION. PERFECTION. Goal 48'
15 December 2018 Mggg icon.png /mggg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 11 Ro16 2-0 W Goal 48' WIIIIIIIIINDS!
16 December 2018 Fgog icon.png /fgog/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 11 Quarterfinals 0-4 L
7 June 2019 Tnm icon.png /tnm/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 12 0-1 L
16 June 2019 Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 12 3-0 W WIIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 36'
22 June 2019 Skg icon.png /skg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 12 2-2 D HAHAHAHAHA! Goal 34'
28 June 2019 Civ4xg icon.png /civ4xg/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 12 Survival Round 1 1-3 L WIIIIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 72'
24 November 2019 D2g icon.png /d2g/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 13 2-2 D WIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 19'33'
30 November 2019 Vitagen icon.png /vitagen/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 13 3-2 W FUCK CHINA Goal 55'87'
6 December 2019 きらら icon.png /きらら/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 13 1-1 D YOU FACE JARAXXUS! Goal 55'
13 December 2019 Vn icon.png /vn/ Vgleague.png /vg/ League 13 1-3 L WIIIIIIIINDS! Goal 18'

Overall Records

Competition Record (W-D-L) Goals Scored Goals Allowed Goal Differential Overall Finish
/vg/ League 4 4-1-2 11 9 +2 2nd
/vg/ League 6 0-1-2 10 12 -2 25th
/vg/ League 7 5-0-2 17 16 +1 3rd
/vg/ League 8 2-1-2 10 7 +3 5th
/vg/ League 9 3-1-3 8 8 +0 4th
/vg/ League X 3-1-1 10 10 +0 8th
/vg/ League 11 3-1-1 7 7 +0 8th
/vg/ League 12 1-1-1 5 3 +2 20th*
Total 20-6-13 78 72 +6 Updated to last match, played on June 23, 2019

The Rival Graveyard

Hsg icon.png /hsg/ has had a number of rivals in its history, both due to the nature of the general and the sheer force of competition. All of them are inactive as of the start of the /vg/ League 12. We don't know what the fuck to do they keep dying.

Dng logo.png
Card Games Bowl

/hsg/'s success in the VGL started as early as you can get with their inaugural competition, where they blitzed into the finals after accrueing a meager 4 points in the group stage. It was there they met the original VGL card games team, /dng/, suffered a humiliating 0-2 loss, and allowed /dng/ to be the first (and only) VGL team to win two stars. It is ironic that the worst-performing VGL champion denied the current best-performing VGL team's sole chance at a star, thus far.

D̶u̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶N̶e̶t̶w̶o̶r̶k̶ ̶G̶e̶n̶e̶r̶a̶l̶'̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶a̶p̶p̶e̶a̶r̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶/v̶g̶/̶ ̶L̶e̶a̶g̶u̶e̶ ̶6 Never mind they are liv again.

Utg logo.png
Repeated History Bowl

Starting in VGL7, /hsg/ would overcome a 3-1 deficit to take a Quarterfinal match to overtime and beat /utg/ 3-4 in perhaps the most Hearthstone-esque fasion yet, Yogg into Reno. The two would square off again in the Group Stage of the tenth League, this time Chara's monsters taking the 2-0 to 2-2 comeback against Al'Akir's minions.

Undertale General's last appearance was the /vg/ League X.

Svg logo.png
Mountain and Molehill

After /hsg/'s cinematic VGL 7 run, word spread of the competition to rivaling card game generals, including their most vocal and smelly rival. The anons of /svg/ and /hsg/ absolutely hate each other, so the opportunity to spoil the others' fun was an avenue both were willing to take. Unfortunately, /hsg/ continued to march into Final Day after Final Day while /svg/ was gasping for air in the Qualifiers, unable to win a single game. Too bad so sad.

Shadowverse General's last appearance was the /vg/ League X, where they finally won a game.

Xcg logo.png
The League's Strongest

Before the beginning of /vg/ League 3, managers Spotmonkey and AlphaBrennenburg came together to found Xcg icon.png /xcg/. Spotmonkey would depart the squad before the team played their disastrous inaugural competition, only to found and helm /hsg/ in the following tournament. The two clashed in the Quarterfinals of the /vg/ League 4 where /hsg/ would make a miracle comeback to claim a spot in the Top 4 of the tournament. Years later, the two met in the Semis of the /vg/ League 7 under new management on both sides. This time, it was /xcg/'s turn to turn the tables with some absolute god-tier tactical changes that turned a near-game length lead in /hsg/'s favor into a desperate struggle to compete. /xcg/ won that matchup 3-2 only to flounder against Ddg icon.png /ddg/ in the finals while /hsg/ claimed a third place trophy.

In the leagues that followed, all other teams knew to watch out for these two as they hungrily dismantled opponent after opponent, begging for an opportunity to clash with each other again in the finals. Unfortunately, their fated third matchup never came to be; /xcg/ was dissolved into the failed /tbtg/ and faded into the void. We miss you guys.

XCOM General's last appearance was the /vg/ League 11, however they live on in Civ4xg icon.png /civ4xg/.



Team Gallery

Team Statistics

Player Goals Assists
Punished Yogg 8 1
Kel'Thuzad 5 2
Barnes 4 1
Reno Jackson 3 2
YAR HAR! 3 2
Chugga Chugga 2 1
Un'goro Belongs To The Titans 2 0
Dr. Balanced 1 1
Aya-chan~ 1 1
Heh, Greetings 1 0
>477 1 0
"Wow..." 0 2
Jaws That Bite, Claws That Catch 0 2
Dies to Big Game Hunter 0 1
The Supreme Archaeologist 0 1
Dies to Fiery War Axe 0 1
Is Kripp gonna make it? 0 1
U L T R A S A U R 0 1

Legacy Deckcodes

https://mega.nz/#!pIEyCC7D!aBuLl2jwdirm5VBFCebBbYmoLZWmifQqKh68OPBfIkU VGL 12 Friendlies aesthetic export

RafaamHead.png Fighting is not permitted here, but you can still hurt feelings.