The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

Second Founding

From Rigged Wiki
Revision as of 06:30, 4 March 2019 by GoldenWingman (talk | contribs) (insert ebin meme comment about former /jp/ manager here)
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The Second Founding marked the first wave of new teams to enter the 4chan Cup. Technically, the four new teams were not expansion clubs, but instead replaced teams relocated due to lack of fan support after the 2011 4chan Summer Cup. The Second Founding teams' first competition was the 2012 4chan Winter Cup. All of the "relocated" teams bar /adv/ (disqualified due to having an incomplete roster) would later be reformed for the 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup.


See Also