Pro Evolution Soccer 2016/FAQ

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Revision as of 08:45, 28 December 2015 by MerkaST (talk | contribs) (links to decrypter and hex editing tutorial)
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Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

This page will contain the most common questions/problems and their answers/solutions regarding almost everything Pro Evolution Soccer 2016-related. It will be filled as soon as the most common questions are gathered.

PES16 only has 1 preset.

You will have to enable multiple presets by switching Switch Preset Tactics to ON below Support Settings.

What are my player IDs?

The beta DLC gives all teams players with their IDs in a specific range. All players have a five digit ID. The first three digits ( xxxxx ) of the player ID is dependent on the team ID. So if you are 4ccc icon.png /4ccc/ for example, all your player IDs will be in the 781xx range. The last two digits ( xxxxx ) depend on the slot of the player. If you go to the Player menu in Edit in PES16, the first player at the top of the list will be xxx01, the second xxx02, etc.. So for example the player at the bottom of the list of 4ccc icon.png /4ccc/ will be 78123.

I can't give my players long names

Decrypt the save, open it with a hex editor, find your player names and change it, save it and encrypt it back.

I can't change the name and abbreviation of my team

Decrypt the save, open it with a hex editor, find your team and change it, save it and encrypt it back.