Fakkin Boolsheet Series II

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Fakkin Boolsheet Series II
Tournament details
Host board Nnb icon.png /nnb/
Dates Some sunny day~
Teams ??
Final positions
Champion TBD icon.png TBD
Runner-up TBD icon.png TBD
Third TBD icon.png TBD
Fourth TBD icon.png TBD
Tournament statistics
Goals scored (Expression error: Unexpected / operator. per match)
Top scorer(s)
Top assister(s)
Golden Glove
Best player N/A
Yellow cards (Expression error: Unexpected / operator. per match)
Red cards 0 (Expression error: Unexpected round operator. per match)

/ag/ League
Fakkin Boolsheet Series II
Multinational Bowl

People wanted more FAKKIN BOOLSHEET, so we're bringing Sheiky back once again. Tentatively scheduled for sometime shortly before Autumn, and hosting duties will be split with Kekkels. Let's hope there are less diseases this time!


Please sign your team up under the banner of the event you wish for them to compete in. If you don't know yet, feel free to list them here, and they'll be slotted in wherever there's room at (mostly) random. Please don't list a team in more than one area, and no more than one team per manager per slot. And no, councils, this doesn't mean you can have /mlp/ then 50 flavors of pone. Please, if you're part of a council but both want to sign up, use teams that are different.

Signup deadline is ??.??.201?, 23:59:59 UTC. Exports must also be posted by then.



  • A working PES16 export
  • An anthem
  • At least one goalhorn
  • At least one outfielder kit and a goalkeeper kit; two outfielder kits are recommended
  • Team logo
  • Team page on the wiki
  • Mini-logo for the wiki

Highly encouraged

  • Aesthetics other than kits (custom models)


  • Sobriety
  • Taking this shit seriously
  • Bullying the streamer for rigging an obviously rigged event


Since this is for shits and giggles, exports may be in any of the recently used formats (i.e. Main Cup format, Tag Team Cup format, /ag/ League Format, /vg/ League Format, etc). I only ask that you obey usual height rules and usual medal rules (Except TTC-format exports, which have GSSSS instead of GGSS).

Nightly exports

The email address for nightly exports is drdtroit2010@gmail.com. You have to send your stuff at least an hour early. State the name of your team in the mail.


  • Maybe I'll mail you something from the box of prizes, who knows?


Events will be added when they're conceptualized. If you've got an idea for an event, please let me know. The more events, the better! A real schedule of the events will be posted once everything's set. There's 13 days to use, let's see how many we can eat up.


HEEM SLEEPY Championship


7 NIGGAS FORWARD Harambe Memorial Tourney

Chump Onions Owl

All 99 Bowl

Gulliverb Owl


List your team here and it's Tactical/Aesthetical export. Please don't .cpk anything, it's a bitch to get out in the wash.