Difference between revisions of "FLGS Cup II"

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(51 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
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|tournament=FLGS Cup II
|tournament=FLGS Cup II
|image=Generic trophy
|dates=July 25–26, 2015
|scorer={{badgeicon|tg}} Doomrider (8)
|assister={{badgeicon|tg}} Doomrider (8)
|saves={{badgeicon|m}} Godmars (35)
|prev=/vg/ League 2
|prev=/vg/ League 2
|next=FLGS Cup III

The FLGS Cup II is a sequel to the sorta-kinda annual [[Invitationals|friendly competition]] between [[/tg/]] and [[/co/]].
The FLGS Cup II: Brothers of Justice Bowl (Name Pending) is a sequel to the sorta-kinda annual [[Invitationals|friendly competition]] between [[/tg/]] and [[/co/]] that has been extended to [[/toy/]] and [[/m/]].
*Day 1: [https://implying.fun/video/flgs2/2015-07-25/ >Fun]
*Day 2: [https://implying.fun/video/flgs2/2015-07-26/ >Fun]

The FLGS Cup will be 5 games total. The first 3 games will be played by sub-teams from [[/tg/]] and [[/co/]], and the last 2 games will be played by each board's senior team.
The cup consists of a round robin style group stage. The top 2 teams compete in the finals while the bottom 2 compete for third place. (Group order and matches subject to change)
===July 25th===
| date        = {{Start date|July 25th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        =
| team1        = tg
| color1      = {{team color|tg}}
| color2      = {{team color|co}}
| team2        = co
| score        = 2&ndash;6
| goals1      = Creed {{goal|31}}<br>Old Man Henderson {{goal|45+}}
| goals2      = {{goal|16||47||51}} Doom<br>{{goal|37}} /co/lette<br>{{goal|42||90+}} Hope Corgi
| stadium      =
| attendance  = 150
| date        = {{Start date|July 25th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        =
| team1        = m
| color1      = {{team color|m}}
| color2      = {{team color|toy}}
| team2        = toy
| score        = 3&ndash;1
| goals1      = Mazinger Z {{goal|6}}<br>Gundam {{goal|12}}<br>Alteisen Riese {{goal|68}}
| goals2      = {{goal|90+}} Woody
| stadium      =
| attendance  = 175
| date        = {{Start date|July 25th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        =
| team1        = co
| color1      = {{team color|co}}
| color2      = {{team color|m}}
| team2        = m
| score        = 3&ndash;1
| goals1      = Doom {{goal|12||87}}<br>Hope Corgi {{goal|59}}
| goals2      = {{goal|66}} Gundam
| stadium      =
| attendance  = 181

| date        = {{Start date|July 25th, 2015|||df=y}}  
'''/war/ - Wargaming'''
| event        =  
{{sq start}}
| round        =  
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| time        =  
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| team1        = toy
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| color1      = {{team color|toy}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| color2      = {{team color|tg}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| team2        = tg
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| score        = 2&ndash;2
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| goals1      = Madoka Titus {{goal|10}}<br>Optimus Prime {{goal|52}}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| goals2      = {{goal|36}} Creed<br>{{goal|81}} Old Man Henderson
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| stadium      =  
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| attendance  = 166
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq end}}
'''/p&p/ - Pen & Paper'''
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq end}}
'''/cbg/ - Card and Board Games'''
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq end}}

| date        = {{Start date|July 25th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        =
| team1        = co
| color1      = {{team color|co}}
| color2      = {{team color|toy}}
| team2        = toy
| score        = 2&ndash;1
| goals1      = /co/lette {{goal|39}}<br>Hope Corgi {{goal|58}}
| goals2      = Optimus Prime {{goal|37}}
| stadium      =
| attendance  = 172

'''/toon/ - Cartoons'''
| date        = {{Start date|July 25th, 2015|||df=y}}  
{{sq start}}
| event        =  
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| round        =  
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| time        =  
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| team1        = tg
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| color1      = {{team color|tg}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| color2      = {{team color|m}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| team2        = m
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| score        = 3&ndash;4
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| goals1      = Doomrider {{goal|78||81||85}}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| goals2      = {{goal|16||21||90+}} Alteisen Riese<br>{{goal|45+}} Shin Getter Robo
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| stadium      = Magical Realm
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
| attendance  = 188
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq end}}
'''/com/ - Comics'''
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq end}}
'''/fotm/ - Flavor of the Month'''
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq silver player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq gold player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq start player |no=# |pos=TBD |name=TBD}}
{{sq end}}

==Match History==
===July 26th===
'''Match 1'''
{{Match details
| date        = {{Start date|July 26th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =  
| round        =  
| time         =  
| team1        = toy
| color1      = {{team color|toy}}
| color2      = {{team color|m}}
| team2       = m
| score        = 1&ndash;1
| goals1      = Madoka Titus {{goal|88}}
| goals2      = {{goal|79}} Alteisen Riese
| stadium      =  
| attendance  = 143

'''Match 2'''
{{Match details
| date        = {{Start date|July 26th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =  
| round        =  
| time         =  
| team1        = co
| color1      = {{team color|co}}
| color2      = {{team color|tg}}
| team2       = tg
| score        = 2&ndash;7
| goals1      = /co/lette {{goal|9||90+}}
| goals2      = {{goal|2||41}} Doomrider<br> {{goal|28||83}} Jace<br>{{goal|33}} Old Man Henderson<br>{{goal|36}} Creed<br>{{goal|52}} Sir Bearington
| stadium      =  
| attendance  = 160

'''Match 3'''
{{Match details
| date        = {{Start date|July 26th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =  
| round        =  
| time         =  
| team1        = m
| color1      = {{team color|m}}
| color2      = {{team color|co}}
| team2       = co
| score        = 1&ndash;1
| goals1      = Shin Getter Robo {{goal|82}}
| goals2      = {{goal|3}} /co/lette
| stadium      =  
| attendance  = 159

'''Match 4'''
{{Match details
| date        = {{Start date|July 26th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =  
| round        =  
| time         =  
| team1        = tg
| color1      = {{team color|tg}}
| color2      = {{team color|toy}}
| team2       = toy
| score        = 2&ndash;4
| goals1      = Jace {{goal|8}}<br>Doomrider {{goal|30}}
| goals2      = {{goal|18||89}} Woody<br>{{goal|39||55}} Madoka Titus
| stadium      =  
| attendance  = 165

'''Match 5'''
{{Match details
| date        = {{Start date|July 26th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =  
| round        =  
| time         =  
| team1        = m
| color1      = {{team color|m}}
| color2      = {{team color|tg}}
| team2       = tg
| score        = 4&ndash;1
| goals1      = Gundam {{goal|3||21||30}}<br>Alteisen Riese {{goal|17}}
| goals2      = {{goal|36}} Creed
| stadium      =  
| attendance  = 170
| date        = {{Start date|July 26th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        =
| team1        = toy
| color1      = {{team color|toy}}
| color2      = {{team color|co}}
| team2        = co
| score        = 4&ndash;1
| goals1      = Woody {{goal|29||86}}<br>Madoka Titus {{goal|64||90+}}
| goals2      = {{goal|18}} /co/lette
| stadium      =
| attendance  = 246
===3rd Place Match===
| date        = {{Start date|July 26th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        =
| team1        = toy
| color1      = {{team color|toy}}
| color2      = {{team color|tg}}
| team2        = tg
| score        = 1&ndash;4
| goals1      = Woody {{goal|24}}
| goals2      = {{goal|45+||74}} Doomrider<br>{{goal|48}} Jace<br>{{goal|54}} El Mago del Tiempo
| stadium      =
| attendance  = 172
| date        = {{Start date|July 26th, 2015|||df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        =
| team1        = m
| color1      = {{team color|m}}
| color2      = {{team color|co}}
| team2        = co
| score        = 2&ndash;4
| goals1      = Gundam {{goal|50||64}}
| goals2      = {{goal|36}} Doom<br>{{goal|40||62}} Professor Zoom<br>{{goal|55}} /co/lette
| stadium      =
| attendance  = 177
== Statistics ==
[[FLGS Cup II Statistics]]

{{Navbox Invitationals}}
{{Navbox Invitationals}}

Latest revision as of 22:08, 26 September 2020

Generic trophy.png
Tournament details
Host board Tg icon.png /tg/
Dates July 25–26, 2015
Teams 4
Final positions
Champion Co icon.png /co/
Runner-up M icon.png /m/
Third Tg icon.png /tg/
Fourth Toy icon.png /toy/
Tournament statistics
Matches 8
Goals scored 70 (8.75 per match)
Top scorer(s) Tg icon.png Doomrider (8)
Top assister(s) Tg icon.png Doomrider (8)
Golden Glove M icon.png Godmars (35)
Best player N/A
Yellow cards 0 (0 per match)
Red cards 0 (0 per match)

/vg/ League 2

The FLGS Cup II: Brothers of Justice Bowl (Name Pending) is a sequel to the sorta-kinda annual friendly competition between /tg/ and /co/ that has been extended to /toy/ and /m/.



The cup consists of a round robin style group stage. The top 2 teams compete in the finals while the bottom 2 compete for third place. (Group order and matches subject to change)

Team Pld W D L GF GA GD Pts
M icon.png /m/ 6 3 2 1 14 10 4 11
Co icon.png /co/ 6 3 1 2 15 16 -1 10
Toy icon.png /toy/ 6 2 2 2 13 11 2 8
Tg icon.png /tg/ 6 1 1 4 17 22 -5 4

July 25th

July 25th, 2015 Attendance: 150
Tg logo.png /tg/ 2–6 /co/ Co logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Creed Goal 31'
Old Man Henderson Goal 45+'
Goal 16'47'51' Doom
Goal 37' /co/lette
Goal 42'90+' Hope Corgi

July 25th, 2015 Attendance: 175
M logo.png /m/ 3–1 /toy/ Toy logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Mazinger Z Goal 6'
Gundam Goal 12'
Alteisen Riese Goal 68'
Goal 90+' Woody

July 25th, 2015 Attendance: 181
Co logo.png /co/ 3–1 /m/ M logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Doom Goal 12'87'
Hope Corgi Goal 59'
Goal 66' Gundam

July 25th, 2015 Attendance: 166
Toy logo.png /toy/ 2–2 /tg/ Tg logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Madoka Titus Goal 10'
Optimus Prime Goal 52'
Goal 36' Creed
Goal 81' Old Man Henderson

July 25th, 2015 Attendance: 172
Co logo.png /co/ 2–1 /toy/ Toy logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
/co/lette Goal 39'
Hope Corgi Goal 58'
Optimus Prime Goal 37'

Stadium: Magical Realm July 25th, 2015 Attendance: 188
Tg logo.png /tg/ 3–4 /m/ M logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Doomrider Goal 78'81'85' Goal 16'21'90+' Alteisen Riese
Goal 45+' Shin Getter Robo

July 26th

July 26th, 2015 Attendance: 143
Toy logo.png /toy/ 1–1 /m/ M logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Madoka Titus Goal 88' Goal 79' Alteisen Riese

July 26th, 2015 Attendance: 160
Co logo.png /co/ 2–7 /tg/ Tg logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
/co/lette Goal 9'90+' Goal 2'41' Doomrider
Goal 28'83' Jace
Goal 33' Old Man Henderson
Goal 36' Creed
Goal 52' Sir Bearington

July 26th, 2015 Attendance: 159
M logo.png /m/ 1–1 /co/ Co logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Shin Getter Robo Goal 82' Goal 3' /co/lette

July 26th, 2015 Attendance: 165
Tg logo.png /tg/ 2–4 /toy/ Toy logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Jace Goal 8'
Doomrider Goal 30'
Goal 18'89' Woody
Goal 39'55' Madoka Titus

July 26th, 2015 Attendance: 170
M logo.png /m/ 4–1 /tg/ Tg logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Gundam Goal 3'21'30'
Alteisen Riese Goal 17'
Goal 36' Creed

July 26th, 2015 Attendance: 246
Toy logo.png /toy/ 4–1 /co/ Co logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Woody Goal 29'86'
Madoka Titus Goal 64'90+'
Goal 18' /co/lette

3rd Place Match

July 26th, 2015 Attendance: 172
Toy logo.png /toy/ 1–4 /tg/ Tg logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Woody Goal 24' Goal 45+'74' Doomrider
Goal 48' Jace
Goal 54' El Mago del Tiempo


July 26th, 2015 Attendance: 177
M logo.png /m/ 2–4 /co/ Co logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Gundam Goal 50'64' Goal 36' Doom
Goal 40'62' Professor Zoom
Goal 55' /co/lette


FLGS Cup II Statistics