The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/vg/ League X Signups

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This is a signup page for teams to play in /vg/ League X. Signups were open until May 18th at 11:59 PM UTC.

Signups are currently CLOSED.

Please read the following rules, there's a new one here.


  1. Only teams that were accepted to play by their general may participate.
  2. Anyone can sign up the team, whether it is a fan or a manager. Rule 1 still applies.
  3. Managers should sign their posts (~~~~)
  4. You must have a team page prepared with a roster and team infobox filled out and a link to your proof of interest (archive link preferable) to verify signups. It does not have to be posted right away, but it must be before the registration deadline. Copy the team page from another team if you don't know how to do one from scratch.
  5. You do NOT need any managerial verification to sign up a team. However, if you want to manage your general's team you will need a quick verification through VGL discord. No webcam or microphone required, just a few questions regarding whether you actually browse the general will be asked.
  6. Returning generals also need verification, however their verification check will be more relaxed due to acceptance of previous entry.
  7. From now on it is required to inform your general that they are playing in a match whenever one is about to happen/happening. If you forget to do so one match or cannot post due to circumstances, a VGL council member may be able to cover you if told before hand. Failure to notify your general multiple times will result in a punishment.
  • You may look at the old signup pages if you are still unsure on how to signup your general.


  1. Vglg icon.png /vglg/ I want /vglg/ to play in /vg/ League X. Here's out roster/discussion: (pastebin link, archive link, etc) (´・ω・`) (talk) 23:00, 3 May 2018 (UTC)

Becoming a Manager

While intimidating at first, the steps required to become a team manager are simpler than what most would assume.
Just follow these steps:

  • Initial preparation
  1. Make sure your general has some proven interest in participating.
  2. Assign a name/trip to yourself for live managing purposes, and join the VGL discord to get verified.
  3. Put your name on your team's wiki page, or create a new one by copying another team's page if your team is new.
  4. Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 and the 4CC DLC. Installation guide here.
  5. Wait for a Team ID to be assigned to your team before starting to assemble it. In the meanwhile read the Rules and the Tactics pages at least once to get an idea of can and can't be done. You can also use an empty invitational team slot to make a test team and try some tactics, or start working on aesthetics (don't worry about player IDs for now).
  • Making a tactical export
  1. As soon as you get the Team ID, check the Team IDs table to find out its corresponding VGL team slot in the game.
  2. You can now edit the blank team's players to fit your team's tactics (don't use the "create new player" function). You can do this with the ingame editor, but using one of the savedata editors from the Tools page is recommended since they're quicker to use.
  3. Once your team is ready you can make a Tactical Export and check it for correctness. From the main PES menu go to Edit > Data Management > Import/Export > Export Team and export your team. It'll be saved as a TEXPORT file in your Documents/Konami/... folder.
  4. Grab the AATF checking tool, read its readme, and use it to check your export. After solving any eventual errors the tactical part is ready!
  • Making an aesthetic export
  1. Regarding aesthetics, you need at least three kits (goalkeeper, home, away) and a custom face for each of your players.
  2. Kits:
    1. Grab this starter pack. It has all the files you'll need to include in your export, but the main kit textures are white.
    2. To make new kits you can either use this simple kit creator or use one of these templates and edit it yourself.
      Once you've made and saved three of them, open the three white textures in the Kit Textures folder of the pack with, then paste the kits you made into them and save as dds files with DXT1 and mipmaps enabled in the settings window that appears. g1 is the gk texture, p1 and p2 are the home and away outfield textures.
    3. Your kits are ready, but if you want to customize them further by changing the collar or pants type, for example, feel free to check the Kits guide.
  3. Faces:
    1. Lazy mode: Just edit the default faces ingame and give them different hairstyles (using the presets is even faster).
    2. Easy mode: Grab one of the card head or box head templates from this page and edit their textures with, pasting whatever you want into them.
    3. Hard mode: If you have some proper models you want to convert into PES heads, follow this blender guide instead.
  4. Once all of your aesthetics are ready, read the AET page to prepare an Aesthetics Export. Make sure to get the Note txt right.
  5. If you want, you can also grab the compiler from the bottom of the same page to check if you did everything right and see how do your kits and faces look ingame.
    To make it accept your export you need to open the teams_list txt file and replace the team name next to the ID you want to use with your team's name as written on the Note txt.

And that's all there is to it. If you need further help, reach out to Denkoko or QD on the VGL discord.

/vg/ Reward Rules

This is all subject to change.
Roster position on the official /vg/ team is will be given to the teams that place in the top 21 in final rankings. First Place will be awarded the gold medal position, 2nd place will receive a silver medal position, 3rd place will receive a bronze medal position.

The general of the Golden Glove winner will have the option to have their rep be the starting GK for /vg/. On top of this, you may choose one of the following: have the /vg/ GK kit will be themed around your rep, have the /vg/ GK be themed around your general, or choose a sponsor to slap over the exsisting /vg/ kit.

Generals, please note that you may submit a list of favored positions that you'd like your rep to play. We'd prefer a list, 1-5 (1 being the position you would favor the most, etc.) on said positions. Note that the higher you place, the more likely your player will get the most favored position, meaning if you place 21st, you probably won't get any of the 5 picked positions as they could be completely filled by then, leaving me to put you wherever we need your rep.

Also note that the /vg/ management reserves the right to position medals if need be due to the fact that some positions just do not warrant a medal being placed there (i.e. >gold defender), or the fact that the choice would be illegal, or previously taken (i.e. GK medal, or Gold CF respectively).


  1. Gsg icon.png /gsg/Verified Sorry but just encircled your sign ups with wine industry we're up here on top and we don't do polls you rootless cosmopolitan bugmen Flowonthego (talk) 02:44, 6 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 20:48, 10 May 2018 (UTC)
  2. Ffg icon.png /ffg/Verified Tell me, are you wise in the ways of women? Whenever a man loses his path, it is always a woman who leads him astray. Technetium (talk) 23:00, 3 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  3. Fgog icon.png /fgog/Verified Even after piling up mistakes without any regret and acquiring all kind of debts. Our battle, full of hope, begins from now on! (Proof, on.) Shakes (talk) 23:01, 3 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 17:07, 9 May 2018 (UTC)
  4. Hanny icon.png /hanny/Verified Niwas believed in Evenicle. 1 2 rhs (talk) 23:04, 3 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  5. Agdg icon.png /agdg/Verified Where the pastebins are comparatively short and the +1 is always on. Mellow Proofs [1] Incoming (talk) 23:06, 3 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 20:26, 11 May 2018 (UTC)
  6. Digi icon.png /digi/Verified HAHAHAHA!!! Why am I laughing? I'm supposed to be depressed 1 2Fifz (talk) 23:08, 3 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  7. Drg icon.png /drg/Verified Reminder Danganronpa is a piece of fiction Mantis (talk) 23:09, 3 May 2018 (UTC) Various posts in the general (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  8. Ksg icon.png /ksg/Verified We zijn prêts! CRIPPLES FROM ALL OTHER THE WORLD IT'S TIME TO UNITE THIS IS /our year/! Proof 1 Proof 2Léo/Usermane (talk) 23:10, 4 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  9. Feg icon.png /feg/Verified This gave Roy further shock. Proof Fazoo (talk) 23:16, 3 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  10. Aceg icon.png /aceg/Verified This twisted league needs to be reset. PoI launched! Dog-chan (talk) 23:17, 3 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  11. Ddlc icon.png /ddlc/Verified Getting ready to Sayori ourselves on the VGL for the first time! POI approved by Monika and more helpful data (1) (2) Svenskii (talk) 23:25, 3 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  12. Wtg icon.png /wtg/Verified The shipment of gaijincoin has arrived. PoI MarcoZ (talk) 23:39, 3 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  13. 2hug icon.png /2hug/Verified pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy wen day is dark alway rember happy day (Hot Friendly Interest Current PoI) 2hugAnon (talk) 23:54, 3 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  14. Utg icon.png /utg/Verified *stage lights are blaring [*CHECK] Flowery (talk) 01:06, 4 May 2018 (UTC) link the actual post and the archived thread next time (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  15. Nepgen icon.png /nepgen/Verified Kickyball Neptune: Eggplants! /vg/Roster! Pay Attention!! Ultimate Choke Declaration!! PoI now GMG (talk) 00:43, 4 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  16. Dbg icon.png /dbg/Verified And this is to go even further beyond! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Proof of Interest Poll Resolink (talk) 01:09, 4 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  17. Pmmm icon.png /pmmm/Verified Playing divegrass is suffering, but it's the fate of all megucas. Homura trying to save Madoka Proof. HinanoSensei (talk) 01:19, 4 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  18. Rsg icon.png /rsg/Verified football is xp waste, but Runescape is signing up because constant DC-ing at Telos is also waste PoI 1 PoI 2 Blinky (talk) 02:24, 4 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  19. Vitagen icon.png /vitagen/Verified Please wake up, vitagen. We can't play anything if we're all asleep! I think this counts as awake enough to play RetardMaster (talk) 04:30, 4 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  20. Xcg icon.png /xcg/Verified Playing games on higher difficulties provides intellectual stimulation, advancing one's problem solving abilities and critical thinking behavior to create a more sophisticated and capable human POI Delta (talk) 05:39, 4 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  21. Indie icon.png /indie/Verified Orb Boi is T H I C C Proof 1 KinseyTypeF (talk) 08:28, 4 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  22. Domg icon.png /domg/Verified Undefeated through the entire VGL9! Let's keep up this streak and maybe actually win a game too! Proof Boksi (talk) 19:01, 4 May 2018 (UTC) archive link next time onegai (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  23. Yyy icon.png /yyy/Verified Hero Club five tenets, number two: Try not to give up. PROOFS? Hashmal (talk) 19:58, 4 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  24. Mggg icon.png /mggg/Verified Monsters are coming, don't forget to wear a belt NEW POI [ MagicalCoat (talk) 21:23, 4 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 17:07, 9 May 2018 (UTC)
  25. Lzg icon.png /lzg/Verified This is tuna with bacon! ACTION! Remnance (talk) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  26. Civ4xg icon.png /civ4xg/Verified >watch the horatio league >sponsored by horatio sauce horatio spliced russian chicken Megabeastage (talk) 02:53, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  27. Aog icon.png /aog/Verified [Presents Attorney Badge] Check out the extra shine on it! Counts as evidence, right? [Presents PoI] TheWorst (talk) 15:00, 6 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  28. Ss13g icon.png /ss13g/Verified ; janiborg lubing escape Proofs Mrfoster (talk) 04:18, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  29. Hsg icon.png /hsg/Verified Will the new meta save /hsg/, doubt it Proof, will swap to fireden once their servers are up againVilkenparadis (talk) 12:49, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 20:48, 10 May 2018 (UTC)
  30. Skg icon.png /skg/Verified dumbbabu babubabu RamenRaisin (talk) 13:22, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  31. Mbg icon.png /mbg/Verified It's almost harvesting season interest Superzak (talk) 13:27, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  32. Vn icon.png /vn/Verified They were all about to have a realization they refused to accept. PoI PWJP (talk) 14:35, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  33. Twg icon.png /twg/Verified Let's see how this goes. POI Windy (talk) 15:19, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  34. Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/Verified Uchiura.. I don't feel so good. POIBittenfeld (talk) 15:31, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  35. Gbfg icon.png /gbfg/Verified where da ubaha HL at someone pls host uno RoronaBest (talk) 15:37, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  36. Fgg icon.png /fgg/Verified Niggys in the club doing Aegis Reflector one day sniffs will count as proof, but that day is not today *rwoobs* (talk) 15:45, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 06:37, 16 May 2018 (UTC)
  37. Meg icon.png /meg/Verified Commander, you got a new VGL notification on your terminal I had to rescue a space gypsy to secure this proofMS (talk) 15:57, 5 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  38. Mcg icon.png /mcg/Verified How many of you have autism, and if so, has it helped you? (wiki page coming tomorrow-ish) Proof version 1.12 CoIlieBro (talk) 00:06, 6 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  39. Fgoalter icon.png /fgoalter/Verified Caretaker asked me to sign up because he is AFK. He can handle the POI. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Karth (talk) 15:26, 7 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  40. Svg icon.png /svg/Verified Ready to lose the coinflip everytime if these proofs are actually sufficient Wasad (talk) 01:13, 6 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  41. @ icon.png /@/Verified Baka gaijin not welcome. The part where I'm not doing shit but jacking off MaxPiston (talk) (´・ω・`) (talk) 06:37, 16 May 2018 (UTC)
  42. Rlg icon.png /rlg/Verified You are now a special plaything of Zot! Proofs More Proofs poll (was 8-3 when posted) lark4cc (talk) 07:35, 6 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 17:07, 9 May 2018 (UTC)
  43. Vrg icon.png /vrg/Verified VR makes you gay. [2] Kizzy (talk) 3:40, 6 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  44. D2g icon.png /d2g/Verified /d2g/ is still not top tier?u fucking punks are never satisfied are you? proof 1 proof 1.5 2 (will provide more if needed). Autocrat (talk) 10:15, 6 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  45. Alg icon.png /alg/Verified Maiden voyage etc. poi Cloudy (talk) 12:03, 6 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  46. Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/Verified PottisPOW Proof 1 Proof 2 Labcoat (talk) 19:29, 9 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 20:26, 11 May 2018 (UTC)
  47. Rs07g icon.png /rs07g/Verified poi 1 poi 2 (talk) (´・ω・`) (talk) 22:38, 7 May 2018 (UTC)
  48. きらら icon.png /きらら/Verified uh I'll do the other shit soon ok here we go poi 1 poi 2 from a while ago and this too la kill me (talk) 15:36, 6 May 2018 (UTC) (´・ω・`) (talk) 17:07, 9 May 2018 (UTC)

Main Signups closed. Signup under reserves.


Additional teams can sign up below, but they will only play if any of the teams in the previous section fail to provide valid proof of interest before signups close, or if the amount of teams is high enough for us to decide to run a larger cup.

  1. Assg icon.png /assg/ Signing up is a crutch. proof SoapontheRope (talk) 06:16, 7 May 2018 (UTC)

∞. 4ccg icon.png /4ccg/ "I'll only allow /4ccg/ in if they have twinky as the only manager :v)" Proof of Interest OK Challenge accepted SUPERtwinky (talk) 16:13, 6 May 2018 (UTC)


A special spot for /4ccg/ (for now).

4ccg icon.png /4ccg/ 4ccg in vgl when? Heavenly Pond (talk) 02:50, 6 May 2018 (UTC)</stirke>