Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

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Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

This is the main page for everything related to PES16. On this page the links to several saves and aesthetic downloads can be found below as well as some general tips and reminders.

Saves, Aesthetics and Stuff

2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup

NOTE: Please download the Aesthetics, or your PES may fail to load your EDIT.bin!

2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers

2016 4chan Winter Cup

Note: The Winter 2016 Gamma Aesthetics will be the base for Spring 2016. So aesthetics that are already in the Winter 2016 Aesthetics don't have to be added to your aesthetic export, only the stuff that is not in there yet or needs to be changed. For more information please read the Aesthetic Export Template page (more info coming on this soon).

Basic/Gamma DLC

Known issues with PES16/Gamma DLC

Below is a list of known issues with the Gamma DLC.

Some kits are missing

Kits are currently not working because no teams have kit config files. The DLC does have a proper UniColor.bin though, so the moment you install default kit config files for your GK, P1 and/or P2 your team should have working kits. Do not use the ingame kit creator.

National Teams are empty

The National Teams are empty because no players have been assigned to them. The alpha save and DLC did not feature NTs, but this crashed the game when you attempted to change the nationality of anything. So they have been put back, but without any players.

Single player modes are not working

Although the whole game database structure has been changed for the 4CC, the game still expects stuff in the usual places for for example Master League. But because for example the whole English Premier League is gone, the game cannot simulate it and the game will just crash.

Empty Slot stadiums crash the game

All 40 stadium slots have already been unlocked for bigger ease, if no stadium is assigned to a slot, don't use it as the game will enter an infinite loading cycle.

Things you must still NOT do when working with the official 4CC edit.bin

Still doing one of the things below can result in your team's export not being accepted because it might break other teams too.

Create custom players

When working with the 'official' 4cc save your team already has 23 players, there is no need to make any new players via the 'Create Player' function.

Remove players

If you still accidentally delete a player, quit the game without saving and start over.

Transfer players from/to other teams

When working with 'official' 4cc save you need to work with the 23 players your team has, transferring players is not allowed.

Base copy players from other teams

Base copying is allowed, but when the face of the player you base copied is changed (only in the cases when the original face is a real face aka a blender), your player's face will change too. So watch out when base copying players from other teams.

Finding original players, teams and tactics

Because the 4cc DLC/save will not feature any of the original players and teams you will have to use other sites like and . You can also disable the DLC and have the game generate/use the normal teams. Make sure to revert back to the correct 4CC save after you're done and have enabled the DLC again.