Pro Evolution Soccer 2016/Edit file

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Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

The save game is called EDIT00000000 and can be found in %HOMEPATH%\documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2016\save.

It is encrypted and thus, cannot be simply edited directly. Also, when moving from PES15 to PES16, Konami changed both the file names and the ecryption used for save games.



The first decrypter, called pes16decrypter, is a command-line tool and was written by members of the 4chan Cup community. It is available on GitHub. A binary download can also be found there.

The 4CCC maintains its own fork here. Be sure to check both as occasionally one might be ahead of the other.

Hex editors

After decrypting the save file, you may use a hex editor to change a few values yourself. Please keep in mind however that it is very easy to break the save game, so be careful. This is a good and simple way to change player names, for example.

Save game editors

Since the save was not decrypted until recently, there are currently no save game editors. This is expected to change in the near future once the PES modding community catches up with recent developments.


Structure of EDIT00000000

Note: The beginning of the file is considered what pes16decrypter exports as data.dat.

  • Header
  • Player entries
  • unkown
  • Team entries
  • unknown


Length: 76 bytes

  • 76 bytes - unknown

Player entry

Length: 112 bytes

  • 4 bytes - Player ID
  • 4 bytes - Secondary Player ID?
  • 4 bytes - unknown
  • 1 byte - Height (cm)
  • 1 byte - Weight (kg)
  • 29 bytes - unknown
  • 1 byte - Age (at least the 6 right-most bits)
  • 7 bytes - unknown
  • 45 bytes - Player Name (last byte should probably be 00)
  • 16 bytes - Print Name (last byte should probably be 00)

Team entry

Length: 456

  • 4 bytes - Team ID
  • 60 bytes - unknown
  • 4 bytes - Rival Team 1 (Team ID)
  • 4 bytes - Rival Team 2 (Team ID)
  • 4 bytes - Rival Team 3 (Team ID)
  • 72 bytes - unknown
  • 70 bytes - Team Name (last byte should probably be 00) (length is assumed, not proven)
  • 189 bytes - Team Score Board Name (last byte should probably be 00) (length is assumed, not proven)
  • 0 bytes - probably something else within Team Score Board Name
  • 49 bytes - Manager Name (last byte should probably be 00) (length is assumed, not proven)

Limitations enforced by PES

Even though editing the save files externally technically allows using the full range of all values, PES puts some additional limitations in place. Some of these might be checked and corrected by the game, others are just taken as they are. This might lead to unexpected behavior or even crash the game. Be sure to check Appendix:Rules or the rules of the invitational in question to find out what is considered legal.

This is an incomplete list of the limitations PES enforces:

  • Player Name must not exceed 15 characters (the save file allows up to 45).
  • Name Print must not exceed 15 characters.
  • Age must be in the range of [15, 50].
  • Height must be in the range of [155, 210].
  • Weight must be in the range of [max(30, height - 129), height - 81].