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Winners of the 2025 4chan Winter Cup

Fake Teamb Owl 4

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Fake Teamb Owl 3 4
Fake teamb owl 4.png
Tournament details
Host board Evoweb icon.png /evoweb/
Dates TBD
Teams TBD
Final positions
Champion TBD icon.png TBD
Runner-up TBD icon.png TBD
Third TBD icon.png TBD
Fourth TBD icon.png TBD
Tournament statistics
Matches 0
Goals scored 0 (Division by zero. per match)
Top scorer(s)
Top assister(s)
Golden Glove
Best player N/A
Yellow cards 0 (Division by zero. per match)
Red cards 0 (Division by zero. per match)

The Fake Team Superb Owl
Fake Teamb Owl 3 4
The Fake Teamb Owl 3

The Fake Teamb Owl 3 4 is the third fourth edition of the rigged circlejerk/cancer cup featuring several fake teams based around the most random things (The second FTB was actually the Tecmo edition). This cup was originally created so /sinaweibo/ and /evoweb/ would have a reason to play for real. Another reason for this cup is to provide people with a chance to have their fake team finally play in a 'real' cup instead of just posting good results versus other teams while never publicly releasing their export. These extra filler team will then compete for the third place trophy. The organizer of the cup is Tony !!YXbPlZYbUui John Madden !!lu4xpiaxXXJ . At this moment a date is not known, but unlike Fake Teamb Owl 3 It'll actually happen.


/evoweb/: User:Test_Pony//evoweb/(I don't think he's gonna show up...)
/sinaweibo/: User:GracenIvorinne
/admin/: No one, just the Swiss Canadian national team as it is currently IRL, but assigned to handegg positions.
/dragonfag/ /4ccg/: - Smugleaf (talk) 00:19, 7 January 2017 (UTC)
/Browns/: SUPERtwinky (talk) 00:53, 7 January 2017 (UTC)


  • No 8chan-related teams
  • No real teams (like /sp/ or /b/) nor VGL teams
  • Le Toucan is not allowed on any team, they're the referees HAS ARRIVED
  • Teams to be overwritten will be assigned after the signups are closed and the teams that will get to play have been picked. I'll make all the teams just gimmie a roster.

  • Played in PES15 Tecmo Super Bowl
  • Teams with serious tactics are disqualified or rigged, fun is mandatory

More to come soon.


Will be here eventually.

Exports and such

More to come soon.


Signups are now OPEN, post a pastebin of your handegg roster next to your signup based on this list:
Please include an anthem, preferably "retro" sounding

/nutshack/: IT'S User:Mantis
/gs/: Is that your final answer? Dag (talk) 04:48, 7 January 2017 (UTC)
Toon icon.png /toon/ gonna need a lot of michael's secret stuff for this one Curious Anon (talk) 06:07, 7 January 2017 (UTC)
Insideout icon.png /insideout/ Anybody remember the last Fake Teamb Owl? Let me bring up that memory... Kitfag (talk) 05:08, 14 January 2017 (UTC)
File:Thp icon.png /thp/ I'm reaching the top of the lift. It's time to scream while raising our arms in the air to feel the adrenaline Léo/Usermane (talk) 19:18, 21 January 2017 (UTC)
File:Wall icon.png /wall/ WE'RE GONNA BUILD IT AND THE 4CCC IS GONNA PAY FOR IT! TacticalFail (talk) 18:36, 1 March 2017 (UTC)