The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Deadline in: 0 days, 2 hours, 48 minutes and 22 seconds

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg


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卐 Gas The Kikes Race War Now 卐
Pol logo.png
/pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Founded January 8th, 2012
Owner Rothschild & Co
IRL manager Head Manager
  • Canes !!D+6vaHhSnXN


  • Juan !!zNc6KCqHgOI
  • GaryD12 !!8lh/KG0boAN
  • horsbussy !!TOzsdmtlfd2
Team colors
Chat color dd0000
Third Reich Red
Ranking 38 (decrease 31)
Highest rank 1 (February 2nd, 2020)
Lowest rank 56 (October 3rd, 2015)
Top scorer Stormfront (54)
Top assister Hitler (6,000,001)
Captain Hitler
Website /pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Nickname /pol/acks, /pol/iticians
Home ground /pol/ in the High Castle
Historic performance
60 22 48 130 46.15%
229 222 +7
Biggest win
/pol/ Pol icon.png 5–1 Sp icon.png /sp/
February 21st, 2016
Biggest defeat
/pol/ Pol icon.png 1–8 Adv icon.png /adv/
August 6th, 2016
First match
/lit/ Lit icon.png 0–3 Pol icon.png /pol/
February 12th, 2012
Elite Cup
Appearances 13 (First in 2012 4chan Summer Cup)
Best result Champions, 2020 4chan Winter Cup
Babby Cup
Appearances 10 (First in 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup)
Best result Champions, 2014 Spring & 2018 Autumn
Team music
Anthem Die Fahne Hoch
Victory Anthem Tomorrow Belongs To Me

Goal horn Erika
Alternate goal horn Special Goalhorns
Home kit Polkit sbc2015.png
Away kit Polaway-2016sc.png
Goalkeeper kit PolGK-2018.png
Third kit Polthird-2016sc.png
Fourth kit Polfourth-2016sc.png

It's happening. Soon.
Gas The Kikes Race War Now
/pol/ shall conquer.

Welcome to /pol/.

Having maintained an exceptional record since our cup debut in the 2012 Spring Babby, /pol/ has established itself as a force to be reckoned with. The team's distinctively aggressive and relentless brand of divergrass has made it infamous among the 4CC community, in addition to earning us a reputation for delivering entertaining games. We look forward to continuing our march to victory in the 2020 Autumn Cup without being satisfied of the elite cup just won, all iterations in the /pol/eague, and for those proving once and for all through its superior tactics and ability that /pol/ is, in fact, the Master Race.

Contact Us

Join our Discord: Discord icon.png Discord

Canes !!D+6vaHhSnXN

  • Discord: Canes#4555
  • IRC: Canes

Rabbi Shlomo !!i3uxIMqTCIK

  • Discord: Lowroller#8167

Juan !!zNc6KCqHgOI

  • Discord: JuanABFE#6989

GaryD12 !!8lh/KG0boAN

  • Discord:GaryD#1492


For earlier history: /pol/ History


As the Summer turned into Autumn and Autumn turned into Winter, /pol/ marched into the first cup of the new decade with a chip on their shoulder and renewed energy as for the group stage /pol/ and the /b/ /o/ /i/’s went up to play into the group stage. With the first match of the cup facing /o/ with /pol/’s newest starter, the Clinton Suicidal Superstar: Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself and the newly deceased Shadow Commander (Inshall, Praise Allah) joining /pol/’s squad to send them to victory. As both got goals alongside Hitler with the only sour spot being Varg fucking up goalkeeping ending with a 3-2 victory to /pol/ making him be replaced for the rest of the cup with /pol/’s backup keeper: the JIDF CTR Tranny Discord Shill. The next match saw /pol/ reface the doodling menace known as /i/ as a third of the way into the match disaster struck as The Shadow Commander had gotten himself rebombed into oblivion, as a red card sent him back into the shadows. /pol/acks everywhere cried into despair as not only were they down a medal for two thirds of a match but were also down a medal for their final match. From this it was only a miracle that it ended up as a 2-2 tie as /pol/ walked into the final game of the group stage riled up and angry for revenge as for the third time in a row /pol/ were once again facing the cancer of 4chan: /b/ without a medal, would this be the demise of /pol/ and send them back into a thousand year spiral of darkness? Thankfully for /pol/acks around the world, a goal by Epstein and a brace by Moonman added with a fantastic performance by the Discord Shill ended with a 3-0 victory for /pol/ having them top the group and sending them blitzing forward to try to achieve their first star. The Round of 16 match saw /pol/ face the disgusting weeb degenerates and with a fantastic offensive tag team with a returned Shadow Commander and >rance choking hard saw a 3-1 victory and themselves march along into another Quarterfinal. Much like the Summer Quarterfinal the year before this was a do or die match as the team /pol/ was facing was none other than the cum guzzling, Spain causing, autopilot team. If /pol/ were to continue the path of victory they would have to face old demons and show those dumb twinks the power of the Aryan people. With fancy yellow hazmat suits and Coronavirus-chan on the pitch /pol/ marched onto the pitch, as a quick 7th minute goal from Moonman showed them who were the superior race as a slight defensive blunder at the 40th minute mark allowed Kaworu a goal tying up the game. As the timer started to count down /pol/acks started to worry, would they not be able to get revenge? Would once again those dumb gays defeat them in their righteous quest? It was at this moment where once again Hitler, hearing /pol/’s cries and with an assist by Moonman scored a flying header led by god at /pol/’s first ever 88th minute goal and suck the dagger into /cm/ getting /pol/’s revenge and advancing them into another Semifinal. In the Semifinal /pol/ faced more old demons as they faced a resurgent /fa/ as they had not only gotten a 9 point group stage and a clean sheet were only scored upon in the last match they faced /vp/ in, /pol/ would have to show these /fa/ggots who were boss, as the game started facing a 3 minute goal from /fa/’s Sleazecore showed /pol/ that this was not a team to be faced lightly as they took their time to recoup and launched their own counter offensive which led to a fantastic offensive as an Epstein goal and another Moontrick send /fa/ggots scrambling to stop the bleeding by the 80th minute and even as Raf Simmons got a consolation goal at the 85th minute it couldn’t save them as /pol/ once again with a 4-2 victory marched on once again to another final. Now at the final stage /pol/ was facing none other than the gacha infested, chink loving, bloated general infested board known as: /vg/, this was it: /pol/ was not only on the cusp of Endsieg and a star, but at the same time could also prove once and for all that the invitational known as the /pol/eague was the superior league rather than the low energy, gacha infested, over bloated /vg/league. As the stage was set /pol/ack were on the edge of their feet, the final match had begun and so would complete and utter domination eerily reminiscent of the 2018 Babby Autumn Cup final as with a 7 minute opening goal by Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself showed /vg/ that not even their dumb Chinese Gacha waifus were safe from his human trafficking and little girl loving ways. What followed was over 35 minutes of complete dominate by /pol/s offensive and defensive efforts as Coronavirus-chan led /pol/’s defensive efforts drowning /vg/’s offensive efforts in their own lung blood as they only managed 2 shots in the entire first half. In addition to this President Trump, now renamed to Blumpf due to his many failures decided now was the time to show Rabbi Shlomo and the rest of /pol/’s managers his true power as with some help from Assad scored a 45+1 goal to set the fate of the game in /pol/’s hand. As the next 45 minutes was more /pol/ domination as the pathetic /vg/ tactics of trying to gain control of the ball were utterly demolished by /pol/’s offensive prowess and it was only due to the sheer strength of their goalkeeper Bane? , which made sure they were completely steamrolled into the ground. As the final minutes of the clock ran down and the whistle was blown, /pol/ had done it, with a 2-0 victory they had won against /vg/ and shown not only the /4ccg/ but the rest of 4chan who the best and superior divegrass playing team was and that once and for all the /pol/eague was superior to the /vg/league. However, alongside this victory came devastating loss as after seeing /pol/ finally win it all after almost half a decade of rigging /pol/ from behind the scenes, /pol/s longest standing manager, Rabbi Shlomo had decided that this was the time to announce his retirement from the mainstay /pol/ management. As /pol/ack’s everywhere celebrate their first elite victory, they also mourn the loss of the oldest /pol/ manager ever. In addition to this /pol/ found themselves a young new Croat, Fapoleon to be /pol/’s new co-manager and together with Canes will lead /pol/ to continue the 1000 year Reich.

Special Anthems

Die Flut Kommt (The Flood Comes) Special Occasions
/pol/ Happening Theme Advancing from Group Stage
Nagila Hava Jews MOTM / Hattrick / Only /pol/ Player who scored goals.
Do You Want Total War /pol/ 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Finale Winners Anthem

Special Goalhorns

Oy Gevalt (((Jews))) Goalhorn
Right Wing Death Squads Moonman Goalhorn
Faccetta Nera Remix Buck Breaking Goalhorn
The Boys Are Back In Town CHADLIban


Cozmo !911.RhllEE January 12th, 2012 February 24th, 2013
Weasel !TxEEGZKP8U February 25th, 2013 March 1st, 2013
SeeSaw !iiA80eLVpY March 2nd, 2013 May 29th, 2013
Cozmo !911.RhllEE May 29th, 2013 August 25th, 2013
SeeSaw !!GodHeBsZkYC August 25th, 2013 December 1st, 2013
KHS_Rowan !!YF6PybmnSBn January 9th, 2014 September 27th, 2014
AWyattMann !!Y4mYkGKi2iw September 27th, 2014 May 17th, 2015
Rabbi Shlomo !!i3uxIMqTCIK May 17th, 2015 November 5th, 2017
Canes !!D+6vaHhSnXN November 5th, 2017 ongoing


Main Article: /pol/ Roster

No. Position Player
"President" uh uhm...
Deus Vult
Sam Hyde
Buck Breaking
Hitler Captain
No. Position Player
Stop Watching Porn
>two more weeks
The Absolute State Of Cuckservatives
Red Deer Event


Mlp logo.png
/mlp/ - The /mlpol/ Derby
Apparently unable to grasp the concept that no one likes them, the ponies seem to share one thing with all the other boards on 4chan: They secretly want to be like /pol/. Success breeds jealousy, and success is measured by achievement, and the /pol/acks are undoubtedly some of the most achieving members of their respective societies, so no wonder everyone is jealous of us. Some are discrete about it, while others such as /mlp/ just try too hard to associate themselves with /pol/. Well- no thank you. At least not until you're saved from your poor perspective regarding watching cartoons for little girls, or rubbing your genitals up against 2D horses.

This cup, we'll knock you off the saddle.

Int logo.png
/int/ - The /new/ Derby
The day /new/ was shut down, /int/ was invaded by the newsman forces. The occupation instated by the then board-less politically minded was too much for the passive hugbox of AIDS ridden immigrant marxists of /international/ to take on, and thus /pol/ was created, a new home for those who wish to continue freely debating out world-saving ideas, and preparing for the inevitable (and sure to come really soon) Happening. The /int/ernationals are still disgruntled about the Great /new/ Invasion, and have grown even more allergic to the moral, reasonable ideals held by the vast majority of /pol/. Ironically enough, without these people preserving their Nations, there would be no /int/.

May we Blitzkrieg their pitch once more.

Lgbt logo.png
/lgbt/ - The Mental Illness Derby
A cesspit containing the most mentally disordered, self-deluded, STD-ridden most godless anons on the website, who constantly attempt to justify their wicked degenerate behaviors with all sorts of pseudo-sex-sciences, and opting to endorse and support one of the most jewish of the lobbies plaguing western civilization- "the LGBT movement". The act of defying God's Law will not be punished lightly, and it is up to /pol/- the Bastion of Morality- to hang these heathens to rid us all from these perverted sodomites and bring God's Blessings back to humanity. That is of course, if AIDS doesn't get to them first; Everyone knows sodomy destroyed Rome, really, we'll be doing them a favor.

Let the Divegrass Crusade begin.

His logo.png
/his/ - The Holohoax Revisionism Derby
Having been consistently disproven by the most masterfully crafted, well sourced and captivating of infographics, the shilly willies could take it no more, and evaded the racially aware Nation of /pol/ in order to create their very own home- a blue board incapable of producing arguments of true historical accuracy or critical thinking. Perpetuators of such nonsense like the use of "gas chambers" in the extermination of 6 hebrewllion jews, this board does little more than take up some space and serve as the shelter for those unable to deal with politically-charged historical discussions. But alas, in the pitch such as in real life...

/pol/ will make History, while /his/ talks about it.


Tournament History

Competition Win Tie Loss Final Placement Tier Status Notes
2012 Spring Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2 0 2 Quarter Final increase Promoted to Elite
2012 Summer Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Summer Cup 2 0 2 Preliminary Round steady Stayed Elite
2013 Winter Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Winter Cup 5 0 2 3rd Place steady Stayed Elite Third Reich Trophy
2013 Summer Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Summer Cup 0 0 3 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby Lost Elite Status
2013 Autumn Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4 0 3 4th Place increase Promoted to Elite
2014 Winter Cup logo.png 2014 4chan Winter Cup 0 0 0 Disqualified decrease Relegated to Babby Disqualified due to >18 minutes
2014 Spring Cup logo.png 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup 7 0 1 Champions increase Promoted to Elite >implying worst fans
2014SummerCupLogo.png 2014 4chan Summer Cup 0 2 1 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby Thanks >1.12
2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0 2 2 Group Stage steady Stayed Babby Almost last while hosting
2015 Spring Cup Logo.png 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0 3 1 Group Stage steady Stayed Babby Wow, I can't fucking wait for /pol/ to win. AGAIN.
ABC15 Design G.png 2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 5 1 2 3rd Place increase Promoted to Elite Third Reich Trophy
WC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Winter Cup 1 1 2 Round of 16 steady Stayed Elite
Summer16 H ALT 2.png 2016 4chan Summer Cup 0 0 3 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby Relegated with Wooden Spoon
ABC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 0 2 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Fetus Relegated to Fetus because >SUPERtwinky
SBC17 Design Aq.png 2017 4chan Spring Babby Fetus 0 1 2 Group Stage steady Stayed Fetus Aborted with Wooden Spoon
ABC17 Design A fetus.png 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Fetus 1 1 1 Group Stage increase Promoted to Babby
ABC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 2 1 1 Round of 16 increase Promoted to Elite
WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup 2 1 1 Round of 16 steady Stayed Elite
Summer18 E.png 2018 4chan Summer Cup 1 0 2 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby
ABC18 Design A.png 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 5 2 0 Champions increase Promoted to Elite We are real history, BTFO /his/
WC19 Design E.png 2019 4chan Winter Cup 3 0 2 Quarter Final steady Stayed Elite
Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup 4 1 2 Runner-ups steady Stayed Elite
WC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Winter Cup 6 1 0 Champions steady Stayed Elite STAR OF DAVID ON THE SHIRT
SC20 Design E2.png 2020 4chan Summer Cup 1 1 1 Group Stage decrease Relegated to Babby
ABC20 Design F.png 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 0 2 Group Stage steady Stayed Babby
WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup 0 1 2 Group Stage
/pol/ Pol icon.png Cup performances 51 19 42 Master Race Divegrass Master Race


Full Match History: /pol/ Match History

Official Matches

Competition Round Opponent Result Scorers Date
2012 Spring Cup logo.png
2012 Spring Babby Cup
Friendlies Lit icon.png /lit/ 3-0 W Stormfront Goal 12'33'
Doom Paul Goal 67'
February 12th, 2012
X icon.png /x/ 0-0 D February 18th, 2012
S icon.png /s/ 3-1 W Doom Paul Goal 17'28'
Stormfront Goal 90'
March 3rd, 2012
Group Stage Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 4-2 W Stormfront Goal 25'31'51'55' March 23rd, 2012
R9k icon.png /r9k/ 3-0 W Stormfront Goal 17'43'
Doom Paul Goal 82'
March 24th, 2012
Sci icon.png /sci/ 1-2 L Jews Goal 19' March 25th, 2012
Quarter-final M icon.png /m/ 0-5 L March 31st, 2012
2012 Summer Cup logo.png
2012 Summer Cup
Friendlies Int icon.png /int/ 1-0 W Doom Paul Goal 61' April 14th, 2012
Sci icon.png /sci/ 2-1 W Hayek Goal 74'
Doom Paul Goal 88'
May 12th, 2012
Lit icon.png /lit/ 2-1 W Hitler Goal 86'
Doom Paul Goal 90+2'
June 2nd, 2012
Group Stage M icon.png /m/ 2-5 L Doom Paul Goal 45+2'
Stormfront Goal 82'
July 13th, 2012
G icon.png /g/ 2-1 W Doom Paul Goal 19'
CLICK CLACK Scored 45' (o.g.)
July 14th, 2012
A icon.png /a/ 3-0 W Doom Paul Goal 56'
Stormfront Goal 59'73'
July 15th, 2012
Preliminary Round D icon.png /d/ 0-1 L July 20th, 2012
2012 Autumn Cup logo.png
2012 Autumn Babby Cup
Friendlies Trv icon.png /trv/ 2-4 L Doom Paul Goal 19'37' August 19th, 2012
K icon.png /k/ 2-2 D Doom Paul Goal 54'
Hitler Goal 79'
September 15th, 2012
Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 3-2 W Stormfront Goal 13'33'
Doom Paul Goal 68' (pen)
September 22nd, 2012
2013 Winter Cup logo.png
2013 Winter Cup
Friendlies Fit icon.png /fit/ 1-5 L Stormfront Goal 84' December 15th, 2012
Group Stage H icon.png /h/ 3-1 W Stormfront Goal 67'86'89' February 8th, 2013
Toy icon.png /toy/ 0-5 W February 10th, 2013
Soc icon.png /soc/ 2-0 W Stormfront Goal 74'
Doom Paul Goal 90+2'
February 16th, 2013
Round of 16 Tg icon.png /tg/ 2-0 W Stormfront Goal 12'
Doom Paul Goal 74'
February 23rd, 2013
Quarter-final N icon.png /n/ 4-1 W Hitler Goal 7'
Stormfront Goal 38'78'87'
February 24th, 2013
Semi-final Sp icon.png /sp/ 0-2 L February 24th, 2013
Third place match Cm icon.png /cm/ 3-0 W Doom Paul Goal 26'
Stormfront Goal 47'
Hitler Goal 65'
February 24th, 2013
2013 Spring Cup logo.png
2013 Spring Babby Cup
Friendlies Wg icon.png /wg/ 3-1 W Stormfront Goal 6'40'
Doom Paul Goal 26'
April 6th, 2013
Toy icon.png /toy/ 1-2 L Daily Reminder Goal 6' April 7th, 2013
2013 Summer Cup logo.png
2013 Summer Cup
Friendlies V icon.png /v/ 0-0 D July 12th, 2013
Int icon.png /int/ 5-2 W Hitler Goal 19'
Doom Paul Goal 38'72'
Stormfront Goal 50'85' (pen)
July 20th, 2013
Group Stage Ck icon.png /ck/ 0-2 L August 17th, 2013
Co icon.png /co/ 1-2 L Doom Paul Goal 89' August 23rd, 2013
Sci icon.png /sci/ 0-1 L August 25th, 2013
2013 Autumn Cup logo.png
2013 Autumn Babby Cup
Friendlies Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ 1-4 L Penn Jillette Goal 8' September 28th, 2013
Wg icon.png /wg/ 0-2 L September 29th, 2013
Group Stage S4s icon.png /s4s/ 2-1 W Jews Goal 39'
Stormfront Goal 80'
November 16th, 2013
R9k icon.png /r9k/ 4-2 W GOD EXISTS Goal 13'
Doompaul Goal 15'
Stormfront Goal 16'75'
November 22nd, 2013
Cgl icon.png /cgl/ 3-4 L Hitler Goal 13'
Stormfront Goal 66'80'
November 24th, 2013
Round of 16 S icon.png /s/ 3-3 W
(7-6 PK)
Hitler Goal 39'
Stormfront Goal 93'119'
November 30th, 2013
Quarter-final Y icon.png /y/ 3-0 W Stormfront Goal 10'65'79' December 1st, 2013
Semi-final Toy icon.png /toy/ 3-5 L Hitler Goal 16'
Stormfront Goal 45+'70'
December 1st, 2013
Third place match Hr icon.png /hr/ 0-3 L December 1st, 2013
2014 Spring Cup logo.png
2014 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage Adv icon.png /adv/ 3-0 W Hitler Goal 16'
Zimmerman Goal 35'
Doom Paul Goal 71'
April 5th, 2014
Co icon.png /co/ 1-0 W Jews Goal 45+' April 6th, 2014
K icon.png /k/ 1-3 L Stormfront Goal 8' April 12th, 2014
Lit icon.png /lit/ 2-1 W Stormfront Goal 67'
Doompaul Goal 90+'
April 18th, 2014
Round of 16 Po icon.png /po/ 3-2 W Zimmerman Goal 28'
Hitler Goal 36'116'
April 26th, 2014
Quarter-final E icon.png /e/ 1-1 W
(5-4 PK)
Stormfront Goal 83' April 27th, 2014
Semi-final Diy icon.png /diy/ 2-0 W Stormfront Goal 26'71' April 27th, 2014
Final Fa icon.png /fa/ 2-1 W Stormfront Goal 76'
Doompaul Goal 107'
April 27th, 2014
2014 Summer Cup
Friendlies Toy icon.png /toy/ 0-1 L June 6th, 2014
Trv icon.png /trv/ 2-1 W Zimmerman Goal 9'
Hitler Goal 90+'
June 8th, 2014
Group Stage Asp icon.png /asp/ 1-2 L Doompaul Goal 47' June 19th, 2014
S4s icon.png /s4s/ 2-2 D Stormfront Goal 34'71' June 25th, 2014
Soc icon.png /soc/ 0-0 D June 27th, 2014
2014 Autumn Cup Logo.png
2014 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Jp icon.png /jp/ 0-0 D October 17th, 2014
Tg icon.png /tg/ 0-1 L October 24th, 2014
Biz icon.png /biz/ 0-0 D October 26th, 2014
Vr icon.png /vr/ 0-3 L November 1st, 2014
2015 Spring Cup Logo.png
2015 Spring Babby Cup
Group Stage T icon.png /t/ 3-3 D Hitler Goal 18'
Doompaul Goal 20'
Zimmerman Goal 54'
April 25th, 2015
Gif icon.png /gif/ 2-2 D Doompaul Goal 3'
Jews Goal 32'
May 1st, 2015
Co icon.png /co/ 1-2 L Stormfront Goal 68' May 8th, 2015
M icon.png /m/ 2-2 D Hitler Goal 8'59' May 10th, 2015
ABC15 Design G.png
2015 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage C icon.png /c/ 1-1 D Hitler Goal 50' October 30th, 2015
Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ 3-2 W Hitler Goal 9'38'
Donald Trump Goal 22'
October 31st, 2015
Vp icon.png /vp/ 2-3 L Donald Trump Goal 25'56' November 6th, 2015
Lit icon.png /lit/ 3-1 W Donald Trump Goal 3'
Hitler Goal 30'
Jews Goal 44'
November 8th, 2015
Round of 16 R9k icon.png /r9k/ 2-1 W Hitler Goal 42'
Donald Trump Goal 68'
November 14th, 2015
Quarter-final S4s icon.png /s4s/ 2-0 W Hitler Goal 13'
Jews Goal 43'
November 15h, 2015
Semi-final Int icon.png /int/ 0-2 L November 15h, 2015
Third place match An icon.png /an/ 4-2 W Jews Goal 4'109'119'
DoompaulGoal 94'
November 15h, 2015
WC16 Design A.png
2016 Winter Cup
Group Stage U icon.png /u/ 1-3 L Stormfront Goal 71' February 19th, 2016
Sp icon.png /sp/ 5-1 W Donald Trump Goal 20'63'90+5'
Stormfront Goal 67'
Jews Goal 90+0'
February 21st, 2016
Tg icon.png /tg/ 1-1 D Donald Trump Goal 74' February 27th, 2016
Round of 16 S icon.png /s/ 0-1 L March 5th, 2016
Summer16 H ALT 2.png
2016 Summer Cup
Group Stage Adv icon.png /adv/ 1-8 L Stormfront Goal 51' August 6th, 2016
An icon.png /an/ 2-3 L Stormfront Goal 8'35' August 12th, 2016
Lit icon.png /lit/ 1-2 L Stormfront Goal 38' August 14th, 2016
ABC16 Design A.png
2016 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage N icon.png /n/ 0-1 L October 28th, 2016
Lit icon.png /lit/ 4-2 W Jews Goal 20'
Donald Trump Goal 47'87'
Stormfront Goal 90+6'
October 30th, 2016
H icon.png /h/ 0-5 L November 5th, 2016
SBC17 Design A.png
2017 Spring Babby Cup
Qualifiers Co icon.png /co/ 2-4 L Stormfront Goal 41'
Hitler Goal 85'
April 28th, 2017
Trv icon.png /trv/ 0-3 L April 29th, 2017
Sci icon.png /sci/ 2-2 D Hitler Goal 47'68' April 30th, 2017
ABC17 Design A.png
2017 Autumn Babby Cup
Qualifiers B icon.png /b/ 1-1 D Stormfront Goal 9' October 13rd, 2017
Cm icon.png /cm/ 1-2 L Hitler Goal 11' October 14th, 2017
Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 2-1 W Madman Hyde Goal 16'
The Bogdanoffs Goal 80'
October 15th, 2017
Group Stage Asp icon.png /asp/ 2-0 W Doompaul Goal 35'
Moonman Goal 71'
October 28th, 2017
E icon.png /e/ 1-0 W Moonman Goal 82' November 3rd, 2017
N icon.png /n/ 0-0 D November 5th, 2017
Round of 16 Tg icon.png /tg/ 2-2 L
(3-4 PK)
Hitler Goal 17'
Moonman Goal 113'
November 11th, 2017
WC18 Design F2.png
2018 Winter Cup
Group Stage G icon.png /g/ 2-1 W Moonman Goal 5'80' February 16th, 2018
Sp icon.png /sp/ 2-1 W Moonman Goal 28'71' February 18th, 2018
Toy icon.png /toy/ 2-2 D Hitler Goal 18'41' February 24th, 2018
Round of 16 Tg icon.png /tg/ 1-3 L Donald Trump Goal 45+3' March 3rd, 2018
Summer18 E.png
2018 Summer Cup
Group Stage Sp icon.png /sp/ 1-2 L Hitler Goal 26' July 27th, 2018
Sci icon.png /sci/ 1-2 L The Bogdanoffs Goal 85' July 29th, 2018
Fit icon.png /fit/ 2-1 W Moonman Goal 84'89' August 4th, 2018
ABC18 Design A.png
2018 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Asp icon.png /asp/ 1-1 D Moonman Goal 47' October 27th, 2018
Fit icon.png /fit/ 2-1 W Alex Jones Goal 9'
Hitler Goal 37'
November 2nd, 2018
Mu icon.png /mu/ 1-1 D Moonman Goal 87' November 4th, 2018
Round of 16 Biz icon.png /biz/ 3-1 W Alex Jones Goal 90+0'
Moonman Goal 114'
Hitler Goal 120+2'
November 10th, 2018
Quarter-final Wg icon.png /wg/ 4-2 W Hitler Goal 19'
Sam Hyde Goal 26'39'
The Bogdanoffs Goal 90+0'
November 11th, 2018
Semifinal W icon.png /w/ 1-1 W
(5-4 PK)
Moonman Goal 74' November 11th, 2018
Final His icon.png /his/ 2-0 W Hitler Goal 3'81' November 11th, 2018
WC19 Design E.png
2019 Winter Cup
Group Stage Tg icon.png /tg/ 4-2 W Donald Trump Goal 22'90+10'
Gilets Jaunes Goal 40'75'
February 15th, 2019
3 icon.png /3/ 3-4 L Hitler Goal 32'
Gilets Jaunes Goal 71'
Moonman Goal 81'
February 17th, 2019
M icon.png /m/ 4-1 W Moonman Goal 10'63'
Donald Trump Goal 20'
Hitler Goal 45+3'
February 23rd, 2018
Round of 16 B icon.png /b/ 3-1 W Gilets Jaunes Goal 33'63'76' March 2nd, 2019
Quarter-final 3 icon.png /3/ 1-3 L Gilets Jaunes Goal 45+0' March 3rd, 2019
Summer19 C.png
2019 Summer Cup
Group Stage Fit icon.png /fit/ 1-1 D Brenton Tarrant Goal 69' July 20th, 2019
B icon.png /b/ 1-2 L Moonman Goal 54' July 26th, 2019
Vp icon.png /vp/ 3-1 W Hitler Goal 14'
Brenton Tarrant Goal 27'49'
July 28th, 2019
Round of 16 I icon.png /i/ 2-1 W Hitler Goal 18'
Ben Garrison Goal 30'
August 3rd, 2019
Quarter-final Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 2-1 W Brenton Tarrant Goal 36'
Hitler Goal 87'
August 4th, 2019
Semi-final K icon.png /k/ 3-1 W Moonman Goal 20'42'90+0' August 4th, 2019
Final Cm icon.png /cm/ 1-5 L Moonman Goal 90+0' August 4th, 2019
WC20 Design A.png
2020 Winter Cup
Group Stage O icon.png /o/ 3-2 W Hitler Goal 16'
The Shadow Commander Goal 34'
Epstein didn't kill himself Goal 69'
January 18th, 2020
I icon.png /i/ 2-2 D Moonman Goal 36'
Epstein didn't kill himself Goal 80'
January 24th, 2020
B icon.png /b/ 3-0 W Epstein didn't kill himself Goal 22'
Moonman Goal 61'72'
January 26th, 2020
Round of 16 H icon.png /h/ 3-1 W Epstein didn't Kill Himself Goal 9'
The Shadow Commander Goal 64'
Moonman Goal 74'
February 1st, 2020
Quarte-final Cm icon.png /cm/ 2-1 W Moonman Goal 7'
Hitler Goal 88'
February 2nd, 2020
Semi-final Fa icon.png /fa/ 4-2 W Moonman Goal 20'58'80'
Epstein didn't Kill Himself Goal 38'
February 2nd, 2020
Final Vg icon.png /vg/ 2-0 W Epstein didn't Kill Himself Goal 7'
God Emperor Blumpf Goal 45+1'
February 2nd, 2020
SC20 Design E2.png
2020 Summer Cup
Group Stage G icon.png /g/ 2-0 W Jogger Goal 20'74' July 17th, 2020
C icon.png /c/ 3-4 L Jogger Goal 33'
Moonman Goal 61'
The Shadow Commander Goal 85'
July 19th, 2020
Adv icon.png /adv/ 3-3 D Jogger Goal 34'
Moonman Goal 54'55'
July 25th, 2020
ABC20 Design F.png
2020 Autumn Babby Cup
Group Stage Sci icon.png /sci/ 0-1 L October 24th, 2020
Int icon.png /int/ 2-0 W Kyle Rittenhouse Goal 20'89' October 30th, 2020
Co icon.png /co/ 1-2 L Moonman Goal 45+0' November 1st, 2020
WoC21 Design E.png
2021 World Cup
Group Stage B icon.png /b/ 0-1 L July 10th, 2021
G icon.png /g/ 2-2 D SICP Scored 35'
Stormfront Sonnenrad Goal 45+1'
July 18th, 2021
A icon.png /a/ 1-4 L Accelerator Scored 69' July 30th, 2021


The Führer shows his love for the cheering /pol/acks after scoring a magnificent goal
Stormfront performs his signature goal celebration
/fit/ler... mein Führer... I kneel!
Player Goals
Stormfront 55
Hitler 39
Moonman 33
Doom Paul 29
Donald Trump 16
Jews 11
Gilets Jaunes 7
Epstein didn't kill Himself 6
Zimmerman 4
Brenton Tarrant 4
Jogger 4
The Bogdanoffs 3
Madman Hyde 3
The Shadow Commander 3
Alex Jones 2
Kyle Rittenhouse 2
Hayek 1
Daily Reminder 1
Penn Jillette 1
Ben Garrison 1
SICP (o.g) 1
Accelerator (o.g) 1


Main Article: /pol/ Statistics

Played Win Draw Loss Efficiency GF GA GD
Cup Matches 112 51 19 42 45.54% 198 191 +7
Friendlies 28 14 3 11 50.00% 54 46 +8
* Official Friendlies 18 9 3 6 50.00% 31 29 +2
* Unofficial Friendlies 10 5 0 5 50.00% 23 17 +6
Invitationals 44 21 3 20 47.73% 87 75 +12
Total Official Matches 130 60 22 48 46.15% 229 220 +9
Total Unofficial Matches 54 26 3 25 48.15% 110 92 +18
Total Matches 184 86 25 73 46.74% 339 312 +27

Note: Golden Spoon Cup matches aren't counted


Moonman reminds everyone that It's OK to be white

Highest Attendences

Competition Opponent Audience
ABC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Round of 16 Tg icon.png /tg/ 2223
WC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Winter Cup Round of 16 S icon.png /s/ 2188
2013 Winter Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Winter Cup Semifinals Sp icon.png /sp/ 2007
WC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Winter Cup Final Vg icon.png /vg/ 1903
WC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Winter Cup Group Stage Tg icon.png /tg/ 1884
Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup Quarterfinals Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 1881
ABC15 Design G.png 2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Semifinals Int icon.png /int/ 1776
ABC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group Stage N icon.png /n/ 1730
WC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Winter Cup Group Stage Sp icon.png /sp/ 1714
ABC15 Design G.png 2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Third Place Match An icon.png /an/ 1686

Video Archive


2021 4chan World Cup


Old Downloads


2021 4chan World Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export:
Music Export:

2021 4chan Spring Friendlies
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export: AES use the /pol/c
Music Export: /vr/   /fit/   /int/   /f/


2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies
Tactical Export: /asp/   /jp/
Aesthetic Export: Summer 2020
Music Export: Summer 2020   /jp/

2020 4chan Summer Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export:
Music Export:

2020 4chan Winter Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export:
Music Export:


2019 4chan Summer Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export:
Music Export:

2019 4chan Winter Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export:
Music Export:


2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export:
Music Export:

2018 4chan Summer Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export:
Music Export:

2018 4chan Winter Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export:
Music Export:

2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
Tactical Export:
Music Export:


2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export:
Music Export:


2016 4chan Summer Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export: mediafire
Music Export:


2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup
Tactical Export:
Aesthetic Export:
Music Export:

2015 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies
Tactical Export: Aesthetic Export (Kits): mediafire
Music Export:


Banners: mediafire
Chants: mediafire
Stadium: mediafire


Elite Cups
Preceded by
2019 /gd/ Gd icon.png
Winter Champions
2020 (1st title)
Succeeded by
2021 /n/ N icon.png
Babby Cups
Preceded by
2013 /mlp/ Mlp icon.png
Spring Champions
2014 (1st title)
Succeeded by
2015 /tv/ Tv icon.png
Preceded by
2017 /r9k/ R9k icon.png
Autumn Champions
2018 (2nd title)
Succeeded by
2019 /trv/ Trv icon.png

Willkommen auf Pol logo.png