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These are the shaders with 3D'''DF''' (DF from DeFerred) in the name, like those beginning with fox3DDF or pes3DDF.<br>
These are the shaders with 3D'''DF''' (DF from DeFerred) in the name, like those beginning with fox3DDF or pes3DDF.<br>
'''The shaders of this type don't support semitransparency properly, they render it in a polka-dot pattern (like the coloring in a comic).'''<br>
'''The shaders of this type don't support semitransparency properly, they render it in a polka-dot pattern (like the coloring in a comic).'''<br>
[[File:DDF_semitransparency.png|300px|thumbnail|Deferred shader semitransparency example.<br>Left image is in-PES, right is the texture.]]
[[File:DDF_srm.png|300px|thumbnail|Deferred shader SpecularMap example (_srm.dds texture file).]]

=== Shadow Enum ===
=== Shadow Enum ===

Revision as of 14:42, 15 November 2020

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Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
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Shader types and usable Enum values

Read this first

'One Sided' means that the backside of each face in the model will be invisible. It's also called backface culling.
'Two Sided' means that the model is visible (transparency aside) no matter the angle of the camera.

Deferred Shaders

These are the shaders with 3DDF (DF from DeFerred) in the name, like those beginning with fox3DDF or pes3DDF.
The shaders of this type don't support semitransparency properly, they render it in a polka-dot pattern (like the coloring in a comic).

Deferred shader semitransparency example.
Left image is in-PES, right is the texture.
Deferred shader SpecularMap example (_srm.dds texture file).

Shadow Enum

  • 0 - The mesh has shadows.
  • 1 - The mesh doesn't have shadows.
  • 2 - Makes the mesh invisible but it still casts its shadow.
  • 3 - Makes the mesh invisible and without any shadows either.

Alpha Enum

  • 0 - No Transparency, One Sided.
  • 32 - No Transparency, Two Sided.
  • 128 - Transparency, One Sided.
  • 160 - Transparency, Two Sided.

Forward Shaders

These are the shaders with 3DFW (FW from ForWard) in the name, like those beginning with fox3DFW or pes3DFW.
The shaders of this type support semitransparency properly.
The shaders of this type make models appear blurry when they move. This can be prevented by duplicating the mesh, shrinking it slightly and using a deferred shader on the duplicate.

Shadow Enum

  • 2 - Makes the mesh invisible but it still casts its shadow.
  • 4 - The mesh has shadows.
  • 5 - The mesh doesn't have shadows.

Alpha Enum

  • 16 - Transparency, One Sided.
  • 48 - Transparency, Two Sided.

Main shaders

Generic Fox Engine Shader

This is a Deferred (3DDF) shader.

Blender Material Name

It can be whatever you want it to be.

FMDL Material Settings

Shader: fox3ddf_blin
Technique: fox3DDF_Blin

Material Parameters:

Name Values
MatParamIndex_0 0 0 0 0

FMDL Texture Settings

Role Filename Description
Base_Tex_SRGB *.dds (or *_bsm.dds for sorting reasons) This is the role for the main texture you'll use on your model.
NormalMap_Tex_NRM *.dds (or *_nrm.dds for sorting reasons) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_mapping
SpecularMap_Tex_LIN *.dds (or *_srm.dds for sorting reasons) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specularity#In_computer_graphics

The Directory for the textures above can be set to:

  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/face/real/00000/sourceimages/' - for faces
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/boots/k0000/' - for boots
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/glove/g0000/' - for gloves
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/common/000/sourceimages/' - If you want to use a texture that is in a team's common folder.
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/common/sourceimages/' - If you don't want to use the Normal, Specular or both texture maps, set the filename to 'dummy_nrm.tga' for NormalMap_Tex_NRM or 'dummy_srm.tga' for SpecularMap_Tex_LIN.

Metalic Fox Engine Shader

This is a Deferred (3DDF) shader.

Blender Material Name

It can be whatever you want it to be.

FMDL Material Settings

Shader: fox3ddf_ggx
Technique: fox3DDF_GGX

Material Parameters:

Name Values
MatParamIndex_0 0 0 0 0

FMDL Texture Settings

Role Filename Description
Base_Tex_SRGB *.dds (or *_bsm.dds for sorting reasons) This is the role for the main texture you'll use on your model.
NormalMap_Tex_NRM *.dds (or *_nrm.dds for sorting reasons) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_mapping
SpecularMap_Tex_LIN *.dds (or *_srm.dds for sorting reasons) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specularity#In_computer_graphics
It is required and needs to be set to #FF6C3A by default. You can experiment more with it if you want.
MetalnessMap_Tex_LIN *.dds (or *_mtl.dds for sorting reasons) It is required and needs to be set to #FFFFFF by default. You can experiment more with it if you want.

The Directory for the textures above can be set to:

  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/face/real/00000/sourceimages/' - for faces
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/boots/k0000/' - for boots
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/glove/g0000/' - for gloves
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/common/000/sourceimages/' - If you want to use a texture that is in a team's common folder.
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/common/sourceimages/' - If you don't want to use the Normal texture map, set the filename to 'dummy_nrm.tga' for NormalMap_Tex_NRM.

Constant Fox Engine Shader

Also known as "Anime Shader", "Cartoon Shader" or "Shadeless shader".
This is a Forward (3DFW) shader.

Blender Material Name

It can be whatever you want it to be.

FMDL Material Settings

Shader: fox3dfw_constant_srgb_ndr
Technique: fox3DFW_ConstantSRGB_NDR

For even less lighting effect you can try:
Shader: fox3dfw_constant_srgb_plain
Technique: fox3DFW_ConstantSRGB_Plain

Material Parameters:

FMDL Texture Settings

Role Filename Description
Base_Tex_SRGB *.dds (or *_bsm.dds for sorting reasons) This is the role for the main texture you'll use on your model.
Mipmaps aren't obligatory with this shader.

The Directory for the texture above can be set to:

  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/face/real/00000/sourceimages/' - for faces
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/boots/k0000/' - for boots
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/glove/g0000/' - for gloves
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/common/000/sourceimages/' - If you want to use a texture that is in a team's common folder.

Glass Fox Engine Shader

This is a Forward (3DFW) shader.

Blender Material Name

It can be whatever you want it to be.

FMDL Material Settings

Shader: pes3dfw_glass2
Technique: pes3DFW_Glass2

Material Parameters:

Name Values Note
MatParamIndex_0 54 0 0 0
ReflectionIntensity 1 0 0 0 The first value can be tweaked to increase or decrease the reflection intensity.
GlassRoughness 0 0 0 0 The first value can be tweaked to increase or decrease the mesh surface roughness.
GlassFlatness 0 0 0 0
PCBoxCenter 0 15 0 0
PCBoxSize 250 80 250 0

FMDL Texture Settings

Role Filename Description
Base_Tex_SRGB *.dds (or *_bsm.dds for sorting reasons) This is the role for the main texture you'll use on your model.
NormalMap_Tex_NRM *.dds (or *_nrm.dds for sorting reasons) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_mapping
GlassReflection_Tex_SRGB *.dds (or *_cbm.dds for sorting reasons) The texture will show on the reflection of the mesh.
GlassReflectionMask_Tex_LIN *.dds (or *_rfm.dds for sorting reasons) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflection_mapping
Texture probably needs to be DXT1, #000000 results in no reflection and you can set other colors to be reflected.

The Directory for the textures above can be set to:

  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/face/real/00000/sourceimages/' - for faces
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/boots/k0000/' - for boots
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/glove/g0000/' - for gloves
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/common/000/sourceimages/' - If you want to use a texture that is in a team's common folder.
  • '/Assets/pes16/model/character/common/sourceimages/' - If you don't want to use the Normal texture map, set the filename to 'dummy_nrm.tga' for NormalMap_Tex_NRM.